Lyudmila Turishcheva in the Soviet press. Lyudmila Turishcheva, outstanding Soviet gymnast: biography, personal life, sporting achievements

TURISCHEVA Lyudmila Ivanovna was born on October 7, 1952 in Grozny. Soviet athlete (gymnastics), Honored Master of Sports. Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics in the team (1968, 1972, 1976), absolute Olympic champion in 1972. Absolute world champion (1970, 1974). Winner of the 1975 World Cup. Absolute European champion in 1971 and 1973. European champion in individual exercises. Absolute champion of the USSR in 1972 and 1974. She worked as a coach of the USSR national team.

The gymnastics tournament of the XX Olympic Games in Munich took place. It was a triumph for the Soviet school of gymnastics! These competitions were one of the brightest at the Olympics. They turned out to be extremely spectacular and exciting.

At first, the struggle for personal championship remained, as it were, in the shadows. According to the new rules, a team tournament was held first, and then an individual tournament. For the Olympics, the GDR gymnast team reached its highest level. Everything foreshadowed an intense struggle, such as it was two years ago in Ljubljana. And the fight turned out to be very interesting. But... our athletes ended up beating their rivals by four points. It was a victory by a clear margin.

Such a big gap is explained by the fact that there were three leaders in our team - Turishcheva, Lazakovich, Korbut. Each could become an absolute champion. They received very high marks, thereby helping the team. And in the GDR team, only Karin Janz stood out.

The Soviet team was led onto the platform by Polina Astakhova, a person of a rare soul. She, like a mother, took care of the girls, her maternal support helped them overcome anxiety. The Olympic debutantes - Koshel, Saadi, Korbut - successfully completed the compulsory program, supporting Turishcheva and Lazakovich, and our team took the lead beautifully. And on the day of the free program, the USSR gymnasts seemed to have gained wings - the whole world of beautiful movements was under their control! With each all-around event, they moved further and further away from the GDR team in terms of total points. The leaders of German gymnasts made desperate attempts to save the situation, to even the scales. Karin Janz and Erika Zuchold worked, as they say, without fear or reproach and really earned high scores. However... their friends were unable to support them.

Turishcheva and Burda have already become two-time Olympic champions: the precious metal of Munich was added to the gold of Mexico City. All our girls enjoyed tremendous success, and during the awards ceremony the audience gave the most beautiful, most graceful, most cheerful athletes of the Olympics a colossal ovation...

But the competition continues. Ahead is the all-around final for the title of absolute champion and medals in individual events.

Karin Janz's efforts in the team tournament were not in vain. She helped both the team and herself. The European champion-69 after two days of struggle came out on top. However, when electronic computers soon calculated the sum of Lyudmila Turishcheva’s points, everyone gasped - she turned out to be the same as Yants!


What a twist! This is the intensity! Truly Olympic level of competition!

The finale struck. The fight has begun! However, what is it? This is no longer a duel... A tiny girl with funny pigtails intervenes in the argument - our Olya Korbut. Her fearlessness completely captivated not only the audience, but also the pedantic referees. A somersault on a balance beam and a loop on the uneven bars - that’s how brave Olya is! Nobody made such “terrible” elements!

Korbut now moved from fourth place to third, chasing Yants and Turishcheva. She performed the floor exercises - cheerfully, with a smile, at the highest level. The judges were generous - 9.8. At this time, Turishcheva received 9.65 for the vault. Janz worked on the balance beam and, apparently remembering Ljubljana, became very nervous - only 9.4. Well, who is in the lead now? It turned out - Korbut!

This happened more than once at various tournaments. Spectators always choose their favorite and passionately support, ardently “cheer” for her. So Olya shocked the public’s imagination with her individual stunts.

But Turishcheva seemed not to notice Korbut’s leadership. She firmly knew her capabilities, tried to evenly distribute her forces and strived for only one thing - she must do the exercise without mistakes. Luda didn’t think about a possible loss, she thought, no matter what, about a likely win...

The situation has escalated to the limit. There was very little time left until the world learned the name of the queen of the platform.

Korbut was the first to break down. Failure on uneven bars - 7.6 points. Goodbye hopes for championship... But the courageous girl found the strength to continue the fight.

Last view. Again Turishcheva and Janz have the same amount. On the uneven bars, Karin made a completely unnoticeable mistake - the judges noticed it. They give a verdict of 9.7. How will Luda answer?

Turishcheva got floor exercises. Just like two years ago in Ljubljana. Everything will be decided now...

"Exit March" by Dunaevsky. Amazing composition. Luda showed it again in Munich in the team competition. But what is it? New exercises? Not a single gymnast in the world has dared to demonstrate two new combinations in the same competition.

Our Luda enchanted the hall with a composition to the music of Franz Grothe from the old Austrian film “The Girl of My Dreams.” She poured out all her physical and spiritual strength into him.

And also joy. And also generosity. Inspiration. Mastery. Lyricism. Great love for gymnastics.

9.9 points - a score worthy of the absolute champion of the XX Olympic Games

She never lost to anyone. At the suggestion of her rivals, she was nicknamed Turi, and later, thanks to the confidence, perseverance and strength of the athlete, the epithet “iron” was added to it. Her first championship victory was won at the age of sixteen. Gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva constantly received awards at Olympics and championships. During her sports career, she earned 137 regalia and became the absolute world champion. Composure and composure were present in her character at a high level, and even a breaking projectile at the World Cup did not prevent her from finishing her performance brilliantly, after which the structure of the bars simply fell apart.

Lyudmila Turishcheva: biography

In the city of Grozny in 1952, the future queen of the gymnastics platform was born. From an early age, the girl gravitated towards the art of dance: she walked on her toes and elegantly gesticulated with her hands. Therefore, Lyudmila’s mother sent her to ballet school, but her training in the art of classical dance did not last long, and at the age of 10 the girl began doing gymnastics. The first coach who brought Turishcheva to the gym was Kim Wasserman. He was then looking for young talents among pupils of secondary schools. Thirty boys and the same number of girls aged 8-9 years became students of coach Kim Efimovich, and Lyudmila Turishcheva was among the recruits.

Wasserman raised the future Olympic champion for two years, but then switched to working with a group of boys and handed over the girls’ team, along with Lyuda, to coach Vladislav Rastorotsky.

Preparation for the Olympics

Since 1964, the eight-year-old girl’s regime has been dramatically restructured by her coach in order to get to the Olympics in Mexico City, which was supposed to take place in 1968. Wake up at 5:15, then go for a morning run. For breakfast, half a cup of coffee and a small piece of cheese. The first stage of training took place from 7 am and lasted three hours, then study - and again a gymnastics platform to hone elements until late in the evening. This is how Lyudmila Turishcheva cultivated her strength and will. Now the woman also adheres to the principles of a healthy diet, does gymnastics and thanks to this routine she looks impeccable.

Each training session for Lyudmila began with a weigh-in, at which an extra half a kilogram of weight was a reprimand from Vladislav Stepanovich. He was a strict teacher, but Turishcheva said that his exactingness greatly helped in achieving results. Lyudmila was considered a purposeful student and came to play sports even when there were no training sessions according to the plan.

First Olympics

On the eve of the Olympics in Moscow, sports competitions were held to adapt athletes. In such summer competitions, Lyudmila Turishcheva took to the adult platform for the first time. Family, coach, friends supported the young athlete and wished her victory, but Natalya Kuchinskaya, at that time a more prepared gymnast, became first in the all-around and on four apparatuses.

