Fishing feeder how alarms work. Electronic bite alarms

Bite alarms for donkey were initially installed, since the fishing line is a poor indicator for such fishing. Over the course of a long fishing practice, several signaling options have been developed - from the simplest sedge stems attached to a fishing line between the rod rings, and bells to complex electronic devices. The choice depends on the preferences of the fisherman and his financial capabilities. The article will discuss the types of feeder alarms, how to mount them, their advantages and disadvantages.


Feeder bite alarms are designed for the following purposes:

  • help the fisherman to notice in time that the fish is taking the bait and thereby make it possible to make a hook in time;
  • use several gears at the same time.

Functionality is classified as follows:

  • visual alarms that you just need to watch in order to notice a bite in time (flexible tips, nods, pendulums, pendants between rings, etc.);
  • audio (mainly electronic devices);
  • combined, which allow you not only to see when a fish bites, but also to hear this moment if attention is diverted to another subject.

Visual alarms

Devices of this kind are capable of notifying about a bite only when the angler is watching them. There are the following types of visual alarms:

  • weight on the fishing line between the rings;
  • pendulum device;
  • flexible tip;
  • swingtype.

Such a guard requires constant monitoring, and the success of hooking depends on the speed of the angler’s reaction.

The simplest devices

A donkey alarm is a must. The simplest way To install it is to find a small piece of sedge, split it on one side and attach it to the fishing line between the rings. Under own weight it will create a slight sag. When there is a bite, the weight will either rise or fall - at this moment you need to hook.

Improved devices are used on the same principle:

  1. Wine bottle stopper, drilled along the axis and cut with a thin blade on the side to the hole. It glides freely along the rig when casting and reeling, does not damage the rod blank during sharp hooks, and provides a good signal that the fish is taking the bait.
  2. Aluminum foil from chocolate rolled into a ribbon and wrapped around fishing line.
  3. Clothespins. The linen is hung so as not to pinch the fishing line. But before hooking, you need to have time to remove it, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the rod body. There are special clips that only need to be slightly secured to the fishing line. They are tied to the bottom and when the form is lifted, they freely disengage.

Alarm on a clamp tied to a stand and detached when lifting the rod

Despite the simplicity of this type of device, due to the sagging of the fishing line, they give some head start to the fish and a sharp hook does not work, especially if the distance to the fishing point is large and an extensible monofilament is used.

Pendulum signaling devices

A pendulum device is a common and convenient option for a donkey alarm. This is a plastic tube with wire loops at the ends. In front there is a bright plastic cylinder, put on the tube and able to move along it in a limited space due to the spring.

The loops are located in different planes. The back one is put on the rod ring, the front one is put on the fishing line, but to do this you need to press the cylinder down a little, and insert the line into the opened loop, and then put everything in place. The longer the pendulum alarm, the more slack it provides.

The pendulum alarm may vary in length - depending on the required sensitivity of the gear

The disadvantages of this device include low sensitivity, constant impacts on the rod blank, and interference when casting.

Flexible tip

This is the main alarm for the feeder. It is the flexible top that distinguishes this bottom tackle from others. The kit usually includes multi-colored whips of different flexibility - each test has its own color, so that on a pond you can quickly adapt to the fishing conditions. The fastest fishing tackle of all, if used correctly.

A plug connection to the main form is used, which allows you to quickly change the tips. After casting the rig, the line is tightened so that the alarm is slightly bent. Bites on the feeder are determined by the twitching of the alarm or its return to its original position.

The sensitivity of such a device when fishing is high, but you need to constantly focus on the thin colored whip.

This alarm has appeared relatively recently and has quickly proven its effectiveness in some conditions. It is a flexible and thin metal plate (or cable), one end is attached to the fishing rod, and the other is equipped with a small hook. Installed between the coil and the first pass ring.

The side nod is installed between the coil and the first ring

When biting, the line tightens and bends the guard, signaling that the fish has taken the bait. The angle of the hook is such that when hooking the line comes out of gear and the alarm does not interfere with the fishing of trophies.

