Presentation - equestrian sport. Presentation on the topic "equestrian sport" Presentation I love equestrian sport

I have had a love for horses since childhood 4/23 When I was very little, I often asked my mother the same question: “Why am I not a horse?” When the time came to choose a New Year's costume, and I was offered a chic butterfly dress, I sadly agreed, dreaming of a pony costume.

5/23 When my parents and I went to the City Garden in the summer, instead of riding on the carousel, I rode around the park on a horse several times. The best toys were horses, the best books and the most colorful magazines were also about them... Now this is my strongest hobby.


Horses are extraordinary animals: they have beauty, charm, nobility, strength and magic. From communicating with horses, a person receives a lot of positive energy, which gives a charge of vivacity and good mood. Popular wisdom says: a horse is a man’s wings. Many famous writers and poets spoke about horses. Thus, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote: “A horse is much more generous than a person, gifted with instinct and physical feelings. True, a person often surpasses her in vision, sometimes in reason. But a horse hears better than a cat, smells more subtly than a dog, and is as sensitive to the passage of time and weather changes as a rooster; in the memory of places, events and impressions there is no animal equal to it on earth; she has a sense of tempo to the same extent as a circus juggler or a first-class ballerina.” I agree with every word of the great Russian writer. 7/23

9/23 Horses are the best way to restore human health. In many countries around the world, special stables have been created at medical institutions, where patients are taught horse riding, which helps restore the normal functioning of the spine, limbs, and vestibular apparatus.

Classic types of equestrian sports are dressage (higher riding school, Dressage), show jumping (overcoming obstacles, Show Jumping) and eventing (Millitary, Three day event). Other disciplines include equestrian races on horses, speed or distance, competitions on harnesses. dressage, competitive wrestling, to improve the course, to develop agility among trotters, competitions, or tests, as equestrians say, have always been held. At first they competed one by one, with “arc” horses under the riders (the arctic galloped next to the trotter’s arc to encourage him to run more excitedly; with her presence she introduced a spirit of competition). Subsequently, hippodromes appeared with special tracks in the form of parallel straight lines, along which two or three horses ran at the same time. Later, even more horses began to participate in the race and they ran in an elliptical circle. 10/23

There are also several types of horses according to their intended purpose. Hobby-class walking horses are used for leisure. For tourism, horse riding - sports horses, for hippodrome tests - racing and trotting horses. In Russia, they include a fifth of the 2 million horse population. There are about 1.5 million working horses in Russia, although the need for them is three to four times higher. Russia 13/23

Horse color is the color of the horse's hair, skin and eyes. One of the main individual distinctive features. Like the colors of cats and dogs, the color of horses is not just a color, but a certain combination of colors, a type of distribution of pigments, which also has a genetic background. If horses have the same coat color, but different skin and eye colors, or the same coat color on the body, but different mane and tail, then their color may be different. Horses 14/23


The horse is considered a herbivore. On pasture, she eats from 25 to 100 kg of grass per day. Depending on age and live weight, a horse drinks an average of liters of water per day in summer and 2025 liters in winter. Herbivores You need to brush your horse every day: the coat with special brushes, the hooves with a hoof hook. It is very important to behave correctly: for example, do not squat, do not walk around an unfamiliar horse from behind, and do not make sudden movements. 17/23

“Four wives can buy gold, but a dashing horse has no price. He will not lag behind the whirlwind in the steppe. He won’t change, he won’t deceive...” M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” V. Gusev “Treat” Anichkov Bridge. St. Petersburg “The Little Humpbacked Horse” P. Ershov 18/23 Horse riding has always been a part of human culture. There are many superstitions, myths, legends and fairy tales, folk songs and poems, works of painting and sculpture associated with horses.

