How big does carp fish grow? Composition and beneficial properties of carp

Carp is a domesticated carp that “arrived” to our region from China many centuries ago. However, despite its Chinese roots, not only the ancestors of the Chinese, but also the ancient Romans and even the ancient Greeks ate this prolific fish. By the way, the word “carp” still exists in Greek, and is translated as “harvest, fruit.”

If we talk about species, then carps are different: scaly, mirror, naked and even decorative (koi). True, for us this does not play a special role. After all, all carps are tender, sweet and moderately bony, which means they are suitable for eating.

Composition and beneficial properties of carp

Carp meat contains a lot of components that can significantly improve our health. In principle, this knowledge alone is enough to include it in your diet. However, we will go a little further and figure out for whom carp is especially useful, and for whom it is still not worth eating.

So let's get started.

Thanks to the balanced content of phosphorus and calcium salts, carp meat strengthens our bones and joints. This means that regularly eating this fish can significantly reduce the chance of developing osteoporosis or arthritis in old age.

Thyroid gland, nervous system, blood vessels, heart, and even the brain receive a “charge” of vivacity and health from every dish prepared from carp.

When eating carp, the body's natural endurance increases, the immune system is strengthened and the rate of aging of the body decreases. If we are talking about children, then they also benefit from dishes with carp. After all, this fish is rich in zinc, which is responsible for the process of growth and development of the child’s body.

On top of that, there is an opinion that including even a few “spoons” of carp meat in your daily diet can reduce the likelihood of getting ARVI and other viral infections.

Well, and finally, let’s remember the miraculous ability of any fish - the prevention of prostatitis and other abnormalities of the prostate gland. Carp helps in this matter no worse than sea creatures, and requires much less money.

The main thing is to remember one “little thing” that can easily spoil all the delights of carp meat - rotten meat. After all, if you come across rotten carp, you may not even remember its beneficial properties.

How to choose fresh carp

There is nothing fresher than live fish, so if possible, catch koi from a pond, or get koi from an aquarium or tank (if buying from the street). In this case, choose the most active individuals. By activity you can judge how healthy each particular fish is.

If you are a bad fisherman, and you only sell live carp once a year, then when choosing fish, follow these tips:

  • Check the gills and if their color is anything other than bright pink and bright red, pass on. In addition to this, the gills must be of normal shape. Sticky gills are a sign of spoilage.

  • Look for clear, bulging eyes (if the fish is not frozen) with water still visible.

  • Fresh carp will have moist scales and intact skin. In this case, the mucus should be transparent and slippery. Stickiness, damage and discoloration indicate that the fish is not fresh.

  • Feel the carp from all sides. It should be elastic.

  • You can try to smell the fish, but the reliability of this procedure is questionable, because flavoring agents today are capable of anything.

  • There should be no blood on the fish at all. A couple of small spots are allowed. Otherwise, sick carp may end up on your table.

  • The quality of frozen carp can be assessed even by the glaze: smooth and without cracks - everything is good, lumpy and with cracks - the fish was stored incorrectly. True, with dry freezing there will be no glaze at all. But fresh carp in this case should look like a smooth stone.

  • Unnatural spotting of the carcass is a sign of spoilage or improper freezing.

Well, as a last resort, there is always the opportunity to check the accompanying documents for the fish.

Contraindications to eating carp

Farmed carp are a type of fish that are rich in omega-6 fatty acids and have virtually no omega-3 acids. That it is better for hypertensive patients, heart patients and cancer patients to treat carp with caution.

P.S. If the bones of a carp that has not yet been heat-treated are too easily separated from the surrounding meat, then the fish is unfit for consumption. Therefore, do not regret the money spent and throw the spoiled product in the trash. Health is more valuable.

Well, if the carp is fresh, then try to find your outstanding culinary skills and cook something tasty...

Most entrepreneurs are men. Most men love fishing. It turns out that owning a fish farm is a dream business. Is this true in reality? What fish is best to breed in Russian conditions, and what are the secrets of this matter?

