Summer hunting. Wild boar hunting in the Kurgan region

by Belgorod regional public organization
"Society of Hunters and Fishers"
August 14, 2017 Belgorod

On the organization and conduct of hunting for game birds, wild ungulates and fur-bearing animals on the territory of hunting grounds assigned to the BROO “Society of Hunters and Fishers” in 2017-2018.

In accordance with the hunting rules approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation on November 16, 2010 No. 512 “On approval of the Hunting Rules” (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2012 No. 98, dated 09.05.2012 No. 262, dated November 8, 2012 No. 373, dated 10.12 .2013 No. 581, dated 08.29.2014 No. 379, dated 09.04.2014 No. 383, dated 09.29.2014 No. 420), by Government Decree Belgorod region dated August 14, 2017 No. 299-pp “On the introduction of restrictions in the 2017-2018 hunting season”, the resolution of the Governor of the Belgorod region dated August 13, 2015 No. 79 “Parameters of hunting in the Belgorod region” and the resolution of the Board of the BROO “Society of Hunters and Fishermen" dated June 28, 2017 No. 2 established the following procedure for hunting in the hunting grounds of the BROO "Society of Hunters and Fishers" in the 2017-2018 hunting season:
1. Extraction of hunting resources in the hunting grounds of the BROO "Society of Hunters and Fishers"
produce within the following time frames:
- waterfowl, swamp-meadow, pine forest, field game birds (with the exception of species and
subspecies listed in the Red Book Russian Federation and the Red Book of Belgorod
region) and gray heron from 19-00 hours on August 19 to November 15, 2017 daily;
— on reservoirs of fish farms according to the list (list attached),
approved by resolution of the Government of the Belgorod Region on August 14, 2017
No. 299-pp “On the introduction of restrictions during the 2017-2018 hunting season”, hunting will begin from 19
hours August 19 to October 8, 2017 on Saturdays and Sundays from dawn to 9 o'clock
morning and evening from 18 o'clock until dark, and from October 9 to November 15, 2017 - without
— marmot-baibak — from July 1 to July 31, 2018;
— European beaver — from October 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018;
— marten, American mink, raccoon dog, dark polecat — from August 19, 2017 to August 28
February 2018;
— fox - from November 4, 2017 to February 28, 2018;
— brown hare — from November 4, 2017 to January 15, 2018;
- European roe deer - from October 1 to December 31, 2017, from May 20 to June 20, 2018 and from 15
July to August 15, 2018. Collective amateur hunting for roe deer by driving, driving and
with the use of dogs is permitted from November 1 to December 31, 2017 with the participation of no more than 20
hunters in a group.
2. Hunting for wild ungulates, marmot, and beaver should be carried out under control
full-time hunting staff.
3. Hunt with dogs of hunting breeds if you have a document of origin
dog or veterinary passport of the dog with a mark from the state veterinary service
rabies vaccinations this year.
4. It is prohibited:
— the use of hounds and greyhounds when hunting wild ungulates;
- hunting by driving, driving and using hunting weapons with a rifled barrel for a hare -
— hunting for game birds in 2017 on the following bodies of water:
Valuysky district - mother ponds of JSC "Rybkhoz Uraevsky" in the village of Uraevo (two ponds - 14 hectares)
Novooskolsky district - breeding ponds of peasant farm Pilyugin A.V. h.Krasnaya Kamenka (seven
ponds-21 hectares)
Rakityansky district - a pond in the Bolshoi Log gully in the village of Vyshnie Peny.
5. In order to better satisfy the members of the BROO “Society of Hunters and Fishers” in
hunting for game birds is allowed to hunt on the pond in the Stavische ravine near the village of Petrovka Belgorodskogo
district and on the pond of the Chernaya Kalitva river near the Yasenov village, Veidelevsky district from August 19 to August 27, 2017
years under the control of full-time hunting staff.
6. Establish the following standards for the extraction of hunting resources for one day of hunting for one
