Brown bear catches fish. How a bear catches fish

Catching pike perch in winter using sprat is popular, exciting and catchy. Such fishing brings moral satisfaction to a person, because when you pull out a fish weighing more than a kilogram from a hole on a relatively thin line, you feel a rush of adrenaline in your blood.

Sprat is used in different ways in pike perch fishing. Someone hooks it on the tee of the balancer, someone catches it by putting it on the hook of the hook. We will try to describe all possible fishing techniques and tactics, not forgetting about the equipment of winter fishing rods. Let's start, perhaps, with the habitats of the fanged predator.

Where to fish?

If for an ambush predator, such as pike, its stopping places can be clearly marked, then a driven pike perch stays in one place for a very short period.

It is noted that this route of movement is a closed curve that runs along interesting places reservoir

Along the line of movement of the pike perch there are places for its short-term stops:

  • holes and elevations of the bottom;
  • snag;
  • eyebrows;
  • stones and other large objects.

Fishing tactics

Depending on their temperament, all pike-perch fishermen are divided into two large categories. The first, active ones, drill a large number of holes, chasing a school of predators throughout the entire water area, paying special attention to scouted ones. catchable places. The latter, let's call them passive, know exactly where the fanged brethren will swim and for how long they will stop. These fishermen focus their fishing rods on a small patch of ice.

What tactics will be successful on any given day is unknown. But mostly active fishermen catch more fish, and passive ones get maximum pleasure from leisurely fishing and contemplation of winter nature. Everyone decides for themselves what they like best by choosing the fishing method.

What to catch

Catching pike perch with sprat is possible with three types of gear:

  • fishing rod;
  • zherlitsa;
  • delivered.

Each fishing option requires its own fishing rods and equipment.


In this version of fishing for pike perch on sprat, the use of dead fish is secondary. The main emphasis is on artificial bait:

  • spinner;
  • balance;
  • amphipod;
  • handset;
  • silicone;
  • Rattlin.

The role of small fish from the herring family comes down to attracting a predator with its aroma to the main bait. This is a kind of attractant.

The following design is chosen as bait for trolling:

  1. A fishing rod 50-70 centimeters long with a hard whip and a comfortable handle.
  2. A convenient, large, but certainly lightweight reel. It can be either simple inertia or non-inertia with a small spool.
  3. The fishing line is from 0.22 to 0.28 millimeters thick, depending on the weight of the bait and the depth of the fishing spot, monofilament. Wicker even covered with water-repellent impregnation becomes woody in severe frost.
  4. An artificial bait from the above, to the hook of which the sprat is attached in whole or in part.


Pike perch can also be caught with a sprat using an ordinary jig, and its design is not particularly important, only the correct equipment is important. In this tackle, the use of live fish is important, because when equipping a hook with a dead tackle, it will need to be called a “postavusha”.

On reservoirs with weak or no current, the usual “pike” installation is used:

  1. A sliding sinker is put on the working line, 0.30-0.35 millimeters in diameter. Its weight should ensure that the bait is delivered to the desired fishing horizon, approximately 30 centimeters from the bottom, and kept there.
  2. A silicone stopper is placed below the load, by moving it we can change the length of the line segment to the hook. A special leash for pike perch is usually not used; it coarsens the tackle, and there are very few cases of it being cut by fanged fish.
  3. A hook is tied at the end of the tackle. The choice of model depends on the preferences of the fisherman. They say that the tee is more grippy, and the single is easier to remove from the mouth.

During the current, the vent is equipped differently:

  1. A weight is attached to the end that can hold the tackle in the current.
  2. A leash is attached thirty to forty centimeters above the load. It can be attached to a loop or using a triple swivel.
  3. The selected hook is attached to the leash.

In addition to sprat, another type of fish can be used as live bait on a pike perch:

  • gudgeon;
  • bleak;
  • verkhovka;
  • roach.


In fact, this is the same girder, only equipped with a dead fish. The under-ice part of the current rig is exactly the same as the rig. For installation in low-flowing or standing water, installation is performed as follows:

  1. A large jig or jig head is attached to the end of the fishing line, its average thickness is 0.20 millimeters.
  2. Above, 30-40 centimeters, a short leash with a hook is knitted.
  3. Sprat are attached to the hook and jig.

