Control exercises (tests) to determine the level of development of strength abilities. Strength tests

In the practice of physical education, quantitative strength capabilities are assessed in two ways: 1) using measuring devices - dynamometers , dynamographs, strain gauge force measuring devices; 2) using special control exercises and strength tests.

Modern measuring devices allow you to measure the strength of almost all muscle groups in standard tasks (flexion and extension of body segments), as well as in static and dynamic efforts (measuring the force of an athlete in motion).

In mass practice, special control exercises (tests) are most often used to assess the level of development of strength qualities. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment. To determine maximum strength, exercises that are simple in technique are used, for example, bench press, squat with a barbell, etc. The result in these exercises depends very little on the level of technical skill. Maximum strength is determined by the greatest weight that the student (subject) can lift.

To determine the level of development of speed-strength abilities and strength endurance, the following are used: control exercises: jumping rope, pull-ups ), push-ups on parallel bars, from the floor or from a bench , lifting the body from a lying position with bent knees, hanging on bent and half-bent arms , high bar inversion lift, standing long jump with two legs , triple jump from foot to foot (option - only on the right and only on the left foot), raising and lowering straight legs to the limiter , jump up with a swing ) and without swinging the arms (the height of the jump is determined), throwing a medicine ball (1 - 3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hands, etc. The criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of pull-ups, push-ups, time of holding a certain position of the body, range of throwing (throws), jumps, etc.

For most of these control tests, research has been carried out, standards have been drawn up, and levels (high, medium, low) have been developed that characterize different strength capabilities.

As you know, there are two types of strength: static (isometric) and dynamic (isotonic). Dynamometers are used to measure the level of development of static strength of various muscle groups.

In secondary schools in different countries, the tests below are most often used to assess the level of strength development. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment.

1) Pull-ups.

Used to assess the level of development of strength and endurance of the flexor muscles of the elbow, hand, fingers, shoulder extensors, and depressors of the shoulder girdle. Strength indicator is the number of pull-ups.

A simplified version of pull-ups is used when testing students with a low level of training.

Testing procedure. The crossbar is installed at the level of the subject’s chest, he takes it with an overhand grip (palms facing away from himself) and lowers himself under the crossbar until the angle between the outstretched arms and the torso is 90°. After this, maintaining a straight body position, the student performs pull-ups.

2) Push-ups on parallel bars.

This test can assess the level of strength development of the elbow extensor, shoulder flexor and shoulder girdle depressor muscles. The test can be performed simultaneously by two students (at different ends of the bars), which gives the teacher the opportunity to test 60 students within 40 minutes.

Testing procedure. The subject stands facing the ends of the bars (it is necessary to select and set a comfortable height and distance between them), jumps up and takes a position in support, after which he bends his elbows at an angle of 90° or less, and then straightens them again. The goal is to perform as many push-ups as possible. Their counting begins with taking a position in support. A correctly performed push-up is worth 1 point, an incorrect one - 0.5 points.

3) Push-ups from the floor. A simplified version of push-ups is used when testing students with a low level of training. There are several modifications to this exercise. Here are the two most common: push-ups from a bench 20 cm high; push-ups

with bent knees (performed in the same way as push-ups, but with emphasis on bent knees).

4) Raising the body from a lying position.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on his back, clasping his hands behind his head, then, without bending his knees, takes a sitting position, alternately touching the opposite knee with his bent elbows and returning to the starting position.

5) Raising the body from a lying position with bent knees.

Like the previous one, this exercise is used to assess the level of development of strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on his back, clasping his hands behind his head and bending his knees so that the entire surface of his feet touches the floor (the partner holds his feet in this position). The rest of the exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one.

6) Hanging on bent and half-bent arms.

The exercise is used to assess the strength endurance of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

Testing procedure. The subject assumes a hanging position on a high bar. Then, independently or with the help of a teacher, assumes a hanging position on bent arms (with an overhand or underhand grip, chin over the bar) or a hanging position on half-bent arms (the angle between the forearm and the humerus is 90°). The time of holding this position is determined from the beginning of its adoption until the exercise is stopped or the initial position is changed (the angle of holding bent or half-bent arms is changed).

7) Test to assess the strength of the knee and hip extensors.

