Which turboslim to choose for weight loss. Turboslim for weight loss: description of drugs from complex programs Turboslim diet pills instructions

The pharmaceutical production "Evalar", specializing in the production of dietary supplements, offers its customers a line of weight loss products called "Turboslim".

All weight loss products contain medicinal substances in minimal quantities. This allows people to take dietary supplements for several weeks, improving their nutrition, and at the end of the course see how all body systems have begun to function better. Does Turboslim help you lose weight? People who have used Evalar products say in their reviews.

Weight loss medications from Evalar help people who love their body and enable all its systems to function normally. Ready-made forms are intended for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, but need dietary supplements to compensate for a meager diet and speed up metabolic processes.

The company "Evalar", which produces products united under the single trade name "Turboslim", produces a large number of drugs designed to reduce body weight. The entire range contains ingredients of plant origin. These may take forms such as:

  • coffee;
  • drink;
  • bars;
  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • multivitamins.

Tablets, capsules and drinks contain herbs, chemicals, vitamins that help solve problems associated with excess weight. Since there are many causes of obesity, and it is impossible to come up with a universal drug, the manufacturer produces several forms. From them you need to choose a remedy that will solve the problem.

When making weight loss products, Evalar uses ingredients that:

  • impair the absorption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • stimulate the internal secretion organs;
  • reduce cravings for sweets.

Long-term use of any form selected according to indications leads to weight loss. Nutritionists recommend starting the weight loss process by cleansing the body of excess water, accumulated waste and toxins. To do this, it is proposed to first undergo a detox cleanse, then move on to active weight loss and, after the results obtained, maintain normal weight.

Cleansing preparations

Ready-made forms from this series gently remove harmful substances from the body, remove swelling, and provide the energy necessary for work. To cleanse the body of deposits, the drug “Evalar Turboslim Drainage” is often suggested. This is a concentrate that is diluted with water 1:40 and drunk several times a day. The drink is recommended for women who are overweight due to water retention in the body's cells.

Excess water can also be removed from the body using laxatives. Therefore, the manufacturer introduced plant components into the drug that have this effect.

The concentrate contains cherry stems, which have a strong diuretic effect. Thanks to this component, women quickly get rid of swelling. Artichoke and fennel extracts help reduce gas formation, improve peristalsis, allowing the intestines to quickly free themselves from food debris.

The bioflavonoid of citrus hesperides is needed to stimulate the endocrine system so that the body functions normally during the period of cleansing the body.

Elena, 35 years old, Ekaterinburg

“The Turboslim Drainage drink removed excess fluid and eliminated digestive problems. Swelling disappeared, breathing became easier, weight decreased. I didn’t even believe that this could happen.”

This review confirms that the drug helps women who are overweight due to edema.

The following review gives a negative rating to the drug. Another reason contributed to the author’s excess weight. Therefore, the product did not help reduce weight.

Dietary supplements play a supporting role in the process of losing weight. A decrease in fat mass occurs faster only if a person leads an active lifestyle. You need to do morning exercises, walk at least 3 km a day, follow a diet and not eat 2 hours before bed and at night.

Who benefits from drinks?

Weight loss drinks from Evalar are concentrated preparations in the form of a dry mixture, which is used to prepare a drink for weight loss. Turboslim coffee or tea is recommended for weight loss. They are intended for a detox cleansing program.

Drinks can be used as an additional component during the period of active weight loss or consumed to maintain the results obtained.

The burdock roots in the composition are a source of inulin, which is successfully processed by the microflora of the large intestine, receiving a powerful stimulus for its development. Senna Alexandrina leaf helps the food eaten pass through the digestive system and out faster.

The remaining components of plant origin stimulate the internal secretion organs. This speeds up metabolism and leads to weight loss.

To enhance the effect of the drug, vitamin PP and chromium picolinate were added to the composition. This substance helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. The result is a good nutritional supplement that has a mild diuretic effect, suppressing cravings for sweets.

Turboslim coffee for weight loss can be recommended to women who have an irresistible passion for confectionery.

Turboslim coffee has positive reviews and ratings.

Tatyana, 28 years old, Stavropol

“After I started drinking Turboslim coffee in the morning, my appetite decreased and I began to feel full with small portions. The desire to eat something sweet has disappeared. No laxative effect was found."

“Turboslim tea cleansing” contains green tea enriched with plant extracts that are used for weight loss. How many sachets can be used per day is calculated individually.

The manufacturer claims that there will be no harm to health from 2-3 doses per day. Some girls believe that if a larger amount of a medicinal drink enters the body per day, the weight will come off faster.

This statement is false, because increasing the dose leads to an increase in the concentration of active substances in the body. This may cause the development of side effects and allergic reactions, which will lead to deterioration of health.

For Turboslim tea and coffee to be beneficial, you need to consume them in moderation.