Shows good results in windy weather. The influence of the wave is compensated in such circumstances by the previous rings, although for the same reason it loses in sensitivity to the feeder tip.

How to make a side nod for a donkey with your own hands.

The original signaling device is a separate additional tip with two passage rings and a small weight. Attaching to the form is carried out using a flexible tube. The fishing rod should be placed on the shore at a slight angle to the water's edge - this makes it easier to observe the guardhouse.

A donka equipped with a swing tip has one significant disadvantage - it is difficult to cast the tackle. However, once you gain the proper skill, fishing with such a signaling device will bring real pleasure.

The swing tip is attached to the form using a silicone adapter and is slightly weighted

At night, visual alarms must be equipped with so-called “fireflies” - tubes made of luminous plastic. It gives a light signal about the movement of the guard.

Sound alarms

Most often, for sound notification in modern conditions, an electronic bite alarm for the feeder is used, which is triggered by a change in the tension force of the fishing line. Such holders are installed on stands, which allows you to quickly change them in case of malfunction. They are made of impact-resistant plastic and are waterproof. Power supply is from a small-sized rechargeable battery.

Electronic signaling devices adjustable by line tension, can be turned off when not needed

The simplest alarms are set to one force, but there are also adjustable devices. Sometimes they have a light indicator, which, during night fishing, shows which fishing rod the bite occurred on. There are also particularly complex devices equipped with a satellite transmitter that sends a pager alert about a bite at a distance of up to 150 meters.

Most often they are used for carp fishing, where they have proven their undoubted effectiveness. A significant disadvantage of such devices is their high cost. However, with successful monitoring, it is possible to find an acceptable option on inexpensive trading platforms (for example, Aliexpress).

Combination devices

Bells are probably the oldest sound bite alarm, sounding a bell when the fishing line twitches. It is used both for its intended purpose and as a visual indicator. It can be tightly attached to the fishing line and removed immediately after hooking (as happened before).

But it is better to do this with a weak clamp, just enough to prevent the bell from coming off while at rest. When hooking, the line is easily removed from it, and a cord tied to the other end prevents the guard from falling to the ground.

Blind fastening of the bell - not very good good option. It is better to loosen the clamp and tie the alarm to the stand.

You can make such devices yourself.


A more modern variation of the sound signaling device is the bell. As a rule, there are two of them mounted on a clamp. That, in turn, is put on a fishing line.

In modern practice, there are two options for their use:

  • non-removable;
  • tied to a rod stand.

In the first option, the device is installed either on the fishing line, and there is a risk of either damaging the fishing rod, or pinching the fishing line, or it is pinched at the tip, which leads to the risk of overlap when casting.

The second way is more acceptable. It is a little more troublesome due to the difficulty of selecting a clamp, but more practical.

Popular models and prices:

The bite alarm on the feeder should provide high-quality and timely notification that the trophy has taken the bait. There are several varieties, the choice is made based on the preferences of the fisherman, his financial capabilities and fishing conditions.

Every fisherman needs an assistant, so in their work they use a bite alarm with their own hands; making it is not at all difficult. This device can report that a fish has touched the bait, and also suggests the most appropriate moment to hook. Today in specialized stores you can find a wide selection of such useful devices, but they are not always available at the right time. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with how to make a bite alarm with your own hands.

There are many types of this homemade device. Every experienced fisherman has his own.

They can be divided into the following models:
  • pendulum;
  • nodding;
  • sound;
  • electronic.

The first option is the simplest. It is made from twigs, lumps of clay, which are suspended near the end of the rod on the main line. However, this bite sensor has its drawback. So, they are silent, and the impact of clay (wood) quickly wears out the main line.

But the nodding device is considered the most perfect. It differs in that it reacts even if the smallest fish bites.

An audible bite alarm is necessary when fishing takes place not with one, but with several fishing rods. Such models can be very diverse. You can take a banal brass sleeve. But it can also be a more complex design.