— waterfowl — 3 individuals;
— swamp-meadow game — 5 individuals;
— field game — 5 individuals;
— upland game — 3 individuals;
— brown hare — 1 individual;
- fox, raccoon dog, dark polecat, American mink - without restrictions.
7. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases of wild animals and timely
identifying outbreaks of diseases, hunters who have received permission to hunt, upon detection
in the process of detecting dead animals, as well as animals with atypical behavior
immediately inform the employees of the Veterinary Administration, the Administration
environmental safety and supervision over the execution of fauna, aquatic objects
biological resources of the Belgorod region and staff of hunting farms
BROO "Society of Hunters and Fishers".
8. Accountants, senior game managers, game managers of regional societies of hunters and fishermen
issue permits for the extraction of hunting resources, one-time and seasonal vouchers
on the territories provided for long-term use by the BROO "Society of Hunters and
fishermen" in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated 29
August 2014 No. 339 “On approval of the procedure for issuing production permits
hunting resources, the procedure for submitting applications and statements necessary for the issuance of such
permits, and approval of permit forms for the extraction of ungulates, bears, fur
animals, birds" taking into account the territorial carrying capacity of hunting grounds according to
prices approved by the resolution of the Board of the Belgorod regional public
organization "Society of Hunters and Fishers" June 28, 2017, protocol No. 2.
Simultaneously with the issuance of permits and vouchers for the extraction of hunting resources, issue
hunters a reminder about African swine fever and inform them about the need
movement on vehicles in hunting grounds only on public roads
9. Establish the territorial carrying capacity of the land based on the approved
norms of daily territorial carrying capacity of hunting grounds:
— summer-autumn hunting for waterfowl and swamp game — 3 hectares of wetlands;
— summer-autumn hunting for steppe and field game — 200 hectares of field land;
— autumn-winter hunting for fur-bearing animals (hare, fox, raccoon dog, ferret, mink
American) - 300 hectares of hunting grounds;
— hunting for wild ungulates — 3000 hectares of hunting grounds for a group of up to 20 hunters;
10. In order to ensure compliance with the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
dated September 6, 2010 No. 345 “On approval of the regulations on the composition and procedure for maintaining
state hunting register, the procedure for collecting and storing the information contained therein
documented information and providing it to interested parties” and game managers
district societies to bring to the attention of all hunters who have been issued permits for
hunting, on the need to fulfill the terms of the contract (voucher) for hunting in
hunting grounds of BROO "Society of Hunters and Fishermen" and timely
providing information on the amount of game caught. Hunters who have received permission
for the extraction of hunting resources in the hunting farms of the society, in previous season 2016-17
years, but did not provide information on the amount of game caught, the issuance of
Permits for hunting game should be issued after the issuance of permits to hunters, in a timely manner
who provided information on the amount of game caught.
11. To provide senior game managers, game managers of regional societies of hunters and fishermen with
administration of the BROO "Society of Hunters and Fishers" information on the number of issued and
returned permits and vouchers, the amount of game caught within 25 days from the date
the end of each hunting period.
12. The regular hunting service shall ensure control over hunting in the grounds of the BROO
"Society of Hunters and Fishers."
13. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the chief game warden of the BROO
“Society of Hunters and Fishers” Sapegina M.N.

