Healing mudras. Mudra of "Earth" (Prithvi Mudra). Mudra "Water" (Varuna Mudra)

Mudras (“seal, sign”) - hands placed in a certain way, are a ritual language of gestures, in Hinduism and Buddhism - symbolically located hands.

Mudras are a powerful way of influencing yourself, thanks to which you can find inner peace and health. This is one of the most proven, centuries-tested methods of self-improvement that can be practiced anytime, anywhere.

For healing, since ancient times, people have used various combinations of finger placement. Ritual finger placements were also used to enter certain states of consciousness and for meditation.

From one point of view, in accordance with the energy structure of a person, the main meridians (there are six of them) end on three fingers, with the help of mudras, the energy flow is closed, forming a certain configuration between the organs, which will directly affect the condition of the organs and health.

From another point of view, energy centers (chakras) and subtle bodies (aura and its layers) are projected onto the fingers. By acting through the fingers in a certain way, the functions of the bodies and energy centers are activated. That is, the impact will be on the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies.

If you connect your fingers, acting on the fingertip or phalanx, the corresponding chakras and bodies will be activated, if you press your finger to the palm (closed finger) - this will lead to an inhibitory and calming effect on their functions.

Fingers that are not actively involved in the mudras onto which the corresponding energy centers and bodies are projected will not in any way affect the functioning of the chakras and bodies; the chakras and bodies will function in the usual way. There are a variety of mudras and many of them. Some affect health, some affect emotions, and there are mudras that affect consciousness.

Body position

When performing mudras, turn your face to the East. You can perform mudras in any position: sitting, standing, lying down or on the move. The main thing is to focus on the mudra and what you want to achieve with it. Performing mudras does not require a special setting or room; they can be performed while walking, at a meeting, or while watching TV. Although, it goes without saying, it is best to use Mudras during meditation. In this case, the classic “lotus” pose is traditionally recommended.

The body should be symmetrical, centered and relaxed. If you are sitting on a chair when performing Mudras, your back should be level with the back of the chair, and your legs should have good contact with the floor. If you are lying down, naturally, the position of your back will be most suitable if you use a sufficiently hard, flat and large surface for this.

If you practice Mudras while standing, then spread your legs shoulder-width apart and point your toes straight forward.

If you walk while performing Mudras, then the walking should be uniform, calm and rhythmic. In any case, it is important to be free and relaxed, since every distortion or any tension in the body interferes with internal energy flows and sharply weakens the impact of the Mudras.

Pay attention to symmetrical posture and the position of your hands, which should be at a distance of several centimeters from the body. Only this gives internal balance and regulates the activity of the nervous system and endocrine glands. The finger pressure is very light and gentle, and the hands are relaxed.

If a certain Mudra causes difficulty for you, then this signals a problem in the area of ​​the body or organ corresponding to this Mudra. In this case, spend more time on this Mudra, learning it and then further practice in order to quickly get rid of your problem.


With proper breathing, the effect of Mudras can be greatly enhanced. Knowing the principles of this mechanism, you will be able to influence the action of the Mudras according to your needs.

  • During deep breathing, in addition to carbon dioxide, we also give off “spoiled” energy on the subtle plane. Before starting classes, take a few deep breaths, making room for new energies.
  • Always take a short pause after inhaling and exhaling, just a few seconds. This is the most important thing during the breathing process. During these pauses, internal forces are adjusted to the desired level.
  • If you practice Mudras for calming, then slow down your exhalation.
  • If you practice Mudras for revitalization and vigor, then intensify your inhalation.
  • The quality of breathing is optimal if it is slow, rhythmic, deep, but not aggressive.

So. At the beginning of the lesson, you exhale forcefully several times and at the same time make your breathing deeper and slower. Now you have 3 options.

First: Breathe evenly and feel the contact of your fingers with equal force both when inhaling and exhaling.

Second: You can squeeze your fingertips a little tighter as you inhale and release the pressure as you exhale.

Third: You can squeeze your fingertips a little tighter as you exhale and release the pressure as you inhale.

Each opportunity has its own special action.

The first centers, brings the internal state into balance and, in general, organizes forces.

The second strengthens the will and refreshes.

The third promotes calm and relaxation.

Try these options and feel the difference for yourself! Find your optimal breathing rhythm and your optimal respiratory depth and observe for a few minutes. You can do Mudras and think about anything at the same time. But it’s better if you focus on your own breathing. Appropriate visualizations and affirmations serve as good support for the action of Mudras.

During the day, mudra should be repeated no more than 5-6 times for 5-10 minutes. The optimal time for one lesson is 45 minutes, but you can break it into shorter periods (10, 15 and 20 minutes).

