Fast muscle recovery after exercise. How to restore atrophied muscles

Muscle recovery - this is a relevant topic for any sport, because, all other things being equal, the more often and more intensely an athlete trains, the faster he progresses, and in order to train more, more often and more powerfully , don’t-about-ho-di-mo-recover after training. So, absolutely any athlete is looking for a way to speed up the process of restoring new life. Is this possible? Yes, it's possible! Moreover, this needs to be done. This topic is especially relevant in high-speed sports, since technical skill in this case plays a lesser role than in gaming disciplines or martial arts. In this regard, it is not necessary to understand in detail the basic principles of restoration and auxiliary ways to help it us-ko-re-niya.

First, it should be understood that different body systems have different deadlines and the pos-le-do-va-tel-ness of the restoration. That is why the regeneration of muscle tissue never begins until the moment of complete restoration of the energy systems. In connection with this, during the training process, some systems are constantly not restored, which, in the end, can lead to « plateau » , therefore it is necessary in g-do-vom tr-ni-ro-voch-nom plan Take this into account and compose macro cycles in accordance with this. Secondly, you should understand that there are basic things, and there are secondary ones. The basic conditions of recovery include nutrition and sleep, and the secondary conditions include everything else. And if you don’t comply with the basic conditions of restoration after re-training, then no secondary ma-ni-pu -la-tions cannot replace this!

Basic recovery factors

Nutrition: a fundamental recovery factor, since if there is a lack of one or another macro or micronutrient, the regeneration of organic tissues and energy systems will be significantly slowed down. Many people think that the most important nutrient is protein, because all the magazines scream about how important it is. protein . But the magazines are shouting about this only because protein costs much more gay-not-ra , but, in fact, it is the coals that have the principal significance. And it is precisely for this reason that all strong people, for whom the presence of abs does not play a significant role, allow themselves to be “overweight”. So, remember , the higher the calorie content of the food, the faster you will recover! On the other hand, it’s just as pointless to eat up so much that you can then “dry” it all, losing the accumulated results. It is recommended to count calories and eat according to circadian rhythms. You can read more about this here: men's diet ; bio-logical rhythms .

Dream: is the same fundamental factor in muscle recovery as nutrition, since it is impossible to compensate for its inadequacy. You need to sleep at night, at dark times of the day, because at this time you work most of all, pain Moreover, when a person sleeps from 10 pm to 6 am, this allows for the greatest production of growth hormone. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day, and preferably sleep all 10: 8 hours at night and 2 hours during the day. It’s clear that not everyone can imagine such a schedule, but you need to strive for the ideal! It is especially important to sleep during sleep, since the utilization of subcutaneous fat tissue occurs most intensively in sleep, and therefore , we can say that the more you sleep, the faster you feel.

Recovery training methods

Split: We are not talking about organizing a training schedule by muscle group, we are talking about dividing the training. The shorter the workout, the faster you can recover after it. And the point is not that the author needs a “boat”, like ma-te-ro-mu “ka-pi-ta-nu”. The point is that the total time required for muscle recovery between three workouts will be shorter than the time that will not be needed -di-mo for restoration, in the event that you put the volume of three training sessions into one. For example, if you perform 6 exercises of 5 sets of 5 reps per training, then you will need to beat for recovery. innovation time equal to n. If you have completed 2 exercises in the morning, go home, sleep, then come back to the gym in the afternoon and you complete 2 more exercises, then rest again and by the end of the day you have completed 2 more exercises, then it’s time for a complete recovery niya will be equal to n-1. At the same time, the intensity of shorter training sessions will increase. Therefore, if you train 3 times a week, it is better to divide the same volume into 6 times.

Warm-up and cool-down: two very important factors in muscle recovery, since both help prevent injury, and also allow you to quickly restore energy after training. And you remember that the muscles begin to recover only after the energy has been restored! Same-boy, to the post-le-tre-ni-ro-voch-but-mu-res-sta-new-le-niy warm-up has nothing to do with it, it is more needed to prevent injuries from rotating, but it is necessary for this. What the hell? It’s possible in a minute to speed up the process of removing lactate from the muscles, and this is the first thing that shouldn’t be done in order to start re-ge-ne-ra-tion energy-ge-ti-ki.

