Who is stronger, a horse or a snake? Horse and Snake: compatibility of women and men in love and marriage

Compatibility between Horse man and Snake woman is based on the partners’ ability to reach a compromise, and so that both are satisfied. The Snake woman seeks stability, prefers to plan everything in her life and wants to tie her partner to her. The Horse man is simply the complete opposite - he loves freedom, wants to be creatively realized, prefers not to make promises and does everything in his own way. Therefore, he is unlikely to live up to the Snake woman’s hopes of a happy future together.

The Snake woman, as a rule, has high intelligence, a calm character and a slightly “cold” temperament. In contrast, the Horse man seems even more hot-tempered, assertive and energetic. The serpentine isolation sharply sets off the socially active activity of the Horse. In this case, there is a high probability of disagreements and even quarrels.

At first, a man will be attracted by the grace, charm of intelligence and the pleasantly unusual, languid slowness of the Snake Woman. The same woman, in turn, will highly appreciate the manly strength, energy and pressure of a male Horse. However, in the future this difference will become a cause of discord. If the partners can find an approach to each other, then the couple will have prospects, but still their relationship will be unpredictable.

Horse man and Snake woman in love

The compatibility of a Horse man and a Snake woman is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is extremely difficult for them to understand each other and come to a mutually beneficial solution. On the other hand, opposites attract, and besides, everyone has exactly those qualities that their partner lacks. If both try, a wonderful union can turn out, in which both will receive a lot for personal growth.

The Snake woman seeks stability; she wants to tie her partner to her physically and emotionally. The Horse man, on the contrary, values ​​diversity and freedom most of all, and any attempts to limit it cause rebellion in him. This person spends a lot of time outside the home, he is drawn to adventures and meeting new people. The Snake woman is very jealous, and she will not like this behavior of her chosen one. The couple will either break up immediately, or will conflict, or will find a compromise, which is only possible through acceptance and mutual respect.

The Horse man will have to devote more time to his partner, and she needs to get used to the fact that he leads such an active lifestyle. The Horse will make their relationship more dynamic, since he always has many interesting plans, and the Snake man will help with wise advice in business, which means there will be material wealth.

Horse man and Snake woman in a relationship

The Horse man lives only for today and does not try to look into the future in order to start doing something to ensure it. By nature, he is a rather flighty person and always resists attempts to limit his freedom, even if it is imaginary. In order for the relationship to actually bring pleasure to both of them, they will have to work hard for it. Each of them will have to work on themselves and on the relationship, and initially it will be necessary to accept the partner for who he is and constantly tune himself in an optimistic mood.

The Horse man is able to add the necessary dynamism, excitement and ease to relationships. If desired, he can implement any projects, but this desire does not always arise. His creative spark and energy will help the Snake woman feel useful and needed. Only the prudence of a snake woman can overcome any possessive instincts, and then perhaps the marriage with this man will be happy.

If she learns to handle him correctly, she can get a lot out of him. In turn, the Horse man will find his partner a reliable, stable person who will always support in difficult times and give good advice. In order for a relationship to actually work out well, it is very important that both partners are spiritually developed and have the same level of education.

Compatibility of Horse and Snake in marriage

If a Horse man and a Snake woman decide to get married, then the family will turn out to be very strong. They are different in character, but this is only noticeable externally. The Horse man is quite kind and active, which helps him get along well with the Snake woman, who is calm by nature. Compatibility between a Horse man and Snake women greatly influenced by the love and caring nature of the spouses. A true feeling will cement a marriage for many years. The Snake woman is able to understand her chosen one at a glance. She will help him in work, family and life. The Horse man should not forget that next to him is not just a wife, but a very refined and harmonious person.

Horse and Snake in Chinese astrology are not the most favorable combination, especially in terms of love relationships. These signs are attracted to each other on a purely physical and sexual level from the very beginning. But they can separate just as quickly as they got together.

What difficulties could stand in the way of their relationship?

The Horse man needs constant movement, mental and physical activity. The Snake woman, on the contrary, prefers to enjoy quiet evenings in her comfortable home.

Opposite character traits and lifestyles can become a source of constant disputes and conflicts. Both are independent and are not ready to sacrifice their interests and goals in life for the sake of their loved one.

The Horse man is very changeable and does only what he likes. This behavior can repel the Snake and make it insecure in relationships. This woman is very jealous and suspicious, so an attempt to run away from a man’s house will be met with hostility. You will have to learn to compromise in order to strengthen your relationship.

For example, while the Horse man conquers the world, the Snake will be able to enjoy spending time at home, in peace and quiet. Once a woman gets tired of this man's antics, she should remind herself that she is unlikely to be able to find a more attractive lover than him.

