Swami Dashi - biography, psychic, participant in the Battle of Psychics. Psychic Swami Dashi: reviews, who was at the reception, biography and interesting facts What is the name of Dasha from the battle of psychics

One of the most mysterious psychics of the 17th season of the battle of psychics carefully hides all information related to his past and personal life. But from scraps of information it is possible to reconstruct the history of the formation and the real name of this great man.

Swami Dashi is a master of oriental practices from Russia, participant and winner of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Full name and surname – Petr Smirnov. Although the magician himself carefully hides this information. It is also known that he was born on August 22, the exact year is not clear, but apparently in the late 60s in Kazakhstan. Currently lives in St. Petersburg.

In his youth, Peter was involved in sports - pole vaulting, but then he abandoned them, although he did not stop developing his body physically. Spending a lot of time in gym, he learns to combine sports and various techniques.

Before participating in the Battle of Psychics, Swami Dashi was a popular person among people interested in spiritual practices. For more than 20 years he has been teaching followers his art, which he developed while traveling around the world. According to him, he visited many religiously significant places and lived in India, in Pune, for about 20 years. One of the main mentors in his life was Osho, a recognized master of yoga and spiritual development. His trainings were attended by a huge number of people from all over the world.

Swami Dashi in his youth - Sufi whirlings

Having left for India, Swami studied spiritual practices and the local culture of working with the body, achieving knowledge of Neo-Sufism, and was initiated into the Naqshbandi order.

Upon returning home, he continued his development, began to delve deeper into spiritual and philosophical teachings Western world, completely changed his worldview, and eventually managed to create his own personal practice, combining the approaches of Western and Eastern culture - yoga, Osho bodily pulsations and general body massage.

Swami Dashi works in the Spirit-Soul-Body system. The sage always emphasized the importance of balance between mental, spiritual and physical activities. Swami Dashi opened several meditation centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the same time, the practitioner never sits in one place - his busy work schedule consists of lectures, master classes, seminars and trainings around the world.

Name meaning

It was in India that he got this unusual name - Swami Dashi. The word “Swami” is rather a kind of title, which means the high skill of a yogi and is translated as “self-controlled” or “free from feelings.” Rumor has it that it was Osho who gave him his new name “Dashi”.

Name gender: Male name.

Accent: on the last syllable.

Origin of the name: Buryat name.

Name meaning: happiness, prosperity, prosperity.

The meaning of the letters in the name Dasha:

  • D - sociability, talkativeness, developed intuition, balance, kindness, independence.
  • A - activity, selfishness, ambition, impulsiveness, creative inclinations, sincerity.
  • Ш - ambition, impulsiveness, developed intuition, independence, hard work.
  • And - emotionality, kindness, intelligence, creative inclinations, uncertainty, pessimism.

Education and religion

If we talk about the practices preferred by the winner of the seventeenth Battle of Psychics, then we are talking about:

  1. alternative medicine of the East,
  2. yoga,
  3. various meditation practices,
  4. Sufi circles and dhikrs,
  5. Tibetan pulsations,
  6. Zen and Zazen
  7. techniques of Lapin, Gurdjieff and Reich.

More than 20 years ago, he lived for several years in India, learning the secrets of his teachers. Swami Dashi became one of the first to bring knowledge to Russia that was previously unknown in the western part of the continent. Dashi bases his practices on three main aspects - sound, breath and movement. Work in this direction, he says, can remove emotional, mental and physical blocks.


The psychic’s father, academician of biochemistry Vladimir Smirnov, does not share his son’s hobbies; according to Dasha himself, they have not communicated on this basis for more than twenty years. His mother committed suicide when Peter was twenty years old.

In his youth, his parents forced the future yogi and master of oriental techniques to enter the pediatric institute. According to Pyotr Smirnov himself, the decision to leave training was one of the most important in his life. At that moment, he felt independent, but, unfortunately, he finally lost contact with his parents, who actually abandoned their son.

Wife and children

According to media reports, Swami's wife is a 36-year-old master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Now in the Northern capital, his wife Irina teaches stretching, yoga, Pilates, and is also her husband’s administrator. In her marriage, the psychic Swami Dasha had two sons and a daughter. It is not known what the daughter's name is. They all live in St. Petersburg. The eldest child was 34 years old at the time of participation in the Battle of Psychics, and the youngest was 6. According to him, he personally delivered all his children.

