Stepper: what muscles work on this machine? What is a stepper simulator: what muscles does it train and what is it for? Steppers for which muscles?

Modern man moves very little. The rhythm of our lives forces us to use transport instead of walking, physical work is increasingly giving way to sedentary office work, passive rather than active leisure is becoming the norm.

This regimen has a significant impact on health: osteochondrosis, arthritis and other pathologies of bones and joints become more and more “younger”.

The solution is to regularly visit the gym or buy a home exercise machine. The stepper is an excellent option for rebooting your physical activity and an effective method for losing weight.

What is a stepper?

This popular cardio machine is familiar to anyone who has ever visited a fitness room. The basis of its name is the word “step”, which is translated from English as “step”.

The principle of operation is an imitation of walking up the steps of a staircase. Thanks to this feature, the stepper compensates for the lack of physical activity that a person must do daily to maintain health. will help you learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each.

The line of modifications of steppers today is very extensive - from the simplest to ultra-modern orbitreks and climbers.

They differ in:

  • design and configuration (handles, levers, expanders);
  • type of loading system (hydraulic and electromechanical);
  • pedal stroke (interdependent and independent).

What muscle groups does it act on?

Since even the name of the stepper is associated with walking, the conclusion suggests itself: that the main load vector is aimed at the lower limbs. So, what muscles does he work:

  • (quadriceps/quadriceps, vastus lateralis and medialis, rectus);
  • (biceps, semimembranosus, semitendinosus);
  • (gastrocnemius, soleus) and feet;
  • (large, medium and small);
  • flexors-extensors of the knee and hip.

For a detailed muscle atlas, see the photo:

Attention! A number of small muscles also take an active part in the work. With the position of the body, as well as the regularity of exercise, the legs and buttocks will work on their own, gradually developing throughout the entire volume and acquiring more and more expressive relief.

In addition to the participation in the work of the listed muscles, their other groups are also involved in the training.

Depending on type and dimensions of the simulator distinguish:

  1. with levers. With their help, the load on the muscles of the entire back is added.
  2. Strengthens the muscles of the arms and back.
  3. While maintaining balance, the abs, arms, shoulders, back, and lateral thighs sway.
  4. The back is loaded - the rhomboids, trapezius and quadratus muscles, but especially, thanks to the rotating lever, the oblique abdominal muscles, which helps work on the waist.
  5. They combine the best qualities of a stepper, an exercise bike and a treadmill. All muscle groups are involved, sparing joints - smooth movements are achieved due to the electromechanical loading system.
  6. Designed specifically for children.

Contraindications for classes on the stepper are:

  1. injuries (dislocations, sprains, etc.);
  2. serious chronic diseases of internal organs;
  3. last stages of pregnancy;
  4. arterial hypertension or diabetes mellitus in the acute stage;
  5. colds with high fever.

Steps to a good mood

It can be difficult to step up and take the first step towards your health.

But keep in mind that along with old ailments and poor health, neuropsychic tension will also go away, giving way to vigor and good mood.

Exercise equipment is an important part of any training program. The stepper participates in many of them, as it has long proven its effectiveness and benefits. But any efforts can be nullified if you do it incorrectly. And in some cases, even harm yourself.

How to exercise correctly, what needs to be taken into account and who is not recommended to train on this simulator? Let's talk about everything in order.

Brief characteristics of various types of simulator

A stepper is a step-by-step cardio exercise platform that, using built-in pedals on levers, simulates climbing stairs. The legs work alternately on it. You can also use your arms, just like during normal walking.

This is a very natural motor activity for humans., however, adjusting the resistance of the pedals allows you to increase the load and apply effort for walking. This is the basic principle of this cardio.

A large number of modifications Steppers give both beginners and physically trained athletes the opportunity to choose. Stepper designs may differ in the loading system (mechanical and electromagnetic), pedal stroke (interdependent or independent), size, design, set of functions and programs, and, depending on this, cost.

