Musical physical exercises. All-Russian festival “Physical Minutes in the Lessons” Download presentation Physical Minutes for Primary School

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ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE One, two, three, four, five, We know how to relax. They stood up, sat down a little, and didn’t hurt their neighbor. And now you have to get up, sit quietly, start writing (Read). They stood up on their tiptoes, lowered their arms, and now sat down. They grabbed their knees. We got up again - legs together And we are already sitting in place Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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The sun is calling us to exercise. We raise our hands on the command: “One!” And above us the foliage rustles merrily. We lower our hands on the command: “Two!” We raise our hands up, And then we lower them, And then we separate them And quickly press them to ourselves. Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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One, two - there is a rocket (Hands up) Three, four - an airplane (Hands to the sides), One, two - clap your hands, And then on every count. One, two, three, four - We walked around in place. Tick-tock, Tick-tock, Spin around like this all day (Hands on your waist, bending to the side). Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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The basket was standing on the shelf idle (sit down, round your arms - imitate a basket) She was probably bored all summer (tilts her head, left and right) Now autumn has come and the foliage has turned yellow, (stand up, imitate tree branches) The time has come to harvest. (stretch, pretend to pick fruit from the trees) The basket is happy (round your arms in front of you, nod your head) She was surprised (spread your arms) That so many fruits were born in the garden! (rise on your toes, show a large circle with your hands) Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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We decided to toughen up, one - two - one - two! (squats, with arms stretched out in front of you) And douse yourself with water, one - two - one - two! (raise your hands up, imitation of dousing) And then we use a towel, one - two - one - two! Let's not forget to rub ourselves, one - two - one - two! (imitation of rubbing with a towel) Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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So we planted a turnip (bend over) And watered it with water (imitation of movement) And now we will pull it (imitation of movement) And we will cook porridge from the turnip (imitation of food) And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip! (show “strength”) Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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One, two, three, four, five, Let's start to relax! (stretch) The back was cheerfully straightened, The arms were pulled up! Once and twice, sit down and stand up to rest again. Bend forward once and twice, bend backward once and twice. (pendulum movements) So we have become stronger, (show “strength”) Healthier and more cheerful! (smile at each other) Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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We sweep the paths (imitation movements) We collect leaves into piles (bend over, imitate the movement) So that while walking, the kids have fun from the heart! (jumping in place) Oh, we’re tired (“wipe the sweat from your forehead”) Let’s rest (sit down) And let’s go home quickly (steps in place) Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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I’m walking along the path (steps in place) And a grasshopper is jumping nearby (jumping in place) I’ll bend over and take it in my hands (bend over to “take the grasshopper”) He doesn’t need to jump here (shake a finger) Let him sit better in the grass (steps in place, palms “hold the grasshopper”) Everything will be fine with him (bend over “let go of the grasshopper”) Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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To be completely healthy, everyone needs physical education. First, in order - Let's do some exercises in the morning! And without any doubt, there is a good solution - Running is useful and the game is good for kids! Without a doubt, everything related to movement is useful to us. That's why guys, we'll do exercises. Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

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We clap our hands, clap, clap (clap above our heads) We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp (raise our knees high) Shake our heads (move our heads back and forth) We raise our hands, we lower our hands (raise our hands, lower them) We squat low and we stand up straight (sit down and jump) Pisarevskaya T.P.BSOSH No. 1

Marina Babich
Presentation “Musical physical exercise”

One of the most effective ways to prevent fatigue, improve the general condition of children, and change their activities is short-term physical exercise, the so-called physical minutes. They relieve muscle tension caused by immobility and switch attention from one activity to another. Physical exercises in preschool educational institutions, as a rule, are carried out approximately in the middle of the educational activity for 1-2 minutes in the form of game actions. Children enjoy simple exercises that are accompanied by poetry and, if possible, related to the theme and content of the activity. The main thing is that the movements are simple, accessible and interesting to every child; they should be quite intense, affect many muscle groups, but not be excessive. Merry physical minutes can be used in working with preschoolers from a very early age. They have a positive effect on brain activity, activate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve blood supply to internal organs and the performance of the nervous system. Fizminutka- this is one of the mandatory, thoughtful elements in educational activities. It is necessary and important, it is a “minute” of active and healthy rest. Exercise is fun, interesting and useful!

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The benefits of physical education minutes at school

Primary school children, due to their inquisitiveness and excess energy, are often not ready to process the flow of information that hits them in the classroom. Parents demand that teachers increase the teaching load and diversify the development of their children. The result is schoolchildren’s distractibility, poor learning of the material, and often also physical abnormalities associated with weakened posture and deteriorating vision.
Physical minutes in class will help improve the perception of the material and at the same time prevent children from becoming overtired. Their task is to prevent excessive fatigue in children. Having conducted many studies in this area, scientists have proven that physical exercise has a positive effect on brain processes. They not only activate the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, but also increase blood supply to organs. The performance of the nervous system also improves.
The exercises chosen by the teacher will depend on which muscles the children need to relax. Physical education sessions can be complemented by soft music or a multimedia presentation. Teachers pay special attention to muscles that have not yet become stronger, which experience additional stress during the educational process. Most often, they choose simple exercises that relieve fatigue of the hands and relax the eyes.
But the full list of exercises is much wider. It includes:

Exercises to relieve general tension;
- gymnastics for hearing;
- exercises aimed at maintaining posture;
- breathing exercises.
Physical education minutes not only have a positive effect on the body, they allow the child to relax from heavy mental activity and promote harmonious physical development. Physical moments are spent in a fun and simple way. To do this, they are accompanied by rhymes, which allows you to simultaneously train your memory. After play exercises, children's mood improves and they perceive new material better.

It is better if health-saving technology is tied to one topic: animals, transport, popular heroes. A set of exercises united by one topic can last 3-5 minutes and even become part of the lesson. Moreover, light exercises can carry additional information and be associated with counting and geometric shapes.

Simple physical exercises in a playful way develop children’s motor abilities, promote the need to improve health and engage in independent physical activity. The whole set of exercises contributes to the development of volitional qualities.