Healthy running technique: uniform and long running. Healthy running and training methods Basics of healthy running methods

Health running training is aimed primarily at developing endurance. This motor quality is largely determined by a person’s aerobic capabilities.

The main way to increase endurance when doing recreational running is to use the so-called uniform method, i.e. covering the entire distance at a constant speed at a uniform pace. Even running lasting 20-30 minutes (with a pulse no higher than 120-130 beats/min) the main training tool for beginner runners. Long on a relatively flat route from 60 to 120 minutes at a heart rate of 132-144 beats/min (22-24 beats per 10 s) is practiced by well-trained runners, as a rule, once a week (usually on Sunday).

In addition to the uniform method, you can also use the variable method in two versions: alternating short sections of walking and running at a distance of 1600-3200 m at a heart rate of 120-132 beats/min (this option is more often used by beginner runners for whom continuous running is difficult); cross-country running from 30 to 90 minutes at a heart rate of 132-144 beats/min (usually used by preparatory athletes once a week).

It should be noted that the running distance cannot be the same for everyone: it is selected in such a way that the heart rate does not exceed the recommended value. Otherwise, you need to reduce the running segments, slow down the pace or increase the duration of the walk.

. In cyclic exercises, physical activity is usually characterized by the following components: duration and intensity of exercises, duration and nature of rest between exercises, number of repetitions of exercises. By changing individual components and using various combinations of them, you can vary physical activity (reduce or increase). In recreational running, it is usually regulated either by volume (measured in km) or intensity (as a % of maximum).

According to American professor Cooper from the Dallas Aerobics Center, the minimum volume of load (threshold load) required to increase functional capabilities in men is about 15 km of slow running per week (three workouts of 30 minutes each). This gives (according to Cooper's system) 30 points. For women, the minimum dose of running is 12 km per week (24 points). For beginners, a 3-kilometer run for 20 minutes 3 times a week is recommended. A similar amount of load for beginners is considered optimal in the GDR. Running 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes, according to most researchers, can reduce the main risk factors that contribute to the development of heart and vascular diseases.

There is no consensus regarding the maximum permissible volume of loads in recreational running. Thus, Cooper notes that if you run more than 40 miles (about 65 km) a week, then injuries to the musculoskeletal system become more frequent and overstrain of the cardiovascular system occurs. In women, when the weekly volume increases beyond 30-50 miles (about 48-80 km), menstrual irregularities may occur.

Our 15 years of experience shows that the optimal load for men 30-40 years old with 1-3 years of training experience is 20 km per week, and for women - 15-20 km. Only club veterans with many years of experience had more significant workloads.

It is known that there is a linear relationship between exercise intensity, oxygen consumption and heart rate. There are special tables that present the relationship between aerobic performance (as a percentage of VO2max) and heart rate.

According to our data, for a practically healthy 40-year-old man who has started recreational jogging for the first time, the intensity of the load should not exceed 50-60% of MOC. This corresponds to a heart rate not exceeding 120-136 beats/min.

To roughly calculate the optimal heart rate, various formulas can also be used that reflect the relationship between heart rate and MOC level. The generally accepted formula was proposed by Holman more than 20 years ago, according to which the optimal heart rate for beginners is 180 beats per minute minus age in years. So, for example, for a 40-year-old man at the beginning of training, the optimal heart rate is on average 140 beats/min (180-40), which approximately corresponds to 60% of MOC.

For well-trained runners training with a heart rate less than 130 beats/min is not effective enough. This is due to the fact that the highest cardiac output (the amount of blood pushed out by the heart in one contraction) is observed when the heart rate is at least 130 beats/min. That is why a well-known specialist in the field of recreational running, professor of medicine from the GDR 3. Israel offers a different formula for them: heart rate = 170-0.5 age. So, the heart rate for a 40-year-old runner is 150 beats/min (170-20).

It should be noted that all these formulas are indicative in nature and can only be used taking into account the individual health characteristics of those involved.

For example, for people with abnormalities in the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as for the elderly, fast running and running at a heart rate of no higher than 100-120 beats/min can be recommended as a means of increasing physical fitness.

To accurately determine your heart rate, you need to count your heart rate in the first 10 seconds after stopping fast walking and running, since the heart rate during this period of time will coincide with the result during work.

Another indicator of intensity can be breathing data. Thus, according to our observations, during exercises on a bicycle ergometer, the moment of transition from breathing through the nose to a more intensified, oral-nasal breathing corresponds to a heart rate of 130-160 beats/min.