The new drug "Turboslim Alpha", a fat-burning drink, has different reviews. Girls who lead an active lifestyle and know how to take the drug correctly believe that this drug with L-carnitine helps them maintain their metabolism at a high level.

A fat-burning drink is used before training to speed up the conversion of fats into energy and increase the effectiveness of physical activity.

Active weight loss

After the cleansing procedure, they move on to the active phase of weight loss. You need drugs from Evalar that speed up metabolic processes. They force the body to intensively burn fats and convert them into useful energy. Turboslim capsules and tablets for weight loss are used during the period of rapid weight loss.

Taking pills is combined with an active lifestyle. This rule helps to reduce weight and consolidate the achieved results. Taking any weight loss product "Turboslim" with a sedentary lifestyle is useless.

The drug in tablets "Turboslim Alpha" is needed for those who burn excess weight in the gym or during physical activity. Take 1 tablet 20 minutes before training on an empty stomach. The active substance, once in the bloodstream, helps accelerate metabolism.

Turboslim Day and Night tablets are beneficial only with long-term use. If you drink them without a system, then there will be no benefit from it.

Diet pills "Turboslim Day enhanced formula" have a drainage effect, remove swelling, and activate metabolic processes. The tablets speed up the process of burning fat and reduce appetite. When taken, the craving for sugar disappears. How to take the dietary supplement is indicated in the instructions, which are recommended to be read carefully.

  • L-carnitine;
  • guarana extract;
  • cherry stem extract;
  • inulin;
  • chromium picolinate.

Adults can take “Turboslim Day Enhanced Formula” 1-2 capsules with breakfast for a month. The manufacturer recommends combining it with the drug “Turboslim Day” with “Turboslim Night enhanced formula”. The night capsules contain extracts:

  • garcinia;
  • hay;
  • chitosan;
  • fennel;
  • lemon balm.

Oksana, 27 years old Ekaterinburg

“I took the tablets “Turboslim Night” and “Turboslim Day” in combination. For the first two months, the effect of the drugs was not noticeable, despite an active lifestyle and a protein diet. Appetite decreased gradually. In the third month, the weight suddenly dropped by 4 kg.”

“Turboslim Night Strengthened Formula” has reviews with negative and positive ratings.

Olga 31 Ivanovo

“I had to give up these pills because first after the night pill I developed diarrhea, then an allergic rash on the skin.”

Maria, 21 years old, Novokuznetsk

“I often got up at night from feeling hungry. I started taking Turboslim Night Enhanced Formula tablets. Night hunger pangs have disappeared. The weight started to come off.”

The types of "Turboslim" are varied, but the composition of the active substances is repeated in different forms, which makes it possible to choose a more convenient product for use if an allergic reaction is observed to some auxiliary component.

Other products for active weight loss

The set, produced under the name "Turboslim protein diet", contains a set of products for 5 days. It will help if a woman decides to lose weight by lowering her calorie level. Included in the box:

  • flax seeds;
  • egg white omelet;
  • concentrates for preparing several types of pureed soup;
  • bars;
  • protein cocktail;
  • Slimming Tea;
  • konjac drink.

Larisa 23 years old, Moscow

The Turboslim protein diet was a good start for me in the fight against excess weight. I used the products that were in the chest and added boiled meat, fish, vegetables, herbs and fruits to them. Even though some of the soups weren't great, they worked better on my body than pills. In 5 days I managed to get rid of 2.5 kg, and it did not come back. After finishing the diet, I began to eat less. I follow the right approach to nutrition. Thanks to this, my weight decreased by another 1.5 kg.”

To ensure that a person who has lost weight does not suffer from a lack of nutrients, and that his body receives a full set of vital vitamins and minerals, Evalar has released a special vitamin complex. It contains all the vital vitamins, minerals and active ingredients that allow you to lose weight. After taking the drug "Turboslim Multivitamins" it is possible to suppress the feeling of hunger that a person who is losing weight suffers from.

Can the products be harmful?

The product from Evalar is sold without a prescription, but can cause harm to the body. If weight loss medications are chosen incorrectly, they will be useless. Biological additives can cause an allergic reaction and cause exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Many negative reviews have been written about Evalar products. People who start taking dietary supplements without a doctor’s recommendation complain of unpleasant symptoms. They have side effects that worsen the condition of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This manifests itself in symptoms such as:

  • outbursts of aggression;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • heartbeat;
  • insomnia;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspepsia;
  • dehydration;
  • fainting;
  • dilatation of peripheral vessels;
  • increase in pressure.

The pelvic organs are less commonly affected. Some experience symptoms of dysfunction of the excretory system and internal genital organs. All these pathologies developed in people who started taking the medicine without medical advice.

Each drug has a number of contraindications. It is necessary to follow the recommendations for use and dosage. The manufacturer indicates on each package how to use the product correctly and for whom it is intended.

