Why is Cristiano Ronaldo leaving? Ronaldo: can't be sold

They accused him of tax evasion and even gave him a suspended sentence of 21 months in prison. However, the case of Ronaldo is a precedent.

So, what's the point? While Russia was waiting for Cristiano's arrival and savoring his quotes about his intention to win the Confederations Cup, in fact, the Portuguese's head was filled with problems of a completely different kind. that the Spanish authorities accused him of tax evasion - we are talking about an amount of 14,786,897 euros. The debt accumulated between 2011 and 2014. Here's exactly how the charge sounds: "Received benefits from a business structure created in 2010 to hide from the tax authorities income from the rights to use his image earned in Spain." The prosecution is confident that the football player withdrew part of the money through offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands. Possible punishment is a fine of 28 million euros and seven years in prison.

Naturally, Cristiano himself and his representatives denied all accusations. Moreover, Ronaldo posted a photo on Instagram with his index finger pressed to his lips and the caption: Controversial? Undoubtedly. Moreover, some media outlets saw a certain conspiracy element in this photo. If you zoom in many times, you can see a five shaved on his head, which, in fact, can mean anything. But the message suggests itself - I will win the fifth Ballon d'Or. The only question is in which club - the headlines of Friday's Portuguese newspapers already suggested this idea.

A Bola placed a photo of the world's best player on the front page with the headline: "Ronaldo wants to leave Spain." The article itself stated that he had already notified the Real Madrid president about this, and that the decision was not subject to revision. Thus, he expects to avoid punishment. Or…

Transfer News Live (@DeadlineDayLive) June 16, 2017

If we develop the theme of conspiracy theories, perhaps this is how the author of the double in the Champions League final gives Perez an ultimatum: the club pays for me and guarantees my freedom, or I leave. Although it is far from a fact that, even after paying the required amount, Real will keep the player - money is money, and the impending prison sentence is a completely different story, even if most experts predict the Messi scenario. However, it seems that Cristiano himself is not very worried about the accusations.

To be honest, I take this absolutely calmly,” he said before the Champions League final in an interview with El Chiringuito. - I know that the situation can be resolved with the help of competent decisions. So I'm completely fine - I say this sincerely, looking straight into your camera. When you do everything well, it is quite possible to remain relaxed in difficult moments. And I assure you, no matter what happens, I always sleep soundly at night. Always.

Real Madrid naturally supported their player, releasing a statement: "We are absolutely confident that Ronaldo will prove his innocence during this trial." The only question is whether Cristiano himself, who is at the peak of his form and showing the best football of his career, wants to prove something to someone. All he needs to do is shave the number five on his head and focus on the Confederations Cup. The next trophy will only strengthen his position and allow him to silently observe the development of the situation. There are already reports that the Madrid team will make every effort and pull all the levers to keep their leader. But at the same time, information appeared that

Today, the Portuguese publication Record broke the news - Cristiano Ronaldo has finally decided to leave Real Madrid!

Despite the fact that rumors about Ronaldo's departure from Real Madrid arise every summer before the opening of the transfer window, and are often associated with the desire of Cristiano and his agent to bargain with the management of Madrid about increasing the player's salary, this time the news of the star player's departure is taken seriously. Here, the public statements of Krish himself play a role, as well as many factors pushing the Portuguese to change the situation - from the scandalous story with the Spanish tax authorities to satiety with trophies and the desire to win them elsewhere.

If there are rumors about a departure, then there must be rumors about the player's next club. They are available in huge quantities. Bookmakers are also closely monitoring the situation and are already offering their own options for places where Ronaldo will move after Real Madrid and the corresponding odds for one or another option.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the line of the 1XBet office, where you can bet on Ronaldo’s future today, by registering using this link .

So what do bookmakers think about where Ronaldo will play next season?

Will remain in Real Madrid. You can bet on this option for odds of 1.40. That is, this is the most realistic option for Ronaldo, according to bookmakers, although the odds of 1.40 are not at all “certain”, and unless you bet a large amount on this, you won’t be able to win a lot of money. But if you are sure that Ronaldo is simply bargaining with Florentino Perez and in the end is not going to go anywhere, feel free to load on this odds before it falls even lower!

Moves to Manchester United. You can bet at odds of 3.78 that Cristiano will return to the club for which he played before Real Madrid and to which, as Cristiano himself admits, still belongs a piece of his heart. Not weak, right?