According to the type of movements performed and design features steppers are divided into:

  1. The basic version of a stepper imitates the most common walking climb up the stairs. It can be equipped with various devices for stability and activation of the muscles of the upper body: racks, levers, expanders.
  2. A smaller version for training in confined spaces and convenient transportation (for home use). The design is very suitable for beginners who cannot immediately switch to heavy loads (overloading the heart suddenly and without preparation can negatively affect its health).
  3. . Such models are equipped with a handle that turns from side to side, thanks to which the upper part of the body turns from side to side in unison with the steps. Such movements help to pump up the abs, back and waist along with the legs.
  4. In this version, elastic cords with expanders are attached to the platform with pedals. With their help and correct use during training, in addition to the legs, the arms, back and shoulders are also worked out. We described how to use expanders correctly in this version in a separate article.
  5. This model is designed on the tumbler principle and resembles a small leg swing with an invisible horizontal axis in the middle. Steps on such a simulator are rolling from side to side while maintaining body balance in the center. The balance beam exercises the entire body, develops balance and coordination, and takes up very little space.
  6. The electromagnetic loading system allows you to increase the amplitude and smoothness of the step, and also, thanks to moving levers, to connect your arms. Almost the entire body is involved in the work, the steps resemble the rotation of the pedals of a huge bicycle, the work of the hands resembles the movements of a skier. This is the most gentle of the steppers in relation to the joints.
  7. The peculiarity of this option is that, while performing the same functions as a stepper for adults, it is designed specifically for children from 4 years old. Such simulators are bright, colorful, very durable and safe. They are designed to interest the child in playing sports and give a start to his physical development from an early age.

What muscles does it use?

As with climbing stairs, the load when working on this simulator is mainly aimed at the lower extremities.

Peculiarity! For half an hour of moderate intensity walking on a stepper, you burn about 300 calories. This figure will increase by another 100 calories if you use levers, expanders or dumbbells to engage your arms and upper body.

Heart Rate You Need to Hold to Burn Fat

It should be about 100-110 beats per minute for beginners and 120-130 for people of average athletic training. Monitor your heart rate using a heart rate monitor or built-in sensors. Do not go beyond the age range of 130-160(if you are 20-25 years old), 123-152 (30-35), 117-144 (40-45), 110-136 (50-55), 104-128 (60-65), 97-120 (70 and above).

Formula for calculating heart rate. Maximum heart rate (HR) is calculated using the formula approved by most sports doctors: 206 minus your age, multiplied by a factor of 0.88 - or 180 minus your age.

How many times a week do you train?

After strength training, if the muscles are already warmed up, 20 minutes is enough.

If a step session is carried out as an independent workout, you need to practice for about 1 hour (minus the time of warm-up, cool-down, and other exercises - the same 20 minutes).

The optimal schedule is 3-4 times a week, every other day. This rhythm alternates days of stress and days of necessary recovery, it is ideal for both beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts. The only difference is the intensity of the load.

How to walk correctly: body position

  1. Your feet are on the pedals so that knees and socks were slightly turned outward(heels together, toes apart) – placing your feet on the pedals parallel or with your knees closer to each other not only does not give any effect, but can also lead to a knee injury.
  2. On platforms when walking you need to press with your heels, not your toes.
  3. The body is tilted forward, the lower back is in a slight deflection, support is on the arms (but not transferring the entire body weight to them - then the legs and buttocks almost do not receive the necessary load).

Morning or evening?

For those who want to lose excess weight, morning is preferable.

A sharp transition from a lazy state to an active one will help the body burn fat more intensely to compensate for the energy expended.

Nutrition correction

Exhausting yourself with strict diets is unacceptable - just eat healthy, natural foods. Eat less carbohydrates, more protein - the building material of muscle tissue.

Benefits and contraindications of exercises

Working out on a home cardio machine is not only aerobic exercise for muscles and strengthening them.

Step exercises also allow:

  • reduce weight;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • activate the work of the heart, lungs, and brain;
  • train the lungs and improve blood supply to the muscles of the limbs, abdominal cavity and pelvis;
  • develop general body endurance;
  • strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure;
  • increase the power and strength indicators of the body;
  • reduce the amount of body fat.
Scientists have proven: after three months of exercise, lung volume increases by 8.6%, waist circumference becomes smaller by 2%, and cholesterol levels decrease by 3.9%.

However, there are restrictions and contraindications for practicing on a stepper.

You should stop studying if you:

  • injuries have not yet been completely cured (dislocations, fractures, sprains, etc.) or you suffer from serious diseases of the joints and spine;
  • suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • have chronic diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver, lungs (asthma);
  • are in the last stages of pregnancy;
  • suffer from arterial hypertension or diabetes mellitus in the acute stage;
  • being treated for colds with high fever.
Important! People who are significantly overweight and older people who love a healthy lifestyle should consult a doctor before starting exercise.

