Training with leg weights: benefits and harms, reviews, prices for the accessory. Do-it-yourself correct weights for legs and arms Sports weights for legs and arms

Leg weights are an additional load during exercise and an excellent solution for improving results if you train at home. With their help, the effectiveness of exercises increases, muscles are worked out better, endurance increases, and more calories are burned. In addition, the biceps of the thigh (back part) are perfectly worked out, which can only be properly “reached” in the gym on a special simulator.


The benefit is increased efficiency, especially when walking and running - the muscles of the thighs and buttocks work better. This is a great endurance workout because you can choose different weights of weights, adjusting the intensity if you want to burn more fat. So, their advantages:

  • accelerated muscle growth;
  • increased calorie loss;
  • train endurance and strength of the body.


Wearing leg weights that are too heavy will cause injury to your joints and spine; your choices and actions should be supervised by a professional trainer.

It is unacceptable to wear leg structures for more than six hours, as they compress key arteries and veins, causing swelling that affects mobility. Heavy lead cuffs can cause poisoning. Impact movements while wearing heavy weights can land you straight in the emergency room due to a dislocated knee.

Wearing leg weights that are too heavy can cause injury to your joints and spine. Once again, it must be mentioned that your choices and actions should be supervised by a professional trainer. For example, the use of weights is unacceptable:

  • if you have varicose veins;
  • for chronic diseases of the stomach and cardiovascular system, kidneys, biliary system;
  • in cases where you have undergone any operation, the period from its implementation is less than one year ago.

A doctor's advice is needed in any case. Especially if you have problems with your back, muscular, joint and skeletal systems - in these cases, doctors do not recommend the use of weights. Be especially careful when choosing children's leg weights. Without the approval of a pediatrician and consultation with a surgeon, it is under no circumstances acceptable to allow a growing body to be subjected to prolonged force loads and cuffs to cuff the legs and arms for a long time. For children, you need to choose designs from the best fabrics and with the most convenient fastenings.


These useful designs are great for training endurance. Sports leg weights were originally developed exclusively for runners and other athletes. It is unacceptable for these athletes to work their muscles with a heavy barbell, because a runner does not need an increase in the volume of muscle fibers, which is achieved through heavy strength exercises; an athlete needs an increase in the amount of sarcoplasm, leading to increased endurance in the legs.


Modern leg weights come in two varieties: plate and bulk. Let's look at them in more detail below.


The weight is adjusted using removable metal plates. This is a design model for which additional weight can be purchased, so significant savings will be a plus (an additional plate costs less than an additional bulk model).


Such leg weights weigh from 0.5 kg to 6 kg and are a bag made of dense fabric with filling, which determines the weight and its tightness to the leg. It is equipped with a cuff with fastenings that allow it to be fixed in different parts of the legs. There are quite a few types of weights with different types of attachment - some can be fixed below the calf muscle, others can be worn on the wrists, quads, and shoulder joint to increase leverage during specific exercises with weights for the legs and arms.

Selection criteria by purpose

There are three main types of leg weights: with lead (from Soviet times, practically not used today, lead is toxic), with sand. There are also metal weights with weight adjustment plates.

Leg weights to be worn every day should be invisible and light in weight, as well as comfortable for you. For cardio exercises, choose weights with good fastenings so as not to provoke dislocations and injuries. For long-term cardio exercises, you need to choose weights made of soft fabric so that they do not chafe during long-term training. Lightweight weights are suitable for practicing coordination of movements (for example, in impact types of exercises). The different weights of leg weights are due to the different purposes of their use. The lightweight ones are suitable for every day and can be worn under clothes. Medium ones are great for cardio and long-term strength training. Lightweight weights are suitable for practicing coordination of movements (for example, in impact types of exercises). Heavy ones can be chosen for performing basic exercises, as well as for walking.

Excellent work!

If you decide to use leg weights, you can work out lagging muscle groups:

  1. Thigh biceps, which can only be used in a special machine.
  2. The flexor muscle of the leg.


The cost of bulk leg weights at Sportmaster ranges from 800-900 rubles, depending on the weight; manual designs can be found at a price of 500 rubles. Adjustable weights cost more, but you can additionally purchase as many weights as you need (usually four weights are included in the kit). Weight starts from 0.25 kg. The cost of a load (0.5 kg) is about 200 rubles, a load of 1 kg costs about 350 rubles, 2 kg - from 600 rubles.