Goes to PSG. They also give an excellent odds for this - 3.85. And what? Ronaldo loves Paris, is well acquainted with PSG President Nasser Al-Khelaifi, and rumors have repeatedly linked Cristiano's future with PSG. They say that Ronaldo may go to Paris, and Neymar will go to Madrid. It will be a huge deal, and you might win some money from your share of it. Or “a lot” - here everything depends on the bet amount.

Will move to one of the MLS clubs (any). You can bet on this for odds of 15.00. On the one hand, it’s an incredible option, and the coefficient is appropriate. But why not? Ronaldo is not getting any younger, he wants to earn money for his old age, and the Portuguese really likes the USA, besides, he has real estate there and many friends. Sooner or later Ronaldo will play in the States, the only question is will it happen this summer?

He will move to one of the Chinese clubs. You can bet on this at odds of 21.00. It seems like an unrealistic option, but we all borrow, just as the Chinese know how to convince with money. Not even that - with money!

Moves to Manchester City. Bookmakers are also considering Manchester Citizens as one of the clubs Ronaldo will move to after Real Madrid. You can bet on this at odds of 23.00. If you believe that Guardiola can persuade the sheikhs to buy him a Portuguese, run to the office and load up the loot!

Moves to Wolverhampton. The odds for this are 81.00. It would seem, what the hell is going on and why will Ronaldo move to Wolverhampton, which only returned to the Premier League this year? In fact, the option is not the most fabulous, because Ronaldo’s agent and close friend Jorge Mendes are directly related to this English club, and in theory he could convince his friend to help him in PR for Wolves and play for them for a season or two.

Will move to Peksyut. The coefficient is 352. Most of you, we suspect, have no idea about the existence of such a club. And he is in Finland, and recently the head of this club jokingly said that he would compete for Ronaldo in the summer. So the bookmakers decided to make a joke. But if you have a little extra money, you can, of course, take a chance and believe that Cristiano Ronaldo will also have a great sense of humor.

We remind you that you can bet on all these options for Ronaldo’s future at the 1XBet office. Register using the link and make money on the future of your idol.

Ronaldo will leave Real Madrid. Why does this seem more and more true?

Match TV talks about a new scandal surrounding the best player in the world.

What's happened

The Lisbon publication A Bola published a story on Friday with the unequivocal headline: “Ronaldo wants to leave Spain.” The article came out three days after Spanish prosecutors filed a lawsuit against Cristiano over tax evasion. From 2011 to 2014, Ronaldo evaded taxes totaling 14.7 million euros (1.4+1.7++3.2+8.5 million - chronology by year). The statement from the prosecutor's office alleges that the player used a structure created in 2010 to hide real income from the sale of image rights.

The newspaper writes that the Portuguese is outraged by the accusations and has already informed the Real Madrid president of his “irresistible” desire to leave.

What's wrong with Ronaldo's taxes?

The corresponding law in Spain was adopted more than ten years ago. According to it, each player must pay 15 percent of the income received from the use of rights to his image by other companies. This matter is quite complex from a procedural point of view, so football players often resort to the services of special organizations that monitor this activity. If the player “forgets” about the tax, the so-called PAYE (The Pay As You Earn) is paid, withholding tax on income payments to employees. Simply put, collection through payroll deductions.

The fundamental disagreement between the fiscal authorities and the player is that the state believes that the same structure was created five years ago to hide taxes, and not for tax optimization. Allegedly, thanks to Mendes’ connections, Ronaldo saved more than 75 million euros by concluding advertising contracts through intermediaries and offshore companies.

What Cristiano says

Representatives of the company Gestifute, which manages Cristiano's affairs, released the following statement on Saturday: “The footballer did not evade paying taxes. He did not hide income from the tax authorities and did not try to deceive the state.”

The Portuguese TV channel SIC Noticias invited one of Ronaldo's lawyers on air to comment on the situation. “There was no hidden income in the declaration. Apparently in Spain some criteria are not taken into account. But there is not a single law that Ronaldo violated,” the lawyer said.

Ronaldo himself, in a conversation with a journalist from the Deportes Cuatro channel, said the phrase “My conscience is clear.” And later he posted a photo on Instagram, captioning it: “Sometimes the best answer is silence.”


