Methodological development of entertainment “It's fun to walk together” for children of senior preschool age. “It’s fun to walk together” lesson plan on the topic “An old tree stump will turn green”

Sports and entertainment program for schoolchildren It’s fun to walk together"

The material is aimed at establishing and strengthening parent-child relationships, a friendly attitude towards each other and will be useful to teachers of boarding schools, as well as preschool teachers.

Target: organizing space for establishing and strengthening parent-child relationships

- promote the establishment of friendly relationships between adults and children;
- to form a sense of community, consistency and cohesion of actions, the ability to interact in a team;
- introduce a healthy lifestyle;
- promote the development of a friendly attitude towards each other

Participants of the event: pupils of grades 4,5,6, potential adoptive and birth parents, invited foster families (families raising adopted children).

Progress of the event.

Participants stand in a circle.
- Good afternoon, guys and adults! We are glad to see you all together at the sports and entertainment program “It’s Fun to Walk Together.” We know that when we are together, when we are friendly, it is easier for us to cope with any problems and solve complex problems.
In sports there is a start and a finish. What does start mean in our everyday life? Start is the beginning of something new, kind and good. For children, this is the beginning of a new school year; for adults, this could be the beginning of a good relationship with someone or making a decision that can be very important in their life. Let our start be a fun and good undertaking for everyone.
- To begin with, I invite all participants to get acquainted.
1. Exercise “Say the name”
The first one says his name, the second one says his name and the name of the first one, etc., until the circle is completed.
- So we met. Now we need to calculate by 1-2-3.
(3 teams of players, each comes up with a name for their team, the presenters tie ties of 3 colors around their necks)

2. “Write your name” relay
- To better remember each other’s names, let’s do one task:
In front of each team, a blank sheet of paper is attached to the wall. The relay baton is a red flag. Each player in turn runs up to the Whatman paper and writes his name. The winners receive loud applause.

3. “Merry Three”
- Now let’s play an interesting game “Merry Three”. Let's see whose team is the most friendly and united.
(3 teams stand in a line one after another. The first participant runs forward with an arc and a bell on his shoulders, runs around the obstacle, returns to the team. The second participant joins him, they run along the same route, then the third, etc. until the last the participant will not join and the whole team will not run. Important condition: do not leave each other.)

4. “Show me”

- Sometimes we like to portray, show someone. Now you are invited as a whole team to depict what will be written on the piece of paper. And the other two teams must guess what you showed. (A representative of each team pulls out a piece of paper with a written word: orchestra, centipede, zoo)

5. Autumn riddles
- Guys and adults! Do you like to solve riddles? Then listen carefully, each team has 3 riddles and if the team does not guess, then the rest of the participants help.

1. All striped from the showers
The ninth month has come to us
We're running home through puddles
The little umbrella got wet.
So, what month is it today?
Have you come to visit us, my friend? (September)

2. Across the skies in a horde
Sacks with holes are running,
And it happens sometimes
Water leaks from bags

3. Without a path and without a road
The longest legged one walks
Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,
Only feet on the ground (rain)

1. I'm wearing a colored hat
I'm standing on my own leg.
I have my own habits -
I always play hide and seek. (mushroom)
2. Above you, above me
A bag of water slipped through.
Ran into a distant forest,
He lost weight and disappeared. (cloud)

3. Where the sun is
That's where he looks (sunflower)

1. Its in spring and summer
We saw him dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
All the shirts were torn off. (tree)

2. Prowls across the field,
Sings and whistles
Breaks trees
Bends to the ground (wind)

3.Dark-skinned toddler
Carrying a load that is not suited to his height (ant)

6. “Dress up nicely.”
- When we are going somewhere: on a visit, to a store, for a holiday, etc. We, of course, dress beautifully. And our next competition is called “Dress up beautifully.”
(One participant from the team is selected - they will be dressed up. These participants stand next to a basket of things (skirt, vest, scarf, shirt, hat, etc.). One by one from the team they run up and put on one thing until the cart will not be empty.

7. Game “Carry shopping”
- Each of us loves to go to stores and do shopping. Now each team, like one family, will shop.
(Opposite each team, on the other side of the hall, there are 2 chairs. On them are laid out: a skittle - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, fruit - props, etc. At the signal, the first one takes the basket and runs to the chair. Puts one “product” in the basket and returns back and passes it on to the next member of his team and so on until all the “products” are in the basket.

