Why can't you lose weight quickly? Why you can't lose weight suddenly.

Many women remember that they need to lose weight a couple of weeks before a birthday, important meeting or vacation. At the same time, they are looking for an effective diet to quickly lose weight and get in shape.

This is a very dangerous path, because fast weight loss harmful to health and can have an extremely negative impact on appearance. As a result, you will get not only the desired slimness, but also saggy skin in thinner areas, and in addition to this - headaches, nausea, dizziness and a sallow complexion. Passion.ru talks about why you can’t lose weight quickly.

Excess carbohydrates and those derived from them calories The body transforms it into fat molecules and packs them tightly into fat cells. As a result, the fat cells grow in size and are tightly packed, closely adjacent to each other.

When losing weight, there is a sharp restriction of calories, and there are not enough carbohydrates from food to replenish energy reserves, so the body removes fats from the cells. But overstretched cells, consuming fat, fill it with water, which causes swelling. If you drive away water, the tissues lose their elasticity and the skin sags, normal metabolism is disrupted and health problems arise.

When you stop dieting, your cells store fat again, and if you haven't switched to principles of healthy eating , you get larger volumes than you had before losing weight.

When losing weight, fats break down into their component parts - glycerol and fatty acid chains. This occurs as a result of signals from the brain when the level of these same fatty acids in the blood plasma decreases. This happens when you fast and limit fat.

Fatty acids are insoluble substances, and their transport through the blood is possible only in connection with proteins. Therefore, during protein fasting, weight loss occurs due to the destruction of muscle tissue - proteins are used to “carry” fat for breakdown.

As a result of the fact that proteins and fats form fairly large compounds, the blood containing them becomes more viscous. That is why all diets require increased drinking regimen - in order to thin the blood and not lead to complications.

Protein will distribute fats to the muscles if you are training in parallel with the diet, or to the liver if you are just dieting. When the fat reaches the liver or muscles, it burns, forming carbon dioxide and water.

As fat is burned, fluid volume increases. This fluid collects from the tissues and enters the blood, and if you lose weight sharply, the volume of blood circulating in the vessels will also increase sharply. This increases blood pressure and is harmful to the blood vessels of the brain. Will headache and dizziness may occur.

Some of the fluid will go back into the tissues to reduce blood pressure. This causes swelling - people swell from hunger. To prevent this from happening, you need to burn excess fat at a rate of no more than 1.5 kilograms per week.

If muscles are not involved when losing weight, you move little - only the liver burns fat, and its strength is not endless. Some of the fat will be deposited in the liver itself, creating fatty hepatosis, as well as in the walls of blood vessels, producing cholesterol plaques. With such weight loss, the risk of a heart attack increases five times.

Loaded liver will cease to cope with his responsibilities. Two or three such sudden weight loss - and digestive disorders will be pronounced. Then even cholecystitis, inflammation of the bile ducts with impaired bile secretion, can form.

In addition, due to a deficiency of fats, there is no exchange of fat-soluble vitamins A and E, and they are responsible for your beauty. Therefore, with rapid weight loss, hair and nails become brittle and dull, the skin turns gray, becomes dry and flabby.

Many methods of rapid weight loss are quite dangerous to health and give a temporary effect of losing several kilograms at the cost of health.

For example, many for weight loss use laxatives based on herbal or synthetic agents - senna, magnesia, various kinds of tablets. However, this method of losing weight does not involve body fat in any way: irritation of the intestinal walls occurs and its contents are quickly emptied. Due to this, weight decreases, and due to the lack of nutrients, energy begins to be consumed more actively - due to glycogen deposited in the liver.

There are plenty of side effects with this method of losing weight - digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals are impaired, resulting in hypovitaminosis and poor health, abdominal pain. In addition, frequent use of laxatives leads to persistent addiction to them, which is why the intestines are too lazy to empty themselves, and the formation of constipation . Due to digestive problems, even intestinal inflammation can develop, as well as the progression of excess weight gain.

Another common method for losing weight quickly is taking diuretics. It quickly removes a couple of kilograms, but such weight loss is also unfavorable for the body. Diuretics remove excess water and dehydrate the body.

In addition, minerals useful to the body - sodium and potassium - are excreted with the liquid, which leads to water-electrolyte imbalance, interruptions in heart function, kidney problems and convulsions. Dehydration accelerates skin aging and spoils the appearance - wrinkles appear, gray skin , dryness and flaking.

