If you want to help a hungry person, give him not a fish, give him a fishing rod.

(Tale from the life of ancient Chinese sages)

Once upon a time, there lived in China an ancient philosopher named Fuflusius. And he learned a lot of things in this world, but one day rumors reached him that somewhere in the mountains of Tibet there lived an even wiser old man than himself. And it’s as if this Kick-Ass sage knows the most important secrets and possesses the most intimate knowledge. Fufluzius collected more money and moved to distant lands to find this old man, learn from him and become an even greater philosopher.

Here comes Fufluziy along big river, he sees a very thin man sitting on its bank, chewing grass. Apparently, he was so thin from hunger... The philosopher wanted to give the man a fish, but he remembered the ancient folk wisdom: if you want to help a hungry person, give him not a fish, give him a fishing rod.

And then the philosopher gave the hungry man a fishing rod, a handful of hooks, floats, bait and began to teach him to fish.

The thin man listened and listened and said:
- Listen, Fufluziy, there have never been any fish in this river, only toads. Why the hell should I soar my brains with your fishing rod, I’m hungry!
There is nothing to do: Fufluzius gave the hungry man a large fish and moved on...

He walks along the forest edge, sees - near the road, leaning against a tree, a very skinny man is sitting, rubbing a rope with soap. The poor fellow can barely move, asking for food. The philosopher decided to give the skinny smoked chicken, but again he remembered the same wisdom: if you want to help the hungry, give him not a bird, give him a bow and arrows.

So he did. He made a bow and arrows out of trees and began to teach the skinny man how to pull the bowstring, how to aim at the prey, and how much lead to give when shooting. The skinny man listened to this, rolling his eyes, and then said:

- Listen, Fufluziy, don’t you see that birds don’t fly here? And it’s hard for me to chase them through forests and valleys. Better give me something to eat.
- Maybe then you’ll take a fishing rod? - asked the sage. - There is no need to run around with a fishing rod. Sit and get yourself hooked...
The skinny one laughed:
- Fool, you are a fool, Fufluziy. Where do fish come from in the forest?
“Indeed, a logically correct conclusion,” the philosopher agreed. And he gave the skinny man a whole smoked chicken, poured ketchup on it and moved on...

He walks through a wide field and sees a goner lying on the ground with his head on a roadside stone. The poor guy is in a very bad situation; he will die of hunger in no time. Fufluzius decided to give the unfortunate man bread, pizza and cakes, but again that proverb popped up in his brain: if you want to help a hungry person, give him not bread and cakes, but give him a plow, a sickle, a mill and a baking oven.

The philosopher began to cut out all these devices from scrap materials with a knife and, in the process, teach the goner how to use these things. The goner listened to this, listened, and said:

Wait, Fufluziy, there is a small nuance: who will carry the plow? Are you going to carry it? And there’s no time to wait for the harvest, I’ll die early. Better give me something to eat.

The philosopher thought a little and found the goner’s arguments to be very weighty and logically convincing.
- I suppose you don’t need a fishing rod and a bow and arrows either?..
- Why, why! - the goner protested, - Leave everything! I will sell this and eat well for a whole year.
- What next? - asked Fufluziy.
- And then everything is in the hands of the Lord... Maybe he will send me another sage...

Fufluziy did not object. He left all his work supplies, placed bread, rolls, cakes and instant noodles in front of the unfortunate man, waved his hand and moved on...

The village appeared in the distance. The philosopher came closer, saw a woman standing at the gate, winking at him, lifting the hem of her skirt and asking:
- Doesn’t the handsome young man want to have fun?
“Apparently the woman is hungry,” Fufluzius decided. But then I remembered: if you want to help a hungry woman, don’t give her a client, give her a good husband. A good husband is the best fishing rod for female hands. He began to ask her what kind of men she liked. And she answers him:
- Eh, there are no real men now, there are no more knights! What remained were either goats or quitters, poverty and impotence. I would marry you: you are a prominent man, learned, not poor, hard-working and kind, it’s immediately obvious.