Which “Turboslim” is the most effective must be decided based on your personal lifestyle. Losing weight is a complex process and must be done under medical supervision. Only then will the weight go away and not return.


pharmachologic effect

Turboslim is a biologically active food supplement. The pharmacological properties of Turboslim are determined by its composition.

Turboslim day
The Turboslim day capsule contains guarana extract, which enhances metabolic processes in the body.
Extract from red seaweed, which improves microcirculation processes in the interstitial fluid, thereby improving the removal of toxins and harmful microorganisms from the body.
Citrus bioflavonoids, which improve fat metabolism and break down excess fat deposits.
Papaya extract, which prevents the deposition of fat in body tissues.
Turboslim also contains vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and B3 (niacin), which accelerate the process of weight loss and have a positive effect on the immune system, the condition of the skin and the nervous system.

Turboslim night
As you know, at night the body not only sleeps, but also loses calories. During a night's sleep, we burn up to 400 calories. This property of our body is the basis for the drug Turboslim night. The drug Turboslim night stimulates additional burning of calories by the human body at night.
The Turboslim night capsule contains lemon balm extract, which helps normalize healthy sleep and strengthens the nervous system.
Garcinia Cambogia extract – promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its texture and making it smoother and silkier, and has a disinfectant property.

Senna extract regulates intestinal function and promotes natural bowel movements.
The drug also contains trace elements chromium and zinc and vitamins (B1, B2, E) - they help strengthen the immune system, nervous system, normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Turboslim tea
The composition of the drug Turboslim tea, in addition to green tea leaves, includes extracts of medicinal plants: cherry plant extract, it helps remove excess fluid from the body, thereby combating increased tissue swelling.
Alexandria leaf extract, which is part of Turboslim tea, helps normalize intestinal function and improve its peristalsis.
Corn silk contributes to the normal functioning of the gallbladder.

Turboslim coffee
The composition of the drug Turboslim coffee includes Arabica coffee, and in addition to it, there are also extracts of medicinal plants that help reduce appetite, break down fat deposits and remove toxins from the body:
Garcinia extract promotes the breakdown of fatty deposits, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its texture and making it smoother and silkier, and has a disinfectant property.
Turmeric extract promotes increased bile production, reduces the risk of bile stagnation and the formation of gallstones, and lowers cholesterol levels.
Burdock root extract has a choleretic, diuretic, laxative and disinfectant effect. It has the ability to enhance the antitoxic function of the liver, bind and remove toxins from the body.
Horsetail extract has the ability to remove toxins, relieve swelling, smooth out skin unevenness, and support collagen and elastin fibers.

Indications for use

Taking Turboslim with food eliminates excess weight, strengthens the nervous system, improves immunity, and restores the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mode of application

The drug Turboslim day should be taken one capsule in the daytime during breakfast and lunch. The full course of taking the drug Turboslim day is 4 weeks. If necessary, the dose can be repeated after a month.
Take Turboslim at night once a day during dinner. The full course is 4 weeks. Then you need to take a break of one month in taking the drug Turboslim at night. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Side effects

Allergic reactions: skin rashes, itching. Insomnia, increased excitability, tachycardia, intestinal disorders.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Turboslim are:
1. Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmias, hypertension, heart failure).
3. Atherosclerosis.
4. Insomnia.
5. Pregnancy and lactation.
Before using Turboslim medications, be sure to consult with your doctor.


The use of the drug Turboslim is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug interactions

No interactions with drugs were identified. If you are taking any medications, you must inform your doctor.


If the drug is taken in a dose that is much higher than the maximum permissible dose, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, or, conversely, increased excitability, insomnia, and anxiety are possible. It is necessary to rinse the patient’s stomach and call a doctor for symptomatic treatment. Attention!
Description of the drug " Turboslim"on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

As you know, excess weight negatively affects health; everyone wants to see themselves beautiful and slim. But is this drug really so effective and which Turboslim is the most effective (reviews), are there any contraindications?

If you believe the advertising, you can eat anything without limiting yourself, just take pills or drink teas every day, the kilograms will begin to fall off gradually, returning your former slimness. Is the advertising right? How to figure it out, because people want to find an effective way to quickly and safely get rid of hated kilograms.

Turboslim - types of drugs, effectiveness

Of course, it is difficult for people who do not know about the product to judge which Turboslim is the most effective. Therefore, first you should understand what it is and how it works. Firstly, the Turboslim line is the result of the work of a domestic pharmaceutical company that has been producing medicines for several years - Evalar.

Like any medicine, Turboslim is provided with an annotation that talks about the amazing properties of this dietary supplement, which other supplements cannot be compared with. If you look at the entire line, you can confidently say one thing: Evalar clearly took the problem of losing weight seriously, because Turboslim has many varieties and each is designed to solve a specific problem.