Testing procedure. The subject stands with his back close to the wall and begins to lower himself along it until the angles at the knee and hip joints are 90°. The time it takes to hold a given pose is assessed.

  • 8) Lifting a barbell, kettlebell, or other weights of the maximum weight for the subject, as well as a weight of 50-95% of the maximum.
  • 9) Lifting with a coup on a high crossbar.

Testing procedure. After doing a pull-up, the subject does a flip-up lift and goes into a full-throttle position. Then he lowers himself to the hang position again. The number of repetitions is determined

10) Rope climbing.

Testing procedure. In the first option, the subject, using only his hands (legs down), strives to rise to a height of 4 or 5 m as quickly as possible. In the second option, he tries to do the same, but maintaining a right angle between his legs and torso (for students with a high level of strength). In the third, the subject performs the same control exercise with the help of his legs (for students with a low level of strength readiness).

To measure speed-strength abilities The following tests are used:

  • a) jump up from a place with a swing and without swinging your arms. The test is carried out using a device designed by V.M. Abalkova. The height of the jump is determined;
  • b) standing long jump with two legs;
  • c) triple (quadruple) jump from foot to foot, option - only on the right and only on the left foot;
  • d) throwing a small ball (another projectile) from a place to a distance with the leading and non-dominant hand. The flight length of the projectile is determined. The motor asymmetry of the subject is determined by the difference in throwing lengths separately with the right and left hands. The smaller it is, the more symmetrical the student is in this exercise;
  • e) throwing (push) a medicine ball (1-3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hand.

Testing procedure. Throwing a medicine ball from a sitting position with legs apart, the ball is held with both hands above the head. From this position, the subject leans back slightly and throws the ball forward as far as possible. Out of three attempts, the best result is counted. The throwing length is determined from the imaginary line of intersection of the pelvis and torso to the closest point of contact of the projectile.

Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from the chest in a standing position. The subject stands 50 cm from the wall in the starting position. On command, he strives to push the ball with both hands from his chest as far as possible. Out of three attempts, the best result is taken into account.

Same as the previous control test, but the subject holds the medicine ball with one hand at the shoulder, while the other supports it. The medicine ball is pushed with one hand to a distance of flight.

Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from below. The subject holds the ball with both straight hands below. On command, he throws with both hands from below (the hands move forward and upward), possibly simultaneously lifting onto the toes.

Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head with two hands, standing with your back to the direction of throwing. The subject, holding the ball down with both hands, tries to push the ball over his head as far as possible.

f) Long range kick (pass, pass) of a soccer ball. The distance from the line where the ball is hit to the point where the ball first touches the floor is determined.

In addition to individual tests to assess the level of development of strength qualities, batteries of tests are often used in secondary schools in different countries. The result of a battery of tests provides more complete information about the level of development of strength qualities, since the results of individual tests can be used to judge the level of strength development of only individual muscle groups. An example of such test batteries is Roger's test, including measuring the strength of the muscles of the hand, back, arms and determining the vital capacity of the lungs (VC). Based on the results of performing special exercises, the muscle strength of the upper shoulder girdle (UPG) is calculated using the following formula:

SVPP = number of pull-ups + number of push-ups * 10 (weight/10 + height - 60).

Then the strength index (SI) is calculated using the formula:

IP = SVPP + right hand strength + left hand strength + strength

back muscles + leg muscle strength + VOL.

The obtained result is compared with the relevant standards.

Another example of a battery of tests to assess the level of strength development is the so-called minimum strength test. Kraus-Weber. It consists of 6 exercises:

