Brief summary of a motorcycle race along a vertical wall. The story of a motorcycle race along a vertical wall


When I was little, they gave me tricycle. And I learned to ride it. I immediately sat down and rode off, not at all afraid, as if I had been riding bicycles all my life.
Mom said:
- Look how capable he is of sports.
And dad said:
- He sits rather monkeyishly...
And I learned how to ride and pretty soon began to do various things on a bicycle, like funny performers in a circus. For example, I rode backwards or lying on the saddle and turning the pedals with whatever hand I wanted - you want it with your right hand, you want it with your left hand;
rode sideways, legs splayed;
I drove while sitting on the steering wheel, sometimes with my eyes closed and no hands;
drove with a glass of water in hand. In a word, I got the hang of it in every way.
And then Uncle Zhenya turned off one wheel of my bicycle, and it became two-wheeled, and again I learned everything very quickly. And the guys in the yard began to call me “the champion of the world and its environs.”
And so I rode my bike until my knees began to rise higher than the handlebars while riding. Then I realized that I had already outgrown this bicycle, and began to think when dad would buy me a real car"Schoolboy".
And then one day a bicycle drives into our yard. And the guy who sits on it doesn’t swing his legs, but the bicycle rattles under him like a dragonfly and moves on its own. I was terribly surprised. I've never seen a bike move on its own. A motorcycle is another matter, a car is another matter, a rocket is clear, but what about a bicycle? Myself?
I just couldn’t believe my eyes.
And this guy on a bicycle rode up to Mishkin’s front door and stopped. And he turned out to be not an uncle at all, but a young guy. Then he put the bike near the pipe and left. And I was left there with my mouth open. Suddenly Mishka comes out.
He says:
- Well? What are you staring at?
I speak:
- He’s going on his own, understand?
Mishka says:
- This is our nephew Fedka’s car. Bicycle with motor. Fedka came to us on business - to drink tea.
I ask:
- Is it difficult to drive such a car?
“It’s nonsense about vegetable oil,” says Mishka. - It starts with half a turn. You press the pedal once, and you're done - you can go. And there is gasoline in it for a hundred kilometers. And the speed is twenty kilometers in half an hour.
- Wow! Wow! - I say. - This is a car! I would love to ride one of these!
Here Mishka shook his head:
- It will fly in. Fedka will kill. The head will be torn off!
- Yes. Dangerous, I say.
But Mishka looked around and suddenly declared:
- There is no one in the yard, but you are still the “world champion”. Sit down! I'll help you accelerate the car, and you push the pedal once, and everything will go like clockwork. You drive two or three circles around the kindergarten, and we will quietly put the car in place. Fedka drinks tea with us for a long time. Three glasses are blowing. Let's!
- Let's! - I said.
And Mishka began to hold the bicycle, and I perched on it. One foot actually reached the very tip of the pedal, but the other hung in the air like noodles. I pushed myself away from the pipe with this pasta, and Mishka ran next to me and shouted:
- Press the pedal, press it!
I tried, I slid a little sideways from the saddle and as soon as I pressed the pedal. The bear clicked something on the steering wheel... And suddenly the car began to crackle, and I drove off!
I'm off! Myself! I don’t press the pedals - I don’t reach them, I just drive, I keep my balance!
It was wonderful! The wind whistled in my ears, everything around me flew quickly, quickly in a circle: a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a column, and all over again, and I was driving, clutching the steering wheel, and Mishka kept running after me, but on the third lap he shouted:
- I'm tired! - and leaned against the post.
And I went alone, and I had a lot of fun, and I kept driving and imagining that I was participating in motorcycle racing vertical wall. I saw a brave artist rushing like that in the cultural park...
And the post, and Mishka, and the swing, and the house management - everything flashed before me for quite a long time, and everything was very good, only my leg, which was hanging like a spaghetti, began to tingle a little... And I also suddenly felt somehow uneasy on my own, and my palms immediately became wet, and I really wanted to stop.
I got to Mishka and shouted:
- Enough! Stop it!
The bear ran after me and shouted:
- What? Speak up!
I shout:
- Are you deaf or what?
But Mishka has already fallen behind. Then I drove another circle and shouted:
- Stop the car, Mishka!
Then he grabbed the steering wheel, the car shook, he fell, and I drove on again. I look, he meets me again at the post and yells:
- Brake! Brake!
I rushed past him and began to look for this brake. But I didn’t know where he was! I started turning different screws and pressing something on the steering wheel. Where there! No point. The car is crackling as if nothing had happened, and thousands of needles are already digging into my pasta leg!
I shout:
- Bear, where is this brake?
And he:
- I forgot!
And I:
- Remember!
- Okay, I’ll remember, just spin around a little more!
- Hurry up and remember, Mishka! - I scream again.
And I drove on, and I felt that I was no longer at ease, somehow sick. And on the next circle Mishka shouts again:
- I can’t remember! You better try jumping!
And I told him:
- I'm sick!
If I had known that this would happen, I would never have started riding, it’s better to walk, honestly!
And here again Mishka shouts ahead:
- We need to get the mattress they sleep on! So that you crash into him and stop! What are you sleeping on?
I shout:
- On a cot!
And Mishka:
- Then drive until the gas runs out!
I almost ran him over for this. “Until the gas runs out”... This may be another two weeks of running around the kindergarten like this, and we have tickets to the puppet theater for Tuesday. And it stings my leg! I shout to this fool:
- Run for your Fedka!
- He's drinking tea! - Mishka shouts.
- Then he’ll finish his drink! - I yell.
But he didn’t hear enough and agrees with me:
- He will kill! Will definitely kill!
And again everything started spinning in front of me: the post, the gate, the bench, the swing, the house management. Then it was the other way around: house management, swing, bench, post, and then it went mixed up: house, post management, mushroom... And I realized that things were bad.
But at that time someone grabbed the car tightly, it stopped rattling, and they slapped me quite hard on the back of the head. I realized that it was Mishkin Fedka who finally drank some tea. And I immediately started running, but I couldn’t because the pasta leg stabbed into me like a dagger. But I still didn’t lose my head and galloped away from Fedka on one leg.
And he didn’t bother to catch up with me.
But I wasn’t angry with him for slapping him on the head. Because without him, I would probably still be circling the yard.

