Presentation "winter sports". Presentation for preschoolers "winter sports" Winter sports

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Figure skating

Short track speed skating

Hockey Curling

Alpine skiing Freestyle

Ski racing Ski jumping

Luge Snowboard

Bobsleigh Skeleton

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What sport do these people play?

Guess the riddles. There is such a sport in the world, it is popular in winter. You run fast on skis, you hurry after your opponent. (Ski racing.) I have heard a lot about this sport: Aerial acrobat On skis. (Freestyle) There's a game in the yard in the morning, the kids are playing out. Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” - So there’s a game there -…. (Hockey) Look - here is the hero, He is flying upside down, Lying on his belly on a sled. It's so scary, it gives me chills. (Skeleton)

The three of them walked for a long time, one after another, and it was very difficult for them to climb the climb. Suddenly, with a refined movement, grab the rifle - and shoot! They hit the targets precisely, once, twice, four, five. And they rushed downhill. What is this? ... (Biathlon) A figure skater dances on the ice, Spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette, Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no! He's not wearing a fur coat, he's lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice. Eh, good skating! The audience held its breath. The sport is called... (Figure skating)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

quiz "Winter Sports" (see presentation for children "Winter Sports")

Quiz summary for older preschool children. Watch the presentation "Winter Sports"....

Presentation "Encyclopedia of Winter Olympic Sports in Sochi 2014". Part 1 to the project "Towards the 2014 Olympics"

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Winter sports Goal: Expanding ideas about the surrounding reality by introducing children to winter Olympic sports. Relevance: Health is a priceless gift, and the foundations of human health are laid in preschool childhood. It is in preschool age that children take the first steps towards a healthy lifestyle, towards self-knowledge, towards the desire to engage in sports and physical education. The presentation was prepared by: Alena Viktorovna Korotchenko, physical education instructor. Name of institution: Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution kindergarten No. 95 (MDAU No. 95), Belogorsk Contact information: phone 89246792034, [email protected], Amur region, Belogorsk.

Winter sports To be completely healthy, everyone needs physical education. First, in order - Let's do some exercises in the morning! And without any doubt, there is a good solution - Running is useful and playing, keep busy, kids! To develop successfully, you need to play sports. From physical education you will get a slim figure.

Running brings us pleasure, both simply and, especially, on skis. We are skiers when there is snow in the forest, and runners when there is no snow. We walk kilometers day after day, We train our breathing, muscles, will. Sometimes we get very tired, but we still love skiing until it hurts. Skiing

Two wooden horses carry me down the mountain. I hold two sticks in my hands, but I don’t hit the horses, I feel sorry for them. And to speed up the run I touch the snow with sticks. Alpine skiing

It’s very difficult to be, don’t argue, the most accurate in this sport. Just racing down the track is something even I can do. Try to run for a day yourself, and then hit the target, lying supine, with a rifle. You can't do this without training! And your target is not an elephant. The sport is called... Biathlon

There, in armor, everyone on the ice platform is fighting, grappling in a sharp fight. The fans shout: “Hit harder!” Believe me, this is not a fight, but hockey. Hockey

Two metal brothers, how they grew together with their boots, wanted to go for a ride, Top! - onto the ice and off we went. Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names? Skating

A figure skater dances on the ice, Spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette. Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no! He's not wearing a fur coat, he's lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice. Eh, good skating! The audience held its breath. Figure skating

Do you remember the vehicle: When you were still little, You harnessed your dad for convenience, like a horse? Luge

Accelerate faster, descend faster and defeat everyone, leaving your fear behind. Those who are afraid of speed should not try to do bobsleigh. What is needed here is a team and coherent spirit. Tenths of a second are important here. Someone made it and overtook your bean. The sport is dangerous, physically difficult, and only the most worthy make it to the finals. Bobsled

Sport is life Sport is joy Sport is health

Figure skating

Short track speed skating

Hockey Curling


Alpine skiing Freestyle

Ski racing Ski jumping

Luge Snowboard

Bobsleigh Skeleton

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What sport do these people play?

Guess the riddles. There is such a sport in the world, it is popular in winter. You run fast on skis, you hurry after your opponent. (Ski racing.) I have heard a lot about this sport: Aerial acrobat On skis. (Freestyle) There's a game in the yard in the morning, the kids are playing out. Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” - So there is a game... (Hockey) Look - here is the hero, He is flying upside down, Lying on his belly on a sled. It's so scary, it gives me chills. (Skeleton)

The three of them walked for a long time, one after another, and it was very difficult for them to climb the climb. Suddenly, with a refined movement, grab the rifle - and shoot! They hit the targets precisely, once, twice, four, five. And they rushed downhill. What is this? ... (Biathlon) A figure skater dances on the ice, Spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette, Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no! He's not wearing a fur coat, he's lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice. Eh, good skating! The audience held its breath. The sport is called... (Figure skating)