Albegov Ruslan weightlifting. Ruslan Albegov - the strongest man on the planet

As SE already reported, 25-year-old heavyweight from Vladikavkaz Ruslan Albegov won gold at the World Championships held in Wroclaw, Poland, with a result of 464 (209+255) kg. Our team also became first in the team competition: the Russians won 12 medals (6, 3, 3).

TO The SE correspondent got through to Albegov literally at the moment when he crossed the threshold of his apartment in Vladikavkaz.

- How were you received in your hometown?

Right next to the plane. There were a lot of people, relatives, friends, and leaders of republican sports gathered. The meeting turned out to be very warm.

- Having become world champion for the first time, did you wake up famous the next morning?

I couldn't wake up famous because I never slept that night.

- Who was this victory dedicated to?

Mom - like everyone else.

- Thanks to you, Russia won the team competition. Are you proud?

I’m more happy for the team and the country than for myself. The strongest person should live in Russia, because it is the strongest country. For me, this is just another victory, I don’t particularly highlight it.

- But this is your first world championship, and immediately - gold. What next?

As you know, winning a title is easier than holding it. I would like to hold this title in Russia longer.

- In recent years, the Iranians have set the tone in your weight category. Apparently, they will be the main rivals?

They have a long tradition in weightlifting, it is their national sport. In Iran they carry their champions in their arms. The fact that I took the heavyweight medal from them - their patrimony - is the same as taking away from Russia... well, let's say, "Kalinka", a hat with earflaps or felt boots - our symbols.

- You also have long-standing weightlifting traditions in North Ossetia.

We have a lot of talented young people, promising guys. But, unfortunately, they have few opportunities for training.

- Why?

Judge for yourself. In the gym where I train, there are only three platforms, and three honored masters of sports train there, and all of them are world champions: two girls and me. At the same time, the hall itself is such that it’s simply embarrassing when someone comes to us. It is unknown when the renovation took place, the floors are falling through. We try to put everything in order as much as possible.

- Due to your success, were you promised better conditions?

I haven't heard anything yet, but we just got back. Let's wait. We will be glad to receive any help, we are not asking for ourselves. Our generation will leave, others will come, we need to create conditions for them.

- Hot on the heels, what can you say about your performance?

As soon as the competition ended, I began to analyze everything. I figured out what was missing, where the disadvantages were. I realized that there is something to work on. And you will have to work a lot.

- What do you prefer - the snatch or the clean and jerk?

I have no lag in any form, both are running at a good level.

- You said that you never show your best results in training. How do you manage to restrain yourself, not get excited, and not throw everything out before the start? By the way, many athletes do this, not just weightlifters.

Many, but not all. I know guys who lift a lot in the gym, but, unfortunately, cannot bring it to the platform. Personally, I calmly train, prepare, everything happens naturally, gradually. And then I throw out what has accumulated at competitions. But it's difficult to explain how everything happens. It's like telling me how I breathe. It turns out that way - and it’s good.

- Is this season the best in your career?

Yes, although all the starts, three of them international, were difficult. But I coped with everything, at each tournament I lifted more and more (European Championship - 442 kg, Universiade - 459, World Cup - 464. - Note E.R.). Yes, this year, although the 13th in my career, turned out to be the best.

- How do you feel about the number 13?

I am not a superstitious person. If they put me in room 13, I’ll live there peacefully.

- At the London Olympics you took third place because, in your own words, you were not in the best shape. And now?

I approached the World Championships with a weight loss - it was not at all what I initially expected. I tried to “eat” him, but it didn’t work. I was a little worried about this. But already during the warm-up I felt that everything was going well and got ready for the performance.

- Why did the weight drop?

Maybe he ate something wrong or drank the wrong water. Nutrition is of great importance in our business.

- You added 17 kg to your London result. In my opinion, this is a monstrously large amount. What do you say yourself?

With the weights that we lift, even an increase of one kilogram is felt. I think he's going for three. When you lift 250 kg and immediately have to go on the platform again - at 255, you don’t have time to recover. If they gave the heavyweights more time for this, it would be great, but it is the same for everyone.