Deniska is just great on a bike. His friend Mishka was visiting a boy, Fedya, who had an unusual bicycle - with a motor. The guys knew how to ride it, but they didn’t know how to stop the miracle bike.

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Read the story Motorcycle Racing on a Sheer Wall

When I was little, I was given a tricycle. And I learned to ride it. I immediately sat down and rode off, not at all afraid, as if I had been riding bicycles all my life.

Mom said:

- Look how capable he is of sports.

And dad said:

- He sits rather monkeyishly...

And I learned how to ride and pretty soon began to do various things on a bicycle, like funny performers in a circus. For example, I rode backwards or lying on the saddle and turning the pedals with whatever hand I wanted - you want it with your right hand, you want it with your left hand; rode sideways, legs splayed; I drove while sitting on the steering wheel, sometimes with my eyes closed and no hands; drove with a glass of water in hand. In a word, I got the hang of it in every way.

And then Uncle Zhenya turned off one wheel of my bicycle, and it became two-wheeled, and again I learned everything very quickly. And the guys in the yard began to call me “the champion of the world and its environs.”

And so I rode my bike until my knees began to rise higher than the handlebars while riding. Then I realized that I had already grown out of this bicycle, and began to think when dad would buy me a real “Schoolboy” car.

And then one day a bicycle drives into our yard. And the guy who sits on it doesn’t swing his legs, but the bicycle rattles under him like a dragonfly and moves on its own. I was terribly surprised. I've never seen a bike move on its own. A motorcycle is a different matter, a car is another matter, a rocket is clear, but what about a bicycle? Myself?