If we talk about electronic signaling devices, then these designs can also be different. They should be attached to the form in front of 1 or 2 rings.

However, the best option is considered to be combined ones, which are capable of delivering not only a visual signal, sound, but also light.

In addition, it is recommended to always have several devices with you to respond to bites. For example, when it is windy outside, the rods should be positioned horizontally, this will reduce the air flow directly affecting the action of the blanks. In this case, it is the pendulum device that will work perfectly, which additionally needs to be equipped with a rattle. Then you can fish with several fishing rods.

Which devices are best to use should be decided depending on the fishing conditions, that is, individually for each specific case. In any case, the main thing to remember is that the alarms begin to react when the fish swallows the bait. Therefore, this weapon is considered simply irreplaceable.

How to make a visual alarm yourself?

Most fishermen use visual alarms to detect bites.

To build such models, you cannot do without:
  • float;
  • rod tip;
  • additional beacon;
  • firefly lighthouse (if fishing at night).

So, if you decide to make a homemade bite alarm from a float, then you can use a cork, a feather from a large bird (for example, a goose), or a twig. These devices should be attached to the fishing line using an elastic band.

A nod made independently will signal inactive prey. Those made of springy metal wire have proven themselves well. A plate will also do. The nod should be attached with adhesive tape to the top of the rod. It should be noted that it is the nodding signal that is most often used.

Those who like to fish at night prefer bite alarms in the form of a firefly. This light option requires a soft polymer tube, which must be baited on the edge of the rod. Afterwards, a luminous type indicator is attached to the other side. If the tube and the mount are incompatible, clear adhesive tape will do the trick to secure them in place. If the firefly is needed for constant use, then it should be stored in the freezer.

The simplest device is a tube made of foil. You need to secure it to the fishing line. Such a model will change its position if the fishing line becomes taut. In addition, it will be clearly visible at night. However, this unit has a high windage capacity, so during windy times it is worth using another option.

A special pin is suitable as a latch. Thus, it is not difficult to make a visual alarm. The main thing is to try all of the above options and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Homemade sound devices

If a person has an ear for music, then he can easily determine which fishing rod was triggered by the bell. They are easy to make yourself. To do this, you will need a piece of metal pipe, where a tongue is placed inside, for which a bolt or nut is suitable. Mounting here will also be very simple. A clothespin works great for this.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the correct bell, which is distinguished by its fixation on the feeder. There are two methods of fastening.

  1. Any household clamp is a simple and effective method.
  2. Connecting a wire with a hook is the most reliable option.

You can easily make a sound bite alarm with your own hands using a bell. This option will be the most basic. Bells have different tones and vibrations.

Mechanical alarms are divided into several types:

  • sensitive nod;
  • monkey;
  • swinger.

The method of constructing the nod was described above. This could be the tip of the rod or the float. Its operating principle is quite simple. So, when the fishing line is stretched, the nod begins to bend.

The monkey looks like a weight. It is also attached to the fishing line, and it is located among the reel and the input ring of the rod. The weight creates a slack in the fishing line. The fish begins to peck and this sag gradually decreases, which is why the monkey moves.

The swinger looks like a small plastic head with a clamp. It is fixed on a lever with a weight. Thus, mechanical devices are very simple, which is why they are so easy to make with your own hands.

Professionals, as well as modern fishermen, use electric alarms. They work according to a special scheme.

So, the fishing line must be passed through a special hole in the corresponding device where the wheel is located. It will rotate and signal when the fishing line is pulled. The fisherman will receive a signal in the form of sound, vibration and light.

Why are these types of models in demand today? The fact is that you cannot move away from a mechanical tool, since you can miss the necessary moment. However, it is not always possible to constantly monitor the rod. An electric beacon will do this perfectly.

He does not need constant presence. There is a wide selection of these products in stores.

They may be:
  • visual;
  • sound;
  • combined.

