Biathlete Alexey Slepov: biography, personal life. Sports career in cross-country skiing

Alexey Alexandrovich Slepov(born December 19, 1986, Vladimir-30, Vladimir region, USSR) - Russian skier and biathlete, Master of Sports of Russia in ski racing, Honored Master of Sports of Russia in biathlon. Winner and medalist of the IBU Cup stages, Russian champion in cross-country skiing (2010) and biathlon (2012). IBU Cup winner overall standings in the 2013/2014 season. Three-time European champion (2015). Two-time champion Russia 2017 in the sprint and individual race.


Alexey Slepov was born on December 19, 1986 in the working village of Vladimir-30 (now the city of Raduzhny) in the Vladimir region. He studied at school No. 1 in the city of Raduzhny (from 1994 to 2000), and in August 2000 he moved to Vladimir and continued his studies at school No. 38 (2000-2004). From 2004 to March 2009 he studied at the VGGU faculty physical culture. Since May 2009, he transferred from VGGU to the UGPS EMERCOM of Russia, National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P. F. Lesgaft in St. Petersburg. In 1994, he began skiing with Vladimir Pavlovich Zavarin.

  • First coach (from 1994 to 2000): Zavarin Vladimir Pavlovich (Raduzhny)
  • Coach (since 2000): Oleg Alexandrovich Kantochkin
  • Since 2007, Tim Rochev/Chepalova has been in the team, coach Anatoly Mikhailovich Chepalov

In the 2011/2012 season he switched to biathlon.

Sports career in cross-country skiing

Alexey Slepov made his debut in December 2007 at international starts. In January 2010, he made his debut at the cross-country skiing World Cup in Otepää. In the 15-kilometer classic style race, he took 22nd place and received the first points in the overall World Cup standings. At the World Cup stage in Rybinsk he took 14th place in the pursuit race. At the 2010 Russian Championships in Syktyvkar, he won the 15 km freestyle race.

Sports career in biathlon

Season 2011-2012


Results of performances at the stages of the IBU Biathlon Cup 2011/2012.
Stage Venue Individual race Sprint race Sprint race Pursuit Relay 4 x 7.5 km Mixed relay
1 Östersund - 39 31 - - -
2 Val Ridanne - 30 - - -
3 Obertilliach - - -
4 Forni-Avoltri - - - -
5 Haute-Maurienne - - -
6 Canmore - - - -
7 Canmore - - - -
European Championship Brezno-Osrblie - -
8 Altenberg - - -
Notes: “-” - the race was not held; “DNS” - ​​did not start; " " - did not participate in the race

In the 2011/12 season, Alexey switched to biathlon. He spent his first international race of the 2011-2012 season in Östersund (Hydre) at the IBU Cup stage. On February 9, 2012, he won the sprint race at a test competition in Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi). On March 30, 2012, he took 3rd place at the Russian Biathlon Championship in Uvat in the 40 km marathon, on April 8 he took 3rd place in the men's relay as part of the Moscow-1 team (Andrey Prokunin, Sergey Bocharnikov, Slepov Alexey, Lapshin Timofey).

Alexey Slepov is one of the most successful today Russian biathletes, whose biography, unfortunately, few know. We decided to correct the current situation and tell you about how this athlete lived, where he studied and who he worked before he became a famous person in the world of big-time sports.

Alexey was born in 1986 on December 19 in the city of Raduzhny, Vladimir region, where he lived until August 2000. Afterwards, he and his parents moved to the city of Vladimir, where he graduated from school (in 2004). Since Alexey was an avid sports fan since childhood, he decided to devote his life to it and entered the local liberal arts university at the Faculty of Physical Culture. In 2009, he transferred to the National University of Physical Culture and Sports. P.F. Lesgaft, which was the reason for his subsequent move to St. Petersburg.

Slepov did not stop there and additionally underwent training at the university under the Ministry of Emergency Situations, after which the future biathlete received the rank of lieutenant.

Interesting! Did you know that Alexey Slepov first started skiing back in 1994?


Slepov’s debut came in 2007, when he first took part in ski competitions international level. In 2010, he already represented Russia in the 15-kilometer World Cup race, where he took 22nd place. In the same year, at the second stage of the Cup, Alexey took a more honorable 14th place in freestyle. Also, for the biathlete, 2010 was remembered for the victory he received in the Russian championship, covering a 15-kilometer distance in freestyle.

On All-Russian competitions Alexey Slepov took silver

In the period from 2011 to 2012, Slepov replaced skiing for biathlon. Success was not long in coming and on February 9, 2012, Alexey won the test competition in Sochi, and on March 30 he took 3rd place at the Russian Championship.

2013 started no less successfully for the biathlete, since in January he celebrated his first victory in the IBU sprint, and in 2014 he already won the crystal cup.

In the period from 2014 to 2015, Slepov actively took part in IBU sprints, where he took primarily first and second places. These years were also marked for Alexey with three gold medals, which he won at the European Championships.

