Difference between knockout and knockdown. The difference between a knockout and a knockdown Believe me: boxing is not just a fight, but a beautiful sport

Boxing, despite its certain cruelty, is loved by many people, including women and sometimes children (if their parents allow them). Even people far from this sport have a vague idea of ​​what a knockdown is. This word is sometimes used in figuratively, far from boxing. However, if you are seriously interested in sparring in the ring, you need to have a more accurate understanding of the events taking place there.

What is a knockdown: boxing and its rules

Most terms in the sport refer to the blows thrown by opponents. Translated from English, “knockdown” is “crushing, knocking down. The one who received it loses his vertical position and gains a third point of support. And it doesn’t matter whether it is an arm, a leg, or the entire surface of the back. This position is already considered a knockdown. If Before the referee counts to ten, the athlete will be able to take a stance and raise his arms for the fight; the position is defined as a knockdown. It does not bring any special bonuses or additional points - the judge counts the temporary fall of the opponent as another accurate blow.

A knockout and a knockdown differ from each other only in the outcome of a missed hook or uppercut. If the defeated athlete is unable to get to his feet on the count of ten, the judge calls it “out” and his opponent is awarded the victory.

A curious situation occurs when a boxer is carried out of the ring by a blow. The judge's count increases to twenty. However, during this time, the defeated fighter must not only have time to recover, but also return to the site, so usually being carried over the ropes ends with the recognition of a knockout.

Technical knockout and early victory

The manager in the ring, the only and indisputable one, is the referee. Only he decides whether the fight can continue. When the condition of one of the athletes gives him doubt, he can consult a doctor. If the doctor recognizes the resulting knockdown as dangerous, the fight is stopped, and the missed blow turns into a knockout, only a technical one.

There is only one person who can challenge the judge's decision - the boxer's second. However, his intervention can only lead to defeat: if he throws in the towel in the ring, the opponent's victory is recognized due to his clear advantage.

Standing variety

There are some subtleties in determining the position of a boxer in the ring. So, a standing knockdown is when the athlete flies off onto the ropes and the referee assumes that only they kept him from falling. If the judge has such a suspicion, he again starts the countdown.

Note that in championship battles there is no standing knockdown as a concept. But in professional fights lower class, and even more so in amateurs, it is observed.

Three knockdowns

Fights are not always won on points, by clean knockout or technical knockout. If a boxer is knocked down three times in one round and last time managed to get to his feet, the referee stops the fight. Anyone who misses three serious blows is automatically knocked out. True, this rule is not always in use. It must be observed in fights held by the WBA.

Flash knockdown

This term means a slight defeat, when the boxer falls to the floor very short time, not only not falling completely, but also not remaining with the third support for long. However, even if he is out of the vertical position for no longer than five seconds, the referee still starts the count.

Interesting observation: knockdown is more of an amateur position in the ring. IN professional fights Such situations are very rare, since athletes know how to avoid dangerous blows and cultivate stamina and endurance. But even professionals are not always able to protect themselves from a knockdown.

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Boxing is a sport of strong and brave men, and spectacular fights have always captivated spectators, striking them with crushing blows. Is the human body really capable of withstanding such overloads? Terms such as knockout and knockdown are often confused due to similar pronunciation. Let's try to understand the features of the concepts and forever understand the difference between them.


Knockout is the outcome of a boxing match in which one of the athletes is unable to continue the fight. A knockout can be combat, in which the athlete, after strong blow cannot rise from the ring, as well as technical reasons caused by other circumstances that prevent the fight from ending.

Knockdown is a crushing blow in which one of the boxers touches the ring with a knee, hand, elbow or other point of support other than the foot. The referee counts down 8 seconds during which the athlete must continue the fight. For boxing, the duration of contact with the ring is not important: the countdown is carried out in any case.


So, a knockdown is a crushing blow in which the boxer leans on the ring with an additional point of support. This could be the knee, arm, elbow, or other part of the body (except the feet). The referee counts down 8 seconds, during which the athlete must return to the fight. If the boxer is not ready to continue the fight for 10 seconds, a knockout is recorded. This is the outcome of the battle, which means the unconditional victory of one of the athletes.

In this case, a knockout can be combat (caused by a blow) or technical (facial cut, injury, loss of orientation in space). The first one is recorded only by the referee, the second one is also recorded by the boxer, his second or the doctor. A knockdown is always the result of a powerful blow, after which the athlete loses his balance. A knockout (technical) can occur after the attack is missed, even in the next round.

Conclusions website

  1. Duration. A knockdown is a condition in which a boxer spent no more than 9 seconds in the ring, a knockout is 10 seconds.
  2. Consequences. A knockdown automatically means an 8-second recovery countdown, after a knockout the fight ends.
  3. Varieties. A knockout can be combat or technical, but a knockdown can only be combat.
  4. Mechanism of education. Combat knockout caused powerful blow opponent, a knockdown can be provoked by a fighter falling while dodging.

Only a very narrow-minded person is able to look at boxing as an ordinary fight between not very smart people. All the jokes about boxers who can't do anything but their craft are made up by those who have never entered the ring. After all, boxing is, first of all, strategy and tactics. The ability to control your body and the ability to control your opponent. The only thing that requires more mental effort is playing chess. Professional athlete become as difficult as possible. To do this, you will have to, at a minimum, stop feeling sorry for yourself and, in the end, come out to meet your phobias. All the qualities that constant training and advice from mentors instill in a novice boxer can easily be applied to everyday life.

Courage, honesty, perseverance and hard work are the hallmarks of any professional boxer. Are these qualities valued in normal social environments? Yes, yes. In addition, boxing develops thinking and memory no worse than chess. Without a competent strategy and tactics developed through long training, there is nothing to do in the ring. Good boxer is able to easily “calculate” the opponent’s reaction and react to his movements not only thoughtfully, but even proactively. This behavior becomes, over time, second nature to the right fighter, who can easily use his skills outside the ring.