The upper part of the postavushi is a winter fishing rod with a comfortable handle, a large reel, a powerful whip and a large bright guard.

From time to time they walk around the installed gear and play along with it, lifting it from the bottom and smoothly lifting it by 40-0 centimeters, after which they return it to its place.

Experienced fishermen, when fishing with girders and postavushi, at the same time pass through the holes with a spoon, and the probability of a bite increases, and the frost is felt less.

How to plant a sprat?

The question in the title is not accidental. After all, in order to successfully catch pike perch, you need to properly attach the sprat. Many beginners try to choose fatter and larger fish, guided by the proverb about a big piece. However, practice has established that bait longer than five centimeters is not completely swallowed by fanged fish. He just bites off a piece and swims on.

The second rule relates to the method of baiting. When fishing in still water, it is necessary to place the sprat closer to the tail. The pike perch swallows prey from the head, so when hooking, the hook will better penetrate its mouth.

If you are going to fish in the current, then it is better to place the sprat across the body so that the carcass glides better on the current.

What to use to catch crucian carp in May?

May is the most interesting period for catching crucian carp. This is the month in which the water temperature reaches the required temperature to activate the crucian carp bite before spawning. This month is the most productive month for catching it.

What do crucian carp bite on in May?

The first bites of crucian carp in May occur on animal bait. As the water gradually warms up, crucian carp begins to bite on bait of plant origin. The most popular are:

  • maggot – string at least 2-3 larvae onto a hook. An effective bait, but in reservoirs where there is a lot of underbream, roach, and bleak, it often does not reach the crucian carp. The size of the maggot can be increased by feeding it with egg whites. A maggot attached to a hook by the head is an excellent stopper when fishing with “sandwiches”, preventing the bait from sliding off the hook. In case of self-breeding of maggots, it is not recommended to use fish from the reservoir in which it is intended to be caught;
  • bloodworm - string at least 3-4 larvae onto a hook. An effective bait, but in reservoirs where there is a lot of underbream, roach, and bleak, it often does not reach the crucian carp. Crucian carp likes the bloodworm on the hook to look fresh and not leaked. In an ideal way is attaching a bloodworm to a hook behind the head;
  • dung worm - lives on a hook for a long time, has a specific smell, is mobile, if not too small, then it cuts off small things. It is during the pre-spawning period that it becomes a favorite bait for crucian carp;
  • earthworm - unlike dung worm, does not have a pungent odor. On some reservoirs capricious crucian carp prefers to peck on a worm that was dug up right on the shore;
  • “sandwich” is a mixture of two or three different baits. For crucian carp, it is good to use bait made from a worm with maggots or bloodworms with maggots. “Sandwich”, due to its increased volume, partially cuts off small things and attracts large fish with a mixture of different tastes and movements. In the second half of May it makes sense to try “sandwiches” plant attachments with animals - pearl barley with maggots, pearl barley with bloodworms, bread crust with bloodworms, etc. In any case, “sandwiches” for fish are always attractive and should be fished with;
  • Burdock moth larvae in some reservoirs are an indispensable bait for catching crucian carp. Before using this delicate face, it must be boiled in boiling water - put in cheesecloth and lowered into boiling water for 3-5 seconds. In this state, the bait can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks;
  • a fly and a grasshopper for crucian carp, especially in May, are quite rare bait. Crucian carp feed from the surface only in hot, stuffy weather. In May, such weather occurs in exceptional years or in the southern regions. When using a housefly as bait, you need to tear off its wings. The grasshopper is placed entirely on a hook with a long shank;
  • vegetable baits - semolina, dough made from wheat, pea and corn flour, steamed pearl barley, bread crust or bread pellet. Combined baits are also used for catching crucian carp - dough with the addition of boiled potatoes or peas. Bread crumb with crushed honey gingerbread. Especially often the need for vegetable baits occurs during daytime fishing.

