Why dream of flying on a horse. Dream Interpretation: horse white, black, bay

Dream Interpretation Pegasus

Fairytale dreams involving mythological creatures are usually colorful and especially pleasant.

However, it is not so easy to understand why Pegasus dreams.

The winged horse symbolizes freedom of spirit and the possibility of creation. If you had to communicate with him, it’s time to make your dream come true. Seeing a pegasus flying away is a missed opportunity

A beautiful bright creature from dreams speaks of strong intuition and free will of a person. It is quite possible that the sleeper will be able to touch the secrets of the universe or create something that will influence the course of human history.

What does the dream say?

I dreamed about it winged horse

Trying to grab a pegasus by the mane in a dream - hard work. If he flies away all the time, and it was not possible to catch him, the most important thing has not yet arrived. optimal time to get what you want.

A black winged horse can mean the will of evil fate.

Interpretation by gender

When explaining why Pegasus dreams, it is important to take into account the gender of the dreamer. As a rule, such a fairy-tale creature in men’s dreams personifies the search for one’s own purpose, while girls’ and women’s dreams with a pegasus are interpreted as changes in the sphere of relationships.

Winged horse in men's dreams

If a young man dreams of a pegasus, then most likely he will decide quite difficult task, which I have been working on for a long time.

Girlish fairy dreams

If an unmarried girl dreams of a white pegasus, she will soon meet her soul mate. The marriage will be successful, beautiful healthy children will be born.

  • I dreamed of a black horse with golden wings - the companion will remain a “black horse” for the sleeping person for a long time, despite the fact that she will feel absolutely happy with him.
  • Trying to harness a pegasus but failing to do so is a bad sign. A dream cannot come true because too little creativity has been put into it. And rough, formulaic actions can in no way speed up the process of achieving it.
  • Riding a winged horse high into the skies means gaining fame in the creative field.

General symbolic meaning

Seeing this fabulous creature in your night dreams is a sign of flight of thought and the opportunity to express yourself in creativity.

Ride a Pegasus in a dream

Flying on a winged horse means being a free spirit. But trying to harness or saddle will lead to serious obstacles in your activity. If a horse throws you off during a flight, you need to be ready to adapt to the changed working conditions.

Own feelings

It is also very important to take into account your own emotional experiences during the dream. If the horse was very beautiful, the dreamer admired it with pleasure - this is a very good sign. All hopes and aspirations will come true. And the obstacles that for a long time prevented the implementation of the plan will disappear as if by magic.

A creature of incomprehensible color that seemed absurd in a dream means a difficult period of understanding one’s own “I”. The sleeper does not yet fully understand what he needs to strive for and in which industry it is best to realize his own abilities.

Stroke and caress the pegasus, enjoying the communication - a quick meeting with your soulmate. For spouses - the unexpected birth of an heir.

Saving a sick or wounded winged horse is a noble act under difficult conditions.

The most detailed description: “dream book of a horse with wings” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

With a foal

A dream in which you see a white horse with a foal- promises pleasant and happy events in life. Career growth, respect from superiors and honor among colleagues are possible. Financial well-being will improve significantly, and the money issue will no longer bother the dreamer. Often such a vision speaks of a new addition to the family.

To see a playful foal galloping next to a horse - for a joyful and pleasant pastime. Grand holidays or celebrations, meetings with friends and emotional gatherings in friendly company are coming up.

If a mare feeds a foal in a dream, it means that in reality the dreamer will be able to secure respect for himself and a worthy position in society, and will achieve independence and material wealth.

Interpretation of a dream in which a stately, well-groomed horse enters a house - portends a meeting with a loved one and an imminent wedding. Family life in this case it seems joyful and favorable.

In general, the appearance of a horse in the house symbolizes in reality a happy and cloudless future, the health and well-being of all family members.

With wings

Snow white horse with wings- this is a good sign. As you know, Pegasus is the favorite of the muses in ancient greek mythology– directly related to creativity and inspiration. The appearance of a winged horse in a dream predicts inspiration, a surge of vitality and creative success.

If a pegasus tries to cover the dreamer with its wings- perhaps a serious danger threatens, from which it will be possible to miraculously escape. Therefore, you should be careful on the street and careful while driving.

Beaten white horse

Many dream books interpret this image as a loss of contact with family or loved ones. Moreover, this can happen due to the inattention and carelessness of the dreamer himself.

Another opinion says that news will come from afar - sad and unpleasant. Perhaps in reality, due to sad thoughts, a person will lose vitality, and this will entail discord in business.

If the beaten horse is also thin and exhausted- such a dream will not bring anything good. Perhaps a dishonest new acquaintance will appear, or one of the old friends is hatching insidious plans against the dreamer.

There are conflicting opinions on this matter in many dream books. Some sources believe that white horse in the water - dreaming to the implementation of all plans at work and in the family. But you should pay attention to the purity of the water.