What they say at Real Madrid

The following statement appeared on the official website of the Madrid club: Real Madrid expresses its full support to our football player Cristiano Ronaldo, who has always acted within the framework of tax legislation. Cristiano Ronaldo has always complied with his tax obligations in full since his move to Real Madrid in 2009. Real Madrid are fully confident that Cristiano Ronaldo will prove his innocence. "Real Madrid hopes that a fair verdict will be reached as soon as possible."

At the same time, Real allegedly also asked the media not to publish photos of Ronaldo in the club uniform in news related to tax evasion. At least this is what the Spanish El Confidencial wrote about.

What they write in Spain

The usual Madrid press - Marca and AS - approach the issues of scandals in Real Madrid very carefully. However, there were no denials from the largest publications in Spain.

Moreover, according to Marca, Ronaldo, being with the national team, told his national team mates that he would change teams: “I am leaving Real Madrid, I have decided so. There is no turning back."

In turn, AS clarified that Cristiano made the decision to leave Real back in April, and did not make the matter public so that the decisive matches of the club season would take place in a normal environment (the last rounds of the example and the Champions League playoffs). Ronaldo allegedly informed his agent Jorge Mendes about his decision, who convinced the footballer not to rush into making this story public.

AS editor-in-chief Alfredo Relaño wrote a column “Spanish tax authorities are killing football”, in which he did not name a single name (with the exception of league president Javier Tebas), but the general tone is this: proceedings against individual players are a new line in the policy of the fiscal authorities, and It is worth waiting for a number of such cases to appear.

What does this have to do with the Messi case?

Ronaldo’s lawyer, already mentioned above, believes that there is nothing in common. “Messi and some other players did not declare anything. Ronaldo, before the investigation suddenly began, declared everything that was necessary,” the lawyer said.

The press writes that Cristiano is very dissatisfied with the outcome that the Messi case received. Let us remind you that Lionel was given a suspended sentence of 21 months in prison for tax evasion. Despite all the menacing wording, Leo continues to play and feels very good at Barcelona, ​​which is preparing a new contract for him.

What's happening now

Ronaldo is training with the national team in Kazan and is waiting for the start of the Confederations Cup. Real Madrid representatives and agents are silent. Partners - in the club and national team - express words of support.

According to the Spanish radio station Cadena Cope, Jorge Mendes notified the management of Madrid about offers to his agent from English, French and Chinese clubs. AS writes that a certain Chinese club is offering Real Madrid 200 million, and the footballer himself is being offered a salary of 120 million euros.

A Bola, who stirred up the mess, names the amount at 180 million euros, and in addition to Manchester United and PSG, Monaco is a contender for the disgraced Cristiano.

Germany reacted most vigorously to the story. Hertha Twitter invited Ronaldo to the club, addressing the player directly: “There is no money, but this is a galactic challenge, and Berlin will love you like a son. Interested, Cristiano?”

But only two European clubs are able to buy him.


Two months ago, an information bomb exploded in Spain - on the air of El Chiringuito de Jugones, a popular Spanish sports program on the Mega channel, journalist Edu Aguirre said: “Cristiano Ronaldo intends to leave Madrid on June 30, 2018, because he does not feel adequate support from the club’s management ". Aguirre in Spain enjoys a reputation as a person who has a close and trusting relationship with Ronaldo, who often covers events related to the football and non-football life of Los Blancos, so his Spanish colleagues, in a conversation with SE, expressed confidence that whatever the purpose of this information, Aguirre received it directly from the Portuguese. Which means it deserves attention.

A revealing moment - Ronaldo greets Edu Aguirre in the crowd of journalists and exchanges a few phrases with him


When making the statement, Aguirre said in the second sentence: “The reason is not money,” and thereby only drew increased attention to the money issue. And if then, in November, it was still possible to consider some other reasons why Ronaldo wanted to leave Madrid, then already in December the Portuguese himself dotted all the i’s. “Ronaldo wants more” - the Spanish Marca came out with this “cap” after Real Madrid’s victory at the Club World Cup, explaining in the subtitle that we are talking about the desired salary increase, which would bring him closer to and.