8. Tree of Friendship(creative task)
- Over the course of several competitions, the team members became friends, performed various tasks together, and it worked out well for you. And now your team must show creativity and draw a tree of friendship. Tell us what it is, what benefits it brings.
(Teams are offered whatman paper with a drawn tree trunk and each team member traces his hand, forming the crown of a tree. If desired, write a good wish to your family or friends in the middle of the palm. At the end of the work, describe what kind of tree it is, what benefits it brings to people and animals, birds .

Draw a conclusion:
- A tree has roots, branches, foliage... and friendship has its own roots, relationships, strong and not so strong. Foliage and branches together, forming a crown, are beneficial, protecting on a hot day, creating a home for birds, etc. So it is with people, when they are together, when they are friendly, both children and adults, everything works out for them and they don’t mind any obstacles or troubles, they cope with it well together.

9. Performing a song to the soundtrack “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”
All participants are invited to stand in a large circle and, to the music, perform dance movements, sing the song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together.”

At the end of the event, there is a sweet treat for all children and a chance to speak (if desired) to potential adoptive parents.

Game for preschoolers “It’s fun to walk together”

Target: relieving emotional and muscle tension in a group of preschool children.


  1. Establish a positive atmosphere in the classroom;
  2. Reduce tactile tension in the group;
  3. Forming a positive attitude towards each other in the group.


Participants form two circles - internal and external, equal in number.

The players in the inner circle turn their backs to the center and pairs are formed.

“I am a blackbird, you are a blackbird, I have a nose and you have a nose, I have scarlet cheeks and you have scarlet cheeks. You and I are two friends. We love each other.”

At the same time, couples perform movements: with an open palm they point at themselves and their neighbor, touch their fingertips to their nose and the neighbor’s nose, to their cheeks, hug or shake hands, saying their names.

Then the outer circle takes a step to the right, and new pairs are formed, the game continues.


Participants stand in a circle, holding each other by the waist. Saying the words “Locomotive chuh-chuh-chuh”, after each phrase the participants move their hands from the neighbor’s belt to the previous participant and repeat the phrase while walking in a circle.


Participants stand holding hands in a circle, then the leader unfastens the circle and begins to spin it into “Cabbage”, then asks the guys to spin it back themselves.


The guys need to get to the other side of the swamp. The hummocks (sheets of paper) scattered throughout the swamp can help them with this. Participants need to walk through the swamp without releasing their hands.

Animals catch up

Ask the children which animal they like best. The guys take turns answering. Then start playing tag, but you need to run exactly as the animals they named would run.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Educational program "It's fun to walk together"

We all know well that the development of a child is closely connected with the characteristics of the world of his feelings and experiences. Emotions, on the one hand, are an “indicator” of the child’s state, on the other hand, they are the...

Antonenko Lyudmila
Entertainment for older children “It’s fun to walk together!”

Tasks: Increase interest in physical education, in various types of motor activities; ensure high physical activity; create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being; develop the ability to support each other, mutual assistance and a tolerant attitude towards a friend; contribute to the formation of health and expansion of the functional abilities of the body.

Equipment: recordings of musical accompaniment «» Shainsky, "Good Beetle" Spadevecchia; balloons, balls, 2 canvases, hoops, soap bubbles.

Progress of entertainment:

Leading: Attention-attention! I invite everyone to our holiday! Today everyone has a chance to show their capabilities: speed, resourcefulness, ingenuity and friendship. We're hitting the road everyone together.

« It's fun to walk together» .

Children stand in front of the teacher in a checkerboard pattern.

If they lose, they clap their hands.

« It's fun to walk through the open spaces together, across the expanses, across the expanses

And of course it’s better to sing in chorus, better in chorus, better in chorus.”

Walking waving his arms in place.

“Sing with us little quail”

Perform a spring, hands on the belt.

“Once a needle, two needles, there will be a Christmas tree”

Place your right leg to the side, then your left leg, connect your fingers above your head, and squat slightly.

“One plank, two planks, there will be a ladder”.

Place the right arm bent at the elbow in front of the chest, and then the left one, alternately changing the position of the hands in front of the chest.

“One word, two words there will be a song”

They put their right hand up, then their left, and clap their hands above their head.

To the chorus walking.

Leading. We are all happy about this meeting, we did not gather for a reward, we need to meet more often so that we can all live together. Let's say hello.

The children turn to each other and clap their hands.

Leading. You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health because you said "Hello". This means we wish you good health. There is such a thing expression: “Whoever does exercises gains health”. Let's warm up?

Warm-up game "Let's get acquainted".