The director of the largest Biserovsky fish processing plant in the Moscow region, Andrey Semenov, tells

What is more profitable - carp or trout?

Anyone who decides to start his own “fish” business must first decide what kind of fish he will breed. You will have to choose one thing - either carp or trout. Only these two types of fish grow well and are in constant demand among buyers. Actually, the technology of the farm will depend on this choice.

Of course, if opportunities allow, you can fish for carp, trout, and much more - for example, like us. Every year our farm sells about 1000 tons of live fish, of which we grow only 500-600 tons directly in the Moscow region - the rest we import for holding and subsequent sale from other fish farms. In addition, we breed fish on rented reservoirs in the southern regions, organize paid fishing, we are engaged in fish processing - smoking, canning, etc. But such a scale, of course, is not available to a beginning fish farmer.

The easiest way to grow carp. It is tenacious, unpretentious, and suits most bodies of water. To understand the technology of carp breeding, you do not need to graduate from the Timiryazev Academy with a degree in fish farming; just read the textbooks. But on the market, at almost the same costs, capricious and sensitive trout costs almost three times more. True, in this case it is no longer possible to do without hiring a qualified fish farmer: both experience and education are needed here.

This season, the Moscow market has experienced very low wholesale prices for live fish. Since last year, trout has fallen in price from 175 to 140 rubles per kilogram, a kilogram of carp costs 50-63 rubles. However, the business continues to be profitable. The profitability of our plant today is 8-9%. However, for the average farmer, who does not have to pay for the maintenance of such a huge infrastructure as ours, the profit margin can be even higher. This business is also attractive because this year agricultural enterprises, which include all fish farms, switched to a single agricultural tax. Now we pay the state only 6% of income reduced by expenses, freed from VAT, income tax, unified social tax and property tax.

Where is the “climate” for fish?

The health and growth of fish are determined by two main factors - water temperature and oxygen saturation. In addition, the condition of the entire biological system of the reservoir, acidity (pH) and much more is important. Only specialists can determine whether the pond you rent is suitable for fish farming. Therefore, before stocking a reservoir with fish, I advise you to make a so-called “fish breeding biological justification.” It is advisable to carry out this examination several times a year - in summer, winter, spring, autumn. In the Moscow region, for this it is best to involve specialists from the Research Institute of Fish Farming from the city of Dmitrov, Moscow Region. You can also contact us for advice. People who want to start a fish farming business regularly come to the Biserovsky Plant, and our specialists give qualified advice.

For trout optimal temperature water temperature is 16-19 degrees Celsius, but if the pond warms up to 24, the fish will be on the verge of death and will certainly stop feeding. For example, we keep trout in a quarry 15 meters deep, since already at a depth of four meters the water temperature, even in the summer heat, never rises above 16 degrees. That is why many trout farms are located on cold flowing rivers or draw water from rivers or artesian wells.

When breeding carp, everything is much simpler. The main thing is that the pond is not contaminated with oil products, manure runoff and decaying organic matter, and preferably warms up well (the optimal temperature for it is 24-25 degrees). Its depth can be small - up to 1.5-1.8 meters. At this depth, the natural food supply develops most actively.

All of Russia is divided into fish farming zones. The Moscow region belongs to the first and second zones. Southern regions - for example, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories - to the fifth or sixth. It is much more profitable to raise fish in them, since the growing season during which they actively feed and grow is longer. That is why for some time now we have started renting ponds in Rostov region. Although, if you build all the technology correctly, and also select a suitable reservoir, then the business can be made quite profitable in the middle zone.

A pond of 5 hectares is enough to produce 10 tons of carp. Interestingly, the larger the body of water, the easier it is to breed fish in it. A small reservoir is difficult to operate because it cools down quickly and warms up quickly and has a tense hydrochemical regime. In a large reservoir, the temperature regime is more even, which is favorable for all fish.

It is advisable that carp pond was descending: this will significantly facilitate the process of catching in the fall. To do this, you can build a dam if, for example, a reservoir is formed by damming a river.