I just couldn’t believe my eyes.

And this guy on a bicycle rode up to Mishkin’s front door and stopped. And he turned out to be not an uncle at all, but a young guy. Then he put the bike near the pipe and left. And I was left there with my mouth open. Suddenly Mishka comes out.

He says:

- Well? What are you staring at?

I speak:

- He’s going on his own, understand?

Mishka says:

– This is our nephew Fedka’s car. Bicycle with motor. Fedka came to us on business - to drink tea.

I ask:

– Is it difficult to drive such a car?

“Nonsense about vegetable oil,” says Mishka. - It starts with half a turn. You press the pedal once, and you're done - you can go. And there is gasoline in it for a hundred kilometers. And the speed is twenty kilometers in half an hour.

- Wow! Wow! - I say. - This is a car! Would love to ride one like this!

Here Mishka shook his head:

- It will fly in. Fedka will kill. The head will be torn off!

- Yes. Dangerous, I say.

But Mishka looked around and suddenly declared:

“There’s no one in the yard, but you’re still a “world champion.” Sit down! I'll help you accelerate the car, and you push the pedal once, and everything will go like clockwork. You drive two or three circles around the kindergarten, and we will quietly put the car in place. Fedka drinks tea with us for a long time. Three glasses are blowing. Let's!

- Let's! - I said.

And Mishka began to hold the bicycle, and I perched on it. One foot actually reached the very tip of the pedal, but the other hung in the air like noodles. I pushed myself away from the pipe with this pasta, and Mishka ran next to me and shouted:

- Press the pedal, press it!

I tried, I slid a little to one side from the saddle and as soon as I pressed the pedal. The bear clicked something on the steering wheel... And suddenly the car began to crackle, and I drove off!

I'm off! Myself! I don’t press the pedals - I don’t reach them, I just drive, I keep my balance!

It was wonderful! The wind whistled in my ears, everything around me flew quickly, quickly in a circle: a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a column, and all over again, and I was driving, clutching the steering wheel, and Mishka kept running after me, but on the third lap he shouted:

- I'm tired! – and leaned against the post.

And I went alone, and I had a lot of fun, and I kept driving and imagining that I was participating in a motorcycle race along a steep wall. I saw a brave artist rushing like that in the cultural park...

And the post, and Mishka, and the swing, and the house management - everything flashed before me for quite a long time, and everything was very good, only my leg, which was hanging like a spaghetti, began to tingle a little... And I also suddenly felt somehow uneasy , and my palms immediately became wet, and I really wanted to stop.

I got to Mishka and shouted:

- Enough! Stop it!

The bear ran after me and shouted:

- What? Speak up!

-Are you deaf?

But Mishka has already fallen behind. Then I drove another circle and shouted:

- Stop the car, Mishka!

Then he grabbed the steering wheel, the car shook, he fell, and I drove on again. I look, he meets me again at the post and yells:

- Brake! Brake!

I rushed past him and began to look for this brake. But I didn’t know where he was! I started turning different screws and pressing something on the steering wheel. Where there! No point. The car is crackling as if nothing had happened, and thousands of needles are already digging into my pasta leg!

- Bear, where is this brake?

- I forgot!

- Remember!

- Okay, I’ll remember, just spin around a little more!

- Quickly remember, Mishka! – I scream again.

- I can’t remember! You better try jumping!

- I'm sick!

If I had known that this would happen, I would never have started riding, it’s better to walk, honestly!

And here again Mishka shouts ahead:

- We need to get the mattress they sleep on! So that you crash into him and stop! What are you sleeping on?

- On a cot!

- Then drive until the gas runs out!

I almost ran him over for this. “Until the gas runs out”... This may be another two weeks of running around the kindergarten like this, and we have tickets to the puppet theater for Tuesday. And it stings my leg! I shout to this fool:

- Run for your Fedka!