If the pond is clean, the water in a dream is transparent, and you can clearly see the body of an animal in it - success in business is guaranteed. A if the horse bathes in muddy water - the dreamer’s grandiose plans will result in trouble and will not bring the desired result.

Why do you dream about a horse in a dream?

Most dream books consider this image to be positive for the dreamer. However, the accuracy of the interpretation will depend on many nuances. Why do you dream about a horse in a dream? Let us consider in detail the meaning of a horse in different dreams.

Popular interpretation

A beautiful horse in a dream is a symbol of good luck in life and overcoming obstacles of any complexity. The image of a graceful horse represents power and strength, courage and bravery. What plots can be seen in a dream with a horse in the lead role?

  • see a lonely horse;
  • see a herd of horses;
  • graze horses in the meadow;
  • color of the horse;
  • size of the animal;
  • ride a horse;
  • animal attack.

Seeing the lonely beautiful stallion in a dream - to sensual pleasures, romance in love, the beauty of relationships. Beautiful horse symbolizes high vitality, high self-esteem and success in love.

Herd of horses symbolizes the power of energy. If the herd is calmly grazing in the meadow, it means that your energy is not yet enough to accomplish your plans. The right time has not come, do not rush things.

A herd rushes along a meadow or road - events await you that will literally confuse you. You won't be able to control the situation. A rushing herd of horses can express strong emotions experienced the day before in connection with the events that took place.

If A woman sees a stallion, this foreshadows the appearance of a man in her life. The character of the stallion will tell you about the character of the new suitor - obstinate, flexible, uncontrollable, meek, tame.

See pony in a dream– you lack patience. Curb your ambitions, curb your ardor. However, a pony in a dream of an insecure person symbolizes a lack of self-esteem. Don't be afraid to express your feelings and share your thoughts. Be bright, ignite those around you with enthusiasm - and fate will smile on you.

Unnatural huge horse symbolizes the priority of feelings over reason. The dreamer is driven through life by emotions, due to which he is unable to adequately perceive current events. Take control of your emotions, otherwise you can make a lot of stupid mistakes: then you will regret what you did.

For emotionally withdrawn people, the image of a giant horse advises them to think about their life: are there many happy moments in it? If you consciously suppress emotions, it can lead to stress and depression. Allow the emotional waves to spill out, do not forcefully contain them. Don't suppress your feelings.

Horse suit color

Why do you dream white horse? The white horse in Celtic mythology is called the Unicorn. If you happen to see a Unicorn in a dream, this symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and a transition to a new spiritual level.

In everyday life, a white stallion or mare means success in endeavors and a white streak in life. A white horse symbolizes the fulfillment of desires, and a horse with wings symbolizes the protection of heaven. Faith is not important here: the dreamer is protected by higher powers.

Why do you dream black horse? This image can express the awakening of animal instincts and the image of death. The black horse is a symbol of the uncontrollability of the situation, a fatal combination of circumstances. If you see a rider on a black horse, this portends bad news. Impulsive natures should keep their passions to themselves: they will not lead to good things.

Red horse expresses unrealized carnal passion. The fire of desires burns the dreamer from the inside and gives no rest. Otherwise, a red horse can be a symbol of an eternally unsatisfied desire: a person strives for the unattainable and suffers from his dreams.

Horse of golden color in a dream symbolizes creative work. The time has come for the successful implementation of your plans, the successful start of a business or project. Everything you have in mind will come true. Not without difficulty, of course.

Blue horse or purple color symbolizes the spiritual growth of the dreamer. This image shows the priority of intuition over reason, the ability to penetrate with consciousness into the secrets of existence and see what is inaccessible to the eye.

The blue horse indicates the esoteric direction in life. However, for people with unstable mental health this image recommends paying attention to your nervous system, an ascetic lifestyle can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Gray horse expresses despondency and boredom. However, wool with a silvery tint is a symbol of a successful start to business: the dreamer will have enough energy and knowledge to start the planned project. Do not give in to doubts and despondency: you will succeed.

Running horses

Horses rush along the road– the dreamer experiences a surge of strength to accomplish his plans. However, you need to learn how to manage excess energy and keep it in check. The herd is fleeing - hold off on making decisions, now is not the time to direct energy to realizing your plans.

The herd is heading towards the goal- boldly get down to business, success awaits you. Perhaps the dreamer is awaiting an invitation to new job– agree, but don’t waste your strength. Keep your emotions under control.

Ride a horse and ride it - you are in complete control of your life, in control of the situation. Continue moving in the intended direction, luck awaits you on the right path.

  • Riding a horse through the forest means self-development and self-knowledge.
  • Driving along city streets is a sign of successful self-realization in the social field.
  • Riding a horse means mastering your feelings and subordinating them to your mind.

Horse attacks in a dream? This is a symbol of unfulfilled desires.

Riders on horseback

A horseman in a dream represents the image of a messenger of fate. If a woman dreams of a horseman, this foreshadows the appearance of an important man in her life, with whom a strong marriage is possible.