If Mudras are used to eliminate problems or diseases, in fact as a medicine, then it is better to “take” them also as a medicine at the same time 3-4 times a day for 5-15 minutes.

If you take medications, it is best to do exercises half an hour before or half an hour after taking medications.


If, while performing this or that mudra, you feel any unpleasant sensations, stop the exercise immediately, and after a while try to perform another mudra with a similar effect.

One of the important ones. Easily connect the index finger and the pad of the thumb, straighten the remaining fingers, do not strain. This mudra will help stop the internal dialogue, improve thinking, memory will be activated, and potential opportunities will be concentrated.

The mudra is relevant for scientists, philosophers, thinkers and for those who want to activate the above abilities.

seventh (from below) – Sahasrara,
sixth (from below) – Ajna,
fifth (from below) – Vishuddha,
personal consciousness “I” is activated.

Connect the ring finger, thumb and little finger with pads, straighten the other fingers and leave them in a free position. Perform with both hands at the same time.

When performing this mudra, your performance will increase, your condition will become cheerful, your general well-being will improve, the energy potential in the entire body will be equalized, your vitality will increase, and endurance will appear. Performing this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the entire body and helps strengthen its vitality. Increases performance, gives vigor, endurance, and improves overall well-being.

Mudra should be used when exhausted and tired. In addition, it has a positive effect on vision, improves its sharpness, and helps in the treatment of various eye diseases. It also eliminates nervousness - a sign of weakness, since it has a beneficial effect on well-being by imparting vitality. Eliminates unwanted drowsiness.

The following chakras are involved:

seventh (from below) – Sahasrara,
third (from below) – Manipura,
second (from below) – Svadhisthana,
the first (bottom) is Muladhara. The whole body is activated.

Connect the pads of the ring finger and thumb, pressing slightly, straighten the remaining fingers. Perform with both hands.

Our bodies are built from the primary elements of the Earth. The tendency to diseases, as well as the personality type, can be determined by the elements, one of which is the Earth. Therefore, mudra is performed: if your psychophysical state of the body has worsened, during stress. When performing mudra, an objective assessment of one’s own personality occurs, a person begins to trust himself, and protection from negative external influences is activated.

The following chakras are involved:

seventh (from below) - Sahasrara,
third (from below) – Manipura

The astral body is harmonized and activated.

Connect the middle, ring and thumb fingers together with pads, and straighten the rest freely. Mudra of Energy is recommended for diseases of the genitourinary system and spine; helps cleanse the body of poisons and toxins. Has an analgesic effect.

Chakras involved:

seventh (from below) - Sahasrara,
fourth (bottom) - Anahata (responsible for the work of the heart and lungs),
third (bottom) – Manipura (responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract),
second (bottom) – Svadhisthana (responsible for the functioning of the genitourinary system)

Mudra "Staircase of the Heavenly Temple"

Press the tips of the fingers of your left hand between the tips of the fingers of your right hand, while keeping the fingers of your right hand always down. Straighten the little fingers of both hands and place them upward in a free state.

It is recommended to perform if you are depressed or have mental disorders to improve your mood. Conditions of melancholy and hopelessness are relieved. The frequency of energy shells increases. Attention to the physical body weakens.

All chakras are activated, with the exception of Muladhara.

Mudra "Lifting"

Place both palms together and cross your fingers. Place the thumb of one hand and surround it with the thumb and index finger of the other hand. Perform, alternating, for 5-10 minutes on each hand, focusing on the thumb.

It is necessary to follow a diet while using mudra, it is advisable to lose excess weight. You should not use mudra for too long and too often, as it can cause apathy.

Mudra is recommended if a person suffers from colds, sore throat, pneumonia, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. Promotes rapid recovery, increases immunity, and the body's defenses.

The mudra opens the central channel of kundalini to connect to the system signal, the energy bodies are filled with energy.

Mudra Hakini (Hakini means the deity of the Ajna chakra)

The fingertips of both hands are connected to each other. Practice at your discretion, anytime, anywhere. Hakini mudra is used to train memory and concentration. The left and right hemispheres begin to interact.

All chakras, consciousness and subconscious are activated. It is another tool for activating the ajna chakra.

Another name for this mudra is atmanjali mudra. Mudra is indicated for depression, depression, loss of strength, and a general decrease in the protective functions of the body and psyche.

Technique for performing mudra for the Sahasrara chakra

  • Place your palms together at chest level
  • The tips of the fingers touch and point upward
  • Palms should be a short distance apart
  • Perform the mudra for 10 minutes.

All these mudras for the chakras can be used as a separate practice or as a component in the practice of asanas and pranayamas.

Mudra energizing. Can be used for fatigue, dissatisfaction, lethargy and depression due to nervous tension and constant stress. It can be used to ease any waiting. This Mudra speeds up the healing process, no matter what your illness is.