To begin with, it is worth noting what kind of weight loss drugs there are:

Tablets from different manufacturers;
Teas to drink instead of regular tea daily;
Shaping corsets, however, do not remove weight, they only correct the figure. No corset alone can cope with an abundance of extra pounds, especially if there are a lot of them, but as a slimming product it is not bad for daily use.

Weight loss courses, where there are several types of drugs. Naturally, each type of weight loss has its own side effects, especially if people purchase new products without notifying the doctor and start drinking them, following only advertising. After all, to eliminate a problem you need to know its cause. Why does a person get fat?

1. Excessive appetite, which requires willpower to control, but this is not always possible;
2. Slow metabolism, then even a small amount of food causes an increase in kilograms;
3. Hormonal imbalances;
4. Accumulation of fluid in the body.

Doctors are sure that most of the problems that cause it indicate the course or presence of a serious illness, which can only be treated by a specialist, and not by weight loss drugs. Therefore, if a person wants to purchase Turboslim tablets for weight loss, wanting to lose weight without causing harm to the body, he should first check with a doctor.

Having identified the cause of obesity, the specialist will advise the most effective way to lose weight, because excess weight for the body means an increased load, which is also abnormal. And a person who knows the cause of his problem, having studied the types from Turboslim, will choose the most suitable for his case.

It is not surprising that reviews for any product, especially if it is a drug, are contradictory. After all, people look at a beautiful label, read bright advertisements and take either everything or the first thing on the list. Sometimes the drug has a good effect and the weight begins to go away, sometimes there is no effect. Perhaps the chosen type of Turboslim simply did not suit you.

Turboslim Day

These Truboslim products for weight loss specifically affect metabolism, accelerating it. It also removes accumulated toxins inside. The course of treatment usually lasts about a month, after completion you need to give the body a month's break. It should be drunk daily before your morning or afternoon meal.

Contains active substances that affect metabolism, break down excess fresh fat, preventing it from being deposited, and also remove old deposits, reducing weight.

Turboslim Day has extracts of grapefruit with orange and other citrus fruits, which are effective even for fat, which is most difficult to remove through physical training or fasting, and papaya extract “works” on the sides, stomach and thighs.

Should it be considered the best among other products? It is not known exactly, however, as a means of losing weight, Turboslim has the widest spectrum of action: it accelerates metabolism, improves the efficiency and speed of digestion of food, and at the same time eliminates toxins. Therefore, the results are often obvious. As the name suggests, you need to drink it every day, during the day.

Turboslim Night

Millions of people have a known bad habit of overeating just before bed. Some people cannot even sleep with an empty or half-empty stomach. Peace provides them with a feeling of satiety. However, during sleep, the body cannot burn excess calories, so they are then deposited on the sides or stomach in layers of fat. Turboslim Night helps burn nighttime calories. Only one capsule is enough, it contains lemon balm, also hay and gracinia.

Some believe that you need to combine two drugs at once, taking Turboslim day and Turboslim Night alternately, they say, one will burn calories during the day, the second at night. However, it is also impossible to overload the body with supplements. Proper use will undoubtedly enhance the effectiveness of the product; there is no need to add anything else.

The manufacturer also guarantees improved mood with improved health. True, for weight loss you still need complex use, more details about which can be read either on the official website or in the drug summary.

Turboslim tea

It is considered the most convenient; this type of dietary supplement was introduced a long time ago, when instead of regular tea the client is offered a special mixture. Turboslim tea and coffee acts as a toxin remover and normalizes the overall functionality of the intestines. True, you shouldn’t expect stunning results in terms of the number of kilograms lost.

You can replace your favorite chocolates and milkshakes with them. They will give you a feeling of fullness, reduce the desire to indulge in sweets, and Turboslim multivitamins are for those on strict restrictions, because they can reduce sugar, and not increase it, like regular sweet foods.

Who is Turboslim indicated for?

Before finding out the most effective type of Turboslim, you need to understand who should take it, because all products and Turboslim are diverse.

1. Who is overweight;
2. Who has shortness of breath;
3. There are fat deposits;
4. Impurities and other toxins have accumulated.

After all, Turboslim Day enhanced formula can not only reduce weight, but also removes excess toxins and excess fluid.

Who shouldn't take Turboslim?

Always pay attention to the list of contraindications; any medicine has one, even dietary supplements, because this supplement affects the body and its functioning:

People with reduced immunity;
There is insomnia, fatigue or problems somehow related to sleep, because Turboslim day and night, Turboslim Day and night, along with the destruction of calories, increase energy, give vigor and strength. Such “help” only harms someone trying to sleep.
High blood pressure - some types of Turboslim affect blood pressure, especially coffee or tea.
Pregnancy, as well as subsequent lactation, mothers should not take a number of medications at all, and they should take any medicine only after the doctor’s approval. The Turboslim advertisement is certainly bright and enticing; the desire to return to the figure lost after childbirth or during pregnancy is great, but for the mother, safety is more important. The effect of Turboslim on milk or fetus is unknown, no matter what type of product you prefer, light or just tea.
Individual intolerance can occur to any of the active substances of the drug, so carefully look at the composition; for allergy sufferers, it is better to consult a doctor in general, because the list of allergens in the body changes.