- Maybe we should make changes to the rules?

Not likely. After all, it is one sport, everyone must perform under the same conditions.

- In August, the World Athletics Championships took place in Moscow. After which many parents took their children to the athletics sections. Isn’t it worth holding the World Barbell Championships in Russia for the purpose of popularization?

Our sport was third in terms of entertainment at the London Olympics. Therefore, there is now a big competition among countries for the right to host the World Cup. Of course, it would be great to host this tournament at home and participate in it.

As for the preferences of parents, they often send their children to those types of sports that are often shown on television. I would like it not to bypass our barbell either. This is generally one of the most widespread types, which does not require large material costs. And television can help popularize it.

- How do you feel about the women's barbell?

Honor and praise to the people who go to the gym and do something there. Times change, stereotypes change, so girls lifting weights don’t surprise me.

- It seems to me that champions like you are already born very strong. Were you different from your peers as a child?

In kindergarten, I used to be transferred to the older group, because I was the biggest in the younger group. But I ended up being the smallest one there - and they sent me back. And so on all the time. In general, yes, it was different in size. But I never had to use force. In general, I am a kind person by nature.

- Evil people, I think, avoid you ( Albegov’s height is 192 cm, weight is 147 kg. - Approx. E.R.). Interesting, when did you start lifting weights?

At the age of 11 - 12. My older brother studied and began to take me with him to training. I got involved, and so it went.

- Was any athlete an example for you?

I liked my fellow countryman Alan Tsagaev, but, unfortunately, he played for Bulgaria and became an Olympic medalist as part of the national team of this country. I constantly followed his performances, I was impressed by his manner of lifting the barbell. We know each other personally and communicate.

- Will you celebrate your victory at the World Championships?

I’m standing at the window and see that guests have already gathered on the street. Not many, only close people. We'll sit somewhere, but I hope they'll let me go quickly - after all, I just got off the plane.

- Future plans?

The President's Cup in weightlifting will soon be held in Mytishchi; a grandiose event is planned. I'm invited. If I have enough strength, I would like to perform. But I'll come anyway. Necessarily!

30px Ruslan Albegov
Personal information
Full name

Ruslan Vladimirovich Albegov

Original name

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Birth name

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Russia 22x20px Russia


over 105 kg


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Date of birth
Date of death

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Place of death

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Sports career

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Working side

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Sports title

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Ruslan Vladimirovich Albegov(January 26, Vladikavkaz, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian weightlifter, competing in the weight category over 105 kg, two-time world champion, 2012 Olympic medalist, Honored Master of Sports.


Ruslan Albegov was born in 1988 in Vladikavkaz. He has been involved in sports since he was 12 years old. graduated from school 46. in 2015 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the State Agrarian University. in 2015 he entered the master's program at the Faculty of Economics of the State Agrarian University. is a Guard Sergeant of the Tank Forces.

The best weightlifter on the planet 2013.

Sports achievements

Olympic Games

Year Place
carrying out
London over 105 kg 208 240 448 File:Bronze medal icon.svg

World Championships

Year Place
carrying out
Wroclaw over 105 kg 209 255 464 File:Gold medal icon.svg
Almaty over 105 kg 210 252 462 File:Gold medal icon.svg

European Championships

Antalya over 105 kg 191 238 429 File:Gold medal icon.svg
Tirana over 105 kg 195 247 442 File:Gold medal icon.svg

Russian Championships

Penza over 105 kg 204 248 452 File:Gold medal icon.svg
Saransk over 105 kg 210 250 460 File:Gold medal icon.svg


Kazan over 105 kg 205 254 459 File:Gold medal icon.svg

Cup of the President of the Russian Federation

Belgorod over 105 kg 195 240 435 File:Gold medal icon.svg
Grozny over 105 kg 205 235 440 File:Gold medal icon.svg


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An excerpt characterizing Albegov, Ruslan Vladimirovich