Consultation for teachers on the topic: “Methodology for recreational running for preschoolers”

Even the thinkers of Ancient Greece said:

“If you want to be healthy, run!

If you want to be beautiful, run!

If you want to be smart, run!”

And for a child, running is a natural movement, characteristic of him from an early age. When running, almost all muscle groups work, which improves the functioning of the heart, respiratory system, and internal organs.

What is health running?

This is a long run at a slow pace. Children have a pulse of approximately 140-160 beats per minute, while children 5-6 years old have a pulse of 150-170 beats per minute. The initial duration of running should be determined together with a preschool doctor, and an individual approach to children is also necessary. It is necessary to measure the length of the treadmill not only by the number of meters, but also by the time spent running one lap at a slow pace, because The number of laps run makes it easier for the teacher to navigate.

Every two weeks, the duration of the run increases by 15 seconds. But periodic “stops” are possible (unstable weather, for example in November, and in connection with this, it is difficult for the child to adapt to its constant changes; or it is an ARVI epidemic, quarantine, etc. reasons)

In summer, the running duration does not increase.

As children move to the next age group, the initial running duration for them is set according to April-May data.

In the school preparatory group, children run for 7-12 minutes every day.


Warm-up is necessary in order to warm up the muscles, make the joints more mobile, and adjust the child psychologically. From the porch, on the go, you can do exercises for various muscle groups with your children - squats and different types of walking. The warm-up ends with running in place.

(so that the children do not “take off” from their place, but run at the right pace), performing exercises during the warm-up. Children move forward in a “flock”. You should NOT line them up one after the other, because... Each child has their own individual running pace. They start pushing each other, stepping on each other’s heels, some lag behind, and then rush to catch up. Irrhythmic, intermittent running does not provide any health benefits.

The teacher runs the entire distance with the children. She monitors each child individually and offers to step away from the race and rest. While running, the teacher is sometimes on the side of the children, sometimes in front, sometimes behind, encouraging the children. Gradually, the children begin to line up one after another, stretching out in a chain, and run evenly. The run ends with an even greater slowdown and a transition to walking with breathing exercises, then relaxation and the children rest for a while. The duration of rest depends on how quickly the children’s pulse returns to normal (from 1 to several minutes). Here, a consultation with a pediatrician is also necessary.

Children's clothing should be comfortable, not restrict movement, and sports shoes without heels. It is better not to practice barefoot running, because... children knock their fingers off (even on a dirt path).


  1. Running should be fun for children;
  2. Run with children, but at a pace intended for children;
  3. Run every day;
  4. The longer the running distance, the shorter the warm-up;
  5. After running, you need to relax.

It is important to remember that the initial running duration is determined for each child individually. Children who come back after an illness are asked to walk a few laps, run a shorter distance, or not run at all, but just take a walk instead of running. The child’s mood is also taken into account. Any coercion is strictly prohibited!

Running during physical exercise and gymnastics after sleep may be somewhat shorter. In winter, running is sometimes replaced by walking, and in summer by cycling.

You can run on an asphalt path or on a lawn. It is necessary to ensure that there are no potholes, debris, stones, etc.

Recreational running should be carried out with a small subgroup of children (5-7 people), taking into account the level of physical fitness of the child.

The method of recreational running must correspond to the functional capabilities of the child’s body. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out health jogging at least 2 times a week on days when there are no physical exercises during the morning walk. In the warm season they are carried out at the very beginning of the walk, and in the cold season - at the end of it.

When conducting recreational running, an individually differentiated approach should be taken. For children 5-6 years old with a high and average level of activity, I suggest running two laps (on average 500 meters), for sedentary children - one lap. Children 6-7 years old with high levels of activity run on average 3-4 laps, and those with low activity levels run 2 laps.

Healthy running ends with a gradual slowdown of breathing exercises, after which standing exercises are offered to relax the muscles.

While running, it is important for the teacher to remember:

  • When choosing a running distance, it is important to take into account the health status and level of physical activity of children;
  • All running distances must be marked (the length of a semicircle and one circle);
  • Running should give children “muscular joy” and pleasure;
  • It is necessary to develop in children a sense of speed in running, a certain pace;
  • After a healthy run, the teacher should not forget to use exercises to relax muscles and restore breathing;
  • In the winter season, it is advisable not to stop jogging, but at the same time take into account children’s clothing and the length of the distances, which are significantly reduced (from 250 to 500 meters).

When running, it is necessary to ensure that children breathe through their nose.