Fufluzius was embarrassed and refused to marry under the pretext that he was seeking, they say, great wisdom and secret knowledge. Before that, you couldn’t marry him! 😦
- What kind of fishing rod do you use? - asks the woman.
- I teach wisdom.
- And do they pay a lot?
- Few. 😦 Few people need wisdom. Everyone wants wealth.
- So stop floating your brains with this wisdom, get involved in some business, for example, electronic business or Forex.
Fufluziy did not argue, gave the hungry woman a leather whip for sadomasochism, drove up a dozen clients and hurried to his goal...

And finally, far in the mountains, he found the dwelling of the one he was looking for.

The kick-ass sage asks him:
- What did you come with, stranger?
- Yes, I was tormented by intellectual hunger. I’ve already learned a lot of things, but I still want even more. 😦 Let me learn wisdom from you so that I can become even smarter.
- You're a glutton! - the sage Kick-Ass laughed. - This is very, very commendable! However, the hunger for knowledge, unlike the physical one, is difficult to satisfy. For this reason, I am in nirvana almost all the time... Do you, Fufluzius, know the ancient wisdom about the hungry, the fish and the fishing rod?
- Yes, I know.
- Well, then the flag is in your hands! If you want to help a smart person, don't force him to go to school, give him wise books.

And Kick-Ass the Sage gave Fufluzius a whole library of ancient manuscripts, half of which were written in Atlantis.

However, instead of answering, a cold mountain wind blew and whistled, the Kick-Ass sage disappeared into the air, only a stream of smoke stretched down into the valley. Apparently, he plunged into nirvana again...

There was nothing to do, Fufluzius loaded the rotten wisdom of centuries onto his back and set off back on his way.

It took him a long time to get home, he wore out his shoes, wore out his clothes, and tore his back. He walked, barely dragging his feet, and kept repeating:
- If you want to help a hungry person, give him not a fishing rod, give him a fish...
- Don’t give him a fishing rod, give him a fish...
- Don’t give me a fishing rod, give me a fish...
- Give me the fish... 😥

Fffuh, everyone, home. And I even slept off already. Panties are gurgling in the washing machine, all the mugs and plates are loaded into the dishwasher, the shit bus is almost unloaded and is ready for tomorrow's loading of two pallets of military junk (lying in the office warehouse), and all that.

Left a great impression. I was a vegetable (but couldn’t stand it for long, a day of such vegetableization in a semi-wild camp and home), I was a hamster conquering the vastness of the toilet bowl (in the water park, there are a couple of slides, naturally “the descent of a hamster into the sewer”), again I got a little burnt (I don’t care, everyone still year to change the skin), bought a long-haired toad and a green cat, drove 3500 km, reached 24 degrees latitude (I was too lazy to drive another 150 km to the tropics, somehow later), visited a cave with worms from which the sun shines from their asses (this is they have the official slogan of the establishment), etc., etc. The supply of itching for the year ahead has been exhausted, hurray.

Actually, this is what was unloaded from the shit bus

There is even a famous poem about this

Started out of town
Fisherman get ready.
I took the fishing rod
To catch fish
I took a raincoat
To give them shelter
I took the samovar,
To boil tea.
He took the bed
To sleep on the bed.
He took the carpet
To sunbathe on it.
He took the firewood
So that he doesn't have to look for them.
I took the suitcase -
Why not take it?
I took kerosene gas,
rocking chair,
He took the dog
To protect everything.
Exactly two thousand
Necessary things
He began to lay
In his boat.
The boat rocked
I scooped up some water,
And she instantly drowned.
Exactly a week later
From the river
Things were pulled out
And they said;
- Listen, weirdo,
You are anyone
But not a fisherman.
After all, for good
For the fisherman
Just need a fishing rod
And the river!