Step towards health

Doctors from the USA B. Patey and D. Herrington, who studied the benefits of walking up stairs, briefly formulated its importance for health. They noted that Each step overcome can extend a person’s life by four seconds. It’s neither too early nor too late to start self-improvement at any age.

Your activities are a contribution to a beautiful, slender body today and active longevity in the future. Therefore, if your body does not have good reasons for refusing to train on a stepper, feel free to step on the machine and step towards your health.

Walking, including walking up stairs, is one of the oldest forms of physical activity and one of the most accessible. People of almost all ages can do it for their health; it is recommended even for those who, for example, cannot run. Exercises on a stepper can successfully replace it.

And if such a simulator “settles” in your apartment, training is not canceled either because of the weather or because of an inconvenient schedule in the fitness room. We’ll tell you what benefits you’ll get and who should avoid step loads right now.

What is a simulator?

The principle underlying the operation of this cardio simulator, unlike the one, is simple: alternate walking on the pedals of a lever mechanism, simulating climbing up the steps of a staircase.

For any stepper design (it can be with a mechanical or electromagnetic loading system, with dependent or independent pedal stroke, and differ in type, size, design, set of functions), its The goal is to strengthen muscles. Primarily the legs and buttocks, although various modifications provide a variety of exercise options. For example:

  1. and its smaller version - - are aimed at strengthening and pumping the lower extremities and gluteal muscles, however, by training on such cardio using dumbbells, you can involve your arms and upper body in the work;
  2. attached to elastic bands, helps to engage muscle groups of the upper body;
  3. equipped with a rotating handle for turning the body simultaneously with steps, due to which not only the legs are worked out, but also the waist, back, and abs;
    the balancing stepper develops coordination by constantly moving the body’s center of gravity from foot to foot, loading the abs and legs;
  4. – a symbiosis of a stepper, an exercise bike and a treadmill – pumps up all the muscles of the body;
  5. Designed to attract children's attention to sports from the age of 4 and help their general physical development.
  6. Classes on it resemble an energetic dance

6 useful properties

Unconditional advantage of this cardio machine is to ensure the necessary volume of natural movements for a person. By doing them regularly and correctly, you can achieve excellent results in several directions at once.

1. Benefits for the heart, blood vessels and lungs

The stepper is a cardio simulator - it increases blood supply to the heart muscle (including increased capillarization), the brain, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and normalizes the functioning of the lungs and the respiratory system as a whole.

Important! If your goal is to strengthen the heart, the method of achieving this is short (no more than 15-20 minutes), but intense (at the upper limit of the pulse). When burning fat, for example, everything happens the other way around.

The benefits for heart health from cardio training will only come with proper exercise and heart rate control.

The upper and lower limits of the heart rate, if your simulator is not equipped with a computer with sensors, can be calculated by subtracting the age from 220 (the baby’s heart rate at birth) and multiplying the resulting number by 85% and 65%.

These indicators are class performance controllers: if the pulse is lower, the exercise will not give results at all, higher – a signal that you are overloaded.

Scientific fact: people who spend more than an hour walking during the day (this hour can also include a half-hour workout on a stepper) reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 5 times. And one more thing: it has been proven that as soon as a person buys a car, in the very first months he noticeably gains weight, and the condition of the cardiovascular system worsens.

2. Increased muscle tone

The main areas of “pumping” on this simulator are the legs (calves, ankles), hips (including the breeches area, which is problematic for many), and buttocks. However, if your stepper is equipped with levers, a rotating handle, expanders, or you simply use weights for your arms (dumbbells, cuffs, etc.) - the work may include

3. Reducing the appearance of cellulite

The “orange peel” will steadily melt with regular exercise on the exercise machine, which provides increased blood circulation in problem areas of the lower body.

The effect can be increased if you combine classes with cosmetic procedures, the use of anti-cellulite products or wearing special neoprene clothing during training.

Improving blood circulation helps eliminate toxins and waste, smoothing the skin surface.

4. Improved coordination, increased strength and endurance

Coordination, or coordinated muscle activity, is the basis of any movement of the human body. The higher it is, the more confident a person is in his motor activity. It is developed by any stepper, but especially by a balancing or side stepper.

Exercises on this simulator also build strength and endurance, which is especially important in our “sedentary” age, when muscles receive practically no load and weaken at a fairly young age.

Following this, problems begin with bones and joints, internal organs. Even modern children sit a lot at homework and at the computer, their physical activity is extremely low. Movement is the main stimulator of growth, development and formation of the body- one of the main biological functions of the body.