Lyudmila went to Mexico City for the Olympics as a gymnast, still unknown to the public. The attention of the guests, the jury and the paparazzi was focused on the “bride of Mexico City”, the same one. However, Lyudmila Turishcheva never sought to work for the public; she directed her concentration on the technique of her performance.

The first Olympics, excitement and... falling off the balance beam. In the all-around, she only got 24th place, but the Soviet team of gymnasts still stood on the podium and received gold medals. This would hurt every athlete, and for a person with the goal of winning the championship title, this state of affairs became an incredible incentive for further preparation.

Absolute champion

After Mexico City, a team of gymnasts led by Rastorotsky became heroes in their homeland in Grozny. The athletes were greeted by officials with music and flowers. Two years after her first Olympics, the girl went to the World Championships in Ljubljana. Here Lyudmila gave her all and, beating her main competitors - Korbut, Yants, Burda, took first place. Her victory in Ljubljana brought her the title of absolute world champion. In the same fateful year for her sports career, 1970, Lyudmila was awarded the title “Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.”

A year later, the girl added regalia to the coach and herself, earning the title of European champion.


Lyudmila and Vladislav Stepanovich were not deprived of the attention of the leadership of the republic and the sports community in Grozny, but the champion tandem after the Olympics in Mexico City moved to Rostov-on-Don, since the conditions for living and training there were better. Until 1972, Turishcheva represented the city of Grozny and the Dynamo physical culture and sports society in it at competitions.

In Rostov-on-Don, the girl entered the pedagogical university and in 1986, having defended her dissertation, became a candidate of pedagogical sciences. Turishcheva Lyudmila Ivanovna was an excellent student in everything: at school, university, in training, in competitions, despite the fact that time was running out. The girl went to competitions with textbooks, and in between training sessions ran to take laboratory tests.

Olympics in Munich

The Soviet Union gymnastics team in 1972 had three leaders: Korbut, Turishcheva, Lazakovich. The main competitors were considered to be girls from the GDR team led by Karin Janz. The spectators expected to see a fierce struggle, since in Ljubljana the gymnasts from the USSR and the GDR, according to the jury, were with a difference of tenths of points.

Soviet athletes in Munich immediately took the lead in the team tournament, and during the free program they surpassed the GDR team by several more points. The German athletes ended up being weaker than the USSR team, which climbed to the podium. Burda and Turishcheva then became two-time champions. But ahead of everyone awaited the final and the fight for the title of absolute champion in certain all-around events. The intensity of passions reached the limit, a fierce struggle broke out between Korbut, Turishcheva and Yants.

The graceful sports sketch “The Girl of My Dreams,” performed exemplarily by Lyudmila, brought the gymnast a victory, as a result of which she became the absolute Olympic champion.


The Munich Olympics determined the audience's favorite. She was not the world champion Turishcheva, but the charming and tiny Olya Korbut. Even before leaving for the competition, the Moscow coaches of the USSR national team relied on Korbut, since her performances were dominated by complex elements that only Olga could control. What did the viewer like about Korbut that Turishcheva did not have?

Olga, going onto the gymnastics platform, wanted to please the public. Her performance was artistic and mischievous. She interacted with the viewer, smiled, experienced emotions, and thereby expended a lot of energy.

When gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva showed her program, she appeared to the viewer as a serious and concentrated athlete. She conserved her energy and emotions. Her principle was not to watch the performances of competitors, so as not to get upset and relax.

But their rivalry was like a sail, which carried world gymnastics with it.

Decline of career: World Cup, Montreal Olympics

In 1975, a gymnastics competition was held in London. Lyudmila Turishcheva, while performing exercises on uneven bars, felt the instability of the structure. One of the cables, hooked to the floor, began to weaken. The thought that she might let the country down helped her complete the program. Turnover on the bottom pole, jump without a planned turn, stable position and collapse of the structure. She left the platform without even turning around to look at the fallen bars.

The third and last before the end of his sports career was the Olympics in Montreal. Twenty-four-year-old Lyudmila then led the national team and helped it win gold in the team championship. She received two silver medals for her performance and for the freestyle program, and a bronze medal in the overall championship.

In pursuit of happiness

In 1976, after gymnastics competitions, as an incentive, Turishcheva was left until the end of the Olympic Games as a public figure on behalf of the Communist Party. Then Lyudmila Ivanovna Turishcheva gave interviews, met with teams and had to report about her work to the headquarters of the Soviet delegation, which was located on the territory of the men's building. Going to report again, she met a sprinter athlete who, at a competition in Munich, managed to win two gold medals from the Americans.

He immediately invited the champion to the cinema, and after that the young people exchanged phone numbers. And by the end of 1977, the Olympic couple got married.

Lyudmila Turishcheva: personal life

After the wedding, Lyudmila moved to Kyiv, since her husband was from Ukraine, and according to Slavic traditions, a woman comes to her husband’s house after marriage. A year later, a daughter, Tatyana, was born into the family.

She wanted to become a champion - she became one. The same is true in family life. Lyudmila Ivanovna wanted to be happy, and for 38 years now she and Valery Filippovich have had a trusting relationship, built on love for each other.

In early childhood, Tatyana’s daughter’s parents still wanted to force her to take gymnastics lessons. By the age of nine, Tanya realized that this sport was not for her. Then Lyudmila Ivanovna agreed with the athletics coach so that her daughter could come and run at the stadium. By the age of 11, Tatyana had fulfilled the standard for running. She competed in sprint races at competitions, but by the age of twenty she again came to the realization that this was not for her. Tatyana decided to engage in creativity and entered the University of Design, where she received a degree in fashion design.

Valery Filippovich and Lyudmila Turishcheva are now raising their grandchildren. My daughter and her husband live in Toronto.

Coaching career

After maternity leave, Lyudmila Ivanovna began her coaching career: first she taught children in the USSR national team, then she headed it from 1992 to 2000. Ukrainian Gymnastics Federation.

Among the 137 regalia, the queen of the gymnastics platform has three highest state awards:

  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
  • Olympic Bronze Order.
  • Order of Lenin.

A gymnast who performs without mistakes is an ideal. There are no such athletes, but Lyudmila was closest to this ideal among her competitors.

Soviet gymnast. Four-time Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. She trained with Vladislav Rastorotsky.

The name of Lyudmila Turishcheva was familiar to millions. For connoisseurs of artistic gymnastics, she has always been the standard of femininity, grace and elegance. But her rivals called her nothing more than “iron Turi”.

Future Olympic champion Lyudmila Turishcheva was born on October 7, 1952 in the city of Grozny. From the age of three, the girl studied in a ballet studio. I wanted to devote my life to art and dreamed of performing on the big stage. She got into gymnastics in 1962 - a little late by the standards of this sport. But her first children's coach, Kim Efimovich Wasserman, managed to convince her parents and the girl herself to take a risk.

Parting with ballet was painless. and gradually gymnastics became the main thing in her life. Wasserman worked with her for almost two years. He immediately noticed her diligence and accuracy in performing the exercises. persistence in practicing elements and combinations.

In 1964, Kim Efimovich Wasserman transferred his group of girls, in which Lyudmila Turishcheva also trained, to Vladislav Rastorotsky (Rastorotsky trained only girls, and Wasserman kept the boys).

It caught the coach's eye. like plastic. Beauty and grace were combined in this girl with a real fighting character.

Rastorotsky immediately completely rebuilt the weight training process and began preparing his student for the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. He set high goals for his ward. Wake up at 5:15, morning jog. For breakfast - half a cup of coffee and a small piece of cheese. The first stage of training began at 7 am and lasted exactly three hours. Then school - and again the gymnastics platform, until late in the evening.

