Earth dragon and metal horse compatibility. Horse man - dragon woman

Often, Dragons achieve outstanding success, they are literally swimming in money, and this factor, coupled with your natural magnetism, makes you a very desirable prey for representatives of almost all signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Your weakness is that you actually depend on this love and attention and in its absence you lose self-confidence and feel empty.

The horse is a restless and incredibly sociable eternal wanderer. If you have your eye on a representative of this sign, most likely you were attracted by her sincere passion for travel. Unlike the Dragon, the Horse is not used to constantly being in the center of everyone's attention, however, many Horse women are also surrounded by crowds of fans, and they receive no less pleasure from the admiration of others. The horse is smart and quick-witted, but it is very difficult for him to stick to any schedule or keep his promises; she is fickle and eccentric, this woman plunges headlong into some kind of relationship for a whole month in order to lose all interest in it by the beginning of the next month.

The love union between the Dragon and the Horse promises to be interesting. This relationship has some potential. On the one hand, you share your partner’s love of travel, but neither of you is used to sharing the attention and spotlight with someone. The horse is not distinguished by a developed possessive instinct, it will not be jealous of your many fans, and this is very useful, because fans will be present in your life in any case - regardless of your desire!

A horse falls in love easily. Having fallen in love, she completely devotes herself to her partner and gives him all the reserves of her devotion. At first, this relationship will seem ideal to you because, as a Dragon, you really need love and support, which gives you the strength and confidence necessary to go towards your goals. Unfortunately, in most cases, the fickle Horse very quickly turns his attention to someone else. If you want to build a long-term relationship with this woman, you will have to make a lot of effort to keep her attention and maintain her interest in you. At the same time, you will have to work hard - no less than when solving some business or financial problems.

Horses are excellent at managing finances and solving various issues related to running a business. You prefer to do everything on your own and hate it when people try to control you, so such displays of intelligence from your partner may make you anxious. It may be difficult for you to accept the fact that the Horse is much better at managing finances than you.

When your partner does a task better than you, you feel hurt. Among other things, it will most likely be very difficult for the two of you to manage a joint household. You are more interested in implementing some global projects than in carrying out everyday duties, and Horses - especially women - love to communicate more than to do hard, monotonous work. If you nevertheless decide to maintain a relationship with your Horse partner, you need to draw up a clear plan for housekeeping. In addition, you will have to constantly maintain the fire of your passion so that the Horse does not lose interest in you. It is enough for her that you from time to time allow her to become the center of everyone's attention, and in some cases give her the place of leader - especially when it comes to your social life.

Compatibility between Dragon man and Horse woman is unpredictable and their relationship can turn out any way, since everything here depends only on the partners. Impetuosity, unpredictability and willfulness of both partners can be beneficial, but can also destroy the union. But they will definitely have fun together and won’t be bored. This is a union of equal, self-sufficient people who rely on their personal qualities.

A male Dragon and a female Horse are a magnificent union. The wife will appreciate her husband for his emotionality and ardor, and he will admire her intelligence and imagination. They have quite different characters, but they still have a lot in common. For them, an interesting holiday together is just a fairy tale in reality. They are so good together that they don’t need anyone else. They may sometimes quarrel, but being overflowing with love and tenderness will not allow the quarrel to drag on.

In their relationships, they strive for the ideal, not only emotionally, but also physically. The pair of Horse woman and Dragon man has very good compatibility - excellent “material” for creating a happy family. Dragon and Horse in most cases have favorable compatibility. This combination promises not only mutual respect and interest, but passion, which is very important for such passionate signs. Chinese horoscope like the Dragon and the Horse.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman in Love

The Chinese compatibility horoscope cannot give a definite answer to the question of how the relationship between a Dragon man and a Horse woman will develop. It all depends on their efforts, level of personal development and desire to grow further. They can give each other a lot, but only if both are loyal and tolerant.

Both the Dragon man and the Horse woman prefer to lead a dynamic lifestyle. They value freedom very much, and in this part there is a strong understanding between them. Neither will try to force the other into a framework, to subordinate him to his will, but, on the contrary, will stimulate the active and purposeful activity of the partner.