- Oh, everyone, when they die, comes back for him. When your soul ends its “languishing” in another earthly body, at the moment when it says goodbye to it, it flies to its real Home, and, as it were, “announces” its return... And then, it leaves this “ seal". But after this, she must again return back to dense earth in order to say goodbye forever to who she was... and a year later, having said “the last goodbye”, leave from there... And then, this free soul comes here to merge with the part of himself left behind and find peace, awaiting a new journey to the “old world”...
I didn’t understand then what Athenais was talking about, it just sounded very beautiful...
And only now, after many, many years (having long ago absorbed with my “hungry” soul the knowledge of my amazing husband, Nikolai), looking through my funny past today for this book, I remembered Athenais with a smile, and, of course, I realized that , what she called the “imprint,” was simply an energy surge that happens to each of us at the moment of our death, and reaches exactly the level to which the deceased person was able to reach with his development. And what Athenais called then “farewell” to “who she was” was nothing more than the final separation of all existing “bodies” of the essence from her dead physical body, so that she would now have the opportunity to finally leave, and there , on her “floor”, to merge with her missing piece, the level of development of which she, for one reason or another, did not manage to “reach” while living on earth. And this departure occurred exactly after a year.
But I understand all this now, and then it was still very far away, and I had to be content with my still very childish understanding of everything that was happening to me, and my sometimes erroneous and sometimes correct guesses...
– Do entities on other “floors” also have the same “imprints”? – the inquisitive Stella asked interestedly.
“Yes, of course they do, but they are different,” Athenais answered calmly. – And not on all “floors” they are as pleasant as here... Especially on one...
- Oh, I know! This is probably the “bottom” one! Oh, you definitely have to go and see it! This is so interesting! – Stella chirped contentedly again.
It was simply amazing how quickly and easily she forgot everything that had frightened or surprised her just a minute ago, and again cheerfully strived to learn something new and unknown to her.
- Farewell, young maidens... It's time for me to leave. May your happiness be eternal...” Athenais said in a solemn voice.
And again she smoothly waved her “winged” hand, as if showing us the way, and a familiar path, shining with gold, immediately ran in front of us...
And the wondrous woman-bird again quietly floated in her airy fairy-tale boat, again ready to meet and guide new, “searching for themselves” travelers, patiently serving some kind of special vow, incomprehensible to us...
- Well? Where shall we go, “young maiden”?.. – I asked my little friend, smiling.
- Why did she call us that? – Stella asked thoughtfully. “Do you think that’s what they said where she once lived?”
– I don’t know... It was probably a very long time ago, but for some reason she remembers it.
- All! Let’s move on!.. – suddenly, as if waking up, the little girl exclaimed.
This time we did not follow the path so helpfully offered to us, but decided to move “our own way,” exploring the world on our own, which, as it turned out, we had quite a bit of.
We moved towards a transparent, golden-glowing, horizontal “tunnel”, of which there were a great many here, and along which entities were constantly moving smoothly back and forth.
– What is this, like an earthly train? – I asked, laughing at the funny comparison.
“No, it’s not that simple...” Stella answered. – I was in it, it’s like a “time train”, if you want to call it that...
– But there’s no time here, is there? – I was surprised.
– That’s right, but these are different habitats of entities... Those who died thousands of years ago, and those who came just now. My grandmother showed this to me. That's where I found Harold... Do you want to see?
Well, of course I wanted to! And it seemed that nothing in the world could stop me! These stunning “steps into the unknown” excited my already too vivid imagination and did not allow me to live in peace until I, almost falling from fatigue, but wildly pleased with what I saw, returned to my “forgotten” physical body and fell asleep, trying to rest for at least an hour to recharge your finally “dead” life “batteries”...
So, without stopping, we again calmly continued our little journey, now calmly “floating”, hanging in a soft, soul-lulling “tunnel” that penetrates every cell, enjoying with pleasure watching the marvelous flow of dazzlingly colorful colors created by someone through each other. (like Stelline) and very different “worlds” that either became denser or disappeared, leaving behind the fluttering tails of rainbows sparkling with wondrous colors...
Suddenly, all this most delicate beauty crumbled into sparkling pieces, and a shining world, washed with star dew, grandiose in its beauty, was revealed to us in all its splendor...
It took our breath away from surprise...
“Oh, what a beauty!.. My mother!” the little girl breathed.
I, too, lost my breath from aching delight and, instead of words, suddenly wanted to cry...
“Who lives here?” Stella tugged at my hand. - Well, who do you think lives here?..
I had no idea who the happy inhabitants of such a world could be, but I suddenly really wanted to find out.
- Went! – I said decisively and pulled Stella along with me.