  • To see a rider on a black horse - expect bad news.
  • Seeing a rider on a white horse is good news.
  • Seeing a rider on a pale horse is news of death.
  • A horse rushes without a rider - to an unexpected turn of events.

Grabbing a running horse means mastering a life situation. Riding an unruly horse means taking control of an uncontrollable situation and moving up the career ladder.

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Dream Interpretation

Horse with wings

Dream Interpretation Horse with wings dreamed of why you dream about a horse with wings? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Horse with wings in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wings

Dream Interpretation – Wing

Dream Interpretation – Horse

riding or seeing a white horse is a wonderful sign;

climbing a horse is a successful completion of a difficult struggle;

Dream interpretation horse with wings

Why do you dream of a horse with wings?

It has been repeatedly proven that our dreams not only reflect reality, but can also lift the curtain on the future. Often night scenes appear in distorted silhouettes, and what would seem unimaginable in reality becomes absolutely plausible in a dream.

It is considered favorable when animals endowed with good magical powers appear in dreams.

So, for example, if in a dream a fairy flying horse appears with wings, reality can change dramatically, both in a favorable and negative direction.

Seeing in a dream pure white horse with huge wings - the upcoming reality will not be overshadowed by anything. It's good to fly on a winged horse and look down on the earth. It is believed that such dreams force people to think and make the right informed decisions in reality.

Black winged horse it will also not be a harbinger of negative events if she is favorable towards you in a dream. If a horse has broken or scorched wings in a dream, in reality someone is trying to do you a great meanness and blame it on another person.

To you I have to treat the horse's wings, and you succeed - your help will be appreciated and you will be well rewarded.

Seeing in a dream pegasus, unicorn- in reality, your imagination interferes with you a little, since you transfer non-existent images to real people and demand that they behave accordingly.

Feel like a flying horse in a dream, horse, unicorn - there is not enough room for simple joys in your life. It’s worth taking a long time out from work and devoting this time to holidays and communicating with nice people.

Why do you dream of a white horse with wings that flies?

Sometimes creative people have prophetic dreams, this especially often happens to artists, writers and poets who need a well-developed imagination and inspiration to work. There is no need to explain to the creator why you dream white horse with wings, because this image can provide an incentive for fruitful activity.

What if you dream of a white horse with wings?

It is known that the symbol of creativity is a white horse with wings, which is also called Pegasus; when a poet dreams of such an animal, brilliant poems are born. The artist, after such a dream, will paint a beautiful picture, near which even the most sophisticated art critics will linger. The artist will be able to play the best of his roles, and the singer will be able to win the attention of the whole hall with divine singing.

Some astrologers who prefer to interpret dreams “by contradiction” tell the dreamer that the muse will turn away from him for a short time. The dreamer is free to believe in any of the predictions, but it is known that works of genius are created not only by the will of inspiration, but also by ordinary hard work and perseverance in achieving a goal. Therefore, you should not pay attention to bad dreams or predictions, you just need to persistently overcome difficulties and laziness, then everything will definitely work out.

A white winged horse, according to astrologers, is dreamed of by talented people who persistently and hardworkingly improve their art, and the dream only adds to their confidence in their abilities, the belief that their work will be needed and will be beneficial.

If the dreamer flies astride a winged horse, it means that when solving problems he needs to use not brute force, but by intellect. However, stupid people cannot have such a dream, so there is a chance to come up with an unusual move and turn the situation to your advantage. When a horse covers the dreamer with its wings in a dream, it means that he will find himself in an extremely dangerous situation or catastrophe, in which he will only be able to avoid death by a miracle.

Quite rarely, ordinary people dream of Pegasus, deprived of the ability to write books, pictures or music, but in this case, perhaps the dreamer will soon discover magical talent. He will be able to talk with spirits, see magical energy and heal the sick with his power; knowledgeable people say that a person will have an inexhaustible source of energy, which he can direct to solve all sorts of problems. Astrologers recommend looking for a teacher who can reveal this talent and direct it in the right direction.

What does it portend?

When the dreamer rides a horse with white wings, it can be assumed that at the moment he is dependent on a cruel person, but soon the time of freedom will come for him. The sleeper will find a way to get rid of addiction, make new friends, and begin to live a full life in which there will be no place for submission and fear. If the horse tries to throw off the dreamer, it means that he will have a hard fight for his interests, but sooner or later victory will be his.

Sometimes a white horse in a dream foreshadows a serious illness; this happens in cases where Pegasus managed to throw off its rider. A woman who has had such a dream can hope for the satisfaction of all her desires; in addition, Pegasus promises her to receive a large sum of money, this will most likely be a win in the lottery or an inheritance from a distant relative. A white horse also foreshadows a meeting with old friends and a fun party, which will take place in a picturesque place on the shore of a lake or in the mountains.

It is known that a horse with white wings symbolizes inspiration for people of creative professions. In addition, the dreamer will be lucky to find money or make a profit from a deal that for some reason was considered unsuccessful, but at the last moment everything will change due to the fact that the person makes some unusual move.