Each workout began with a weigh-in. And any extra grams entailed a severe reprimand from the mentor.

Lyudmila won her first Olympic gold medal at the age of 16, this happened at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City. As part of the USSR national team, together with Zinaida Voronina, Natalya Kuchinskaya, Larisa Petrik, Olga Karaseva and Lyubov Burda, Turishcheva achieved victory in the team championship.

But before that, in 1967, Lyudmila Turishcheva first appeared on the adult stage. She was beautiful, flexible, feminine, and a pleasure to look at. Her family, coach, and friends supported the young athlete and wished her victory. But that year, it was the leader of the Soviet team, Natalya Kuchinskaya, who shone mainly. So Turishcheva went to Mexico City as a practically unknown debutante.

The 1972 Olympics in Munich had a special status for all Soviet athletes. The Cold War was in full swing, and the two political systems competed in all spheres of life, including sports. Before the performances, everyone was told: “These are the lairs of the fascist beast, which we defeated, and if you lose, then you are a criminal. You simply don’t have the right to concede, you have to win.” It was stressful and made it difficult to perform.

The State Sports Committee always planned who in the team should win gold. If an athlete took “silver” or “bronze,” then they looked at him as a traitor to his homeland. Three leaders came to the Olympics as part of the USSR artistic gymnastics team: Lyudmila Turishcheva, Olga Korbut, Tamara Lazakovich. The main rivals were considered to be a girl from the GDR national team.

A fierce struggle broke out for the title of absolute champion. Having gathered all her will into a fist and not making a single mistake, Turishcheva performed the sports sketch “The Girl of My Dreams” in an exemplary manner. And she won the coveted title of champion.

The Munich Olympics also determined the audience's favorite. She was the charming and tiny Olga Korbut from Grodno, whose program was dominated by incredibly complex elements that only she could control. She skillfully contacted the audience, smiled... But Lyudmila appeared before the audience as a serious and extremely concentrated athlete. She saved her energy and emotions and never watched her competitors’ performances so as not to get upset or relax.

She maintained friendly relations with all the girls on the team and had no conflicts with anyone.

According to the gymnast herself, only thanks to the strategy of Vladislav Rastorotsky was her extraordinary talent able to reveal itself to the maximum. In the future, she could no longer train with anyone other than him. Years later, Rastorotsky set Lyudmila as an example to his new students, who later also became world sports stars. This is two-time Olympic champion Natalya Shaposhnikova, three-time world champion Albina Shishkova... The coach never tired of explaining to his players that since they chose gymnastics. The worst thing is to betray her.

In the early 1970s, the coach, his family and his beloved student moved to Rostov-on-Don. because the living and training conditions were better there. Gymnastics entered the Pedagogical University, and in 1986, having defended her dissertation, she became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

The queen of the platform was an excellent student in everything: at school. university, during training, competitions.

The third and last before the end of her career for Lyudmila Truishcheva was the 1976 Olympics in Montreal. The 24-year-old captain of the national team helped win gold in the team championship.

The coach also found her a groom. Rostorotsky advised track and field athlete Valery Borzov to pay attention to an unmarried and serious girl. She loved him for his honesty. calmness, self-confidence and blue eyes. In December 1977, the Olympic couple got married.

After the wedding, the gymnast moved to Kyiv, since her husband was from Ukraine. A year later their daughter Tatyana was born. Valery and Lyudmila are one of the most beautiful and strong couples. Their marriage has lasted for 40 years.

After a brilliant 13-year career, the great gymnast became a coach. All her life she never forgets her iron rule: if you want something, you have to strive for it. Lyudmila is considered one of the last tall gymnasts. And this proud woman always kept her high standard in everything.

Victor Volynsky - magazine “Riddles of History”.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Turishcheva - she glorified Soviet artistic gymnastics for the world - biography, facts updated: July 7, 2018 by: website

Strong woman

The famous gymnast Lyudmila TURISCHEVA: "Why did I fall in love with Borzov? For honesty, calmness, self-confidence and... blue eyes"

"What were you thinking when you received the champion's gold medal?" - they asked Lyudmila Turishcheva after her triumphant return from the 1976 Olympic Games. Her answer shocked everyone.

"What were you thinking when you received the champion's gold medal?" - they asked Lyudmila Turishcheva after her triumphant return from the 1976 Olympic Games. Her answer shocked everyone. “I thought,” said the beauty, Komsomol member, athlete, “that anyone in my place would have done the same.” Meanwhile, she literally snatched medals (a gold, two silver and a bronze) from fate with a superhuman effort of will. Try on the regime of a gymnast before that, the third Olympics in her life: at 4.45 - wake up, from 6 to 10 am - the first training, then classes at the institute, from 17.00 to 19.00 - the second, from 21.00 to 22.30 - the third. And so on day after day. Biographers have calculated: over 13 years of a brilliant sports career, Lyudmila was awarded 137 times - at three Olympic Games, many world and European championships, and at the USSR championships. An entire museum could be created from her trophies, but the famous gymnast never displayed her medals, photographs and congratulatory letters for public viewing, either at work or at home - she kept them in closet drawers. In the same place as state orders... In the Soviet Union, schoolchildren were told about her in lessons and students at lectures; in the countries of hot Africa, stamps with her portrait were issued. For fellow countrymen from Rostov-on-Don, where the four-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics once graduated from the pedagogical institute, according to the survey results, she is now more popular than Army Commander Budyonny. However, Lyudmila Ivanovna is not offended when she is simply called Borzov’s wife. Between her and her husband, she and her husband have 14 Olympic medals, two pairs of colonel’s shoulder straps and a whole arsenal, which, in addition to hunting rifles, includes an inlaid personalized pistol, given to Lyudmila Ivanovna for her anniversary by border guards. However, the main thing they have is their beloved daughter. Fans still sigh, remembering the Don Cossack girl with black eyes. She was so different from today's gutta-percha girls who can cry when they fail. Turishcheva was one of the last tall gymnasts, and this proud woman always maintained her high standard in everything. Is this why, many years later, when a conflict arose with the management of rhythmic gymnastics in the person of Albina and Irina Deryugin, she did not engage in squabbles and pull the blanket over herself? She simply resigned from the post of chairman of the Ukrainian Gymnastics Federation.


- Lyudmila Ivanovna, when we meet, many women probably look at you closely and, like me, are amazed: it’s amazing how good you look! Share your secret: due to what?

Well, first of all, thank you for the compliment, and as for the secret... If you want to look good, you have to strive for this. You need enormous willpower, a daily routine that allows you to rest so that your face does not show the marks of a sleepless night, but above all, physical exercise and diet.

- Do you still do physical exercise?

Of course, although now it’s just for my own pleasure. This is either a fast walk, or a light jog in the fresh air and a set of movements developed for yourself, necessary for all joints to work. At the end - light exercises for the soul, for the body, so that it is comfortable and comfortable all day. All within an hour and a half.

Many of your colleagues - not only gymnasts, but also just athletes - told me that, after finishing their performances, they felt disgusted even with ordinary physical education...

Personally, I study with joy and cannot live without it. Probably, a person cannot become a good athlete if he was not born a fanatic. In any case, I consider myself to be in this category of people. Without movement I feel bad.

The future legendary champion was born in Grozny. They even said that you were Chechen by nationality...

No, my parents are Russian, and my roots are somewhere in Kuban, in the Krasnodar region.

At the time when you won, artistic gymnastics was wildly popular in the USSR, the names of the champions were known to the entire Soviet country, young and old, as “Our Father.” Naturally, there was fierce competition for a place on the team. Why have you climbed to the highest step of the podium so many times?