Cardio equipment, including a children's stepper, allows children to begin instilling physical education skills from the age of 4, making them strong and resilient.

Watch the video for more details:

5. Strengthening the immune system and general health benefits

Regular physical activity stimulates metabolic processes and provides full physiological load, including at the stage of recovery from injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And long-term natural walking movements improve blood circulation in the muscles of the limbs, abdominal cavity and pelvic area.

All this strengthens the general immune system, 90% of which depends on the functioning of the intestines, and serves to prevent constipation, prostate adenoma in men and gynecological diseases in women.

6. Figure correction

Fit, slim, beautiful silhouette - the result of methodical training on the stepper. Also one of the main advantages is. Let's talk in more detail about what results you can get by exercising and why your knees hurt from exercise.

The effectiveness of exercises on a stepper for weight loss

Losing weight on a stepper: burning excess calories, accelerating metabolism and, as a result, a fit and clear body line.

Peculiarity! To enhance the effect, you need to limit yourself to carbohydrates, but increase the proportion of protein foods. With such a balanced diet, the available weight loss is about 1 kg per week.

Things to consider when losing extra pounds?

  1. How to start? From 10-15 minute sessions with low intensity, but not less than the lower limit of the heart rate. Don’t forget about warming up the muscles at the beginning and cool-down-stretching at the end of the cardio session (5-10 minutes each, depending on the time of training). Gradually, as the muscles adapt, increase the training time to an hour over the course of a month. But even 15 minutes every day will show themselves in a month.
  2. Duration. For the purpose of losing weight, the optimal time is 40-60 minutes at low intensity (pulse is about 100-110 beats per minute for beginners and 120-130 for intermediate training). The “25-minute rule” works here - during this period of training, blood sugar and carbohydrate glycogen from tissue cells are consumed, and only after these minutes the fat burning process starts.
  3. Periodicity. 2-3 times a week is ideal for both beginners and experienced fitness people. The difference is in the intensity of the load.
  4. Morning or evening? For those who want to lose weight, morning is preferable. A sharp transition from a lazy state to an active one will help the body burn fat more intensely to compensate for the energy expended.
Attention! In 30 minutes, at the specified intensity, 250 kilocalories are “burned” on the stepper. This indicator is similar to the calorie expenditure when jogging.

Contraindications and possible harm

Walking is so natural for humans that it can cause false belief: The stepper has no contraindications at all. However, this is not true. Don't forget: steps on the machine are steps with effort. In some cases, you should avoid exercising altogether or train with caution and under the supervision of a specialist.

You will practice to your own detriment, If:

  • injuries have not yet been completely cured (dislocations, fractures, sprains, etc.) or you suffer from serious diseases of the joints and spine;
  • suffered a heart attack or stroke;
  • have chronic diseases of internal organs - kidneys, liver, lungs (asthma);
  • during pregnancy (in the last stages);
  • you have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension or diabetes mellitus in the acute stage;
  • being treated for colds with high fever.
Important! Significantly overweight people and older sports enthusiasts should consult a doctor before starting exercise.

Knees hurt after training: why and what to do?

People often complain about painful sensations in their knees when doing steppers. Sometimes, for this reason, classes are suspended altogether, and the exercise machine itself gathers dust at home without use.

Usually this pain is signal that, that when performing the exercise initially the starting position is incorrectly occupied, and after this the load on the knees is incorrectly distributed and traumatic situations arise. That is why knowledge about it is very important.

In the gym, an instructor will help you avoid mistakes and choose the right technique.

At home you just have to stick to a few rules:

  1. do not bend your legs too much and do not straighten your legs completely at the kneecaps - this will reduce the load on the joints;
  2. Place your feet on the pedals so that your knees and toes are slightly turned outward (heels together, toes apart) - when moving, do not bring your knees close to each other, they should walk parallel;
  3. stand on the platforms with your full feet, without hanging your toes or heels, and when moving, do not press on the pedals with your toes, lifting your heels, and make sure that the bent knee does not go beyond the border of the toe standing on the platform - bend your legs smoothly and not too much.

If your knees still hurt from the exercise machine, stop training, giving them time to recover, and in the meantime, smear them with joint ointment, drink chondroprotectors, or eat gelatin-containing foods more often - jellied meat, jelly. Wait until the pain subsides, but now begin training, carefully monitoring your technique.

