Exercises for the neck: treating the cervical spine. Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is one of the most dangerous diseases, which can lead to irreversible changes in the vertebral discs and cause disability.

The cervical region contains important blood vessels that supply the brain; nerve endings responsible for the motor functions of the forelimbs are located here.

The disease is characterized not only by a significant deterioration in the quality of life and severe headaches, but also by numbness of the hands during sleep.

Headaches and numbness of the hands are symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

To treat osteochondrosis, various methods are used depending on the cause and clinical picture of the disease. Therapeutic exercise, gymnastics, massage and self-massage play a positive role in the effectiveness of drug treatment. The main caution is that you can exercise only during a period of stable remission and after consultation with your doctor.

As mentioned above, therapeutic exercises and massage will be most effective only in combination with other types of treatment for the disease. In addition, several general conditions must be met:

  • before starting, you should consult with your doctor and together with him choose the optimal set of exercises, their duration and frequency;

  • regularity. Most types of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are irreversible. This means that the exercises need to be done regularly and for a very long period of time;

  • increased pain serves as a signal to temporarily stop exercising.

Gymnastic exercises can be used not only during the treatment of an illness, but also to prevent it. Medicine strongly advises people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have a sedentary job to do such exercises. Preventing a disease is much easier and simpler than treating it.

It is recommended, if possible, to repeat the simplest exercises several times during the day. The full set of exercises can be divided into stages and done in parts over a few hours. Such actions significantly increase the effectiveness of therapeutic or preventive gymnastics.

Exercises recommended for performing during remission of the disease

During this period, you need to be very careful when developing exercises, perform them as gently as possible, and avoid excessive stress and resumption of pain. It is better to do therapeutic exercises while sitting - relaxation of the back muscles is achieved, which is extremely important.

Each movement should be performed 10÷20 times. If possible, it is recommended to increase the duration to two minutes for each exercise.

In the first days of doing the exercises, you can hear characteristic cracking sounds in the cervical vertebrae. This is normal; after a few days of constant practice, the sounds will stop. A slight crunching sound indicates spasms of the vertebrae; it should not exist in a healthy spine.

If the patient’s condition is so severe that it does not allow him to do exercises standing or sitting, then a set of movements should be performed in a lying position. You need to lie down on a flat, hard surface, with your arms always along your body. The number of repetitions is no more than ten; each exercise should not take more than one minute.

It is recommended to repeat these steps until a lasting positive effect is obtained, and then move on to the more complex complex described above. As a result of gymnastics, blood circulation in the cervical vertebrae will significantly improve, and their motor capabilities will begin to be restored. This will allow you to easily perform more complex complexes with increased physical activity.

If during therapeutic exercises a deterioration in the patient’s condition is detected, then the exercises should be stopped. Treatment continues with the usual medications; after the condition improves, physical therapy can be resumed.

Video - Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercises recommended for performance during the chronic course of the disease and for prevention

Gymnastics can be done lying down, sitting or standing, the back is straight, the neck muscles are relaxed.

  1. Lying on your stomach, push up from the floor, bend back and turn your head left/right. Try to see the left and right heels of your feet in turn. At first it will be difficult to do this, but after one or two weeks of constant training there will be a noticeable positive effect. Repeat the exercise 10÷20 times.

  2. Starting position: lying on your back, clasp your hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs up to a vertical position and at the same time try to touch your chest with your chin.

    The exercise should be done while exhaling through the nose. Pull your socks towards you, raise your legs to a vertical position. If it is difficult to perform such movements, raise your legs 15÷20°. Lower your head first and then your legs. The number of repetitions is from ten to twenty.

  3. Sitting or standing position, chin pressed to chest.

    Without lifting your chin, roll it from one shoulder to the other, repeat the exercise 10–20 times. Make the last two/three movements while exhaling, helping with your hand and trying to look behind your back. Do not make sudden movements, do not try to turn your head too much with your hands. While performing this exercise, you can sometimes hear a characteristic click in the cervical vertebrae, indicating that the block has been removed. After a few days of regular exercise, clicking in the cervical spine should disappear, which will indicate a significant improvement in its condition.