Toning workouts: Another excellent training method for accelerating recovery, the essence of which is to conduct light training. You can run in the morning, or “pump up” with light dumbbells, getting the blood going, in general, doing something that allows you to achieve pumping. For what? Then, together with the blood, hormones and nutrients enter the muscles, so the body quickly removes products from them and receives full resources for their restoration.

Stretching: This method largely repeats the previous one, but it is worth highlighting separately due to the fact that toning training and stretching can be carried out in parallel. You can look at the exercises for stretching. This method can be used not only as a way to accelerate muscle recovery after training, but also as a way to improve speed. power ha-rak-te-ris-tik. Stretching helps to avoid injuries, improves muscle feeling, contributes to the development of technical skills and, in general, is an important aspect of the training.

Procedures to speed up recovery

Massage: a more effective procedure when it comes to muscle restoration, but more time-consuming and cost-intensive. If you are a very poor student, then you can fatten yourself, although this sounds ambiguous. Sa-mo-mas-sazh This is not a completely effective procedure, and it is recommended to perform it even if you can afford a massage therapist. If you are a crazy fan and you have a friend who is the same crazy fan as you, then you can study the procedure sport-tiv-no-go mas-sa-zha and don’t spend money on pro-fes-sio-nal-no-go mass-sa-zhis-ta.

Drugs to speed up recovery

The most effective of the additional methods of muscle recovery, this is why d-oping is so popular in professional sports. Without observing the basic facts, the steroids, of course, will not work. But, if an athlete trains correctly, eats and sleeps adequately, then if he uses steroids his progress will be much faster. We can say that all other methods of accelerating recovery are nothing compared to steroids! Does this mean that we are re-co-men-du-eating steroids? Not at all! Steroids are harmful , and the harm they cause is not consistent with the benefit they can bring to the amateur. As for professional sportsmen, they, unfortunately, have to use doping, since The “natural” is no match for the “chemist”. And, nevertheless, the use of do-pin-ga in pro-fes-sio-nal dispute pro-ti-vo-re-chit sports ethics!

Sports pit: The main sports nutrition products that can speed up the process of recovery after training include: isotonics , creatine and ami-no-kis-lo-you. All these preparations accelerate the process of resynthesis of energy systems, and you remember that the restoration of muscle structures begins only after how the energy has been restored. Isotonics should be drunk during training, amino acids before and immediately after, and creatine should be taken outside of training, since this is an additional how about the effect of coping. All other sports nutrition products are either low-effective in the sense of accelerating recovery, or pre-designated for solving other problems.

Conclusion: the most important thing that is necessary for a quick recovery after training is to eat and sleep correctly. Frequent and short training sessions, light training sessions, and a cool-down at the end can help you recover faster. developing training, stretch-ching, massage, hardening and special preparations designed for re-syn-te- for energy systems.

All athletes involved in different sports experience muscle pain that can occur due to physical activity.

That is why the question “how to restore muscles after training” is one of the most pressing, and there are several useful recipes to solve this problem.

Why does pain occur?

Everyone knows that for muscle growth and fat burning, it is not so much the workout itself that matters most, but the recovery process after it. The fact is that during sports activities the muscles receive a colossal load, resulting in their damage.

Subsequently, they need to be recharged with useful substances: vitamins, proteins and amino acids, which can be obtained both from regular food and from sports nutrition.

Protein plays the most important role in gaining muscle mass: for example, bodybuilders, in order to “get” the required amount of protein per day, take protein shakes.

  • This is done for one important reason: on average, 1 kg of weight should contain 2 g of protein, and with a weight of 70 kg you will have to consume 140-180 g of pure protein.
  • It is problematic to do this with simple food, because... you will have to eat 1 kg of lean meat per day every day.

Another important aspect in muscle recovery is nutrition. Most often, when losing weight, people, on the contrary, gain fat due to poor diet: they eat sugar-containing foods, flour, fatty and fried foods. It is worth considering that after training, the processes of food absorption occur faster, because. physical activity speeds up metabolism - accordingly, fat weight will increase with a vengeance.