Children stand in a circle and do warm-ups to the music of the song. "Chunga-changa". At the end of the music, they take each other’s hands and say their name loudly.

The clown Fedya rides in on a bicycle, makes a circle, stops, and greets the children.

Leading. Rides his bike towards us funny clown Fedya.

Fedya. I’m glad to come to your kindergarten party today and I prepared air balloons as a gift for cheerful kids.

Leading. Hello, clown Fedya.

Fedya. Hello adults, hello children. I came to see your holiday. I brought these wonderful balls with me to give them to the children, but maybe you have only idiots? Then who will I give the gifts to?

Leading. Fedya, don’t rush, sit down, relax, look at the holiday. Children, let's show Fedya how clever we are, so that the clown can be convinced that there are no incompetents among us.

Game "Jugglers"

Shapoklyak enters. Hello everyone, spinning girls, stump boys! Do you recognize me? Who am I? I missed the bus. I see a kindergarten, music, let me see what the children are doing. What do you have here?

I really love holidays, but what do they do on them? Are you playing? How I like to play. I know such wonderful games, for example, smear a bench with glue, and when someone sits on it, here it's fun! Good game?

Children. No!

Shapoklyak. Then another one. A man is walking down the street, and I pour a bucket of water on top of him! Great!

Children. No!

Fedya. Listen, what games are you playing? you teach children.

Shapoklyak. That's it! I won't do it again. Fedya, can you help me? I saw some very tasty candies in the store. Go buy it.

Fedya. You forgot to say something.

Shapoklyak. OK. Please!

Fedya. Okay, I'll go, but you won't do anything bad don't teach children. And then you guys will tell me everything.

Shapoklyak. Gone? Finally. And I invite you to play a game with me. I was walking down the street and pulled out my wallet (drops a wallet tied on a string to the floor). Boy, help me lift my wallet (the child bends down, and Shapoklyak pulls the string and runs away from the purse). You don't know how, boy.

(invites another)

The clown Fedya appears. You deceived me, Shapoklyak. The store is already closed. What did she teach you here? Good? Well, Shapoklyak, now we’ll play another game.

Game "Throw the ball into the basket".

Shapoklyak. Difficult game. It's hard for me to play it.

Leading. Don't be upset, Shapoklyak. We sing you a song let's have some fun.

Musical and rhythmic composition "Good Beetle".

Shapoklyak. I'm still offended by you. Play difficult games. Well, I’ll arrange a holiday for you! (leaves angry).

Leading. But we are not afraid. I have a new game for you.

Game "Find your color".

Leading. And now you, Fedya, are convinced that our children are collected and friendly.

Game "Hot Potato".

Leading. Well done! They did the task very well. And now I invite girls.

Game "Pass the ball".

Leading. And now I invite our friendly boys.

Game "Sharp Shooter".

Leading. Well done! Show how well you know how to handle balls. And you, Fedya, what do you say to the boys and girls?

Fedya. You competed, played and laughed! In all tasks tried very hard. Thank you for the science game. It doesn't hurt anyone to be resilient and agile. And now I want to give you balloons! (leaves).

Shapoklyak appears. You won't get anything, I took everything and hid it.

Fedya returns. All the balloons have disappeared somewhere! You don't know where they are?

Children talk about Shapoklyak.

Fedya. What should we do?

Leading. I know and will definitely help! Children, do you know how to catch soap bubbles? Let's play?

Under cheerful music catches bubbles.

Shapoklyak. Nothing can scare you! Take your balls. I will never be mischievous again.

Adults take out the balls. Children hand over a ball. A dance with balloons is performed.

Leading. We are ending the holiday! Goodbye! We wish you to always be healthy!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated physical education lesson for older children “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together” Integration of educational areas: “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”. Objectives: 1. Physical development: - Exercise.

Sports entertainment "It's fun to walk together" Sports entertainment "It's fun to walk together" For children and parents of the first junior group on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. (group No. 7 "Golden.

Entertainment with dramatization of the fairy tale “It’s fun to walk together...” for the older group"It's fun to walk together. "Fun with dramatizing a fairy tale. (senior group) Goal: Development of emotional responsiveness and mutual assistance.

Parents' club "It's fun to walk together" State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school with. Pestravka municipal.

Travel game “It’s fun to walk together...”

Goals: form the concept of the term friendship;

Develop critical thinking and group work skills;

Develop respect for other people;

Develop emotional responsiveness and a sense of confidence.

Attention! Attention!

A fun party opens.