  4. Starting position: the right palm is pressed to the head, the left hand holds the right elbow. Turn your head towards your right shoulder and press it with your right palm. Slowly return your head to the starting position, applying increasing resistance with your right hand, then freely turn your head to the left. The number of repetitions is 10÷20, then change the position of your hands and do the same in the opposite direction.

  5. Place your head on your right shoulder and press it with your right hand.

    Slowly raise your head to a vertical position, applying increasing resistance with your hand. Change the position of your hand and tilt your head to the other side. Number of repetitions 10÷20 times. It should be borne in mind that at first it will not be possible to tilt your head close to your shoulder; the amplitude of the tilt will increase gradually as the mobility of the vertebrae is restored.

  6. Place the fingers of your right hand on the sixth and seventh processes of the cervical vertebra, press them with your left palm. Tilt your head back, simultaneously pressing on the sixth and seventh vertebrae. Make five to six movements, remove your left hand and repeat turning your head to the left four to five times. Switch hands and repeat the same to the right.

  7. Place the palms of your hands on your face, fingers should cover your forehead. As you tilt your head forward/backward, press your palms onto your face with increasing force. For the first few days, you should apply pressure on the face only when tilting your head to your chest; later, efforts can be made when moving in both directions. Repeat the exercise ten times.

You need to understand that pathological changes in the cervical spine have occurred for several years; it is impossible to return it to its original state in a few days of training. You should be persistent and patient, regular exercise will make your neck flexible and healthy, blood supply will be completely restored, headaches and numbness in your hands will disappear. The more regularly the exercises are performed, the more noticeable the final positive effect.

Video - Exercises for prevention

Self-massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Can be done as an independent procedure or after a set of gymnastic exercises. It is better to perform the procedures while sitting, with a straight back and relaxed muscles. Stroking, kneading and shaking movements are performed, increasing pain is not allowed. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

All techniques should be repeated 5-7 times, finishing the massage by repeated rubbing and stroking the cervical spine. Stroking should be done with slight pressure with a full hand; movements can be performed in different directions. Encircling stroking is not recommended due to the effect on large areas of the cervical spine.

Video – Self-massage of the neck

Should only be performed by a specialist with medical education, otherwise your health may worsen.

The neck should be massaged on both sides by stroking, squeezing and kneading. Single, circular double and circular movements are used with the phalanges of the bent fingers of both hands. Flat rubbing of the vertebral muscles is performed with the pads of the thumbs; during circular rubbing, the phalanges of the four fingers of each hand should work.

The effectiveness of massage depends on the skill of the massage therapist, the severity of the disease and the duration of the course.

To enhance the effect, the use of medicinal ointments and gels is allowed. The ingredients included in the ointments can have a decongestant or anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood flow and relieve pain in inflamed areas.

It is forbidden to massage during acute periods of the disease, thrombosis, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, mental disorders and some skin diseases. The attending physician prescribes massage; the patient must inform him of any changes in well-being.

Therapeutic massage can be local or general; it is widely used during joint diseases as one of the complex methods of treating the disease. In combination with the correct regimen of drug therapy and therapeutic exercises, it gives a noticeable positive effect.

Recently, reflex massage of the Zakharyin-Ged zones has been often used. The purpose of the treatment is to find and have a positive effect on individual reflex zones on the surface of the skin. Performed only by the most experienced massage therapists with extensive practical experience and deep theoretical knowledge.

For osteochondrosis, only manual massage is allowed; exposure to various electrical devices is not allowed.

The total duration of the procedures should not exceed 25 minutes; the number of sessions is determined by the attending physician and can be adjusted depending on changes in the patient’s well-being.

Just four exercises that seem banal at first glance, when performed regularly, will help tighten the skin of the neck, normalize sleep, and even get rid of pain in the cervical spine and headaches.

Gymnastics for the neck - four steps to flexibility and beauty!