Place your right hand, slightly clenched into a fist, with the thumb pointing upward, on the cupped palm of your left hand. Keep the fingers of your left hand together. Place your hands at stomach level, and move your elbows to the sides and slightly forward. If necessary, as often as required or desired, or 2 times a day for 4 minutes.

Imagine that your left hand is a mortar and your right hand is a pestle. When you take your first breaths, mentally find the cause of your poor health, and let it fall like dark pebbles into your left hand. Using the edge of your right hand, rub all the pebbles into fine dust, and then blow them off your hand like sand. Remain in a sitting position for a while longer. Let the healing energy flow through the thumb of your right hand into the cup that represents your left hand, and your energy reserve is formed.

Vayu Mudra cleanses the blood, relieves arthritic pain, treats joints, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, works well against radiculitis, rheumatism, knee pain, trembling of the hands, neck, and head. Improves gas formation, relieves pain in the neck and back.

The purpose of this mudra is to weaken the “wind” (air) in different parts of the body.

When performing this mudra, you can notice a significant improvement in your condition within a few hours. For chronic diseases, mudra should be performed alternately with the Wise Life. Exercises can be stopped after improvement and signs of the disease begin to disappear (improvement in objective indicators).

Execution technique:
We place the index finger so that its pad reaches the base of the thumb. We lightly hold this finger with our thumb, and the remaining fingers are straightened and relaxed.

Protective Mudra against energy vampirism

Mudra arms us with protection from the negative influence of others, which can affect us in the most unfavorable way in the case when we are easily lost and succumb to the influence - often unconsciously - of our counterpart. By identifying with the feelings and thoughts of others - when, for example, we allow unacceptable intimacy or want to fix something, while going too far in a purely personal matter - we unconsciously allow our counterpart to connect to our energy and siphon it off.

If we do something not voluntarily and, frankly, to the detriment of ourselves, we are energetically devastated and may end up becoming energy vampires ourselves. Through this mudra we form a castle and thanks to it we protect our stomach, the softest and most vulnerable part of the body, as well as our emotional state from the influence of others.

Mudra is an ancient way to help yourself. This is a special position of the fingers in accordance with certain rules.

Where to study? - It is better to find a secluded place for studying, but this is not a prerequisite. Mudras are gestures, so they can be performed at any time and anywhere.

How to practice? - Mudras are best performed while sitting. The only requirement is that your back is straight. You should not experience any tension or pain.

When to practice? -You can perform mudras at any time when you feel the need to replenish energy. But the most favorable time is morning or evening. You should not do mudras immediately after eating; you can start practicing no earlier than an hour later.

How often should you do mudras? - There are no restrictions in this matter, but the best option is to perform mudras twice a day.

How long to perform the mudra? - As you master the practice, the duration of performing the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you gain stable skills.

Most mudras give an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, and peace. If you are facing more serious problems, then discipline and perseverance will be required. The mudras you choose will need to be practiced for several weeks before you feel a deep change in yourself that will eliminate the problem that is tormenting you.

Mudra "Earth"

Execution technique.

The ring finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

Practical application.

Strengthens and harmonizes the influence of the earth element in the body.

The earth element mainly consists of bones, skin, hair, and nails.

Improves the psychophysical state of the body, increases strength and endurance, relieves the feeling of mental weakness and stress.

Helps with osteoporosis, arthritis, diseases of the skin, teeth, hair.

Helps overcome greed, apathy, despondency and gross sensuality.

Improves an objective assessment of one’s own personality, increases self-confidence, and also provides protection from negative external energy influences.

Mudra "Water"

Execution technique.

The little finger and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical application.

Strengthens the water element in the body.

It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, injuries, metabolic disorders, hypertension, and diabetes.

Favorable for urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, bloating, distributes moisture, etc.

Used for dysfunctions of the reproductive system. Helps sublimation of sexual energy.

Helps control feelings and harmonize desires, overcome anger, envy and irritability.

Mudra of "Fire"

Execution technique.

The middle and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure.

The remaining fingers are free.

Performed with both hands at the same time.

Practical application.

Increases the fire element in the body.

Warms the body and clears the belly.

Relieves drowsiness, hypochondria, depression, cures nasopharyngeal diseases, colds.

Improves vision, helps harmonize digestion, strengthen the immune system, and improve memory.

It cleanses and rejuvenates all body tissues and prevents the formation of tumors, helps normalize lipid metabolism, and increases sexual activity; protects against the destructive effects of toxins and premature aging.

Mudra "Air"

Execution technique.

The index finger and thumb are easily connected by pads; the remaining fingers are straightened (not tense).