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Dream books explain why you dream of a white, black or brown horse. Symbol of a noble animal in dreams.

The image of a horse in the interpretation of dreams is the embodiment of strength, endurance, determination and life potential. When interpreting a vision from the world of dreams, attention is paid to the color of the horse, its condition (sick or healthy, weak or strong).

White horse

Seeing a white horse in a dream - good sign, luck will accompany you in your endeavors.

To see a dream in which a herd of white horses is rapidly rushing along a field or road - in reality you will have to make quick decisions and act actively in situations in which every minute counts.

Black (black) horse

Horse of black color (black) - there will be benefits in business.

To catch and saddle a strong, healthy black horse - you emerge victorious from difficult situations. You will actively defend your interests, and your opponents will be forced to agree with your arguments.

Feeding a black horse means meeting old friends or people dear to you whom you have not seen for a long time.

A black horse kicks you or tries to trample you, cripple you - to the sad news and disturbing news.

Brown (brown or bay)

In night vision, a horse of this color is associated with associates, companions, in general, with those people with whom you have common business interests.

To see a horse of this color peacefully grazing in a dream - to a calm progress of affairs, coordinated work.

If the horse is sick and exhausted, then it is possible that one of your comrades may need your help.

Feed a bay horse - you will come to the aid of a needy companion, provide assistance and patronage.

A woman saw a horse or horse

Concerns about the family, well-being, family troubles are foreshadowed by a dream in which you see a horse standing peacefully in a stall.

A girl dreams about an animal

The desire to move forward awareness of one's strengths and capabilities– a reflection of such intentions is a dream in which a girl watches a horse rushing at a rapid gallop.

Trying to saddle a horse that is trying to be freed in a dream - there is an adventure ahead, a risky business.

Seeing a horse with wings in a dream

Influx of strength, the second inhalation will open when solving important issues, a good chance that cannot be missed - this is foreshadowed by a dream in which you see an inspired horse.

A sick person has such a dream dreams of recovery.

With a white mane

A dream in which you see a horse with a white mane foreshadows a waking meeting with people you need and like.

A horse with a white mane is walking along the road - such a dream promises the beginning of new things in a pleasant company for you.

A horse with a white mane runs away from you - such a dream promises empty aspirations and unfulfilled hopes, resentment and disappointment.

Seeing a horse in clear water - such a dream promises a calm, favorable stage of life; all matters during this period will be resolved promptly, without delay.

Seeing a horse swimming in dirty or stormy water means hard work, but you won’t have to count on a decent reward. There will be obstacles on your way that will be difficult for you to overcome; you may not have enough strength.

A horse that runs towards you

Standing in the way of a rapidly rushing horse - such a dream is a reflection fears about the future, you have concerns that you will not cope with the responsibilities assigned to you.

IN modern dream books this dream has the following interpretation: critical situations within the next three lunar months, in which you will have to make fateful decisions in an extremely short time. In this case, the horse is associated with fate, fate.

Horse and cart

Measured work small financial gain, responsibilities towards loved ones - such situations are promised by a dream in which you see a strong, healthy horse with a cart.

Seeing an exhausted horse harnessed to a cart in a dream means your illness, oppressive circumstances and the appearance of a burden in your life that will weigh you down.

Vanga's Dream Book

Reliable friend, faithful assistant will appear in your life in the near future if in a dream you saw a well-groomed, healthy horse.

Seeing a sick, thin horse in a dream means trouble, resentment and tears.

Miller's Dream Book

Strong horse light color, not burdened with harness - to good luck in business, interesting and useful meetings with people previously unfamiliar to you.

A light-colored horse is harnessed to a cart or is dragging some kind of heavy load - in reality you underestimate the seriousness of some events, which will soon turn out to be bad for you the appearance of a burden, additional responsibilities. It is possible that in reality you will have to do something other than your own work or someone else’s responsibilities.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    What for dreaming buy horse in dream- means receiving news, news that will give hope for the future. This news will be from a person whom you have not seen for a very long time, but he remembers you and cares. If in dream you had to horse kiss, then Tsvetkov’s dream book gives a clear answer to this entertaining and why dreaming flying horse? Such a fantastic plot promises success in business thanks to the unimaginable creative power of the dreamer. Good luck will be presented by fate in the very near future. Riding on horses.

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    See horses in dream- this is usually a very good sign. Beautiful and healthy horses dream to a joyful life, wealth and success in business. If horse sick, thin, old or dirty, a traitor awaits you. Fall in dream means that you did something bad, it’s a sin fly in dream on the contrary means that you did a good deed, some say that if you fly in dream It means you’re growing, and some other good news.

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    This dream may also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies. If in dream saw a horse covered in apples - you have some profitable business ahead of you. If your horse dreamed about it you are dirty - deception on the part of those you trust is possible. Fly, catch up horse. To me dreamed what I I'm flying. While flying I saw horse on the field and flew towards her, she got scared and began to run away from me, but I caught up with her when she ran into the hay stall. I wanted to ride her. I began to stroke her and calm her down.... it rang...