Of course, any angler is constantly improving his gear according to his own understanding and inclinations. At the same time, it is worth trying all the types of alarms that were given above, which react differently to a bite. Thanks to this, fishing will become a real creative process, even more exciting and interesting.

Their operating principle is the closing and opening of electrical circuits. To make the simplest version, you will need several parts. But it is important to follow some rules.

  1. The keychain that is used as a basis must have a certain melody.
  2. It is attached to the feeder, namely to its stand, but the contacts must be in a closed state.
  3. They are brought out as two plates.
  4. In the area where the coil and the first ring are located, a piece of plastic (1 mm thick) should be fixed.
  5. The second end must be inserted among the output contacts.

The bite will close the contacts, due to which the melody will begin to sound. This option is very convenient to use, but it is impossible to do it quickly and with improvised means.

It should be understood that important element For successful fishing, it is the signaling device. If you get acquainted with all the rules for its manufacture, you can quickly and easily build it with your own hands. Any model will be easy to use and effective.

Fishing with feeder gear, equipped with special feeders and an ultra-sensitive tip, attracts more and more fans every year. This is a universal modern type of gear that even a novice angler can handle. The feeder shows excellent results in any body of water; with it you can easily hunt any type of fish living in our latitudes.

The specifics of feeder fishing require the presence of several rods; in order to keep track of the careful touches of the prey to the bait, anglers use special devices - bite alarms. It is especially important to equip your gear during night hunting.

So, a bite alarm is a device that visually or with the help of an audio signal notifies the fisherman about a bite. On the market fishing accessories These devices are presented in a fairly large assortment, but they have a common operating principle. All of them determine the slightest changes in the tension of the working thread.

By type of device, alarms are:

  • Mechanical. These include floats, sensitive tips of fishing tools, nods, guards, swingers. Springers, bats, monkeys, homemade designs.
  • Electronic. It has its own classification: by type of power source (rechargeable, battery-powered, combined options). By notification method (sound, light models, combined options), by information range (direct, remote).

According to the method of signaling the fact of a bite:

  • Visual devices that inform the fisherman through various oscillatory movements.
  • Sound models, where any thread tension is accompanied by a sound signal.

Advantages of using bite alarms:

  • increase the level of comfort and freedom when fishing;
  • simplify the process of monitoring gear;
  • make it possible to use several fishing rods at the same time;
  • ensures timely cutting;
  • devices are presented in a wide range, which makes it easy to choose the appropriate option.

Visual alarms

The operating principle of visual devices is based on the use of various devices, in particular a nod, a beacon, a firefly, to determine the fact of a bite, making it as visible as possible to the fisherman’s eyes. This simple design allows you to reduce the number of wasted hooks, save bait mixture and time.

The most common variations of visual devices include: floats, nods, fireflies, foil paper tubes.

Positive qualities of visual models:

  • Notification about the bite of a fishing object.
  • Ensures timely hooking of fish.
  • Increases the chances of quantitative and qualitative catch.

Despite a number of advantages, there is also a drawback: considering visual signals and responding to them in a timely manner is beyond the power of everyone, especially novice feeders. This requires experience.

Megatex – bite alarm

Alarm options

The following items are used to inform about the fact of a bite by visual assessment:

  • Floats.
  • Tackle tips.
  • Additional beacons on the fishing thread and rod.
  • Firefly beacons for night fishing.

You can make such devices yourself:


This is one of the simplest options for visual devices. To make it you need to take:

  • cork or foam;
  • goose feather, a feather from another bird;
  • a twig from any bush or low-growing tree.

For hunting toothy predators and perch in water areas with strong currents, a cork and a float are suitable.

For fishing for crucian carp, bream and roach, it is better to use feather options and floats made from twigs. Such products are made quickly enough with a sharp knife. To fix them on the working thread, you can use either an elastic band or a cambric.


Experienced fishermen use the tip of their rod as a signaling device. Yes, this is an effective method, but there are situations when the standard version of the tip cannot fully notify of a bite. Most often, this is due to the low sensitivity of the tackle tip. As a way out, fishermen make such devices themselves.