  • - to determine the strength of the abdominal muscles and hip extensors, the squat exercise is used from a supine position with your hands behind your head. If a student cannot rise, he receives 0 points; if he performs the exercise partially with the help of a teacher - 5 points; if performed correctly independently - 10 points.
  • - to determine the strength of the abdominal muscles, use the squat exercise from a position lying on your back with bent knees. Scoring is done in the same way as in the first exercise.
  • - to determine the strength of the hip flexor muscles and abdominal muscles, the leg lifting exercise is used in a supine position. The test taker should raise his straight legs 10 inches above the floor and hold them in this position for as long as possible. One point is awarded for every second. The maximum number of points awarded is 10.
  • - to determine the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, the exercise of lifting the torso from a lying position on the stomach is used. The person being tested lies on his stomach on a special pillow, with his hands behind his head. The partner fixes his legs, after which he raises his torso and holds it in this position for 10 s. Scoring is done in the same way as in the previous exercise.
  • - the starting position of the exercise, lifting the legs while lying on your stomach, is the same as in the previous one. The partner fixes the upper part of the subject’s torso, after which he raises his straight legs above the floor and holds them in this position for 10 s. Scoring is done in the same way as in Exercise 3.
  • - the exercise of bending the torso from a standing position is performed to determine the level of development of flexibility. The test taker must, bending down and without bending his knees, touch the floor with his fingertips. In this case, the exercise is considered completed. If it does not reach the floor, then the result is the number of centimeters from the floor to the fingertips with a minus sign.

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Want to check your general physical fitness level? Let's talk about strength testing! If you perform the recommended number of repetitions with excellent technique, then you have a sufficient level of strength development. And your body is ready to begin performing more difficult exercises on the horizontal bar, rings and on the ground, without subjecting itself to excessive stress.

To achieve these simple indicators, you will have to train for several months. This, among other things, will show the seriousness of your intentions and the ability to achieve small goals ON ONE'S OWN.

I’ll tell you right away that the main secret of your success is REGULARITY performing exercises. Skipping one workout sets you back about a week. If you don’t have the time or energy to train, do the training by reducing the load by 50-80% (depending on your condition), but do it. By the way, you will have to make not only physical efforts to ensure REGULARITY workouts, but also use your wits to think about how and where to perform exercises in modern life. Although, in truth, all the answers for this are on my blog through a search :) Now about the standards.

Let me clarify that girls can divide all standards by 2.

IMPORTANT - use the principles of the “ Siberian Horizontal Bar“, and your muscles will receive a load that most strength exercisers do not experience. You will immediately accustom yourself to rational training, which many people come to through trial and error.

By the way, not everyone comes in the end.

Even if you do it only 10 times, it will be 10 pull-ups that will take the breath away from everyone who sees you. Although much more important is the fact that these 10 high-quality pull-ups will be your foundation, on which you can then build a unique structure! Read more about the pull-up technique in the article ““. Why prince? Because the king of upper body exercises is the power out!

2. PUSH-UPS - 30-40 times

It is better to stick to approximately the same proportion of pull-ups in relation to push-ups. 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. There are different opinions here, but practice shows that in this case it is better to take a range, that is, for 10 pull-ups there are approximately 30-40 push-ups. The proportion has been developed over the years and shows an even balance in the development of the strength capabilities of muscle groups. Of course, there may be individual adjustments, and they will certainly arise when you become more experienced, but this will happen later, when you have created the necessary strength base. In the meantime, 30-40 push-ups. You can read more about the push-up technique in, which was published during one of the past “100-day workouts.”

3. SQUATS ON TWO LEGS - 80 times

1:4:8 = pull-ups: push-ups: squats. We carefully strive for this proportion. There should be no jerks, high-speed movements, cheating, springing at the lowest point, nodding of the pelvis or other “jambs” in the technique. The pace is below average. Rationally performed squats, in addition to improving the health of the knee joints, help prevent blood stagnation in the pelvis. We read about the squat technique in, which shares Australian experience with this exercise.

4. AUSTRALIAN PULL-UPS - 20-25 times

An excellent exercise for working the muscles of the back, biceps and forearms at home. We should never forget that our back, in addition to vertical pull-ups on the horizontal bar, also needs horizontal pull-ups. The rationale for this, so as not to repeat yourself, can be read in posts about. You can read about the types of Australian pull-ups in the article.

5. “JUDOSKI” - 10 times

"JUDOSK" requires good flexibility of the thoracic spine, shoulder and wrist joints. However, pay attention to the fact that regularly performing the “JUDOSHES” themselves copes with this task perfectly, in addition to perfectly working out the pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle muscles and triceps. By the way, it’s easier to understand the technique of this exercise if you call it “a cat crawling under a fence” :) You can also control the depth of lowering to the floor and the deflection of the thoracic spine using a stick, as shown in the video.