Hurry up, honest people,

Our holiday is calling you!

There are so many people in the hall,

A glorious holiday will be here.

So, what we were told was true,

That the guys are waiting for us here.

So come on, let's be friends!

Let us remember the poems more than once.

If you always value friendship,

Any wish will come true!

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute always.

The one with whom you become friends.

So that everyone has enough in life

Wonderful human kindness.

You will hear someone's song.

And it will become brighter all around.

The most magical miracle

It’s not for nothing that we call it friendship!

Let's greet each other.

Girls raise your hands! And the boys will clap their hands. What beautiful and smart girls we have.

Now boys raise your hands and girls clap. What strong, brave boys we have.

Stomp your feet for those with dark hair.

Clap your hands for those with blond hair.

You are all different, but we study at the same school, we celebrate holidays, we love candy and ice cream.

THAT'S WHY OUR holiday-trip is dedicated to friendship and tolerance. It was celebrated this week on November 16th

Presenter: - Our holiday today is called “It’s fun to walk together.” It is dedicated to friendship and tolerance.

Travel conditions:

Each class receives a route sheet and, together with the teacher, goes on a trip to 4 stations. Make movements quietly, calmly, without rushing. For correctly completed tasks of each stage the class will receive FRIENDSHIP TALISMANS and stick them on your posters

-Have a fun journey that you will go on today,will helpmake your class, our school, our country and the whole worldspacefriendship and tolerance!

Stage 1"Good."

1. - Guys, who knows what it means to be polite? (children's answers)

-Guys, listen to the poem, guess what “magic” word needs to be said, finish it:

-Even a block of ice will melt,

from a warm word... (Thank you)

-The old stump will turn green,

when he hears... (Good afternoon)

-When we are scolded for pranks,

we say: ... (Excuse me, please)

-Both in France and Denmark at farewell

they say: ... (Goodbye)

-The boy is polite and developed,

says while meeting...(Hello)

- What if it’s an English boy? How does he greet? Is it goodbye?

- Does the Uzbek boy say hello?

-What about the German boy? And the French boy?

Well done, YOU even know foreign polite words.


You will be a defender, without timidity before the strong. (S.Ya. Marshak)

3 . Game "What is good and what is bad."

You need to sort the pictures into groups: good or bad. (Well done!)

4. Guys, you answered very well. Here are your friendship talismans, move on, success!

( Give a petal and a leaf with a poem )

Stage 2 “Living Word”(prepare cards with words and place them on 1 table)

1.-- Guys, name the best and most beautiful qualities of a person (what kind of people do we love?) Children answer: kindness, cordiality, care, love, etc.) - Well done! These are all qualities of a tolerant person.

2. Tolerance is peace and friendship.

3. And this is the task.

Before you is the word “ Tolerance". It is necessary to select words related to the concept of tolerance for each letter of this word. For example: the letter T means patience, the letter E means unity.

But here’s the problem: the first letters of the words were lost.

Substitute the words to the letter that is missing.

(The words will be: - Patience, communication, love, unity, joy, activity, morality, cordiality.

4. - Well done! How many good and kind human qualities have you named! Get friendship talismans and move on!

(Children receive a petal and a leaf with a poem)

Stage 3 “Friendship”

1. - Our station is called “FRIENDSHIP”.

Do you have friends? What are their names?

- And who is the first, closest and most beloved friend in the whole wide world for children of all countries and peoples? (mother)

What about at school? (teacher) A friend can be an old teddy bear who listens to you when you are in a bad mood.

Your favorite book can also become a friend!

2. Game: "Guess the friend."

- I will name the fairy-tale character, and you guys, in unison, name his friend. So let's begin:

Good Kid and……. (Carlson).

Green Crocodile Gena and……. (Cheburashka).

Good Snow White and……. (Seven Dwarves).

Funny chipmunks Chip and ...... (Dale).

Trusting Pinocchio and...... (Pierrot, Malvina).

Funny Winnie the Pooh and ..... (Piglet, etc.).

Uncle Fedor and ... (cat Matroskin, Sharik)

Dunno and .... (Knowledge, etc.)

Girl Ellie and ... (Scarecrow, Lion, etc.)

Ivan Tsarevich and ... (Gray Wolf)

3. If you have friends in the world, everything is wonderful, everything blooms.

Even the strongest wind, even a storm, will not bend.

We will walk cheerfully in the rain, in the snow, and in the cold.

We are friends in any weather, this friendship cannot be broken.

So come on, let's be friends!