2019-05-06 16:48:11

2018-10-23 17:05:29

2017-09-08 03:49:56

Today, friends, we will devote our topic to traps! Today, traps are the most popular variants of portable self-catchers. The reason for this is their high reliability, ease of installation, relatively low cost, durability and mechanical strength (due to the use of predominantly metal as a material). The method of catching for traps is to capture the paw of the animal (or its entire body - if the size of the animal is small). Structurally, the division led to the appearance of two types of traps - frame traps (in which the base is canvas stretched over the frame) and plate traps (where a small plate takes the place of the frame). In both cases, pressing on the frame or plate leads to the device triggering and almost instantaneous collapse of the trap arcs. When using traps to catch not the smallest animals, the usual practice is to attach it to a chain about a meter long with a swivel. The second end of which, in turn, is fixed to a large stationary object (tree trunk, bush or stone). For smaller animals or birds, the chain is replaced with a shorter - 45-50 cm - wire rope. This tactic makes it impossible for the animal to escape with the trap (although there are rare cases of foxes or wolves caught in the trap gnawing their own paws). It is situations like these, as well as the possibility of many hours of torment for a captured animal, that have led in many countries to the ban on trapping-type traps in general, and traps in particular. Another important component of hunting with a trap is its skillful camouflage (although in some cases it is not used) The most common option is to place the trap in a dug or natural hole in the ground, followed by carefully filling the mechanism with leaves, a thin layer of earth, small twigs or snow (depending on the area and season). After which the hunter needs to eliminate all traces of his presence - first of all, to recreate the picture of an untouched place with a clean broom that has not been used for other purposes. In general, setting and camouflaging traps is a real art - requiring not only great skill, but also a good knowledge of all the habits of the animals being caught. In addition, caring for the trap plays an important role - including protecting it from moisture and foreign odors (especially such harsh, like paint, gasoline or persistent sweat). Since ancient times, the second reason has been eliminated by lubricating the entire mechanism with natural animal products - from fresh manure to goose fat, followed by good ventilation. Less popular, but still effective to this day, is the method of boiling a trap in water with a small resin content. The first reason was easily eliminated - by storing traps in boxes or boxes filled with hay or pine spruce branches. Now, of course, it’s easier to remove the smell, because... There is a fairly large assortment of odor neutralizers sold in stores. The sizes of traps are usually numbered from zero to five. The smallest ones are intended for catching animals such as stoats, water rats, weasels or moles. #1 is good for ferrets or muskrats. Numbers 2 and 3 are suitable for catching beavers, foxes, arctic foxes, marmots and hares. The fourth and fifth numbers are traps for wolves and wolverines. But, in addition to these 2 types, there are also walk-through traps, or humane ones, as they are commonly called. Nowadays, walk-through traps of various designs are becoming increasingly widespread: the Makarov trap, the Agafonov trap, the KP 250 “Conibear” and a number of other lesser known ones. Walk-through traps, unlike traditional leg traps, capture the animal not by the paw, but by the head, neck or torso and kill it in a matter of seconds. This allows you to dramatically reduce the number of catches and avoid unnecessary suffering of the caught animal. In Russian hunting practice, these are the first traps that meet modern international requirements. Traps of this type have long proven their effectiveness high efficiency when trapping fur-bearing animals in Canada, the USA and many other countries, where they have been used for several decades. The KPN140, KP250 and KP120 traps have undergone many years of field testing in the fur trade in different regions of Russia and abroad. They were used to catch various animals, from ermine to badger and beaver. The results obtained allow us to confidently assert that new traps are not only as effective as traditional traps, but, in many cases, surpass them. Practice has shown that the hunter’s doubts about whether the animal will go through the frame disappear after the first successful catch. Despite the fact that the frames of the trap are applied swipe throughout the body of the animal, during the entire testing period there was not a single case of damage to the skin of the caught animals. Please note that walk-through traps have tighter springs than traditional trace traps intended for the same animals. To avoid injury, read the instructions carefully and remember to use the safety devices included with each trap. The springs are locked in a compressed position with safety hooks, the arcs of the cocked trap are fixed with a safety bracket. A trap with installed fuses is absolutely safe. The fuses must be removed after the trap is installed in place, secured, and, if necessary, camouflaged. If this is not possible due to installation conditions, then the fuses must be removed at the last moment, immediately before setting the trap. The design of the traps allows all necessary manipulations to be performed without putting the hunter’s hands into the danger zone. Remember that your safety depends primarily on your care and experience. And at the end of our topic, we will pay attention to burrow traps. They are also called mole traps - this is a type of pressure trap, they are represented by a small number of species. Their distinctive feature is the absence of arches and base. They are used to catch moles and gophers. Made from wire. In this regard, they have a simple design and low weight. They are installed at the entrances to burrows or in underground passages. The number is determined by the size of the inlet hole. Later we will add a video where we will try to show you the principle of operation of traps! And that's all for us. See you again!