Imagine how beautiful people are hidden under a layer of unnecessary fat! And to show them to the world, you need very little - self-discipline and 40 minutes of free time three times a week. Not much for such a lofty goal, right?

Leading a healthy lifestyle is very fashionable now. This not only allows you to keep your body in good shape, but also significantly improves your health. But not everyone can afford to go to the gym or pool. Large exercise machines may not fit into modern apartments. We offer an alternative - you should pay attention to the mini stepper.

Features of selected models

The main difference between a stepper and a mini model is that the latter does not regulate the level of loads and consists of pedals and a mechanism that moves them. There are exercise machines with or without arm expanders. Such models will not only work the muscles of the buttocks and legs, but also work the muscles of the back and arms.

Mini steppers differ in the way the pedals move: dependent or independent. So, on some simulators, the footrest can rise at the same time as the second one is lowered. And for other sports equipment, the load on the pedals can be adjusted separately.

There are also the following types of mini steppers:

  • Turning.
  • Balancing.

In the first type, the pedals move diagonally, in the second, the movement of the simulator resembles a swing. This will help to engage the lateral muscles and abdominal muscles during training.

To achieve results, you need to practice systematically, adhering to a certain methodology. The training program can be selected on the Internet.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If we talk about the positive qualities of a mini stepper, then the following characteristics stand out:

  • You can use it at home or at work.
  • Easy to store - does not take up much space.
  • Possibility to adjust the degree of load.
  • The muscles of the legs and buttocks are worked out.
  • Blood circulation improves, which helps fight cellulite.
  • Working with the simulator is absolutely safe and convenient.
  • Movement on the stepper occurs naturally.
  • Health improves.
  • Low price. Anyone can afford such a simulator.

But there are also disadvantages of the mini stepper:

  • It's good for beginners. This simulator is not suitable for professional athletes.
  • Exercise on such sports equipment is contraindicated for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and heart.
  • This machine will only develop the lower body.

Losing weight with a mini stepper will take a long time.

What to look for when choosing

When going for a mini stepper, it would be a good idea to use the following tips:

  • What pedal travel does your model have? It is better to give preference to an independent method.
  • Is the simulator equipped with a computer: calorie counter, step counter, timer.
  • You should not buy cheap models from unknown manufacturers.
  • If you want to train your arms, then you need to buy a model with an expander.

The mini stepper comes with instructions.

Body Sculpture BS-1370HAR-B

Rotary stepper Body Sculpture BS-1370 HAR-B compact exercise machine designed for use at home. Small size and great functionality allow you to use this simulator to train all major muscle groups: legs, hips, abs, arms, back. The presence of expanders allows you to carry out quite serious training, and built-in computer reads and reports to the user all the main parameters of the training, which allows you to plan training and, if necessary, make adjustments. The design of the simulator is very carefully thought out and designed in such a way as to make the training as effective as possible and save the user from all possible inconveniences: wide pedals with non-slip surface, a strong and durable mechanism, a reliable expander will make every workout effective and comfortable. On this ministepper You can perform the following exercises in combination with each other: – free step – squats – movements of the hip part – exercise for the biceps – exercise for the shoulder girdle – exercises for the deltoid muscles.


  • Ministepper.
  • Autonomous work.
  • Expanders.
  • There is a display of calorie consumption.
  • Takes up little space.
  • Good quality.


  • Doesn't add up.
  • There is no heart rate measurement.
  • No connection to computer.
  • There is not enough fan.
  • The pedal travel is not independent.
  • There is no ergometer.
  • It is sometimes necessary to apply lubricant to rubbing parts.
  • At the beginning of each workout, until he warms up, the movements are somewhat difficult, but then everything is fine.
  • The step height is too small.

Video review of this product in the video below:

HouseFit HS-5015

HouseFit HS-5015– ministepper with expander for everyday home workouts. The model consists of 2 large pedals and a simple hydraulic mechanism with 2 hydraulic cylinders, which allows you to exercise on the simulator by transferring the weight of the body from one leg to the other. Aerobic training using a stepper strengthens the cardiovascular system, muscles and joints of the legs. Besides two elastic cords - expanders included in the kit, allow you to train the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. The effectiveness of exercises on a stepper is similar to walking on steps and allows you to use the model for weight loss, while improving the cardiovascular, circulatory and respiratory systems. Comfortable pedals with non-slip surface and a stable platform ensure safety and comfort during exercise. The small size of the stepper allows it to be used in rooms with a small area. Unlike a stepper with handrails, this model can be stored in a closet or under the bed. With regular training on a stepper, the leg muscles and gluteal muscles receive the most intense load. LCD display with one information window in scanning mode displays 4 training parameters.