Where else to become a champion if not in your hometown!

This was brilliantly confirmed by the 23-year-old hero from Vladikavkaz Ruslan ALBEGOV, who recently not only won the gold medal at the Russian youth weightlifting championship in the capital of North Ossetia, but also set four Russian records in the super heavy weight category at these competitions (twice in in the snatch, one each in the clean and jerk and in the combined event).

Ruslan had played leading roles in the barbell before. A three-time medalist at the Russian Youth Championship, a two-time bronze medalist at the European Championship, and a bronze medalist at the World Youth Championship, he was one of the talented Russian weightlifters. But this season he has taken a qualitative step forward. Suffice it to say that his latest results exceed those of the 2011 European champion among adults.

A new champion and record holder was born and raised in North Ossetia. He started doing weightlifting in his teens.

“I myself liked to play football more, but my older brother Alan insisted that I, like him, become a weightlifter,” Ruslan ALBEGOV admitted in an interview with Zalina PLIEVA, deputy editor-in-chief of the Ossetia Sports website.

Ruslan, congratulations on your record victory at the home championship!

- Thank you!

“I’m glad that all my efforts were not in vain, that I did not let down my fans, and most importantly, my coaches.”

You broke all Russian records. Perhaps this is exactly what you were preparing for, record-breaking results?

- But of course! Shortly before the Russian Championships, a republican tournament was held in Vladikavkaz, where I lifted good kilograms. When my main rivals found out that I was in such shape, they, of course, prepared to compete with me at a high level. Like, it’s one thing to give results in comfortable conditions, and another thing at the main Russian competition. I understood this and because of this I felt double responsibility. Firstly, you can’t let the fans down at home, and secondly, I wanted to prove to my competitors that my results are not accidental, they are the fruits of a lot of training work.

Who were your main competitors?

– World record holder, winner of the world junior championship Evgeny Pisarev, Sergey Bondarenko, and other strong weightlifters are always ready to prove themselves. Before the championship, I had minor “industrial” injuries, but they were treated, so I approached the tournament in the right condition. But my most important and main competitor is the bar itself.

Funny opponent! But, in essence, that’s how it is. And who was the heaviest in your, pardon the pun, heaviest weight category?

- Pisarev. I think he weighs about 150.

What about your fighting weight?

– 145 kg. I feel comfortable with this weight.

You broke Pisarev's records. And he beat me a lot...

– I think the records set speak for themselves. On the other hand, we must forget about this success and try to reach new sporting heights.

An optimistic approach means good luck!

- Let it be so!

Is it possible to talk about real competition in weightlifting among young people?

- Certainly. Thanks to these competitions, the backbone of the team was formed. But there will also be control assessments at the training camp. I think there will be a real fight for places in the main team of the country in order to go to the European Youth Championship. These competitions will take place at the end of August in Budapest.

So you're discreetly announcing your next start?

– Indeed, at the European Championships I will lift the barbell.

Where do you train before important competitions? In Ossetia?

– Unfortunately, we do not have the conditions for this. I usually prepare in Anapa or Podolsk. And I must say that the conditions there are not bad, and the atmosphere in the team is good. My close friends and teammates Oleg Chen and David Bejanyan help in preparation, they are always with me in times of trouble and joy.

Where do you train in general? Also outside the house?

– In Vladikavkaz, in our small hall, it’s called “Daedalus”.

Ruslan, why didn’t you qualify for the “adult” European Championship? Was this possible?

– You see, some changes have occurred in my life... Quite serious.

In your personal life?

- Not at all. Army. I served for a year. And only recently I got into the right shape.

Served for real?

- Yes. And now I am a sergeant of tank forces, a tank commander. He served near Kursk. To be honest, I don't regret it. In my opinion, the army is a good life school for any guy, especially for an athlete.

