Scenario of the holiday "Small Olympic Games" (for summer sports) for children of senior preparatory age for school. Summary of the physical education festival "Summer Olympic Games in preschool" Opening of the Summer Olympic Games in kindergarten

The Olympics are held over three days.

Tasks: To cultivate a love for sports, interest in the results and achievements of athletes. Promote the child's cognitive development by developing abilities in performing physical exercises and games. Promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: Flag, tape recorder, 4 stopwatches, 2 landmarks, tape measure, 2 jump ropes, 4 route maps, protocols, abdominal mats, 6 sandbags, 4 landmarks, benches for children.

Dictionary: Olympic Games, flag, victory, wreath, century.

First day of the Olympics. Opening

The sports ground is festively decorated with colorful balloons and flags. The hall is decorated with sports symbols, photographs of sports events, and children’s drawings with the following subjects: “I’m in physical education classes,” “I do physical education with my mom and dad.” Children and adults enter the hall. Children line up in two columns, one opposite the other.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! We have been gathered again today by the country of Sportlandia - a country of strong and brave, hardy and dexterous, fast and resourceful. Today we are holding small Olympic games among children of the senior and preparatory groups. Today the fastest and most dexterous children of our kindergarten have gathered here. It is you who will fight for the title of winner in various sports.


Flag of Russia, flutter

Arguing with the wind.

All children, like a song,

Sports unites!

Leading. Look up to the flag! Attention! Raise the competition flag! (The flag is raised by the group's athletes.) At ease.

Leading(addresses the head of the kindergarten). Will you allow us to open small Olympic games among children of senior and preparatory groups?

Manager. I authorize the opening of the Small Olympic Games among children of the senior and preparatory groups. (The head of the kindergarten is given the floor. The children come out.)

1st child.

In the old days, in the ancient world,

Twenty five centuries ago

I'm sorry but we didn't live in peace.

Brother went to war against brother.

And the wisest decided:

Eternal quarrels are terrible,

It is possible in courage and strength

Compete without war.

2nd child.

There was a simple green wreath

From olive branches

More precious than crowns

All warlike kings,

Because I'm not a warrior

I received a wreath like this

A worthy winner

And truly a hero.

3rd child.

From Ancient Greece, from Hellas,

The new century took an example,

Revived the Olympics

Modern man.

And for those who are in the field, in the hall,

Who was the first in the pool -

Olympic medals,

Olympic podium.

4th child.

Time flies like a bird,

And probably in good time

In the proud form of an Olympian

One of us will come out.

And in a completely ordinary tone

His peers will say about him:

— With the Olympic champion

We live in the same yard!

E. Ilyin

The presenter represents the jury and fans (they can be the children's parents or younger children).

Leading. Now let me introduce the teams of today's competition. (Children are divided in advance into senior and preparatory groups; there are only 4 teams per group of girls and boys.)

Captain of the 1st team. Welcome to Team Bubble. Our motto: “We will burst, but we will not give up.” (After the greeting, each team shows a rhythmic gymnastics complex. The teams are prepared in advance.)

Captain of the 2nd team. Team "Friends". Our motto is: “One for all and all for one.”

Captain of the 3rd team. Team "Athletes" Our motto: “Sport, guys, is very necessary. We are very friendly with sports.”

Captain of the 4th team. Welcome to the Tempered team. Our motto: “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” (Children perform the song “Fizkult-hurray!” (words by Z. Petrova, music by Y. Chichkov).)

Leading. Competitions will be held in five sports: running 30 meters - 2 attempts, standing long jump - 3 attempts, jumping rope in 30 seconds - 1 attempt, press from a sitting position in 20 seconds - 1 attempt, throwing an object into the distance - 3 attempts. All competitions will take place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And now...

Look, admire

On perky preschool children -

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.

Performances by girls gymnasts and boys acrobats. Amateur performance numbers.