As a rule, their romance begins vigorously; love at first sight often arises between them, since both are attractive and strong personalities, full of energy. Contradictions between the Dragon and the Horse may arise due to the fact that each wants to be the leader in the relationship and, distracted by arguments, they will lose sight of what is most important in any couple - understanding and acceptance.

The best thing for them is the division of responsibilities and delimitation of areas of activity. You shouldn’t spend all your time relaxing together, since both of them draw energy from being in the spotlight, and there is no need to fight for primacy here. The main advantage of this relationship is that they are never bored together.

Dragon man and Horse woman in a relationship

The Dragon man loves everything bright, holiday and novelty, there is a lot of fuss in his life and he actively interacts in this world. When he meets a Horse woman, he will impress him and he will probably fall in love with her at first sight, so he will quickly begin to get closer. The passion that ignites him from within forces him to act and win the favor of this girl.

The Horse woman, in turn, will also be fascinated by the Dragon and is unlikely to make a mistake about him. Of course, this man can be impetuous, daring, and he will want to shine even against her background, which is far from the most pleasant thing in their relationship. After all, she also likes to play first violin and make a good impression in society. This kind of competition pushes both of them and is not a burden at all. Sensing each other's desire to gain the palm, they will play this game for some time, which will ultimately serve as the basis for intrigue and exciting love relationships.

Constant emotional outbursts and unexpected circumstances will keep them both on edge. The Horse woman approaches life more creatively, she is smart and knows how to plan her life, despite the fact that at first it seems that she does not have this quality. She will quickly understand how to interact correctly with a Dragon man, intuitively feeling where she needs to give in and where to insist on her own.

Compatibility of Dragon and Horse in marriage

A wonderful union where the Dragon man and the Horse woman are absolutely different people by character. In this marriage, a place of honor is reserved for sincere feelings and romanticism. Therefore, we can safely say that the compatibility of a Dragon man and a Horse woman is good. The Dragon man is quite balanced, so he easily pacifies his emotional and bright companion. The Horse woman does not make any claims to her husband, because he is able to combine hard work with perseverance. They are especially brought together by their uncompromising nature, which manifests itself everywhere - at home, at work and in communication with people. If the Dragon man learns to yield to the Horse woman, then their union will last for many years.

In this topic:

In the union of Dragon and Horse, compatibility is very doubtful. Both partners are ambitious and do not want to give in to each other in anything.


A distinctive feature of a dragon is its indestructible inner strength. All representatives of this sign are incredibly purposeful, ambitious and desperate. They are wildly popular with the opposite sex.

At the same time, these people are distinguished by high mental abilities and rich imagination. They can succeed in any creative activity. Those who fall in love with the Dragon should remember that under its tough scales hides a tender and vulnerable soul.


An extremely active and enterprising person. He has an inexhaustible supply of energy, thanks to which he almost never gets tired. To achieve the goal, she is ready to work day and night (especially if she is Capricorn or Virgo according to the Western horoscope). Sometimes she is too selfish and even capable of deception for profit.

She is very temperamental in love - it is impossible to forget her. Among the representatives of this sign there are many athletes, financiers and reporters.


In tandem Horse and Dragon, compatibility in love is hardly achievable. Despite the fact that these two personalities are very attracted to each other with their energy, temperament and love, they will not be able to create a friendly and harmonious union. Each of them will claim leadership, which will cause numerous conflicts.

In a pair of a Dragon man and a Horse woman, compatibility can be achieved if the man devotes himself entirely to work and entrusts the household to his wife. In many ways, the success of this union will depend on the woman: usually Horse ladies have wonderful intuition, which allows them to find the right approach to any man. One thing is for sure: these two will never be bored - interesting travels and adventures are guaranteed for this couple!

In a union between a Horse man and a Dragon woman, compatibility is worse. Often love at first sight arises between these signs, and lovers, blinded by passion, enter into a hasty marriage. However, problems soon appear. The husband discovers that his other half does not intend to sit at home, but strives to make a career and shine in society. This does not please the Horse man, who would prefer to have a quiet, homely wife.