Despite completely different characters. The Snake and Horse can be attracted by an inexorable sexual force.

The mystery and depth of a woman's personality will surely attract the attention of the Horse, who in turn will charm her with her enthusiasm and energetic lifestyle.

A man born in the year of the Horse has an endless amount of energy and wants to live here and now. He throws himself with his whole being into what interests him at the moment. At first acquaintance he may seem generous and romantic, but over time the traits of an egoist will begin to appear.

If he devotes to something, he devotes himself with all his mind, body and soul. However, in a Snake-Horse relationship, both may feel some uncertainty. What will affect the speed of development of their union.

The Snake woman is independent and self-confident. At the first contact, one feels her calmness and serenity. This woman rarely opens up and often wears a mask. Even after many years of dating, it can surprise you. In personal relationships, honesty and loyalty are especially important to her. You will have to spend a lot of time to gain her trust. As soon as she decides to be in a relationship, she can become jealous and possessive.

The Horse man's incredible openness and honesty can be very useful qualities. The Snake woman will respect his honest words, even if they do not taste sweet. A man should always remember that his beloved is calculating and suspicious, and any false step can ruin progress.

The snake will not be against the open behavior of her man. But at the same time, he prefers to live a hidden life. Fortunately, this will not harm your union. Especially with some understanding of a man.

In this couple, her sexuality drives him crazy. However, he cannot understand her mood and aggression, which begins as soon as everything does not go the way she wants.

What mistake can destroy a relationship in an instant?

Infidelity can be a fatal mistake. The snake is jealous and possessive and will not tolerate her man flirting with someone else. She might not care how far he went from his home in search of adventure, as long as the Horse was faithful. If cheating happens, the Snake you love can change in an instant.

The compatibility of Horses and Snakes is very doubtful, they are too different people. At first, their relationship goes well, they can fall in love with each other and experience an unforgettable romance.

Feelings flare up and disappear very quickly

But partners rarely get married; at the slightest cooling of feelings, contradictions appear between them. Only painstaking work on themselves will help them stay together, although this happens extremely rarely.

Partners are very different in character

What kind of characters do the Snake and Horse have? It is worth answering this question before moving on to the specifics of their relationship. So, the Snake chinese horoscope endowed with the following features:

The Snake likes to plan out its life for years to come. She finds a goal and devotes all her time to achieving it. She is very organized and does not like clutter, either in the house or in her business. Those around her appreciate her ability to compromise and resolve conflict situations, wisdom and organization. She looks for compatibility in love not so much with her heart as with her mind and her intuition.

What does the eastern horoscope say about the Horse? Here are the character traits he attributes to her:

  • Energetic, wants to take everything from life
  • Sociable and cheerful
  • Loves to be the center of attention
  • Don't mind arguing, defending your point of view
  • Able to show empathy and come to the rescue
  • Hardworking
  • Values ​​comfort and coziness, even when traveling

The world around us is full of temptations for the Horse. She wants to be in time everywhere, find out everything, make friends with everyone. In company, the horse is always the center of attention, although sometimes it conflicts, insisting on its own, but quickly moves away. He knows how to work, sometimes even too much. But she is completely incapable of planning anything longer than a month.

Not all couples make it to marriage

For the Horse and Snake, the horoscope does not promise an easy life. Friendship is possible between them, short-term love relationship, but the couple rarely gets married. Their life priorities are too different. The snake always and everywhere seeks stability. It is important for her to plan her life down to the smallest detail; she often devotes all her time to achieving her goals. The horse, on the contrary, lives one day at a time. Although she is very hardworking, her energy is chaotic and disorganized. The horse absolutely does not tolerate control over itself, no matter how small it may be. The snake, on the contrary, tries to tie its partner to itself as tightly as possible.

Compatibility between Horse and Snake can only arise when a wiser and cooler partner can build it.

It is the Snake, thanks to its diplomacy, wisdom, and ability to compromise, that can improve relationships in marriage. She needs to understand that the Horse loves freedom most of all; if it is not given, it will run away into an open field. In addition, you should not expect organization and determination from your partner. The hardworking Horse is an excellent performer, but a poor strategist. The Snake will have to take on all the planning in the family. But the Horse will bring dynamics to the union; it will never turn into a stagnant swamp. If partners learn to appreciate each other, they will be able to achieve a lot, both in relationships and in joint ventures.