Second day of the Olympics

Children enter the hall. Children are divided into 4 groups - girls of the senior group, boys of the senior group, girls of the preparatory group, boys of the preparatory group.

Leading. Team captains need to receive route maps according to which each team will complete the task. (Team captains receive route maps.)

Route maps


Before you compete,

We need to warm up quickly.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together.

Children stand in a circle, the musical and rhythmic composition “It's Fun to Walk Together” is performed, music by V. Shainsky.

1 figure.

Chorus: energetic jumps one after another.

Chorus: transition to energetic walking.

1 phrase - to the words “sing with us”, without stopping, arms to the sides, then: “quail” - arms up, “quail” - arms to the sides and down. 2, 3, 4 phrases - repeat the same movements.

At the words “pe-sen-ka”, step in place, arms smoothly downwards from the sides, at the end turn in the other direction.

2 and 3 figures: movements are repeated with a change in direction.

Losing: children move in all directions in hops, and when the loss ends, they stop in a free position.

Chorus: walking in place, with the end of the music a clear stop.

Each team performs movement according to route maps.

Each stage is festively decorated, there are signs: “Standing Long Jump”, “Running”, “Rope Jumping”, “Throwing”, “Press”. The children are met by judges who take all the necessary measurements at their stage. The results are recorded in the protocols. Cheerful music is playing. Children move as a team from stage to stage.

Stage 1. "Standing Long Jump". The jump is performed one by one, preferably according to the list of children in the protocol, into a sand-filled pit on loose soil or a gymnastics mat. Each child performs three jumps in a row without intervals. The length of the jump is measured from the take-off line to the place where the heel lands with an accuracy of 1 cm. The results of all three attempts are entered into the protocol, and the best result is taken for processing.

Stage 2. "30 meter run". On the command “March!” Children from a high start run to a flag, which is placed 2-3 meters further than the finish line. This prevents a decrease in speed before the finish. The time spent running the distance is recorded. When the child starts moving, the stopwatch starts and stops after the child crosses the finish line. All children run the distance one by one. Then a second try is given. The protocol records the running time in each attempt. The best result is taken into processing.

Stage 3. "Press". It is held in the hall. The child takes the starting position sitting on the floor, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees. One of the adults holds the child's legs. The child lies down on the floor and quickly returns to its original position. The stopwatch starts when the task begins. Turns off after 20 seconds. Monitor not only the quantitative indicator, but also the quality of the proposed task (when lowering your body to the floor, touch the floor with both shoulder blades, do not lower your arms).

Stage 4. "Jumping rope". Jumping rope should be performed on the asphalt on the court or on the floor in the hall. From the moment you jump rope, the stopwatch starts. Turns off after 30 seconds. The number of jumps is recorded in the protocol. If the child gets lost, he is allowed to jump further, and the count continues from the result where the child stopped.

Stage 5. "Throwing objects into the distance". Throwing objects (bag of sand - 200 g) should be done on an asphalt path, at least 3 m wide and 15-20 m long. The path encourages greater accuracy of the throw in a given direction. It is first marked with chalk with transverse lines every 0.5 m. At the ends of the line on both sides of the track, ordinal numbers are placed, reflecting the number of meters from the throw line. The task must first be fully explained to all children. The child makes three throws with his right hand (if children wish, they can throw with their left hand). The best result is recorded in the protocol.

Samples of protocols of small Olympic games

Preparatory group (girls) Standing long jump

The number of lines is based on the number of participants in each team. After completing all stages, the children gather on the sports ground.


Well done everyone today

Everyone is a daredevil today.

You competed with enthusiasm,

We watched with delight.

Now stand in a circle

Let's play together here.

Games are held at the request of the children.

Determination of the winners. The winners are determined in certain types of programs separately in each group (5-6 years old and 6-7 years old), separately in the boys’ group and in the girls’ group. Of the total number of attempts, the best result is taken into account. If the results are the same, participants are given additional attempts. The winners are determined immediately after the Olympiad.