How to strengthen relationships

As already mentioned, the compatibility of the Dragon and the Horse according to the horoscope is a big question, but love can work wonders, and if the partners are ready to make concessions, a happy union between them is quite possible. The energetic Horse and the temperamental Dragon have a lot in common, so there is certainly a chance for success, you just need to follow some rules.

  1. Joint leisure has a great effect on the compatibility of Dragon and Horse. They are interested in traveling together, taking part in social events, and playing sports.
  2. In a pair of Dragon and Horse, compatibility in marriage can be quite acceptable if the spouses have a joint business. A common cause teaches partners to respect and appreciate each other.
  3. It will be wonderful if partners begin to share all their joys and problems with their significant other.


The relationship in this couple will develop rapidly and rapidly. Lovers will experience many emotional outbursts. Quarrels and conflicts are likely. One thing is clear: for the union to become happy, both lovers will have to work hard.

It is difficult to predict how family relationships will develop in the compatibility of a Dragon man and a Horse woman, since both partners are unpredictable in themselves and the relationship can develop the way the spouses themselves want.

But what is absolutely certain is that they will not be bored together. This is a union of two bright, self-sufficient people who rely on each other’s personal qualities.

The main cause of problems and misunderstandings in this couple may be an excess of activity of both.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman – Compatibility

According to the eastern horoscope of compatibility between a Dragon man and a Horse woman, their happiness is completely in their hands. It all depends on their efforts, level of personal development and desire to grow further. They can give each other a lot, but only if both are loyal and tolerant. Impetuosity, unpredictability and willfulness of both partners can either bring benefit or destroy the union. But, in any case, the relationship between a Horse woman and a Dragon man is quite interesting. They enjoy the time they spend together and always have something to talk about. They both strive for an ideal relationship, which in their minds means intimacy in all areas of life: spiritual, moral, physical and emotional.

And self-confidence. He always strives to achieve success in all areas of life, to be the best in everything and to enjoy his successes. He has very powerful energy, he is passionate and impulsive, exciting and emotional. There is a lot of bustle and excitement in his life, which not every girl is able to withstand.

Endowed with personality and charisma. She is a brave and slightly unbalanced lady. She attracts people with her originality and brightness. In addition, she is resilient and able to work, and has enormous strength. She has a great desire for self-development and self-improvement. A Horse woman can appreciate a Dragon man, his emotionality and ardor, sensitivity and energy. She is very impressed by his sensitivity and temperament.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman are similar in many ways. They both love to be in the spotlight, take initiative, and get vivid impressions from life. Communication is also very important for both. Both the Dragon and the Horse have a passion for adventure and the exotic, they are full of enthusiasm and often converge on the basis of the desire for the same entertainment. The Dragon man, upon seeing the Horse woman, almost immediately falls in love with her. The passion that captures him completely and completely forces him to be active and win the favor of the Horse woman. She, in turn, also does not ignore such a bright man. Of course, he can be impetuous and daring, and he will certainly want to shine against her background. This behavior will awaken the spirit of rivalry and competition in the Horse woman. After all, she also likes to make a lasting impression on others. Therefore, partners, sensing each other’s desire to get the palm, will play this game, which will serve as good ground for love adventures. This couple often finds themselves in the spotlight. They gain such popularity because of their interesting, varied and vibrant life. They always have fun together, and when they appear in society, they immediately give their joy to those around them. If a Horse woman and a Dragon man go on a trip, it is always full of impressions, they feel so good and have fun together that it seems as if they are in a fairy tale.

