Full instructions for use: l citrulline. Citrulline malate: a fighter against fatigue Citrulline reviews from men

How to take citrulline malate: application, properties, benefits. Find out how this sports nutrition product affects your health and muscle gain.

Citrulline is a nonessential amino acid found in some protein products. It has many beneficial synergistic effects with other sports supplements, such as BCAAs.

In its natural form, citrulline is found in large quantities in watermelons. It is an important topic in matters of diet and sports nutrition.

Physiological role of citrulline

Citrulline has many physiological functions, but the main one is increasing the production of nitric oxide.In the liver, citrulline can be created from other amino acids. It is an essential component of the urea cycle, which is particularly important for removing ammonia and other nitrogenous toxins from the blood, most of which in mammals are found in the liver. Nitrogen breakdown products are formed during the consumption, assimilation and metabolism of protein.

Oral citrulline has been shown to increase plasma arginine concentrations and thus enhance the production of arginine-derived metabolites (nitrite, ornithine, creatinine, etc.).When interacting with citric, aspartic acid and magnesium, citrulline promotes the removal of nitrogen metabolites.

A rare human disease called citrullinemia causes increased levels of ammonia in the blood.

However, studies show that taking zinc helps convert citrulline found in the liver into arginine, thereby reducing ammonia concentrations.

In addition, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) activates transaminases (enzymes that convert one amino acid to another) during the urea cycle. If you suspect a liver malfunction, taking pyridoxine can be very effective (however, you must first consult with your doctor).

Benefits of taking sports nutrition containing citrulline malate

Taking citrulline malate leads to numerous improvements in physical condition. In addition to its participation in the urea cycle, citrulline has the following beneficial effects on the human body.

  1. Increases the intracellular production of nitric oxide, which has a positive effect on vasodilation (relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels) and blood flow.
  2. Increases absorptionduring training.
  3. Accelerates recovery after training, reducing muscle pain.
  4. Improves the removal of toxic nitrogen metabolites.
  5. Increases growth hormone levels after training relative to individuals receiving placebo instead of citrulline.
  6. Reduces plasma insulin levels after high-intensity exercise.

Possible side effects from taking citrulline malate

Luckily, citrulline is a fairly safe supplement with no dangerous side effects. The only one that is relatively common is stomach upset, but this only occurs when taking this supplement on an empty stomach.

Citrulline should be taken:

  • bodybuilders;
  • athletes involved in aerobic or anaerobic sports;
  • powerlifters;
  • for those who want to achieve greater pumping during training.

When is the best time to take citrulline?

The optimal time to take citrulline is 15–30 minutes before training. But if desired, it can also be taken after it.

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Frequently asked questions about taking citrulline

Is it possible to just eat watermelon instead of taking citrulline?

Most of the citrulline is found in the rind of the watermelon, so it is difficult to get the required amount of citrulline from watermelon.

Is it true that citrulline improves libido and treats impotence?

This is one of the benefits of taking citrulline. Increased nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow (which, among other things, helps improve erections).

Is it true that citrulline should be taken on an empty stomach?

To avoid possible stomach upset, it is better to take citrulline with food.

How long does it take to feel the effects of taking citrulline?

This is very individual, but some important effects, such as the removal of toxins, will begin to occur after the first dose. But, for example, it may take several weeks to feel an increase in strength and a decrease in muscle pain after strength training.

Citrulline Malate / Citrulline- an amino acid that is not part of building proteins, but has a large number of physiological effects.

Citrulline strengthens immune function and increases the body's energy potential

Citrulline found in specialized enzymes, part of the skin, hair and nerve sheath.

Citrulline necessary to maintain nitrogen balance in the body.

From citrulline may form arginine- the main donor of nitrogen, which improves blood flow in the muscles.

Increases endurance and improves muscle nutrition.

Citrulline is widely used in sports, including bodybuilding, as a supplement to increase performance, speed up recovery and improve blood flow to muscles. Citrulline most often comes in the form of citrulline malate. Since citrulline is involved in the utilization of urea, it promotes the rapid elimination of toxins such as urea and lactic acid. These wastes are formed during physical activity, protein metabolism and catabolic reactions, they slow down recovery and reduce the athlete's physical performance.

Scientists have also determined that citrulline can be used as an alternative to arginine, since the body inverts one amino acid into another. This means that citrulline can increase growth hormone production, insulin secretion, and creatine production.

Research also found that citrulline malate at a dose of about 6 g per day, it reduces muscle fatigue, increases the level of ATP production by 34%, and also increases the concentration of phosphocreatine by 20% after exercise, which makes it a powerful restorer and energizer that can significantly improve results in bodybuilding, powerlifting and others strength sports. Citrulline allows you to make your workouts more intense and also reduce recovery time. Citrulline can also be successfully used in aerobic sports - running, cycling, swimming, etc. for quick recovery and prevention of overtraining.