6. Corner push-ups - 15 times

This exercise can be considered an alternative to judoka. If the latter, as I wrote above, affect 3 muscle groups at once, then corner push-ups act more purposefully, affecting the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

7. “SCORPIO” (reverse hyperextensions) – 15 times

We perform it like an adult - with good amplitude, we do the power movement calmly and slowly without jerking. Perform on a table, hyperextension machine, or any other similar device.

Don't look for options on how to avoid this exercise, look for conditions on how to do it.

Of all the health-improving exercises, this exercise stands out due to its unique effect on the erector muscles of the back, helps to recover from injuries, improves posture, significantly compensating for the negative aspects that arose after we switched from walking on 4 limbs to 2 :)

8. “HORSEMAN” – 1-3 min.

If you have been involved in martial arts, then it will be more clear “mabu” - for wushuists, “kiba-dachi” - for karatekas 🙂 I wrote in more detail about this exercise in the article “ “. If you have long realized the importance of preventing blood stagnation in the pelvic and genitourinary areas, and regularly do the 4 exercises listed in the article at the link in the morning, then I recommend alternating the “Rider” exercise as follows:

  • one morning " "
  • another morning " "
  • another morning " "

9. “BOAT” - 1-3 min.

For a description, see the same article ““. Tightening your glutes is a MUST! It is recommended to perform immediately after the “HORSEMAN” without a break.

10. “SUPERMAN” – 1-3 minutes

It is recommended to perform it immediately after the “BOAT”, or after a short break. While performing the exercise, it is important to maintain a neutral position of the cervical spine, that is, do not throw your head too far back, but also do not tilt your head too far forward.


This is not a set of exercises, but individual strength tests. That is, you don’t need to do them all. Although, by arranging them in the right sequence and in the right dosage, you can get an excellent complex that works our main muscle groups. But this will be just a special case out of context. Since any complexes are best compiled into a program that pursues specific training goals.

Sincerely, Ruslan Dudnik!

Exercises in our magazine are usually provided with the following remarks: “for beginners”, “for experienced”, “for advanced”. The fact is that fitness is a whole science. There is an almost mathematical logic to the sequence of increasing loads. Imagine, you signed up for an exhausting step aerobics class, and your cardiovascular system is completely untrained. This is truly dangerous! It's the same with strength exercises. For beginners, the range of motion in the joints is usually limited, so they are advised to train on simulators. Over time, flexibility will increase, then you can take on free weights, for example, doing dumbbell flyes while lying down. If you take on such extensions on the first day, the shoulder joints will be subjected to unnecessary and, again, dangerous stress.

Do you know your own fitness level? If not, take our simple tests. You will know exactly what level of load you can handle. Give yourself similar “exams” every six months. The results will help you understand whether there is any benefit from training, or, God forbid, you are marking time.

Muscle strength

What is it? This is the amount of one-time maximum effort that your muscle is capable of. Simply put, this is your personal best in a particular exercise. The higher the result, the higher the power. Why do you need power? The fact is that the stronger your muscles, the better your physical fitness - both literally and figuratively. A figure with flabby, skinny muscles is not beautiful. Strength comes with training, so your strength level can accurately determine your personal fitness category.

Bench Press Maximum Weight Test. There is an exercise in the world that will allow you to evaluate the strength of all the muscles of the body in one fell swoop. This is the bench press you know well. In this case, it must be performed with a barbell. Here's the procedure for taking the test.

After a general warm-up of 10-15 minutes, proceed to the bench press. Perform 4 reps at about 50% of your normal barbell weight, then 3 at 60% and 2 at 75%. Complete your warm-up with two reps of 85% and 90% weights (one for each weight). Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

The warm-up put you in a state of full combat readiness. Now let's move on to the test itself. By eye, estimate the weight that you can cleanly squeeze exactly 10 times. Squeezed out? Then look at the table. There is a direct connection between the result in 10 repetitions and the one-time record. Knowing your maximum weight for 10 repetitions, you can easily set a one-time maximum.

Note: Don’t even try to squeeze the bar “one at a time”. It's too dangerous! Special measures are needed, such as bandaging elbows and wrists. In addition, such attempts are made only in the presence of several insurance partners.