Non-professional athletes have the concept of “overtraining”, which means any pain in the muscles, but here it should be taken into account that with proper and productive training they will definitely occur. This is explained by the fact that during exercise the muscles are definitely stretched and their fibers are damaged, so in the future they require recovery, which determines weight gain or weight loss.

What can you do to prevent muscle pain ^

Normally, pain occurs 1-2 days after strength training, but there are several recommendations to minimize it and make it almost invisible to the athlete:

  • It is very important to learn to avoid stress, because... the stress hormone produced in such situations negatively affects the speed of recovery and the muscles themselves;
  • Various massage techniques also help: with their help you can relieve tension and pain in the muscles;
  • Nutrition is of greatest importance: it should be high in protein, because... It is protein that is involved in building the muscle corset.

Ways to quickly recover muscles after training ^

Of course, the main goal of sports nutrition is not the rapid restoration of muscle tissue, but with its help you can still achieve this effect. The choice of product directly depends on the purpose of the lesson.

Sports nutrition for muscle gain

What you should pay attention to when gaining weight:

  • (whey and casein). Whey must be taken immediately after training, because... it is absorbed within 30-40 minutes and quickly gives the muscles the necessary nutrition. Casein protein is a “long-lasting” protein, and nourishes muscles for 5-7 hours, so it is advisable to consume it before bed;
  • : this is a high-carbohydrate mixture that gives muscles the necessary energy after physical activity, which contributes to their speedy recovery;
  • : its essence is to increase strength and give muscles definition, but this amino acid is also involved in recovery;
  • BCAA is a complex of amino acids that nourish muscles. They are necessary for the rapid regeneration of their tissues. You can take the product before, during and after training.

Sports nutrition for weight loss

When losing weight, the list of sports nutrition products is slightly different:

  • L-carnitine: prevents the formation of fat cells, stimulates metabolism, gives energy during exercise. It should be taken half an hour before class, but you can also drink it during;
  • BCAAs: practically useless for fat burning, but necessary for those who want to remove subcutaneous fat and at the same time achieve relief;
  • Whey and casein proteins are important both when gaining and losing weight, because... in both cases they are necessary for the muscles;
  • Creatine: It can be taken while maintaining a proper diet and strictly following the dosage. It is not suitable for drying, because... promotes the accumulation of water in the muscles and the athlete can simply “flood”.

What can you do at home?

It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • Do not rest immediately after training. The body still remains warm for an hour, and at this time it is best to drink a protein shake; carbohydrates are allowed when gaining weight;
  • After strength training, stretch and run on the treadmill: this reduces the risk of injury and stimulates muscle growth;
  • The diet should be dominated by protein foods: lean fish and meats, seafood, chicken eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, hard cheeses;
  • Once a week, it is advisable to visit a sauna or bathhouse immediately after exercise: the temperature contrast tones the blood vessels and relaxes the muscles.

Conclusions, reviews and results ^

With the right approach to recovery, you can achieve good results in terms of minimizing post-workout pain and optimal muscle growth. In addition, this is also important when losing weight: it has been proven that the greatest importance in burning fat is not the exercise itself, but the nutrition before and after visiting the gym.

Margarita, 35 years old:

“I have been doing bodybuilding for about 10 years, 7 of which I have been working as a trainer. I always advise all my students to take protein an hour after exercise: firstly, when gaining weight, this will allow you to quickly achieve what you want, and when losing weight, burn fat without affecting the muscles, and secondly, regular food after breakdown is not capable of so quickly affect muscle tissue, like pure whey or egg white."

Valery, 29 years old:

“I’ve been working as a fitness trainer for 3.5 years, and both people who want to lose weight and gain weight come to me. They have one thing in common: muscle pain, which always occurs 2-3 days after training. If the activity was productive, they will be there in any case, but not so significant and almost unnoticeable, but in both cases it is important to follow the diet.”

Julia, 30 years old:

“Some people believe that after training you need to drink protein immediately so that your muscles begin to recover faster. This is only relevant when gaining weight, but for losing weight it is important to take a break of 1-2 hours, because... all this time the fat will continue to be broken down. The same goes for food."