  • Loading system: hydraulic.
  • Comfortable pedals with non-slip surface.
  • Two elastic cords for upper body training.
  • Manufacturer: USA.
  • Console: LCD display with one information window.
  • Indications: training time, counter, number of steps per minute, calorie consumption, scanning mode of all training parameters.
  • Takes up little space.


  • Doesn't add up.
  • There are no expanders.
  • There is no overload signal.
  • No professional use possible.
  • There are no built-in training programs.
  • There is no heart rate measurement.
  • You cannot connect a wireless heart rate sensor.
  • No connection to computer.
  • There is not enough fan.
  • Maximum user weight: 100 kg.
  • No bottle holder.

We present to your attention a review of this device in a video from the user:


DFC SC-S032– rotary ministepper with expanders for home use. This rotary stepper is well suited for both beginners and experienced stepper users who, nevertheless, do not mind saving space in the apartment. The model consists of two large pedals located on a turntable and simplyT oh hydraulic mechanism with two oil-filled cylinders, allowingT Stand on the machine, transferring the weight of your body from one leg to the other. Unlike natural conditions, with the exercise machine you will not experience shock loads, which means that people with knee injuries can also exercise on the ministepper. Comfortable wide pedals with non-slip surface and a stable platform provide safety and comfort during exercise for users weighing up to 110 kilograms. For greater training efficiency, the model provides the ability to adjust the height of the pedals and change the load value. Simultaneously with the steps being carried out, the rotating platform SC-S032 allows the user to rotate the body - thus, the load is distributed not only between the muscles of the legs, buttocks and abs, but also the back muscles are used. For upper body training, the set includes expanders. Single window LCD display in scanning mode displays 5 training parameters. Heart rate measured using chest strap + wrist monitor DFC W117(sold separately). The model has relatively small dimensions, which is a clear advantage when used in rooms with a small area, as well as when it is necessary to save space. Unlike the stepper, which has additional handrails, you can even store this model under the bed.


  • Loading system: 2 hydraulic cylinders.
  • Interdependent pedal travel.
  • Rotary mechanism.
  • Adjusting the pedal height (step height).
  • Comfortable wide pedals.
  • Non-slip surface of foot platforms.
  • Heart rate measurement: chest sensor + wrist monitor DFC W117 ( sold separately).
  • Resistance bands for training the upper body.
  • Computer power: batteries.
  • Console: single-window LCD display.
  • Indications: training time, number of steps per workout, rhythm, number of steps per minute, calories burned, scanning mode.
  • Compactness.


  • Doesn't add up.
  • There is no overload signal.
  • There is no ergometer.
  • No professional use possible.
  • There are no built-in training programs.
  • There is no heart rate measurement.
  • You cannot connect a wireless heart rate sensor.
  • No connection to computer.
  • There is not enough fan.
  • Maximum user weight is 100 kg.
  • No stand.

A short video review of the presented device in a video from users:

Moove&Fun TFK-10 / SH-10

Feature of the “Stepper” exercise machine with handle Moove&Fun SH-10 is that you can practice it at any free time, while playing with friends, brothers and sisters. Exercises on such a simulator contribute to the development of coordination of movement and muscles of the child’s legs. For added safety, there is a handle that is very comfortable to hold. The design of this model is very stable, compact, and due to this, the exercise machine can be installed in any corner of the apartment.

Weight of the “Stepper” exercise machine with handle Moove&Fun SH-10 only 8 kg when packed, and 7.1 kg when installed, and it’s compact.


  • Classic ministepper.
  • The child's age is 3-6 years.
  • Compactness.


  • Doesn't add up.
  • There are no expanders.
  • There is no overload signal.
  • No professional use possible.
  • There are no built-in training programs.
  • There is no heart rate measurement.
  • You cannot connect a wireless heart rate sensor.
  • No connection to computer.


We have selected the most interesting models of mini steppers; in addition to the main advantage – compactness, they have many positive aspects:

  • If you want exercise machine with expander, then buy Body Sculpture BS-1370 HAR-B.
  • U HouseFit HS-5015 computer is powered by batteries and there are additional options.
  • DFC SC-S032 has a non-slip pedal surface. Their height can be adjusted.
  • The ideal exercise machine for children is Moove&Fun SH-10. You can use it from the age of 3 years.