It all starts with a great desire and love for one’s species, which, I think, is instilled by the first coach. The children do not understand his program, but they follow it so that the coach praises them and notices some successes. Gradually they rise through the steps: from the youth level to an international master of sports, to an honored master of sports. The coach explained how to achieve success, and the children - they are curious. So we climbed.

At the same time, artistic gymnastics is not chess. When performing dizzying elements, gymnasts often have to take risks. You need courage - where do children get it from?

If you like your sport, you try to overcome your fear. Of course, it can be scary, especially when you perform a difficult element for the first time without insurance, without mats, without a coach, but you have a podium ahead of you (at least the city championship). Everywhere: at the European Championships, the World Championships, the Olympic Games - there are three steps, although real athletes are always seduced only by the first.

I remember from myself: for a long time I could not jump over the horse - it was as if a wall was growing in front of me. Surely you also had elements that you really wanted, but were impossible to accomplish: there was some kind of barrier. How did you overcome it?

You know... Our whole life is blocked by such barriers... To this day I have to overcome myself. You don’t always want to get up at half past five, but you get up because “you have to!” Those around me - parents, coaches, teachers - instilled this in my nature. Unlike the current generation, our generation did not live according to the principle: “I want!”, but “I must!”. This word helped to overcome any obstacles.


- Once in an interview with Boulevard, you said that your dad, mom, Komsomol and the Soviet Union taught you: “Think about your Motherland first, and then about yourself!”...

Yes, it's true.

- Was it in the genes, in the blood?

And it remains, I think, to this day, although... it’s already dissolving a little... Today I think first about myself, about my health, and then about work, about my homeland... Probably, the situation has developed this way.

Front-line soldiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War told me that they were so wound up by propaganda, so inflamed by the atmosphere that reigned around them, that if they were told: “Forward! For the Motherland! For Stalin!”, They went on the attack and did not even think about the fact that they might die . Were you also focused on success, on winning?

We were really charged with propaganda, examples of the war years. I will never forget the second Olympics in my life - it took place in 1972 in Munich - where I became the absolute champion. We, every member of the Soviet team, were told: “This is the lair of the fascist beast, which we defeated, and if you lose here, you are a criminal.” The atmosphere became so tense that it was incredibly difficult to perform, especially morally. “You don’t have the right to give in, you have to”... This caused - judging by myself - additional tension, special excitement, excessive control over your movements.

- Well, okay, but what happened to those who could not win in the den of fascism? After all, these are living people!

The State Sports Committee always planned who should win which medal, and if an athlete received not gold, but silver, they looked at him almost as a traitor to his homeland...

- Seriously? And what awaited him when he arrived home?

Well, for starters, they didn’t even congratulate him, and in general, those who didn’t fulfill the plan were treated with some kind of disdain. It was a shame, because gold and silver are so close, and their distribution depends so much on chance and sports luck... No, you can’t treat Olympic medalists like that - not only first, but also second and third places are joyful for the athlete who conquered... Alas, those around you often do not understand this.

The famous gymnast Larisa Latynina (when you won, she was the senior coach of the USSR national artistic gymnastics team) recalled how once at a competition the parallel bars collapsed right during your performance. Her heart sank to her feet, and you were so confident in yourself, so focused and focused on winning that you didn’t even raise an eyebrow...

This happened at the 1975 World Cup in London. This was the final, or rather the pre-final year in my sports career. It was planned that I would compete at the Olympic Games in ’76 and leave big-time sports.

Not long before this, at the end of April-beginning of May, the European Championships took place, where we met Nadia Comaneci for the first time. I competed there with a vertebral injury, missing three months of training, and lost to a Romanian. The fact that I dropped to fourth place was a tragedy for me, but I was aware that I was not in the best shape. The Cup gave me a chance to compete with Nadya on equal terms: they say, both are in good shape - so let’s dot the i’s. Unfortunately, Comaneci did not appear in London (I think for tactical reasons, and this is correct - in order to retain the title of European champion and come with it to the Olympic Games).

Nevertheless, I was ready for a serious fight and nothing could scare me, not even the fall of the uneven bars. Although the video, watched in the evening after the final of the competition, was terrifying...

- How did this happen?

What are bars? Two perches and frames, stretched by four cables on each side. And if one, as in my case, jumps off (there’s a hook in the floor that’s unbent)...

-...the whole structure is collapsing...

Yes! The cable bounced off and the structure beneath me began to move. At the end of the exercise, when there are a few elements left to perform, I feel that something is wrong with the bars. "What should I do?" - a thought flashed. But there is a program in your head - you work like an automaton, and you understand: you need to complete everything and jump off the bars. Thank God I managed to do this. I performed a rotation on the lower pole, pushed off the bars with the force of my abdominal muscles and made a so-called stall. While performing this element, I probably threw the bars back and flew slightly forward. At the same time, since the tension was already insufficient, she was unable to perform the planned 360-degree turn, she simply did, as we say, a straight dismount... Of course, the audience gasped. I felt that the bars were falling, but I didn’t even look back - I had a mark ahead of me! I had no right to let down either myself or the Soviet Union...

-...neither the Komsomol, nor mom and dad...

That's it (laughs). In a word, serious preparation took its toll when mastery was brought to the point of automatism, and once you have a program built into you, you don’t deviate from it.

- What could happen to you if the bars collapsed while performing the exercise?

Well, it would have been pressed down a little by a pole or an iron frame... (Catching himself). Oh, no, it’s better not to think about the bad.


- You mentioned Nadia Comaneci... Larisa Latynina told me: when the Romanian began to win all conceivable and inconceivable awards, Latynina, as the senior coach of the national team, was worked on and reproached at the top. She said: “It’s not my fault that Nadia Comaneci was born in Romania and not in the Soviet Union.” Was this gymnast really some kind of unique person, did she have fantastic data?

No - it was just a new generation, which always replaces mature masters after the Olympic Games. Nadya entered the world gymnastics elite at the right time. In 1975 she won the European Championship, then shone at international competitions, where, of course, she was a beauty...

-...and they started talking about her as a new star...

Yes, but she deserved it - because she introduced new elements into gymnastics. They were even named after her - like Comaneci's somersault. Nadya performed dizzying combinations; she connected well-known, complex elements and performed them on a 10-centimeter beam. It was a circus - this had never been done before.

Her psychological preparation also deserves praise. Among the athletes from different countries who came to the Olympic Games, there were serious competitors both in individual events and in the all-around. We have four apparatuses and each has its own champions, its own leaders. She survived! Either it’s nature, or the coach taught her that way, but Comaneci performed wearing a mask, as if nothing was happening around her. Even after becoming a champion, she didn’t smile. Only later, when they congratulated her and she realized that everything was behind her, she thawed out a little. I think Nadya was not so much happy about the gold medal as she was about the fact that the competition had come to an end.

From time to time, Olga Korbut, who lives in the United States, reminds the world of herself - one of your rivals and teammates (if the word “friend” is applicable in this case). She constantly forces people to talk about herself: either she will end up in another semi-detective story, then she will burst out with a scandalous book or an overly frank interview, then she will find herself under suspicion of theft, or she will start a divorce from the ex-“singer” Bortkevich... Korbut was indeed a problematic and controversial person or is this an exaggeration? When you performed together, did you have any conflicts?