If you've done all 10 reps but feel like you could do 1-2 extra reps, add 2.5-5kg and try again. Rest for at least 3 minutes before performing a new set. If, on the contrary, the attempt was unsuccessful, reduce the weight by the same 2.5-5 kg. After completing the test, divide your maximum result in kg by your body weight to calculate your fitness level:

How to increase muscle strength? To do this, train exactly one week a month in the so-called. "power" mode. You don’t need to change anything in your set of exercises. The only thing required is to suddenly raise the weights and do 4-6 repetitions per set. The sets themselves are no more than 2.

Muscle endurance

What is it? The ability of muscles to lift weights for long periods of time without rest. In scientific terms, we are talking about the so-called. "strength endurance" This is not at all the same as running endurance. Running endurance largely depends on the fitness of the heart. However, increasing strength endurance does not inevitably increase the endurance of the heart muscle.

Push-up test. Time yourself and see how long you can do push-ups on the floor. Usually push-ups are done like this. You lie down on the floor, place your palms on the floor at shoulder level and press your body weight upward. At the top, your body is straight in a line. You rest on your hands and toes. The female version is different. First you need to kneel and only then take the position of resting on your hands. This is how you will do push-ups - from your knees. Rest well and start doing push-ups. Do them without breaks and stops until you are completely exhausted and collapse on the floor.

High>3 minutes
Average1- 3 minutes
Short<1 минута

How to train strength endurance? Take less weight than usual, but do more repetitions per set. For example, instead of 12-15 repetitions, do 20-30.

LevelDistance (km)
Average1,6 – 2,4

To increase cardiovascular endurance, do intense aerobics (heart rate: 65%-75% of maximum) 3-5 times a week for 45-60 minutes.


What is it? It's about the mobility of your joints. Joints have the greatest amplitude in childhood. Then the amplitude decreases steadily. In old age, joints often stop bending altogether. It is curious that decreased joint mobility is simply a reaction to an immobilized lifestyle. If you exercise your joints, they will be as flexible as a child until you are a hundred years old! An example of this is the venerable Indian yogis with their unique flexibility. In fitness, joint mobility is very important. If your mobility is impaired, you may not be able to perform full range of strength exercises. This will greatly reduce their effectiveness.

"Sit and reach" test. After warming up, sit on the floor and spread your straight legs exactly 25 centimeters wide. (Make preliminary marks on the floor). At heel level, draw a line on the floor. Place one hand on top of the other, bend over and slowly slide forward along the floor. You can't bend your knees! Slide as far as possible. Ask your partner to make a mark at the extreme position of the palms. Repeat two more times. Select the farthest mark and measure the distance between it and the line of your feet.

High>20 cm
Average5 – 20 cm
Short<5 см

To increase flexibility, stretch for 10 to 15 minutes after each strength session. Focus your efforts on large muscle groups first, such as the thighs, back, and chest, and then move on to smaller muscles (calves and arms).

Body composition

What is it? This is the percentage of muscle and fat tissue in your body. You won’t be able to completely get rid of fat (and it’s impossible). But anyone can lose a certain amount of excess fat. What is considered the norm here? Doctors believe that in a healthy woman’s body, fat should account for 19-24% of her total body weight. The rest comes from bones, muscles and fluids.

Test "Measurement of fat folds". In many sports stores you can buy a simple plastic meter. The instructions will tell you in which places on the body to tuck and how to do the calculations. By the way, many fitness clubs offer such testing today. If you are involved in fitness to lose weight, this test should be performed every 3-4 weeks. Record your results in your training diary to see your progress.

LevelFat content
Below normal15% - 18%
Norm19% - 24%
Above normalFrom 25%

Combine regular aerobic exercise and strength training with a smart diet. This lifestyle is guaranteed to lead you to weight loss. It is common knowledge that lost pounds come back. Every 2-3 weeks, the body fat increases by 0.5%. Exercise intensely, eat right, and take regular measurements to avoid gaining weight.

30.12.2019 07:42:00
What happens to the body if you drink for several days in a row?
The New Year holidays are coming soon, and few people spend them without alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, some people stay drunk the entire weekend. But what does this mean for the body?

Strength abilities - This is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance.

Absolute power - This is overcoming the maximum burden at one time.

Relative strength - This is a calculation of strength level relative to your own weight.