Eastern horoscope for April 2019

Every repetition was difficult! Your muscles were burning from the resulting load and tension! The workout was incredibly hard and intense, but it didn't help build an ounce of muscle tissue!

The opportunity for muscle growth begins when you finish strength training, and this growth cannot occur without a proper recovery “protocol.” Muscles don't grow in the gym - they grow after. When you lift heavy weights, your muscles suffer microtrauma and undergo a process called catabolism. Immediately after stopping physical activity, your body begins to repair itself, but it needs help.

If you want to get the most out of your efforts in the gym, then you need to focus on post-workout recovery. Follow these 8 principles to achieve your desired results - stay on top.

Push the boundaries of what's possible

"No pain, no growth!" is one of the most popular phrases in the gym. Pushing your limits is good practice, but how far can you go? There must be a measure that provides the necessary stimulus for muscle growth, rather than trying to reach a point where the muscle is completely destroyed, resulting in soreness for many days.

The emphasis should not be on the speed of recovery, but on its quality and productivity. If you constantly push yourself to the point of exhaustion every workout, this damage accumulates over time and the body spends more energy trying to repair these effects, leaving less energy for building muscle. Train hard enough to push yourself outside of your "comfort zone" - try to do more than the previous day. By following this principle, you will see lasting and constant progress, rather than taking one step forward and two back.

Take Pre-Workout Nutrition Seriously

What you do directly affects the quality and time of recovery. Since absorption is a long process, nutrition before going to the “rocking chair” also plays an important role. The proteins and carbohydrates that you ate before the start of the training will circulate in the body for some time. Therefore, choose your products wisely. Make sure you get high-quality protein from lean meats, and complex carbohydrates if you plan to exercise intensely. Eat food 2 hours before training to avoid digestive problems.

During strength training, it would be a good idea to take BCAA, which will be actively absorbed by muscle cells. And don't forget about a portion before bed.

Don't skip stretching

Stretching doesn't seem all that meaningful when size is the main goal. But it may be the most underrated player in muscle growth. Without the necessary flexibility and muscle plasticity, you limit yourself in many basic exercises. For example, if your ankles are too tight, you won't be able to squat deep enough to get the most benefit from barbell squats.

Stretching is a great way to reduce muscle tension and soreness during recovery. Take at least 15 minutes after your workout to cool down and stretch.

Protein after workout

“Feed your muscles!” Give them fuel to grow and improve. A portion of protein after physical activity is vital. Aim for 20-50 grams of protein after each workout, depending on your weight. For women, 20 grams will be enough, but for men it is better to strive for a higher value.

Whey protein is the most popular protein supplement, and for good reason: it's convenient, easy to mix, and has a fast absorption rate, perfect for taking after a tough workout.

To speed up and optimize your recovery processes, along with fast carbohydrates. These can be foods with a high glycemic index, such as fruits or juices (preferably in large quantities to get 60-100 grams of carbohydrates). They will boost insulin and replenish glycogen and energy levels. Insulin is a powerful anabolic factor that helps restore muscle proteins.

Eat foods rich in potassium

Potassium-fortified foods should be included in your post-workout shake. At the end of intense training, potassium reserves in the body will be depleted. Potassium, along with other nutrients such as sodium and calcium, is a key mineral that plays an important role in muscle energy.

Bananas and potatoes are good sources of potassium. The former go with almost anything, and mashed potatoes in your first post-workout meal are also a good idea.

Quality sleep

Sleep is not just for rest. This is the forced "down time" the body needs to recover. By sacrificing hours of sleep over a long period of time, you make yourself mentally weaker and have a negative impact on the training process. You need to sleep at least 7 hours, and athletes get all 9. Find ways to help make changes to your daily routine - go to bed early.

Active recovery after training

Rest days give your muscles a break. But some light activity, such as swimming or cycling, will stimulate the recovery process and speed it up. This method is known as "active recovery". Also, light cardio after strength training will help relieve pain by stimulating blood circulation and improving circulation to the muscles.