Spring, in particular May, is characterized by the fact that the crucian carp bite becomes quite aggressive. Crucian carp rarely taste the bait for a long time, and in contrast to the warm summer time, swallow it almost immediately.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

Other secrets successful fishing you can get it for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Equipment for catching crucian carp in May

When creating equipment for catching May crucian carp, it should be taken into account that during this period the fish are less careful than in the summer. More often than in summer, you can count on catching a large specimen. In the spring, the following are used for catching crucian carp:

  1. Float rod - plug-in or other fly rod 5-6 m long, light sensitive float (feather type or similar), clearly visible at dusk, main line 0.14-0.18, without a leash (a leash makes sense only in case of frequent snags in the fishing area), since fishing often occurs at depths less than 0.5 m, but it is possible to catch a large specimen. Suitable for fishing in any reservoirs at a short distance from the shore.
  2. With a nod - the principle of fishing is the same as with winter fishing rod, only use a fly rod over 5 m long. The reel greatly simplifies the work with the tackle. Excellent for fishing among reeds and reeds in wads.
  3. A donka with an elastic band is a stationary tackle. Designed for fishing in places where fish are constantly located, for example, fish trails. Allows you to catch several fish at the same time. Does not require constant casting of gear.
  4. Donka with a spinning rod - various equipment is used - “nipple”, “spring”, “crucian killer”, etc. Well suited for fishing at a distance, during the day, when the fish move away from the banks. The ideal place is considered to be a warm sandbank away from the shore. Less dynamic tackle - if several pieces are used at the same time.
  5. Feeder – all classic feeder equipment is suitable for catching crucian carp in the spring. If there is deep silt in the fishing area, a paternoster works great. The tackle is good for spring fishing because it allows you to quickly change place and after float rod is the most dynamic way of catching spring crucian carp.

When fishing for May crucian carp, special ceremonies are not allowed - the fish confidently swallows the bait, and gatherings are extremely rare. If the angler allows slack, especially when fishing in snags or last year’s hard reeds, loss of catch cannot be avoided.

Fishing for crucian carp in May is one of the favorite fishing trips of many anglers, despite the restrictions of the spawning period. At this time, only the lazy do not catch. However, without relying on the apparent ease of extraction, due attention should be paid to gear and bait. Just like in the summer when fishing, you need to have several different baits for capricious crucian carp.

Now only mine bites!

I caught this pike using a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and no more looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!

The best bite activator of 2017. Made in Italy...


In summer, the rivers of Kamchatka are filled with huge numbers of Far Eastern salmon. Having left the sea forever, salmon spawn in fresh water for the first and only time in their lives. Fish going to spawn is the favorite food of Kamchatka bears. At this time, animals gather near rivers, streams, and around spawning lakes. Along the banks, among impassable thickets of bushes and giant grassy vegetation, numerous bear paths appear.

Bears usually go fishing at dawn or evening twilight. In remote places rarely visited by people, they fish during the day. The author of these lines had to visit one of these “bear corners” more than once.

The Khailyulya River originates in the mountains covered with eternal snow. She has been frozen in ice for more than six months. But then June comes. The last ice floes are still floating into the ocean, and the river is already receiving the first salmon. The fishing season begins.

Fishermen unwittingly do bears a great service. Not a single clumsy fisherman will pass by the exposed net, whose floats are jumping from the caught fish. Robbery of nets by animals is a common occurrence here.

The bear gets the fish by swimming along the net, and sometimes, using its monstrous strength, pulls it ashore. The trouble is not that the catch goes to the beast - when he eats the fish, he tears the net to shreds. The fishermen tried to install garden scarecrows near the nets - they put a bright orange fishing suit on a stake with a crossbar. However, this did not help.

But the toptygin does not always have a net under its paw. Most often, he can only rely on his claws and fangs. And with their help, he gets tasty food without much difficulty.

Last summer I had the opportunity to observe bears fishing on a spawning lake in the Hailiuli Valley. August is the height of the spawning season for sockeye salmon. The reservoir is shallow, and fish tired from the long journey to the spawning ground become easy prey for animals.

Since the beginning of August, about a dozen bears have been staying near the lake, including a female with two cubs. Approaching the lake, at any time of the day you hear strong splashes from afar, and then you see fishing animals.

Usually the bear would go into the water and watch the spawning fish, sometimes standing on its hind legs. Having chosen a victim, he overtook it by jumping, splashing water noisily. Grabbing the fish with his paws, he took it in his teeth and went ashore. He carried the prey into the bushes and ate it there. Sometimes he dealt with her right on the shore, right next to the water. After 5-10 minutes I went into the lake for the next one. There was a case when a bear caught a sockeye salmon and immediately, without going ashore, began to eat it, sitting in the water and holding the fish with its front paws.