Dynamic force- this is overcoming the burden when performing a movement

Static force - this is holding a position with external resistance

In practice, strength abilities are tested in two ways:

  1. With the help of measuring devices - dynamometers and strain gauges, which allow selective assessment of the maximum strength of various muscle groups.
  2. With the help of special pedagogical tests strength.
Measuring strength with a wrist dynamometer does not provide a realistic indication of an athlete's strength, since this test involves the small muscles of the finger flexors. In order to obtain objective data on the strength of an athlete, it is necessary to pay attention to testing the main muscle groups of the body: the pelvic girdle, torso, hips and shoulder girdle. To determine the strength of the spinal column extensors, a backbone dynamometer is used. In practice, trainers very rarely use these devices. To determine strength abilities, they use pedagogical tests. Their implementation does not require the use of special expensive inventory and equipment. The most informative are measurements taken during the dynamic mode of muscle work.

Criteria for assessing maximum strength For experienced athletes, the following tests can be used:

  1. Performing a barbell bench press (1 time).
  2. Squats with a barbell (1 time).
  3. Deadlift (1 time)
These tests are performed with maximum weight for one repetition maximum.

For people who do not have a professional technique for these exercises, they can perform, for example:

  1. Bench press 10 times. In this case, do a warm-up first.
  2. Leg press in the simulator for 10 times.
These measurements are prohibited for testing children. When testing children, simple techniques using body weight should be used. So the strength of the arm flexors and latissimus dorsi can be determined by the number of pull-ups while hanging on the bar, while swinging is not allowed. The pace of the exercises is arbitrary. Pull up above the chin.

The strength of the arm extensors and pectoral muscles can be determined using the exercise: flexion-extension of the arms in a lying position.

The strength of the abdominal muscles can be tested with the help of an exercise: raising the torso into a squat position from a supine position.

These tests can be called strength tests with a big stretch, since strength endurance is already present here.

Many sources provide average indicators for a certain age group, but coaches should not rely only on them, since the main thing is the increase in indicators during testing.

Speed-power abilities are manifested in D.D. where, along with large amounts of force developed in movement, high speed is also required. Types of movements such as various types of jumps, throwing, when performing accented strikes, quick defenses and unexpected movements in boxing, barbell jerk, etc., speed-strength abilities are manifested.

To determine the level of speed-strength abilities, the following exercises are used:

  1. Standing long jump.
  2. High jump (Abalakov test).
  3. Timed pull-up on the bar.
  4. Flexion and extension of the torso a number of times for a while.
  5. Triple jump (on the left and on the right leg).
It is advisable to evaluate strength endurance when performing movements of an imitative nature, similar in form and characteristics of the functioning of the neuromuscular system to competitive exercises, but with an increased share of the strength component. For example, using a strength meter in the form of a boxing bag, you can measure during a training round how many punches a boxer delivered and the tonnage of punches for the entire round. For wrestlers, working with rubber shock absorbers or throwing a dummy in a given mode.

Thus, the criteria for assessing speed-strength abilities and strength endurance are the number of motor actions (number of pull-ups, push-ups, number of jumps) and the time for performing these exercises.

Strength endurance- This is the ability of muscles to perform work with light weights for a long time.

Strength endurance is assessed in various ways:

  1. Based on the duration of a given standard job.
  2. Based on the total amount of work performed during the execution of the test program.
  3. Indicated by the ratio of the force impulse at the end of the work provided for by the corresponding test to its maximum level.
To determine strength endurance young athletes use the following exercises:
1. Maximum number of push-ups on parallel bars.
2. The maximum number of push-ups from the floor.
3. The maximum number of push-ups on a gymnastic bench.

Rapidity, This is the ability of an athlete to produce a movement or perform a certain movement in a minimum amount of time (in a minimum period of time).
Speed ​​is a physical ability largely determined by heredity. When testing speed capabilities, both in terms of the content of the tests and the methods of their use, it should be remembered that during the testing process the athlete must be in conditions of high performance, without signs of developing fatigue. The time for performing tests of maximum intensity usually does not exceed 15 - 20 seconds.

Test exercises to evaluate speed divided into four groups:

  1. Assessment of the speed of simple and complex reactions.
  2. Single movement speed estimation.
  3. Assessment of maximum speed of movements in different joints.
  4. Estimation of speed, manifested in a holistic movement (running 30m, 60m), etc.