Reducing stress

Physiological stress from exercise is a good thing. Chronic stress from other sources, such as deadlines at work or stress, can significantly impact how you feel on a daily basis, as well as how quickly you recover.

The combination of chronic stress and heavy physical activity in the gym negatively affects the overall well-being and capabilities of your body. Take steps to reduce your stress levels so you can bounce back faster. Do something that you really enjoy or makes you laugh.

Now you know that recovery is an integral component in achieving any goal in the gym. If you want to get stronger, faster and fitter, you must integrate each of these tips into your daily recovery plan to get directly proportional results from your strenuous workouts!

With muscle atrophy, their tissue weakens and decreases in volume. Muscle atrophy can occur as a result of inactivity, poor nutrition, illness, or injury. In most cases, it is possible to strengthen atrophied muscles through special exercises, diet and lifestyle changes.


Part 1

What is muscle atrophy

    Learn what muscle wasting means. Muscular atrophy is a medical term that describes the reduction and loss of muscle volume in a particular area of ​​the body.

    Learn more about dysfunctional atrophy (disuse atrophy), which is the leading cause of muscle wasting. Muscles can atrophy because they are not used at all or are used very rarely, causing muscle tissue to degrade, shrink and become damaged. This usually occurs as a result of injury, a sedentary lifestyle, or an illness that prevents certain muscles from working.

    • Dysfunctional muscle wasting can develop as a result of extremely poor nutrition. For example, muscle tissue can atrophy and disappear in prisoners of war and people suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia.
    • This type of muscle atrophy can also occur in people who have sedentary jobs, as well as in those who are physically inactive.
    • Severe injuries, such as spinal or brain damage, can leave a person bedridden and develop muscle wasting as a result. Even less severe injuries, such as a broken bone or torn ligament, can limit mobility and also cause dysfunctional muscle atrophy.
    • Diseases that limit a person's ability to exercise and be active include rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation of the joints, and osteoarthritis, which weakens the bones. With these diseases, movements are often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, pain, or even become impossible, which leads to muscle atrophy.
    • In many cases, dysfunctional muscle atrophy can be reversed by strengthening and building muscle through increased physical activity.
  1. Learn about the causes of neurogenic atrophy. Neurogenic muscle atrophy occurs as a result of disease or damage to the nerves in the muscles. Although this type of atrophy is less common than dysfunctional atrophy, it is more difficult to treat because in many cases it cannot be eliminated simply by increasing the load on the muscles. The following diseases often lead to neurogenic atrophy:

    Recognize the symptoms of muscle atrophy. It is important to identify the symptoms of muscle atrophy as early as possible in order to immediately begin to eliminate it. The main symptoms include the following:

    • Muscle weakness, decrease in volume.
    • The skin surrounding the affected muscles appears loose and hanging.
    • Activities such as lifting objects, moving the atrophied area, and exercising may be difficult, although this has not previously been a problem.
    • Pain in the affected area.
    • Back pain and difficulty walking.
    • Feeling of stiffness and heaviness in the damaged area.
    • It can be difficult for a person without medical education to identify the symptoms of neurogenic atrophy. The most obvious symptoms of this type of atrophy include stooped posture, stiff spine, and limited neck mobility.
  2. If you think you have muscle wasting, seek medical help. If you suspect muscle atrophy, try to consult your doctor without delay. He will be able to identify the causes, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Seek help from other professionals. Depending on the cause of muscle wasting, your doctor may recommend that you see a physical therapist, nutritionist, or personal trainer who can help you improve your condition through specific exercises, diet, and lifestyle changes.

    Find a personal trainer or physical therapist. While you can do some exercises on your own to try to stop muscle wasting, it's best to do them under the guidance of a qualified instructor or trainer to make sure you're doing it right.

    • The trainer will begin by assessing your physical condition and then teach you specific exercises to strengthen and build muscle in the atrophied area. He will evaluate the effectiveness of the training and, if necessary, adjust it.
  3. Start with light loads and gradually increase intensity. Since most people with atrophied muscles begin exercise after a long period of inactivity, you should start with light loads. Remember that your body is not as strong as it was before atrophy.