However, fishing was not always productive, especially for young animals. It was often necessary to observe how, after three or four unsuccessful attempts, the loser came ashore without a sip.

Bears usually go fishing at dawn or evening twilight. In remote places rarely visited by people, they fish during the day. In one of these “bear corners”, we will watch bears with cubs.

Photographer Sergey Krasnoshchekov tells

Story 1

One and a half year old cubs go fishing with their mother. I would like to believe that they already have some experience from last year, but as they say: repetition is the mother of learning. The kids ply the river along with their mother, but they don’t catch anything themselves yet:

If you are lucky and caught by a bear, then mom has a couple of seconds to bite off a fatter piece:

Otherwise, the hour “X” of the cubs comes, and they try to tear off every piece. Mom doesn't mind much:

Then comes a moment of satisfaction for some, and bewilderment for others:

And the cycle is repeated N times until everyone is full:

Story 2

Another story about how they do it.

It was an ordinary cloudy day at the end of July. Fish entered the lake, but not as many as forecasts said. She was generally late this year; usually at this time she should already be entering the streams to spawn, but here she was just feeding in the lake.

A family of 3 bears arrived at the place and sat down comfortably, waiting for their school. The location, it must be said, was chosen well - at the mouth of the stream. This is where the fish should go, circling next to the stream:

Mom was clearly nervous: she stood up and sat down. The youth immediately fell asleep:

But you can't fool your instincts. Something is falling into bearish paws, and the main thing here is not to rush, but to wait for the right moment:

Then the jump:

... and a tasty fish in your paws. IN next moment I got distracted and missed the moment where the bear cub came from nearby. He literally swam and hung on his mother’s skin.

Usually mother bears share with their offspring, but not this time... Maloy tried to get close to the fish, and she deliberately spun in place, not allowing him to do this. He roared like crazy, demanding fish, but she left his demands without due attention:

The fish was eaten by the bear; the demanding cub did not get anything this time, but he continued to hang on it and roar.

And then there was a demonstrative spanking, the mother brushed away the annoying one and with a short movement of her paw sank him into the lake to cool down. She went ashore and, as if nothing had happened, began to go about her business.

“And the bear catches fish enthusiastically. He gets so carried away that he completely stops seeing what’s going on around him. That’s when Cap seized the moment to quietly come up and stroke the bear’s furry butt from behind. And in his hand there was a tuft of bear fur left : the bear moulted and it turns out that it sort of gave us his autograph."
We told this story a little later in the car to Marina, showing off a tuft of brown and slightly withered bear fur, and she even bought it for a minute, for the tiniest minute.
The clump of bear fur was real, but Cap picked it up on the wooden railing of the creek, apparently it flew in and got caught.

And we had to swim along the completely darkened and gloomy Kuril Lake to watch the bear hunt not salmon.

We boarded the boat, we were told to hold on to each other like a locomotive, and the boat started abruptly. The second boat car was walking in a train behind.


After driving around the lake a little back and forth, admiring the scenery and breathing in the moist, fresh air, we slowed down a little and saw...


No, not bears yet, but those same “lucky ones” who book photo tours six months in advance just to photograph a bear on the lake for a long time.
And the only bear they were targeting, meanwhile, turned its butt towards them and cautiously walked away along the shore.


We already thought that we scared him away and disrupted the photo hunt, but...


A brother of the same age approached him, probably even his brother, with whom they clearly did not agree whose big cones were in the forest. There was a little fuss


And the animals went off to sort things out in the garden... Oh, into the forest.


We swam along the shore, and very soon we saw a seasoned male feeding on fish, standing up to his neck in the water.


He selflessly devoured the salmon, and it was delicious to him.


He clearly didn’t like our appearance, judging by the expression on his muzzle.


Or maybe he just didn’t like the behavior of the seagulls...


That's how he looks back at them. They are just waiting to steal the loot.