Grandmother psychic, Klavdiya Smirnova, also distinguished herself in the sports field and was the first Soviet world champion in shooting, and his son from his first marriage, Roman Smirnov, participated in the Beijing Olympics and is a famous Russian athlete.

At Swami Dasha's large number tattoos on the body and arms, and it must be said that the designs are quite impressive in size. Moreover, the main theme of the images is animals. There are wolves on Dasha’s chest, and on her arms you can see a snake and bird wings.

Participation in the battle of psychics

Although Swami Dashi himself does not consider himself a psychic in the direct sense of the word, he is confident that the experience that has accumulated over more than 20 years of activity is quite applicable within the framework of the television show “Battle of Psychics.” Therefore, the man went to the casting of this project in the studio of the TNT channel, successfully passed all the qualifying tests and is now the winner of the most famous magic TV show.

On the Battle of Psychics project, Swami Dashi was remembered for his extraordinary behavior during the tests. The practices he prefers have nothing in common with what fans of the most mystical project have already become accustomed to - communication with the spirits of the dead and other creatures, rituals and ceremonies. We are talking about a mix of various eastern teachings and techniques, including dervish dances, Sufi whirling, breathing techniques Tibetan monks and much more. Dashi received his gift while traveling around the world in search of knowledge more than 20 years ago.

Video: Swami Dashi about family, name and India

Do you believe in the existence of extrasensory perception?

Psychic Swami Dashi is a participant in the Battle of Psychics season 17 and the host of the School of Psychics on the TNT channel. A mysterious mystic who lived in India for 20 years. He prefers not to talk about the spiritual experience he had there, but he is sure that now his possibilities are limitless. He does not advertise his age, but it is known that his wife is much younger than him, and he has 4 children. Dashi has long been known as a master of bodily practices; he calls his project “spirit-soul-body” and his method “Spiritless Spirituality”. Born in Leningrad, lives in St. Petersburg. Swami Dashi has opened several Meditation Centers named after himself and regularly conducts his traveling seminars.

A psychic who shocked before even appearing on the test. Swami Dashi does not know what a psychic is. He is sure that this is a real gift, which he is not going to talk about. Dashi proceeds to the test in an unusual way, which surprises the observers. In the first episode of the 17th season of “Battle,” I gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season of the mystical project, Natalya Banteeva. Almost immediately he determined which person was in the trunk of which car. But he infuriated the actress Samburskaya, who performed in the role of Miss X, because he spoke about her internal connection with her father (Nastasya did not want to hear about it - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old) and that she The souls of children are lined up in heaven, and she must fulfill her main destiny - to become a mother. The actress strongly disagreed with this.

For more than 20 years, Swami Dashi has been connecting Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices, helping people find the strength and courage to see themselves as real, transform and change their lives for the better.

A long journey of studying himself and other people through the prism of several faiths and movements, rich life experience and 20 years of practice working with the body, as well as constant meditation make him a truly unique person and a master in working with people.

Swami Dashi always emphasizes that he is not a Master Mentor or Enlightened One. He perfectly “reads” people, their bodies, he knows well what methods can be used to transform this or that person.

Swami Dashi uses his gift only for diagnostics, to help a person restore his body and energy system, take the path of self-healing and give him correct practice, the desired vector for transformation. All other manipulations with the gift do not benefit either people or himself.

Swami Dasha's whole life is permeated with unique meetings with Masters. His first meeting with a clairvoyant, who showed that hands can be used to heal, opened the way to the spiritual world, completely changed his life and set the direction of his transformation.

Years of independent practice led him to meet the Master Mentor Kalmahan. Many years ago, traveling with him through Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Swami Dashi comprehended Sufism from the original source, and was initiated into the Naqshbandi Order (an order of the Suffi brotherhood - Mohammedan dervishes in India, founded at the end of the 14th century by Sheikh Bahauddin Nashqband).

A meeting with Zahira (an outstanding Sufi woman) discovered neo-Suffism for Swami Dasha and brought him to the ashram of Osho, the Indian spiritual leader and mystic, teacher of neo-Hinduism, inspirer of the neo-Orientalist movement of Rajneesh, leading to total liberation and enlightenment.

Having received the Spiritual name Swami Bodhi Darshi, he connected his path with the teachings of Osho and was filled with gratitude to the Master. Gradually, the name Dashi (Darshi) became the only direction of his life's path.

