Bottom fishing for bream. How and where to catch bream in spring? Tackle for catching bream in spring

Type and class of profession
The profession of a huntsman belongs to the “Man-Nature” type, it involves interaction with living nature. People of this type of profession are united by a love of nature.

Presentation of the profession
There is one amazing profession that only a select few know about. It's called a huntsman. The word “jaeger” is ancient, has German roots and is translated as “shooter or hunter.” Once upon a time, hunters and children of hunters formed rifle squads that successfully fought against enemies. Today it is quite a peaceful profession.
A huntsman is a person responsible for animals and birds in the territory entrusted to him. He knows everything about his charges - about their movements, health, reproduction, habits and vulnerable places. Its task is to ensure the balance of the ecosystem, allowing for the preservation of all animals and birds, and to prevent their extinction or overabundance. To do this, the huntsman uses all means available to him.

Contents of the activity
The functional responsibilities of a huntsman included the following tasks: control over a certain territory and monitoring the animal population.
The huntsman will have to monitor the lives of animals, monitor and guarantee the preservation of the ecological balance in the territory entrusted to him.

The profession of a huntsman also includes other responsibilities; he ensures the safety of people, and must also eliminate any threats to their lives. After all, guests and professional hunters who have a hunting license come to the huntsman’s lands. The huntsman will have to organize hunting and overnight accommodation for them. Thus, it is possible to eradicate malicious poaching; the fight against this phenomenon is the responsibility of the ranger.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist
Must know:
hunting rules in the region;
regulations on ranger patrols, reserves, hunting grounds, and production areas;
instructions, orders, orders and other guidance materials on the management of hunting in the region and region;
boundaries of the ranger's bypass, reserve, hunting area, production site;
habitats and concentrations of game animals;
places for sowing and planting forage and protective plants;
location of biotechnical structures;
methods of recording and harvesting wild animals;
safety rules for hunting, individual and collective hunts;
the procedure for carrying out biotechnical and reproductive activities;
ways to control harmful animals.

Must be able to:
count and hunt wild animals;
train hunting dogs;
maintain documentation, draw up protocols;
organize and conduct individual and collective hunts.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist
The following will help you become a good huntsman:
desire for a secluded life in nature;
a calm attitude towards difficulties and the absence of some significant benefits of civilization;
good knowledge of zoology, biology, environment;
love for animals;
good health;
physical endurance.

Working conditions
As a rule, a huntsman's place of work is considered to be a hunting ground, nature reserve or forest.

Basic education
The huntsman is engaged, in particular, in feeding wild animals in harsh natural conditions, for example, moose and wild boars require additional food in winter. At certain times of the year, hungry animals are quite capable of harming plants and crops.
The huntsman is also involved in hunting. After all, at a certain time it is necessary to shoot some animals that may get sick or become aggressive under the influence of external circumstances. There may also be excessive reproduction of some animal species, which can lead to a destruction of the natural balance: disease, overcrowding and hunger.
The profession of a huntsman also includes other responsibilities; he also ensures the safety of people

Paths to obtaining a profession
In the vast majority of cases, a profession is passed on from generation to generation. This is not surprising. If a person gets used to a certain way of life from childhood, knows the terrain well, and observes his father’s responsibilities, most likely he will become a good game manager.
Universities in Russia do not train rangers, so the profession does not provide special education.

Areas of application of the profession
You can find work in large hunting farms where there is a change of personnel. As you gain experience, you can lay claim to individual lands.

Professional holiday
The first “Forest legislation” in Russia was adopted in the Soviet Union on September 18, 1977. This document, in essence, was a recognition that no matter how great the country’s natural resources are, they are not limitless, and therefore must be preserved and protected by the state. Three years later, in October 1980, Forest Workers Day was established, which was included in the register of memorable and holidays in our country. Thus, all forest and forest industry workers acquired their own professional holiday.
September 17 is the Day of Forest and Wood Processing Industry Workers.

For those who love freedom and limited quantity people, there is a great opportunity to get this and many other bonuses. These include the specialty of a huntsman, who is it, what are the requirements - now we’ll look at it.

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Features of the specialty

Those who believe that a huntsman only does the rounds of his area in the forest, that this is a completely carefree and even romantic profession in the world.

However, this is far from the case.

  • Most of his time, regardless of the weather, the huntsman will have to be in the forest, tracking the movement of animals in the territory entrusted to him. He will need to study their habits, how reproduction proceeds. In addition, he will be required to monitor the balance and promptly regulate the populations of certain species, for example, wolves.

How can you get a job as a huntsman?

Very often in this there is a continuity of generations and one becomes a huntsman as if by inheritance. This is not surprising, because children grow up and watch and help their parents. Thanks to this, there are practically no random people in this profession.

Those who want to become a huntsman should know that there is no such specialty in universities. This means that you will not be able to obtain a specialty.

  • But you can get a specialty in animal husbandry at agricultural universities, or get a job in a large hunting farm when there is a change of personnel or expansion. This will allow you to gain experience and gain basic work skills. And only after this can you lay claim to your individual lands.

What are the personal qualities of a specialist?

Since not everyone can be alone for a long time.

This specialty may require the following personal qualities and skills:

  • ability to navigate well;
  • love hiking;
  • love animals;
  • tolerate loneliness well;
  • it is easy to tolerate the absence of various amenities familiar to most;
  • be able to make independent decisions;
  • have extensive knowledge in the field of zoology and ornithology;
  • be in good physical shape;
  • have endurance;
  • have good health;
  • have a good understanding of herbs;
  • be able to ride and care for;
  • don't be afraid various types dangers.

Without these qualities, being a huntsman will be difficult, or even completely impossible.

Profession opportunities

It is worth knowing that a huntsman is an unskilled profession. That’s why you can’t make a career here. The greatest achievement is to become a chief huntsman or director of a hunting estate.

  • But you can earn significant income by organizing zoological excursions through the forest or guest hunting. However, you should be prepared for various, not always pleasant situations, for example, meeting poachers, who are not always peaceful. Therefore, there is even a mortal risk in the profession.

What are the responsibilities of a huntsman?

As a specialist, the huntsman is obliged to:

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  • control animal populations on the site;
  • must organize the care of feeders and watering places for animals;
  • protects the territory entrusted to him;
  • is obliged to patrol the lands;
  • stop poachers by drawing up protocols of violations on the hunting license, while confiscating weapons along with illegally killed game;
  • finds and neutralizes traps and animal traps;
  • must be able to organize custom hunts for guests;
  • in winter must feed the animals.

Now you know about the profession of a huntsman, who it is, what his responsibilities are and what he must be able to do to be a professional.

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