Then I had absolutely no conflicts with anyone, but discussions, let’s say, did happen. Korbut is actually an extraordinary girl, but her differences were not at all for the better. She had her own opinion about everything. I don’t know if she was taught this way or if star fever affected her... Still, at a young age, Olga became a famous gymnast in the Soviet Union, entered the international arena - and there they started talking loudly about her. For the same reason as about Nadia Comaneci, she was the bearer of new forms.

Olga performed an element on the balance beam for which the International Federation scolded both the Soviet Union and her coach. Then they thought that it was too complicated, harmful to health, it took some time to get used to the innovations... And now this element is generally classified as group B...

This is what Olga became famous for in gymnastics. As for human qualities... We competed with her for a long time: from the time she appeared until the end of her sports career...

- Was your rivalry expressed in any way in everyday life? Did you say hello, chat, make friends?

We were a single team and communicated exactly like teammates (although if you put a deeper meaning into the word “girlfriends”, this is a little different). We helped each other build bridges, came to the rescue if something needed to be sewn on, if someone felt bad... We could advise something...

- So there were no problems?

I absolutely have!

What am I talking about? Now we have to watch the relationships between the best Russian girls tennis players. It got to the point that right during the competition, the father of one of them shouts: “Kill her, tear her to pieces, tear her up!” Tennis players don’t greet each other, they walk by, touching each other with their elbows and shoulders... Hasn’t this happened to you?

I don’t, but other girls showed elements of aggression. You see, each gymnast has a different psychological attitude towards an opponent; for some, in order to perform better, they must, roughly speaking, make themselves angry. To do this, I didn’t need to quarrel with anyone, offend anyone. I have my own method, it was expressed in such, you know, detachment from everything...

As they said then, “iron Turishcheva” came onto the platform. I didn’t allow myself a smile or glances around, so as not to waste energy. I had a whole ritual of preparing for a performance. Again, behavior in competitions and outside of competitions are completely different things...


- What was it expressed in - your ritual?

Immediately before the start, I had to stand in front of the apparatus for about a minute and mentally take in the entire combination. A deep breath, a deep exhale, two words to yourself: “I’m ready!”, and that’s it - a high score was guaranteed.

- There was no hall for you, no judges, no rivals?

No, it was just me and the coach - if he was nearby on the platform. I knew that during the exercise I needed to do, what to think about, what to pay more attention to.

Gymnasts who performed at the same time as Korbut told me about some eccentric, out-of-the-ordinary actions of hers. Did something like this happen before your eyes?

I remember we really loved it when she came to the training camp, and they conveyed down the chain that Olga had arrived. Everyone definitely wanted to see her, because she looked, in our opinion, completely awkward. With her small stature, a large platform, high heels, some kind of long chignon that did not fit with her lion head... At that time, this was prohibited in our schools, but here we could see everything with our own eyes...

- Was she condescendingly allowed to be fashionable?

Well, she was a star! None of this suited her, but Olga didn’t notice anything and felt comfortable in this outfit.

Have you read the interview with Olga Korbut, in which she talks about sexual harassment by her coach Renald Knysh?

Don't get me wrong: I can't comment on what she said. I did not witness this, I did not see or notice anything like this.

- But there were rumors?

No! Her coach was a very silent, secretive and reserved man, all to himself. Knysh was inaudible and invisible, and he raised his voice only to Korbut, honing her style of performance. Everything for him was based on drill. Olga didn’t really like to emphasize her performances with any touches and nevertheless spent hours practicing them.

We saw how much Knysh fought to ensure that one finger was retracted exactly this way, so that this or that movement was performed “sharply.” This is unbearably hard work! The coach worked on every detail, every look, sometimes brought Olga to tears and still made sure that she performed the movement not softly, with a brush, but sharply. This, in fact, distinguished Olga Korbut from the rest... This is how the diamond of gymnastics was polished.

- Didn’t you feel anything?

I'm not one of those people who spy. I perceive the person as she is, and only then decide: to get closer to her or to communicate from now on - just like with a teammate.

- Did you have real girlfriends on the team?

Yes, and first of all Rusudan Sikharulidze from Georgia. She and I, as they say, got along in character, trusted each other, shared joys and hardships during training. And Olga and I were even housed together for the purpose of re-educating her, but Korbut was difficult to re-educate and probably wasn’t necessary. In any case, she was annoying me with her behavior, and I was annoying her. In the end, before the World Championships, I approached Latynina and asked: “Larisa Semyonovna, let Olga and I separate”...


- Lyudmila Ivanovna, as I understand it, at competitions judges evaluate gymnasts quite subjectively. In appearance, in flirtatiousness, playfulness... Some people like the girl more, others less... How does this factor work?

- On the one hand, judges get bored with very stable stars with their pre-known combinations, and on the other hand, they are attracted to innovations. If a young gymnast does a difficult, beautiful exercise and suddenly something doesn’t work out, they feel sorry for her - after all, she is a future star. As a result, opinions are divided: some like classics and stability, while others like a new star...

Tell me, what does it feel like to feel like a superstar, an idol of the nation? You are a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the USSR, you are invited to work collectives, to factories and plants...

And to maximum security prisons (laughs)...

People look at you admiringly, the country's leadership awards you the Order of Lenin (many, I think, understand what it was like to receive the Order of Lenin in those years), your face never leaves the pages of newspapers and television screens! Did you understand that you had occupied a special niche, rose to a special level, or were you calm about it?

You can’t take this calmly. Again, the coach educates, teaches, and then a minute comes, and for the first time you climb onto the podium, well, for example, at the World Championship. Everyone immediately wants to say hello to you, touch you, invite you somewhere, but you are not mentally ready for this. Greet strangers, smile at them, tell them some secrets... Like you today... But you’re not used to this.

- Yes, and at that age there was nothing to tell...

Besides the fact that she worked and finally performed. Of course, over time, some kind of stereotype is developed, you feel and understand that people are interested. Well, for example, if the audience is female, you tell them how the regime was...

Didn’t it bother you that you don’t have the right to be alone, that everywhere you go, you’re being closely watched? Even on vacation - and they get it there! They ask unnecessary questions, ask for an autograph...

I knew: fame and popularity have two sides. Yes, constant attention is tiring, you dream that no one will see or touch you. I wanted, say, to eat a pie (remember, they used to cost five kopecks?), which is not allowed according to the regime, but everyone around is watching - and somehow it’s even uncomfortable. On the other hand, when you come, for example, to a hotel where there are no rooms, they say to you: “Ah, Lyudmila! Hello, we’re very glad! Come in, we’ll get you a room now.” Same thing at the ticket office... So there are pros and cons to everything.

- Regarding the pie... Were you strictly limited in food?

Somewhere before the age of 14 there was no strictness, on the contrary. When we were preparing for the Union Championship or the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, at the training camp we were given coupons (for 40 rubles, in my opinion) for breakfast, lunch and dinner. During twice-daily training, the loads were heavy for our age, and the trainer made sure that we had sour cream, butter, and meat on the table so that we, so to speak, ate well. But when the time came for the girl to become a girl and physiological changes began, these pies and butter and sour cream...

-...they began to crawl out sideways?

They were instantly deposited on the butt, sides, and thighs. And then the coach said differently: “You must shut your mouth.”

- What couldn’t you afford? Did you want something special?

Like every person, I wanted everything. The forbidden fruit is sweet. I was terribly hungry - from the age of 16 until I left gymnastics. This eternal hungry look at everything... But here you decide for yourself what you want more...

Finishing their official performances, the athletes happily said: “Well, now we’ve had our fill of all these years.” Have you ever had this happen?

Oh, many gymnasts burned out on this before they even finished performing. They allowed themselves to eat something tasty during the fasting period, gained five, six or even more kilograms, and then could no longer recover.