Swami Dashi spent many years in the ashram, meditating and undergoing training. A meeting there with Amio Devienne, Master of Sacred Movements of G. Gurdjieff and a specialist in dance therapy, brought a lot to his life. After long training, Dashi led groups and trainings in Europe together with Amio Devienne, and also brought the Sacred Movements of G. Gurdjieff to Russia, introducing people for the first time to these practices of awareness, centering and immersion within oneself. A huge part of his life was embodied in the seminar “Sufi-Gurdjieff-Zen. Through the heart to awareness."

A full six-month course of Tibetan pulsations yoga and subsequent intensives taught him to work with universal energy and human bioenergy. And now Dashi conducts seminars on this system, using these techniques in individual work.

Periodically coming to Russia and traveling to places of power, Swami Dashi met the Black shaman Handa Tsyren Abre, who initiated him into working with spirits.

In Pune (India), Swami Dashi studied the art of Ayurvedic massage (Yoga stretch) from Ma Kusum Modak, a student of B.K.S Iyengar, who enriched his system of working with the body. Then, Dashi improved and supplemented his technique with the study of Thai massage, as well as one of the many techniques of Wilhelm Reich, aimed at “removing the muscular shell” through emotional and physical relaxation of all segments of the body.

At the ashram, Swami Dashi completed the full course ODHA (OSHO Art of Divine Healing), which became the foundation for studying Chinese medicine and shiatsu.

Master of Tantra Ma Krishna Rada initiated Swami Dashi into the art of Tantra. He also learned a lot from Andrei Lapin and still uses his techniques.

His disappointment in modern medicine in those years when he studied at the Leningrad Medical Pediatric Institute was transformed into the confidence that people can only be helped through a holistic approach to a person in the “Spirit-Soul-Body” system, and the fundamental knowledge he gained in medical school, became the basis of his work with people.

So, for many years collecting all the best that life gives him, studying himself and teaching people various techniques, Dashi created his own system of human transformation. Working in the “Spirit-Soul-Body” system, Swami Dashi always emphasizes the importance of balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other.

Conducting meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different cities and countries of the world, Swami Dashi meets interesting people and finds new techniques and methods of working on himself. Passing them through himself, he brings this experience to group classes and individual sessions for Seekers.

Swami Dashi has not used his real name and date of birth for a long time, since by accepting sannyas, a person discards his old name and dies to his past. Moreover, for obvious reasons, Swami Dashi hides this information, because he wants to protect himself and his family from idle curiosity and intrusive attention, maintain distance, and leave a certain island of privacy for himself and his family. He is not inclined to share details of his private life and completely retell his biography. Let’s reserve this right for him and treat his wishes with respect, because he devotes most of his life, his time, his energy to people, directing our bodies and souls to transformation.

Swami Dashi always invites you to a total and uncompromising movement inward, to search for your real resources. He focuses on the fact that each person is responsible for his own life and should not shift responsibility for it to other people.


Attention! Swami Dashi does NOT conduct consultations via Skype or telephone, does NOT invite or make appointments, and also does NOT write answers to questions via social media. networks.

There is NO advance payment for individual sessions.

Prepayment is taken only when organizing group classes.

Swami Dashi (Petr Smirnov)

Psychic Date of birth August 22 (Leo) 1967 (52) Place of birth St. Petersburg Instagram @swami_darshi

The Russian project “Battle of Psychics” has presented hundreds of extraordinary and mysterious participants over 16 seasons. Among them, Swami Dashi looked bright and original. A master of spiritual practices, yogi and mystic, who comprehended the secrets of the human soul and body in India and Tibet, brought his own energy to the program. An army of fans watched his performance without taking their eyes off him. The mysterious participant attracted the attention of viewers with his supernatural abilities and the gift of reading people. His victory in season 17 was recognition of the effectiveness of his “Spirit-Soul-Body” system.

Biography of Swami Dasha

For more than 20 years he has been calling himself Swami Dashi. The mystic earned this spiritual name by studying Sufism and spiritual practices for years. Swami is a Hindu honorary title. It is used to contact yoga masters and spiritual mentors. Translated it means “free from feelings.” The real name of the psychic is Peter Smirnov. Information about his age and place of birth is conflicting. Swami prefers to remain a mystery to the public. He believes that the exact date of birth gives power over a person. Fearing damage and other magical attacks on energy, he did not advertise personal information until the finale of the “Battle of Psychics” program. The only thing that Dashi did not hide was his birthday - August 22.

