Rhythmic gymnastics and Crimea. Rhythmic gymnastics in Simferopol Artistic gymnastics in Crimea

The first number of the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics team is Anna Rizatdinova. Anya was born in Simferopol, where she took her first steps in her life. sports career under the guidance of my mother, Oksana Rizatdinova, who is now the senior coach of the Dynamo Sports School. At the championships and cups of Ukraine, the young gymnast representing Crimea was noticed by the head coaches of the national team Albina and Irina Deryugin. Over time, the athlete moved to Kyiv to improve her skills at the famous Deryugin School, under the guidance of legendary experienced coaches. Soon, although not immediately, victories came international level, and leadership in the team.

In 2013, the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships were hosted by Kyiv. I remember how in all the interviews before the main start, Ukrainian athletes, tired, but in a very fighting mood, noted in their interviews how much they would like to win highest awards precisely within our own walls.

One of the first questions that journalists asked in the mixed zone to Anna Rizatdinova, who literally just became the world champion in hoop exercises, was this:

"- Anya, do dreams come true? The Ukrainian anthem sounded, just like you wanted before the World Cup... - Yes. I really wanted this, I walked towards victory for a long time. I just believed in myself. I have raised the Ukrainian flag more than once this year. My cherished dream is for the Ukrainian anthem to be played on home championship peace. I am immensely happy that everything worked out for me."(With)

You are right, it was then that the incident with the anthem occurred. Yes, it was in honor of the Crimean Rizatdinova that the world championship sound engineer turned on the Russian anthem (he knew something even then???:). But it was the Crimean Rizatdinova who, having started to mindlessly sing the first words of the Russian anthem, stopped and said to someone else’s anthem “Stop!”

“Anya, what did you feel when the Russian anthem played instead of the Ukrainian one at the award ceremony in the hoop exercise? “I already saw the flag rising, and only a couple of moments later I realized that something had gone wrong. This outraged me and even offended me a little. Especially at home. What's the matter anyway?"(With)

This is how the gymnast then answered the question of journalists, for whom suddenly the championship in an unpopular sport suddenly smelled like a scandal, which means that at least something interesting had appeared.

In light of modern events, I wonder how Anna Rizatdinova feels about the situation in Ukraine and Crimea in particular?

"My parents, like any person in our country, are for the future of Ukraine, for a united Ukraine! It’s scary to live without knowing what will happen tomorrow...! It doesn’t matter whether it’s west or east, Russian or Ukrainian... The main thing is that we everyone is united by the Ukrainian spirit. I can safely say that I am a patriot of my country, because the emotions that you experience when our flag rises are incomparable with anything. The Ukrainian people are very strong, and I am sure that we will endure everything!” (With)

Perhaps this is a disappointment for some - the Crimeans want to go to Russia, where they will be saved. But will anyone need the famous Crimean gymnastics school there, whose students Olympic champions(Ekaterina Serebryanskaya) and world champions (Anna Rizatdinova)? What should the coaches of this school do? A young gymnasts? And what about the gymnastics training base, the only one of its kind for the Ukrainian national team? These are everyday, vital questions, completely devoid of jingoism or abstract statements - we have reunited, now we will live. Questions, of course, are not of prime necessity on a universal scale, but directly concern Crimeans, and not just Crimea as a territory.

Managers of the tour operator Alean with extensive organizational experience sports camps for rhythmic gymnastics in Crimea provide comfortable conditions for effective training and long-term stay of the team in places with unique climatic conditions, while offering fairly affordable and affordable prices. The athletes have at their disposal modern, comfortable dormitories with a sufficient number of rooms with all the necessary equipment.

Rhythmic gymnastics training camps in Crimea allow athletes to have a good rest and prepare for the upcoming new sports seasons in order to demonstrate their high athletic results there.

Tour operator Alean provides services for organizing rhythmic gymnastics sports camps in Crimea, and also helps organize sports and training camps for other sports. For this we offer well-equipped sports complexes and centers throughout the entire Crimean peninsula in picturesque corners.

Rhythmic gymnastics training camp in Crimea

By organizing rhythmic gymnastics sports camps in Crimea, we provide athletes with comfortable rooms, good gyms, gym massage and other halls. The most important advantage that speaks in favor of holding sports camps and competitions in rhythmic gymnastics in Crimea is the incomparable magnificent Black Sea, which with its smell and appearance makes gymnasts more resilient and stronger.

Typically, each sports base has its own beach, and holding rhythmic gymnastics training camps in Crimea also provides for a special sports nutrition. The company's website contains the necessary information about the cost of options available on at the moment at training bases, which allows you to quickly and easily, with the help of our specialists, choose a suitable facility for training and recreation for gymnasts.

Rhythmic gymnastics occupies a special place among aesthetic sports. It is beauty and grace that attract athletes and connoisseurs: in combination with a wonderful musical component and with additional objects - a hoop, ribbon, ball, mace - we get a breathtaking spectacle, a triumph of aesthetics and physical fitness.

Russian female athletes traditionally excel in this sport. It is no coincidence that in many cities there are sections for children and youth sports schools(Youth Sports School), in which experienced trainers prepare girls in the direction of " Rhythmic gymnastics" Our city was no exception: if they have the desire and free time, girls can attend these unusual training sessions, which take place on a special gymnastics mat.

Indeed, the benefits of rhythmic gymnastics are obvious: posture and alignment improve, muscles and musculature are strengthened. This activity has a great effect on the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Do not forget about increasing coordination, endurance, and flexibility. In addition, girls learn more about world culture, develop musical and artistic taste, and learn to work in a team.

Choosing the right shoes for a young gymnast

The main mistake parents make when choosing shoes for their daughter who has started doing rhythmic gymnastics is that they buy Czech shoes or ballet slippers. This is completely wrong! It is worth taking into account the specifics of the activity and choosing other shoes, namely half shoes. Their main advantage is easy fit on the foot and inexpensive cost. With their help you can easily perform various movements and turns, and in appearance they look very nice. But in any case, depending on age, training characteristics and foot structure, it is better to consult a coach or teacher on this issue.

How to avoid injuries in rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that attracts with its beauty and grace. But not everyone knows that behind the external ease and smooth movements of athletes there are hidden years of hard training, during which something that everyone would like to avoid happens - injury. Everyone wants to protect themselves from them: the gymnasts themselves, their parents, and coaches. The risk of injury depends on which trainer the young lady falls into. An experienced specialist is fluent in all techniques and perfectly understands the psychology and physical capabilities of girls of different ages. He will not overload the fragile body in order to achieve results faster. In addition, it is important in what room the training takes place. A gym that is too cramped indirectly affects injuries: athletes can collide with each other or bump into gymnastics equipment, so it is better to avoid such “boxes”. It is also important to maintain a balance between training and rest, as excessive stress risks damaging muscles and tendons.

Rhythmic gymnastics in numbers

What unites gymnastics and mathematics? Probably accuracy: it is adventurous and wrong to rely “at chance” both in science and in sports. Some values ​​that are standard in rhythmic gymnastics cannot be neglected. For example, the diameter of a hoop for competitions must strictly be within the range of 80-90 cm, and its weight must exceed 300 g. It is also clearly stated what weight and diameter another element - the ball - should have (diameter - 18-20 cm, weight - minimum 400 g). Another beautiful component of rhythmic gymnastics - clubs - should have a length of 40-50 cm.