Gymnastics for the neck will help improve blood circulation, relieve tension and in the future save you from spending on expensive lifting procedures. And don’t forget, the condition of a woman’s bust depends on the condition of the muscles of the neck and chest. So don't be lazy, find a few minutes a day for women's health and beauty!

Gymnastics for the neck

Stand up and straighten your back, keep your head straight, the top of your head looking up (starting position). Place your hands clasped on the top of your head, tilt your head slightly forward, and then, resisting with your hands, try to return your head to its original position, count to 30 and relax, repeat again.

Do the exercise once in front of the mirror, you will see how the neck muscles work and it will become clear why these exercises are so effective.

  • Take the starting position, bending your head from above, place the palm of your left hand on your right ear. Tilt your head slightly towards your left shoulder and, resisting with your hand, try to return your head to its original position, count to 30 and relax, do the exercise again and repeat for the other side.
  • Sit on a chair, rest your hands on the seat, your back should be straight. Then arch your back, tilt your head back as far as possible and count to 30. Return to the starting position, and then repeat the exercise again.
  • Take the starting position as in the first exercise. Turn your head to the left and look over your shoulder, count to 30, return to the starting position, do the exercise again and change sides.

That's all the gymnastics for the neck, simply outrageous, but extremely effective! Your task is not to be lazy and do the exercises regularly, every day, the reward is a flexible, beautiful neck.

To strengthen the neck, there is another simple set of so-called isometric exercises (straining the muscles while they are completely immobile).

Each exercise is performed 3-5 times for 7-10 seconds.

1. You need to press firmly with your forehead on your palm, and then with the back of your head on your palm. Neither the head nor the hand move. Do the same with the left and right temple.

2. Place your palm under your chin and press firmly on it.

3. Lift your chin up and slowly turn your head right and left until it stops.

4. Do the same with the chin lowered to the neck.

5. Tilt your head back a little and try to touch your right ear to your right shoulder, and your left ear to your left.

We can greatly reduce the risk of neck problems if we take care of our posture every day. It's not that hard to keep your back straight! published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Most people in adulthood complain of problems with the spine. Some people are worried about the thoracic region, some about the lumbar region, and some about the cervical region. Problems with the cervical spine are the most dangerous, because the blood circulation of the head, and therefore your well-being during the day, depends on its condition. To stop bothering you about pain in the cervical-collar area, you need to perform special warm-up exercises.

Exercises for the cervical spine

Quite often, people take care of their figure and at the same time forget about their neck. In fact, it is your neck that gives away your age. Remember: if all parts of your body look beautiful and young, but your neck doesn’t, it doesn’t look very nice. You need to take care of your neck from a young age, and then in adulthood you will look wonderful!

Indications for exercises

Neck problems are very serious. Therefore, you should not make independent decisions regarding its treatment. In any case, you should consult your doctor. If there are no contraindications, you can start doing the exercises.

These exercises are very useful. There is a list of diseases in which exercises for the head and neck can restore the position of the vertebrae, and most importantly, prevent other diseases from developing. So, a list of diseases for which you can do neck exercises:

Contraindications to training

Exercises for the cervical vertebrae help solve a number of problems associated not only with the cervical, but also with the thoracic spine. However, there are some diseases and symptoms for which exercise is not recommended:

  1. An acute period of osteochondrosis, accompanied by disorders of the nervous system.
  2. Inflammatory processes.
  3. Body temperature is too high.
  4. Severe pain.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Instability of mood and emotional state.
  7. Spinal cord pinching.

Before you start charging, you need to get rid of these diseases and symptoms. Most often, this requires bed rest. And if everything is really bad, you need to go to the hospital.

There are quite a few exercises to warm up the neck. The most popular of them:

After you have completed all the warm-up exercises, you can begin the main exercises:

This set of exercises strengthens the neck muscles very well and makes them more flexible. It is recommended to do this training program 3-4 times a week. On other days, you only need to do warm-up exercises.