The popularity of healthy running in the world is steadily growing, but many, including scientists, still wonder how good regular jogging is for health. It is better not to engage in speculation, but to turn to a competent source... This could be a person who has been running systematically for more than 40 years and, despite his advanced age, participates in international marathons. We are talking about the oldest Belarusian hydrogeologist of St. Petersburg origin, the author of the book “Health running at any age. Tested on myself” by Roman Stankevich.

Rule No. 1 – do no harm!

Slow, amateur jogging or jogging is considered healthy. Its goal is to maintain and improve health, prolong the youth of the body, increase efficiency and harmonize the state of mind. This type of running is recommended primarily for middle-aged and older people – from 30 to 80 years old. In order for physical activity to give a positive result, Stankevich advises adhering to the rule of the four “p”s:

  • consistency – you need to run regularly every other day at a speed of 6–8 km/h;
  • consistency – after jogging, a break of a day is necessary for the body to fully recover;
  • gradualism - you need to start with a 20-minute jog, gradually bringing it up to an hour;
  • feasibility - the load must correspond to age and health status.

It is worth mentioning separately about monitoring your condition. Pain in the heart, dizziness, tingling in the side - signals that you are running incorrectly. If you feel one of these symptoms during your workout, stop and take a breath. Find your pulse on your wrist and count the number of beats per minute.

During aerobic exercise, the heart rate should not exceed:

  • at 30 years old – 162 beats/min;
  • at 40 years old – 157 beats/min;
  • at 50 years old – 152 beats/min;
  • at 60 years old – 147 beats/min;
  • at 70 years old – 142 beats/min;
  • at 80 years old – 137 beats/min.

Why do I get stabbing pain in my side while running? Many therapists explain this by increased blood flow to the abdominal organs. If colitis is on the right, the liver suffers, on the left – the spleen. To prevent pain from appearing in the future, do not run without warming up and on a full stomach. While jogging, slow down the pace, breathe more evenly, don’t talk, and maintain correct posture.

Health-improving running and walking are contraindicated if:

  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries and aorta of the heart;
  • bronchial asthma of the second stage;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of the legs;
  • hypertension of the second or more stages;
  • stroke or heart attack suffered less than a year ago;
  • uncompensated forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • exacerbation of duodenal and gastric ulcers;
  • obesity of the last stage, when excess weight is more than 100%;
  • acute respiratory infections, sore throat, influenza in the acute phase;
  • rheumatism of moderate and maximum activity;
  • chronic lung diseases at the acute stage;
  • liver cirrhosis, gallstone disease.

Jogging or jogging: technique

Many novice runners, faced with shortness of breath, lower back pain and aching pain in the leg muscles, give up playing sports. As Stankevich admits, the same thing happened to him. At the very beginning of his sports biography, the marathon runner ran races every day. After 1.5 weeks, total fatigue took its toll and I had to stop.

Stankevich returned to training after 1.5 months, this time strictly following the methodology. Meticulous adherence to technique plays a huge role when performing exercises. The safety of joints and ligaments, as well as the efficiency of the load, depend on the correct placement of the feet and the choice of step length.

The technique of recreational running is as follows.

  • During movement, the inner edges of the feet are in one straight line. The socks are slightly turned outward.
  • For amateur runners, the easiest way to place your foot on the ground is from heel to toe. It is important to do this by rolling softly, and not by hitting the ground flat.
  • Vertical vibrations during running should be minimal.
  • The legs move due to the work of the hips and knees, and the legs remain relaxed during the flight phase.
  • When moving the lower limb forward, you need to straighten the knee smoothly. Otherwise, the straightened leg bears the weight of the entire body, and this is a huge load on the joints.
  • There is no need to raise your knees high or sway from side to side with your hips or body.
  • Steps should not be too long or short. You need to move easily, silently.
  • The body is held motionless relative to the vertical axis. It can be tilted forward, but slightly - 5-7 degrees.
  • The arms are bent at a right angle, the hands are slightly squeezed. There is no need to strain your upper limbs.
  • When running, it is correct to look 30–35 meters ahead, and not at your feet. Shoulders and neck should be relaxed.

The benefits of running for health and beauty

When starting classes, it is important to choose the right motivation. You can consider running as a means of promoting health. It has been proven that exercise three times a week increases the lumen of the coronary vessels, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack, and diabetes. Physically active people have strong immune systems.

Thanks to jogging, metabolism and brain function improve, and the level of bad cholesterol decreases. It is a remedy for chronic fatigue, hypotension, VSD. Recent studies show that recreational jogging, on average, extends life by 5–7 years.