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    I dreamed about it Horse, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Horse in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Fly.

Seeing horses is an increase in wealth, the joy of life in all its manifestations;
riding or seeing a white horse is a wonderful sign;

The strength of friendships, the joy of meeting fellow souls, the loyalty of women;

Your horse is dirty and skinny - deception and envy on the part of those you trust;

Ride a black horse - you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities;

For a woman, riding a black horse means her husband’s infidelity;

Watching brown horses running means favorable circumstances that will unexpectedly change for the worse or fleeting and superficial hobbies;

Seeing horses in apples (spotted) means future benefits in business;

Riding a beautiful bay horse means exaltation, satisfaction of desires;

For a woman, riding a beautiful bay horse means determination to refuse an annoying admirer, material gain in the near future;

Your horse runs away, joining a wild herd - news of someone’s illness;

You are sitting on a horse and it hurts you - troubles from a friend or employer;

A herd of mares - closeness and lack of jealousy towards their lovers;

Seeing beautiful horses means success and prosperity;

Riding across a clear stream or river on horseback means good luck and pleasure, but if the water is dark or choppy, the joy will be overshadowed by something;

Crossing clear water on a horse means many dreams come true and benefits in business;

A wounded horse means trouble for friends;

Dead horse - disappointments, sad news;

Riding a bucking horse means various difficulties on the path to success;

The horse throws you off - opponents or illness;

Kicks you - to be rejected by your beloved;

Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subordinating it to your will means drastic favorable changes in life;

If you failed to subjugate the horse to your will, fate will turn its back on you;

Admire a well-shod horse - your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination; For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life;

Participating in horse racing means a prosperous life;

Shoeing your horse means acquiring property through dubious means;

Deftly ride a bareback horse - you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, reliable help from friends is also possible;

Riding a horse in a female environment means uncertainty about future desires,

Addiction; your object of passion is a woman of free behavior;

Watching a horse being groomed, or cleaning it yourself with a groomer is a great test, hard work on the path to honors and a firm position in life;

For business people, peasants, writers - decorating the mane and tail of a horse is a very favorable dream;

Harnessed to a cart or carriage - well-being limited by obligations, love and happiness with obstacles;

Climbing a narrow path up a high mountain on horseback means achieving a very strong position in life;

With such a rise, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot - a strong position will be won at the cost of great effort;

For a girl, seeing herself as a rider on a black horse is an unexpected incident that will help fulfill her desires, communicating with wise, respectful interlocutors;

Riding down a hill means failure;

For a woman, seeing her lover riding a horse behind her means success with interesting, successful admirers;

Being a scared rider means anxiety and jealousy of a loved one;

For a girl to jump off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig is a reckless rejection of lucrative offers of marriage, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her;

The girl dreams that she is riding on a white horse through a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her - alternating successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul about the fate of a matter that is important to her;

A horse that has fallen from heaven and turned into a stranger who throws something at you - a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and for some time - the failure of your attempts to master the situation;

Horses grazing in a meadow are a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners;

Barren pasture, dry land - poor but loyal friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage;

Horse trader - material gain, but risky ventures;

Buying a horse and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you means losses;

Not very good to sell good horse, leaving yourself a thoroughbred - to great luck;

Killing a horse means injuring one of your friends with your selfishness;
climbing a horse is a successful completion of a difficult struggle;

Ride bareback in the company of men - honest people will come to your aid;

Also see Stable, Grape, Ride, Stallion, Jockey, River, Stream, Horseshoe, Woman, Embankment, Wound, Ride.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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The dream book calls seeing a horse in a dream a sign of career growth, finding a patron, and financial well-being. Why else do you dream about this animal? A love affair, a happy relationship, and a new addition to the family are ahead. But some stories warn of failures, losses, dangerous situations, and deception.

Miller's Dream Book: success ahead

Seeing a well-shod horse and admiring it is a great sign. According to Miller, very soon the dreamer will achieve great success. The plot promises a woman a reliable friend.

If you were riding and the horse was constantly kicking, many difficulties will appear in reality. You will have to overcome them on the way to your goal. Be decisive.

Jumping on a bareback horse in a dream, when you handle it deftly, promises the acquisition of comfort and prosperity in a difficult struggle. Miller also believes that friends can help.

Interpretation according to Freud

Why do you dream of seeing a lot of horses grazing, a whole herd? Freud's dream book promises: the sleeper will be very popular with the opposite sex.

Did a man dream of a beautiful mare? He is looking for his the ideal woman. Perhaps he doesn’t yet know what the chosen one looks like, but when he meets, he will definitely understand who she is.

If the sleeper rides a horse in a dream, according to Freud, he wants to have many children. Most likely, this desire is still manifested on a subconscious level, and the person tells those around him that children are not his topic.

What does it mean according to other dream books?