Nods made of springy metal wire and plates as homemade products are distinguished by good sensitivity and effectiveness. They are mounted to the top of the fishing tool with adhesive tape, the working thread is passed through a special hole.

Especially good results homemade nods are shown when fishing for careful prey, with the jig method of fishing, bottom hunting, when the object of fishing is bream. To detect any tension in the fishing line, it is recommended to attach a nod to one side of the tip of the tackle.


This is primarily a nighttime device consisting of a soft polymer tube. It is baited onto the edge of the fishing tool, and a luminous indicator is mounted on the opposite side. To improve its effectiveness, shake and break the indicator at several points.

If the tube and the luminous element mount do not match, it is recommended to use clear adhesive tape. You can extend the service life of a firefly by placing it in the freezer after your next fishing trip. This way you can slow down the chemical reaction and the device will last longer.

Fixing the side nod foot for the feeder

Foil paper tube

Anyone can do this option; it is accessible and simple. This is a small piece of foil that needs to be rolled into a tube. The handicraft structure is fixed on the working thread, and at the moment of tension it changes its position.

Foil paper glitters and creates a rustling effect, which is convenient when fishing in the dark. But, there is a nuance: due to the high windage, this version of the alarm cannot be used in strong winds. To stabilize the beacon, use a fixing pin. Due to the large mass, the structure is in a uniform position.

Sound alarms

Devices with a sound effect are considered more convenient to use in contrast to visual alarms. Information about the bite that has occurred is transmitted using sound and melody. This type of device is mounted on the top of the feeder. Bells, metal tubes equipped with metal parts, ball bearings, and bells act as sound alerts.

The operating principle of such a device: during a bite, the alarm begins to make oscillatory movements from side to side, as a result of which the rattle is triggered, emitting a corresponding sound.

Options for homemade sound devices

The most common self-made devices include:


Here you need to understand that we are not talking about making the correct bell as such, but about the method of installing it on the feeder tackle. You can purchase a ready-made bell at any specialized retail outlet.

The classic option for attaching the device is to use any clamp. As practice shows, this method is not reliable.

It's better to use the following option:

  1. Take a small piece of rubber band.
  2. Attach it to the feeder stand at a distance of 20 cm from the top.
  3. It is necessary to attach a bell to the already fixed harness, equipped with a small wire hook.
  4. Having thrown the tackle and installed it on the stand, you need to take the bell hook and fasten it to the working thread near the reel. But at the same time, the elastic band should pull the thread back a few centimeters.

At the moment of the bite, the thread is stretched and the bell begins to ring. The advantage of such a device: during the next cast, the alarm does not need to be removed each time; it does not interfere with catching prey at all.


The design of the bells consists of two hollow balls with a bearing inside, which is necessary to create a sound effect.

To make it you will need:

  • spiral wires with a length of 10 cm;
  • clamping elements (for example, clothespins) as fasteners to feeder tackle.

So, a spiral wire equipped with bells (on both sides) must be fixed on one of the parts of the clamping element. If the pinch is installed on a tackle stand in a vertical position, then the sound element should be in a horizontal position. In this position, the bells will be in a certain position of weightlessness, which will increase the sensitivity of the device.

Typically, bells are attached to a tackle stand. Mount them on fishing tool without support it is not advisable or practical. The option of attaching this device to the top of the tool is also not suitable; the tackle will be overloaded.

Important point: When installing bells on a stand, it is recommended to leave a small gap, which will help ensure free movement of the alarm. This way, the clarity of transmission of vibrations will be guaranteed.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Universal devices

Electronic bite alarm for feeder

This type of bite alarm informs the fisherman not only with sound, but also with light. The principle of operation is to open and close an electrical circuit using a working thread when biting.