Council of MSOO "MOOiR",
Protocol No. 3 dated March 29, 2017
Entered into force on March 29, 2017.

for services provided by the structural divisions of MSOO "MOOiR" in the summer-autumn and autumn-winter hunting seasons of 2017 for the use of wildlife for the purposes of amateur sport hunting

Groups of objects (objects) of sport and amateur huntingUnits of measurementCost for members of MSOO “MOOiR”, rub.Cost for members of MSOO "MOOiR" who hunt with dogs of hunting breeds,*, rub.Notes
  1. FEATHER GAME (waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, upland), except for release sites of artificially reared mallard ducks (prices for hunting at release sites – see paragraph 2.)
The first two days of the hunting seasonperson/day (h/d) 300 300 For 1 hunting trip
h/d 200 160 For 1 hunting trip
For a month of huntingh/d 2000 1600 For 10 hunting trips
For hunting seasonh/d 4000 3200 For 20 hunting trips
2. WATERFLYING GAME in areas where farmed mallard ducks are released
The first two days of the hunting seasonh/d500 400 For 1 hunting trip
Except for the first two days of the hunting seasonh/d350 300 For 1 hunting trip
For a month of huntingh/d3500 3000 For 10 hunting trips
For hunting seasonh/d5250 4500 For 15 hunting trips
3. FUR SPECIES of animals (badger, squirrel, beaver, water vole, raccoon dog, brown and hare hares, martens, muskrat, weasel, fox, American mink, polecat)
One day of hunting seasonh/d200 160 For 1 hunting trip
For a month of huntingh/d2000 1600 For 10 hunting trips
For hunting seasonh/d4000 3200 For 20 hunting trips


The above services are provided to members of MSOO "MOOiR" on the basis of a voucher (agreement);

A hunting trip is considered to be 1 calendar day spent hunting;

Benefits for members of the MSOO "MOOiR" (WWII veterans, disabled people of group 1, full-time employees) are provided on the basis of preferential coupons, but no more than 5 free trips (rest at the base) per year, except for hunting ungulates. Benefits to Honorary Members of the MSOO "MOOiR" are provided by decision of the management of the structural unit, subject to financial opportunity;

Members of public associations included in the Association Rosohotrybolovsoyuz are provided with services on the basis of a voucher (agreement) at twice the cost indicated in the price list;

Hunters who are not members of the above public associations of hunters and fishermen, services are provided on the basis of a voucher (agreement), but not less than three times the cost indicated in the price list;

VAT of 18% is included in the price of the tour;

Hunting organization services include the provision of methodological, advisory and practical assistance to the hunter during hunting, as well as registration of hunts by staff members. management of the relevant documents provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

Payment for services is made before the start of the hunt;

Other services that are not listed in this price list are provided on the basis of decisions of structural divisions.


Services are provided at preferential prices to members of the MSOO "MOOiR" who have dogs of the corresponding breed groups, with a certificate for a hunting dog and with a mark in the membership hunting card of the MSOO "MOOiR" about undergoing annual re-registration, and in the presence of a cash receipt or voucher (agreement) for payment for registration hunting dog in the current year;

Summer-autumn season: pointers, retrievers, spaniels (gun dogs), waterfowl, marsh-meadow and field game;

- hounds, greyhounds when hunting hares and foxes;
- huskies when hunting fur-bearing species (except hares and foxes);
- burrows when hunting fox, raccoon dog and badger.

Autumn hunting in 2017 opens in August in most regions of Russia and is carried out mainly for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game, as well as upland game.

