GTA 5 animal hunting. Maude (Special connections)

11134 2016-01-28 at 04:21

Hunting in GTA 5

Hunting is, as they say stereotypically, entertainment for real men. And although all three main characters of GTA 5 represent the stronger sex, he can hunt professionally only Trevor.

No one is stopping you from tracking down your prey in the person of Michael or Franklin, but only Mr. Phillips will get paid for it material and other incentives. In addition, killing animals outside of hunting missions can attract the attention of the police.

Where and how to hunt

To open the hunter’s tasks, you need to complete Cletus’s missions “Target Practice” and “Fair Game” - according to the plot, it is during their completion that you will learn the basics of this type of activity(which we will recall later).

You can start from 5 am to 7 pm(the hunt itself can last until 21:00). However, it’s not in vain that they say that whoever gets up early has more time before dark. To run around to your heart's content and shoot for gold, it is better to get out at dawn.

Click on the image to open the full-size version

In addition, you can shoot animals with impunity only in one area marked on the map. In this place, going to trailer, you change into camouflage clothes, get a decoy and endless ammunition for a sniper rifle.

How can you remember decoy is used to detect animals (red area on the map), and any prey (which is indicated by a cross on the radar) is needed take a photo to the phone and send the photo to Cletus for her “registration” and evaluation. How much he will pay you is a separate question.

Payments and medals

The developers have provided a very interesting reward system depending on three components: type of animal killed, location of impact and weapon used.

On the other hand, rewards are divided into material ones in the form of GTA$(conventionally – the value of the skin/carcass) and intangible in the form points(which can be seen to reflect difficulty/skill). Based on the sum of the latter in one hunting “session” you can get medal.

90 points 60 points 30 points
Animals and hits
The list of animals paid for by Cletus is very limited and consists of only 5 items.

As for the deer, a true hunter's dream, a separate gradation of rewards has been introduced for it depending on where you shot. Please note that doe(female deer) the reward is usually much lower.

Finally, an animal hit by a car, like a frightened one, will bring only $5 and 1 point.

Types of weapons
Let us remember another proverb: “A game riddled with machine-gun fire is not worth the candle.” This is also true in GTA V - the less external damage to the loot, the better. For any "defects" a monetary reward will be imposed fine.
Type of weapon Share of original payment
Gun 100%
Assault rifle 100%
Sniper rifle 100%
Submachine gun 75%
Melee 50%
Machine gun 25%
Shotgun 25%
Projectile 10%
Heavy weapons 10%

Of course, personal experience even in a virtual hunt it is much more valuable than what is received “second-hand”, but still here are the main instructions for the future storm of animals:
  • Summarizing everything written above, we conclude that best way to kill deer(and males, not females), shooting in the heart with a rifle or pistol;
  • It is important to use stealth (especially in the red area), without letting yourself be discovered– frightened animals are worth almost nothing;
  • Animals can use sense of smell, therefore, you need to approach them from the direction the wind is blowing - it will carry the smell away from the victim, preventing you from smelling it (however, many sources advise, contrary to the instructions of Cletus and advertisers, not to focus on this);
  • Regarding hearing, in animals it is also very acute, so you need to use transport with great care;
  • On the other hand, if you want to earn gold, you still have to drive the Blazer parked next to the trailer;
  • An on-screen message at the start of the mission directly warns you - be careful with cougars. Listen to the developers, do not come within striking distance of them with a clawed paw. And take a shotgun with you in case you still have to meet them (and if the predator does grab onto Trevor, his special ability will come to the rescue). Sometimes cougars have a recognizable growl before an attack, be careful;
  • Seen in optical sight The animal is marked on the map, making it easier to track.

Special tasks

The most avid hunters have access to whole three types of tests, progress in which is not reset, and each next one in the group is opened by completing the previous one. Completing them brings additional points, but it is better not to make these tasks an end in themselves - you may end up without medals.
Master Hunter

Weapon Master

Nature Photographer
In each of the tasks you need to send Cletus a photo of one or more specific animals.
Take one common “family” photo per trials 2–5 optional, you can send a collection of single photos, but in one message (many note that each required animal must be in the center of the photo in order to be counted).