19/23 In heraldry, the image of a horse is often used, combining the symbolic qualities of several animals: the courage of a lion, the vision of an eagle, the strength of an ox, the speed of a deer, the agility of a fox. Heraldry In 1804, a white running horse on a green shield became the coat of arms of Tomsk. On June 17, 1991, the city authorities of Tomsk restored the historical coat of arms of the city

Groves, fields, bushes Hid a veil of snow. The horses of my dreams are rushing into the gray distance. This crazy flight is driving me crazy. The world is waiting for renewal - winter has come again. The air is so fresh and clean! In the white cascades of the wind's manes there is a cheerful whistle on the bells motif. May good luck await us and protect us from trouble, and let the soul sing to the clatter of hooves. May God give us many wonderful years. A trail has been laid among the roads of Sanny to the stars. Three dashing horses The snow kicks up as they run... The wings of my dream In our crazy age... O. Kuks 21/23

1. In the world of horses. Internet resource: 2. Illustrations. Internet resource: 3. Kuprin A.I. Wheel of time. Stories. M.: BUSINESSSOFT LLC (“IDDK”), Lermontov M.Yu. Hero of our time. M.: ABC, ABC-Atticus, Horses in human life. Internet resource: 23/23

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Creative project.

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    Equestrian sport.

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    Everyone who loves horses has a horse that is more beautiful and smarter than all of them. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an Arab or a trotter. The breed has no influence here... One day a horse, or maybe a horse, will bury its soft nose in your palm, Look with a kind and simple look... And you will understand that family with him..

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    What types of equestrian sports are divided into?

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    Purpose of the study.

    Hello! Today I will tell you about the sport that I practice - equestrianism. We will learn more about dressage and show jumping. And, most importantly, in the presentation we will see what dressage performances look like, as well as a film that I created about my racetrack.

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    Items of single-horse arcless harness: Collar. Belt collars Items of steam horse harness: Clamps. Chest straps. Tracks. Harnesses, bridles with bits and paired reins. Saddle. Boots. Blanket. Girth. Halter. Chumbur. Hackamore. Dowel.

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    Amazon Breeches Redingote Jockey Leggings Spurs Helmet Top Hat Tailcoat Whip Beach Safety Vest

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    Let's find out what kind of sport this is. Let's see how the performances are.

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    Dressage is a type of equestrian sport, a higher school of riding. At dressage competitions, the rider and horse perform various elements of riding, in a certain sequence - demonstration of the correct stance, lateral bending-passes, changes of legs, passage, piaffe, transitions from one gait to another, complex turns and pirouettes. The difficulty of the elements depends on the riding level. The rider must demonstrate the horse's level of training, athletic ability and ability to perform correct and productive movements at all gaits at varying tempos while maintaining correct body position. Dressage competitions are held - amateur and professional. Dressage is an Olympic sport.

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    Dressage is divided into several categories:

    “L” class: Preliminary, personal tests for juniors, Tests for youths (all), Tests for young horses (4-6 years), Challenger tests (except Small Prize), “M” class: Medium Prize No. 1, Small Prize , Freestyle for the Average Prize level No. 1, Freestyle for juniors, “S” class: Grand Prize, Grand Prize Travel, Freestyle for the Grand Prize level,

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    This is what the show looks like. In this case, the rider and horse must be one. To perform, you need to train your horse long and hard. Performance.

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    Show jumping

    Find out more information about this type of equestrian sport

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    Jumping (French concours hippique - equestrian competition) is a competition to overcome obstacles (from 6 to 18), taking place on the jumping field. Jumping began to be held in the mid-19th century in Belgium, then in France and Italy. In Russia, the first show jumping event was organized in 1889. Depending on the number of obstacles and their height, show jumping is divided into easy, medium, difficult and highest.

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    Michael Whitaker jumped the highest on a bareback horse named Red Flight in Dublin in 1982 - 2.13 m. The European record in the high jump of 2.35 m was set in 1988 by the Swiss Marcus Fuchs on a light gray Westphalian horse named Pushkin. The world record was achieved by the Chilean Vina del Mar on February 5, 1949, the jump height was 2.45 m.