Third day of the Olympics. Closing

The hall is festively decorated. On the wall hang photographs of children participating in the Small Olympic Games. To the recording of the song “Fizkult-hurray!” (words by 3. Petrova) children, fans and parents enter the hall. They take up space.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests. Today we congratulate our children, our stars, our athletes on their victory, their achievements. We meet the participants of the Small Olympic Games. (To the “Sports March” by M. Protasov, the teams enter the hall. They take a lap of honor. They stand in four columns.) We begin the award ceremony. We give the floor to the jury.

Rewarding children who took prizes in certain events. Children who take first, second and third places in individual events are awarded certificates and gifts. All other children receive incentive prizes.


We are very proud of you

And we are sure that you

Real athletes

They definitely should be.

Congratulate you

Many people want it.

Congratulate you

Many are in a hurry.

The head of the kindergarten and parents congratulate the children. The children come out.

1st child.

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

Love sports from an early age -

You will be healthy!

2nd child.

Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

3rd child.

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports

You will live a hundred years -

That's the whole secret!

4th child.

Train yourself to order -

Do exercises every day.

Laugh more cheerfully

You'll be healthier.

5th child.

Sports, guys, are very necessary!

We are strong friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant, sport is health,

Sports - games, physical education... yay!

E. Kurganova


And now for you gymnasts,

And then the acrobats,

But not alone, -

They will perform with the parents.

Sports exercises of gymnasts and acrobats together with parents.

Leading. Teams, line up. Look up to the flag. Attention. Lower the competition flag.

The flag is lowered by the winners of the Small Olympic Games. They take a victory lap.

Leading. The competition is over. Health, warmth and joy to everyone. Until new sports meetings.

Support group performance.

It is not known for certain when the ancient Greeks began holding the Olympics. Historians only know that in the 8th century BC the tradition of holding the Olympic Games was resumed. Nowadays, these competitions, which came from time immemorial, are incredibly popular all over the world.

If you decide to hold a sports event of a similar format for your “little Olympians,” then you will find the publications in this thematic section useful. After all, they are based, as they say, on real events, and contain valuable experience of teachers in organizing and holding sports events. Plans, scenarios, notes of various kinds of Small Olympic Games, etc. physical education leisure and entertainment, and simply live stories about similar events that took place are presented on these pages in a wide range.

We are dexterous, strong, brave! And we are ready to prove it.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Winter Olympic Games. Scenarios for sports events, entertainment, activities

Showing publications 1-10 of 1395.
All sections | Olympics. Scenarios of the Olympic Games, entertainment, leisure, sports events

Scenario of a sports festival at the “Small Summer Olympic Games” site Target: introducing children to the traditions of the big sports. Tasks: Continue to improve children's health. Reveal sporting interests, inclinations and abilities of preschool children. Develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance. Develop the ability to win and lose. ...

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Scenario of the sports festival “Summer Olympics”

Goal: To form in preschoolers ideas about the Olympic Games of our time as part of universal human culture


The phonogram “Sports March” plays.

Young Olympians enter the sports field. The guide carries the Russian flag, the rest of the guys carry flags.

Leading: Hello guys! We are beginning the opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

Guys, do you know what the Olympic Games are? (children's answers)

Leading: The Olympic Games are competitions for the best athletes. They originated in Ancient Greece, eight centuries BC. According to legend, Iphit, the king of Elis, turned to the sage, the Delphic oracle, with the question: “What can be done to protect the people from war and robbery?” And the sage advised him to hold sports games that would make all the Greeks friends. People in Greece loved sports and were happy about this decision. From then on, once every four years, ambassadors were sent along the roads of the country in all directions, carrying the news of the upcoming Olympic holiday and declaring a “sacred truce.” It was forbidden to come to competitions with weapons. Since their inception, the Olympic Games have brought peace and unity to peoples.