Peter was born into the family of the famous Soviet athlete Claudia Smirnova. His grandmother was a European and USSR champion in clay pigeon shooting. At an advanced age, she could shoot for the title of master of sports. The psychic's parents chose a different path in life. As a child, the boy studied athletics, specialized in pole vaulting. Peter did not achieve success and left the sport early. My father insisted on entering the Leningrad Pediatric Institute. The young man lived an ordinary life - he got married and raised a child. It is not known what event made him change everything radically.

Smirnov dropped out of school, left his family and homeland, and went to India. He traveled extensively throughout Asia, visiting Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. Dashi studied the Islamic esoteric movement Sufism. He lived for several years in an ashram - the abode of sages and hermits. Meditation, yoga, and special cleansing rituals helped him unlock his inner strengths. In Tibet, Swami studied the pulsations of human energy, and in Pune - Ayurveda massage.

Returning to Russia, the mystic began conducting unique seminars and master classes. He gathers students for meditations and individual sessions. At her seminars, Dashi helps people develop, teaches them how to manage their body and spirit.

Before appearing on the TNT project “Battle of Psychics,” Swami was popular with an audience passionate about yoga and OSHO healing. During the program, he found himself surrounded by witches, magicians, and clairvoyants. The mystic's main rival was Marilyn Kerro. The clairvoyant and witch participated in the project for the third time, had a lot of experience and an army of fans. Swami spoke more than once about rigging the results in favor of the Estonian. Several indignant participants left the battle early, but Dashi decided to stay until the end. He successfully passed all the tests - he found the man in the trunk, told the details of the murder, and discovered all the snipers. In the final of the “Battle of Psychics”, 53% of the audience voted for Swami Dashi.

The personality of the mystic and his practices to achieve balance of spiritual, mental and physical activity became popular with a huge number of people. Hundreds of people gather for his seminars, lectures and meditations. Dashi does not consider himself a Master; he continues to improve and expand the boundaries of reality.

“Battle of Psychics” celebrates its 10th anniversary: ​​what happened to the brightest participants in the reality show

Personal life of Swami Dasha

By hiding personal information, the psychic wanted to protect his family from excessive attention from journalists and rivals at the battle of magicians. Peter is married twice. His first wife was a high jumper. She did not achieve much success and left the sport after the birth of her son Roman. The second wife, Irina Nogina, is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. She fully shares her husband's passion for yoga and spiritual practices. Irina helps in organizing the work of the Spirit-Soul-Body meditation center. She oversees Swami's social media pages. Irina Nogina teaches Pilates, yoga, fitness and stretching. The family has three children - two sons and a daughter. For the youngest child 6 years old, he has already managed to join the secrets of health and happiness known to his father.

The eldest son, Roman Smirnov, was born in 1984. In sports, he achieved impressive results. The young man is engaged in athletics and running. He is a 10-time champion of Russia, a participant in the 2008 Olympics, and a winner of European and world championships. The athlete is married to Ekaterina Smirnova. The couple plays together for CSKA and works with the same coach. Katya is a 5-time Russian champion. The Smirnovs have a son, Martin.

Dasha has many large tattoos on her chest and arms. Among them are images of animals, wings, the face of a woman and an old man. Each drawing carries a special mystical meaning. For a mystic, the wolf is a totem animal; it is a guide to another world and a protector from evil spirits. The next tattoo was a wolf paw. This image was made on Dashi’s neck in one of the tattoo parlors in Almaty. The face of the old man, stuffed next to the animal, represents the wisdom and help of the ancestors.

Real name Swami Dashi- Pyotr Smirnov. He was born in Kazakhstan, spent a considerable part of his life (about 20 years) in India, in Pune, in the Osho Ashram, until recently he lived in St. Petersburg, now lives in Moscow and participates in filming on TNT in the “Battle of Psychics” program. Season 17. Peter is Slavic by nationality. Religion - Sufi Islam.

Swami Dashi- this is not part of a pseudonym, but something like an honorary title. It is awarded to people who have the skill of a yogi, and this title is translated as “free from feelings” or “self-controlled.” He received it in India more than 20 years ago. Upon returning home, Swami Dashi continued his development, began to delve deeper into the spiritual and philosophical teachings of the Western world, completely changed his worldview, and eventually managed to create his own personal practice, combining the approaches of Western and Eastern culture - yoga, Osho’s bodily pulsations and general body massage. Now he conducts his own trainings and seminars in different cities of Russia.