- He's drinking tea! - Mishka shouts.

- Then he’ll finish his drink! - I yell.

But he didn’t hear enough and agrees with me:

- He will kill! Will definitely kill!

And again everything started spinning in front of me: the post, the gate, the bench, the swing, the house management. Then it was the other way around: house management, swing, bench, post, and then it went mixed up: house, post management, mushroom... And I realized that things were bad.

But at that time someone grabbed the car tightly, it stopped rattling, and they slapped me quite hard on the back of the head. I realized that it was Mishkin Fedka who finally drank some tea. And I immediately started running, but I couldn’t because the pasta leg stabbed into me like a dagger. But I still didn’t lose my head and galloped away from Fedka on one leg.

And he didn’t bother to catch up with me.

But I wasn’t angry with him for slapping him on the head. Because without him, I would probably still be circling the yard.


When I was little, I was given a tricycle. And I learned to ride it. I immediately sat down and rode off, not at all afraid, as if I had been riding bicycles all my life.
Mom said:
- Look how capable he is of sports.
And dad said:
- He sits rather monkeyishly...
And I learned how to ride and pretty soon began to do various things on a bicycle, like funny performers in a circus. For example, I rode backwards or lying on the saddle and turning the pedals with whatever hand I wanted - you want it with your right hand, you want it with your left hand;
rode sideways, legs splayed;
I drove while sitting on the steering wheel, sometimes with my eyes closed and no hands;
drove with a glass of water in hand. In a word, I got the hang of it in every way.
And then Uncle Zhenya turned off one wheel of my bicycle, and it became two-wheeled, and again I learned everything very quickly. And the guys in the yard began to call me “the champion of the world and its environs.”
And so I rode my bike until my knees began to rise higher than the handlebars while riding. Then I realized that I had already grown out of this bicycle, and began to think when dad would buy me a real “Schoolboy” car.
And then one day a bicycle drives into our yard. And the guy who sits on it doesn’t swing his legs, but the bicycle rattles under him like a dragonfly and moves on its own. I was terribly surprised. I've never seen a bike move on its own. A motorcycle is another matter, a car is another matter, a rocket is clear, but what about a bicycle? Myself?
I just couldn’t believe my eyes.
And this guy on a bicycle rode up to Mishkin’s front door and stopped. And he turned out to be not an uncle at all, but a young guy. Then he put the bike near the pipe and left. And I was left there with my mouth open. Suddenly Mishka comes out.
He says:
- Well? What are you staring at?
I speak:
- He’s going on his own, understand?
Mishka says:
- This is our nephew Fedka’s car. Bicycle with motor. Fedka came to us on business - to drink tea.
I ask:
- Is it difficult to drive such a car?
“It’s nonsense about vegetable oil,” says Mishka. - It starts with half a turn. You press the pedal once, and you're done - you can go. And there is gasoline in it for a hundred kilometers. And the speed is twenty kilometers in half an hour.
- Wow! Wow! - I say. - This is a car! I would love to ride one of these!
Here Mishka shook his head:
- It will fly in. Fedka will kill. The head will be torn off!
- Yes. Dangerous, I say.
But Mishka looked around and suddenly declared:
- There is no one in the yard, but you are still the “world champion”. Sit down! I'll help you accelerate the car, and you push the pedal once, and everything will go like clockwork. You drive two or three circles around the kindergarten, and we will quietly put the car in place. Fedka drinks tea with us for a long time. Three glasses are blowing. Let's!
- Let's! - I said.
And Mishka began to hold the bicycle, and I perched on it. One foot actually reached the very tip of the pedal, but the other hung in the air like noodles. I pushed myself away from the pipe with this pasta, and Mishka ran next to me and shouted:
- Press the pedal, press it!
I tried, I slid a little sideways from the saddle and as soon as I pressed the pedal. The bear clicked something on the steering wheel... And suddenly the car began to crackle, and I drove off!
I'm off! Myself! I don’t press the pedals - I don’t reach them, I just drive, I keep my balance!
It was wonderful! The wind whistled in my ears, everything around me flew quickly, quickly in a circle: a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a column, and all over again, and I was driving, clutching the steering wheel, and Mishka kept running after me, but on the third lap he shouted:
- I'm tired! - and leaned against the post.
And I went alone, and I had a lot of fun, and I kept driving and imagining that I was participating in a motorcycle race along a steep wall. I saw a brave artist rushing like that in the cultural park...
And the post, and Mishka, and the swing, and the house management - everything flashed before me for quite a long time, and everything was very good, only my leg, which was hanging like a spaghetti, began to tingle a little... And I also suddenly felt somehow uneasy on my own, and my palms immediately became wet, and I really wanted to stop.
I got to Mishka and shouted:
- Enough! Stop it!
The bear ran after me and shouted:
- What? Speak up!
I shout:
- Are you deaf or what?
But Mishka has already fallen behind. Then I drove another circle and shouted:
- Stop the car, Mishka!
Then he grabbed the steering wheel, the car shook, he fell, and I drove on again. I look, he meets me again at the post and yells:
- Brake! Brake!
I rushed past him and began to look for this brake. But I didn’t know where he was! I started turning different screws and pressing something on the steering wheel. Where there! No point. The car is crackling as if nothing had happened, and thousands of needles are already digging into my pasta leg!
I shout:
- Bear, where is this brake?
And he:
- I forgot!
And I:
- Remember!
- Okay, I’ll remember, just spin around a little more!
- Hurry up and remember, Mishka! - I scream again.
And I drove on, and I felt that I was no longer at ease, somehow sick. And on the next circle Mishka shouts again:
- I can’t remember! You better try jumping!
And I told him:
- I'm sick!
If I had known that this would happen, I would never have started riding, it’s better to walk, honestly!
And here again Mishka shouts ahead:
- We need to get the mattress they sleep on! So that you crash into him and stop! What are you sleeping on?
I shout:
- On a cot!
And Mishka:
- Then drive until the gas runs out!
I almost ran him over for this. “Until the gas runs out”... This may be another two weeks of running around the kindergarten like this, and we have tickets to the puppet theater for Tuesday. And it stings my leg! I shout to this fool:
- Run for your Fedka!
- He's drinking tea! - Mishka shouts.
- Then he’ll finish his drink! - I yell.
But he didn’t hear enough and agrees with me:
- He will kill! Will definitely kill!
And again everything started spinning in front of me: the post, the gate, the bench, the swing, the house management. Then it was the other way around: house management, swing, bench, post, and then it went mixed up: house, post management, mushroom... And I realized that things were bad.
But at that time someone grabbed the car tightly, it stopped rattling, and they slapped me quite hard on the back of the head. I realized that it was Mishkin Fedka who finally drank some tea. And I immediately started running, but I couldn’t because the pasta leg stabbed into me like a dagger. But I still didn’t lose my head and galloped away from Fedka on one leg.
And he didn’t bother to catch up with me.
But I wasn’t angry with him for slapping him on the head. Because without him, I would probably still be circling the yard.

Dear parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale “Motor racing along a sheer wall” by V. Yu. Dragunsky to children before bed, so that the good ending of the fairy tale will make them happy and calm, and they will fall asleep. The inspiration of everyday objects and nature creates colorful and bewitching pictures of the surrounding world, making them mysterious and enigmatic. Every time you read this or that epic, you feel the incredible love with which the images of the environment are described. The text, written in the last millennium, combines surprisingly easily and naturally with our modern times; its relevance has not diminished at all. Simple and accessible, about nothing and everything, instructive and edifying - everything is included in the basis and plot of this creation. It is amazing that with empathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. A person’s worldview is formed gradually, and this kind of work is extremely important and edifying for our young readers. The fairy tale “Motorcycle Racing on a Sheer Wall” by Dragunsky V. Yu. is certainly necessary for children to read for free online, not on their own, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

Even when I was little, I was given a tricycle. And I learned to ride it. I immediately sat down and rode off, not at all afraid, as if I had been riding bicycles all my life.