Leading: One of the symbols of the Olympics is the Olympic flame. Since ancient times, a torch has been lit from the sun's ray in Olympia. The Greek goddess Hera hands it over to the athletes, and the torch sets off. He is being taken to the city where the Olympic Games will be held. This torch is used to light a fire in a huge bowl that burns throughout the entire Olympic Games. And our Olympic flame is on its way and is about to arrive.

(The goddess Hera enters to the Greek music “Sirtaki”, carrying the Olympic flame in her hand.)

Leading: Look, Hera herself came down to us from Olympus to deliver the Olympic flame.


Greetings, young athletes! I've come a hard way and here I am! I wish you sports records; be dexterous, strong, purposeful.

I invite you to light the Olympic flame.

Relay (Olympic torch 2 pieces)

One child from each team holds a torch in their hands. One by one, they run like a snake between the chips, run around the landmark and return to their team, pass it on to the next player, and so on.

Leading: The Olympic flame has been delivered.

The Olympic Games competitors are lined up. Allow me to raise the Olympic flag.


I give permission!


The right to raise the flag of the Olympic Games is granted to children in the senior group of kindergarten.

Athletes stand at attention! Head to the flag!

(A melody sounds, the Olympic flag is raised)


Five multi-colored intertwined rings are a symbol of peace and friendship among athletes from five continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.


Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

They held hands tightly.


The Olympic Games are declared open! Let's start them with the Oath of Young Olympians.

(Children say the Oath.)


We swear to be honest and strive for victory,

We vow to achieve high records!

Children: We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading: So, I suggest you try your hand at summer sports -

And the symbol of the 2016 Olympic Games will help usRED CAT


Leading: Hello cat. How handsome and athletic you are. And you have a medal.

CAT: Hello, dear guys!

I have loved sports very much since childhood.

He taught me order.

I don't sleep for a long time in the morning.

I go up to exercise.

Then jogging and jumping

And push-ups.

Yes, the exercises are not easy,

But I am cheerful and cheerful.

Leading: Team assembled (Yes)

And everyone is healthy (Yes)

Ready to run and play (Yeah)

Then let's start our competition

Fun competitions.


The first type of competition is sports games.

"Pass the ball." Whose team will pass the ball to the end of the column faster?

The next event is athletics.

"Merry Jumpers" - jumping from hoop to hoop.

And now - tennis competitions.

"Running with a racket." Run with the racket and ball, trying not to drop it.

The next type of our competition is artistic gymnastics

"Rope Walkers" - walk along the rope with side steps, maintaining balance.

The next type of our Olympic program is swimming

« Swimming" - On the command “One, two, three – start of the game.” “We put on a circle and run around the landmark.” The team that finishes the relay first wins.

The next type of our Olympic program is shooting

« Don't miss" - throw a small ball into the basket.

Leading: It's time to take stock.

You were also dexterous, you were also brave,

You were strong, you were skillful.


Everyone deserved a reward - medals with the symbols of the Olympic Games in Rio 2016.

Leading: At this point, I ask you to consider the Summer Olympic Games closed.

I invite everyone to the dance “Come on, Russia!”

For children of senior preschool age

  • Create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.
  • Instill in children a love of sports and physical education, an interest in the upcoming Olympic Games in Sochi, and in sports competitions.
  • Consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes.
  • Develop children's creative abilities and imagination; encourage children to show initiative.
  • Foster a sense of camaraderie, collectivism, and the ability to control one’s actions.

The phonogram “Sports March” plays.

Host: Hello, dear guests! We are beginning the opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

The Zvezdochki team enters the central Olympic stadium. There are great guys on the team - future masters of sports. They are ready for a serious fight. We wish you guys happy starts!

The Snezhinki team enters the central track of the Olympic stadium. The team is strong in friendship and the desire to win. There are many sports stars here who will definitely shine at the Olympic stadium today.