Vanga warns: wild or aggressive horses are a sign of impending troubles, a serious illness or accident.

If a man in a night dream saw that a mare was at his home, this is a good sign. Dream interpreter Tsvetkova clarifies: if saddled - for marriage, without a saddle - for a passionate love affair. For a woman, a vision of a horse in an apartment gives hope for a relationship.

Why do you dream of a horse grazing in a meadow? The dream book in Islam explains: the sleeper will encounter lies where he did not expect. But you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions, you need to figure everything out.

Horse color meaning

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the animal:

  • bay - material gain, successful career;
  • black - in business, even successful ones, there is too much fuss;
  • black - failures, misfortunes;
  • kauraya—good news;
  • white - help, patronage of a high-ranking official;
  • redhead - to strong passion.

Was the horse in the apples? The Enigma dream book is encouraging: you will get good benefits from your endeavors. Dark - you will have to work hard to achieve your goal.

Is she gray? If the shade is dull, depression and stagnation are ahead. If the color is beautiful and has a pearly tint, this means: the dreamer will be able to accumulate energy, learn to relax the mind and follow a new path.

Have you seen white people in your dreams?

Several white horses in a dream predict the success of current affairs. For a man, a dream promises pleasant company and good impressions. For a woman, marriage is coming soon.

Why dream of riding a beautiful white horse, flying on it towards the wind? There is a meeting with old friends and active recreation ahead.

Take a break from work, enjoy pleasant company and communication with people who understand you perfectly. Of course, things require attention, but a good rest will help you look at them from a different angle and improve your results.

Unnatural color

Did you dream about a golden horse? The dream book states: vision symbolizes making a decision, taking active actions. Creative work will bring excellent results.

Was the horse blue? This is a sign of the superiority of intuition over the rational principle, movement along the spiritual path. Purple promises spiritual growth.

Pink in a dream foreshadows the revival of romantic feelings or the birth of new love. Red indicates sexual dissatisfaction.

In the stable - means difficulty

Why do you dream of a horse in a stall? The dream book says: pay attention to your well-being, serious health problems are possible.

Is a hungry horse neighing loudly, trying to break the stall? Suddenly, difficulties arise for the implementation of the project.

Have you seen in a dream: you have a mare and you yourself lead her by the bridle to the stable? Positive changes will come soon. And many beautiful horses there are a harbinger of good luck and success in business.

Rubbing a horse's nose, kissing it - you will soon learn good news from a loved one. Or you have a pleasant conversation with an acquaintance.

Groom, saddle

Did you bring her food, did you feed her oats or hay? The dream book states: you will become the breadwinner of your family, you will obtain basic funds.

Have you ever had a chance to water a horse from a bucket? While performing routine duties and affairs, you dream of passion and romance.

Wash, comb your mane, braid it or decorate it - a new acquaintance will develop into a trusting relationship.

Put a saddle on a horse in a dream - you will gain control over difficult situation or increase your authority and advance in your career.

Why do you dream that it was easy to saddle her? This means: great success in business and personal relationships. Everything will come easy to you.

Why do you dream about various actions?

Remember what you had to do:

  1. buy - the hope for the fulfillment of a desire will be justified;
  2. harness - lose contact with a friend or loved one;
  3. to save - take on too many things;
  4. to treat an animal - you need to go through a series of tests;
  5. beat - you may lose something important to you;
  6. to cut a mare - to lose help or prospects;
  7. shoe it yourself - you will reach unprecedented heights.

Did you happen to fight on it, fight in battle with the enemy? You will find yourself in a dangerous situation. You need to show caution and courage to get out of it.

Catch or steal?

In the dream she ran away and had to be caught? The dream book tells you: your loved one wants to leave you. If you managed to catch it, you will soon resolve the conflict and improve relations.

Why do you dream that someone else’s horse was stolen? Distrust of people seriously complicates life. Because of him, you may end up alone.

It's time to learn to understand people, to know who you can trust. After all, distrusting everyone puts you in opposition to many good people with whom you could communicate. Trust your intuition and be more friendly.

Buy, accept as a gift

Buying and realizing that the merchant is deceiving you means losses are coming in reality. You are going to buy something, but the costs will be too high or the purchase will be unsuccessful.

In a night dream, did someone give you a horse? The dream book promises: you will find loyal friendship, meet a person who will become your protector.

Several or unusual

For a girl to see many horses grazing on green grass in a dream, it means that she will soon receive an expensive gift.

A pair of horses is a sign that the sleeper is developing diversified and harmoniously. The vision can also promise a happy family union.

There were two of them, and of different colors? The dream book explains: your range of interests is quite wide, you strive for self-improvement.

Why do you dream of a small, neat pony? You'll have to do hard work. However, there will be luck in business. And if you rode him, you will receive an interesting offer.

Did the horse in the dream have wings and fly across the sky? Fortune will smile on you. And if you were jumping on the clouds, there is a creative uplift or extraordinary luck ahead. You can come up with and implement the most unusual ideas.