  • Test exercises for assessing speed are simple.

    The simple reaction time is measured under conditions where both the type of signal and the method of response are known in advance (a sprinter begins to run when the starter fires). In laboratory conditions, the measurement accuracy reaches 0.01 or 0.001s. The subject makes ten attempts, then the average reaction time is calculated.

    When measuring a simple reaction, you can use a 40 cm long ruler.

    In competition conditions, simple reaction time can be measured using contact sensors (the start of a sprinter in a row, a swimmer).

    Complex reactions are typical for martial artists and sports game players. The type of signal and method of response are unknown in advance. In competitive conditions, it is very difficult to record the time of a complex reaction.

    This can be done on a special stand equipped with light sensors. The combatant, upon a signal, must hit the target where the light sensor lights up. The time from the start of the light signal to the strike on the target is recorded.

    1. To assess the speed of a single movement, the most informative indicator is the time it takes to perform specific movements or exercises. These include the time of a punch in boxing, a throw in wrestling, the number of various techniques per unit of time, etc.
    2. Control of the frequency of movements is based on identifying the number of movements per unit of time. The maximum frequency of movements in different joints is assessed using tapping tests. The number of movements performed alternately with one or two hands in 5 - 20 seconds is recorded.
    3. To assess the speed manifested in a holistic movement (maximum speed), you can use running from 5 to 60 meters, or shuttle running.
    Flexibility- this is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude.

    The main criterion for assessing flexibility is the greatest range of motion. The main pedagogical tests for assessing the mobility of various joints are the simplest control exercises:

    1. The mobility of the shoulder joint is assessed by the distance between the hands when twisted. The width of the grip is compared with the width of the subject's shoulder girdle.
    2. Active abduction of straight arms upward from a position lying on the chest, arms forward. The distance from the floor to the tips of the fingers is measured.
    3. The mobility of the spinal column is determined by the degree of forward tilt of the torso and is assessed with a “+” or “-” sign. When performing a gymnastic bridge, the distance between the heels and fingers is measured.
    4. Mobility in the hip joint is determined during longitudinal and transverse splits.
    When performing flexibility measurements, standard test conditions must be followed:

    1. Carrying out a standard warm-up before testing.

    2. Identical starting positions.

    3. Repeat measurements at the same time.

    Coordination abilities

    In the movement control system, one of the main concepts, on the basis of which others are built, is the concept of “coordination of movements” - “organization of controllability of the motor apparatus” (N.A. Bernstein).

    Coordination abilities this is a person’s ability to quickly, efficiently, expediently, i.e. most rationally, to master new motor actions, to successfully solve motor problems in changing conditions.

    In accordance with the criteria for assessing coordination abilities, we consider the following four main characteristics: correctness, speed, rationality and determination, which in turn have qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

    Control of coordination abilities should be carried out in different functional states of the body - in a steady state, at a high level of performance and optimal conditions for the activity of the neuromuscular system and in conditions of compensated or obvious fatigue. This is fundamentally important, since a high level of coordination abilities under optimal conditions does not mean that they will manifest themselves under severe fatigue and the intense action of other disruptive factors, in particular psychological ones, which especially intensively affect athletes during important competitions surrounded by strong opponents.

    All of the above listed abilities are associated with the concept - dexterity.
    Dexterity- complex motor ability, the level of development of which is determined by many factors:

    1. Muscle feeling is the plasticity of cortical nervous processes.
    2. The speed of reaction and the urgency of the formation of coordination connections, the speed of transition from one action to another, depend on the speed of nervous processes.
    The variety of types of motor coordination abilities does not allow assessing the level of their development according to one unified criterion. Therefore, various indicators are used in sports. Let's list them.

    Factors, defining coordination movements:

    1. Time spent mastering a new movement.
    2. Precision execution of movements.
    3. Stability of movements.
    4. The time needed to change from one activity to another.
    5. The complexity of the movement performed.
    6. Maintaining stability in the event of imbalance.
    Control tests in martial arts can serve:
    1. Shuttle run with tasks
    2. Spinner exercise. The combatant raises his index finger up, looks at it and rotates in one direction for 30 seconds, 1 minute. After finishing, he needs to perform an accurate series of blows on the strength meter, maintaining the speed, accuracy and power of the blows.