You can choose Turboslim Day enhanced formula, light, or “Calorie Blocker”, or simply Turboslim Night as the best remedy, but you should know that it will really have a powerful effect, bringing benefits, but you should abstain if there is at least some contraindication.

Turboslim and reviews


“I looked through the entire list, yes, there are really a lot of products from Turboslim, I liked one, so I carefully studied Turboslim night and the enhanced formula reviews, I liked the description as an effective remedy. I’ve been taking it for 2 weeks now, the weight is really coming off slowly, I remember the rule to drink only at night, but now I sleep peacefully.”


“And I liked Turboslim alpha fat-burning drink more and the reviews on it are the best from me. Of course, the weight is not disappearing, as the advertisement promised, but something is already changing. Minus 1.5 kilos is a good result, considering that I didn’t change my diet much and suddenly didn’t like physical education. Maybe I should strengthen it with exercises while I’m thinking.”


“Guys, does Turboslim help at all? Some write that the effect was good, others have zero effect at all.”


“Depending on what type you choose, most doctors will be skeptical, because for them dietary supplements are not medicines at all, but something in between. Turboslim is sold openly in many pharmacies and the good thing is that Evalar has no dangerous side effects, so it’s worth a try. It really helped someone"

This drug works best in combination with a diet, for those who have trouble with willpower, this is just what you need) I’ve used it not for the first time, in a month if you take care of yourself you can easily lose 5 kg, if you have trouble with night gobblers (I get this condition... This drug works best in combination with a diet, for those who have trouble with willpower, it’s just what you need) I’m using it not for the first time, in a month if you take care of yourself you can easily lose 5 kg, if you have trouble with night gorges (for me this condition appears with the onset of cold weather in autumn/winter) I buy turboslim night with these tablets, the result is also good, although I drink them often I don’t notice any side effects, during the entire period of use I lost more than 15 kg for sure, from this company also periodically I buy myself tea and coffee, but they are more suitable for those who need to cleanse the intestines and remove toxins from the body.


For those who expect a quick result, I’ll immediately disappoint you, the weight loss from the pills is very slow, but thanks to them, for the first time in my life, I was able to completely stick to the diet without breakdowns, although the burst of energy promised by the manufacturer from the pills was so and I didn’t feel it, but in general... For those who expect a quick result, I’ll immediately disappoint you, the weight loss from the pills is very slow, but thanks to them, for the first time in my life, I was able to completely stick to the diet without breakdowns, although the burst of energy promised by the manufacturer from the pills was so and didn’t feel it, but overall I managed to lose weight, I lost three kg and I’m grateful for that), the weight didn’t return after stopping the drug, I didn’t find any negative changes in my health either, on the contrary, I got an incentive to lose weight further, signed up for the gym and bought myself an alpha complex, I hope this way you can start your metabolism.


The course went without any side effects, although I was very afraid of diarrhea. There was a laxative effect, but it was small, it didn’t cause me any discomfort, I’m even glad that the intestines were finally cleaned out. Regarding weight loss, I am very pleased, I lost 3 kilos and this despite the fact that all my activity was walking to work and going up/down stairs.... The course went without any side effects, although I was very afraid of diarrhea. There was a laxative effect, but it was small, it didn’t cause me any discomfort, I’m even glad that the intestines were finally cleaned out. Regarding weight loss, I am very pleased, I lost 3 kilos and this despite the fact that all my activity was walking to work and going up/down stairs. But by the way, I actually began to eat less with him. So Turboslim enhanced formula works for the day!

As soon as I feel that I have eaten too much I run after them, they always help out) they contain guarana extract (suppresses the feeling of hunger, energizes), carnitine (helps speed up fat burning processes), cherry extract (has a laxative and diuretic effect) I always take them monthly course, two tablets every day. Depending on my fat level... As soon as I feel like I've eaten too much, I always run after them.
help out) they contain guarana extract (suppresses hunger, energizes), carnitine (helps speed up fat burning processes), cherry extract (has a laxative and diuretic effect) I always take them in a monthly course, two tablets every day. Depending on the degree of my fat content, the result manifests itself differently, sometimes you can lose 5 kg easily, but if there is less excess fat, then the result is usually 2-3 kg, then you have to add physical activity. No matter how much you lose, the result remains stable for a long time.