Together with other animals

The man dreamed of a horse and a cow? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: he will have to choose a life partner among women of two different categories. Moreover, if the cow mooed, a less educated passion will insist on continuing their relationship.

Did you see her in a dream together with a unicorn? According to the dream book, you will unexpectedly receive a pleasant surprise. Your affairs will change dramatically for the better and this will greatly amaze you.

Did you dream that there was a camel standing next to the mare? So, you will learn good news. Good changes will begin, and things that have stalled will move forward quickly.

Did you see an ordinary or a huge one through the window?

Why dream of looking through a window at a horse that is peacefully grazing with others in the meadow? A period of energy accumulation and calm will begin. Don't rush to act: gain strength and determination.

If you saw an angry woman rearing up through the window, you are prone to violent manifestations of feelings and impulses. But we must learn to control them. Is she kind and affectionate? This is a symbol of strong family relationships.

Was she just huge in the dream? The dream book says: you are more often guided by emotions than by common sense. But under the influence of emotions you can make the wrong decision.

What kind of horse was it?

Pay attention to the appearance:

  • big - harmony in the family, success in business;
  • small - make a mistake;
  • young - prosperous life;
  • old - obstacles to endeavors;
  • thin - ill-wishers will slander;
  • frightened - the financial situation will worsen;
  • mad - you will suffer damage;
  • pregnant woman - vanity, anxiety for relatives.

If it was simply huge, it means you should be wary of deception not only from strangers, but also from those you trust.

Afraid of the bite

Why dream of being afraid of a horse and running away? According to the dream book, this means: you are afraid of your own motives or desires.

Are you afraid because she is constantly trying to kick or bite? Someone wants to harm you with lies. A bite in a dream is a harbinger of someone's complaint against you. Did you bite your hand? The complaint will be justified.

Hiding from it is a reluctance to understand unpleasant situation. To stumble and slide under the horse’s hooves means to find yourself in a dangerous position, with a high risk of losing a lot.

In a difficult or unpleasant situation, you should not behave like an ostrich, hiding your head in the sand. Difficulties and problems will not stop on their own; you need to impartially consider the situation and decide what to do, see what can be corrected.

What she did:

  1. attacked - an old enemy will appear, which has already been forgotten;
  2. licked your hand - your help will be highly appreciated;
  3. bit - disappointment, resentment;
  4. kicked - deterioration in health, possibly illness;
  5. died - avoid trouble;
  6. gave birth - a new addition to the family.

Did the birth go quickly? The dream book promises pleasant life changes and good luck in business. She gave birth and licked a white foal? You will have an influential patron. The birth of a black foal foreshadows: the dream will come true, but it will not bring joy.

The horse was lying

Watching in a dream how she lies and sleeps peacefully - you will achieve your goal without complications. If she gets sick and cannot get up, significant efforts will be required to eliminate the interference.

Why do you dream that a driven horse is lying on the road? The dream book warns: if she happened to fall because of you, your affairs will worsen. Big losses and failures are possible.

Did you dream about being killed?

Seeing a dead horse means you will receive sad news. Her death warns of an accident. Killing her yourself means thinking too much about yourself, forgetting about your loved ones.

Killing this animal in a dream means: you are trying to restrain your emotions and instincts, but not very successfully. Killing and eating is an indication of your selfishness. We need to improve.

She was dead, but came to life and galloped? According to the dream book, a business that was considered unprofitable and forgotten about will begin to generate income.

Swims or drowns

Seeing her in the water means fulfilling long-standing plans. Was she just walking on water? Soon you will receive interesting news from afar.

Why do you dream about her swimming in the lake? The dream book indicates: the sleeper will be required to give the minimum, while he will receive the maximum.

Swimming in a dream on the back of a horse along a calm, clear river - a dream of passionate and happy love will soon come true.

Did she start to drown? There will be quarrels and disappointments on the personal front. If you saw a black horse drown, the streak of troubles will soon end.

Did you see the rider or the carriage?

Have you seen a rider on a horse? Your affairs will be completed successfully. Did he dismount? Losses are coming. Did you sit on horseback? Find your love.

Riding a horse yourself means good luck at work and career growth. Falling from a horse means obstacles and difficulties will appear.

Harness it to a cart - according to the dream book, a difficult period will begin, difficulties that will take a long time to resolve. They were transporting hay on a cart, which began to burn and the horse carried it away - defeat on an important issue was ahead.

A carriage ride - you will receive a well-deserved reward, which will become the basis of material well-being. Manage it yourself - you will become the master of your destiny.

Even if the troubles drag on, you shouldn’t give up. Think over your actions, look for a way out of the situation. Perhaps the current defeat will later turn into a victory or bring useful experience and the necessary contacts.

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author


    27-Feb-2020 Nadezhda:

    I saw in a dream that I was riding on the saddle of a horse and she began to gallop strongly, I wanted to stop, but she was galloping faster, I began to be afraid, I wanted to jump out, she was even faster, her foal was in front and she stopped as soon as I met her, and I calmly stood up and that's all. That same night I saw a gray horse coming towards me and licking my face, and I was scared that it wanted to bite me and jerked my head and woke up, met horses twice in one night in a dream.