    State Autonomous Educational Institution Tolyatti Social Pedagogical College
    Presentation on the topic Equestrian sport Completed by: Students of the FC -22 group Pozdnyakova Lyudmila Galkina Natalya Togliatti 2016

    Equestrian sport
    Equestrian sport dates back to ancient times, when riders competed with each other in speed, courage and agility. Even then it was included in the Olympic sports, and Alexander the Great, the mathematician Pythagoras, Julius Caesar and others are considered famous equestrians.

    Where is equestrian sport popular now?
    Currently, equestrian sport is widespread in the countries of Eastern and Southern Europe. You can find out where the sport is most popular by looking at which countries win the competition most often. For example, at the Olympic Games the teams most often winning were Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, the USA and Russia. And we can assume that it is in these countries that equestrian sport is most popular.

    When did equestrian sport appear in Russia? During Soviet times, equestrian sport began to develop in the 1920s in the Red Army. At the same time, general horse riding competitions began to be held. In the 30s of the 20th century, All-Union competitions began to be held for the first time. Gradually, sports societies began to be organized, such as “Spartak” and “Stroitel”. After some time, athletes moved from such societies to real professional horse racing. The Ashgabat-Moscow run was very popular. Soviet equestrian sport was united into a large association in the 50s of the last century. This association became known as the International Equestrian Federation.

    What clothes are not at all suitable for classes: Jeans. Yes, they fit tightly to the legs, but they hinder movement and can generally rub the legs with the inner seam. Sweatpants should also not be worn on horseback riding. The fabric from which they are made will form folds. In this case, the leg will be in the wrong position. Any pants with thick seams

    What kind of clothing should you wear for riding? Breeches should be made of natural fabric that fits the rider's figure and fits snugly to the horse. They can be made of suede. A jumper or jacket should also fit the figure, emphasize its shape and grace, but in no case hinder movement. Outerwear can be anything, depending on the time of year. A light raincoat or coat will do, preferably not fitted.

    Jumping is an equestrian sport competition included in the program of the Olympic Games. Riders take turns riding out onto a flat area and must cover the distance as quickly as possible, which contains about 18 different obstacles (fences, stone walls, water obstacles, etc.). At the same time, judges carefully monitor the movement of the horse and rider, recording errors and misses. The winner is the participant whose horse covered the distance the fastest and made the fewest mistakes. The cross usually takes place in the forest, where it is necessary to overcome natural obstacles and be able to navigate the terrain.

    Is equestrian sport included in the Olympic sports?????
    1) yes 2) no



    Are jeans suitable for riding?
    1) yes 2) no

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    A little about horses

    Horses are extraordinary animals: they have beauty, charm, nobility, strength and magic. From communicating with horses, a person receives a lot of positive energy, which gives a charge of vivacity and a good mood. Popular wisdom says: a horse is a man’s wings.

    Many famous writers and poets spoke about horses. Thus, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote: “A horse is much more generous than a person, gifted with instinct and physical feelings. True, a person often surpasses her in vision, sometimes in reason. But a horse hears better than a cat, smells more subtly than a dog, and is as sensitive to the passage of time and weather changes as a rooster; in the memory of places, events and impressions there is no animal equal to it on earth; she has a sense of tempo to the same extent as a circus juggler or a first-class ballerina.” I agree with every word of the great Russian writer.

    Equestrian sport includes all types of horse riding competitions. Main types: horse riding and harness riding. Equestrian sports include: dressage and higher riding school, overcoming obstacles, riding over terrain, endurance and speed runs, eventing (consists of dressage riding, cross-country riding and overcoming obstacles).

    Tests to identify the athletic qualities of horses are included in the group of testing horses under a rider.