Mom said:

- Look how capable he is of sports.

And dad said:

- He sits rather monkeyishly...

And I learned how to ride and pretty soon began to do various things on a bicycle, like funny performers in a circus. For example, I rode backwards or lying on the saddle and turning the pedals with whatever hand I wanted - you want it with your right hand, you want it with your left hand;

rode sideways, legs splayed;

I drove while sitting on the steering wheel, sometimes with my eyes closed and no hands;

drove with a glass of water in hand. In a word, I got the hang of it in every way.

And then Uncle Zhenya turned off one wheel of my bicycle, and it became two-wheeled, and again I learned everything very quickly. And the guys in the yard began to call me “the champion of the world and its environs.”

And so I rode my bike until my knees began to rise higher than the handlebars while riding. Then I realized that I had already grown out of this bicycle, and began to think when dad would buy me a real “Schoolboy” car.

And then one day a bicycle drives into our yard. And the guy who sits on it doesn’t swing his legs, but the bicycle rattles under him like a dragonfly and moves on its own. I was terribly surprised. I've never seen a bike move on its own. A motorcycle is a different matter, a car is another matter, a rocket is clear, but what about a bicycle? Myself?

I just couldn’t believe my eyes.

And this guy on a bicycle rode up to Mishkin’s front door and stopped. And he turned out to be not an uncle at all, but a young guy. Then he put the bike near the pipe and left. And I was left there with my mouth open. Suddenly Mishka comes out.

He says:

- Well? What are you staring at?

I speak:

- He’s going on his own, understand?

Mishka says:

– This is our nephew Fedka’s car. Bicycle with motor. Fedka came to us on business - to drink tea.

I ask:

– Is it difficult to drive such a car?

“Nonsense about vegetable oil,” says Mishka. - It starts with half a turn. You press the pedal once, and you're done - you can go. And there is gasoline in it for a hundred kilometers. And the speed is twenty kilometers in half an hour.

- Wow! Wow! - I say. - This is a car! Would love to ride one like this!

Here Mishka shook his head:

- It will fly in. Fedka will kill. The head will be torn off!

- Yes. Dangerous, I say.

But Mishka looked around and suddenly declared:

“There’s no one in the yard, but you’re still a “world champion.” Sit down! I'll help you accelerate the car, and you push the pedal once, and everything will go like clockwork. You drive two or three circles around the kindergarten, and we will quietly put the car in place. Fedka drinks tea with us for a long time. Three glasses are blowing. Let's!

- Let's! - I said.

And Mishka began to hold the bicycle, and I perched on it. One foot actually reached the very tip of the pedal, but the other hung in the air like noodles. I pushed myself away from the pipe with this pasta, and Mishka ran next to me and shouted:

- Press the pedal, press it!

I tried, I slid a little to one side from the saddle and as soon as I pressed the pedal. The bear clicked something on the steering wheel... And suddenly the car began to crackle, and I drove off!

I'm off! Myself! I don’t press the pedals - I don’t reach them, I just drive, I keep my balance!

It was wonderful! The wind whistled in my ears, everything around me flew quickly, quickly in a circle: a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a column, and all over again, and I was driving, clutching the steering wheel, and Mishka kept running after me, but on the third lap he shouted:

- I'm tired! – and leaned against the post.

And I went alone, and I had a lot of fun, and I kept driving and imagining that I was participating in a motorcycle race along a steep wall. I saw a brave artist rushing like that in the cultural park...