No, after leaving big sport I didn’t have the desire to eat everything right away. When I wanted this or that, I reassured myself: now everything is possible, and there is such a great life ahead. If you allow yourself a little bit of everything every day, you will have time to try everything more than once.

I prepared myself psychologically this way - that’s why I kept in shape. There was, however, one story after the first World Cup, where my parallel bars fell and where I won both the Cup itself and all four gold medals. Then we went to demonstration performances in Japan. Probably, I gave it too much, and the gymnastics age was already very high - at 23 and a half years old, almost everyone had already passed...

- In modern times, he’s generally overgrown...

And at that time, the age for gymnastics was quite respectable. In a word, I had a crack in my vertebra. The coach said that the body can no longer stand it, we need to nourish it, restore the bones. “Don’t overeat,” he advised, “eat a little of everything so that the vitamins get in.” At the same time, I was excluded from training altogether for a month and a half... The crack was not displaced, but they said it should heal.

And for a month and a half I was free: I didn’t go to the gym, I just walked around the park, breathed fresh air, did my studies, household chores - I loved it very much. At the same time, I didn’t overeat, I ate a little bit of everything. When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself. Oh my God! Somehow my face doesn’t fit in it, the skirts I wore don’t fit. "What's the matter?" - Think. I stepped on the scales - plus 10 kilograms. At this point both the coach and I grabbed our heads.

Somewhere on February 15, as I remember now, my idleness ended, and on May 4 I had to go to the stage of the European Championship. Imagine, in this short period of time I had to lose 10 kilograms, restore all my exercises, and do it without the viewer guessing anything.

It was a difficult moment in life. Some beakers and cups appeared: in one there were 10 grams of salad, in the other - 50 grams of water... Absolutely everything on the scales, on the scales, on the scales! What can you do, age is such - what you drink will remain on the scale. There was daily control plus a weight loss program: when more, when less, when there is a pause and more... At that time there were no special weight loss suits. They put on their pants, then tore some plastic bags, wrapped them over their clothes, and in this form did 10 or even more laps around the stadium. The goal is to lose two kilograms. You take off everything, weigh yourself - minus eight hundred kilos. They tell you: “Go and lose another 200 grams.” Again you put on the ammunition, and then you can’t drink, you can’t eat...

- Did you want to?

Very! I kept dreaming about water... Streams, springs bubbling in the mountains and green grass. You dip your face into this purest water and swallow it straight from the river, get drunk... and wake up in horror...

-... from the thought: “It’s impossible”!

From the thought: “Lord, what am I doing?!” You jump up: “Thank God it’s only in a dream” - and lie calmly until you get up. I got up every day at 4.45, and only in the morning could I afford 100 grams of coffee and a 20-gram piece of cheese. It was breakfast.


- Leonid Parfenov’s excellent program “The Other Day” is shown on television. You watch it and mentally return to that era. I wonder if the leaders of the Soviet state received you? Well, let's say, did Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev deign to communicate? Did you know each other?

- (Laughs). He personally shook my hand...

- With a feeling of deep satisfaction?

And with numerous orders on his chest. Then, if you remember, during the Communist Party congresses youth concerts were held for delegates, and in the middle of the program there was a greeting on behalf of the athletes. We read some monologues, then presented flowers. I was honored to present a bouquet to Brezhnev.

- Well, did Leonid Ilyich make an impression?

Not really. He shook hands weakly, but, you know... Although we were adults, at that time we probably had a slightly different attitude towards the leadership of the country. These people were so inaccessible, unattainable. Celestials... Today - please, after every significant competition there is a reception: the athletes are met, seen off - elementary, but then...

My God, with a sinking heart you shake hands with Leonid Ilyich himself. You walk back without remembering yourself and think: “The main thing is not to stumble or fall”...

- Yeah, it’s not like you’re doing flips on the uneven bars!

Don't talk! (Laughs).

In those years, sport was one of the state priorities; suffice it to say that even the newspaper “Soviet Sport” was subscribed to by almost every family. For propaganda purposes, the party and Soviet leadership loved to bring together popular people and arrange high-profile weddings for them. It probably started with Khrushchev, who married Valentina Tereshkova and Andrian Nikolaev. As it turned out later, they did not love each other, and their marriage soon broke up. Tereshkova still remembers her failed family life with a shudder. Your marriage with Valery Borzov was discussed throughout the Soviet Union, because both of you were not just VIPs - lifetime symbols, legends. You have been together for 27 years now - an amazing fact! I have great respect for Valery Filippovich Borzov, not only as a great athlete, but also as a decent, smart, intelligent person. Tell me, do you still love each other?

Yes! (Convinced). Yes! I know for sure: if you want to be happy, be it. If you want to have a happy family, create one. It’s not like today: we met, lived for a couple of days and ran away. Building a happy family is a huge job, but with smart people, as you correctly noted, everything can be done.

- How do two stars like Turishcheva and Borzov even meet? How does a spark jump between them?

The year was 1976. At the Olympics in Montreal, I ended my sports career and, as an incentive, they left me until the end of the games, loading me with public assignments through the Komsomol line. I had to meet with groups, perform on radio and television. They trusted me, and I ran around the Olympic Village all day long. In those days, the men's and women's buildings were located separately. The women's room was always strictly guarded; not a single man was there, and therefore the headquarters of the Soviet delegation was located in the men's building. When returning, I had to report to management that I had come, tell them what I had done, what the interview was like, what was asked about? The coach, who lived in the male building, of course, said: “When you finish everything, come and tell me that everything is fine, that you are already in the village, so that I don’t worry.” And once again I was going to the Soviet club for a report, and at that moment Valery Filippovich walked past on the stairs with security - at that time a comrade from the KGB was assigned to him.

- Why? Were you afraid that it would remain in the West?

No, there were just rumors that at the finish line of the 100-meter race a sniper sitting in the stadium would aim at Borzov. That's why they assigned him security. Valery said: “We are going to the cinema. Would you like to watch a movie with us?” “If I have time,” I say. “If I leave before half past seven, I’ll go.”

- Did you know each other before that?

It's a no-brainer. Like all athletes who gather at some kind of celebrations, sports festivals. Those who are closer say hello, and others formally nod: “Hello!” Of course, we looked around, whispering that it was Borzov, that it was Zhabotinsky, or someone else. Agree, it’s nice to know such people. How was it then? The first television program showed football, hockey, gymnastics, figure skating - and they knew all the athletes by name and face. Maybe one day the thought flashed through his mind: where can we meet? And then I passed by, I was in a good mood - so I invited him.


- Have you come to the cinema?


- What kind of film was it, remember?

Of course, it was a horror film. There is a fire, skyscrapers are burning, everything is flooded with water - a spectacular sight. In our time, such paintings were rare.

- Did you sit together at the cinema?

- Did he show you signs of attention?

- (Embarrassed). You forget a little that times were different. All this was somehow hidden. Plus, our characters are completely different from those of today's youth.

- But did you even touch your hand?

You want it right the first time - and right away! Who would let him touch?! (Laughs).

- And how did events develop then?

We exchanged phone numbers. Most likely, he asked for mine - I didn’t ask him for it. I was just waiting for him to call. It didn’t happen right away, but we got on the phone. By that time, my sports career had already ended, but I was a member of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, and, probably luckily for us, in 1977 there were already four plenums of the Central Committee. First, Tyazhelnikov left the post of first secretary to become ambassador, then Pastukhov was elected to this post, then something else... And somehow in four times...