I really wanted to lose weight by the summer, but because of problems with my back it was not possible to play sports, I was completely hopeless, my last hope was to try diet pills and even though everyone at home tried to dissuade me, citing bad reviews and side effects, I took a risk and didn’t do it one bit. I regretted it. I managed to lose 3 kg without any... I really wanted to lose weight by the summer, but because of problems with my back it was not possible to play sports, I was completely hopeless, my last hope was to try diet pills and even though everyone at home tried to dissuade me, citing bad reviews and side effects, I took a risk and didn’t do it one bit. I regretted it. I managed to lose 3 kg without any diets or sports, and despite the bad prophecies of relatives, there were no allergic reactions, so I can confidently recommend it. The weight did not return, on the contrary, thanks to the pills, my appetite decreased within a month. After stopping taking the pills, my stomach was already accustomed to receiving a smaller portion at a time, so I continue to lose weight a little and continue without the drug. There was an incentive to try something else and move on.

I used these pills in combination with nighttime weight loss, I really liked the fact that they gave me energy, decreased appetite and some kind of resistance to stress or something, I wasn’t so irritated at the sight of cookies and sweets, the nighttime gluttons stopped bothering me completely. Within a month, intestinal function returned to normal and I managed to lose 3 kg, my stomach disappeared, my volume melted... I used these pills in combination with nighttime weight loss, I really liked the fact that they gave me energy, decreased appetite and some kind of resistance to stress or something, I wasn’t so irritated at the sight of cookies and sweets, the nighttime gluttons stopped bothering me completely. In a month, intestinal function returned to normal and I managed to lose 3 kg, my belly disappeared, my volume melted, and this despite the fact that there was no sports at all, and the diet was not particularly followed. A little later I want to try this complex again, but also include some additional physical activity. I highly recommend it to those who have not yet decided to try it; I personally have not experienced any side effects.

Volodina Raya

I started losing weight on Turboslim 3 months ago and thought that after a month on the drug the weight would come back and that’s it, I’d have to look for a new way to lose weight, but so far I’m losing weight and that’s good)) The weight is coming off at a steady rate of 4 kg per month, it’s not that fast , as I expected, but not... I started losing weight on Turboslim 3 months ago and thought that after a month on the drug the weight would come back and that’s it, I’d have to look for a new way to lose weight, but so far I’m losing weight and that’s good)) The weight is coming off at a steady rate of 4 kg per month, it’s not that fast , as I expected, but no stretch marks appear. In general, I have such a figure that fat accumulates on my stomach and now it has become almost flat, of course there is a little bit of fat sticking out, but it looks aesthetically pleasing)

Depending on my mood and the occasion, I choose what suits me best. If you’ve eaten a lot and need to really unload, I take a day/night complex; if you just want to have fasting and cleansing days, I buy Turboslim tea/coffee; if I have a photo shoot, I buy express weight loss in three days). Any drug in this series cleanses the intestines well, removes excess... Depending on my mood and the occasion, I choose what suits me best. If you’ve eaten a lot and need to really unload, I take a day/night complex; if you just want to have fasting and cleansing days, I buy Turboslim tea/coffee; if I have a photo shoot, I buy express weight loss in three days). Any drug in this series cleanses the intestines well, removes excess water, due to which the body is well toned. A HUGE PLUS to the drugs is that they suppress the feeling of hunger and stop the temptation to chew something before going to bed).

I recommend trying day and night together. I decided to take it on the recommendation of a friend, she praised Turboslim too much. I ordered both supplements on the herbal market website for two courses at once (I drank with a break of 10 days between courses) with a good discount, I took them strictly according to the instructions. By the way, don’t forget that you need... I recommend trying day and night together. I decided to take it on the recommendation of a friend, she praised Turboslim too much. I ordered both supplements on the herbal market website for two courses at once (I drank with a break of 10 days between courses) with a good discount, I took them strictly according to the instructions. By the way, do not forget that you need to drink about 2 liters of water per day. In two and a half months I became 12kg lighter, and this is an excellent result for me.
I recommend

I once used other diet pills, but they didn’t help me, but I really enjoyed the day. When I took them, I had little appetite and I didn’t want to overeat, because of this it was very easy to lose weight and I didn’t take the drug for a month there was not a single breakdown, although I am a human being, one might say... I once used other diet pills, but they didn’t help me, but I really enjoyed the day. When I took them, I had little appetite and I didn’t want to overeat, because of this it was very easy to lose weight and I didn’t take the drug for a month there was not a single breakdown, although I am a person, one might say, without willpower and it is common for me to constantly have breakdowns)

When I took the drug, there was no heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, pain, the pills didn’t really affect anything except weight loss and didn’t even weaken me, and this is a huge plus for me!
If you lose weight on them, then get ready for the fact that you may have to reduce the portions to which you are accustomed, you should not be afraid of this, this is a normal phenomenon when you drink a drug based on L-carnitine, guarana and chromium picolinate... And you will lose weight quickly , I lost 5 kg in a month.