And the post, and Mishka, and the swing, and the house management - everything flashed before me for quite a long time, and everything was very good, only my leg, which was hanging like a spaghetti, began to tingle a little... And I also suddenly felt somehow uneasy , and my palms immediately became wet, and I really wanted to stop.

I got to Mishka and shouted:

- Enough! Stop it!

The bear ran after me and shouted:

- What? Speak up!

-Are you deaf?

But Mishka has already fallen behind. Then I drove another circle and shouted:

- Stop the car, Mishka!

Then he grabbed the steering wheel, the car shook, he fell, and I drove on again. I look, he meets me again at the post and yells:

- Brake! Brake!

I rushed past him and began to look for this brake. But I didn’t know where he was! I started turning different screws and pressing something on the steering wheel. Where there! No point. The car is crackling as if nothing had happened, and thousands of needles are already digging into my pasta leg!

- Bear, where is this brake?

- I forgot!

- Remember!

- Okay, I’ll remember, just spin around a little more!

- Quickly remember, Mishka! – I scream again.

- I can’t remember! You better try jumping!

- I'm sick!

If I had known that this would happen, I would never have started riding, it’s better to walk, honestly!

And here again Mishka shouts ahead:

- We need to get the mattress they sleep on! So that you crash into him and stop! What are you sleeping on?

- On a cot!

- Then drive until the gas runs out!

I almost ran him over for this. “Until the gas runs out”... This may be another two weeks of running around the kindergarten like this, and we have tickets to the puppet theater for Tuesday. And it stings my leg! I shout to this fool:

- Run for your Fedka!

- He's drinking tea! - Mishka shouts.

- Then he’ll finish his drink! - I yell. 0

When I was little, I was given a tricycle. And I learned to ride it. I immediately sat down and rode off, not at all afraid, as if I had been riding bicycles all my life.

Mom said:

- Look how capable he is of sports.

And dad said:

- He sits rather monkeyishly...

And I learned how to ride and pretty soon began to do various things on a bicycle, like funny performers in a circus. For example, I rode backwards or lying on the saddle and turning the pedals with whatever hand I wanted - you want it with your right hand, you want it with your left hand;

rode sideways, legs splayed;

I drove while sitting on the steering wheel, sometimes with my eyes closed and no hands;

drove with a glass of water in hand. In a word, I got the hang of it in every way.

And then Uncle Zhenya turned off one wheel of my bicycle, and it became two-wheeled, and again I learned everything very quickly. And the guys in the yard began to call me “the champion of the world and its environs.”

And so I rode my bike until my knees began to rise higher than the handlebars while riding. Then I realized that I had already grown out of this bicycle, and began to think when dad would buy me a real “Schoolboy” car.

And then one day a bicycle drives into our yard. And the guy who sits on it doesn’t swing his legs, but the bicycle rattles under him like a dragonfly and moves on its own. I was terribly surprised. I've never seen a bike move on its own. A motorcycle is a different matter, a car is another matter, a rocket is clear, but what about a bicycle? Myself?

I just couldn’t believe my eyes.

And this guy on a bicycle rode up to Mishkin’s front door and stopped. And he turned out to be not an uncle at all, but a young guy. Then he put the bike near the pipe and left. And I was left there with my mouth open. Suddenly Mishka comes out.

He says:

- Well? What are you staring at?

I speak:

- He’s going on his own, understand?

Mishka says:

– This is our nephew Fedka’s car. Bicycle with motor. Fedka came to us on business - to drink tea.

I ask:

– Is it difficult to drive such a car?

“Nonsense about vegetable oil,” says Mishka. - It starts with half a turn. You press the pedal once, and you're done - you can go. And there is gasoline in it for a hundred kilometers. And the speed is twenty kilometers in half an hour.

- Wow! Wow! - I say. - This is a car! Would love to ride one like this!

Here Mishka shook his head:

- It will fly in. Fedka will kill. The head will be torn off!