Exercise results

If you perform all the exercises in this complex correctly, you will achieve the following results:

Gymnastics for the neck

Neck exercises are most often used for preventive purposes. For example, you felt pain in the neck. After consulting with a doctor, it turned out that you do not have any serious illness. There is only a risk that it will develop if you do not take any preventive measures.

There are quite a few exercises for neck gymnastics. They are preventive, as they prevent the development of diseases such as osteochondrosis and scoliosis. The most effective among them:

  1. Tilt the head forward and to the sides.
  2. Neck muscle resistance.
  3. Head rotation.
  4. Pulling the head forward and upward.

In order for your preventative exercise to be as productive as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:

In the first days of training, you may encounter some difficulties:

  1. Dizziness during or after exercise. If you find such a symptom in yourself, then you need to continue doing the exercises while sitting. And if you feel dizzy after training, you need to lie down and rest.
  2. Muscle pain after exercise is normal. You shouldn't be afraid of her. This is how our body works: if some muscles have been inactive for a long time, after a little tension they begin to hurt a lot.
  3. A post-workout headache is an indicator that you've overexerted yourself. Most likely, you trained too intensely. At first, you shouldn't do this. It is much better to start small and gradually increase the intensity of your training.
  4. Feeling a headache when you stand up is also a sign that you need to slow down your workout plan a little. In this case, increased load is dangerous.

Be sure to consult a doctor. Only with his permission can you do exercises. Self-medication will only bring you harm.

Before you begin to act, think about the reasons why you have problems with the cervical spine. Sedentary lifestyle? Poor posture? Try to get rid of this reason, and then solving the problem will be much easier.

Book a massage session with a chiropractor. Believe me, this will help you not only get rid of spinal problems, but also reduce the risk of them occurring in the future. Of course, charging is very good. However, nothing improves blood circulation to the head and neck as quickly as massage. Under no circumstances should you skimp on your health.

A fairly common cause of neck problems is incorrect body position during sleep. Remember what you sleep on. How good is the mattress and pillow? If the quality is low, they need to be replaced. The best option is to purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillow.

In order not to have problems with the spine in old age, it is necessary to deal with it from youth. Make morning exercise your daily habit, and then you simply won’t have any problems.

Attention, TODAY only!

If you still think that the most untrained muscles are the leg muscles, I recommend that you think again! I have not yet met people who, when they came to the gym, would focus on working out neck muscles, which allows us to bring them to first place among the most untrained. Very few people have heard that these muscles can be trained, and if you suddenly meet such people by chance, you involuntarily want to ask: “ What are these guys doing?" The above indicates that these muscles are as important as any other, and a small neck in relation to the rest of the body will look simply disproportionate. What's the point of having huge shoulders and a toned body if you then look up and see a neck as thin as a pencil?

The neck is a part of the body that is always on display, so having a toned neck means having power, setting goals and achieving them. The most prominent muscle, but it is often forgotten. Would you like to look like these guys in the photo:

Or like this guy:

The choice is yours, but first, let's look at the anatomical structure of the neck .

For bodybuilding, two muscles of the neck are of primary importance: the sternocleidomastoid muscle in front and the plaster muscle in the back.

The sternocleidomastoid muscle has 2 heads: sternal and clavicular, which are located as shown in the figure below:

The plaster muscle also consists of two parts: the cervical and the head. As shown in the figure below, only a small part of the muscle is visible, mostly covered by other muscles on top.

As you may have guessed, the most prominent muscle of these two is the sternocleidomastoid. By working on this muscle, you can create the image of a person with a strong and powerful neck, like this guy in the picture:

However, this does not mean at all that the plaster muscle is of no importance; it is simply less noticeable, since it is covered on top by the trapezius muscle and some others that fit tightly to it.

Let's move on to consider the following question, how to directly train the neck muscles:


Neck flexion with disc

My favorite type of exercise that does not require any special equipment, all you need is a bench and a weight plate. There are two ways to perform this exercise. You can:

  • Lie on the bench on your back, but in such a way that your head and neck hang freely over the edge.
  • Lie down on the bench so that the upper half of your torso is completely on the bench, and your legs have firm support on the floor. Your body should be parallel to the floor surface and perpendicular to the bench.