The Western horoscope also leaves its mark on marriage compatibility. Good compatibility of zodiac signs can level out all problems of incompatibility over the years. Excellent relationships can be built between Gemini and Aquarius, or Libra and Gemini. Air signs give the snake's character more lightness, and she begins to understand the Horse better. Representatives of the water element, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, get along well with each other. Earth makes the Horse a little more domestic and sedate, so Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo can build wonderful relationships, despite their years of birth. Fire Lion, Aries or Sagittarius will make the Horse a little more ambitious, and the Snake – active, which will also have a good effect on their union.

You can be happy in marriage if you try hard

A horse woman and a snake man may like each other when they meet. The guy will be captivated by a bright, temperamental girl who is always the center of attention. She, in turn, will become interested in a mysterious and calm man who is so different from everyone she knows. But disappointment soon awaits both. The Snake man is looking for a homely woman who will be a good housewife and create comfort in the apartment. You should not expect such behavior from a Horse. Society, numerous hobbies, work and career are very important to her. She loves her family, but cannot give herself completely to her.

If you lock a woman at home, she will feel like a dog on a leash.

The Horse woman will also soon be disappointed. She suddenly begins to realize that next to her is a slightly boring, and at the same time domineering man. His desire to control the girl’s actions, to tie her more tightly to himself, will be perceived as a restriction of freedom. The horse will want to escape from these suffocating embraces. If at the time of cooling of feelings the couple is already married, she needs to try hard not to get divorced. A man should forget about his dreams of seeing his wife as the mistress of the house. She will devote as much time to her family as she wants. A woman needs to curb her temperament a little and learn to make plans for at least a few months in advance. If a husband shares his aspirations with his wife, perhaps she will share them and become an excellent assistant in achieving her goals.

Partners find compromises

The Horse man and the Snake woman get along better with each other than the previous couple. The girl will quickly appreciate everything good qualities your boyfriend. She will be able to create for him a reliable rear, home comfort, while he lives his life to the fullest, shines in society and makes a career. A man born under the sign of the Horse loves comfort, so he will appreciate all his wife’s efforts. Conflicts may arise in the family, but it will be easy for a woman to resolve them. She is capable of making compromises, so she will be able to give in to her husband at the right time. For a normal relationship, it is important that both partners are of the same intellectual and social level. Only a spiritually developed man and woman can create a happy family.

Problems in marriage cannot be avoided either.

The Horse is too freedom-loving a sign to obey the measured and planned pace of life that the Snake dictates to it.

He does not tolerate restrictions at all; as soon as a metallic note appears in his wife’s voice and she tries to keep her husband at home, he immediately runs away. This can greatly upset and irritate the snake; she also does not understand the frivolity of her husband, who lives one day at a time. To smooth out all conflicts, accept your partner’s shortcomings and learn all the good things from each other. The horse will help your soul mate to relax, accept failures more easily and look at the world more easily. The snake will show her husband how to become a little more organized and set goals correctly. If a man multiplies these abilities with his hard work, he will be able to achieve considerable success in his work and make a good career.

The compatibility of Horse and Snake is a big question. On the one hand, these two can create a friendly union or become lovers, but it is difficult for them to unite their hearts by marriage. It's all about their different views on life and everyday life. Let's take a closer look at the compatibility of these signs of the eastern horoscope and find out what their life together in marriage might look like.

Horse man and Snake woman: Compatibility in love and family life

The man in this family will love freedom and try to get away from household chores as far as possible, but his wife will keep a tight rein on him and will not allow him to run far. And the man will like it and, to some extent, he will even be amused or “pinned” by it all, as young people now like to say. These partners will certainly not be bored.

Problems may arise if there is no great love in the family, because it is on this that most strong unions are based.

Without this feeling, partners will not be able to make concessions to each other and will often quarrel over trifles. As for money, the man will be the breadwinner, and the Snake woman will be able to spend it wisely, because she cannot be called a spender. She always tries to buy only the most necessary goods.

Horse Woman and Snake Man: Compatibility in Marriage and Love

This couple will have many problems in life. The Snake man wants to see a caring wife next to him, who will run around the kitchen with pots and pans and cook something tasty for him. Ideally, he would like her to completely forget about her former free life and all her girlfriends. He dreams of complete submission on her part and complete submission to him. But the Horse girl cannot give this to her boyfriend and he will either have to humbly come to terms with this or look for another passion.