It is not necessary to spend money on buying the necessary weighting material. Be creative or use tips on how to make them at home. There are two ways.

Method one: from socks

We make hand and foot weights for the fair sex.

Prepare and stock up:

  • elastic socks, not torn, made of the most dense lycra;
  • Borrow your child's balloons or use durable plastic bags;
  • you will need plasticine or sand;
  • strong thread and needle.

Step by step instructions:

  1. First of all, form the internal parts of the structure. Fill the prepared bags or balls with sand and tie them very tightly. You should end up with a “sausage”. The number of dressings can be anything, depending on the desired length of the compartment with the filler.
  2. Place the resulting stitched bag in a sock, cut off the excess along the edges, and sew the edges of the sock itself tightly.
  3. Here is the finished product, you made it very quickly. You didn’t need to spend extra money on buying weights or time on shopping. Due to the elastic material of the sock, the weight has excellent stretch and can be worn on both the arm and leg.

Method two: from old jeans

How to make leg weights from old jeans? Take old stretch jeans, they should have good stretch. You will also need thick plastic bags, you can take resealable packaging bags, sand and thread with a needle.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Take plastic bags and fill them with sand, then tie them properly. Your task is to form elongated, not too voluminous sand pillows; their size should be the same.
  2. Determine the length of the bags to sew the correct size cover. Multiply the length by two and add two or three centimeters for allowances.
  3. Measure the length obtained in step 2 on the legs of the jeans, cut off this piece of the leg, fold it in half.
  4. Place the pads in the trouser legs, sew the edges of the jeans - you will get a cover. You can use a sewing machine to make the seams more secure.
  5. You can stitch through the weight to split it into two pieces. You regulate the number of parts yourself, as well as distribute the bags, leaving the necessary space so that the design is convenient to put on, carry and use.

Homemade weights are secured with belts. Take an old one from a bag or backpack and sew it onto the resulting design. Happy training!

At the present stage, so many different devices are used for more effective and grueling workouts. Leg weights are a fairly popular device in sports; they are used not only by professional athletes, but also by amateurs who want to keep their body in good physical shape and tone.

Now their use has become especially popular, because with their help you can achieve incredible results in sports. But what they are, what their features are, whether they bring only benefits or can harm our health, we will try to figure it out in this article.

Why are they needed?

Why do you need sports leg weights? Firstly, of course, to increase the load on the muscles during sports. To make training in the gym or just at the stadium more effective, equipment such as leg weights was invented.

They help increase the intensity of your workouts and burn more calories than during regular exercise. And the effect of them will be simply amazing, you will see for yourself after a while.

With the help of weights we:

  • we build muscle mass faster because our muscles train more efficiently and efficiently;
  • we lose, which as a result helps to lose excess weight and remove fat deposits in problem areas of our body;
  • we improve our strength and endurance indicators, since training with weights is more complex and grueling and the load on the body is greater.

The benefits of weights are obvious, which means that if you decide to use them in your workouts, you will soon simply not recognize your body, because it will become more toned and sculpted.

How to choose

Weights are pads that are made of dense fabric, filled inside with salt, sand or other filler that makes them heavier. Sports stores will offer you a wide variety of these gizmos. Typically, the weight of weights can vary from half a kilogram to five or six. They can also be either bulk or lamellar.

What is their difference:

  • Bulk weights- these are those whose filler is the material poured into them, most often this is special sand. The downside is that they wear out quickly, and you also cannot change their weight if necessary. If you need heavy weights, you will need to buy new ones.
  • But the plate weights more advanced and convenient because the weight can be increased depending on how many iron plates you insert there. They are convenient for beginners to use, since thanks to the plates it is easy to set the required weight. In addition, they will save a considerable amount of money.

If you plan to exercise at home, then, in principle, half a kilogram weights will be enough for you. But if you plan to work out in the gym, then it is better to purchase plate ones, since in them you will still be able to regulate the intensity of the workout, setting exactly the weight that is necessary for certain types of exercises.