Attention hunters!

We remind you about the prohibitions and restrictions on autumn hunting 2017 in Russia. According to the Russian Federation, autumn hunting is carried out subject to the following restrictions and prohibitions.

During autumn hunting it is prohibited:

  • the use of any self-catchers when catching game birds during amateur and sport hunting;
  • the use of electronic devices that imitate the sounds made by game animals and other animals;
  • being in hunting grounds in (on) mechanical vehicles, aircraft, as well as watercraft with the engine turned on, including those that have not stopped moving by inertia after turning off the engine, with a hunting firearm uncovered or loaded or having cartridges (shells) in the magazine ( pneumatic) weapons
  • use of any lighting devices
  • the use of long-barreled hunting firearms with a rifled barrel and rifled barrels of hunting firearms combined weapons
  • the use of hunting firearms equipped with shot (buckshot) larger than five millimeters and bullets

Autumn hunting 2017 – Dates of autumn hunting

General opening dates autumn hunting in 2017, established by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 N 512 On approval: paragraph 41. Different dates for hunting game birds. In each individual region, hunting dates may be slightly shifted according to local hunting parameters. In the table below, information on the opening dates of autumn hunting 2017 in the regions of Russia is grouped by federal districts.

Central Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district
1. Belgorod region
2. Bryansk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Vladimir region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Voronezh region
5. Ivanovo region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. Kostroma region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15
8. Kursk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
9. Lipetsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
10. Moscow region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
11. Oryol region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
12. Ryazan region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
13. from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
14. Tambov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
15. Tver region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
16. Tula region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
17. Yaroslavl region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

Southern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Adygea from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Krasnodar region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Astrakhan region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Volgograd region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. Rostov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. Republic of Crimea from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

Northwestern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Karelia from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
2. from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Arkhangelsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
4. Vologda region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
5. Kaliningrad region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Leningrad region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Murmansk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
8. Novgorod region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Pskov region from August 12 (second Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
10. Nenets Autonomous Okrug from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Far Eastern Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
2. Kamchatka region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Primorsky Krai from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
4. Khabarovsk region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
5. Amur region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Magadan region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Sakhalin region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
8. Jewish Autonomous Region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Siberian Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Altai Republic from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Republic of Buryatia from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
3. Republic of Tyva from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Republic of Khakassia from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Altai region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to December 31 from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to December 31
6. Transbaikal region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
7. Krasnoyarsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
8. Irkutsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
9. Kemerovo region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
10. Novosibirsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
11. Omsk region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to November 15 from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to February 28 (29) (grouse, hazel grouse)
12. Tomsk region from August 26 (fourth Saturday) to November 15 from September 15 to February 28 (29)

Ural Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Kurgan region from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Sverdlovsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Tyumen region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Chelyabinsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)
6. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to February 28 (29)

Volga Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
11. Perm region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
12. Samara region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
13. Saratov region from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
14. Ulyanovsk region from August 19 (third Saturday) to November 15 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31

North Caucasus Federal District - autumn hunting dates

List of subjects included in the district: Dates of autumn hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe game Dates of autumn hunting for upland game
1. Republic of Dagestan from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
2. Republic of Ingushetia from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
3. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
4. Karachay-Cherkess Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
5. Republic of North Ossetia - Alania from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
6. Chechen Republic from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31
7. from August 12 (second Saturday) to December 31 from August 19 (third Saturday) to December 31


Guided by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 209 - Federal Law “On Hunting and the Conservation of Hunting Resources and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 No. 512 “On Approval of Hunting Rules”, Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region dated 04/13/2015 No. 142-p “On the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions on the use of hunting resources on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region”, Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region dated 04/13/2015. No. 69 “On the types of permitted hunting and parameters for hunting in hunting grounds on the territory of the Novosibirsk region”, by order of the Department for Wildlife Protection dated May 16, 2016. No. 187:

1. Allow the extraction of hunting resources, in all hunting grounds of the NOO "NOOOiR" in accordance with accounting numbers, quotas and throughput hunting farms, within the following periods:

1.1. swamp-meadow game without hunting firearms and (or) air guns from July 10, 2017 until July 24, 2017;

1.2. field and steppe game without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons from July 10, 2017. until August 4, 2017;

1.5. upland (except wood grouse), field and steppe game with gun dogs - from August 5, 2017. until November 15, 2017;

1.6. waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field and steppe game, rook - from September 2, 2017. until November 15, 2017;

1.12. brown bear - from August 15, 2017 until November 30, 2017 and from April 1, 2018 until May 30, 2018;

1.17. hares (hare, hare), sable, American mink, Siberian weasel, squirrel, pine marten, ermine, steppe polecat, fox, corsac fox, wolf, raccoon dog - from October 25, 2017. until January 31, 2018;

2. When hunting, comply with the requirements for catching and shooting game animals and hunting restrictions in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Economics of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 No. 512 “On approval of hunting rules.”

3. To the chairmen of the boards of regional societies of hunters and fishermen:

3.1. organize the issuance of permits to hunters for the right to extract hunting resources and contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, rest;

3.2. appoint persons responsible for issuing documents for hunting rights;

3.3. instruct, against signature, the persons responsible for issuing permits and contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, and recreation on the correct execution of permits for the right to hunt, on the procedure for their issuance and return;

3.4. periodically check the correct execution of permits for hunting by responsible persons;

3.5. ensure that hunters are informed about compliance with veterinary and sanitary safety measures when obtaining, cutting, transporting and consuming meat from hunted resources, as well as the need to comply with fire safety measures in hunting grounds;

3.6. instruct rangers on safety rules during hunting, protection of hunting grounds and fire safety in the grounds and at hunting bases;

3.7. prepare and maintain hunting bases and stopping points for receiving hunters in proper condition;

3.8. ensure that hunters return permits for the right to harvest when hunting bears and ungulates within 10 days after harvesting, wounding or expiration of unused permits; when hunting for other types of hunting resources, ensure the return of permits within 20 days after the harvest of the animal or the expiration of the permits;

3.9. timely submit reports on the production of hunting resources to the hunting and fishing department of the NGO "NOOOiR";

3.10. control the hunting of ungulates and bears by the huntsman service.

4. Persons responsible for issuing permits and vouchers (agreements):

4.1. issue permits to hunters for the right to hunt on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the NGO "NOOOiR";

4.2. issue permits for the right to extract hunting resources in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated August 29, 2014 N 379 “On approval of the procedure for registration and issuance of permits for the extraction of hunting resources, the procedure for filing applications and statements necessary for issuing such permits, and approval of permit forms for prey of ungulates, bears, fur-bearing animals, birds.”;

4.3. when issuing permits, be guided by the norms of permissible extraction of hunting resources per permit, in accordance with the order of the Department for Wildlife Protection dated May 16, 2016 No. 187, and in the case of issuing a permit for a taxable type of animal (except for black grouse) one permit is issued for the right to harvest only one individual;

4.4. when issuing permits for for common grouse, one permit is issued for 3 (three) individuals .

4.5. issuing permits to hunters for the right to hunt without exceeding the carrying capacity of the hunting farm;

4.6. collect funds for contracts (vouchers) for the provision of hunting and additional services in accordance with the approved payment table;

4.7. familiarize the hunter with the boundaries of the farm (area) where hunting will take place, with the rules of hunting, with safety precautions during hunting and fire safety measures, and with the conditions for the provision of other services.

5. Leading game warden A.A. Savalov Conduct instructions on preparation and conduct of hunts with the chairmen of the boards of ROOiR against signature.

6. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the deputy chairman of the NGO "NOOOiR" for hunting and fishing activities O.V. Gordeev.

Chairman of the Board

NOO "NOOOiR" N.I. Kobylenko