-...thanks to Tyazhelnikov and Pastukhov...

- Was there a noisy wedding?

There were a lot of guests, but, you know, I don’t remember her well, because all my energy went into preparation. Today it would be money - and everything can be organized very beautifully, but then in winter you won’t find flowers during the day with fire. They had to somehow get hold of them, call somewhere, find out where things were available, negotiate with people. The same situation applies to products.

- Why did you fall in love with Borzov?

For honesty, calmness, self-confidence and... (smiles) for blue eyes.

But did you understand that not every man can become your life partner, that you definitely need a husband stronger than you? But you yourself are a strong woman...

The subconscious worked on this, and some image, of course, emerged. Around the age of 22-24, every girl probably thinks about what kind of man she would like. I was scared to imagine that he would be weak-willed, somehow frail, but... You can’t order your heart: love has come - and no matter what person he is, even if weak, frail, you love him, without knowing why. “God forbid,” I think. Naturally, Valery made an impression - I saw a strong man. The choice turned out to be correct.

- Were your friends jealous of you? Have you ever felt female envy because your man is like this?

I never paid attention to this. Someone else's opinion is just information for me - I always have my own opinion on literally everything. Until I develop my own opinion, I don’t care at all what rumors are circulating, what the newspapers write about.


- None of the men in the world could catch up with Valery Filippovich, but you, woman, still managed...

You know, let's look at this differently. He's the one who caught up with me (laughs). There were probably some men around me too. He beat them all!

- Yes, I think there were enough suitors - you were very impressive...

Well, not boyfriends - I would say fans. You see, the coach and I had, as he said, a secret agreement: while I was doing gymnastics, I should not have a boyfriend. At the end of my gymnastics career, I trained three times a day for eight hours, if not more. This required complete dedication.

- Well, okay, but how to deceive physiology? It’s one thing to come to an agreement with a coach and quite another thing to agree with nature...

Here, probably, fanaticism is needed, without which such results simply cannot be achieved. First of all, a task to which you are completely devoted, even in your thoughts. You constantly analyze what worked for you and what didn’t, what you need to get to the third Olympiad and at the same time be a leader. Of course, in moments of relaxation, rest, some thoughts flashed - somewhere I wanted something... To meet, say, a young man, so that someone would pay attention to you.

- Why, he even gave me flowers...

Well, there were already enough flowers - after the competition they were simply overwhelmed with bouquets. Many young people wanted to say hello, meet, were looking for a reason, but I was a girl of very strict rules, it’s funny to remember now. They came up to get acquainted, and I asked what problems they had, what they wanted, that is, I immediately turned the conversation into a completely businesslike, work-oriented direction. They were so dumbfounded. “Well,” they thought, “you can’t just meet this girl.” (laughs).

By temperament, you and Valery Filippovich are completely different people. He is very calm, self-possessed, balanced, you are more emotional. Tell me, how do you get along and who is inferior to whom in family life?

We probably neutralize each other somehow. If I’m over-emotional somewhere, one look or word from him slows me down and stops me. And vice versa. He always wears the same mask: he never shows joy or grief, but I am unable to hide my feelings. He is pleased that I can express them in a way that he cannot.

After completing his sports career, Valery Filippovich was always visible: he was the secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Ukraine, then, already in independent Ukraine, the minister of sports, chairman of the National Olympic Committee, now a people's deputy, and so on. Surely there were women on his way who looked at him, let’s say, with adoration. Many obviously tried to meet each other and start an affair. Have you ever been told about this? Were there anonymous calls or letters?

Everything happened, but I never paid attention to it, because I know from myself: when you are famous and popular, they say anything about you. You go to a competition and suddenly, lying on the shelf of the carriage, you hear such tales about yourself. “You know, I know Turishcheva. I sat with her in the same restaurant, she’s like that...” And they are being scammed to the fullest. I play along and say: “Yes? And she behaves like that?” The fellow traveler, it seems, didn’t even realize at the end that he was traveling with me.

Therefore, I know the value of all these gossip and rumors. We had a moral agreement to trust each other. If suddenly another love comes along the way, as happened in many families (although in those days this happened less often, it cannot be compared with how today they change husbands or wives several times. Then people were morally more stable and responsible)... In a word. , if something happens, we must admit it ourselves and not torture each other.

Therefore, we lived and live in complete trust. And one more thing. You can flirt with anyone, but the most precious thing is a family, where it is warm and cozy. They're waiting for you there, it's best for you, and that's the most important thing.

The life of Valery Filippovich not only gave gifts, but also beat him; he was both appointed to high positions and removed from them. Of course, all this was accompanied by some kind of stress. How did you lick his emotional wounds?

This requires a special, subtle approach. Long-term family life allows you to study each other, and it is at such a moment that you need to feel all the delicacy of the situation and not overdo it with reassurances. I said: “I know that it’s hard for you now, and I’ll do everything necessary. Just say what you need, I’m always ready to help you.” That's all! And silence, which gives the wounded animal the opportunity to rest.

- How does it feel for you, a superstar, to iron your husband’s shirts and cook?

Oh, my beloved husband, I do this with pleasure.

As far as I know, if he leaves for hunting at four o'clock in the morning, you get up at three to prepare him something to eat...

Absolutely right.

- And all this is a joy?

Certainly! This is called the word “love”. I don’t tell myself that this is love, but I get up in a good mood, I want to see my husband off. It becomes such a habit... Sometimes I want to sleep, I think: “Maybe I shouldn’t get up this time? Maybe I should lie down some more?” But the desire to preserve and not lose what has been created still outweighs...

- Does Valery Filippovich bring anything from the hunt?

Sometimes. Our family does not eat game, but we are happy to give it to our friends and neighbors.

- Which of Borzov’s hunting trophies do you especially remember?

Probably some kind of quail or ducks. There are a lot of them, and they all need to be cleaned. I immediately offer it to my mother: “If you cook, please.”


- You have a wonderful daughter Tanya. As far as I know, at first she did rhythmic gymnastics...

I tried it.

- Then run... She reached the rank of candidate master of sports, and that’s it, mom and dad told her: that’s enough! Why?

Mom and Dad have nothing to do with it. We raised our daughter to be independent; from childhood we taught her to defend her opinion and solve her problems herself. “If it becomes very difficult,” they taught, “then contact us. In any case, seek advice, and we will tell you what to do...” Therefore, from childhood she made decisions herself. For example, I wanted to transfer from school to a physics and mathematics lyceum. We didn’t know about this until one day Tanya told me: “Mom, we’re going to a new school this morning.”

I came and there were lists hanging there. The daughter says: “Look, you see - Borzova T. It’s me. I passed the exam in order to get into this lyceum on a competitive basis.” My husband and I are terrified: how to combine sports and mathematics?

Then they consulted and decided: mathematics is good, let him try it. It’s not scary if the report card doesn’t show an A, but a B or C, but the knowledge will be useful in life.

Then she stunned us again. In our time, a ten-year education was considered compulsory, anyone who did not want to study in high school seemed somehow disadvantaged, and after the ninth grade she made the decision: “I’m going to the school of planning and economics.” We're in shock again. What does school have to do with it? My daughter has her own explanation: they say, I don’t want to waste time in 10-11 grade. “They don’t give anything good there, it’s a repetition of the program, and so,” he says, “in three years there will be secondary specialized education and then a second higher education. Is that right?” - “That’s right! Forward!”

- Why did she stop playing sports?