Did you have to forget about training for a whole year or what?

- Not really. I went to the city twice a week. But this, of course, as they say, is a drop in the sea. Now I work not twice a week, but twice a day, like a tank.

Medals and records are not given without great difficulty. If you have such a desire to train, which results in great results, isn’t it time to completely switch to an adult barbell? For example, is there a chance to get to Europe?

– After Budapest we will see.

What if we talk about more distant sports plans? Is London included?

– I don’t like to get ahead of myself. Time will show.

In this case, we return to the recent competitions. Is it true that the last day you performed had the largest number of spectators?

- Well, it always happens like this. Still, the performances of the heavyweights aroused and are arousing increased interest.

Which of your personal fans were sitting in the stands? Who supported?

– Mom, family, friends, one of them is the famous track and field athlete Soslan Tsirikhov and my close friend. So there was a noise effect.

In general and not only at competitions, Boris Albegov, Taimuraz Abaev support me very much, my dean Eduard Grigorievich Pliev never refuses help. I say this because without these seemingly nuances, but in fact, very important support for me, I would not be able to achieve what I have today.

Is it normal for your mom to treat your hobby?

- Quite.

Did her presence make you unnecessarily worried?

– On the contrary, you know how it spurred me on.

Did any of the Ossetian weightlifting veterans come to support ours?

– I didn’t see it, I was completely in the atmosphere of the tournament. But at the same republican competitions that I spoke about, we managed to break the records in the snatch and combined events of our Aslanbek Enaldiev, the same one who competed with the great Vasily Alekseev. Enaldiev's results have so far been the best in Ossetia. Now he and I are both record holders. His results in the clean and jerk have held up so far.

Remind me what he is like?

– 250 kg. I will try to surpass this result too.

Are you interested in the sports biography of Soviet-era weightlifters?

- Trying. And I can say that now there are practically no such heavyweights as Alekseev, Vlasov, Zhabotinsky, who were before. Basically, everything is some kind of artificial, not from nature. That’s why they have to constantly gain weight in order to compete in the heavyweight division.

– Tell me, how did you get into weightlifting?

– My older brother Alan was originally involved in barbell training. Then, when I turned 12, he insisted that I, like him, become a weightlifter. He took me to the gym, although I wanted to play football with the guys more.

Did you go to the barbell in Vladikavkaz?

– Yes, there was a section in the Sports House. I ended up with Pyotr Nikolaevich Dzboev. And literally before the army, he also started working with Kazbek Zoloev. I would also like to say a huge thank you to these two wonderful trainers for working with me and always being there at the right time, which is also very important for me personally.

Do you remember your first competition?

- Oh, yes, yes. The bar then fell on me during the clean and jerk. I was still little, so I somehow got carried away. Thank God, everything worked out, nothing was damaged.

How much did you weigh?

– 69 kg. The first five years were spent learning the technique.

When exactly did you start competing in the heavyweight division?

– Somewhere in 2005. This is what I was going for. After all, my height and shape are precisely designed for this weight.

You've been in the barbell for over ten years. Do you regret that you stayed in this sport and, for example, did not become a football player?

– I like the ball, but I love the barbell.

Cool answer! Outside the gym, what are your interests?

– I prefer to relax with a good book in my hands.

And what are you currently reading?

– I recently read “Les Miserables” by Victor Hugo. I am now waiting for a musical based on this work, which, as I found out, will be staged. It's very interesting to compare.

Good taste! Did you happen to graduate from philology?

– I’m still studying, but in law at the Mountain Agrarian University. I also do modeling.

Clothes, perhaps?

- Tanks. I know this technique from the inside. How many times have we gone to the training ground! Tank technology has interested me ever since.

What models are in the collection?

- Only Russian ones. I now have all the tanks, starting with the T-34, with the exception of the last one - the T-90.

On May 9, the whole country, including Vladikavkaz, will celebrate Victory Day. Will you go to the parade?

- Probably not. I'm not in the mood for something.

Did any of your loved ones fight in the Great Patriotic War?