In fact, it doesn’t really matter from what position you perform the exercise, decide for yourself, the effectiveness of the execution will be the same in any case. Place the weight plate on your forehead, holding it with your hands for balance, then continue to bend your neck, tilting your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest. Then remove the weight and return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise in the same sequence.

Some tips:

  • Don't use too much weight.
  • If possible, use the Olympic weight disc option, as it has a plastic coating on the outside and is more convenient to use.
  • From a hygiene standpoint, it is recommended to use a towel, placing it between the weight disc and your face.

Neck Curl with Headgear

The principle of performing the exercise is similar to the previous one, but instead of a disc, special equipment is used - a head helmet. This type of equipment is not used in many gyms, so it is recommended to bring your own head helmet. Performing neck flexion exercises using it is not only more effective, but also a safer way, in my opinion.

Place a bench directly in front of a high pull block and sit with your back to it. Place a high pull block at head level, put on a headgear, and bend your head until your chin touches your chest. Then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise

There are different types of head helmets, but I personally prefer ones that fit completely around the head, like this one:

Neck bending in a special simulator

Although not a very common type of exercise machine, some gyms have dedicated equipment for working the muscles in the front of the neck. This simulator does everything for you, you just sit down, and a special “pillow” acts as a weighting agent. This will allow you to work your neck muscles by bending it forward in the same way as in the previously described exercises.

Don't worry, this is just a picture. Pay attention to the handles on the front of the machine, they are used for balance, so be sure to make sure you are holding them firmly while performing the exercise.

Now let's move on to the back muscles of the neck, namely the plaster muscle. As you probably guessed, training the back muscles of the neck according to the principle of execution is no different from everything that has already been said. There are many options for training this muscle; my favorite and most accessible is using a bench and a weighted disc.

You can sit on the bench in two ways:

  • While sitting on a bench, lean forward until your stomach touches your thighs.
  • Lying on your stomach, your head hangs slightly over the edge.

Personally, I prefer the first method, although both options are very good. Regardless of which method of placement on the bench you choose, the technique for performing the exercise will be the same. Place the disc behind your head and try to straighten your neck as much as possible. Lower your head down until your chin touches your upper chest and then repeat the exercise. It is recommended to place a towel between the disc and your head and control the holding of the disc behind your head with both hands.

Neck extension exercise with helmet

As mentioned earlier, you will need to purchase your own equipment to perform this exercise. Unlike exercises for the muscles of the front of the neck, there are two types of head helmets that can be used to work the muscles of the back of the neck: without weights and with weights. The first one is used on a high thrust projectile as follows:

  • Sitting on a bench facing the direction of a high pull block
  • Install the high-pull pin at the very bottom, attach the harness, and put on the helmet

A weighted helmet can be used in the following ways:

  • Sit on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Attach the weight to the helmet using a special chain and lean forward.
  • You can place your hands on your knees, or on your hips if you lean forward more.

In principle, it does not really matter what type of equipment you choose to perform neck extension exercises, but always remember that for full extension and then flexion, the chin must touch the chest when returning to the starting position.

Extension of the neck in a special simulator

Let's look at the last version of the exercise for the back muscles of the neck using the example of using a special device. Not exactly a common sight, but this device will allow you to perform neck extensions like the previous exercises, but with more specific control. If you ever want to perform a neck exercise using special equipment, the first thing you need to do is make sure that your neck is positioned correctly for maximum range of motion.

Lateral bending with weights

Although the main emphasis when performing the exercise is on working the muscles of the front of the neck, the muscles of the back are also simultaneously worked. This exercise can be performed using weighted plates, a helmet, or special equipment, but the principle is the same regardless of what you choose. The goal of this exercise is to perform lateral flexion until the neck touches the shoulder.