All presented models are of high quality, from well-known manufacturers.

A stepper is a cardio exercise machine that simulates walking on steps.

What is the effectiveness of a stepper

Exercises on the simulator are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscles of the buttocks and legs. The back and abdominal muscles can also be included in the work. Among fitness enthusiasts, the stepper is often used as a weight loss exercise machine. Like other types of cardio, stepper training helps you lose weight, as well as strengthen your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The advantage of the simulator is that it is gentle on the joints ( with the correct technique of performing steps).

Regular exercise will help you:
train your buttocks, thighs and calves;
lose unnecessary pounds;
increase endurance;
create a clearer silhouette, tighten your figure.

Types of steppers

#1. Depending on the size and design features, there are two types of simulators: steppers and ministeppers. Conventional steppers are quite large, equipped with handrails that help maintain balance, or levers that give additional stress to the arms and back. The ministepper is a platform with pedals. It can be equipped with regular handles or expanders, with the help of which you can train the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and arms while walking. The Ministepper is a good cardio exercise option for home use.

#2. According to the type of movements performed, steppers can be divided into: classic, balancing and rotary.
The classic model imitates normal walking on stairs. It allows you to perform simple and effective cardio workouts.

The balancing option will help develop coordination and load the abdominal muscles. Movements on it occur as a result of a person’s center of gravity shifting from side to side. Having acquired dexterity, you can supplement walking with various movements of the body and arms, giving additional stress to all the muscles of the body. It’s not for nothing that this model is called the “rock and roll stepper”: practicing on it is reminiscent of the energetic dance beloved by many.

Exercises on a rotary stepper put additional stress on the back, since when walking you need to turn your entire body.

#3. According to the type of loading system, the stepper can be mechanical or electromagnetic. The first option works using hydraulic cylinders. The exerciser exerts force on the pedal, the cylinder compresses, and when the weight is transferred to another pedal, it unclenches. Such models do not create unnecessary noise during classes.

The operation of electromagnetic steppers is based on the magnetic resistance of the pedals. The load is adjusted using buttons on the control console. These are modern models equipped with electronics with many functions. They allow you to train using built-in or individual programs, monitor all kinds of training indicators ( heart rate, number of steps, distance, speed, calories, etc.). Due to its high cost and large size, it is more suitable for sports clubs than for home use.

#4. Stepper may have interdependent or independent pedal travel. In models with dependent travel, the pedals are connected to each other, which makes the load equal for both legs. Alternatively, you can adjust the resistance of each pedal individually. Steppers with independent movement allow you to train more effectively.

How to train

To exercise safely and effectively on a stepper, you should follow several rules:
be sure to warm up before training;
gradually increase the time and intensity of training;
place your foot not on the toe, but on the entire foot, the heel should not hang from the pedals ( this will relieve you from overloading the ankle joint);
the amplitude of movement of the pedals should be such that the legs at the knees do not bend too much ( it is harmful to the knee joint);
You should not straighten your legs completely; they should always be slightly bent at the knees to protect the joints from high loads;
For weight loss, it is better to exercise with low resistance and a high frequency of steps than vice versa.

How to choose a stepper for your home?

By and large, it all depends on your financial capabilities and the size of your home. Even the simplest and most inexpensive exercise machine will allow you to achieve your goals.

If you are serious, want to track your workout progress, and have a large amount of money, then choose functional magnetic models with the ability to customize programs, independent pedal travel and adjustable load.

If finances do not allow, a regular or rotary hydraulic stepper is quite suitable. There is not enough space in the apartment - buy the mini or rock and roll option. However, on these models you will not be able to adjust the load. Compact exercise machines are equipped with small counters that show time, number of repetitions ( total and per minute), calories.

Also pay attention to:
handrails ( will not allow you to trip or fall from the machine);
expanders ( will be needed if you want to pump up your back, shoulder girdle and arms);
maximum user weight ( to prevent the pedals from breaking under your weight).

How much does a stepper cost?

A fairly budget option is mechanical stepper ( mini, balancing, rotating, with handles or handrails). The price for such models starts from 1,700 rubles and can reach 20 thousand. Electromagnetic the exercise equipment is worth it from 50 thousand rubles, but you can find a stepper even for 400 thousand.

Simple model Torneo Ritmo sells for 1800 rubles.