But the most dangerous are various kinds of dietary supplements and diet pills. They block appetite. Often, when examined, they are found to contain drugs of dubious quality, possibly stimulants and psychotropics that cause addiction. These pills have an impressive list of side effects, and if you stop taking them, the weight comes back in even greater amounts.

How then to lose weight correctly? Nutritionists unanimously declare that you need to lose weight at the same pace as you gained kilograms - losing weight by 1.5-2 kilograms per month is physiological. Then a complete restructuring of metabolism occurs and there will be no return to the extra pounds. An ever faster pace is fraught with problems.

Since autumn, we have been preparing our bodies for the new summer season: we spend hours at stadiums and playgrounds, running tracks, and in gyms. But New Year's week puts a significant setback on the path to the figure of your dreams. Many people try already in January to correct the consequences of nightly feasts and numerous overeating in order to return to the planned plan and have time to lose extra centimeters by summer.

Don’t forget: our first priority is a healthy and beautiful body. Therefore, no matter how much you gain during the winter holidays, you should not strive at any cost to dramatically reduce weight. This can lead to serious health problems.

What are the dangers of sudden weight loss?

Those extra centimeters in problem areas are the consequences of consuming too many calories and carbohydrates. Without being consumed in full, they accumulate in cells, transforming into fats. Over time, there are so many “strategic reserves” that we can notice it visually, and we make a courageous decision to quickly lose weight. What's next?

  1. The easiest way is to reduce the number of calories you consume. Needing an additional source of energy, the body begins to actively burn accumulated fats, filling the voids formed in the cells with liquid. Swelling occurs. Therefore, almost all diets with quick results include avoiding salt consumption. It retains water in the body, which means reducing its amount in the body will relieve swelling. This is how we get rid of excess fluid, but the cells are not able to change size as quickly as we would like. As a result, the weight really goes away, but in problem areas where previously there were such hated extra centimeters, the tissues lose their firmness and elasticity, the skin sags, and most importantly, metabolic processes and the normal balance in the cells are disrupted.
  2. What happens to fats that miraculously disappear from cells? When there is a shortage of calories, they begin to be used by the body, breaking down into glycerol and fatty acids. This process greatly increases blood viscosity, so with sudden weight loss there is a risk of heart attack and stroke, and cholesterol appears on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the resulting type of acid can only be carried in the blood in conjunction with protein, and if you do not consume it in the right amount, the protein is “pulled out” from the muscles, making them weaker.
  3. The fatty acids then travel throughout the body, stopping in the muscles or liver. In muscle tissue during physical activity they are converted into carbon dioxide and water. In this case, the liquid obtained is 7 times more than the fatty acids themselves. Due to this, the volume of blood in the body increases, and, accordingly, the load on the heart.
  4. For those who decide to dramatically lose weight by fasting or taking any special medications, or giving up active sports, fatty acids enter the liver. Accumulating there in huge quantities, they can cause fatty cirrhosis.
  5. With accelerated weight loss, the risk of returning to your previous shape is absolutely real. As soon as you stop carefully monitoring your diet and counting calories, if you suddenly relax a little and eat something tasty, the extra pounds will return at a crazy speed. After all, the body will try to restore fat reserves after stress. A picture is often observed when, after a while after a diet, a person becomes even more fat than he was before. This means that the weight loss was too drastic.
  6. Calcium is the main building material for our bones, teeth and hair and is a fat-soluble vitamin. When fat is excluded from food, it simply is not absorbed. That is why the desire to lose weight quickly often forces you to say goodbye to lush curls and strong bones.
  7. Negative consequences of sudden weight loss are also observed in the mental area. Often, when refusing unhealthy but favorite food, a person experiences mood swings and outbursts of aggression. Decreased concentration and memory impairment are also possible. In addition, the desire to quickly lose weight on a strict diet is the root cause of 60% of cases of complex protracted depression. After all, for many, delicious food was one of the main ways to cheer up.

Think about whether the quick results are worth such health problems.

You can't lose weight like that

We have collected some of the most extreme ways to lose weight quickly. The main problem is that each of them is practiced quite often, causing irreparable harm to health. And after some, the normal functioning of the body cannot be restored at all. So, what not to do in pursuit of a slim figure.