- Yes. Dangerous, I say.

But Mishka looked around and suddenly declared:

“There’s no one in the yard, but you’re still a “world champion.” Sit down! I'll help you accelerate the car, and you push the pedal once, and everything will go like clockwork. You drive two or three circles around the kindergarten, and we will quietly put the car in place. Fedka drinks tea with us for a long time. Three glasses are blowing. Let's!

- Let's! - I said.

And Mishka began to hold the bicycle, and I perched on it. One foot actually reached the very tip of the pedal, but the other hung in the air like noodles. I pushed myself away from the pipe with this pasta, and Mishka ran next to me and shouted:

- Press the pedal, press it!

I tried, I slid a little to one side from the saddle and as soon as I pressed the pedal. The bear clicked something on the steering wheel... And suddenly the car began to crackle, and I drove off!

I'm off! Myself! I don’t press the pedals - I don’t reach them, I just drive, I keep my balance!

It was wonderful! The wind whistled in my ears, everything around me flew quickly, quickly in a circle: a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a post, a gate, a bench, mushrooms from the rain, a sandbox, a swing, a house management, and again a column, and all over again, and I was driving, clutching the steering wheel, and Mishka kept running after me, but on the third lap he shouted:

- I'm tired! – and leaned against the post.

And I went alone, and I had a lot of fun, and I kept driving and imagining that I was participating in a motorcycle race along a steep wall. I saw a brave artist rushing like that in the cultural park...

And the post, and Mishka, and the swing, and the house management - everything flashed before me for quite a long time, and everything was very good, only my leg, which was hanging like a spaghetti, began to tingle a little... And I also suddenly felt somehow uneasy , and my palms immediately became wet, and I really wanted to stop.

I got to Mishka and shouted:

- Enough! Stop it!

The bear ran after me and shouted:

- What? Speak up!

-Are you deaf?

But Mishka has already fallen behind. Then I drove another circle and shouted:

- Stop the car, Mishka!

Then he grabbed the steering wheel, the car shook, he fell, and I drove on again. I look, he meets me again at the post and yells:

- Brake! Brake!

I rushed past him and began to look for this brake. But I didn’t know where he was! I started turning different screws and pressing something on the steering wheel. Where there! No point. The car is crackling as if nothing had happened, and thousands of needles are already digging into my pasta leg!

- Bear, where is this brake?

- I forgot!

- Remember!

- Okay, I’ll remember, just spin around a little more!

- Quickly remember, Mishka! – I scream again.

- I can’t remember! You better try jumping!

- I'm sick!

If I had known that this would happen, I would never have started riding, it’s better to walk, honestly!

And here again Mishka shouts ahead:

- We need to get the mattress they sleep on! So that you crash into him and stop! What are you sleeping on?

- On a cot!

- Then drive until the gas runs out!

I almost ran him over for this. “Until the gas runs out”... This may be another two weeks of running around the kindergarten like this, and we have tickets to the puppet theater for Tuesday. And it stings my leg! I shout to this fool:

- Run for your Fedka!

- He's drinking tea! - Mishka shouts.

- Then he’ll finish his drink! - I yell.

But he didn’t hear enough and agrees with about me:

- He will kill! Will definitely kill!

And again everything started spinning in front of me: the post, the gate, the bench, the swing, the house management. Then it was the other way around: house management, swing, bench, post, and then it went mixed up: house, post management, mushroom... And I realized that things were bad.

But at that time someone grabbed the car tightly, it stopped rattling, and they slapped me quite hard on the back of the head. I realized that it was Mishkin Fedka who finally drank some tea. And I immediately started running, but I couldn’t because the pasta leg stabbed into me like a dagger. But I still didn’t lose my head and galloped away from Fedka on one leg.

And he didn’t bother to catch up with me.

But I wasn’t angry with him for slapping him on the head. Because without him, I would probably still be circling the yard.