Combine with belly breathing.

Practical application.

Increases the air element in the body.

Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, insomnia, excessive drowsiness, high blood pressure.

Improves the functioning of the body's most important systems: immunity, central nervous system, liver.

This mudra gives strength and revives us again.

Helps overcome laziness, inertia, and depression.

Strengthens motivation and gives strength to intention.

MUDRA is an ancient way to help yourself. This is a special position of the fingers in accordance with certain rules.

Mudra, translated from Sanskrit, means “giver of joy,” another translation option is “seal.”

Knowledge about mudras comes from time immemorial and has always been used in yogic and spiritual practices as an accessible way to heal the body, achieve a special state of consciousness and solve problems of a psychological and emotional nature.

Mudra is a simple and accessible way to help yourself.

Fingers. Some information.

It is known that our body is a complex energy mechanism, closely connected with the energy of the Earth and the Solar system.

Each finger of the hand corresponds to the energy of a certain part of the body.

Let's look at our fingers:

The thumb is said to relate to the will, logic, love and ego of a person.

The index finger is associated with knowledge, wisdom, lust for power and self-confidence.

The middle finger brings balance to life as it is associated with patience and the ability to control feelings.

The ring finger is responsible for health, activity and vitality.

The little finger correlates with a person’s creative abilities, the ability to see and appreciate beauty.

What the wise can do
  • mudra helps to gain inner strength and peace of mind
  • mudra eliminates chronic fatigue and anxiety
  • mudra significantly improves a person’s emotional state
  • mudra relieves fear and anger
  • mudra promotes peace of mind
  • mudra relieves and cures many diseases
  • mudra has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.
  • Mudras. General recommendations.
Where to study?

It is better to find a secluded place for studying, but this is not a prerequisite.

Mudras are gestures, so they can be performed at any time and anywhere.

How to practice?

Mudras are best performed while sitting. The only requirement is that your back is straight.

You should not experience any tension or pain.

When to practice?

You can perform mudras at any time when you feel the need to replenish energy.

But the most favorable time is morning or evening.

You should not do mudras immediately after eating; you can start practicing no earlier than an hour later.

How often should you do mudras?

There are no restrictions in this matter, but the best option is to perform mudras twice a day.

How long to perform the mudra?

As you master the practice, the duration of performing the mudra increases from three minutes at the beginning to thirty minutes when you gain stable skills.

Most mudras have an immediate effect - you will immediately feel a surge of strength, clarity of mind, and peace. If you are facing more serious problems, then discipline and perseverance will be required. The mudras you choose will need to be practiced for several weeks before you feel a deep change in yourself that will eliminate the problem that is tormenting you.

Below are the most important, although quite simple, mudras.

Mudra of "Life"

Performing this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the entire body and helps strengthen its vitality. Increases performance, gives vigor and endurance, improves overall well-being.

Indications: fatigue, impotence, visual impairment - improves visual acuity, treats eye diseases.

Method of execution: the pads of the heart (ring), little finger and thumb are connected together, and the remaining fingers are freely straightened. Perform with both hands at the same time.

Mudra "Energy"

Life is unthinkable without energy. Energy fields and radiations permeate the entire Universe, interacting with each other, emitting and absorbing, in order to be reborn again.

The ancient Hindus called the flow of energy prana, the Chinese called it chi, and the Japanese called it qi. Concentrated and directed energy is capable of performing miracles of creation and healing, as well as destruction.

Polarity of energy is the basis of movement and life.

Performing this mudra provides an anti-pain effect, as well as removing from the body various poisons and toxins that poison our body.

This mudra treats diseases of the genitourinary system and spine and leads to cleansing of the body.

Method of execution: we connect the pads of the middle, heart and thumb fingers together, the remaining fingers are freely straightened.

Mudra "Saving Life"
(First aid for heart attack)

Everyone should learn how to perform this mudra, since its timely use can save your own life, as well as the lives of your loved ones, relatives and friends.

Indications: pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations, discomfort in the heart area with anxiety and melancholy, myocardial infarction.

In the above conditions, you must immediately begin to perform this mudra with both hands at the same time.

Relief occurs immediately, the effect is similar to the use of nitroglycerin.

Execution technique: bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the tip of the phalanx.

At the same time, we fold the middle, heart and thumb with pads, the little finger remains straight.

Mudra "Lifting"

Indications: for any colds, sore throat, pneumonia, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. Performing this mudra mobilizes the body's defenses, improves immunity and promotes rapid recovery.

If you are overweight, then you need to lose it. At the same time as performing this mudra, you need to follow the following diet: drink at least 8 glasses of living water during the day. The daily diet should consist of fruits, rice, and yogurt.