Another reason to start running systematically is the need to normalize body weight and improve your figure. Energy expenditure during slow running is 600 calories per hour, that is, monthly weight loss averages 1 kg. This is without nutritional correction. If you reduce the caloric content of your diet, improvements in appearance will become noticeable after 2-3 months.

At the same time, if you are severely obese, you cannot start playing sports with running. American doctor Kenneth Cooper advised people whose weight exceeds the norm by 20 kg to prepare the body for the stress of healthy walking. They need to wisely limit their diet by reducing their intake of fats and carbohydrates.

After a couple of months of walking, you can move on to jogging, while observing a number of precautions.

  • Do not run on asphalt - only on soft ground. Choose park alleys or stadium paths.
  • The lifting of the legs while running should be minimal, the step length should be 1.5–2 feet.
  • Land on your entire foot. Run in running shoes with arch support and thick, resilient soles.
  • During the first months, you should train no more than 20–30 minutes. Alternate running with walking.
  • In addition to jogging, perform a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot and ankle.

The benefits of slow running and equipment

Those who are involved in sports do not need any incentives. For them, running is a value in itself, bringing freedom, pleasure and harmony. Scientists attribute the euphoria that engulfs runners to the release of endorphins in the body. However, the benefits of recreational running are not limited to just the intoxicating feeling. While jogging, a person concentrates on internal experiences, as if renouncing the outside world. Slow rhythmic movements, especially to music, have a calming effect and put you in a working mood.

Benefits of health running:

  • the opportunity to study at any time of the year;
  • You can run both outdoors and indoors – on a treadmill;
  • no coaching instructions or special physical training are needed;
  • running load is easy to dose according to body constitution, capabilities, age, gender;
  • control during the training process can be exercised by the runner himself;
  • running is an important component of all health programs.

The topic of running clothing deserves special consideration. In summer, you can exercise in a cotton T-shirt or tank top, comfortable shorts or leggings. For the off-season, a waterproof tracksuit is suitable. In winter, you need to dress according to the “cabbage” principle: the first layer is moisture-wicking thermal underwear, the second is a warm fleece suit or sweatshirt. Outerwear – windproof and water-repellent jacket with pants. In addition, you need woolen mittens, a balaclava or hat, and ski goggles. You need to run in special sneakers or winter sports boots. Socks can be cotton or semi-synthetic.

Be healthy and do not deny yourself physical activity!

In order to choose the right method for practicing recreational running, you can divide everyone who wants to do it into 3 groups.

Group I - people with poor health and excess weight, 15-20 kg more than normal.

Group II - practically healthy people who have never played sports before.

Group III - healthy people (young and middle-aged) who have previously been involved in sports and are well prepared.

It is best to regulate the running load based on how you feel and your pulse, which is calculated immediately after running in 15 seconds and multiplied by 4. The pulse should be 115-120 beats/min. Gradually, the pulse can reach 130 beats/min. The duration of one lesson is from 10 to 40 minutes. After 6 months of such exercises, you can move on to continuous running, reaching a duration of up to 20 - 25 minutes by the end of the year. It is better to go jogging in the morning. You can take it in the evening, 4 hours before bedtime. The first three months you need to run every 2 days. The next 3 months - every other day, and then daily.

The main condition for healthy running should be continuity of exercise, gradual increase in load and good health, sleep, and performance.

For the second group, we can recommend continuous running for the first 3 months every other day for 15-20 minutes at a speed of 6.5 - 6 minutes per 1 km. In the future, you can run daily from 20 to 30 - 40 minutes at a speed of 6 - 5.5 minutes per 1 km. In addition to daily running, you can do your favorite types of exercise 2 times a week for 1 - 1.5 hours (biking, skiing, swimming, games). The pulse when running can reach 140-150 beats/min.

The third group of trainees most often conducts organized classes in running clubs according to a training program for runs of 10, 15, 20, 30 km and more. The goal of running the specified distances is not to achieve record results, but only to participate in cross-country races and runs.

Those involved in recreational jogging should regularly keep a diary in which they record the work done, heart rate (in the morning) for 1 minute, sleep, well-being, performance, etc. .

It is best to run in the park or at the nearest stadium. It is better to choose soft soil. Running is of great benefit if it is combined with a proper diet and conditioning of the body.

In the summer you can run in shorts and a T-shirt or a thin training suit, lightweight sneakers (sneakers). A sports suit for winter activities should be warm and protect from the cold wind. For example: tracksuit, bologna jacket, warm hat, mittens. You should wear warm socks and sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers) on your feet.