Since childhood, Tanya loved to run, but for her general development, I sent her to rhythmic gymnastics, which she quickly got tired of by the age of nine. At that age they didn’t take part in athletics, but I asked the coach: “Let her play with you.” And what? On the field, in the fresh air. From the age of 11, my daughter began to study seriously and fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports in the 100 and 200 meters. She chose a difficult type of athletics - sprint, followed in her father's footsteps, even competed at international competitions - there were such Olympic days in Europe. That is, Tatyana rose quite high and firmly believed: if her parents could do it, she could too...

With Dmitry Gordon

- Genes will tell in the end...

Alas, nature usually rests on children, and this is probably not without it... Having already matured, at the age of 19-20, Tanya realized that someone was taking doping to improve results. Maybe herbal based, but...

- Another sport?

Another! And when the girl, who had not caught up with her a year ago, suddenly took the lead without any technical reason, Tanya made the decision: “I’m handing over my sneakers, I won’t waste any more time.”

Then Tatyana studied at the Institute of Physical Education in the department of sports managers. Naturally, like every girl, having lived some period of her life, she analyzes and looks: what does she want? “I don’t like economics. It’s not for me to sit in offices.”

I ask: “What profession would you like to choose?” The daughter says: “I want to be creative.” She successfully graduated from the second institute - now the University of Design and New Technologies, and became a clothing designer, that is, she started from scratch again.

As a mother, you probably can’t help but worry about how your daughter’s personal life will turn out. You found Borzov, but it’s doubly hard for her: her mother is Turishcheva, her father is Borzov. She saw two such powerful characters, and after this it would probably be incredibly difficult to choose a husband...

Yes, in this regard it is difficult for her, but Tanya is in no hurry. We survived her for 18-19 years, when, naturally, there was some kind of love. Now she just chooses a friend in life.

Lyudmila Ivanovna, when you were president of the Gymnastics Federation, you had a big conflict with Irina Deryugina. Or she has a big conflict with you. What is its essence that two outstanding women of their time did not share?

You know, Dima, I don’t want to remember this. Things are in the past, but I am a person moving forward and living for today. In principle, the law is not a decree for these people, and that is why they behave this way. Now, if we, like in the West, strictly followed the law, there would be no conflicts.

I am very grateful to you for the conversation and I want to completely sincerely confess my love, just say thank you on behalf of millions of readers for being there, for making people proud of their country. I wish you happiness and further success!

Thank you, we will try...

In 1975, during the World Cup competition in London, Soviet gymnast Lyudmila Turishcheva performed her exercises on the uneven bars. As the exercise neared the end, she felt that the structure of the apparatus was not holding up. However, Lyudmila successfully completed the exercise, and immediately after the dismount, the structure of the parallel bars behind her back fell apart. Lyudmila, demonstrating complete self-control, greeted the judges and spectators and left the platform as if nothing had happened, without even looking back at the collapsed bars.

Turishcheva Lyudmila Ivanovna was born on October 7, 1952 in Grozny. Soviet athlete (gymnastics), Honored Master of Sports. Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics in the team (1968, 1972, 1976), absolute Olympic champion in 1972. Absolute world champion (1970, 1974). Winner of the 1975 World Cup. Absolute European champion in 1971 and 1973. European champion in individual exercises. Absolute champion of the USSR in 1972 and 1974. She worked as a coach of the USSR national team.

The gymnastics tournament of the XX Olympic Games in Munich took place. It was a triumph for the Soviet school of gymnastics! These competitions were one of the brightest at the Olympics. They turned out to be extremely spectacular and exciting.

At first, the struggle for personal championship remained, as it were, in the shadows. According to the new rules, a team tournament was held first, and then an individual tournament. For the Olympics, the GDR gymnast team reached its highest level. Everything foreshadowed an intense struggle, such as it was two years ago in Ljubljana. And the fight turned out to be very interesting. But... our athletes ended up beating their rivals by four points. It was a victory by a clear margin.

Such a big gap is explained by the fact that there were three leaders in our team - Turishcheva, Lazakovich, Korbut. Each could become an absolute champion. They received very high marks, thereby helping the team. And in the GDR team, only Karin Janz stood out.

The Soviet team was led onto the platform by Polina Astakhova, a person of a rare soul. She, like a mother, took care of the girls, her maternal support helped them overcome anxiety. The Olympic debutantes - Koshel, Saadi, Korbut - successfully completed the compulsory program, supporting Turishcheva and Lazakovich, and our team took the lead beautifully. And on the day of the free program, the USSR gymnasts seemed to have gained wings - the whole world of beautiful movements was under their control! With each all-around event, they moved further and further away from the GDR team in terms of total points. The leaders of German gymnasts made desperate attempts to save the situation, to even the scales. Karin Janz and Erika Zuchold worked, as they say, without fear or reproach and really earned high scores. However... their friends were unable to support them.

Turishcheva and Burda have already become two-time Olympic champions: the precious metal of Munich was added to the gold of Mexico City. All our girls enjoyed tremendous success, and during the awards ceremony the audience gave the most beautiful, most graceful, most cheerful athletes of the Olympics a colossal ovation...

But the competition continues. Ahead is the all-around final for the title of absolute champion and medals in individual events.

Karin Janz's efforts in the team tournament were not in vain. She helped both the team and herself. The European champion-69 after two days of struggle came out on top. However, when electronic computers soon calculated the sum of Lyudmila Turishcheva’s points, everyone gasped - she turned out to be the same as Yants!

Dramatic twist! This is the intensity! Truly Olympic level of competition!

The finale struck. The fight has begun! However, what is it? This is no longer a duel... A tiny girl with funny pigtails intervenes in the argument - our Olya Korbut. Her fearlessness completely captivated not only the audience, but also the pedantic referees. A somersault on a balance beam and a loop on the uneven bars - that’s how brave Olya is! Nobody made such “terrible” elements!

Korbut now moved from fourth place to third, chasing Yants and Turishcheva. She performed the floor exercises - cheerfully, with a smile, at the highest level. The judges were generous - 9.8. At this time, Turishcheva received 9.65 for the vault. Janz worked on the balance beam and, apparently remembering Ljubljana, became very nervous - only 9.4. Well, who is in the lead now? It turned out - Korbut!

This happened more than once at various tournaments. Spectators always choose their favorite and passionately support, ardently “cheer” for her. So Olya shocked the public’s imagination with her individual stunts.

But Turishcheva seemed not to notice Korbut’s leadership. She firmly knew her capabilities, tried to evenly distribute her forces and strived for only one thing - she must do the exercise without mistakes. Luda didn’t think about a possible loss, she thought, no matter what, about a likely win...

The situation has escalated to the limit. There was very little time left until the world learned the name of the queen of the platform.

Korbut was the first to break down. Failure on uneven bars - 7.6 points. Goodbye hopes for championship... But the courageous girl found the strength to continue the fight.

Last view. Again Turishcheva and Janz have the same amount. On the uneven bars, Karin made a completely unnoticeable mistake - the judges noticed it. They give a verdict of 9.7. How will Luda answer?

Turishcheva got floor exercises. Just like two years ago in Ljubljana. Everything will be decided now...

"Exit March" by Dunaevsky. Amazing composition. Luda showed it again in Munich in the team competition. But what is it? New exercises? Not a single gymnast in the world has dared to demonstrate two new combinations in the same competition.

Our Luda enchanted the hall with a composition to the music of Franz Grothe from the old Austrian film “The Girl of My Dreams.” She poured out all her physical and spiritual strength into him.

And also joy. And also generosity. Inspiration. Mastery. Lyricism. Great love for gymnastics.

9.9 points - a score worthy of the absolute champion of the XX Olympic Games