  1. Starvation. This technique always gives visible results, but few people understand that the reduction in volume occurs due to lymphoid and muscle tissue, and not fatty tissue, which is the last to be lost. The second argument in favor of not fasting is the well-known yo-yo effect. There has been so much talk about it lately that there is no point in considering the process in detail. Let’s just say that when you lose weight dramatically, the weight comes back as quickly as it was lost. Moreover, when fasting, the body gets used to receiving almost 0 calories per day for a certain time. And as soon as you start eating at least something, that is, getting more than zero, it is perceived as exceeding the norm and is immediately deposited in fatty tissues.
  2. Taking medications. Despite the obvious harm of such methods, they are still in demand because they give results, albeit temporary. It is worth remembering that the effect of any weight loss drug is based on a laxative or diuretic effect. Along with this, suppression of appetite is observed due to the effect on special centers in the brain. Therefore, the use of dietary supplements can cause not only physiological disorders, but also mental disorders.
  3. Exhausting workouts that do not correspond to physical capabilities. Sport is wonderful, and only it can help in building an ideal body with the abs loved by many. However, under no circumstances should you start with heavy loads. First, serious injuries may occur. Secondly, under heavy loads, muscle tissue increases in size quite quickly, but as soon as you stop training, it begins to transform into fat. This is especially true for men who prefer to train in gyms with heavy weights.

How to lose pounds faster without risking your health?

There are quite a few proven and safe ways to speed up weight loss. To do this, doctors advise:

  • Drink clean water during training.
  • Exercise just enough so that you feel pleasantly tired afterward, nothing more. There should be no feeling of exhaustion.
  • Loads can and should be gradually increased, and the complexes should be varied and alternate.
  • Stick to a schedule for eating and exercising. Then the effect will be much higher.
  • Don't lose sight of the psychophysical component of losing weight. Try to find an activity that will give you positivity. Choose group training: the successes of others will inspire you. Reward yourself for sticking to a routine or for not eating extra calories.

If your weight is significantly higher than normal, and your figure is far from model-like, this is not a reason to suddenly go on a debilitating diet in an attempt to bring yourself back to normal for a couple of months. Review your diet and rhythm of life, find time for fitness and walking in the fresh air. Start with a gentle regime.

Now let's do the math. With proper nutrition, balancing the amount of calories consumed and energy expended, you can lose up to one and a half kilograms per month without any risk to health. And this, by the way, is 18 kg per year! And you will get a healthy beautiful body with toned, elastic skin. Yes, it takes time. But the result is worth taking the time!

In most cases, we urgently begin to lose weight two hours before a plane to the sea, a few days before a date with the woman we like or the man of our dreams, half an hour after receiving a doctor’s warning about heart problems.

People begin to limit themselves in everything, allowing themselves one liter of kefir per day, reducing the number of daily calories consumed to levels unacceptable for an adult, or completely going into independent “therapeutic” fasting. The result is not long in coming. Indeed, by losing weight in this way, you can get rid of 5-6 kg per week. But is the game worth the candle? Why is emergency weight loss dangerous??

First danger

Emergencies cannot but affect your health. Due to the lack of fats and carbohydrates, hormonal processes and the metabolic system are completely disrupted, and a person’s emotional and mental state worsens. Believe me, if you do not notice a deterioration in your health in the first six months after such experiments, they will come to you later in any case. Gastritis, pancreatitis, dermatological abnormalities, hair loss, liver disease, digestive disorders, migraines, depression, insomnia - this is not a complete list of complaints from people who subjected themselves to many days of kefir or hunger trials.

Optimal weight loss, which has a good effect on your appearance, is considered to be losing 4-5 kg ​​per month.

Second danger

After leaving the diets discussed above, you are up to 95% likely to very quickly gain your weight back, only increasing it by another 20-30% compared to the original. The reason is that the fat cell is not so easy to destroy. The human body is unique, but its most important feature is the preservation of its own life. It is for this reason that fat accumulates. By depriving your body of nutrition, you will certainly start fat burning processes. But don't destroy the cells. They will gradually begin to give up accumulated fat and fill with water. After stopping your diet, they will make up for everything lost with triple force.

A very good example is a special diet for domestic meat animals, which helps to obtain marbled meat. Its peculiarity is that the animal is fed for three days, and then completely deprived of all food for three days. As a result, the body begins to store fats at an accelerated pace, resulting in beautifully marbled beef or pork.

Third danger

During emergency weight loss, the body does not have time to recover and maintain its shape. After burning fat, muscle tissue gradually begins to burn. If at 20 years old cell regeneration processes work quite quickly, then after 30 it is almost impossible to recover. As a result, you will get -30 kg on the scale, but you will not be able to wear shorts or a T-shirt, because loose and saggy skin is much more unpleasant than a slightly overweight but elastic body.

And most importantly, remember that your appearance after an emergency weight loss of 15-20 kg in a month will not make others think about how great you look. Every single one of you will begin to feel sorry for you, wondering to yourself what terrible disease has struck your body, and whether such changes are related to taking narcotic drugs.