Methodology for conducting recreational running classes in preschool institutions

Health running with preschool children should be carried out in small subgroups - 5-7 people, taking into account the level of physical fitness of each child.

The method of recreational running must correspond to the functional capabilities of the child’s body. Therefore, health jogging should be carried out at least twice a week on days when there is no physical activity during the morning walk. In the warm season they are carried out at the very beginning of the walk, and in the cold season - at the end of it.

When conducting recreational running, an individually differentiated approach should be taken. Children 5-6 years old with a high and average level of activity are asked to run two laps (on average 500 meters), sedentary children - one lap. Children 6-7 years old with high levels of activity run on average 3-4 laps, and sedentary children 2 laps.

Health running ends with a gradual slowdown in pace and a transition to normal walking with breathing exercises, after which it is necessary to do standing exercises to relax the muscles.

While running, it is important for the teacher to remember:

When choosing a running distance, it is important to take into account the health status and level of physical activity of children.

All running distances must be marked (the length of a semicircle and one circle).

Running should be fun for children.

It is necessary to develop in children a sense of speed in running, a certain pace.

After a healthy run, the teacher should not forget to use exercises to relax muscles and restore breathing.

In the winter season, it is advisable not to stop jogging, but at the same time take into account children’s clothing and the length of the distances, which are significantly reduced (from 250 to 500 meters).

Methodology for conducting recreational running classes with schoolchildren

It often happens that the motor activity of 1st and 2nd grade students decreases compared to preschoolers. This happens as a result of the fact that in preschool institutions children were actively involved in physical exercises, including recreational running, but at school, due to lack of time, this issue was missed and everything was reduced to a minimum - physical education classes. This is not enough for children of primary school age, since over time, by high school, schoolchildren begin to lead a generally sedentary lifestyle, which leads to the fact that more and more children have poor health and low physical fitness.

Healthy running should become for schoolchildren one of the main means of preventing various diseases, promoting health, and instilling the need for daily physical exercise.

When conducting classes with schoolchildren, you must remember:

You can run at any time of the day, one hour before meals and two hours after meals.

You should dress according to the weather outside. In spring and autumn in cold, windy, damp weather, wear a windproof suit on top, in summer in hot weather - a training suit or T-shirt and sports shorts; on your feet sneakers or sneakers. In winter, clothing similar to that of a skier: sweater, tracksuit or trousers, windproof sports jacket, knitted hat to cover the ears, and mittens; on his feet are sneakers with woolen socks.

Running training should be regular, especially when the air temperature changes significantly. Regular training helps children adapt well to lower air temperatures and protect themselves from colds.

The number of running workouts per week should range from 4 to 6. The total duration of training (running, walking, general developmental exercises) is from 35 to 60 minutes.

It is better to run in small groups of 3-5 people of approximately the same age, similar abilities and physical fitness.

Running distances are laid out in a grove, along street sidewalks, and best of all, in a park or stadium.

You should not increase your running pace in the first days of training, since a gradual increase in the total running duration is of great importance for the development of endurance.

At the first stages of training (2-3 months), the running duration is 1-4 km at a heart rate of 120-135 beats/min, the next (2-3 months) the distance is 3-5 km at a heart rate of 140-150 beats/min, in subsequent ( 2-3 months) distance length is 5-7 km at heart rate 150-180 beats/min.

The speed and duration of running is determined independently by how you feel. If it’s not difficult to run, it means the speed is optimal and you can run further. You need to jog and walk at a frequency of 100-110 steps per minute.

Physical activity must be monitored by heart rate. Immediately after running, you need to count your heart rate for 10 seconds. If the pulse after running is 25-28 beats in 10 seconds, then the speed and duration of the run are chosen correctly. A pulse of 24 (in 10 seconds) indicates insufficient exercise. The second heart rate count is made 3 minutes after the end of the run. Values ​​of 12-20 beats in 10 seconds indicate good recovery and compliance with the duration and speed of running for the child’s condition.

During training, pain in the muscles, joints, and right hypochondrium may appear. It's not scary, they will disappear over time. But if you experience pain in the heart area, heaviness throughout the body, dizziness and poor health during the day, you need to stop training and consult a doctor.

Only a healthy child can go out for running training. Even if you feel a little unwell (cold, upset stomach or headache), you should wait 1-2 days to find out the cause. If a child is sick, then after recovery a doctor’s permission to continue training is required.

From the first days of recreational running, it is necessary to keep sports diaries and self-control diaries. In them you need to write down a brief content and volume of the training load, and data about your well-being.