To take a photo live cougar, you can “sit” on the roof vehicle– or do it while sitting behind the wheel,

The city of Los Santos, inspired by Los Angeles, is surrounded by deep lakes, rocky mountains, deep forests and wild rivers, an environment known to be home to a wide variety of wild animals. You will have the opportunity to hunt in conditions close to real ones. After very long disputes with animal protection organizations, Rockstar Games finally introduced a category into the game - hunting in GTA 5.

The fifth part of the game has moved forward compared to its predecessors in terms of the number and variety of animals. You can now interact with most representatives of the fauna, and many can even cause significant damage to you or even kill you. Let's consider all those presented
in the animal game:

Dogs. Without a doubt the most important animals in the game. Franklin's Rottweiler Chop generally plays quite well. important role in the story, helping to find objects and complete missions.
In addition, the game has watchdogs that alert the guards if you drive
yourself not quiet enough.

Sharks. For the first time in the series, you can interact with sharks. There is even a special achievement “Dark Waters”, which is given if you die from the teeth of a great white shark. Finding these marine predators is not easy: they appear on radar quite rarely. The game features a great white shark as well as a hammerhead shark.

Dolphins. They also appear for the first time in a non-game series, not just as background models. They make the underwater world more diverse and decorate it.

Seagulls and pigeons. These birds do not perform any important function, but they significantly enliven and diversify the game world. Rarer birds found in the game are crows and marsh birds.

Rats. Mainly found in suburbs and in sewers. Can be killed by the player.

Cows. They are found throughout Blaine County, mostly on farms, but can also graze in wild pastures. They fall in one hit. The player is not attacked.

Pigs. Found on farms in Blaine County.

Coyotes. pack animal,
found throughout Blaine County. Is the object of hunting.

Boars. Meet
nearby rivers and streams. Unlike real life, are practically not represented in the game
danger. Wild boar is one of the main objects of hunting.

Deer. These horned ones
artiodactyls often jump under the wheels of cars in the vicinity of Vinewood. On
they can and should be hunted as well. In addition to deer, there are also
close relatives are fallow deer.

Cougars. Mountain lions, as pumas are called by people living in the range
their habitats are the most dangerous animals
GTA 5. If sharks are quite rare and only attack if provoked, then
pumas can be found almost throughout the island. If you don't have enough ammo when you meet, the cougar will quickly deal with you.

You can only go hunting in GTA 5 as Trevor. Hunting will become available to him after successfully completing the “Fair Game” mission from the “Random Encounters” mission group. You can get it from Cletus (letter C on the map). But first you will have to go through the mission “Nervous Ron” from the main storyline.

After successfully completing these tasks, you will be able to start hunting animals. You can engage in this entertainment from 05:00 to 19:00, having reached a special trailer (coyote symbol on the map). In the trailer you need to change clothes and choose a weapon. After all these preparatory procedures, you will be able to kill animals without subsequent prosecution by the police. You can also take a car for hunting, but the noise of the engine can scare off the animals, so it is preferable to travel on your own two feet.

You need to approach animals from a downwind direction so that they don’t pick up your scent. But you shouldn’t pin all your hopes on this factor: it’s better to play it safe and use stealth mode (secret movement) and a decoy to lure animals.

After a successful hunt, you need to send a photo of the killed animal to Cletus, and he will give you a reward for it. When determining the reward amount, it is taken into account which animal you shot, which
part of the carcass was hit, and what weapon was used. Killing an unsuspecting animal will be a big plus. It follows from this that the hunting process should ideally be truly secretive and unnoticeable; Of course, you can arrange a safari with a grenade launcher, but it won’t be much use :)

To give you an idea of ​​how much money hunting animals in GTA 5 can bring, below is a list of trophies with their cost:

Coyote– 2 points; $10.

Bird– 5 points; $10.

Human– 5 points; no awards. At the same time, a police wanted star is added.

Boar– 3 points; $50.

Puma–5 points; $25.

Deer– 5 points; $50.

Doe– 0 points; $25-50.