Materials for self-made electronic device:

  • housing made of plastic box;
  • LED as an indicator, it is mounted on the housing;
  • sound capsule, it is attached to the wall inside the case;
  • battery, it is installed inside the same housing;
  • corner, it is placed in inner part housings for mounting the spring;
  • small ring for attaching the spring.

One more nuance: additional fishing line will be required; it will need to be secured at one end to a small ring, and the free part taken out through the opening on the body.

A clip (clothespin) located on the outside of the body is mounted to the free part of the fishing line. The electronic components of the device must be installed inside the housing. The radio component (reed switch) must be fixed to the free edge of the spring using strong threads.

A magnet on a metal plate must be mounted to the side wall of the housing on the radio component side. During operation, the electronic device must be installed on the rod. The clamp is hooked onto the working thread. When the fishing line is tensioned, the reed switch approaches the magnet and the device is brought into working condition. The light comes on and the sound capsule turns on.

  • Using a bite alarm when hunting on a feeder will significantly improve the quality of fishing and increase the chances of catching.
  • To determine the accurate bite of passive prey, it is recommended to use a sensitive nod. To make such a device you will need wire material or a thin metal plate. Using insulating tape, the nod is attached to the tip of the tackle and the working thread is threaded through it. For greater efficiency, the device is attached to the side of the end of the fishing tool.
  • The use of fireflies and light tubes simplifies the process of monitoring the feeder. To extend their service life, it is recommended to place them in the freezer after fishing.
  • It is recommended to equip side bite alarms brightly colored objects, in particular a ball.
  • To give more sensitivity to the bells, the spring must be stretched as much as possible.

is an ideal solution for detecting real prey bites. The device not only facilitates timely hooking, but also saves the fisherman’s energy, saving him from wasted casting of the tackle.

Fish hunting is becoming an increasingly popular activity, as indirectly evidenced by the increasing number of fishing supply stores and the growing popularity of specialized sites on the Internet. Fishing is a fascinating activity, and the peculiarity of this type of activity is that the hunter and the prey are in different environments, mutually incompatible. Therefore, the success of such a hunt depends on the quality of gear and intermediate devices that signal that the hunted object is interested in the bait. Such a sensor is a bite alarm.

Types of bite alarms

It is almost impossible to list all the options for manufacturing such devices. Sometimes the “homemade” fantasies are so bizarre that you don’t immediately understand its true purpose. However, a conditional division is possible into the following types:

  1. Pendulum devices. The simplest bite alarm for donkey is a cutting of a twig or a lump of clay, suspended on the main fishing line near the end of the rod. The main disadvantage of such bite sensors is the increased wear of the main lek from exposure to clay or wood. Moreover, they are silent;

Pendulum bite alarm

  1. Nodding devices. The most perfect feeder signaling device is the thin and flexible tip of the form itself. It perfectly catches even the smallest fish;

Nod signaling devices with elastic sensing element

  1. Sound alarms. They are always used when fishing is carried out with more than one fishing rod. The devices are very diverse in design, ranging from a banal brass sleeve for hunting weapons and ending with technically complex electronic signaling devices;

Homemade quivertip with a bell

  1. Electronic signaling devices. Various designs that respond to the displacement of the main line in the sensor. Attached directly to the blank in front of the first or second ring from the butt.

Modern electronic bite alarms with sound and light signals

As a rule, purchased and homemade bite alarms for bottom gear are made in combination, providing, in addition to a visual signal, also an audio and, quite often, a light signal.

Conditions for using alarms

An amateur's fishing box should always have several types of devices that react to bites. Which of them to use is determined by the fishing conditions in each specific case. For example, in windy conditions, rods should be placed horizontally to reduce the effect of air flow on the behavior of the blanks. The best option their location will be parallel to the shore, but there is not always enough space for this. When the rods are installed in a horizontal position, the angle between them is almost invisible, and the tip of the blank does not trigger the bite. In this case, you need to use a pendulum signaling device.

Homemade pendulum signaling device

This device is additionally equipped with a rattle, which allows you to confidently fish with several fishing rods at the same time.