– Grandfather on my mother’s side.

Where are the Albegovs from?

- From Stavd-Dort.

Don’t you know your namesake, People’s Artist of Ossetia Alan Albegov?

- In absentia only. By the way, he was the presenter at the grand opening of our championship.

How interesting it turned out: one Albegov started the competition, the other finished the competition!

– Yes, needless to say, it is indeed symbolic.

Do you have a life credo?

– I have my own principles for all occasions in life. But I will never change myself. I believe that no matter what happens, you must always remain yourself, that’s what my beloved mother always told my brother and me, who alone raised us to our feet.

What are your wishes for Ossetia?

– More kindness and warmth! So that each of us has this in abundance.

Today, the World Weightlifting Championships in Wroclaw (Poland) concluded with a tasty dish - a dispute between the strongest people on the planet. In the final group, eleven of the best weightlifters took to the platform, including a hero from North Ossetia, bronze medalist of the London Olympics, two-time European champion, champion of the 2013 Universiade Ruslan ALBEGOV.

His main rivals from Iran - winners of gold and silver Olympic medals - did not come to Poland, delegating there the no less strong and rapidly progressing Bahador Maulaei, who at the Universiade in Kazan lost only to Albegov, but gave the fight to the Ossetian weightlifter. What is important is on the extreme scales.

The breakthrough had to show a lot in the balance of power. And he showed that the main fight for medals will be between Albegov, the Iranian and another Russian - Alexey Lovchev. But the most experienced and heaviest (own weight 169.35 kg) 33-year-old Artem Udachin (Ukraine) twice failed to record 193 kg, and then in the third attempt - 195 kg, giving everyone a very unpleasant surprise.

The struggle for leadership in the first movement was intense. In the first attempt, Lovchev took 191 kg, Maulaei – 195 kg. In the second approach, Lovchev went further - 196 kg. And only then Albegov appeared on the platform. He very clearly recorded 197 kg. The Iranian answered with dignity - 200 kg. Lovchev raised the same amount in his third attempt. And Maulaei managed to throw a projectile weighing 203 kg.

To surpass everyone, Ruslan had two attempts left. And he immediately took the lead, simply lifting 205 kg. For the final attempt in the snatch, Albegov ordered 209 kg. Not without difficulty, but the athlete from Vladikavkaz managed to tame this huge barbell. By the way, at the London Olympics the winner in the snatch took 1 kg less.

The two favorites started the push when everyone else had already completed the competition. The Iranian records 241 kg. Albegov also played it safe and pushed 242 kg. And then the real struggle for “gold” began. Maulaei went for 255 kg in the second approach. And he takes it's weight! Despite the fact that at the Universiade both weightlifters lifted 254 kg.

Ruslan was given a very difficult task. Albegov took a barbell of the same weight of 255 kg to his chest well, but he could not push it out, although he was close to the target. But in the next attempt, the Ossetian hero conquered this fantastically heavy barbell!!!

The Iranian failed to cope with the weight of 261 kg. But I was very close to success. Ugh!

Ruslan ALBEGOV – world champion!!!

We congratulate our athlete and his coach Kazbek ZOLOEV on their enormous success!

1. Ruslan ALBEGOV (Russia) – 464 (209 + 255)

2. Bahador Maulaei (Iran) – 458 (203 + 255)

3. Alexey Lovchev (Russia) – 430 (200 + 230)

4. Evgeniy Zhernosek (Belarus) – 416 (190 + 226)

5. Mohamed Essan (Egypt) – 416 (185 + 231)

6. Peter Nagy (Hungary) – 411 (191 + 220)

Albegov Ruslan Vladimirovich

Two-time world champion in weightlifting (2013, 2014)

European Champion (2012, 2013)

Champion of Russia (2011, 2012)

Bronze medalist at the 2012 Olympic Games.

Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

On the final day of the weightlifting tournament, Ruslan Albegov won bronze in the weight category over 105 kilograms. In the snatch, Albegov showed the same result as the future champion Behdad Salimicordasiabi (208 kilograms), but in the clean and jerk he lifted only 240 kilograms in the first attempt and failed to cope with the weight in the second and third. In total, the Russian gained 448 kilograms. And the leader from Iran, who lifted 247 kilograms in the clean and jerk, lifted 455 kilograms. Salimicordasiabi, already a winner, tried to update his own world record, but failed. Another Iranian athlete, Sajjad Anushiravani Hamlabad (204+245 kilograms), won silver among the heavyweights.

The Iranians are considered the favorites in this weight, but Ruslan Albegov showed that they can be fought. For him, this is the main result of the Olympics, the performance at which evokes conflicting feelings among our weightlifter.

On the one hand, it’s good that I have a bronze medal at the Olympic Games, but on the other hand, I’m not happy. And the result, and the third place, and my condition. The preparation for the Olympics was not very good: two months ago I just couldn’t raise my arms up, my shoulders hurt, Ruslan Albegov told reporters. - So, whatever the preparation was, such was the result. But my ambitions are off the charts, so I want to achieve more. The only consolation is that I have begun to break the stereotype that Iranians are invincible. This is wrong! Iranians are the same people. Today I showed that they can still win in at least one exercise (the snatch). But in the clean and jerk they were strong, and I was weak.

The weightlifter was supported by his personal trainer Kazbek Zoloev.

Any medal at the Olympics is an achievement, it is a success, especially in the heavyweight division, in such a company,” Zoloev emphasized. - At least, I am pleased that in the snatch Ruslan did not shy away at all from his venerable opponents. And in the clean and jerk, he could not show a better result for objective reasons: he had injuries to both shoulders, he could not fully train in the clean and jerk, and he could not hold the weight. This had an impact. But I’m not making excuses, I’m simply stating the facts.

The coach of the London Games bronze medalist also said that, despite the absence of the 2012 Olympic champions in the lineup, the Russian team is one of the strongest teams in the world.

It's a pity that we don't have gold. But there is potential, the specialist emphasized. - Russia is the strongest team in the world. We confidently won these ten licenses at the world championships. The work is underway, everyone is trying. We arrived at the Olympics in excellent condition, we were ready both technically and psychologically. Only in some places my health failed me, and in others I was simply unlucky. Everyone was getting ready and fighting. It’s hard to say that someone didn’t finish the job.

Ruslan ALBEGOV: “My “doping” is the Ossetian flag! I looked at him and was charged with energy"

The Russian weightlifting championship recently ended in Penza. The winner in the most prestigious, super-heavy weight category was the hero from Vladikavkaz, Ruslan Albegov, who set new Ossetian records in the snatch and in the combined event. Victory at these competitions was especially important for Albegov - along with the gold medal, he won a ticket to the upcoming World Championships, which will be held in November in Paris.

Ruslan ALBEGOV told Zalina PLIEVA, deputy editor-in-chief of the Ossetia Sports website, about the completed championship and the mood for the upcoming gathering of the strongest weightlifters on the planet in France.

– Ruslan, after this year’s championship double – victory in both the youth and adult championships – you can already be fully considered the strongest person in Russia. I know many in Ossetia who really expected such great success from you.

– Thank you for such support! But I still need to work and grow a lot on myself to be the strongest. So far I just won my first official tournament in adult competitions.

– Modesty adorns not only us girls, but also guys!

- Agree!

– Did you feel a fundamental difference between the junior platform and the adult one?

– To be honest, no. Because, as I already said, my main rival was and remains the barbell itself. I always fight with her. Let those who perform with me be guided by my results. And I always try to lift weights with a reserve...

– Is it so important for you not just to gain the upper hand, but also to demonstrate high class?

- Naturally! When the youth championship was held in Vladikavkaz in May, the second prize-winner of the Russian championship, Chingiz Mogushkov, a 190-kilogram Ingush representing the Chechen Republic, came to us in Ossetia to watch our performance. Knowing this, I approached the championship even more seriously and purposefully. I prepared well and was confident in my abilities. The only thing is that in Penza the conditions turned out to be simply Spartan. The rooms in the boarding house where we were accommodated were terribly uncomfortable, plus the unbearable heat outside. All this was unnecessarily stressful.