    Start with aquatic exercises or rehabilitation in an aquatic environment. Swimming and aquatic exercise are often recommended for patients recovering from muscle atrophy, as this type of exercise helps reduce muscle pain, quickly tone atrophied muscles, restore muscle memory and relax damaged muscles. While these exercises are best done under the guidance of a professional, below are a few basic steps to get you started.

  4. Walk around the pool. After entering the water up to your waist, try walking in it for 10 minutes. This safe exercise helps develop the muscles of the lower body.

    • Increase the duration and depth over time.
    • You can also use an inflatable ring, paddle, or water dumbbells for more water resistance. These devices will help you strengthen your core and upper body muscles.
  5. Perform knee raises in the pool. Lean your back against the wall of the pool with both feet on the bottom. Then lift one leg, bending it at the knee as if you were marching in place. Raising your knee to the level of your pelvis, straighten your leg, stretching it forward.

    • Do the exercise 10 times, then repeat it, changing legs.
    • Over time, increase the number of repetitions.
  6. Do push-ups in water. Facing the pool wall, place your hands on the edge, keeping them shoulder-width apart. Raise yourself up on your hands, sticking out about halfway out of the water. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself back into the water.

    • For an easier version of this exercise, place your hands on the edge of the pool, shoulder-width apart. Then, bending your elbows, lean towards the wall of the pool.
  7. Move to bodyweight exercises. As you progress, add bodyweight exercises to your workouts on the ground.

    • Beginners can start with 8-12 repetitions of the exercises below. These exercises target the development of major muscle groups.
    • To strengthen atrophied muscles, do these exercises three times a week.
  8. Learn to do squats. To do this, stand straight with your arms extended in front of you. Gently and slowly bend your knees, as if sitting on an imaginary chair. After holding this position for a few seconds, straighten your legs, returning to the starting position.

    • Keep your balance on your heels and make sure your knees don't go forward past your toes.
  9. Do squats and lunges on one leg. To do this, stand straight with your hands on your hips. Pull your stomach in.

    • Take a wide step forward with your right foot. Keep your back straight while doing this. Lift your heel, resting your toe on the floor.
    • Simultaneously bend both knees at an angle of 90 degrees. You can control your posture by watching yourself in the mirror.
    • Lower your heel to the floor and straighten up. Return to the starting position by pulling your right leg back and repeat the exercise with your left leg.
    • Remember to keep your back straight.
  10. Try dips to train your triceps. Use a stable bench or chair for this. Sit on a bench or chair and rest your hands on the edges, spreading them shoulder-width apart.

    • With your legs stretched out in front of you, slowly slide forward, leaning on your hands. Straighten your arms so that the main load falls on the triceps.
    • Gently bend your elbows, keeping your back close to the bench. As you lower down, hold the edges of the bench firmly with your hands.
  11. Do basic abdominal exercises. To do this, lie on your back on a mat or rug. Without lifting your feet off the floor, bend your knees.

    • In this case, you can cross your arms over your chest, or put them behind your neck or head. Try to lift your shoulders up, tensing your abdominal muscles.
    • Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself onto your back and repeat the exercise.
  12. Try weight-bearing exercises. Use expanders or strength training equipment for this. These exercises should only be started after you have successfully mastered the bodyweight exercises above. Also try to find out which weight-bearing exercises help strengthen the muscle group you need.

    • The bench press can be performed with expanders. Lying with your back on a bench, stretch the expanders in front of you, as if lifting dumbbells up.
    • Start with lighter resistance bands. Once you feel that the exercise is quite easy for you, change the expander to a heavier one. This way you can gradually increase the load.
  13. Incorporate aerobic exercise into your workouts. Supplement the above exercises with aerobic exercises, which also help strengthen atrophied muscles. Try to do regular walking and other cardio exercises.

    • Start with a 10-15 minute walk every day. Gradually increasing the speed, bring the duration of the walk to 30 minutes, after which you can move on to daily jogging.
  14. Don't forget to stretch your muscles. After each session, stretch your muscles to increase their range of motion. Dedicate 5-10 minutes to stretching your muscles after each workout. You can do muscle stretching separately from training.