Dashi is widely known among people who are interested in spiritual practices. He spends a lot of time in the gym, combining various techniques and sports areas in his work. As a trainer, teacher and specialist in the field of alternative medicine, he has an excellent reputation.

As is known from biographies of Swami Dasha, he does not use working methods that are traditional for most participants in the mystical project itself. Many call him a yogi, and partly this is true - accumulated Indian yogis knowledge is indeed included in the mix of teachings and spiritual practices that are preferred psychic Swami Dashi. However, calling him a psychic is also somewhat erroneous - he does not practice magic and does not use the promptings of spirits. All his successes are the result of personal spiritual self-improvement with the help of special practices.

Personal life of psychic Swami Dasha

In his youth, Pyotr Smirnov tried himself in traditional sports - he practiced pole vaulting. According to media reports, Swami’s wife is 36-year-old master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Nogina-Chernyshova. She is a practicing fitness and Pilates trainer, as well as her husband's administrator. Married to her psychic Swami Dashi two sons and a daughter were born. They all live in St. Petersburg.

Swami Dasha has a large number of tattoos on her body and arms, and it must be said that the designs are quite impressive in size. Moreover, the main theme of the images is animals. There are wolves on Dasha’s chest, and on her arms you can see a snake and bird wings.

It is not known exactly how old Peter is (approximately 53 years old), he hides his age. Only the date of birth is known for sure - August 22.

Swami Dashi on the project "Battle of Psychics", season 17

Swami Dashi is one of the most mysterious participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. He does not advertise his real name and personal life. On the project "Battle of Psychics" by Swami Dasha I was remembered for his extraordinary behavior during the tests. Successful passing of tests and some non-standard participant of the Battle of Psychics became the reason for rapid popularity Swami Dashi. The practices he prefers have nothing in common with what fans of the most mystical project have already become accustomed to - communication with the spirits of the dead and other creatures, rituals and ceremonies. Peter received his gift while traveling around the world in search of knowledge.

Generally, Swami Dashi is one of the most unusual participants in the “Battle of Psychics” project. Despite the fact that there are no powerful witches and sorcerers in his family, and the knowledge that helps a yogi pass tests has practically nothing to do with magic in its classical sense, Dashi has every chance to take first place in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Although Swami Dashi himself does not consider himself a psychic in the direct sense of the word, he is confident that the experience that has accumulated over more than 20 years of activity is quite applicable within the framework of the television show “Battle of Psychics.” Therefore, the man went to the casting of this project in the studio of the TNT channel, successfully passed all the qualifying tests and is now considered one of the favorites of the television program.

Practice, methodology and experience of Swami Dasha

Swami Dashi- master of eastern practices, student of Osho. Combines Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices. She uses yoga skills, meditation skills, massage and Osho’s bodily pulsations in her practices. Helps people find the strength and courage to see themselves as real and change a lot in their lives. Swami Dashi works in the Spirit-Soul-Body system and always emphasizes the importance of balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. Dashi opened several Meditation Centers named after himself, he has his own website darshi.ru - “Meditation Center”. Conducts meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different countries peace. Despite all this, he remains a man of mystery.

Peter specializes in working with the body. He mainly conducts seminars, master classes and lectures on development inner world man and control of his body. The main place of work is St. Petersburg and Moscow.

If we talk about the practices favored by the favorite of the seventeenth Battle of Psychics, we are talking about alternative medicine of the East, yoga, various meditative practices, Osho, Sufi whirling and dhikrs, Tibetan pulsations, Zen and Zazen, as well as the techniques of Lapin, Gurdjieff and Reich.

Based on the stimulation of the vertical flow of energy through three main aspects: breathing - movement - sound , it makes it possible to regain a true sense of your body, release repressed emotions, reveal the blocks associated with them, and remove them on the physical, mental and energy planes. In addition, there are many reviews from patients who were able to experience Dasha’s therapeutic massage techniques in practice.

Conducting meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different countries of the world - Swami Dashi meets interesting people and finds new systems and techniques for working on himself and passing them through himself, brings this experience to group classes and individual sessions for Seekers people.

Home Swami Dasha's technique– read information from human body, since it, unlike human thoughts, is not capable of deceiving.