Benefits and harms

Like any other tool for increasing load, weights have their advantages and disadvantages. They can either have a positive effect on your health or cause harm to it.

Weights are something like , but they are much more convenient to use because you put them on your feet and continue to do your favorite exercises. But now you get more benefits from your classes.

They have their great advantages, namely:

  • allow you to train your muscles better, more intensely and with greater load;
  • increase strength and endurance as you put more effort into training with them;
  • calories are also burned more intensely and faster, since they increase the load on the body during training;
  • help increase the amount of muscle mass and, conversely, reduce the amount of body fat;
  • They also have a positive effect on your spine and joints. That is, you become more resilient and healthier.

There are also several misconceptions about the effect of weighting agents, among them the following can be distinguished:

  • There is a common belief among women that training with these devices will contribute to the accumulation of excessive amounts of muscle mass. But this is a misconception, since weights help make your muscles elastic and firmer. And muscle mass is gained gradually, and will not look overly unnatural and ugly.
  • Another erroneous opinion is that when exercising with weights, over time the body gets used to these loads and their weight needs to be constantly increased so that the loads increase accordingly. But if this were actually the case, then what kind of weighting materials did professional athletes need to select?!

But still, if you use them incorrectly or choose the wrong weight, they can harm your body, because if the body is not used to heavy loads, then this can adversely affect your joints.

Remember that it is better to consult with a professional trainer who will tell you the required weight of weights and help you find out whether you can even use this equipment when playing sports.

Opinions of doctors and athletes

Athletes very often use different types of weights in their training. They help increase the intensity of sports training, as well as quickly achieve the desired result, namely an increase in muscle mass, and, of course, become more resilient and strong, which is necessary for any competition.

They also help athletes become more resilient so that they can gradually increase the intensity of their training in the future.

Many doctors insist that they should not be used if you have problems with joints, as well as those who have problems with bones and muscles, since such exercises may not be beneficial, but rather harmful. But if you use them in moderation, they will have quite a positive effect on your health. After all, leg weights are designed to benefit your body.

Contraindications for use

Before using weights, you must consult a doctor. But still, there are contraindications in which playing sports using weights is impossible.


  • with varicose veins;
  • for diseases of the stomach or cardiovascular system;
  • if you have problems with the kidneys or gall bladder;
  • if a year has not yet passed after any surgical intervention.
Since over time the load that you are used to receiving decreases and your muscles adapt to the movements, the effect of the exercises begins to slowly disappear. In order to achieve maximum effect and get noticeable results, weighting agents are used.

If you have any of the diseases listed above, then you should not use weights as additional stress on your legs. Perhaps you only need to do a number of specific exercises that will not harm your joints or affect your well-being. This way you will maintain your health for many years.

Why use leg weights? This is probably a question asked by many people who are just starting to take their first steps in sports.

We have already mentioned that they can be bulk and lamellar. Before you go to the store and spend money on weights, consult with a trainer or doctor about the need to use them.

Perhaps you have contraindications for use or you are only allowed weights with a minimum weight.

In this article, we tried to understand the most important points about something quite popular among athletes and sports fans, like leg weights. We figured out what they are, what they consist of, and what their features are. Also, now you know the benefits and harms of these training devices and you can decide for yourself whether you need to use them.

A few weights on your legs and arms won't improve your appearance, but these simple accessories will instantly increase the intensity of your workout. Such weights are not suitable for all types of exercises, but they definitely fits perfectly into light cardio. The effectiveness of the training will increase significantly, and its duration will be halved.

The main purpose of weights is to increase resistance and thus improve the performance of certain types of aerobic exercise.

Even more benefits

Here is the answer to the question of what weights are needed for. If you want get a little more out of your regular workout, but don’t want to change it too much, then in this case weights for legs and arms are ideal. If you walk comfortably at a speed of 4.5 km per hour, and do not want to increase the pace, then carry extra weight, which will provide you with a more strenuous walk.

What would be the benefit of leg weights in this case? The muscles of the body will work with double force just because of the excess weight on the legs or arms. Unlike small dumbbells, which can cause your blood pressure to spike when lifted, weights give your arms more freedom.

Numerous benefits and health benefits can be gained from walking for 20-60 minutes at least 3 times a week. Walking is a good way to burn off extra pounds and thereby prevent weight gain.