There is an opinion that it has more advantages over arginine as a nitrogen donor, since it is better absorbed and is not destroyed in the liver after absorption from the digestive tract. Besides, citrulline may inhibit enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. The best option is a combination of arginine and citrulline.

Maximum effect citrulline occurs on the 15th day of administration, but the first positive sensations appear already on the 3-4th day of administration. Recommended course duration is 1-2 months. Citrulline can be taken on an ongoing basis - without breaks.

Citrulline It is recommended to take on an empty stomach before training, 20-30 minutes before training. An additional serving can be taken in the morning and before bed. Since many of the effects of citrulline are due to an increase in arginine levels, the specifics of administration are also the same.

Minimum effective dose citrulline- 6 g per day. However, in some studies citrulline was used in doses of 18 grams per day, with significantly better results. Please note that in many sports supplements citrulline is contained in extremely small quantities, which do not allow you to get the maximum benefit from it.

So far, no side effects of citrulline have been identified in clinical trials.

Consume two or three scoops before, during and after exercise.

Approximately 57% L-citrulline and about 43% DL-malate .

Release form

Citrulline malate sold in the form of raw materials for the production of various dietary supplements. It is a white or almost white crystalline powder with a sour taste that dissolves well in water. The package may contain 100 g or 200 g of raw materials.

Pharmacological action

Pronounced general tonic, anti-asthenic, adaptogenic effect, normalizing metabolic processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

l-citrulline – is replaceable, it is capable of providing natural production within an hour after administration and over the next 20 hours. In addition:

  • provides pumping ;
  • maintains a positive nitrogen balance in the body, removes ammonia And lactic acid ;
  • increases muscle endurance (restores reserves ATP And creatine phosphoric acid );
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the energy potential of the whole body.


L-citrulline absorbed predominantly in the gastrointestinal tract, a dose of 0.18 g/kg causes a doubling of plasma and tissue concentrations arginine , as well as an increase in the plasma concentration of citrulline itself by 6-11 times. Metabolism occurs due to arginosuccinate synthase And arginosuccinate lyase and leads to the formation L-arginine in nearby vessels.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment asthenia various types, including functional , sexy , in athletes, as well as overwork And fatigue .

In addition, it is used during the recovery process, the postoperative period, during pregnancy and in old age.


Hypersensitivity to citrulline malate .

Side effects

Unpleasant sensations in the epigastric area at the beginning of therapy, as well as allergic reactions, are possible.

Citrulline, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

For the elderly and adults

A single dose for oral administration is 200 mg, the frequency of administration should not exceed 1-3 times a day, the duration of therapy is up to 12 days.

For children

Up to 5 years: daily dose – 200 mg per dose.

From 5 to 15 years - 400 mg in 2 doses.

Application in sports and bodybuilding

You need to take 5-10 g with liquid - during and before training (0.5 hours before), as well as before bed. Preferably on an empty stomach.

Citrulline comes from lat. citrullus, the name of the watermelon from which it was first isolated in 1930. Citrulline is an amino acid that is not part of building proteins, but has a large number of physiological effects. The drug improves the body's performance, improves blood supply to muscles, accelerates the restoration of its basic functions, thereby increasing the effectiveness of physical training. I take amino acids before training, which provides powerful energy potential.

Effects of Citrulline

Improves peripheral blood circulation in body tissues.
Helps normalize metabolism.
Promotes the activation of nonspecific protective factors of the body.
Ensures the body's natural production of the amino acid arginine and improves blood flow in the muscles.
Stimulates the immune system.
Removes lactic acid and ammonia, restores ATP and phosphocreatine reserves after training.
Maintains nitrogen balance, and hence muscle growth.
Provides pumping
Increases endurance and improves muscle nutrition
Citrulline strengthens immune function and increases the body's energy potential
Citrulline is found in specialized enzymes and is a component of skin, hair, and nerve sheaths.
Citrulline is necessary to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the body.

Citrulline is widely used in sports, including bodybuilding, as a supplement to increase performance, speed up recovery and improve blood flow to muscles. Available in the form of citrulline malate (lat. Citrulline malate).

Thanks to modern research, it has been found that citrulline at a dose of about 6 g per day can have a positive effect on the synthesis of somatotropin (growth hormone), creatine and insulin, since the body inverts one amino acid to another, citrulline can be used as an alternative to arginine.

It was found that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels increased by 34% when taking just 6 g of citrulline. In addition, after performing physical activity, the concentration of phosphocreatinine increases by 20%, and muscle fatigue decreases.