Or another option

Ivan Petushkov was getting ready to go on a hike.
I took a compass, a tent and a Voskhod razor.
I filled my backpack with stewed meat and millet,
I took a fishing rod, hooks, a lantern and a hammock,
Binoculars and mosquito net,
And a bag of birch firewood.

On the belt - a mug, an ax, a bowler hat,
Under the arm there is a pillow and a sleeping bag.
A gun with an alpenstock, of course, in his hands.
And the Teapot-Whistling - in the teeth.
- On the road, tourists! —
Ivan exclaimed.
And the Kettle-Whistling
Fell under the sofa.
He picked it up
But the pot fell
And immediately into the socket
The alpenstock hit...
Ivan trembled
Like grass in the wind,
sneezed -
And he scattered the wood.
And suddenly he caught on the chandelier with a hook
And he fell to the floor with his backpack.
Ivan Petushkov groaned and groaned.
Ivan creaked...
But he didn’t raise himself.
* * *

Since then, when going camping with friends,
Petushkov never takes control of himself!

But in the 21st century - that’s exactly how it is.

And there’s still a lot missing. A full-fledged camp shower toilet in a tank (doesn’t fit in size, but it can fit into something gazelle-like), a normal bed ( air mattress I died again, I buy new ones every year and every year they don’t hold up, they start to poison) and so on and so on. I did buy a small 600W kettle and a shower heater on Goldcoast, but the kettle is too small (you have to refill it twice) and the heater is too powerful and overheats the water to boiling water even at minimum power (we will further investigate the issue, I have suspicions that bottled gas is not kosher , and you can also play with the pump). But it’s not only difficult to get into the tank, but even into the hole; now we’re pushing it all away - but where? and so all the shelves and tables are packed. I barely managed to fit the toad and the cat into the corner.

So for now, that’s enough to drive around in all sorts of wild things. Without a heavy full-hoofed camper, with a toilet and a constantly working air conditioner, with normal energy and running water and all that - ninini, not a step off the asphalt. That is, in at least five years.

An ancient Chinese proverb says: “Give a man one fish and he will have food for a day; teach him to fish and he will have food for a lifetime.” .

In other words, this story is about the following. One man approached a fisherman and begged him to give him a fish. The old fisherman responded: “Instead of giving you fish and food for one time, wouldn’t it be better if I showed you how to fish? Then you could feed yourself.". However, the man replied that he was not interested in the process of learning to fish. The hunger in his stomach suppressed his thirst for knowledge.

The same story can be told in another way. It happened near a great river when a huge tree fell into the swift waters. The tree was so big that a person could walk on it and fish for food. One day, after some time, the great sage decided to sit on this log to collect his food ration for the day.

The sage fished for quite a long time, and finally caught a fabulous big fish. With great satisfaction, he carefully placed her next to him on the log. This was seen by a young man passing by with his wife and two children. He cautiously approached the sage and asked for fish, explaining that his family needed food.

The old wise man happily offered to teach the young man how to catch his own fish, but was immediately rebuked for such an offer. The young man was not interested in learning the skill. He just wanted some food.

The old sage remained firm in his decision to offer only training and sent the young man on his way. Meanwhile, he continued fishing and soon caught even more fish than before. Seeing this, the young man hurried to return to the log. He begged the sage to give him the fish, because the sage, no doubt, now had more than enough.

The sage was confused, wondering if it would make sense to give the young man a fish. After all, he now actually had more than enough fish.

While the sage was wondering what choice to make, a light appeared at the end of a fallen tree. At first, the greatness of this light frightened the sage, because he had only heard about such manifestations from ancient legends passed on by teachers from generation to generation. The light began to fill him with energy that he had never felt before. Filled with awe, the old sage heard a low, sonorous voice addressing him. The light spoke to him with such peace and beauty that the sage immediately realized that he was in the presence of a great and wonderful teacher.

And the light spoke.

“Old sage, let me express my thought. If you choose to follow it, it will change your life forever.