Methodology for conducting recreational jogging among people of retirement age

People over the age of 50 generally have low and below average levels of physical fitness. In this regard, they are recommended to engage in recreational jogging using a separate method, which should consist of a lighter load and take into account the age and health status of those involved.

The methodology for conducting recreational jogging among people of retirement age can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage 1 - recreational walking. It differs from the passive walking of pensioners by the active pushing of the foot from the support and greater speed of movement. You need to start with regular walking at your usual pace and gradually increase the speed over several weeks, first to 5, and then to 6 - 6.5 km/h. However, the pace of walking should be such as not to cause any particular difficulty or severe shortness of breath. You can start with 20 minutes and gradually increase the walking time to 40 - 60 minutes 3 - 4 times a week, depending on how you feel. As your training increases, your speed will also imperceptibly increase. The goal of this stage is the ability to cover 5 km in 45 minutes at a heart rate of 110 - 120 beats/min. Depending on your health and preparedness, this may take from several weeks to several months, or even more, to achieve.

Stage 2 - running - walking. If there are no contraindications, you can proceed to the second stage of training, alternating walking with short runs, for example, 20-30 m of running after 100-150 m of walking. The duration of the first classes of this stage is only 20 minutes, not counting the short warm-up. During this time, you need to walk or run at your optimal pace as much as your capabilities allow. In this case, the pulse should not exceed 20 - 22 beats in 10 seconds (120 - 130 beats/min). If your heart rate is greater than this value, you need to reduce the running segments and increase the walking duration, or reduce the running speed, or do both. Gradually, the duration of classes should be increased to 30 minutes. During this time you can do 5-6 short runs. With increasing training, involuntarily, imperceptibly for the runner, the running segments increase, and the walking segments decrease until the running becomes continuous.

Stage 3 - continuous running. After the trainees have learned to run easily and naturally (continuously) for 30 minutes, you can increase the running duration first to 40, then to 50 - 60 minutes with three training sessions per week. The heart rate at this stage can reach 130 - 150 beats/min.

People of retirement age can reach a level of exercise that can ensure an increase in the functional state of the cardiovascular system. And running training at a low and medium pace gives the necessary healing effect to people over 50 years of age.

Healthy running - health benefits

Have you decided to start running, but don't know where to start? In this article you will learn how to start running training, what shoes and clothes are best to use for running, and how to dose the load while running.

Methods for training runners, from sprint to ultra-marathon distances, have long been developed and tested by athletes and coaching staff and have been tested on treadmills from simple school stadiums to Olympic ones.

The question of independent training of people of different sexes and ages, for one reason or another since childhood, has found themselves left behind in the hectic physical education and sports life of their peers, looks completely different. Often associated with illness, excess weight, simple natural laziness, or a number of psychological complexes.

The motivation for doing health-improving jogging can be a number of factors, from the pressing: “tired of going to clinics” or a decision to lose excess weight; before the banal approaching summer swimming season.

Choosing a place

So, we are ripe, where to start? The first thing we have to decide is where to implement our goals. A simple school stadium is best suited for this; you can, of course, opt for a park area or a path near a pond. In any case, the final choice of training location is yours and each option has its pros and cons.

Undoubtedly, you should opt for the stadium: firstly, it is a specialized facility for physical education and sports; secondly, it is convenient to calculate the load in terms of meters and kilometers you run (on average, the length of a school stadium treadmill is two hundred meters, more reliable information can be obtained from a physical education teacher at a given school); thirdly, you avoid meeting with pets - the owners, who are often more busy discussing world problems when they meet, than walking their pets, and a meeting with a playful dog, especially a wrestling breed, is not always predictable; the list of factors in favor of the stadium can be continued further, for example, you avoid meeting with a partying and well-drunk company in the park area, but let’s leave this question to your discretion and move on.

Choose your location carefully

If you have chosen a school stadium, do not rush to the first one you come across; the closer to home, the better. In a modern metropolis, it is enough to walk two or three blocks in any direction and you find yourself in a schoolyard. Therefore, thoroughly examine your neighborhood and try to choose a stadium based on the following parameters: the presence of green spaces around the stadium, preferably coniferous trees; remoteness from a highway with heavy traffic; the absence of nearby enterprises with characteristic emissions of harmful substances and impurities into the atmosphere, as well as boiler houses and wastewater collectors; lack of markets, bazaars, cafes, restaurants, as well as shops actively selling alcohol and tobacco products; it is desirable that the stadium surface (usually asphalt) meets safety standards and is intact without pits, cracks and potholes; if there are gymnastics and exercise equipment around the stadium, this is a huge plus; It is desirable that the sports ground, located in the middle of the sports core, have a fence so that football or basketball
the ball did not end up under your feet while running.