Despite all the joy of this relationship, problems often arise in the couple. The fact is that the Dragon man is aimed at obtaining pleasure, and the Horse woman, despite the fact that she also loves entertainment very much, still knows how to work intensively. As a rule, in a family she has to do most of the work, while her husband enjoys life. The Dragon man thinks big and all his interests lie in great achievements. Everyday affairs and worries do not interest him at all; he believes that his wife will do this. But the Horse woman also loves entertainment, communication and does not like to spend time in the kitchen. Everyday women's affairs depress her and she quickly gets tired of them. Thus, this couple knows very well when it comes to entertainment, travel, and in simple everyday situations, they begin to conflict. To reduce the number of quarrels to a minimum, the Dragon man and the Horse woman need to discuss and compare their ideas about life and housekeeping. Of course, the ideal option would be to hire a housekeeper, but not every family can afford this. Therefore, a couple, if they both want to be together, will have to look for compromises, especially when it comes to everyday life. The main thing in this matter is to help and support each other.

Another stumbling block in this couple can be the pride of both the Dragon man and the Horse woman. Both do not want to make concessions, but without this there will be no happiness in their personal lives. Contradictions can often arise due to the fact that everyone wants to be the leader in the relationship and, distracted by arguments, they will lose sight of what is most important in any couple - understanding and acceptance. In addition, the Dragon man has a very domineering character and, to some extent, can “hammer” the Horse woman, depriving her of the opportunity to be in the spotlight.

In family life, a woman has resourcefulness and the ability to properly manage the material resources that the Dragon man brings into the house. However, the husband, most often, is dissatisfied with his wife’s behavior, considering her too careless, insufficiently purposeful and inconsistent in her plans. The Horse woman, like air, needs freedom and the opportunity to choose, but the Dragon man finds it difficult to provide her with this.

Despite the fact that these two are completely different, they can make an excellent married couple, and fill their lives with joy, happiness, and positive emotions. In this case, the spouses complement each other perfectly. A man born in , always strives upward for new achievements and victories. And the Horse woman is ready to work tirelessly day and night for the good of her family. Her efficiency and endurance amaze and amaze the Dragon man, and he can no longer imagine himself separately from her, from care and affection. Both the Dragon man and the Horse woman are bright on their own, but together they form simply fireworks, bright, lively, emotional. Without meaning to, they become the object of close attention and discussion from others. Both spouses love traveling. At this time, their life turns into a real fairy tale.

By the way, if a Dragon man and a Horse woman organize a joint business, then incredible success awaits them. The Dragon man is the initiator of all ideas, a good leader and very lucky. And the Horse woman is an excellent worker.

Dragon man and Horse woman - compatibility in love

Most likely, in the sexual sphere in a pair of a Dragon man and a Horse woman, there will be no problems. Both know how to give in to impulses of passion and emotions, and bring a lot of variety and new sensations into relationships. The Horse woman pays special attention to her surroundings and loves expensive underwear. The Dragon man loves sophistication in everything, including sex. He is not tiresome, loves variety, but always remains faithful to his partner. You could even say that it is through sex that a couple will be able to resolve many of their conflicts. True, it is worth noting that relationships that are connected only by intimacy will not last long, so it is also worth looking for other ways to resolve conflicts so that the relationship will last.

Among Horse women there can be both sexually constrained and sexually liberated individuals. Perhaps the Horse woman will not be completely satisfied with such a relationship, but being a subtle, sensitive and understanding person, she will never show it. She may not like the extravagant behavior of the Dragon man, who will test her patience with various experiments and innovations, but she will do everything to understand and accept him. And the Dragon man needs a strong emotional connection with a woman. If he receives such a connection from his partner, he will be able to understand her attitude towards sex and will certainly help her become more liberated.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a Dragon Man and Horse Woman couple

The union of a Horse woman and a Dragon man can be quite fragile and requires constant attention and steps that bring the spouses closer together. In order not to get tired of constant quarrels and conflicts, lovers need to learn to give in to each other. By the way, in mature age, these relationships are much stronger and more harmonious than in at a young age. Anyway, family life This couple will be far from traditional and very exciting.

And so that life together spouses brought happiness to both, it is necessary not to isolate yourself in your family, but to have a wide circle of acquaintances and interests. In this case, the constantly changing plans and inspiration of the Horse woman will be gladly supported by the practical Dragon man, and the Horse woman will be able to use his power for specific purposes, and will not show excessive jealousy and selfishness.