Performing this mudra for too long and too often can cause apathy and even lethargy—don’t overdo it!

Execution technique: both palms are joined together, fingers crossed. The thumb (of one hand) is set back and surrounded by the index finger and thumb of the other hand.

Mudra "Earth"

Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the Elements that determines the type of personality and the tendency to diseases. But in general, our beautiful planet Earth, together with the Great Cosmos, gives life to everything that lives on it.

Indications: improving the psychophysical state of the body, relieving mental weakness, relieving stress. Performing this mudra improves an objective assessment of one’s own personality, self-confidence, and also provides protection from negative external energy influences.

Method of execution: the heart and thumb are connected with pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are straightened. Performed with both hands.

Mudra "Water"

In Indian mythology, the god of water is called Varuna. The mudra of water is the mudra of the god Varuna.

Water is one of the five primary elements that form our body and planet. The element of water gives a certain coloring to people born in the zodiac group of this element, as well as a tendency to diseases. In a general understanding, water is the basis of life, without which all life on the planet is unthinkable.

Indications: for excess (sputum) water or mucus in the lungs, stomach (increased mucus production due to inflammation), etc. Excessive accumulation of mucus in the body can, according to Eastern concepts, cause an energy blockade of the entire body. Performing this mudra is also recommended for liver disease, colic, and bloating.

Method of execution: bend the little finger of the right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb, with which we lightly press the little finger. With the left hand we grasp the right hand from below, with the thumb of the left hand placed on the thumb of the right hand.

Mudra "Heaven"

The sky is connected with higher powers—with the upper man, with the head.

Indications: for people suffering from ear diseases and hearing loss.

Performing the “Sky” mudra in some cases leads to a rapid improvement in hearing.

Long-term practice leads to almost complete cure of many ear diseases.

Method of execution: bend the middle finger so that its pad touches the base of the thumb, and press the bent middle finger with the thumb. The remaining fingers are straight and not tense.

Mudra "Wind"

In Eastern medicine, wind is understood as a damaging environmental factor - wind disease; as well as the primary element of the element “Air”, which is part of the structure of the Universe and our body.

Indications: rheumatism, radiculitis, trembling of hands, neck, head.

When performing the “Wind” mudra, within a few hours you can notice a significant improvement in your condition. For chronic diseases, the mudra should be performed alternately with the “Life” mudra. Exercises can be stopped after improvement and signs of the disease begin to disappear (improvement in objective indicators).

Method of execution: place the index finger so that its pad reaches the base of the thumb. We lightly hold this finger with our thumb, and the remaining fingers are straightened and relaxed.

Scallop mudra

This mudra is a symbol of life and wealth. The comb is power, strength, saturation with energy. All together denotes wealth, strength, fullness (perception, sensation of energy).

Execution technique: the thumbs of both hands touch their lateral surfaces. The rest are crossed in such a way that they are enclosed inside both palms.

Regular practice of this mudra will increase appetite and help normalize digestion and improve appearance.

Mudra "Knowledge"

One of the most important. Relieves emotional stress, anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, sadness, melancholy and depression. Improves thinking, activates memory, concentrates potential.

Indications: insomnia, excessive sleepiness, high blood pressure. This mudra revives us anew. Many thinkers, philosophers, scientists have used and continue to use this mudra.

Execution technique: the index finger easily connects with the pad of the thumb. The remaining three fingers are straightened (not tense).


The world consists of three bases, or layers - lower, middle and higher, which symbolize the past, present and future. The unity of these three principles gives birth, life and death. All this rests on two opposites - Yang and Yin, which, when united, give movement, rebirth, a flow of life moving in a circle. This image (a miniature reflection of life) gives an understanding of one’s place in the World and Cosmos, one’s purpose, and encourages purification and reverence for the Higher Mind and the wisdom of Nature.

Indications: metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, renewal of strength.

Method of execution: the middle and ring fingers of the right hand are placed on similar fingers of the left hand. The little finger of the left hand is placed near the base of the back surface of the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, then everything is fixed with the little finger of the right hand. The terminal phalanx of the index finger of the right hand is clamped between the thumb and index fingers of the left hand.

Mudra translated from Sanskrit means “the giver of joy.” The term "mudra" has several meanings. It denotes a gesture, facial position of the hands, a symbol, as well as certain positions of the eyes, body and breathing technique. Joining hands in mudra has a special effect on the body. Firstly, it leads to a certain information and energy exchange between the cosmos and the human body, and secondly, the hands represent the electric and magnetic poles of the body; at the fingertips there are the starting and ending points of the three Yang and three Yin energy channels passing through the hands.

The effect of mudras can be enhanced with breathing exercises, herbs, scents, music and color.