Without a doubt, citrulline malate is a strong energy booster that makes workouts more intense, improves results in strength sports and actively accelerates recovery processes in the body. This makes citrulline indispensable in aerobic sports - running, swimming and similar disciplines, because quickly restores the athlete's strength and prevents the effect of overtraining from developing.

There is an opinion that citrulline has more advantages over arginine as a nitrogen donor, since it is better absorbed and is not destroyed in the liver after absorption from the digestive tract. Additionally, citrulline may inhibit enzymes that break down nitric oxide. The best option is a combination of arginine and citrulline.

The maximum effect of citrulline occurs on the 15th day of administration, but the first positive sensations appear already on the 3-4th day of administration. Recommended course duration is 1-2 months. Citrulline can be taken on an ongoing basis - without breaks. Powerlifters recognize the payoff of training.

How to take citrulline

It is recommended to take citrulline on an empty stomach before training, 20-30 minutes before training. An additional serving can be taken in the morning and before bed. Since many of the effects of citrulline are due to an increase in arginine levels, the specifics of administration are also the same.

Citrulline dosage

The minimum effective dose of citrulline is 6 g per day. However, some studies have used citrulline in doses of 18 grams per day with significantly better results. "Attention" Please note that many sports supplements contain citrulline in extremely small quantities, which does not allow you to get the maximum benefit from it.

Side effects of citrulline

So far, no side effects of citrulline have been identified in clinical trials. There have also been no reports from athletes using citrulline.

Combining Citrulline with Other Supplements

There are several different supplements that can be combined with citrulline to increase overall effectiveness, either through synergistic or potentiating effects. The most preferred sports nutrition for combination:

Carnosine - helps increase the anaerobic threshold by buffering lactic acid, and also protects muscles from oxidative stress.
L-carnitine - increases energy production due to its inclusion in fat metabolism. Allows you to improve physical performance and protect the cardiovascular system.
Creatine - increases strength and muscle growth.
Arginine - improves muscle nutrition by increasing the production of nitric oxide. Increases the production of growth hormone and insulin.
Vitamins and minerals are elements that are involved in almost all metabolic processes. Citrulline combines especially well with B vitamins and zinc.

Citrulline is a sports supplement that promotes education. The latter is a nitrogen donor and improves blood flow in muscle fibers. The product also provides good pumping, increases the level of endurance, and delivers nutrition to the muscles. Due to it, the immune system is strengthened, the boundaries of energy accumulation are expanded, and a positive nitrogen balance is maintained.

Application in sports

Citrulline is quite popular among bodybuilders. It is worth buying to ensure increased performance, aid effective recovery and improve blood supply to muscle tissue.

In bodybuilding, citrulline malate is actively involved in the utilization of the urea substance. This chemical compound is "urea". The supplement ensures rapid removal of toxins from the body. Toxins that appear during protein metabolism, strength activity, and catabolism interfere with recreation and reduce the athletic performance of an athlete. To prevent this from happening, you should consume L-citrulline.

Scientists have determined that the substance can replace arginine. This is due to the process of inversion of a substance from one type to another. The product allows you to increase the production of growth hormone and creatine, and helps increase insulin synthesis. With a daily intake of 6 grams, muscle fiber fatigue decreases and ATP production increases by 34%. After physical effort, the concentration of phosphocreatine increases by 20%.

Thanks to the listed qualities, citrulline can rightfully be called a powerful restorative and energetic agent. Representatives of strength disciplines take it to improve their athletic performance. The compound helps reduce recovery time after physical activity and gives high intensity to exercise. The risk of overtraining is reduced. The supplement can also be used in case of aerobic exercise.

Many athletes believe that taking citrulline is more effective than arginine. It is optimally absorbed and is not destroyed in the liver once it has gone through the process of absorption from the digestive tract. This amino acid neutralizes enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. A combination of citrulline and arginine is possible.

The maximum effectiveness of the product is noticeable at the beginning of the third week of use. The first results of a positive influence can be detected on the third or fourth day at the beginning of the course. The course of treatment should last one to two months. The supplement can be taken on an ongoing basis without interruption.

Rules for taking citrulline

It is recommended to take the product on an empty stomach, half an hour before training. Additionally, you can drink the supplement before bed and after waking up. The effects that appear after taking it are ensured by an increase in arginine levels. To achieve the desired result, you need to consume at least 6 grams of citrulline per day.

Side effects

Clinical trials did not reveal any side effects from taking citrulline. Those who practice taking the drug do not report any deviations or disturbances in the functioning of the body.

To increase the effectiveness of the supplement, you can combine its intake with other sports nutrition products. This increases the positive effect of citrulline on the athlete’s body.