Frightened animal(the beast discovered you) – 1 point; $5.

Death on the road – 1 point; $5.

In addition, it matters which parts of the animal’s carcass were shot at, namely:

In the heart– 10 points; 100$

To the head– 5 points; 50$

In the neck– 7 eyes; $75

in the ass– 2 points; 50$

In step– 1 point; 50$

It also matters what weapon was used to kill the animal:

Hand to hand combat – 50%

Gun– 100%

SMG– 75%

Assault rifle– 100%

Machine gun– 25%

Sniper rifle – 100%

Heavy weapons (RPG, grenade launcher) – 10%

Projectile – 10%

(% indicated from the base reward)

For the points you receive while hunting in GTA 5, you can buy yourself medals: golden– 90 points; silver– 60 points; bronze– 30 points.

What is important to know for a productive and interesting animal hunt:

It is preferable to hunt birds in more or less open areas, because it is very difficult to detect killed game in tall grass or bushes. We recommend hunting wild boars with sniper rifle. They are very slow and easy to target from a long distance. Be careful with coyotes: they like to gather in packs and have excellent vision and immediate reactions. Hunting for a doe is not entirely advisable: such a trophy will bring money, but will not allow you to get hold of valuable points - you won’t get a medal for a doe. Be extremely careful with pumas - they are the most dangerous animals in the game - they can finish you off very quickly.

Hunting quests

During the hunt, there are 3 types of achievements, the opening of which requires completing a number of
actions. Each subsequent achievement can be unlocked by successfully opening the previous one.

Weapon Master

- Finish off a coyote with a shotgun.

– Shoot any bird with a sniper rifle.

– Blow up a puma with a grenade or an RPG.

– Shoot a deer without using a scope.

– Run over a wild boar with a car.

Photo hunt

– Take a photo of a frightened deer.

– Take a photo of two deer together.

– Take a photo of a wild boar and a coyote.

– Take a photo of a deer and a puma.

– Take photos of moose, wild boar, cougar and coyote.

Master of the Hunt

– Kill a deer by hitting it in the heart.

– Finish off two deer in a row without using a decoy.

– Shoot three deer in a row without spooking them.

–Send 5 deer to the next world in 4 minutes.

- Kill two deer with one shot.

What's worth knowing:

–it is very difficult to capture several animals at the same time, you will have to push
their corpses kicked in one place (no matter how terrible it may sound);

– it’s not difficult to take a photo of a puma if you lie on the roof of a car;

– to shoot a deer without aiming, you need to quietly sneak up to the animal at a minimum distance from the leeward side;

– if you die while hunting, the location of the animals on the ground will change, because they are randomly generated by the game during each new gaming session;

– to take a photo of a frightened deer, you need to scare it, then kill it, and then photograph it.

To summarize the article, we can say that hunting animals in GTA 5 is made very interesting and realistic. Even if you have never been interested in hunting in real life, in GTA 5 you will be happy to spend more than one hour on this exciting process! In terms of hunting, the game can compete with professional simulators of this genre.

GTA 5 Hunting video

Well, at the very end, we will present a couple of videos that well characterize the hunting process in GTA 5. The first video shows the hunting process as a whole, and the second one shows a rather rare activity - shark hunting :)

Missions to search and capture fugitives from justice will become available to Trevor immediately after the side quest " Special connections"(Special Bonds): After completing the story mission, an orange question mark will appear on the map between Sandy Shores and Grapeseed.

When Trevor arrives at the marked location, a short cutscene will play. Maude Eccles, Trevor's old acquaintance, with whom he has friendly relations, based, however, more on mutually beneficial cooperation than on anything else, will offer him a job searching and capturing fugitive criminals.

Trevor will receive his first task in the form of an email targeting the fugitive some time after his first meeting with Maud. A few hours after the order is completed, Maud will send information on the next “client”. There will be four such tasks in total, and their completion is mandatory to obtain 100 percent in the game completion statistics.

As a rule, in Maud's letters the exact location of the fugitive who is to be found and caught is not indicated, but there is a photograph of the area where the fugitive was seen in last time taken from the air. Unfortunately, the photos are of poor quality, and unless you know Blaine County like the back of your hand, identifying the right location from an aerial photo will likely be difficult.