    17-Feb-2020 Anonymous:

    I dreamed about my husband getting on a horse. And I wanted to get on the horse with him, but it became aggressive and he got off it and ran away. She wanted to bite me, but I ran away.

    14-Feb-2020 Anastasia:

    Why do I dream about a huge horse, I couldn’t make out the color, either dark brown or black... My friends and I were driving away from it in a car, and it was chasing us at night...

    I dreamed that a brown horse was in a harness with a cart (seemingly empty), I hugged and stroked it, kissed it, and it seemed to hug me too, weighing its front hooves on me, but it wasn’t hard for me, then I tried to cover its mouth with my hands, or she wants to pinch me, and I manage to get the better of her, I close her mouth, pulling it with my hands.

    Good afternoon. Please tell me what the dream is about. I look out the window of the apartment and see a picture - a small herd of sheep is running, all white, and behind them I see a white horse, she was driving the whole herd instead of a shepherd. Having noticed me, the horse jumps up to the second floor under my windows. Thank you in advance.

    • You will take a lot of risks, but you are no stranger to doing extraordinary things. And at the last moment, when your defeat is obvious, luck will magically return to you again 😮.

      I dreamed that a brownish-reddish horse followed me everywhere, I was supposedly afraid of it and asked my young man to drive it away from me, he chases it, but it still comes to me.

      • You are too cold with someone close to you. But this person wants the best for you with all his heart and cares about you. Be more tolerant and appreciate such a faithful guardian angel 😊.

        Hello! And a large stallion and mare, who calmly graze and frolic in the meadow, and my deceased grandmother and I watch this.

        • The dream promises a strong, stable marriage. But in relationships, you need to listen to the advice of the older generation. And then everything will work out, there will be no petty quarrels and misunderstandings 💑.

          • A good person will help you get out of trouble. When the situation reaches a dead end, he will suddenly extend his hand to you and become a savior. You will be surprised to find out who we are talking about.

            3-Sep-2019 Vera:

            I dreamed about it bay horse. Young, healthy, kind. I stood on the stairs at the entrance. Slightly elevated. The horse came up to me on its own. I know it's a stranger. I stroked her face. She felt that she was very pleased with it. And it was nice for me to stroke her. Then she was taken away, but she came again. And so on several times. Feeling of emotional attachment. A very restful and pleasant sleep.

            Hello :) I dreamed that my husband was attacked from behind by a white horse. Huge. Came out of nowhere. I screamed at him, but she grabbed him. I didn’t finish the dream and woke up in fear.

            Hello! I dreamed that I watched from the window as a white horse angrily kicked a neighbor’s car with its hooves; the neighbor was sitting inside and screaming. But the horse did not calm down until it trampled the car into a huge puddle. Children were running on the street, and so was my daughter, and this horse started chasing them, wanting to trample them. I was terribly afraid and screamed at my daughter’s window, telling me which way to run away. I don't remember anything else. But I woke up with a feeling of fear. The dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday.

            13-Mar-2019 Svetlana:

            I dreamed that I was driving a car, and horses were walking in front of me, it was so beautiful, and the last gray horse kicked at the windshield, but the glass did not break, when I went out to look, the last horse began to pester me, and I was afraid of it and scared it away. What's all this for? Thank you.

            12-Mar-2019 Timur:

            Hello! Help me clarify. I dreamed that the horse wanted to hit us and we ran away from it from the barn to another barn, and the reason for everything was that she was jealous of her young horse.

            14-Feb-2019 Alina:

            Hello! Please tell me, I dreamed that I was entering an elevator in which there was a toilet and a washbasin. A friend who was in the elevator pressed the button, the doors began to close and we began to go up. Then I turned around and saw that the horse (black mane, bay itself) was half stuck: the head, front legs and part of the body were inside the elevator, the rest was outside. I grabbed her front legs and held her all the way up. I was very afraid to let her go, to drop her. I was afraid that I would fall. We got to the top. I felt calmer. I stroked her nose, she kissed me and I woke up.

            Help me interpret my dream. I dreamed of a beautiful, well-groomed brownish horse in my old two-room apartment. She was lying in the room on the floor, seemingly resting, and suddenly I went into the apartment with another horse, also very beautiful, this is the horse that came in and approached that horse, and I ask this young horse not to wake up the one that is lying, meanwhile I approached to the mirror and decided to fix my hair and pulled out a large strand of hair from my ponytail and I had to remove the braid tied in the ponytail of my hair. At this time, a young horse approached the kitchen window. At the same time, the window was open and she reared up and stuck her muzzle out the window, and I was afraid that she would fall out of the window opening and jump from the second floor, and then I don’t remember whether she left this apartment with this horse or not, but I remember I opened the door to go out. Please help me solve the dream. Thank you.