    Types of equestrian sports

    • dressage
    • show jumping
    • triathlon
    • reining (western sport)
    • driving
    • vaulting

    Dressage is the highest school of horse riding. This is a sport in which the rider must demonstrate: the horse's ability to make correct and productive movements at all gaits at different tempos - from shortened to extended, smooth and rhythmic transitions from one gait to another, correct stance, settling (moving backwards), movements with lateral bending, complex movements developed by special training (pirouettes, changes of legs at a gallop at 4-1 pace, passage, piaffe). When performing these exercises, the horse must move while maintaining one or another position of its body, corresponding to the program number. In dressage, the presence of impulse is important - the desire to move forward, complete obedience to the controls, the actions of which should be almost imperceptible.

    • The most widespread and popular type of equestrian sport is show jumping (overcoming obstacles). In this type, the rider and horse must go through a route, overcoming obstacles installed on it, consisting of separate wooden parts.
    • Jumping is the youngest type of equestrian competition, it is barely a hundred years old, but it already has many fans. France is considered the birthplace of show jumping. In the fifties of the last century, at the Paris Horse Show, competitions in jumping over various obstacles, called “jumping-jumping,” were held for the first time. The active organizers and participants of the first show jumping competition were cadets of the Samyur Cavalry School and officers from other countries who underwent training and internship there. The Italian cavalry school in Pinerodo made a great contribution to the development of this type of equestrian sport.


    • The most difficult of the Olympic equestrian sports is eventing. These competitions are held over three days. On the first day, riders show their skills in dressage riding, the pattern of which is similar to simple dressage programs. On the second day, field tests are carried out, consisting of road driving, steeplechase and cross-country.
    • The main difficulty in these competitions for most participants is passing the route over rough terrain. It includes up to 28 blind obstacles up to 120 cm high and up to 180 cm wide that are not destroyed when hitting obstacles. Its length is up to 7200 m in competitions for horses aged 5-7 years. For the latter, the height of obstacles in steeplechase and cross-country is 110 cm. On the last day of the competition, after a thorough check of the horses by the veterinary commission for safety, obstacles with a height of up to 120 cm for adults and up to 110 cm for young horses are overcome according to the rules of show jumping.


    Vaulting(from the French voltiger - to flutter) is an equestrian discipline in which athletes, a pair or a group of athletes perform programs consisting of gymnastic and acrobatic exercises on a horse moving in a circle at a walk or gallop.

    An athlete who vaults is called a vaulter. The movement of the horse is controlled by a spar (cord) located in the center of the circle.

    There are three types of vaulting competitions:

    Individual vaulting

    Couple vaulting

    Group vaulting

    Horse breeds

    Horse breeds are very diverse and numerous: Arabian, Friesian, Icelandic pony, Percheron, Oryol trotter and many, many others.

    Icelandic pony


    Oryol trotter

    The horse is considered a herbivore. On pasture, she eats from 25 to 100 kg of grass per day. Depending on age and live weight, a horse drinks an average of liters of water per day in summer and 2025 liters in winter. You need to clean your horse every day: the coat with special brushes, the hooves with a hoof hook. It is very important to behave correctly: for example, do not squat, do not walk around an unfamiliar horse from behind, and do not make sudden movements.

    Horse racing-

    expressways competitions

    Rules: when you approach a horse, do it from the left, quietly with

    speak to her, attract her attention, sit down and get off

    horses only on the left side, remember to work with

    the horse can only be ridden on the left side (lead, saddle and

    etc.), do not approach the horse from behind, and do not make sudden movements,

    bring your hand to the horse's muzzle

    smoothly, when talking to her, do not feed the horse with gloves, treats

    serve on open palm.

    The benefits of horse riding are suitable for almost everyone.

    who leads a sedentary lifestyle (at work - at the table, at home - at

    sofa). After all, horse riding stimulates the leg muscles responsible for

    for the movement.

    Benefits of horse riding: graceful posture

    Correct seating on a horse also means constant

    maintaining posture. After all, the rider must steadily

    sit in the saddle and the horse should feel the rider,

    because the back is straight. If you have

    there are violations

    posture - horse riding for

    you. You will feel the effect immediately: how

    just get off

    from a horse, you will be with one like this