Many people mistakenly believe that it is enough to throw fish into a reservoir, it will grow on its own, after which it only needs to be caught and sold. Nothing of the kind! Fish farming is a complex and very risky business. After all, you are dealing with a “living product”, with which anything can happen at any moment.

Enhanced nutrition

The main expense item for every fishery is feed. They account for 50-60% of all costs. Of course, you can put carp in a pond and wait until it grows, feeding on its natural base. But the wait will be too long. At the same time, from 1 hectare of water surface it will be possible to obtain no more than 120 kg of fish. We manage to get 22 centners of carp from one hectare because we grow fish high-intensity method. Its main components are high stocking density plus the use of high-protein nutritious feeds with a protein content of at least 26-28% and fat - 5-7% from Reflex feeders. They are the most effective, although they are 20% more expensive than conventional feed. A average price food for carp - 7-8 rubles per kilogram.

Feeding trout is more difficult: for it you have to buy high-quality German feed, costing 0.7-1 euros per kilogram. In our country, only one plant in Sergiev Posad produces extruded feed of this level. But for now we prefer proven imported ones. If you buy cheap feed for trout, it will have white meat. The consumer is accustomed to red. And it can only be obtained by using special feed additives - kartinoids obtained from krill.

The significant difference in the price of carp and trout feeds is offset by the amount of feed that is necessary for fattening them and the final selling price. By spending only 1 kg of feed on trout, you can get an increase in fish weight of almost the same kilogram. A kilogram of carp weight gain will have to include almost 3.5-4 kg of feed. Therefore, in the end, the cost of food for growing one kilogram of carp is 26 rubles, and for trout - only a little more.

When feeding fish, the main thing is to know when to stop. If you add too much food, the fish will not eat everything, but the hydrochemical regime of the reservoir may change. And, as a result, the fish will stop growing. On average, carp need to be given feed daily in an amount of 1.5-3% of the estimated weight of all fish in the reservoir, depending on the water temperature. The colder it is, the less feed is required, since the carp’s body temperature depends on the water temperature. In cold water, his metabolism slows down.

If the carp is kept in the reservoir itself, then the trout spends its entire life in special cages three by three meters, made of nylon mesh, and 5 meters deep. They are installed in cage lines - long welded structures. Similar lines are produced by the Stavropol Experimental Mechanical Plant. But they are quite expensive - the price of a line is per 1000 sq. m - about 3-3.5 million rubles. Therefore, we prefer to make such, in general, simple designs ourselves.

The fight for health

Size matters

The larger the fish, the greater demand it is in the market. For carp, the optimal weight is 1.2-1.7 kg, for trout - from 800 g to 1 kg. To reach this weight, carp grow for three years. During the first summer he gains up to 25 grams, during the second - up to 200 grams and in the third - up to a kilogram.

The trout growing cycle is 2.5 years. True, trout can be sold after a year and a half, when it reaches a weight of 300 grams. But such fish is in demand only among restaurateurs - it is the 300-gram fish, 30-35 cm long, that neatly and beautifully lies across the plate.

The carp growing cycle ends in the fall, when all farms empty (or fish) their ponds. That is why in the fall carp appears in all stores and markets, and prices for it fall. At this point, the business is on the verge of profitability. But you can do smarter things if you have the appropriate capabilities. For example, keep the carp until the New Year and even until March, gradually putting it on sale when prices stabilize. We hold up to 200 tons of fish in this way. True, in this case it is necessary to set aside 20% for losses: 10% - due to the fact that the fish are losing weight, and 10% - for pestilence. We process surplus fish: we smoke it, make jellied dishes and produce other food products.

Fish economy

Trout seeding material can be purchased at a price of 250-400 rubles per kilogram, depending on the weight of the fry - from 1 to 50 grams. The smaller the trout, the more expensive it is, because as a result, a kilogram of low-weight fry will produce more adult fish. About 10% should be set aside for losses. The remaining fry in 2.5 years will turn into 800-gram fish, which can be sold for 140-160 rubles per kilogram. It is most profitable to buy already fertilized eggs and incubate them yourself. We order caviar from Adler, where 100 thousand fertilized eggs cost about 20 thousand rubles. True, if the farm is just starting out and there is no relevant experience, it is better not to take risks and buy ready-made fry.