The Horse woman loves to shine in public in revealing outfits and with eloquent words, especially for a girl born in the year Metal Horse. For marriage, she should choose a partner born under one of the following zodiac signs:

  1. Aquarius;
  2. Scales;
  3. Twins.

Snake guys born under the following zodiac signs will be especially jealous of their Horse girlfriend:

  1. Aries;
  2. Scorpion;
  3. Sagittarius.

Cancers and Virgos will be calmer partners. In general, a Snake man would be more suitable for a woman who, according to the horoscope, is a Dog, who is able to provide home coziness and comfort to her husband and measure the amount of love in relation to each other with whom she does not need. The house of such a woman always smells of goodies, and she is not capable of betrayal.

A horse also cannot be called a woman who can betray her man and cheat on him, but she values ​​her freedom very much and will not allow anyone to encroach on it.

Because this woman is always on the move - at work, at meetings with friends, and so on, she simply does not have time to do household chores and the refrigerator in her house is almost always empty. Therefore, she needs to choose a partner as a husband who will not be embarrassed by this situation.

This is the compatibility between the Horse and the Snake. We hope that this information will be very useful to you in building a relationship with one of these Chinese horoscope signs.

Compatibility of the signs of the Horse woman and the Snake man is not the most successful. The partners are quite different and their views on life differ markedly, which reduces the possibility of reaching a compromise. The friendship of such people may well develop, but a successful marriage that will satisfy both is very unlikely.

The Snake man and the Horse woman are perhaps too different. It will be difficult for them to come to an understanding and find a compromise. People with such different views on life will not be very comfortable together. The Horse woman often lives one day at a time and does not particularly care about her future; in her understanding, this is called “freedom”. The Snake man, on the contrary, tries to plan his life and not waste time. On this basis, the couple will have disagreements, which will be very difficult to overcome.

The Horse woman will in every possible way resist the attempts of the Snake man to bring into their life together a share of stability and seriousness. She will consider such attempts as encroachments on her personal space and freedom. The romantic relationship in this couple depends entirely on the Snake man. If he is wise enough to accept his beloved as she is, then any differences can be overcome.

Snake man and Horse woman in love

The compatibility of a Snake man and a Horse woman is excellent for friendship, but close relationships are not easy for them, since these people are too different in behavior and priorities. The advantages of one in the eyes of another will look like disadvantages.

The Snake man is used to planning everything, he strives for stability and is waiting for a partner whom he can trust and who will want about the same. The Horse woman in his eyes looks flighty and undecided in life, even childish. He will want to instill his position in her, to remake her to suit himself, and, of course, he will face strong resistance.

The Horse woman puts personal freedom in the first place, she strives to comprehend new things, and life planning and systematization, which the Snake man is so drawn to, will seem like mortal boredom to her. But it cannot be said that love relationships between representatives of these signs are impossible in principle.

If strong feelings arise and everyone agrees to compromise and does not try to prove their superiority, then they can even be very useful to each other. The Horse woman will introduce the necessary dynamics into their lives, and the Snake man will teach the chosen one to look at some things more rationally.

Snake man and Horse woman in a relationship

Building such relationships requires a lot of effort on the part of partners. They have serious work to do on themselves - they will have to change something in themselves, admit and accept the bad sides of their partner and tune in to optimism. The Horse woman is more inclined to accept the demands of the Snake man. He is unlikely to immediately agree with the need to adapt to his partner and change his plans in order to stay together. Therefore, the prospect of a relationship, and even more so a marriage, depends entirely on the man - whether he has enough wisdom to consider his true soul mate in his partner.

It is the Horse that will bring the necessary dynamics, excitement and lightness to the union. She is smart and active in coming up with new projects and implementing them. Together with her, the Snake man will be able to realize most of his ideas. The creative spark and energy inherent in the Snake man will make him feel useful and needed.

The prudence of the Snake man is capable of defeating possessive instincts, and then the relationship will be successful and the marriage will be happy. With the right attitude towards a Horse woman, he will receive a lot. She, in turn, will see in her partner a reliable and stable person who will always be there and help solve problems.

It is very important that the Snake man understands that in a relationship with this woman he will have to change the rules of the game that he has come up with for himself. She will not become a housewife who devotes her entire life to family and home. It urgently needs implementation in the social and external spheres. If he can make concessions on this issue, everything else will work out by itself.

Compatibility of Snake and Horse in marriage

The marriage union created by the Snake man and the Horse woman is filled with inexhaustible energy. To a greater extent, it comes from the fair half of the family. A Horse woman can easily extinguish her husband’s pessimistic mood. After all, they are both quite soft and sympathetic people. They understand each other and support each other in all matters, which has a great effect on the compatibility of the Snake man and the Horse woman. She takes care of all the housework because she is very hardworking. The Snake man must calmly accept his wife’s sociability and involve her in his affairs. The chosen one is 100% faithful to him.