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“Losing weight quickly is harmful” - this phrase has become a common place in all dietary recommendations. However, not supported by real arguments, it cannot convince anyone. Tochka.net has collected specific examples of harmful processes that occur in the body during rapid weight loss.

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Firstly, no matter how a person loses weight - through sports or diet - the body in any case begins to sound the alarm if this happens too quickly. The fact is that the human body is configured to maintain homeostasis - stable indicators of weight, metabolism, body temperature, etc.

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If your weight drops sharply, your body will do everything it can to keep this number stable. The “bad times” mode turns on, so, for example, reproductive function suffers. “There is no food anyway, how can we give birth to children here?” the body thinks and begins to save on the monthly cycle. Because of this, for many girls who have suddenly lost weight, it gets lost or disappears altogether.

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In addition, metabolism slows down - you need to save resources, so the body does not allow them to “burn” in vain. Every calorie is used or used for future use, and the activity of various processes in the body decreases. That is why, after some time on a strict diet, dieters experience a “plateau” - a moment when the weight does not want to decrease, although they continue to eat little.

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Also, sudden weight loss is most often the result of a strict diet. If a person eats very little food, this means not only few calories, but also few nutrients. For example, a low-fat diet is fraught with damage to the skin - vitamins that provide its nutrition can be dissolved and absorbed in the body only through the mediation of fats.

Many women remember that they need to lose weight a couple of weeks before a birthday, important meeting or vacation. At the same time, they are looking for an effective diet to quickly lose weight and get in shape.
This is a very dangerous path, since rapid weight loss is harmful to health and can have an extremely negative impact on your appearance. As a result, you will get not only the desired slimness, but also saggy skin in thinner areas, and in addition to this - headaches, nausea, dizziness and a sallow complexion. We'll tell you why you can’t lose weight suddenly and why it’s dangerous

Anatomy of weight loss
The body transforms excess carbohydrates and the calories derived from them into fat molecules and stores them tightly in fat cells. As a result, the fat cells grow in size and are tightly packed, closely adjacent to each other.
When losing weight, there is a sharp restriction of calories, and there are not enough carbohydrates from food to replenish energy reserves, so the body removes fats from the cells. But overstretched cells, consuming fat, fill it with water, which causes swelling. If you drive away water, the tissues lose their elasticity and the skin sags, normal metabolism is disrupted and health problems arise.
When you stop dieting, your cells store fat again, and if you haven’t switched to healthy eating principles, you end up with larger volumes than you had before losing weight.

What happens to fats
When losing weight, fats break down into their component parts - glycerol and fatty acid chains. This occurs as a result of signals from the brain when the level of these same fatty acids in the blood plasma decreases. This happens when you fast and limit fat.
Fatty acids are insoluble substances, and their transport through the blood is possible only in connection with proteins. Therefore, during protein fasting, weight loss occurs due to the destruction of muscle tissue - proteins are used to “carry” fat for breakdown.
As a result of the fact that proteins and fats form fairly large compounds, the blood containing them becomes more viscous. That is why all diets require increased drinking regimen - in order to thin the blood and not lead to complications.
Protein will distribute fats to the muscles if you are training in parallel with the diet, or to the liver if you are just dieting. When the fat reaches the liver or muscles, it burns, forming carbon dioxide and water.
As fat is burned, fluid volume increases. This fluid collects from the tissues and enters the blood, and if you lose weight sharply, the volume of blood circulating in the vessels will also increase sharply. This increases blood pressure and is harmful to the blood vessels of the brain. Your head will hurt and you may feel dizzy.
Some of the fluid will go back into the tissues to reduce blood pressure. This causes swelling - people swell from hunger. To prevent this from happening, you need to burn excess fat at a rate of no more than 1.5 kilograms per week.

If muscles are not used when losing weight, you move little - only the liver burns fat, and its strength is not endless. Some of the fat will be deposited in the liver itself, creating fatty hepatosis, as well as in the walls of blood vessels, producing cholesterol plaques. With such weight loss, the risk of a heart attack increases five times.
A loaded liver will no longer cope with its duties. Two or three such sudden weight loss - and digestive disorders will be pronounced. Then even cholecystitis, inflammation of the bile ducts with impaired bile secretion, can form.
In addition, due to a deficiency of fats, there is no exchange of fat-soluble vitamins A and E, and they are responsible for your beauty. Therefore, with rapid weight loss, hair and nails become brittle and dull, the skin turns gray, becomes dry and flabby.