So, based on the above recommendations, you have chosen the area you like and the place for training should give you: a feeling of aesthetic satisfaction; you must breathe fresh air; enjoy direct communication with nature; feel liberated and free; minimize the influence of society on your psychological component.

Dressing correctly

The next question that cannot be avoided is your equipment, i.e. clothes and shoes. You need to dress beautifully, this does not mean bright, catchy and defiant in relation to others, but clothes should be neat, clean, they should not restrict your movements, they should allow the body to breathe and absorb moisture, but you will have to sweat, there’s no way around it , there’s no way around it, clothes shouldn’t be too warm, otherwise you’ll get steamed, but you shouldn’t get hypothermia, in a word, you need to dress according to the season and the weather, and it’s probably best to find a middle ground.

Choosing running shoes

Let's talk about shoes in more detail. Shoes, most likely, it is appropriate to talk about sneakers, should not be selected according to the residual principle. It is advisable to run not in old worn-out sneakers, which you no longer feel sorry for, but in new ones, but already worn and tailored to your feet.

You need to buy running shoes, with a thick and fairly durable sole and always a grooved sole. If you respect yourself and go to training not in torn black ones, but in beautiful white or light-colored sports socks, then you need to choose sneakers with white or light-colored interior trim, otherwise your socks will quickly fade.
An important element of footwear is orthopedic insoles; your feet will be comfortable and comfortable with them. It is advisable that the back of the shoe fits tightly to the ankle; otherwise, during training, small pebbles and other objects in the form of sand and particles of earth may get into the shoes and injure the foot while running; in the best case, you will have to stop running and change your sneakers. There are no small details when running, because even the laces of your shoes can create unpleasant moments while running. Shoelaces made from soft yarn have proven themselves to be so good; they secure shoes well on the foot; laces with the addition of synthetic fibers constantly unravel, forcing you to stop and retie them or knit additional control knots. We have previously shared with you the opinion of a specialist.

An important element is the hygienic component; it is not recommended to throw dirty and sweaty clothes and shoes into the washing machine after training and wait for the next wash in two or three days, or even a week. Shoes must be wiped and dried, and clothes must be washed, dried and ironed; on the one hand, these are basic hygiene standards, on the other hand, this factor disciplines a person.

Emotional background of training

The next issue that we have to look at is the psycho-emotional component of training. Any newcomer, finding himself on a stadium treadmill, experiences, first of all, the psychological pressure of his own fantasies. It begins to seem to him that everyone present in the stadium is closely watching him, evaluating his clumsy running technique and mocking him. And if at this time someone’s loud laughter is really heard, which has nothing to do with his person, taking the fire upon himself, the newly minted runner enters a state of shock and can leave the stadium treadmill forever, without ever experiencing the feeling of victory over his own laziness and filling with strength and elasticity.

To avoid this condition, beginners need to visit the stadium or other place that they have chosen for training a couple of times, before starting training, to take a closer look at everything that is happening there and at everyone who is doing what. And after you are convinced that every person in the stadium is busy solving their own pressing problems, and absolutely no one needs you (unless, of course, you yourself want to meet someone or ask someone about something), you can calmly start warming up on the stadium treadmill.

Run alone or with a friend?

Sometimes, especially women, to make it more fun, they come together with a friend or a small group (for example, a department). It’s good if your girlfriend or friend are people experienced in the matter of training, this is still acceptable, but if two amateurs meet, you can put a “fat end” on the training process. Otherwise, you will have a vitally important and fascinating conversation on a global topic, and in an hour or an hour and a half you, having previously agreed on the next meeting at the same place, already at your stadium, will go home with a deep sense of spiritual satisfaction, forgetting about the needs of the mortal bodies.

In principle, and for sure it is this national women's university that helps the beautiful half of the human race to live significantly longer than the male half of humanity. This suggests a conclusion - each person has his own level of preparedness, endurance, patience, and if you go out on the treadmill together, you will have to, to the detriment of your individuality, adapt to the running pace of your partner. This means that you need to run either too fast so as not to fall behind, or use your reserves at insufficient strength so as not to offend your partner, and in both cases the training will not be effective.

In addition, you will constantly “knock down” your breathing since, especially in women, there is no effect of silent contemplation of the surrounding space if they
are together, even while running. There is only one way out - train on your own, clearly monitoring your internal state and the positive or negative influence of external social and natural factors; in exceptional cases, you can run around the stadium to meet each other.

Should we abstract or not?