The reward for each fugitive suspect is $10,000 if delivered alive. Capturing any of the fugitives alive will earn you the Wanted: Alive Or Alive achievement.

Of course, you can kill the fugitive, this is not forbidden, but Maud will remain dissatisfied, so Trevor will receive only half of the fee. It is noteworthy that the guidelines sent by Maud indicated a reward of 15 thousand dollars. Apparently, Maude takes five thousand for herself as a commission.

By the way, fans found in the GTA V resources portraits of criminals and photographs of the area (interestingly, the pictures were not taken from the air) for six more such tasks, which for some reason were not included in the final version of the game. For a long time, it was believed that these tasks would be added to the updated version of the game for next-generation platforms (Xbox One, PS4 and PC), however, this never happened. However, we can hope that missions will be added in a future story expansion.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Ralph Ostrowski

Ralph Ostrowski is the first fugitive whom Trevor has to track down and catch. Information about him will come a few hours after Maud’s first visit. Ralph is a great specialist in laundering “dirty” money and a lover of fraud with health insurance in fly-by-night companies. He is hiding at the very bottom of a quarry near the San Shan Mountains, not far from the starting point of one of the.

Of course, you can chase him throughout the Davis career, but it will take a long time, so the easiest way is to immediately shoot out the wheels on the Landstalker SUV, in which the suspect will try to escape, and then put a charge from a stun gun into Ralph who is trying to escape - this will immediately cool his ardor. After this, Mr. Ostrowski will become quiet and obedient, and he can be taken to Maude.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Larry Tupper

The second fugitive is Larry Tupper. Mod will send the information to Trevor six hours after the first criminal is caught. Larry is an old acquaintance of Trevor's who bought drugs from him. Trevor has a personal interest in this matter - Tupper decided that it would be more profitable to start producing the potion on his own, which is what he got caught doing. Of course, the Trevor Philips Industries company, to which it is dedicated, has no need for competition.

Larry is hiding out on an old farm located southwest of the Grand Senora Desert with several accomplices. Tupper's friends are well armed, and as soon as Trevor appears on the horizon, they will start shooting at him.

Larry himself will try to escape. You can shoot all his friends and then catch up with the fugitive, or you can sneak up unnoticed and put a Taser charge into Tupper - in this case, the accomplices will not offer resistance and will simply run away.

However, the likelihood that you will be able to approach unnoticed is small, so it’s easier to shoot all of Larry’s friends at once, and shoot the fugitive himself once in the back. He still won’t die from one bullet, but he will stop running away. The main thing is not to hit him in the head, so as not to lose half of the fee.

After this, Larry needs to be taken to Maud. Along the way, he will press for pity, but, of course, nothing will come of it.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Glenn Scoville

After six hours from the moment Larry Tapper is delivered, Maud will receive an orientation to the next fugitive - Glenn Scovil, Dom's friend who taught Franklin extreme tricks.

Scoville is a major financier, one of the vice presidents of the Schlongberg Sachs investment fund. Having come under suspicion during an investigation into illegal income obtained through insider information during the economic crisis, Glenn did not appear at the court hearing. Well, in vain. Now Trevor will take care of it.

Scovil does not yet suspect what awaits him, and serenely films a new extreme video dedicated to base jumping with a cameraman on Mount Chilliad. However, as soon as Trevor is nearby, Glenn will immediately realize that nothing good can be expected from such a meeting, and will immediately jump off the cliff.

Of course, Trevor will have to jump after. If you don't have a parachute in your inventory, you can find one nearby. The descent will be long, and during the flight you need to get as close to Scovil as possible in order to land next to him and not chase the fugitive on the ground, but immediately use a stun gun. However, even if you can’t land in close proximity to Glenn, you can always shoot the fleeing banker in the leg with a pistol or other light weapon, after which he will become much calmer and agree to proceed to Maude “voluntarily”.