Good results with horizontal rods are obtained by using a quivertip (side nod). Visual effect is supplemented by sound if a bell or rattle is added to the elastic element.

Quivertip with rod mount

For night fishing, a chemical light is a great addition. You can attach it to the flexible stem of the side nod using any in an accessible way, for example, using a strip of tape. This device is a glass tube filled with two reagents, breaking it, we mix them, the reagents enter into a chemical interaction, which releases light. One device is enough for night fishing.

The advantage of such alarms is their ease of use and the absence of any energy carriers.

Manufacturing of signaling devices

Many fishermen prefer to modify purchased devices or make them themselves, guided by their experience and the characteristics of the reservoir where they are used. For this purpose, as a rule, improvised and random materials are used.

Option 1. Float

This type of fishing rod indicator has long been used on match forms.

How a float works on a match rod

The presented scheme for setting up the float tackle provides the possibility of fishing both in the water column and from the bottom. It is recommended to include in the rig a “podpasok” - a small lead pellet installed between the main load and the hook.

To make such a float you will need:

  • a piece of dense foam. Using a knife, it is given a rounded, elongated shape. Having carefully trimmed the float body, it must be rolled with a plank on a flat surface. This allows you to compact the body and close the pores on its surface;
  • For the tip, it is best to use a chip of the butt link of an old bamboo rod. Such a part can be easily processed with a sharp knife, and the finishing operation is best performed with the sharp edge of broken glass;
  • the bottom six can be made in the same way;
  • The holes for installing the top and six must be made with a drill of a smaller diameter so that the parts fit tightly into them. These parts need to be installed with glue. In this case, you should avoid using adhesives prepared using solvents that can melt the foam. It is best to use regular PVA; after hardening it becomes waterproof. Drying time is about one hour;
  • The float is painted in several colors, contrasting with each other. Nail polish, enamel white and black paint work well for this.

The size of the float depends on the intention of its use for catching a particular fish.

Option 2. Pendulum devices

You can make such a donk bite alarm with your own hands from scrap materials in the most short time. An anti-twist for the feeder can be used as the main element.


It is enough, instead of equipment, to install loops at the ends of the product for attaching to the form on the long arm and for landing the donkey on the fishing line on the short arm. The carabiner for the feeder is useful for installing the bell. The pendulum signaling device is ready.

Cocktail straws with a grooved elbow or straws from juice bags are very convenient for making such devices. The end holes can be covered with foam plugs and used to attach the hinges. They can easily be made from paper clips. If you use plastic-coated paper clips, they will last a long time and be reliable. Often the tubes are cut and a barrel-shaped plastic container from “Kinder Surprises” is glued into the cut. It is convenient because it has a detachable design that allows you to adjust the weight of the alarm as you go fishing. By placing several plastic balls or peas inside the container, you can get an excellent “rustle” as a sound alarm.

Option 3. Nodding devices

This option for making a donk alarm is one of the most commonly used devices. It can be used with a mount on the blank itself with side placement or on the front rod stand. The second option is more preferable because it does not create difficulties when casting the tackle.

Nod bite alarm with rack mounting

The advantage of this design is that you don’t have to look for the device in the grass or in the water when it flies off when hooking. The uncontrolled use of rattles and rustles turns them into consumables for fishing, the supply of which must be constantly replenished.

To make nods, flexible steel strips or wires are usually used. To install the alarm on the main fishing line, two beads are used, attached to the ends of an elastic wire. Wire made from paper clips works quite reliably in this capacity.

You can make a do-it-yourself feeder bite alarm directly at the fishing site using available materials. Probably not a single fisherman goes fishing without a knife and small pliers, and having a dozen paper clips in stock is neither difficult nor significant expense. To make a signaling device for a donkey with your own hands, it will take only a few minutes if such options are thought out in advance.


Every fisherman, gaining experience with each hunt, constantly improves his gear in accordance with his understanding of the process and his own inclinations. One of the objects of constant attention is a do-it-yourself fishing alarm, which allows you to effectively respond to any bite.