Annual carp planting material costs significantly less - from 60 to 120 rubles per kilogram. The weight of the fish is from 14 to 25-40 grams.

The biggest disadvantage of fish farms is the long period of return on investment. But there is an opportunity to make sure that the money starts to “return” much earlier. To do this, you can purchase two-year-old fish weighing up to 200 grams. It will cost more. But in one season, carp can be fattened to a marketable kilogram.

And it is very profitable to grow trout in winter at state district power plants, where the cooling ponds have the most optimal temperature conditions. They bring it there in the fall and catch it in March-April. During this time, the mass of the fish increases two to three times.

When fishing carp ponds, other, “trash” fish are also caught along with it. For example, we catch 30 tons of crucian carp alone every year. It is not profitable to breed it: it grows too slowly. But when caught on an industrial scale, crucian carp can be sold for 15-20 rubles per kilogram or transplanted into ponds for paid fishing. For example, the Moscow Vietnamese take whole barrels of crucian carp from us to prepare their national dishes.

If there are opportunities - cage lines, connections with trade, as well as fish transport vehicles - you can purchase fish (trout, carp, sturgeon) for holding. For example, just last year we imported and sold 500 tons of fish from other regions where it is cheaper. True, for this you need to have your own vehicles for transporting fish, which can cost 100 thousand euros. Although you can equip the car yourself: to do this, you need to install a tank or barrels with an oxygen supply system on the trailer.

Another good opportunity to replenish the household budget is to arrange paid fishing. It gives us 5-6% of turnover (through it we sell 30-40 tons of fish annually). And small farms can generally sell most of their products in this way. This eliminates the costs of logistics and pond fishing. That is, you are actually selling fish “directly in the water,” only at a price slightly lower than the market price.

Depending on the pond, the availability and species composition of fish, the cost of fishing ranges from 120 to 1500 rubles. But now the fisherman has become more demanding, and he has to specially purchase some types of fish that cannot be grown in our area, for example, sturgeon or silver carp.



USD, Wed. per cycle*

%, on average per cycle

Gross revenue



For the purchase of fry

For staff salaries

To the stern

Other expenses

Profit (excluding taxes)

A farm that has grown 50 tons of carp and sold it at a price of 60 rubles per kilogram can expect this result.

The carp growing cycle is three years.


The market won't eat a lot of fish

All fish farms near Moscow, including the Biserovsky Fish Processing Plant, are now experiencing problems with sales. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the competition is quite strong. Secondly, compared to past times, the demand for live fish in Russia has dropped noticeably. This product has become available not to all buyers, which is clearly seen in the example of the richest city in the country - Moscow. If in the early 1990s the capital consumed almost 10 thousand tons of fish in just three months (August-October), now all fish farms near Moscow together sell only 3.5 thousand tons for the whole year. Another three thousand tons are imported to the capital from the southern regions. This is more than enough for Moscow.

Another problem for fish farmers is the difficult relationship with trade, especially with chain supermarkets. As you know, almost all of them ask for money to place goods on their shelves. Plus, many retailers simply don’t want to deal with live fish. To maintain it, you need to set up an aquarium: clean it, change the water. And the volume of sales of live fish is not so large. For example, in one large shopping center, such as "Ashana" or "Metro", you can sell no more than 30-70 kilograms of trout or 200-300 kilograms of carp per day.

In addition, live fish is a delicate product. Anything can happen to him on the way to the store: for example, if the oxygen supply suddenly stops or the temperature in the back of the car rises. Then the traders will return the entire “defective” batch to the fish farmers.