However, there is a much simpler option - you can go after Scovil in a helicopter, and use it to descend after the parachutist - it will be faster than jumping after him with a parachute. In addition, in this case, the fugitive can be easily transported to Maude by air, which is again much faster and more convenient.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Curtis Weaver

Kurtis Weaver, whose orientation Maude will send Trevor six hours after he delivers Scovil, is the fourth and final fugitive. A fierce opponent of the capitalist system, he hates the American government and its “puppets”, that is, representatives of the law, financiers and many others. At one time he took part in mass protests in the financial district of Algonquin in Liberty City. During the demonstration, Weaver beat a police officer with a fire extinguisher, for which he must now answer before the law.

Ultimately, deciding to abandon life in a rotten capitalist society, Weaver settles in a small camp of homeless and other marginalized people, Dignity Village, in Blaine County, located in the north at the foot of Mount Chilliad. However, Kurtis will not be able to escape from the state dictatorship here either: Trevor is already on his way to pick him up.

As soon as Trevor catches the eye of Weaver, he will immediately start firing at him with a pistol. It is best to hit the fugitive criminal without leaving the car, but not too hard, so that he does not die, and thereby deprive Trevor of half of his fee. The difficulty is that Kurtis can hide behind a box, and then pushing him with a car will not work. In this case, several local residents will come to Weaver's defense, and the fugitive will try to hide in the forest. Of course, you can use a stun gun, or shoot him in the back or leg, and then take him to Maud.

This concludes the task of capturing fugitives in GTA V.

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Missions with fugitives in GTA 5 open quite early, practically with the gain of control over the main character Trevor, after completing the mission "". Tasks are given to you by a woman named Maud (“”), with whom Trevor has a warm and friendly relationship.

You play the role of a bounty hunter, the tasks are based on catching fugitives. There are 4 of them in total. You can kill them, but a greater reward is given for living fugitives.

10 000$ alive
5 000$ for the dead
Each mission to search and capture a fugitive begins with an email - it contains a description of the person, his photograph and a photo of his last place of stay.

But you are not given a mark on the map, so you need to hunt for the fugitive using these clues or you can use.

1. Ralph Ostrovsky.
This is your first goal. You can find it in the Davis-Quartz quarry, at the very “bottom”. He's alone. His marker flashes red and blue, which means you can either kill him or capture him.

You can:
- Wait until Ralph gets into his car. Then chase him and shoot at the car, but don't get too carried away so as not to kill him. It's better to riddled its wheels. In the end, he will stop with the wording “Okay, okay, you win” and all you have to do is deliver him to Maude.
- Shoot him with a stun gun before that as he gets into his Landstalker.

2. Larry Tapper.
Unlike the previous fugitive, Larry is no longer alone, but accompanied by friends. He's hiding out on an old farm south of Sandy Shores. First, get rid of his friends (3 pieces) as quickly as possible, and then neutralize Tapper with a stun gun while he runs away from you.

During Larry's delivery to Maude, he and Trevor will have an interesting conversation. Apparently, they have known each other for a long time, but money is money.

3. Glen Scovil.
This fugitive is not a fugitive, but some kind of flyer! You'll find him on top of Mount Chiliad, with a parachute on his back and one friend filming him. To capture the fugitive alive, you will have to wait until Glen jumps down, and then jump yourself.

Chase him through the air and just before landing, you will find that you can jump on top of Scovil, thereby capturing him.

If you miss this moment, then simply chop off Glen with a stun gun.

4. Kurtis Weaver. More

Rockstar Games decided to delay the release of story additions for GTA 5, but for GTA Online updates and additions are released regularly. The developers of Rockstar Games not only did not abandon the development of the game, but also continue to actively develop it. With each update, bugs are fixed and cheaters are banned. Every week the game hosts Social Club events and rewards active users.

New vehicles appear in GTA Online literally every week. Especially a lot of new content appeared after the release of the Diamond Casino add-on. New tasks will delight even those who do not like gambling.

Buy the game

On our website you can purchase a licensed version of the game Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. Shark payment cards are available for PC, PlayStation and Xbox, which allow you to quickly top up your account in the game. Online payment with bank cards Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Mir, JCB, UnionPay.

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