It is quite common to see at the stadium, especially among young people, training with headphones in their ears, I usually advise such people to listen to music at home - lying on the sofa or sitting in a chair, and at the stadium it is desirable to hear their heartbeat, birdsong and friendly greetings, and advice from others.

It is necessary to pay attention to one negative factor - this is profanity. Today, like fifty years ago, boys play football excitedly, and people of a more mature age, as a rule, former athletes, also come to the stadium. It is not recommended to deal with this especially alone. If there is no coach or mentor for the players, instead of practicing the technique and tactics of the game and cultivating willpower, tolerance, ethics and at least some kind of culture (you must admit, this is a physical culture, but it’s still a culture), the players cultivate grief in themselves: intolerance, unfriendliness, outright rudeness and other negativity. Looking at all this, you understand with bitterness how far our football is from perfection, our fathers and even grandfathers also played football, but this was not the case, the players clearly had a conscience and team spirit. But the worst thing is not this, but the fact that those around them try not to notice it, and retribution for indifference will come.

We dose the loads

Taking into account the above, let's proceed directly to the training. Where to start? Start your workout by jogging ten or fifteen laps around the stadium; as you understand, calculating the mileage in a park area or along the shore of a reservoir will be much more difficult. And so, in a good, cheerful state of mind and body, you come to the training place, having a chronometer with you to measure the race time, and run a predetermined distance (after doing a light warm-up of the main muscle groups involved in the dynamic load of your body). Try to work and, if possible, show everything that you are capable of in overcoming the distance you have chosen, for example, in a two-kilometer race (ten laps around the stadium), while you should not force your body at an unreasonably high pace, according to the principle of hurrying without rushing.

If your health worsens, we switch to walking; under no circumstances make a sudden stop, but try to cover the distance completely. Write down your
the result is the starting point for planning your running load for the next month of training. After a month of training, you do a second test; the result shown will allow you to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the training process. If you want tangible results, you must
train five times a week (for example: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, rest on Thursday, then Friday - Saturday, rest on Sunday). You can choose a different training schedule, but at least five times a week.

Number of workouts per week

To maintain the body, three sessions a week are enough. Exercises less than three times a week will clearly not be effective from a physiological point of view. One more thing needs to be remembered: after training, muscle pain in the legs may appear, this is a normal phenomenon associated with the accumulation of lactic, pyruvic and other acids in the muscles during training, in the future, if you do not interrupt running loads, the body itself will regulate this process and the pain will stop or they will not be so pronounced, but a contrast shower, warming ointments and self-massage will have an additional healing effect.

A similar phenomenon in the form of discomfort and pain can occur in the right hypochondrium (painful condition of the liver) as a result of a poor warm-up or too intense a starting jerk and subsequent running at an equally intense pace. As a rule, health running takes place in an aerobic mode with intense oxygen consumption, so the question is often asked how to breathe correctly while running, through the nose or mouth. Of course, with a light load and in everyday life
During life, air enters the lungs through the nasal sinuses, where it warms up, especially during cold periods, and is purified. But during a particularly intense run, when maximum oxygen consumption is required, you will not go anywhere and will breathe “with every fiber of your soul” and this will happen autonomously, regardless of you.

Defining the goal

Thus, we must be clear about: what we want to achieve; how many times during the week to train; what should be the intensity of the load (at the initial stage it is appropriate to talk only about jogging), perhaps we will dwell on this issue and analyze it in more detail.

Let’s say you ran two km (as a test) in 16 minutes, that’s one hundred percent, then we plan the load so that it does not exceed 70-80 percent of the initial test. In our case, we carry out running work, focusing on a time of 20-23 minutes. ten laps. When you feel that this load is feasible for you, you can increase the running intensity or mileage.

Without violating the principle of gradual increase in loads and regularity of training, in two to three months you will get tangible results in terms of improving the health of the body. The following will improve: sleep, appetite, activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, general performance, as well as the activity of many other functions of the body, you will feel the strength of the muscles of your body and the greatness of your soul, of course, if you follow the path of harmonizing your soul, body and nature. And if you manage to set up your training process in a positive way, in terms of creating positive affirmations and turning your attention to the miraculous influence of the surrounding nature, you will receive an invaluable boost of vigor for body and spirit.

It is possible to use (a twelve-minute test run) and pay attention to the standards of the GTO complex; all this will help you compare the level of your development with basic statistical standards with correction for gender and age parameters. And let everyone overtake you today on the stadium treadmill, with a little patience and diligence, and tomorrow someone will envy you from the bottom of their hearts.