It is not surprising that wholesalers do not deal in live fish. Stores also don’t want to take on such a burden. And all the goods are delivered to retail outlets by the fish farms themselves. To do this, they have to maintain a fleet of their own cars. For example, the Biserovsky plant converted 12 GAZelles into fish carriers, installing welded tanks on them, making thermal insulation from foam plastic, placing a couple of cylinders with oxygen and equipment for spraying it in water.

Sales are also complicated by the fact that, for example, in Moscow, no more than 10% of grocery stores have aquariums for selling fish. But fish farms cannot undertake their construction: it is too expensive. A good aquarium with an oxygen supply system, water purification, as well as an accompanying refrigerator (the latter is especially necessary for trout) costs about $6-10 thousand. The most primitive plastic tank with a water treatment system costs 17-18 thousand rubles.

Plus, now all stores without exception pay for live fish only upon the fact of its sale. Deferred payment ranges from 7 to 30 days on average. As a result, fish farms always have accounts payable. For example, at the Biserovsky farm it ranges from 3 to 6 million rubles per month.

The conclusions for a novice fish farmer suggest themselves: building a business with the expectation of stable sales of caught fish is too risky. It’s better to start by organizing paid fishing.

Breeding crucian carp

More often raise crucian carp as an additional fish in carp ponds, but sometimes they are also reared in monoculture. The relatively fast-growing silver is most suitable for this, although it is found somewhat less frequently than gold. breed crucian carp possible in ponds where breeding carp and other fish is impossible, since it is unpretentious and is not susceptible to carp diseases such as rubella and branchiomycosis (Branchiomycosis , an infectious disease of pond fish caused by a microscopic fungus). causing very great damage to carp farms. In addition, in terms of the quality of its meat, crucian carp is not inferior to carp.

Farms engaged in breeding crucian carp have a two-year and three-year turnover. This requires the same categories of ponds as in carp farming.

Production processes for breeding silver crucian carp begin with the selection of producers. For this, female silver crucian carp and male goldfish, carp or carp are used (as noted earlier, only females are often found among silver crucian carp). In terms of size, male carp, carp or gold carp should not differ much from female silver crucian carp.

Female goldfish are selected with the tallest body. In them, as observations have shown, the number of gill rakers on the first gill arch is greater than in more protracted ones, and juvenile goldfish with a large number gill rakers grow better

Before spawning, males and females are kept separately. Although female goldfish become sexually mature in most cases in the second year of life, it is better to use fish of 3-6 years of age for breeding. The number of female goldfish is determined based on the production of 10-15 thousand fry from one female.

Silver crucian carp spawn in mid- or late June; in very warm weather in early June. Carp spawning grounds are used as spawning ponds (given that silver crucian carp spawn later than carp) after carp fry are transplanted into nursery ponds or wintering grounds in which crucian carp willingly spawn. Ponds intended for the spawning of silver crucian carp are filled 1-2 days before the spawners are planted in them. At 100 m 2 area of ​​the spawning pond, five female silver crucian carp and five male gold crucian carp, carp or carp are planted for spawning. In this case, male carp, carp or golden crucian carp are selected with flowing milk.

If there is little natural substrate in the spawning ponds in the form of green meadow vegetation, then artificial spawning grounds are installed - the same as for carp or tench.

Hatching of silver crucian carp larvae occurs on the 3-6th day after spawning (depending on temperature). The hatched juvenile goldfish are left in the spawning ponds for 15-20 days. To improve the growth of juveniles, as when breeding carp, spawning ponds are fertilized by adding a mixture of peat, humus, slaked lime, superphosphate and slurry before filling them. Per 1000 m ponds contribute approximately 100 kg peat, 300 kg humus, 20 each kg lime and superphosphate and 10-15 buckets of slurry.