Dear friends, I want to introduce you to very good and simple mudras that I use and love. They can be performed at any time, anywhere (please, not in the car if you are driving). If you sit in any position that is comfortable for you, relax while performing this exercise and monitor your sensations, you will feel changes occurring even while performing the technique.

If you do these exercises regularly, your overall health will improve, your immune system will be restored, and illnesses will disappear. If used in cases where something urgently needs to be treated, it can act like an injection or tablet. Tested by me personally and not only.

For a better understanding, I will give a little theory on Hastamudra. It is very important to understand that all mudras were given in accordance with the level of development of those people to whom they were given at that time.

So. Our body consists of five elements - earth, water, air, fire and ether. These five elements also form the cosmos. These five elements are in tune with the functions of our body to keep it healthy. The five fingers are responsible for these five elements:

1 finger - thumb - fire

2nd finger - index - air

3rd finger - middle - ether

4th finger - ring - earth

5th finger - little finger - water

Thus, the elements manifested in a person help maintain your health. Those who do these exercises daily and do not overeat can live the rest of their lives without ever getting sick. Yes, you can say that this is a kind of fantasy, but through overeating and eating inedible elements, we poison our body in the literal sense of the word. Thus, if you remove constant poisoning, then the use of the technique itself becomes logical. After all, this is nothing more than harmonization and our body is programmed like a machine for self-balancing and self-healing, only we are bad drivers, because we pour inappropriate fuel, do not change the oil (some people never do), do not check the car, and then we are surprised why does it break?

I will talk about Yoga positions for fingers in order:

1. Gyan mudra (Mudra of Knowledge) - helps to improve memory, attention and nervous system. Prevents headaches, insomnia, depression, apathy. Also helps spiritual growth. Helps relieve emotional stress, eliminate feelings of anxiety, restlessness, sadness, melancholy, and depression. As a preventive measure, mudra is used to activate thought processes, concentrate attention, and to realize a person’s potential intellectual capabilities.

So: we connect the thumb with the index finger, the other three are directed upward. The hand is relaxed and we lightly press the pads of the connected fingers against each other. And so we fix it for 20-30 minutes.

Remember, you have to relax with your hands on your feet. This is my favorite position. If you are at home, put the mantra “OM MANI PADME HUM”, in this combination you will receive answers to your questions.

2. Vayu mudra (Wind mudra) - bend your index fingers and press them with yoursthumbs. The index finger touches the middle finger. Hands on your knees palms up. Completion 20-30 minutes.

Helps with gastritis, sore joints, arthritis and back pain, cramps in the arms, head or neck. The concept of wind is associated with the primary element - air. The effect of mudra is enhanced by using the aroma of sage.

3. Akasha mudra (Ether mudra) - The middle and thumb touch the pads and There is a slight pressure on one another. Hands, palms up, on your knees. 20-30 minutes.

Helps with ear problems, nausea and dizziness.

4. Shunya mudra (Mudra of Heaven) - will help quickly eliminate ear pain.

Execution: Place your middle finger at the base of your thumb and press lightly with your thumb on your middle finger. Palm up and again 20-30 minutes.

This technique is also useful for deafness, nausea, dizziness, and problems with the thyroid gland. The effect of mudra is enhanced by the aroma of mint.

5. Prithivi mudra (Earth mudra) - Gives a feeling of self-confidence.

Execution: Connect the pad of the ring finger and the thumb. We keep the remaining fingers straight and palm up on our knees. 20-30 minutes.

Helps with disorders of the digestive system and helps to gain weight. Also, the Earth Mudra will help eliminate the energy deficiency in the root chakra Zarod (Muladhara). This position of the fingers enhances the perception of odors and is beneficial for nails, skin, hair and bones. As a healing remedy, "Earth" mudra is used to normalize the psychophysical state, eliminate mental fatigue and weakness, and get rid of the effects of stress.

6. Agni Mudra (Mudra of Fire)

Execution: Place the ring finger at the base of the thumb and press on it with the thumb. The hand is relaxed, press lightly with the thumb on the ring finger. Palm up. 20-30 minutes.

Helps with diabetes, liver problems, reduces chalestyrol levels and improves the overall tone of the whole body.

7. Varuna Mudra (Water Mudra) - used for liver diseases, colic and bloating belly.

Execution: connect the little finger and thumb with pads. Palms on knees up, 20-30 minutes.

Helps with problems with blood, skin, bladder. The effect of mudra is enhanced by using the aroma of geranium. Also review the tasks facing you and the responsibilities assigned to you. People suffering from mucus accumulation very often take on great responsibility, believing that everything depends on them, and try to do everything themselves. Distribute some responsibilities to your loved ones and partners.