“First, take out of your pocket the sharpener that you have been carrying with you for so long. As we speak, start sharpening the hook you tied to your line. Sharpen your hook like no other in this world. Make it so sharp that when the fish takes it into its mouth, it will not feel pain. Then, when you are ready, pray with me this way:

I appeal to the Creator with a request to help me find the oldest fish in the river, ready to leave this dimension, since it has experienced everything that was destined to experience. In this Light, show her the way to my forest. Knowing that the fish's life plan is complete, and that I have sharpened my hook so well, we will unite to complete our journeys.

When the light finished speaking, the sage threw his newly sharpened hook into the water and a moment later pulled out a huge fish. Without waiting for the sage to begin to celebrate his newfound clarity, the light spoke again.

“If you look at the shore, you will find a lighter line. By attaching a hook to a lighter line, you can cast it into deeper parts of the river and catch even larger fish.”

The old sage did as the light suggested. His efforts were rewarded again, and he pulled even more fish out of the water. And then again and again.

He thought that he had already achieved the best possible results, but then the light gave the sage another instruction - to concentrate on his wrist. By bending his wrist more when casting the line, he could send the hook even further.

Soon the pile of fish became so large that the sage felt satisfied with his achievements. He set aside the fish to eat for that day and released the rest back into the water.

Then the sage remembered the young man who asked him for fish. He noticed him not far away on the shore, of course, thinking that the young man would again ask him for fish.

To the sage's amazement, the young man was vigorously sharpening his own hook.


The moral, my friends, is that you should never teach another person anything that he or she already knows on some level. Instead, focus on sharpening your own hook. By mastering what you already know, you will undoubtedly improve the world in your own way.


Started out of town
Fisherman get ready.
I took the fishing rod
To catch fish
I took a raincoat
To give them shelter
I took the samovar,
To boil tea.

He took the bed
To sleep on the bed.
He took the carpet
To sunbathe on it.
He took the firewood
So that he doesn't have to look for them.

I took the suitcase -
Why not take it?

I took kerosene gas,
rocking chair,
He took the dog
To protect everything.
Exactly two thousand
Necessary things
He began to lay
In his boat.

The boat rocked
I scooped up some water,
And she instantly drowned.

Exactly a week later
From the river
Things were pulled out

And they said;
- Listen, weirdo,
You are anyone
But not a fisherman.
After all, for good
For the fisherman
Just need a fishing rod
And the river!

Translation of the song Children's Songs - Fisherman into Russian


Started out of town
Fisherman get ready.
I took the fishing rod
To catch fish
I took a raincoat
To give them shelter
I took the samovar,
To boil tea.

He took the bed
To sleep on the bed.
He took the carpet
To sunbathe on it.
He took the firewood
So that he doesn't have to look for them.

I took the suitcase -
Why not take it?

I took kerosene gas,
rocking chair,
He took the dog
To protect everything.
Exactly two thousand
Necessary things
He began to lay
In his boat.

The boat rocked
I scooped up some water,
And she instantly drowned.

Exactly a week later
From the river
Things were pulled out

And they said;
- Listen, weirdo,
You are anyone
But not a fisherman.
After all, for good
For the fisherman
Just need a fishing rod
And the river!

Translation of the song Children's Songs - Fisherman into Ukrainian


For starting the place
The fisherman is getting ready.
Taking wood,
To catch fish,
Taking the plank,
What should I do?
Taking the samovar,
Shchob tea kip "yatiti.

Taking the wine lightly,
Let's go to bed.
Taking vin kilim,
Just make sure to smear it.
Taking firewood from the wine,
Let's not make fun of them.

Taking a suitcase -
Why not take it?

Taking kerosene gas,
Taking in a dog,
Shchob was buried.
Exactly two thousand
Required speeches
Put it in place
In chovny.

Choven hit himself,
Scooped up some water
Turned over
I completely sank.

Exactly this day
From the rivers
The speeches were drawn out

I said;
- Listen, diva,
You're welcome
Ale is not a fisherman.
Aje for garniy
For the fisherman
Wood is only needed
I river!