After 16-20 days, the fry are transplanted into nursery ponds. The methods of transplanting and counting goldfish fry are fundamentally no different from the methods indicated for common carp. It should only be noted that the spawning ponds are released slowly. When ponds are quickly drained, a significant portion of the fry get caught in the grass and remain uncaught. Calculation of planting of silver crucian fry in nursery ponds is carried out according to the formula that was given for carp. The yield of silver carp fingerlings is assumed to be 70-75% of the number of planted fry, the average weight of fingerlings is 15-25 G, and natural fish productivity is based on actual data obtained from raising young yearlings of silver crucian carp. If the cultivation of goldfish fingerlings is being carried out for the first time, then approximately it is taken to be equal to the natural fish productivity of carp fingerlings or even slightly higher. Control over the cultivation of silver carp fingerlings in nursery ponds is no different from what was indicated for carp.

If silver crucian carp overwinters in special wintering ponds (the same as carp), then other fish are not added there. In such cases, by 1 ha In a wintering pond, you can plant up to 1 million fingerlings or up to 500 thousand two-year-old silver crucian carp. The timing of transplanting silver crucian carp for wintering coincides with the transplantation of carp. The methods and techniques for counting goldfish fingerlings when transplanted into wintering ponds are no different from those described for carp.

The yield of yearlings of silver crucian carp after wintering is 80-90% of the number of planted yearlings.

Silver crucian carp can also overwinter in stagnant nursery ponds with a non-freezing layer of water of at least 70 cm with well-organized mechanical aeration of water in winter. In such cases, by 1 ha In the non-freezing part of the pond, it is permissible to plant up to 500 thousand fingerlings or 200 thousand two-year-olds.

Caring for ponds and the fish wintering in them is no different from that described for carp.

Further cultivation of table silver crucian carp is carried out with a two-year or three-year turnover. At the same time, production processes are no different from those in carp farming.

Calculation of planting of silver crucian carp in feeding ponds under monoculture conditions is carried out according to the same formula as for carp, but with the only difference that the final weight of a two-year-old silver crucian carp is taken to be 200-250 G, and a three-year-old - 300-400 G. The yield of two-year-olds from feeding ponds is 85-90%, and of three-year-olds - 90-95%. The fish productivity of feeding ponds in which silver carp are raised is assumed to be equal to 70-80% of the fish productivity of carp. According to some data, it can be considered equal to the fish productivity of carp. But this cannot be recommended, since in such cases the crucian carp turns out to be too small (two-year-olds no more than 150 e, and three-year-olds about 200 G).

Carp is freshwater fish, reaching a mass of 15-20 kg. Due to its rapid reproduction, it is one of the main representatives of industrial fishing. This factor greatly influenced how much carp costs, and today the data looks like this:

  • Average cost of carp: 131 ruble per kilogram;
  • Fresh: 194 RUR/kg;
  • Live: 245 rub/kg;
  • Frozen: 121 rub/kg;
  • Canned (in tomato sauce): 49 RUR per jar of 240 g.

To fully understand the issue you will need to consider:

  • Points of sale;
  • Basics of selection.

You can purchase carp in the following places where it is sold:

  • fish shops. Here they are presented as live fish, sold in aquariums, and when choosing an interesting specimen, the price will be set according to the tariff 240-245 rub. for 1 kg. You can also find a frozen specimen at 130-135 rub/kg. To save 10-15%, you can go to the store on fish days;
  • restaurants. These establishments offer smoked, fried and stewed dishes. Cutlets are especially popular, for a portion of which you will have to pay 380-395 rub.. It is also recommended to try fried carp fillet, with a price tag in Moscow at 420-440 rub. per serving for 1 person;
  • markets. You can find this fish at the market in a specially designated place, where it is found on the shelves in live and salted form. These options are available at 253-260 And 143-149 rub/kg, respectively. The small difference in price is due to the large difference in shelf life. Some traders also have a dried and smoked version;
  • chain stores. On the shelves of large chains such as Magnit, Pyaterochka, Lenta or Auchan, it is found frozen at 121-126 rub/kg. Presented all year round, due to the increased shelf life.

This information will give all the necessary information about how much carp costs, but it also needs to be chosen correctly.