8. Apana-Vayu mudra - Life Saving Mudra - first aid for heart attacks.

Execution: Connect the pads of the middle finger, ring finger and thumb. 20-30 minutes a day.

Helps reduce body acidity, high blood pressure, cures asthma and helps with heart problems. In case of heart attack, it gives immediate relief. By using the “Life Saving” mudra in a timely manner, you can provide yourself and the people around you with first aid in life-threatening emergencies.

Often people suffering from heart disease are so busy that they have no time to relax. It is difficult for them to put up with peace, they have no time for themselves, although these are precisely those moments that nourish our Soul. Take a few minutes for yourself, turn on music that makes you feel at ease, and perform the mudra.

9. Apan Mudra (Energy Mudra) - used to reduce pain and remove toxins from the body.

Execution: the pads of the ring finger and thumb are connected. Light pressure for 20-30 minutes.

Helps with kidney problems. Constant practice removes kidney stones. It also helps cleanse the body of toxic substances. In the spiritual realm, performing this mudra develops the ability to foresee. Give patience, a sense of serenity, confidence, internal stability and harmony.

10. Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life) - increases the vitality of the body.

Execution: connect the pads of the little finger, ring finger and thumb, i.e. three fingers are involved. The remaining two fingers should be straight. Apply light pressure for 20-30 minutes. Helps improve vision and nerve related problems. Gives energy to your body and balances the distribution of vitamins throughout the body.

Note Vedana: please note that when we perform small and large Perunitsa, our fingers are in this particular mudra. 3 fingers together denote the triglav, the trinity of Genesis, two (index and middle) - the pair Lada-Mother and Svarog.

11. Vyana Mudra: We connect three fingers. Index, middle and large. And apply light pressure. Hands on knees, palms up. 15-20 minutes.

Relieves stress and high blood pressure.

12. Mudra "Lifting" or "Linga" - Boosts immunity, helps reduce weight.

Execution: bring your fingers together and interlace your fingers.Bend the thumb of one hand, forming a circle around it from the index and thumb of the other hand. Perform for 20-30 minutes.

Helps with colds, coughs, colds, asthma, sore throat, nasal problems (sinusitis), improves immunity. After this exercise, drink something. For example, juice, milk or just water. The “Lifting” mudra helps to reduce weight. To do this, mudra needs to be performed 3 times a day for 15 minutes. Mudra helps to mobilize the body's defenses in a short time, increase the overall level of immunity and stimulate healing processes.

In order to get quick and good results, do the selected exercise every day. You can do all the exercises while walking or while you are lying down (even falling asleep), except Akasha and Shunya mudras.

Good luck to everyone who reads this article, I wish you to be healthy and strong.

Reader question: in the article: "Wise Yoga - healing hands. Mudras" indicate the correspondence of the elements to the fingers. in another source, the thumb is space, the middle finger is fire, which one of you has a mistake?

Hope: The error, of course, lies in another source, since the thumb is A(O)gni Tattva. Here, even without translation into modern Russian, it is clear that Agni is fire. I am very glad that my article is read and questions are asked. Good luck with your practices. Hope

Yoga for fingers. Mudras of health, longevity and beauty Ekaterina A. Vinogradova

Mudra "Earth"

Mudra "Earth"

The main effect of this mudra is that you will learn to first feel the body like a spring, and then relax all the muscles. This will help you relieve fatigue and even replenish sleep if you have had little or little sleep.

According to the Eastern tradition, the world was created by the fusion of five primary elements or elements: Air (Vayi), Fire (Agni), Water (Jala), Space (Akash) and Earth (Prithvi). Collectively these five elements are called Panchamahabhuta in India. But the Earth is a special primary element, the personification of the feminine, maternal principle in the Universe. Performing mudra gives you the ability to make the right decisions, showing willpower and a positive attitude in the right situation.

If you're not on the go or in a public place, light a red candle (to make you feel special) or fill the room with the scent of lime (it helps you forget about a bad experience).

Turn around and face east. Tighten your entire body several times and immediately relax your muscles. If you lack clarity and clarity in your thoughts, it is best to turn to the method of clearing breathing. Take a normal, natural breath. Mentally move your life energy to the navel area. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds. Exhale – long and slowly. While meditating on this mudra, you connect to the energy field of the Earth and make a positive emotional and information exchange between natural forces and the depths of your subconscious.

Perform the mudra with both hands at the same time. Place your hands at chest level. Press the pads of the ring fingers and thumbs together, the remaining fingers are freely straightened and slightly apart. Mudra can also be performed with one hand (Fig. 39).

On the subtle plane, performing mudra increases the vibration of the Manipura chakra; on the physical plane, the healing effect of mudra is aimed at the vegetative, endocrine and lymphatic systems; On an emotional level, mudra relieves stress and restores physical and mental strength.