Interesting! During his career, Alexey Slepov took part in more than 20 races, which, in addition to trophies, brought him the title of master of sports and 12th place in the ranking of the Biathlon Union.

Personal life

The nuances of the athlete’s personal life are literally “shrouded in darkness”, since he does not really like to talk about it. All that is known is that Alexey has already acquired a house, which he built on his own with the money he earned in sports. And although owning his own real estate was a cherished dream, Alexey did not take part in the construction and furnishing of his “nest”. He transferred these responsibilities to specialists and his parents, who controlled the process and sent him photo reports on the work done.

Interesting! The house built by Slepov is intended exclusively for relaxation, a pleasant pastime and complete solitude with nature, so there is no Internet there, and cellular reception is very weak.

As for the family, Alexey has not yet acquired a wife and children due to the active pace of life. But, as the athlete himself claims, he dreams of this and in the future he will certainly think about prolonging his family line.

Based on information from numerous interviews that Slepov gave to both domestic and foreign journalists, we have collected several interesting facts about the biathlete.

  • Alexey, in addition to sports, is also interested in cars, or rather their repair and improvement. The athlete says that he literally “stuffed” his car with all kinds of backup buffers and batteries. Slepov is also involved in repairing the car that he gave to his father.
  • The real support for the guy is his parents, who constantly support him in all his endeavors.

  • Alexey Slepov also tried himself in political activities. The biathlete was a deputy from the United Russia faction, from which, for unknown reasons, he left this year.
  • Although Alexey loves his job, he admits that when he travels he always dreams of spending at least a few days at home and just relaxing.
  • When asked what the athlete would change in his life if he returned to the past, he answers that it would be nothing, since he did everything right.
  • Alexey has a lot of friends, especially in Vladimir. Therefore, the guy always looks forward to meeting people dear to him, just like they are with him.
  • Slepov, like many other representatives of big-time sports, dreams of a successful career, of course.

Alexey Slepov now

Regarding latest news, having ended such a short-lived political career, Alexey Slepov returned to big sport. Unfortunately, the beginning of 2019 turned out to be not entirely successful for him, since the athlete’s performance at the World Cup was a failure, and at the European Cup he “took” gold only as part of the national team, and then only at the final stage.

Alexey Slepov was born on December 19, 1986 in the working village of Vladimir-30, now the city of Raduzhny, Vladimir region. Since 1994, he studied at school No. 1. In August 2000, he moved to Vladimir, continuing his studies at school No. 38, from which he graduated in 2004.

From 2004 to March 2009 he studied at Vladimir State University at the Faculty of Physical Education. Since May 2009, he transferred to the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft in St. Petersburg. He has the rank of Captain of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Alexey started skiing at the age of eight. From 1994 to 2000 he trained under the guidance of Vladimir Pavlovich Zavarin. From 2000 to 2007, his coach was Oleg Aleksandrovich Kantochkin. Soon Alexey came to professional level and at the age of 19 he began training under the guidance of Anatoly Chepalov, making his debut at international start-ups in 2007.

In three years, the athlete has grown to the level of the Russian national team. In January 2010, he made his debut at the cross-country skiing World Cup in Otepää. In the 15-kilometer classic style race, he took 22nd place and received the first points in the overall World Cup standings. At the World Cup stage in Rybinsk he took 14th place in the pursuit race. At the 2010 Russian Championships in Syktyvkar, he won the 15 km freestyle race.

In 2011, Alexey decided to change his occupation and switched to biathlon. Slepov held the first international race of the 2011/12 season in Östersund at the IBU Cup stage. In Sochi, on February 9, 2012, he won the sprint race at the test competition in Krasnaya Polyana. At the Russian Biathlon Championship in Uvat on March 30, 2012, he took 3rd place in the 40 km marathon, and on April 8 he took 3rd place in the men's relay as part of the Moscow-1 team.

At the IBU Cup in the sprint race on January 11, 2013, he won his first victory, making only 1 mistake. In the same year, on January 18, he made his debut in the World Cup in the sprint at the stage in Anterselva, and on March 7, in the individual race at the stage in Sochi, he entered the points for the first time, taking 27th place. In the next sprint race, Slepov already took 9th place. In the 2013/14 season he won the Bolshoi crystal globe finishing the season in first place in the overall IBU Cup standings.

In 2015, Alexey Slepov became a triumphant European Championship in Otepää, winning three gold medals. This allowed him to qualify for the World Championships in Kontiolahti. In the sprint race in Pokljuka on December 17, 2015, he shot at the shooting range without misses and finished in 4th place.

Now Alexey trains under the guidance of Yuri Alexandrovich Zaitsev and Valery Sergeevich Khramonozhkin. In 2017, Alexey became three-time Champion Russia - individual race, sprint race and single mixed relay with Ekaterina Yurlova. Stands for Vladimir and Vladimir region, St. Petersburg.

Among Alexey's main hobbies are cars. In the garage in hometown he has five cars, which he takes care of as best he can.