I’ve lost weight on many dietary supplements, but so far for me the easiest and most optimal weight loss remains weight loss on turbo slims. I drink them separately, it’s more convenient for me and doesn’t cost me. Daily capsules are an ideal option for those who eat all the time))) When I take them, it’s for food... I’ve lost weight on many dietary supplements, but so far for me the easiest and most optimal weight loss remains weight loss on turbo slims. I drink them separately, it’s more convenient for me and it doesn’t break my pocket.
Daily capsules are an ideal option for those who eat all the time))) When I take them, I don’t feel like eating at all, I start to feel hungry exactly when I’m really hungry and my stomach is already starting to digest itself. Thanks to the fact that I eat little, I lose weight quickly. And L-carnitine additionally enhances fat burning, turning fat into energy, so I eat little, but I feel good and even more cheerful than when I overeat everything.
With these tablets, normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is still restored. since he is not overloaded with food and can work calmly.
It seems to me that every overweight girl should try this product, it’s impossible not to lose weight with it! Well, if you don’t like it, you won’t buy it again (although I’m sure that after drinking and losing weight on this dietary supplement once, you will return to it again and again... well, everyone just judges for themselves))))


I like the entire line of Turboslim weight loss products, I don’t use them often, but I lose a lot, as it accumulates over a year or two. I used the complexes day and night 3 times and I think that they should be combined, since they complement each other) Now I want to talk about day capsules, since, it seems to me, they perform... I like the entire line of Turboslim weight loss products, I don’t use them often, but I lose a lot, as it accumulates over a year or two. I used the day and night complexes 3 times and I think that they should be combined, since they complement each other)
Now I want to talk about daily capsules, since it seems to me that they do the main job. Thanks to them, I eat less during the day, and not because I want to, but because they contain certain natural substances that reduce hunger and do not allow the brain to send false signals about hunger, for example, when you are nervous... and it also decreases craving for sweets thanks to chromium picolinate (by the way, this supplement can be purchased separately, but it will cost... In Turboslim, picolinate is combined with other components and works even better.
There is no nausea, diarrhea or bloating from daily capsules, they essentially have no effect at all except reducing appetite and accelerating fat burning…. In the first place in the composition there is guarana, which is supposed to “invigorate”, but I did not notice such an effect, at least if there is one, it is not pronounced.
In general, it’s better to drink complexes day and night together, since I believe that if you’re going to lose weight, then lose weight thoroughly)) With a day complex you can lose 3-4 kg, but if you add Night, then I lost up to 9 kg, and in general 6-7 stable.

The question “how to lose weight” worries more than one representative of the fair half of humanity. Today, there are many methods for getting rid of extra pounds, but not all of them are effective. For example, intense exercise only bears fruit if it is done regularly. Strict dietary restrictions are also not effective in all cases: most often, a couple of weeks after stopping the diet, fat deposits, which the woman got rid of with great effort, return again. Therefore, nutritionists recommend using special drugs for weight loss, such as Turboslim. But to understand which “Turboslim” is the most effective, you need to carefully read the instructions for use and existing types of the drug.

"Turboslim day"

"Turboslim day" is used before breakfast or lunch. If you are interested in which "Turboslim" is the most effective, read the composition of the daily weight loss drug:

  1. Guana extract. It speeds up the metabolism in the body. Nutritionists note that the main problem of overweight people is impaired metabolism. Guarana solves this problem in no time.
  2. Marine red algae. These plants remove waste and toxins from the body that interfere with normal metabolism. In addition, they remove excess moisture, due to which puffiness disappears and overall body weight is reduced.
  3. Citrus extract. Grapefruit, orange and lemon have long been known as natural substances for breaking down fat deposits. They even remove fat that cannot be removed by any diet or exercise.
  4. Papaya extract. It removes excess fat from the body, which under normal conditions is deposited on the stomach, hips and sides.

It is impossible to say for sure which “Turboslim” is the most effective. "Evalar" offers many high-quality products for weight loss, among which "Turboslim Day" takes its rightful place.

"Turboslim night"

Research shows that weight loss also occurs during sleep. Moreover, at night, calorie loss is more effective due to the fact that we do not eat food, but the metabolic process still occurs. If you are interested in which "Turboslim" is the most effective, pay special attention to the night drug. According to the developers, after taking the pill at night, a person loses about 400 kilocalories. For comparison, the same amount can be lost during an intense cardio workout on a treadmill in an hour.

The composition of the drug will help you understand which Turboslim is the most effective. Thus, “Turbslim Night” is made from senna, medicinal lemon balm, and Cambodian garcinia. These plants help reduce appetite and energy throughout the day. In addition, these diet pills normalize metabolism, which is important for rapid weight loss.