When you look at the salaries of the Argentinean and the Brazilian, you immediately understand what upsets Cristiano so much. His fabulous Madrid fee - 21 million euros per year (excluding bonuses) - seems to disappear into thin air against the background of the 36 million that Neymar earns in Paris, and the 50 million that Leo is entitled to under his new contract. I wonder what the planet's leading perfectionist, who recently received his fourth Ballon d'Or in five years, was thinking when he calculated that he receives approximately 40% of Messi's annual income and Ney's 60%? Consider yourself a beggar?

Let's not forget that Ronaldo is still under the guillotine of a lawsuit from the Spanish Tax Service, which demands the return of 14.7 million euros of unpaid taxes (with all the fines, delays and commissions, there will most likely be 20 million), but The Portuguese also had his fourth child in the fall - after all, he has to feed his family! Therefore, the fact that Cristiano in November decided not to renegotiate the terms of the new contract that he signed with Real in 2016 may mean that he was simply not satisfied with the amount indicated in the “salary” column. And having conveyed the big news to Aguirre, Ronaldo made it public in order to increase pressure on the management of the Royal Club. After all, as the Portuguese is sure, “the best is the best.”


According to several Spanish and Portuguese sources, Ronaldo was most offended by the fact that he did not keep his word. There was an agreement between the football player and the president - the contract, which the Portuguese extended at the end of 2016, would be re-signed on improved financial terms after the end of the 2016/17 season in case of final success. It is difficult to deny the incredible success of last season for Real Madrid - the Spanish championship, the “eared” Cup in the Champions League with Cristiano’s double in the final against (4:1).

The Portuguese rightly expected a salary increase, but Perez “forgot” about the agreement. All the hints, direct and indirect, did not bring results - and Ronaldo was indignant. Perez responded in kind - today news emerged that the president of Los Blancos gave the player and his agent Jorge Mendes carte blanche to find a new club. And Marca published a note, the main idea of ​​which is that at such a difficult moment for the club it is not the time to think about money, Krish.

In fact, everything is very simple - next month the Portuguese will turn 33 years old, and Perez, as an experienced businessman, sees less and less sense in additional investments in an inexorably aging asset.


However, despite his age, Transfermarkt.de right now estimates Ronaldo's value at €120 million. Of course, the potential buyer will have to shell out a lot more - after all, the player will be followed by endless sponsorship and advertising contracts, which over time will have a beneficial effect on the club’s coffers. Last summer, Forbes tried to imagine how much the Portuguese might actually be worth - it turned out to be about 400 million. And this is only the amount that Perez will ask for.

Add to this a salary of 30-35 million a year (Cristiano will not agree to a reduction, but most likely he will not be able to bargain for more than this), a contract for 3-4 years (the football player is unlikely to agree to a shorter period), plus bonuses and lifting... In general, there is no need to wait for a queue of people wanting to invite Ronaldo - perhaps only two clubs in the world have 600-700 million in relatively free money now.

1. . The option with the Parisians has been discussed in the press for some time. Firstly, the presidents of the two clubs have friendly relations. Secondly, people in Paris really want to see Ronaldo. Thirdly, Madrid really wants to see Neymar. An ideal coincidence - an exchange of players is more than possible, but it’s difficult to say anything about additional financial conditions. One thing is clear - the Qatari owners of the Parisian club will find money for Cristiano’s increased salary.

2. . The footballer himself has repeatedly mentioned his desire to return to the English club. Ronaldo will be welcome in Manchester, and if he retains his coaching post, there will be a legendary Portuguese reunion. Their tandem once made a great noise in Madrid.


Apparently, Perez will not increase Ronaldo's salary, and he will remain at Real Madrid on the same terms. Everything, of course, can change - the football world is unpredictable. But there is a high probability that in the summer, after the World Cup, Cristiano will actually change the club. Whatever choice he makes, Real Madrid will quickly cope with his loss. The Madrid throne cannot be called a holy place, but it certainly won’t be empty for long.

Soccer.ru is watching how Cristiano's upcoming departure from Madrid is becoming more detailed. Ronaldo made his decision before the Champions League final, after which he threw out a bold hint to the masses.

Real Madrid and Ronaldo got the best out of each other...