Many problems arise in everyday life. Therefore, it makes sense to have a clear distribution of responsibilities and delineation of areas of activity. Having agreed on everything, it will be easier to understand each other.

It is worth noting that if the Dragon man and the Horse woman direct their activity and energy in a peaceful direction, they can easily achieve a family idyll. But if you leave everything to chance, the chances of losing your family will increase.

Marriage presupposes strong relationships and love. However, often strong passion prevents you from looking at another person with a reasonable eye. Emotions and feelings overwhelm a person, and he sees only positive traits in the chosen one. You can use your horoscope to help figure out if this is your person. The year of birth gives us certain qualities. To find out whether the union will be successful, check the compatibility of the signs. Consider a couple in love, where one was born in the year of the Horse, and the other in the year of the Dragon.

Characteristics of these signs

It is impossible to talk about the compatibility of signs if you do not know the character traits of those people who were born in the year of the Horse and the Dragon.


  • They achieve their goals, solve any problem, and are not afraid of them.
  • They engage in self-development if they are interested in something, study hard and achieve perfection.
  • Horses are leaders, but in some situations they lose their composure.
  • In love, representatives of this sign are conquerors. Once interested, she will seek attention. But if a partner turns out to be available, they will suddenly cool off and look for another.


  • They strive to achieve success, build a career, leaders, they can be a tyrant, they like to control everything.
  • Negative traits are aggressiveness and persistence. But they will be useful for achieving success. They are also selfish, unrestrained, and have a strong character.
  • They fall in love very much, they are obsessed with the feeling, sometimes even too much.
  • They need others to admire, love, and appreciate them.

About relationships

The compatibility of this couple is questionable. Both are unpredictable, capricious, impetuous. They will not be bored together, but we are not talking about ideal compatibility of the signs. Relationships are rarely long and strong.

Over time, the Horse's interest in the Dragon may end, and he is not ready to put up with this situation. A happy union is hampered by the selfishness of both and the unwillingness to give in. Often relationships do not last, but if from the very beginning the representatives of these signs in a couple had passions and emotions, then they stay close for a long time. You can talk about love between people born in the year of the Dragon and the Horse, but it usually doesn’t come to marriage.

In marriage, they can only be happy if one of the partners decides to take off the crown. The peculiarity of these signs is openness and honesty, so there will be no quarrels or conflicts in the couple. But if both fight for primacy in the family, clashes are inevitable. If in a marriage the Horse and the Dragon work on themselves and spend energy on useful things, everything will be fine. If they don’t do anything, then a breakup is inevitable.

The Horse man is promising, smart, resourceful and lucky

Couple where the man is Dragon

The Dragon man has strong energy, he always strives upward. The Horse woman is hardy, efficient, she is ready to constantly work and improve for the sake of the family. When a Dragon man and a Horse woman come together, their couple is constantly in the spotlight, because... This is a bright, lively and emotional duet; they have excellent compatibility.

In some ways they are similar. She appreciates emotionality and temperament in her partner, and he admires her endurance, care, and affection. Their joint travels are successful - this is a fairy tale in reality. Sometimes these signs have quarrels, but more often joy and love reign in marriage.

The dragon strives to be ahead of everyone

Couple where the woman is Dragon

The Dragon woman is unpredictable. She strives to be ahead of everyone. Her qualities are sociability and courage. This is a bright woman who wants to get everything from life. The Horse man is promising, smart, resourceful and lucky, besides being temperamental and cheerful. They will make an interesting duet. The union of a Dragon woman and a Horse man can be successful if both are careful and agree to compromise in everyday life.

Together they have an interesting time, and there is complete mutual understanding in the bedroom. Conflicts arise over money and the distribution of household responsibilities. If you agree on these issues, the marriage is successful. The Horse man is an excellent financier, so he can be entrusted with the family budget. They will be able to distribute it correctly. Astrologers also advise the Dragon to use his fighting skills at work and forget about them in the family. This promises benefits for the couple.

If you take into account all these nuances, the relationship will be successful. The Horse has hot blood, and the Dragon also has a stormy temperament, so in marriage, give in to each other. Otherwise the union will fall apart.