Let's salute all the guys who did everything to perform great today at the Small Olympic Games.

What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participating in it is a reward

Anyone can win!

We are opening the Olympic Games

We invite everyone to this holiday!

We wish you health, happiness, joy,

May Olympic success come to you!

The holiday is joyful, beautiful,

It couldn't have been better,

And from all the children happy

Olympics - ours:

Children: hello!

Host: Today we are holding the Small Olympic Games.

(addressing the chairman of the organizing committee)

Dear Chairman of the Olympic Committee! Competitors of the Small Olympic Games are lined up. Allow me to raise the Olympic flag and light the Olympic flame!

Chairman of the organizing committee: I allow it!

Presenter: The honorary right to raise the flag of the Olympic Games is granted to the head of the kindergarten.

Teams line up for the ceremonial raising of the Olympic flag. Athletes stand at attention! Head to the flag!

(The Russian anthem sounds, the Olympic flag is raised).

There are no words written on the flags, but all people know that five multi-colored intertwined rings are a symbol of peace and friendship among athletes from five continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.

Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

They held hands tightly.

(Include presentation of the lighting of the Olympic flame.)

Leading. The Olympic flame travels a long way. It is lit by Greek girls near the ruins of Ancient Hellas. Many times, passing from hand to hand, the torch hurries across the world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today we also light the Olympic flame - a symbol of peace and friendship of the peoples of the planet.

Holy Olympic flame,

Burn over the planet of the century!

And the torch, lit today,

Let the flame of friendship burn.

And the slogan: “Peace to all peoples!”

Sounds at our holiday!

Leading. The Olympic Games are declared open. Today two teams are taking part in the Olympic Games. Before the competition, all participants take an oath, let us also swear today to be honest, to follow the rules of the competition, to respect the victory of the opponent.

1st presenter. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter. Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

1st presenter. Who is proud of the sports of their beloved Fatherland?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd presenter.

We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

We swear to achieve high records!

Children. We swear, we swear, we swear!

There are teams - they are ready!

Ensure the fairness of the game

There will be judges

Allow me to introduce the members of the panel of judges. (Performance)

Leading. We wish all participants good luck, health, happiness, sunshine and victories!

You are invited to try your hand at five types of winter sports - according to the number of rings on the Olympic flag:


Figure skating

The teams greet each other.

A child from the Snowflakes team:

Today we wish you:

Success and victories.

Team Stars

Hello to our physical education team!

A child from the “Stars” team:

Sports enthusiasm

We wish you well,

Team Snowflakes

In honor of our friendship

Let's shout a resounding "Hurray!"

Host: Now we can safely begin our competition. All athletes warm up before the start. Let's do some exercise and warm-up.

Warm up.

Presenter: Today a support group came to the Small Olympic Games. We invite you!!! (Girls' performances)

Another support group is rushing towards us. Meet!!!(Baba Yaga runs out).

Baba Yaga: Hello, good gentlemen.

What is the reason for the noise - hubbub - clamor?

Presenter: We are having the Olympic Games.

Baba Yaga: Ah, games! That means they were invited (nods towards the children and the jury), but I wasn’t!

I also want to go to the games.

Presenter: Here we have sports games.

Are you, Yaga, an athlete?

Baba Yaga: No, but my friend maybe yes.

I’ll call him now and tell him everything, everything. (calls, Kuzya runs out)

Kuzya: Oh, hello my friend. Why did you call me?

Baba Yaga:

We weren't invited to the games

We need to teach them a lesson.

We'll take everything for the games,

And we'll take everything home.

Everything will come in handy on the farm.

Wait, Baba Yaga and Kuzya, sports equipment, toys, we will give you anyway, if you show us how you will use them?
(They show: they put skis on their hands and play with each other, they fencing with clubs - they fight, they lie down on a sled and imitate swimming).

Presenter: You see, everyone was made fun of, you don’t know how to play sports games, that’s why you got everything mixed up.