This mudra is used to concentrate vital energy in the solar plexus area. Its implementation allows you to take a fresh look at your place in this world and establish closer connections with others. Psychologically, mudra is suitable for purposeful people who are committed to career growth and are accustomed to judging people objectively, based on facts.

From the book of Mudras - finger yoga author S. Pankov (Author-compiler)

9. MUDRA OF THE EARTH According to Chinese natural philosophy, the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the type of personality and the tendency to certain diseases. Indications: deterioration of the psychophysical state of the body, condition

From the book Asana, pranayama, mudra, bandha by Satyananda

Manduki mudra (frog mudra) Sit in bhadrasana and perform nasikagra drishti. Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose. Focus on the smells. Benefits of the practice: This mudra is a powerful means of awakening the muladhara chakra and perceiving psychic odors at deeper levels.

From the book Heart and Vessels. Give them back their health! by Rosa Volkova

Ashwini mudra (horse mudra) Stage 1. Take any asana for meditation. Relax your whole body. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Squeeze the sphincter muscles of the anus, hold them tense for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat this as much as possible

From the book Yoga for Fingers. Mudras of health, longevity and beauty author Ekaterina A. Vinogradova

Yoga mudra (mudra of spiritual unity) Sit in padmasana. If this is impossible, then into vajrasana. Relax your body and close your eyes. Exhale slowly. Hold your breath as you exhale and focus on the muladhara chakra. Then inhale slowly, feeling at the same time how

From the book, 5 minutes of yoga without getting out of bed. For every woman at any age author Swami Brahmachari

Prana mudra (or shanti mudra) Take any asana for meditation. Keep your back, head and neck straight. Close your eyes, place your hands on your knees. Stage 1. Inhale as deeply as possible and exhale, drawing in the stomach to remove all the air from the lungs. Perform mula bandha,

From the book The Healing Power of Mudras. Health at your fingertips author Swami Brahmachari

Viparita Karani Mudra (inverted mudra) Perform viparita karani mudra. Relax your entire body and close your eyes. Then do ujjayi pranayama and khechari mudra. As you inhale slowly, feel your breath and consciousness moving from the manipura chakra to the vishuddha chakra.

From the author's book

Maha Mudra (large mudra) Sit on the floor with your right heel under your anus and your left leg extended forward. Lean forward and grab your left big toe with both hands. Relax your whole body. Take a deep breath. Perform mula bandha and shambhavi mudra.

From the author's book

Maha-bheda mudra (mudra of great realizations) Sit on the floor so that the left heel is under the anus and the right leg is extended forward. Lean forward and grab the big toe of your right foot with both hands. Take a deep breath, then exhale slowly

From the author's book

Yoni Mudra or Shanmukhi Mudra (Spiritual Source Mudra) Take any meditation asana that is comfortable for you, preferably padmasana or siddhasana. Inhale slowly and deeply. Hold your breath. Cover your ears with your thumbs, your eyes with your index fingers, your nostrils with

From the author's book

Pashini mudra (bent mudra) Simple form Take halasana. Spread your legs about half a meter apart. Bend your knees and bring your hips towards your chest so that your knees touch the floor, ears and shoulders at the same time. Wrap your arms tightly around your legs (along with

From the author's book

“Earth” Mudra It is believed that the Earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built. This mudra is very useful for cardiovascular diseases, as it protects against the effects of stress and other external energy influences. The mudra is performed as follows:

From the author's book

Prithvi Dharana Mudra: contemplation of the elements of the Earth The ring finger represents the beginning of spiritual activity and moving energy and is responsible for well-being and general vitality. The traditional element for the ring finger is Prithvi (Earth). Thin

From the author's book

Earth Mudra The main effect of this mudra is that you will learn to first feel the body like a spring, and then relax all the muscles. This will help you relieve fatigue and even replenish sleep if you have slept poorly or little. According to Eastern tradition, the world was created by the merger of five

From the author's book

Mudra of “earth” The earth is one of the primary elements from which our body is built, one of the elements that determines the type of personality and the tendency to diseases. But in general, our beautiful planet Earth, together with the Great Cosmos, gives life to everything that lives on it. Indications: improvement

From the author's book

Wind mudra (vayu mudra) In Chinese medicine, wind is one of the five elements on which the health of the body depends. Its violation causes Wind diseases. In Eastern medicine, wind is understood as a damaging factor in the external environment - wind diseases, as well as the primary element of the elements

From the author's book

Mudra of life (prana mudra) Prana mudra stimulates the root (Muladhara) chakra and both hemispheres of the brain, which is why it is called the mudra of Life. The purpose of using this mudra is to equalize the energy level throughout the body and increase its vitality.