    • Try to stretch all major muscle groups, spending 15-30 seconds on each.
    • Start by stretching your back and upper body. Then move on to the muscles of the neck, forearms, wrists and triceps. Don't forget about the muscles of the chest, abdomen and buttocks. After this, work on the muscles of your thighs, ankles and feet.
  15. Master some special stretches. Below are some exercises to stretch specific muscle groups.

    • Neck stretch. Tilt your head forward and, stretching your neck, move it left, right, back and forward again. Do not roll your head in a circle as this is unsafe.
    • Shoulder stretch. Place your left hand on your chest. Grab her forearm with your right hand. Pull it until you feel a stretch in your left shoulder. Press your left arm in the opposite direction, squeezing your shoulder muscles. Do the same with your right hand.
    • Triceps stretch. Raise your right hand. Bend it at the elbow, bring it back, reaching the area between the shoulder blades. Place your left hand on your right elbow and pull it towards your head.
    • Wrist stretch. Extend your arm forward and pull your palm back slightly, grasping it with your other hand. Repeat the same with the palm of your other hand.
    • Knee stretching. Sit cross-legged. Extend one leg in front of you and try to reach your foot, holding it for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
    • Lumbar stretch. Lie on your back. Bend one leg at the knee and lift it towards your chest. Repeat the exercise with the second leg.
    • Leg stretching. Lie on your back and extend both legs up. With your hands on the back of your thighs, pull your legs toward your face.

All athletes knowthat muscles grow during rest, not during training. And here, How long does it take for muscles to recover after training?– not many people know. And now we will examine this issue in detail. Also, in addition to muscle recovery, we will consider the restoration of energy, hormonal levels and the nervous system.

What would a human organizm functioned normally and progressed, he must receive a full recovery. If you know what components a full recovery consists of, then you can create your ideal physique without much difficulty. And we will start with the restoration of muscle tissue.

How long does it take for muscles to recover after training?

As practice shows, there are 4 phases of muscle recovery:

  • fast
  • slow
  • supercompensation
  • delayed

Phase No. 1 – fast recovery. This phase occurs immediately after training. During the first phase, the following happens: the body actively restores lost resources (ATP, creatine phosphate, glycogen), heart function normalizes, normalization of the hormonal system begins.

Phase No. 2 – slow recovery. During this period, metabolism normalizes and rapid absorption of nutrients begins, which help cells recover.

Phase No. 3 – supercompensation. This phase begins 45–60 hours after the end of training and lasts 4–5 days. It is during this period that the muscles become larger and stronger.

Phase No. 4 – delayed recovery. This phase is only activated if you did not train during supercompensation. All physical parameters are completely restored.

Well, we found out how long muscles recover after training. Now let's look at other quite important components of recovery, namely:

  • energy
  • hormonal background
  • nervous system

Energy recovery:

After another workoutand the body loses a lot of energy (the more intense the training, the more energy is lost). It is because of the loss of energy that you feel low after exercise. (and after the most exhausted training, you can barely move your legs at all). But fortunately, energy is not muscle. And for a full recovery, the body only needs 24 hours.

Restoring hormonal levels:

Changes during traininglevels of hormones such as cortisol and testosterone (cortisol slowly increases, and testosterone decreases). And for muscles to grow, everything should be the other way around. Therefore, after training, you need to have a good rest. Hormonal levels return to normal within 24 to 36 hours after training.

Restoration of the nervous system:

Well, for the most completeto restore the body, you need to restore your nerves. Not everyone knows that the nervous system is also involved during training. For those who didn’t know how this happens: when you do the next exercise, the brain gives an order to your muscles to contract. This process puts a lot of stress on the central nervous system. For complete recovery of the central nervous system, 6–7 days are needed.

And now, the most basic recovery tips:

  • dream : 8 – 10 hours at night
  • sleep: 1 – 2 hours during the day (speeds up recovery)
  • rest between training: 1 – 2 days
  • Every 3 months you need to give the body a rest for 7 – 10 days (for complete recovery of all systems)
  • alternate between hard and easy workouts

Now you know how much muscle, energy, hormonal levels and central nervous system are restored after training. And I hope you realize the importance of rest.