Tips for choosing a fresh option

When purchasing carp, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • The eyes are clear. Without cloudy film and other opacities, as this occurs during long-term storage;
  • No foreign odors. Carp should smell exclusively of water, and the addition of other ingredients may raise doubts about freshness;
  • Gills. Fresh fish are red-pink. This factor suggests that she was caught recently. Any other color indicates that it may be frozen. In addition, after a while they begin to secrete mucus, so additional attention should be paid to ensure that they are not stuck together;
  • Tail. It must be smooth, without bends. Its bend to the side or under itself is a sign of staleness;
  • Elasticity. When pressing on the carp, there should be no dents left on the surface of the skin. It should instantly return to its original position;
  • A bad sign is the presence of damage or dents;
  • Bones. In fresh fish, separating the bones from the pulp is problematic, but this sign is a test.

When going for carp, you first need to clarify its price and how to choose it correctly, which will be the key to a successful purchase.

Carp is a type of pond fish. It is grown in nurseries and in natural conditions. The fish is not picky about water quality and nutrition, but is demanding about temperature conditions; it does not like cold water. Under natural conditions, it lives up to 50 years and can reach a weight of 70 kg. It is delivered for sale when the weight of an individual reaches 1.5-2 kg.

Carp is an artificially bred variety; in fact, it is a domesticated carp. The meat of this fish is distinguished by its fat content and delicate sweetish taste. For these qualities it is so valued by buyers.

In Russia, several fish farms are engaged in breeding carp and supplying it to stores. It is also caught from reservoirs where fish live in natural conditions. The price for carp depends on the fishing conditions, method of preparation, transportation and storage conditions.


You can buy carp fresh, chilled or frozen. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fish:

  • fins pink or red;
  • the smell is fresh;
  • eyes transparent, bulging;
  • the frozen carcass is covered with a thin layer of ice, like glaze;
  • the shape of the fish is not deformed.

Carp, due to its nutritional properties, is very popular among Russians. Fish contains large number vitamins and minerals. This is a record holder for iodine content.

“Carp carcass” in Moscow can be bought for 346.8 rubles, Buy “Carp carcass” in Moscow for 456.72 rubles, Buy “Carp carcass” in Moscow for 266.4 rubles, Price “Carp carcass” is 261.4 rubles. in Moscow.

The arp is a large fish from the ray-finned class (Actinopterygii), which, due to its size, variety of species and biological significance, forms the order of the same name (Cypriniformes) and family (Cyprinidae), containing 2000 related and unique taxa of ichthyofauna. In Russia and the former Soviet republics alone, there are more than 130 forms of cyprinids with a predatory, vegetarian or omnivorous lifestyle.

There is a firmly rooted theory-myth that a fish such as carp is not the original, nature-created inhabitant of low-current and stagnant freshwater bodies of water. Allegedly, it owes its appearance to painstaking selection work associated with the domestication of wild river carp, whose ancestral home is the south of China and the Caspian Sea. This is fundamentally wrong. Wild carp have always had river and lake varieties, which differed in body shape. The fish, which constantly lives in oxygen-rich rapids, had a low torpedo-shaped body and stretched out in length. The same carps, whose habitat was in calm and food-rich water bodies with a minimum of large predators, quickly gained weight, became fat and grew upward.

It was the lake variety, which historically was accustomed to living in conditions of oxygen deficiency, without any selection changes, that was introduced by humans into many water bodies in Europe, Asia, North America. The issue of biological species improvements on an industry scale arose only in the last 150-200 years and led to the emergence of dozens of original breeds and hybrids.

It is important to know that the term “carp” has no scientific basis and was formed in the 19th century with the light hand of the famous author of books about fishing and hunting, Sergei Aksakov. The Ufa writer often visited his small homeland, where he participated in multi-day forays into nature. During one of his trips to the largest tributary of the Kama - the Agidel River (Belaya River), he had the opportunity to catch wild carp. The local guide, a Bashkir, called them sazans, which translated from Turkic means “silt fish.” After the author’s publications, the easy-to-remember word took root among the people, but from the point of view of ichthyology, wild and domestic carp are one species (Cyprinus carpio).