Let us remember the poems more than once.

If you always value friendship,

Any wish will come true!

4. Now show how friendly you are. Collect a picture from puzzles.

5. Well done, guys! We got it done quickly. Get friendship talismans and move on. ( Children receive a petal and a leaf with a poem)

Stage 4 “Friendly hands”

Let's draw a symbolic picture “Friends” as a symbol of friendship for the children in your class. You will paste this picture onto your poster. The picture is extraordinary. IT will be done by your hands.

To do this, select 2 artist guys who will draw it.

And the rest will circle their fingers and sign the kindest and most polite words on each finger.

Children trace their hands and draw themselves (as a symbol of friendship among the class).

4. Well done, guys!

Remember that it is easier for kind, merciful, tolerant people to live and communicate with each other; Communication with such people brings joy.

(Children receive a petal, a piece of paper with a poem and their own drawing of a symbol of friendship)

Children glue their mascots onto the poster.

Awarding certificates for participation in the game “It’s Fun to Walk Together.”

Host: Let us conclude our holiday and in honor of true friendship, which There will be a fireworks display in your class. .

“Red” - the girls clap.

“Yellow” - the boys clap.

“Green” - everyone claps together.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who shared it with us! See you again, friends!

At the end of the holiday, a round dance is performed to the song “If you went on a journey with a friend.”

Poems for printing:

If you are polite and not deaf to your conscience,

You will give up your seat to the old woman without protest.

If you are polite in your heart and not for show,

You will help a disabled person get on the trolleybus.

And if you are polite, then sitting in class,

You and your friend won’t chatter like two magpies.

And if you are polite, you will help your mother,

And offer her help without asking - that is, yourself...

And if you are polite, to the weaker one,

You will be a defender, without timidity before the strong.

Tolerance is peace and friendship.
Everyone needs to know about this!
Be tolerant always and in everything.
And any business will be of no concern to you.

If you have friends in the world, everything is wonderful, everything blooms.

Even the strongest wind, even a storm, will not bend.

We will walk cheerfully in the rain, in the snow, and in the cold.

We are friends in any weather, this friendship cannot be broken.

So come on, let's be friends!

Be cheerful so that you become happier

The one with whom you become friends.

So that everyone has enough in life

Wonderful human kindness.

Will you hear someone's song

And it will become brighter all around.

The most magical miracle

It’s not for nothing that we call it friendship!

MBOU "Secondary School No. 94"

Travel game 2nd grade

"It's fun to walk together"

Made up

primary school teacher

Isaeva Valentina Vasilievna

Novokuznetsk, 2015

(Middle preschool age)

Progress of entertainment

Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of calm music and sit on rugs at the entrance.

Instructor: Guys, today we are going on a trip, and so that we don’t get lost, we have a map (shows the map).

Let's walk happily

We will jump and play.

There are rails on the map, what does that mean?

That's right, we need to get on the train now.

By carriages!

Children line up one after another and move forward at a signal -"Trailers".

Instructor: Well, guys, we have reached the turn, as shown on the map. Then you need to go across the bridge - “Across the bridge to the meadow.”

Instructor: Well done, we crossed the bridge!

Children stand in a circle and, together with the instructor, look at where to go next.

The right thing to do is to walk over the bumps and not take a step off them - “From bump to bump.”

Instructor: How clever and attentive you are!

Let's look at the map again.

Instructor: How many obstacles have we overcome, well done! But look, the map shows logs that you need to climb over. Come on, carefully one after another - “Across the log.”

Instructor: Look, the lawn is all strewn with stumps. But we are so tired, let's take a seat.

Children sit on stumps and perform breathing exercises together with an instructor - raise their arms up and lower them down.

Instructor: Well, we’ve rested a little, now let’s play the game “Find yourself a tree stump.”

The children sit on the stumps, start running around the lawn to the music (at this time we remove one stump), as soon as the music stops, they look for a stump. Whoever hasn’t found it, we say to him: “Petya, Petya, don’t yawn, take your place!” After these words, the music starts again. The game is repeated 3 times.

Instructor: Well done, guys!

We walked, jumped and played merrily, but it’s time to return. Do you all remember the road along which we walked? Then go ahead!

Children complete all tasks in the opposite direction. And they run to the exit from the hall.

Instructor: I don’t understand what kind of red cross is drawn on the map.

Do you think treasure? Then we need to find him.

The children look for treasure in the hall and find it.

Instructor: Well done, guys! You worked hard today, and this is for your efforts.