Use them with caution: harm from weights on legs and arms

There are no exercises that are completely free from the risk of injury. However, the potential benefits of carrying light weights are offset. If you are using weights in the range from 0.5 to 1.3 kg, you will significantly increase the effectiveness of your strength training and be less likely to suffer from injuries. If you're already using the lightest weights available and still feel pain, look for other ways to increase the intensity of your workouts.

The right weights for legs and arms: what weight to choose

Let's figure out which leg weights are best for women. The weight should not be too heavy - wear weights from 0.5 to 1 kg on the wrists and from 0.7 to 1.3 kg on the ankles. This way they will increase the intensity of your workout. The American Council on Exercise (ACT) states that a person who uses this weight can increase their heart rate by at least 5 to 10 additional beats per minute and increase their oxygen consumption by at least 5 to 15%. Calorie burning will also increase by 5 to 15%.

Determine which weight of weights to choose based on your physical fitness. The longer and more often you exercise, the more weight you need. Do not rush to put heavy weights on your hands, because... greater stress on the wrists is associated with the possible development of chronic tendon strain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Leg weights: why they are needed and for what workouts

Despite the obvious benefits, weights are not suitable for any form of exercise. ACT notes that they are effective for active activities such as walking, aerobics and step aerobics. And you shouldn't use weights for more vigorous workouts like running. Using weights will change your workout rhythm, which is not a good thing. You may, for example, move your arms more vigorously, which will ultimately lead to injury due to the added stress on your muscles, ligaments and joints.

Weighting agents perform well when strength training with your own weight, such as leg swings, lunges, squats and other exercises that involve repeated low-intensity movements of certain parts of the body. With the help of weights in this case, you can tone your muscles more quickly.

How to use weights

When did you first wear Weights yourself, use light weights and train for a very short time. Be sure to place weights securely on your wrists and ankles. If you like to walk, then move with weights as usual. Start with very long steps, don't swing your arms too much.

If you only want to use one weight weight, start with ankle weights. Probability of receiving harm in the leg area below than on the wrists. And leg weights will help you burn more calories.

Tips for Using Arm and Leg Weights

  • Even if you use light weights, constantly monitor the load on the arms, shoulders and legs.
  • Include additional weight gradually and in appropriate training.
  • Try taking the weights out for a short walk and before attempting to use them again, check your health the next day.
  • Do not use them if your body rhythm suddenly changes or if you experience pain or discomfort.

Don't be discouraged if you don't feel comfortable training with weights. If you want to increase the intensity of your walk or training without them, try moving at a faster pace or swinging your arms and legs more vigorously. This way you will get quick results without any health risks.

High-quality weights made of various materials for enhanced training of the arms, legs, and shoulder girdle. You can view the range and order weights on the website

Now you know why weights for legs and arms are needed and how to use them. All that remains is to buy or start practicing. Good luck!

What to do if training is carried out with maximum efficiency, but no new achievements are observed? When doing sports, fitness, or aerobics, there comes a time when ordinary exercises become insufficient for further improvement. Any experienced trainer can easily determine the time when it is necessary to qualitatively change the approach to training and increase the load by using weights. There are many varieties of this equipment, differing in scope, weight, material of manufacture, type of filler.

Leg weights – what are they and what are they for?

Are you going to exercise using weights on the advice of a trainer or on your own initiative? To choose the right equipment, you should inquire about its structure and purpose. Leg weights are special devices - cuffs made of eco-friendly fabrics or eco-leather, filled with bulk materials. Sometimes metal plates are used to obtain the required mass. Weights are used to increase loads in order to increase productivity when playing various sports, as well as systems aimed at creating a healthy and beautiful body - fitness, strength exercises. Cuffs should be worn and securely fastened to those areas that need reinforcement. When performing movements, muscles weighed down by leg weights receive additional tone due to improved blood circulation in muscle tissue.