Nine years of cooperation between Ronaldo and Real Madrid turned out to be super beneficial for both parties. Madrid have acquired a scoring machine, without which they likely would not have won four Champions League titles in five years. Cristiano became the top scorer in each winning draw, scoring in two out of four finals. And if the Portuguese’s partners believe that he played his last match for Real, look at perhaps the final figures of his statistics: 450 goals in 438 matches for the Royal Club. It's mind boggling! This is what Ronaldo gave to Madrid. Los Blancos and Cristiano won 15 team trophies together; strong partners and won cups allowed the Portuguese to break records and take individual awards, including the Ballon d'Or. Just as Real Madrid would not have won four Champions Leagues without Ronaldo, Ronaldo would not have won four Ballon d'Ors without Real Madrid. There are no losers in this relationship.

...except money

Dissatisfaction with the current terms of the contract and Real's offer provokes Cristiano's departure into the sunset, where he is promised a salary worthy of his status, class and scale of personality. Ronaldo has reason to be offended if Messi and Neymar get more. The Portuguese has won more than these guys in recent years - both Champions Cups and Ballons d'Or, in addition, he remains a very valuable image unit for his club, so if Real doesn't want to pay, there will be others who want it. And Cristiano is right. Another question is that Madrid wants to end its relationship with Ronaldo in an ideal way for itself - by selling the Portuguese or exchanging for him a certain footballer who they might not let go for money alone. Krish wants a generous new contract, and Perez expects to receive some form of royal compensation for a player whose stay at the Santiago Bernabeu is coming to an end. The aspirations, in general, coincide, but the cunning Don Florentino, of course, will never say in plain text that Real wants to part with Ronaldo - this is against the rules of the game.

Cristiano miscalculated his words about leaving

This song is good, start over! Ronaldo has already “left” Real Madrid twice: he dropped hints, celebrated goals with a sour expression and made it clear that his pride was hurt. It happened in 2013 and 2016, and even the scenarios were the same: the obligatory news about Ronaldo’s desire to move to Manchester United, where he was doing so well, reports that the Portuguese had already said something interesting about his future. But in both cases, by the fall, Real managed to come to an agreement with their leader, and Cristiano smiled broadly in joint photos with Florentino Perez during the ceremonies for signing a new contract. Probably, Cristiano was counting on a similar effect this time, because the desire to leave Real, which is now at its peak, is difficult to believe. Well, for example, this will actually be a refusal of another (or more?) Ballon d'Or, and Ronaldo is greedy to the point of impossibility. You can’t accelerate like that in PSG or Mourinho’s team. But here’s the problem: this time Madrid is not going to swallow the hook of Mendes and Ronaldo, because they themselves are aiming for separation.

Ronaldo starts to interfere with Real Madrid

Footballers of this level of talent and sense of self-importance are only useful when they are at their peak, but when performance drops and HR remains the same, disaster awaits. This was also observed in segments last season; in the first half, Ronaldo was in terrible shape, his shots on goal were no better than Kerzhakov’s at Euro 2012, and Real suffered because of this. When you play on the same team as Cristiano, you invariably play for Cristiano, and he won’t hesitate to make extra demands, but when the hero gets off on the wrong foot, all sorts of absurdities and disgusting results happen. Ronaldo has been working on his form for a long time with a personal fitness trainer, which allows him to vary his peaks depending on his priorities.

And due to age, periods of decline become longer. In the season that ended, Ronaldo failed in the fall, started scoring at the beginning of the new year and accelerated to maximum speed in the spring. But the Portuguese was hardly seen in the Champions League final. I don’t rule out that by May 26th I’ve already reached the peak of my form for the World Championships. Try to win the Spanish championship here, when the leader lives according to the “cup” schedule. And when Ronaldo is not well, you can’t put him on the bench either, he will be terrible, but he will remain on the field. “Everything for Real Madrid here turns into “Everything for Ronaldo.” The Royal Club would be right to refuse such happiness, now is the time.

Will he leave or stay? That's the question

To bring the matter to completion, the parties must show firmness of conviction. Ronaldo - leave, Real - sell. Regarding the club, there are, perhaps, even fewer doubts, so Zidane left, as they say in Spain, including because of different views with Perez on the fate of the Portuguese: Zizou wanted Cristiano to receive a new contract, and the president expects to carry out a mind-blowing castling with PSG , build a new team around Neymar. Don Florentino has not made any noise in the transfer market for a long time. His time has come. But Ronaldo himself at some point may begin to put out the burning bridges, because in sporting terms leaving Real Madrid does not make him happy. Let's stock up on popcorn and wait for new episodes of the most important transfer saga of this summer.