– Test for durability. How did you prepare for each of your exits?

– I mentally imagined that I was in Ossetia, where everything was native. I put my thoughts in order, went out and did what I needed to do.

– And that’s great! Tell me, did you manage to use all six attempts?

- So this is a classic performance! Well done!

- Thank you!

– Your personal mentors Pyotr Dzboev, Kazbek Zoloev and Marat Kozyrev probably escorted you to the platform with some special words?

– Nothing special, we have purely work-related conversations at competitions. Honestly, I don’t understand trainers who motivate their students with the words “Come on, don’t let me down, you can do it, etc.” Personally, I would be annoyed by this kind of pep talk. I think that an athlete himself should understand perfectly well the responsibility for what he does on the platform.

I have a completely different approach to my mood.

– What, if not a secret?

– I asked my coaches to bring the Ossetian flag with them! I looked at him and was charged with energy and optimism.

– It turns out that you were one hundred percent sure that the main place on the podium would be yours?

– There can’t be any other attitude in big sport.

– Is your fighting weight still 145 kg?

- Was. Now I’m trying myself in a new capacity. I've gained a few kilograms, now I need to work them off.

– Will you be able to get used to it before the World Cup?

- I think yes. There is still enough time. I train consistently twice a day, and I feel great.

– So you didn’t really rest even after the Russian Championship?

- There is no time. We are about to start a training camp in the Moscow region, where you need to arrive in normal shape. And before you know it, you’ll find yourself in France.

– The head coach of the Russian national team, David Rigert, praised you and is probably counting on your successful performance in Paris.

– I was very pleased to hear this. I will try to live up to his expectations.

– If we return to the rivalry within Russia, have you ever met the same Mogushkov at competitions before?

– Our first sports acquaintance took place in Penza. By the way, he also set his own personal records.

– Why didn’t a number of other serious heavyweights compete, for example, Chigishev, Lapikov, who at different times were called perhaps the main contenders for Olympic medals?

– Chigishev, as far as I know, has untreated injuries. It’s difficult to say anything unambiguous about Lapikov. Maybe out of shape. Or maybe something else. The reasons are different for everyone. Although, of course, competition would only spur everyone on to even better results. I haven’t broken the Ossetian record in clean and jerk, which belongs to Enaldiev. Only two kilograms left. But I'm ready. And, if necessary, he would lift a record weight.

– You will still have such an opportunity in France. Isn't the invincible Iranian scary?

“I definitely never have fear.” Here the question needs to be posed differently: the state is investing so much in the Iranian athlete that our entire national team combined has never even dreamed of. And this, excuse me, is an important factor. Very significant indeed. Such a large difference in capabilities is an obvious head start.

But it’s still a sin for me to complain. It’s not easy for the weightlifters of our republic. I’m a double competitor and don’t feel so much financial dependence. And those who only go to competitions for our republic... I’m surprised how they even survive.

– We really wish that Paris would become a happy city for you and bring such a successful performance that, in addition to personal satisfaction, would have an impact on changing the state of affairs in Ossetian weightlifting for the better.

– If it were up to me. And thank you for Paris.

At the 2013 World Championships in Wroclaw, Poland, Ruslan Albegov brought Russia a gold medal in the most prestigious, super-heavy weight category, becoming the strongest weightlifter on the planet.

Albegov won with a result of 464 kg (209+255), ahead of the Iranian Bahador Mulae, who took second place - 458 kg (203+255).

“It’s nice for the country, because we haven’t had a world champion for a long time - since the time of Andrei Chemerkin (since 1999). Therefore, it’s nice, firstly, for the country, then for yourself. The heavy category imposes double responsibility - it is final, so the face of the country is remembered by it. If I hadn’t won, I would have had a hard time with it,” Albegov said.

Let us add to this that for Ossetia this victory was long-awaited. Since the time of another outstanding athlete, Aslanbek Enaldiev, who was the main competitor of the legendary V. Alekseev in the 1980s, our athletes have not had particularly striking results in this weight category.

We believe that in 2016 R. Albegov will conquer the Olympic peak.