Baba Yaga: (grabbing her sides)

Oh my goodness!

Like in a field of cornflowers:

We've flown by and can't catch up,

And I don’t recognize myself.

If only you could give me a massage,

I'd like to put on makeup.

I wish I could braid my hair,

Yes, lose two hundred years,

Then I would have shown “Wow”!

You, Yagusya, don’t be sad.

Turn to medicine!

I advise you

Sour cream mask

Then you will become again

Young, rosy!

No, dear Yaga.

We need to do physical exercises,

Do not track the sides.

We need to play sports.

Baba Yaga and Kuzya together:

We don't know how to do anything, teach us.

We also want to be - Nasty!


Presenter: Get in line quickly!

And our first competition is luge.

The team that completes the task faster will be the winner.

Wow! Kneaded my sides!

This work is not easy!

Well now I'm better

I'll sit on a stump.

I am my own health

For now, I appreciate it.

Baba Yaga:

Well, you're disgusting!

How unsportsmanlike!

To live a hundred years in the world,

We need to be friends with sports.

Don't you understand?

Come on, go join your team!

Addresses to the presenter: Continue the competition.

Presenter: Yes, our children are persistent in their studies, they are familiar with different sports, and they also know songs about sports and will sing them now.

Song "Sports Family"

From all sports life

I love hockey.

I would like a stick and a goal

So eager to score the puck!

Baba Yaga and Kuzya: Hockey - what is it - Sparrow, or from the fairy tale of Barmaley?

Presenter: Hockey is a creative game of a close-knit team. Each of you must move the puck around the posts with a stick and score a goal into the symbolic goal ( assistants show). Run back to the team with a stick in your hands and pass the baton to the next participant.

Are the teams ready? Then “Ready, attention, MARCH!!” (relay race to music)

Presenter: We give the floor to our judges (the results of the first relay are announced)

Pay attention a moment!

We continue the big competitions.

The next sport is Biathlon!

Biathlon is an Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle marksmanship.

Host: Let's take a little rest

and we’ll sing ditties on a sports theme.


Host: The next sport is curling.

Host: Well, the last competitions are the most beautiful in the Winter Olympic Games. This, of course, is figure skating. Figure skating is the highlight of the Winter Olympics, an amazing combination of beauty and strength.

Demonstration pair performances of figure skaters.

And it has come to us now

The most awaited hour.

If everything is already ready

Let the jury have a say!

Chief Judge:

We've been wondering for a long time

The best were chosen.

But we didn't know what to do

How should we reward the guys?

You were all great

And brave and honest,

This one is brave, and that one is daring,

This one showed strength.

For the athletes in this room

Who spoke today

Olympic medals,

Olympic podium!

(Olympic Games participants are awarded, music sounds.)

Baba Yaga:

Well, thank you guys

For teaching us

Sports wisdom.

Let's play sports

And douse yourself with water.

And in his native forest

We will open the stadium.

And now it's time to say goodbye

And we can return home.

Even before the Olympics

The road is long for us.

And may sweet medals

We have received it so far.

But we will hope

That a few years will pass

Real medals

We'll finally get it!


Admire, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.


Time flies like a bird

And probably in good time

In the proud form of an Olympian

One of us will come out.


And in a completely ordinary tone

His peers will say about him:

With the Olympic champion

We live in the same yard.

Congratulations to the Olympians.

Leading.Teams, stand at attention. The right to lower the Olympic flag is granted to the head of the kindergarten. Look at the flag, stand at attention. Lower the flag. The Winter Olympics are considered closed!


That's it!

And the holiday ended

It rang, played, made noise...

Helped us find out

This meeting is about the Olympics

You managed to find out.

Let it seem a little to someone,

And the scope is not that huge.

In every business, the beginning is important.

First year, first time, first step.

The children are in a good mood, cheerful and cheerful, leaving the hall to the music.