So the hobby itself fishing, becomes a creative process. Good luck to you in this difficult task, and remember that the time spent fishing does not count towards your life!

By bite alarms, fishermen understand certain devices attached to fishing rods that help detect fish bites.

The price of fishing alarms can be very different, ranging from 20 rubles for simple bells, and ending with entire carp installations for several hundred dollars.

But if you came to this article, then most likely you want to make your own bite alarm, investing a minimum of money and time.

Types of bite alarms

So, let's start by figuring out how alarms can notify us about a bite, and they can do this in the following ways:

  • Sound signal;
  • light signal;
  • movement.

Sound alarms include: rattles, bells, electronic sound sensors and other noise elements.

Lighting includes glow sticks that are attached directly to the tip of the fishing rod or to the float. Signal lights are used only at night.

Regarding motion alarms I, then these include: soft tips, side nods, or bright rattles that are attached to a sagging fishing line. Side nods can catch the slightest bites and can be used both on a spinning rod and on a donk.

We've sorted out the theory, now let's move on to practice, in which we will try to clearly describe the process of assembling various alarms from improvised means and tools.

Do-it-yourself sound alarm (instructions)

This alarm is very easy to manufacture, which is why it is most popular among fishermen, especially mature ones.

Stages of a homemade bell:

  1. Take out a small bell;
  2. find a hollow rubber hose up to three centimeters in diameter;
  3. cut a piece of hose 2-5 centimeters long;
  4. make a slot in one part of the tube into which the fishing line will go;
  5. put this tube on the bell, if it does not fit tightly, then glue it with glue;
  6. wrap a braided or nylon cord around this entire installation.

The principle of such an alarm is that it clings to the fishing line with a tube with a slot, at the moment of hooking the bell comes off the fishing line so as not to interfere with fishing, and we tied the thread so that the bell does not fly away and get lost. Tie the thread to something that the rod rests on, for example, a flyer or a rod rest.

You can also use a wine or champagne cork along with a rubber tube. If we compare this alarm with a rattle, which is attached like a clothespin, then the bell turns out to be more convenient, since it resets itself when sweeping, and the rattle must be removed manually so that it does not interfere with sweeping.

Side warning light

This alarm system is good because it can be used in any weather conditions, as it does not react to strong winds. Watch the video, in which you will see step by step the process of creating a side gatehouse.

Do-it-yourself light electronic bite alarm

A simple analogue of this signaling device is a phosphorus stick, which glows if it is broken.

But the good thing about our device is that it lasts for a long time, while the phosphorus stick only lasts for the night.

So, for our homemade product you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Straws for cocktails;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun with glue sticks;
  • LEDs;
  • batteries (3 V);
  • heat shrink tube;
  • lighter;
  • crocodile clips.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Cut a piece of straw 3-5 cm long.
  2. Fill a cut piece of straw with hot glue.
  3. While the glue is hot, insert the LED into the straw. The LED leads should stick out about 5 mm.
  4. Insert the coin cell battery into the heat shrink.
  5. Cut off the excess part of the heat shrink so that 1-2 cm remains on each side of the tube.
  6. Insert the straws into the heat shrink on both sides.
  7. Use a lighter to heat the shrink wrap to pull it off over the straw.
  8. Connect the straw to the diode and heat shrink so that one contact of the diode touches one side of the battery, and the other contacts the other side of the battery.
  9. Glue a hairpin onto the free end of the tube with a glue gun, which will be attached to the fishing line.

And now the same thing only in video format. Enjoy watching.

Another option for an electronic signaling device

Here are a few more options for homemade bite alarms

Signaling device "Reel"

Rattle built into stand

And here is another option for a signaling device that we found on the Internet. A very interesting idea. The recess for the fishing rod is stretched with rubber bands between bent wires.

It is worth noting that this design is not sensitive and is capable of detecting only powerful bites.

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