The most acceptable way to perform this type of exercise is using a special weighting disk. Using a regular horizontal bench, lie on it sideways; you can wrap your lower arm around the outside of the bench or lean on it, lowering it to the floor. Place the disc on top of your head and hold it in this position with your free hand. Lean up as far as possible, then return to the starting position. After completing the exercise on one side, turn over to the other side and do the same.

Using a helmet you can easily imitate the effect of a weighted disk:

You can also use an incline bench if you want:

When using a tourniquet, you do the same thing only from a standing position. Place the high pulley at head level and bend your head to the side as usual

And last but not least, there is a special simulator:

Training process

Training the neck muscles should be taken extremely seriously, since the consequences of injuries that may occur will be irreversible. I usually train once a week, usually doing 3 sets for the muscles of the front of the neck and 2 sets for the back of the neck. Always check the weight you choose to match your fitness level. Although some people with strong necks can lift more weight, you should not look up to them or try to imitate them!

If you are afraid to train your neck using weights, or for any other reason this method does not suit you, you can use your own hands for training. For example, you can use the strength of your arms as a weighting agent. Place your hand on your forehead and gently press on your forehead, trying to tilt your head back, while using all the strength of your neck muscles to counteract the action of your hand. The same can be done for the back and side muscles of the neck.

There are hardly any people who disagree with the fact that neck exercises help to significantly keep your back healthy. After all, ill health of the spine can cause ailments that are much more serious than discomfort when moving. Deteriorating vision, dizziness and regular migraines, as well as chest pain and numbness of the limbs are just an incomplete list of symptoms that more and more people complain about every year.

At the same time, spinal osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs have become significantly “younger” in recent years. If previously the mentioned diseases were more typical for the elderly, today the sedentary lifestyle of most people and office work, when the body is forced to remain in the same position for a long time, only contribute to the progression of pathologies of the spine, especially its upper parts.

There is always a load on the cervical spine. It is more susceptible to pathological changes due to the fact that it is under almost constant tension, and the vertebrae here are the thinnest and the thickness of the intervertebral discs is the smallest. At the same time, large blood vessels supplying the brain pass through here. If the legs or arms can be given a break, then the neck must constantly support the head and this part of the spine can rest only at night and under the condition of a well-chosen pillow for sleeping.

The occurrence of pathologies in the cervical spine is “announced” by crunching in the neck, tinnitus, pressure surges and often aching muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Good results in the fight against the development of diseases of the cervical spine are obtained by special gymnastics for the neck, physical therapy, as well as massage of the neck and collar area.

Today, various exercises for the neck are known. However, most of them are aimed at achieving the following results:

  • Restoring the mobility of the vertebrae relative to their own axis;
  • Gymnastics helps strengthen the muscles of the neck and tone it. Systematic exercise for the cervical vertebrae helps restore elasticity to muscles constrained by constant overstrain due to inflammation.
  • Restoration of normal blood supply to tissues with subsequent elimination of compression of neurovascular bundles;
  • Activation of metabolic processes in tissues. In the first place in this situation is the level of glucose metabolism, which provides nutrition to the tissues of the intervertebral discs.
  • Activation of the body’s release of endorphins – “pleasure” hormones, which additionally helps with neck pain and increases tone;
  • Relieving overvoltage.

Gymnastics for the neck has long been successfully prescribed for the treatment of diseases of this region and for their prevention. However, a specialist should prescribe a set of exercises to warm up the neck for each specific case of pathology and based on the results of a thorough examination of the patient. When selecting exercises, the degree of “advancedness” of the disease must be taken into account, and the patient must perform the first exercises under the supervision of a specialist in exercise therapy. He will be able to monitor the correctness of the exercises, since this is the only way to guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment.