Tea "Turboslim"

The drug "Turboslim" is sold not only in the form of dietary supplements, but also in tea bags. And you have to ask the question: “Which Turboslim is the most effective - tea or tablets?” There is only one flavor of this product. Turboslim tea consists of the following components:

  • cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from waste and toxins.
  • The cherry stalk regulates the body and eliminates swelling.
  • Corn extract improves metabolism and restores normal functioning of the gallbladder.

All of the above ingredients help to shape your figure, giving it seductive curves and bulges. This tea has a pleasant taste, so you can drink it without sugar to enhance the effect of its natural ingredients.

Coffee "Turboslim"

The products of the Evalar company are not limited to tablets; the line of drugs also includes Turboslim coffee. Its composition can be indicated by the following ingredients:

  • A noble variety of coffee beans that has an unsurpassed aroma and piquant taste. Thanks to Arabica coffee, drinking Turboslim coffee is not only good for your figure, but also pleasant.
  • Burdock extract. Has diuretic properties. Removes toxins from the body, which is important for preparing it for weight loss.
  • Garcinia. This plant not only speeds up metabolism, but also breaks down subcutaneous fat, which is very difficult to eliminate.
  • Horsetail It rids the body of excess moisture, as a result of which puffiness disappears and total body weight decreases.
  • Niacin. In other words, it is nicotinic acid. It is useful during sudden weight loss (which happens with regular use of Turboslim coffee). During the weight loss process, tissue cells undergo significant changes, as a result of which the skin begins to sag and becomes covered with stretch marks. Niacin makes the skin more elastic.

As we can see, it is intended for comprehensive care of the body during weight loss. The drink speeds up metabolism, helps microelements to be absorbed faster and at the same time cleanses the body and increases skin elasticity.

It is impossible to say exactly which Turboslim is the most effective for weight loss. The drug should be chosen based on your own preferences and individual characteristics of the body.

Indications for use of "Turboslim"

The question “which Turboslim is the most effective” is not the most important one when starting to take the drug; it is much more important who should take it. So, it should be used by people with obvious signs of obesity, namely:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. Presence of subcutaneous fat deposits.

Contraindications for taking Turboslim

Before wondering which “Turboslim” is the most effective, it is worth finding out whether you have any contraindications to taking the drug. So, these tablets should not be used by people with the following ailments and pathologies:

  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping. "Turboslim" contains substances that increase energy and give strength. Such an effect is useless for insomnia.
  • High blood pressure. The drug may further affect blood pressure, especially coffee.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. The components of "Turboslim" can negatively affect the condition of the fetus when it is in the womb, and on milk while feeding the baby.
  • Individual intolerance to certain ingredients of the drug. Before taking Turboslim, you should carefully read the composition. If you find a component in it that causes you an allergic reaction or is completely dangerous to your health, you should stop taking the drug.

"Turboslim" is a powerful product that can both benefit the body and harm it. To prevent it from causing harm to your body, you need to refrain from taking it if there are any contraindications.

Method of using "Turboslim"

Before you start taking the drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the method of using Turboslim. This factor is even more important than the question of which Turboslim is the most effective. The instructions are below.

If you prefer tablets, you should take one capsule daily. It does not matter what time of day you do this, but it is important that the drug is absorbed before eating. The course of obesity therapy is about a month.

As for Turboslim drinks, tea is drunk twice a day: the first time in the morning, the second time in the evening. It should be taken into account that it is drunk without various sweets or any other food. It is recommended to drink coffee only in the first half of the day. Taking it before bed can lead to insomnia.

Side effects

Before wondering which “Turboslim” is the most effective, check out the side effects that may occur after taking this weight loss product:

  • Insomnia. Turboslim tablets or coffee encourage increased activity, which can interfere with normal sleep at night.
  • Shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. These symptoms are often observed after drinking several cups of coffee in a row.
  • Constipation, diarrhea, loose stools. Intestinal disorders are observed at first, when the body is just getting used to a new drug.
  • Skin rashes. As a rule, these are small bumps that look like pimples. They may occur if you are allergic to any plant or component that is part of the drug.
  • Itching. Some components of the drug can cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in skin itching.

To prevent side effects from appearing, you need to dose the drug correctly, according to the instructions above.

"Turboslim" for men

If you need to know which Turboslim is the most effective for men, pay special attention to This is the first medicine in medicine designed for the characteristics of the male body. It is produced in the form of special drops, from which a special drink for weight loss is prepared. One teaspoon of the drug is dissolved in 300 milliliters of boiled water. This liquid should be drunk once a day before meals.

Men who took Turboslim Drainage not only got rid of those annoying extra pounds, but also became more enterprising and energetic. This remedy is ideal for those representatives of the stronger half of humanity who want to change themselves, but do not know how.