(By the way, do you see the seething in the shallow water there? It’s teeming with sockeye salmon)

The bear was not yet full, and he ate the fish down to a skeleton, not justifying the slander addressed to him that they say bears eat only the fins and heads, as they are the fattest ones, because they need to gain fat as quickly as possible. Nothing like that - this one gobbled everything up! They say that a bear can eat up to 30 fish for lunch. However, he lives well: lunch alone, in terms of greenbacks, will give him 1000. Not every businessman can afford it, but a bear can afford it.


And this is how a bear catches fish: he plunges his eyes into the water, hooks it with his claw, and with one movement of his paw...


And a new fish on the hook.


The captain of our boat, who introduced himself as a volunteer, shouted several times at the imposing fisherman: Well, are you going to go out?!
No! He didn't intend to, and we swam further,


Giving way to the next boat.


The next bear was still young and early, he wanted to play more and show off his prowess.
He walked along the mouth of a small river that flowed into a lake where salmon were boiling.


Then he suddenly jumped, scattering fountains.



Sometimes he grabbed the salmon in his mouth and twisted it in all directions, tormenting it and saying with all his appearance: Oh, yes I am! Ay, son of a bear!


Having played enough, he released the fish and walked further, going deeper and deeper into the river bed.


And the salmon continued to frolic in Lake Kuril, jumping out and exposing sharp fins from the water no worse than sharks.


It is not for nothing that the bear is called the master of the taiga. And this is not only due to his incredible strength. Among the Slavic peoples, the bear has long been considered a sacred animal. His image is present in most Russian fairy tales, and always as a positive character who helps the main character. People worshiped the bear. In the Slavic interpretation, the word bear is translated as “honey lover.” It is likely that its name is associated with the animal’s addiction to this product. But we'll talk about this a little later.

The bear's habitat is quite wide. It can be found on all continents, right up to the Arctic. Despite the fact that this animal eats mainly plant foods, it does not refuse products of animal origin. In particular, the bear loves fish and is considered a skilled fisherman.

Bears do not like noisy companies and prefer single image life. They can only be seen together during salmon spawning season. At this time, up to a dozen animals gather on the river bank and fish. This applies to a greater extent to bears living in Kamchatka.

With the beginning of spawning, salmon from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk enters the Ozernaya River and rushes to Lake Kuril, where they lay their eggs. Bears look forward to this moment and never miss it. The mouth of the river turns out to be filled to the limit with fish, which the bears catch and eat with appetite.

Here you can meet not only adult bears, but also mother bears with cubs who take an active part in fishing. At the same time, the animals maintain neutrality. No one offends anyone and takes away the spoils. There is an incredible amount of fish, and there is more than enough for everyone. Only sometimes the strongest individuals occupy a separate territory into which none of their relatives are allowed. But this is rather an exception to their general rules.

Watching bears is very interesting. Some greedily eat fish right in the water, while others drag their catch to the shore and eat it there. Over time, the excitement passes, and the satiated animals cool down somewhat towards fishing. They no longer eat the whole fish, but choose only the most delicious parts. During the spawning period of salmon, the bear manages to accumulate a sufficient amount of fat, which will allow it to calmly survive the harsh winter.

This is how bears living in Kamchatka behave. Those who live in the south of the European part of Russia are content with catching chub. They are busy with this activity all year round.

Bears go fishing either early in the morning or in the evening. During the daytime, they rarely fish, and only in remote places far from human habitation. Salmon spawning begins in June. This is the most favorable time for bears. There is plenty of food, and you can easily replenish the fat reserves that have been depleted over the winter.

When the fishing season subsides, bears begin to rob fishing nets. To do this, they either simply take out the fish entangled in them, or they pull the net ashore and have a meal there. At the same time, the clubfoot rips the tackle into shreds, causing significant damage to the fishermen. Neither fences nor scarecrows placed along the river bank help.

However, the bear catches fish well even without a net. After a long journey to the spawning ground, salmon are rather lethargic and are easy prey for the bear.

Fishing begins with studying the situation. The bear slowly enters the water and closely watches the fish, choosing a suitable victim. A few quick jumps and she ends up in his clutches. A hungry animal eats its prey right in the water. Well-fed animals slowly go ashore and eat there. Having had enough, the bear can hide the fish in the bushes and return to it a little later. Bear cubs are not so agile. Their fishing is not always successful. Most of the time they come out of the water without any fish.