When the patient masters the technique of performing the movements, he can continue practicing at home. Regardless of the focus of the complex, there are a number of recommendations that apply to all exercises:

  • Physical stress on the neck is permissible only when the inflammation and its characteristic pain syndrome have been relieved, and the disease itself has entered the stage of remission. It is important for patients themselves to understand this, since excessive zeal in the desire to recover quickly and performing exercises for the cervical spine without waiting for remission can only aggravate the process and further complicate the course of the disease:
  • Gymnastics should be performed regularly according to the principle “from simple to complex.” Over time, the number of approaches for each exercise, and therefore the load, will increase.
  • Doing exercises correctly does not mean it hurts. On the contrary, pain should be avoided. If exercise therapy sessions are always accompanied by pain, you should urgently consult with your doctor. You may have to give up some exercises or replace them with others that are more gentle. Or perhaps it turns out that the disease has again entered the “acute” phase, and you will have to wait a while with therapeutic exercises for the neck.
  • Gymnastics for the neck is always performed smoothly, since sharp bends or turns can further injure the vertebrae, cause muscle overstretching, or even injury to nerves and blood vessels;
  • Correct posture while performing the prescribed exercise therapy complex for neck health helps to increase the effect of the exercises;
  • Rotating the head and throwing it back is done very carefully. It is better to initially coordinate such exercises with specialists;
  • At first, the duration of classes should not exceed 10 minutes. Gradually the load will increase to 30 minutes. In total, the exercises can be performed up to three times per day.

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We will recommend you simple and effective sets of exercises that will make it possible to increase the maneuverability of the vertebrae and the flexibility of the neck. The first set of exercises for the neck is good and convenient because it can be easily done both at home and without leaving your workplace.

First exercise

Performed standing or sitting on a chair. The arms are relaxed and hanging along the body. The head smoothly turns to the left, then moves as far as possible to the right. When doing this, you need to position your nose and chin above your shoulder and hold there for 1–2 seconds.

If doing the exercise is difficult, you should start with an easier version: instead of slowly but “specifically” turning your head in each direction, make several smooth turns with a small amplitude.


When doing neck exercises, focus on your own sensations. Remember: pain during exercise is not a help; you cannot bring it to that point. If it occurs, you must immediately tell the instructor under whose supervision you are doing exercises for the cervical vertebrae.

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Second exercise

It is also performed standing or sitting, with the arms hanging along the body. The head drops down, you should try to touch the chest with your chin.

Performing the exercise allows you to improve neck flexibility and stretch tight muscles in the back.

Third exercise

The starting position is the same. With them hanging along the body, try to move your head back, retracting your chin. Regular practice allows you to compensate for the position in which most office workers almost constantly find themselves when the neck “stretches” forward, forming hyperextension of the posterior neck muscles.

The second complex can be prescribed in cases of chronic diseases of the cervical spine. Neck exercises in this complex are designed to strengthen weakened muscles, as well as relieve pain and strain.

  1. The first exercise can be done while sitting, place your palms on your forehead and try to lower your head, while overcoming their resistance. Exercise makes it possible to strengthen weakened muscles and develop “stagnant” vertebrae.
  2. The second exercise is performed almost the same as the first, only now you need to alternately rest your palms on your temples, trying to tilt your head to the sides, while simultaneously creating counteraction with your hands. Performing this helps strengthen the lateral muscles of the neck and makes it possible to partially relieve pain.
  3. Third exercise: sitting or standing, arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible and then lower your shoulders.
  4. The fourth exercise is massaging the area where the occipital bone meets the cervical muscles on the back of the head.
  5. The fifth exercise is also massage. Only this time you need to massage the shoulder blades at the attachment points of the neck muscles.

If a cervical hernia is detected, the entire exercise for the neck may consist of just one exercise:

  • Sitting straight, take a deep breath, slowly raise and throw back your head, directing your gaze to the ceiling;
  • Fix the position for 3-5 seconds, after which, also slowly, lower your head again.
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In addition to the classic complexes of physical therapy for the neck, some experts may recommend asanas and yoga poses from the recently gaining popularity of eastern practices, which have already proven themselves well as a kind of gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases. Thus, if performed correctly, yoga has no less therapeutic and preventive effect than classical exercises for neck pain.

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