Choosing weights for adults and children - 4 useful tips

  • 1. Only the right choice will bring you practical benefits. The use of unsuitable equipment can lead not only to a decrease in the beneficial effect of training, but also to dangerous consequences for health - injuries, sprains. Before ordering a device, you should seek the help of a specialist - a trainer who can determine what loads you need.
  • 2. Depending on the sport for which leg weights are purchased, their weight is determined. For running or walking, the initial weight of this device is 0.5 kg; to avoid injury, the maximum weight should not exceed 2 kg. For other sports, fitness, bodybuilding, aerobics, weight is determined individually for each athlete, taking into account his physical capabilities.
  • 3. To ensure that the effect of classes does not decrease, consistency and gradualness are necessary. When performing exercises with initial weights does not cause any difficulties, the loads should be increased. This is achieved by increasing the weight of the weights in small increments. If you use cuffs with loose fillers, purchase a new set that is 0.5 kg heavier than the one you are using. With a metal plate weight system, add just enough to achieve the same weight gain.
  • 4. In order to avoid injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, weight training for children must be carried out under the guidance of experienced trainers. The initial weight of the cuffs is 0.2 kg; it increases sequentially at intervals of 0.1 kg. The maximum weight of children's weights is 0.5 kg.
  • How do weights work?

    When walking, running, or any physical activity with weights, the athlete performs normal movements with great effort. The result of these works is a rush of blood to the muscles, increasing their tone, and improving blood circulation.

    The first and most noticeable advantage of using weights for athletes is the beauty and refinement of the movements of gymnasts, the clear and confident step of runners, the reaction speed and good kick of the ball by football players. But not only technique is developed by leg weights. Their use causes a number of positive effects.

    Pros and cons of weights

    When the main goal of improving movement technique is achieved, many health benefits are observed. Weights work as a means:

    • to stimulate the work of the heart - good blood circulation leads not only to increased muscle tone in the trained limbs, but also to strengthening blood vessels, improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
    • for weight loss - dosed loads on individual areas of the body lead to burning calories and reducing body fat;
    • to achieve beauty and health of the limbs, buttocks and lumbar back - due to good muscle tone in these areas;
    • to increase endurance and improve the general physical condition of a person.

    When using leg weights correctly, there are no negative consequences. The only things that can harm you are:

    • violation of the rules for using equipment;
    • use of unjustifiably high mass for burdening;
    • neglect of medical contraindications.

    Contraindications to weight training

    In some cases, doctors strictly prohibit the use of weights:

    • after recent surgery;
    • for fractures, sprains, bruises of the limbs;
    • for diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract;
    • for varicose veins, cholelithiasis.

    5 Best Weight Exercises

    Before any workout, you first need to do a good warm-up. Do not neglect this condition under any circumstances; warming up is the best prevention of injuries. In this case, you should pay special attention to the places where the cuffs will be put on. Before starting your workout, put on leg weights weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg.

    • 1. From a standing position, lift your limbs one by one, bending them at the knees, holding in the bent position for 3 seconds.
    • 2. From the same position, perform alternating lunges with one leg bent at an angle of 90°. The second one should remain straight.
    • 3. Take a knee-elbow position. Alternately with pushing, raise your legs up.
    • 4. Lie on your back, perform alternate swings with straight limbs and hold in the raised position for 3 seconds.
    • 5. Lie on your side, slowly and smoothly raise your leg to shoulder level and lower it back in the same way.

If you want to start training as soon as possible, you can find them in online stores with metal shot as a filler. If you want to save a little money and have some free time, today we will tell you how to make hand weights with your own hands at home.

How to sew weights with your own hands: p First method (difficult)

Required materials for one pair:

  • 4 pieces of fabric (cotton, nylon), each up to 33 cm in length and 13 cm in width;
  • 91 cm straps 2.5 cm wide;
  • rings or rectangles (2.5 - 5 cm);
  • Velcro (5 - 15 cm);
  • Rice, sand or other similar material for weight.

Measure two equal piles of the desired size. Each section filled to the top with rice will give you a total of 0.5 kg of weight. The same goes for sand. To get more weight you need to increase the width of the fabric.

Strap for fastening and fastening

  • Cut the belt into two 45 cm pieces.
  • Melt with fire and secure the ends carefully to prevent the straps from fraying.
  • Fold in 2.5cm of each end of the strap.
  • Place the ring in the fold.
  • Sew the ends of the belt as shown in the photo.
  • Take the Velcro strips and place them at the opposite end of the strap from the ring, centered on the strip. First one piece of Velcro and then the other (wrong side down). Sew both Velcro strips in place.
  • Take 2 pieces of fabric. Sew a finished strap with Velcro onto one of them in the center. Centered as shown in the photo.

Sewing the fabric

  • Place the unused piece of fabric over the one with the attached belt. Secure the belt in the center so that it does not fall into the seam.
  • Sew 3 edges of the pieces of fabric with a running stitch, leaving one (wide) free.
  • Turn the fabric right side out and check that you have sewn the flaps evenly.
  • Now sew the fabric thoroughly (just do not sew the belt).
  • Press down well.

Corners and sections

  • Place the workpiece face down.
  • Find the horizontal center of the future weighting material and mark it.
  • Find the center of each half of the weight and mark it.
  • Separate the resulting pieces of fabric using stitches so that you end up with four even sections, as in the photo.

We fill and sew up the sections of the weighting material

  • Fill each empty section with sand or rice.
  • The bulk of the cereal should accumulate as far as possible from the seams. Don't try to shove rice or sand into all the corners - this will prevent the weight from bending well.
  • Distribute the cereal evenly throughout the pocket.
  • Sew up the holes. The seams should be located as close to the edge as possible.

Hand-sewn weights for arms or legs are ready!

DIY hand weights: second method (easy)

We can't always fit training into our schedule. These simple homemade weights for your arms and/or legs will allow you to exercise at home and forget about gyms and additional spending. You can use them while doing squats, lunges, and arm swings, or wear them while cooking in the kitchen or drying your hair! While you move, weights work on your figure. inestimable.

This option, unlike the first, has only 4 steps, and here you don’t need to be a jack of all trades.

You will need:

  • A pair of long socks;
  • Dry rice;
  • Plastic bags.


  • Step 1: Place equal amounts of dry rice into two bags.
  • Step 2: Place one rolled and sealed bag of rice in a sock.
  • Step 3: Cut the ends of both socks so that you can use them as a tie.
  • Step 4: Place the ready-made wrist weights on your wrists and get moving!

How to make leg weights with your own hands?

Ankle weights burn fat and help build leg muscles. How? They add resistance during exercise. While you'll benefit from aerobic exercise (which is known to increase your heart rate and burn calories), the extra weight can also increase your risk of injury. For best results, use weights for strength training. These include exercises that target specific leg muscles, such as squats, lunges, swings, and leg raises.

How to properly use leg weights?

Additional weight needs to be applied to the area just above the ankle joint to provide resistance when moving your legs. The purpose of these weights is to increase the tone of the gluteal, quadriceps and calf muscles. The added resistance results in increased muscle mass over time.

Be careful! If you place weights incorrectly, you can suffer sprains, sprains and minor injuries, which most often occur while running or walking.

Let's figure out how to make ankle weights.

How to make reusable leg weights with your own hands at home

You will need old long socks and some beans, beans or peas.

  • Step 1: Weigh 450 to 680 g of beans using a kitchen scale. This amount best matches your sock size. Keep the beans in a bowl. Weigh a second pile, equal to the previous one.
  • Step 2: Tie a knot one quarter away from the top of the sock. Add beans. Tie a second knot. It should be placed at the same distance below as the first one. The beans should be located in the center of the sock.
  • Step 3: Tie the sock in place around your ankle or thigh. You can also attach it using special Velcro, thereby providing additional fixation.

How to make your own disposable leg weights

  • Step 1: Fill two sealed plastic bags with sand. Weigh them on a kitchen scale and add or remove excess sand as needed to achieve the desired weight.
  • Step 2: Apply the bag to your ankle and tape it to your leg with a bandage. This will secure the weight in place. Make sure the sandbag is held firmly, but be careful not to wrap it too tightly as this can cause numbness in your feet.
  • Step 3: Secure the ends of the bandage so that they do not interfere during training.

DIY weights will turn your workouts into a real test of strength, especially if you do exercises like raises and raises. Start with light weights and move slowly throughout your workout. Also, be careful if you have knee, hip, or ankle problems.

Do not use such weights when walking as they are likely to cause injury. Why buy equipment in stores or online for £20 or more when you already know how to make your own leg and arm weights at home? We hope this material will help you with this.