Exercises to correct neck position. How to make your neck longer and thinner? Stretch your neck exercises

The pearl of the New Museum in Berlin is the bust of Nefertiti. The Egyptian queen was called “Perfect,” and her swan neck played a significant role in obtaining this status.

The standard of beauty legitimized by the main wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten can still be taken as a guide to action today. Alas, alignment with a slender neck, long fingers and thin wrists may not happen for a trivial reason - genetics let us down.

One can come to terms with anatomy that does not live up to expectations in the area of ​​collars and necklines. Optical illusions helped to get into the echelon of first-class beauties and not under such starting conditions. Besides, a short neck is actually an advantage...

A short neck is an advantage, but still: how to lengthen it?

In person reading girl's short neck speaks of her realistic and rationalistic attitude towards life. Such a girl thinks first and then acts.

Moves towards the goal with a confident step. He knows when to stop everything. Fundamental character provides this young lady with a calm, stable and well-fed future.

Is it long or short?

What criteria, in fact, allow us to objectively assess the length of the neck? Centimeters don't say anything. Length is determined by proportions. If the neck is 1/3 of the face or more, be proud, it is a swan. Briefly speaking? Forget about “thirds” and remember about harmony.

As the literary critic Dobrolyubov said, “beauty lies not in individual features and lines, but in the overall facial expression.” And if the “general expression” creates a depressing impression, only then take action.

Measures regarding a short neck can be very different - from visual camouflage with clothing and accessories to surgical plastic surgery.

By the way, women of the Burmese Padaung tribe take care of the beauty of their necks from childhood, stretching them out with brass rings. In their desire to have a swan neck, Karen beauties undoubtedly go too far, but they achieve their goal.

The longest neck on planet Earth belongs to them. And we're off to the salon!

Gulchatay, open the back of your head: haircuts for women with short necks

The life of a woman with a short neck is filled with adversity and suffering until she finds her hairdresser. With the right haircut, your neck can be significantly lengthened. True, you will have to choose between maxi and mini hair lengths.

If you are not afraid to experiment or have long appreciated the benefits of short hair, pay attention to “boyish” cuts, cheekbone-length bobs, “cap” and “legged bob”.

When choosing a short haircut, consider your anatomy. If the harmony of an oval face cannot be disturbed by anything, haircuts for short necks and round faces are selected with the intention of lengthening the vertical profile.

This kind of optical illusion is created by a pixie with torn bangs on the side, a “garcon” with an asymmetrical parting and a bob with an extension in the front.

Hairstyles for short necks and long hair that people never part with are high buns, ponytails and braids from the top of the head. That is, everything that exposes the neck and opens the back of the head.

Asian smooth hair can be kept below the shoulder blades. When loose, they also work to lengthen the vertical.

It is contraindicated to let down medium length hair. In the “not to wear” category – too short haircuts, fluffy “caps”, intricate hairstyles (with curls, barrettes and ribbons), low ponytails and braids with the base at the neck.

A girl's best friend: jewelry for a short neck

When choosing decoration, also keep your course vertical. The neck area is lengthened by drop and chain earrings, elongated pendants and pendants, and beads hanging in a V-shape.

You can play with long beads in the manner of the 20s, with one girth “girdling” the base of the neck, and the other row lowering to the waist.

Manipulate public consciousness by looking away from the neck and drawing it to “natural” decorations - breasts, eyes or lips.

Present your striking dignity with the ferocity of a woman who is ready to do anything so that no one will ever guess about her imperfection.

Large earrings, round earrings, hoop earrings and stud earrings, “collars” and beads in one tight circle around the neck - in a box for future generations.

Oh, the neckline: wardrobe and accessories for a short neck

Wardrobe issues come down to necklines and collars. Obviously, a deep V-shaped neckline is a must-have. What else?

Also - classic turn-down collars, blouses and shirts unbuttoned by 2-3 buttons, any clothes with a V or U neckline showing the collarbones. If there are scarves, then they are tied in the manner of a pioneer tie - not tight, with a low, loose knot.

By covering your neck completely with a scarf, covering all the buttons, choosing turtlenecks, clothes with high and stand-up collars, boat necks and cowl collars, you will steal the already missing length from a short neck.

If you want more: exercises and short neck plastic surgery

5 exercises for the swan neck

  1. Tilt your head back and reach your nose with your lower lip, feeling the stretch in your neck. Lower your head, tucking your chin to your chest.
  2. In a sitting position, maintaining your posture, turn your head left and right as far as it will go, gradually accelerating.
  3. Complicate the previous exercise by trying to reach your chin with your shoulder while turning. Don't raise your shoulders.
  4. In a sitting position, resting your elbows on the table, pull up first the right side of your neck, then the left.
  5. In the same position, begin to tilt your head left and right, trying to touch your ear to your shoulder.

Pre-warming the muscles is a prerequisite for stretching. Massage your neck before pulling it. Perform each exercise at least 10 times, but stop training if you experience any discomfort.

Not a wheel, but a royal one

Anatomy sometimes has nothing to do with it. Take a look at portraits of beauties from previous eras. Sloping shoulders, straight posture, proud head position - and, as a result, a long neck. Learn from experience. Keep your back straight, chin raised, shoulders lowered, and the top of your head pointing upward.

Placing a stack of books on your head or laying your back flat against a doorframe will give you a rough idea of ​​what proper posture is. Spending time working on it is useful not only for the neck. The back like a wheel hides both centimeters of height and degrees of attractiveness.

Without illusions

The neck may appear shorter than it is for a trivial and easily removable reason - excess weight. A double chin and fat pads in the neck make it short and thick. Just lose weight - on your own or with liposuction.

It is not weight, but age that can disfigure the neck, turning it into a “turkey neck” due to gravity. Depending on the severity of the problem, the courage of the woman and the capabilities of her wallet, age-related costs can be adjusted with meso-cocktails, biorevitalizants, thread lifting, and SMAS plastic surgery.

In case of pronounced age-related changes, aggravated by deformation of the cervical platysma muscle, it is worth performing Hollywood platysmaplasty.

In some cases, installing a chin implant solves the problem. After increasing the volume in the chin area, the skin receives support and stops “dripping” onto the neck, hiding its centimeters.

A long neck is not an end in itself, but a way to harmonize one’s appearance. What harmony is is another question, and the answer to it is not always the reflection in the mirror. Beauty, Oscar Wilde noted, is in the eye of the beholder. Keep your head up and your perspective on many shortcomings will change.

Are you wondering how to quickly get rid of neck fat? If so, here are some tips that will allow you to do this and get the chin you have always dreamed of. If you start following these rules, you will notice a significant improvement in no time.

You should keep in mind that in a few rare cases, an enlarged neck may be a sign of illness. Therefore, before losing weight, consult your doctor first.


Drink plenty of water - you will feel full, your appetite will decrease, and at the same time you will get rid of waste and toxins that cause unwanted skin changes.


Exercises can make your neck thinner, because they will strengthen it and create muscles. Spend a few minutes a day turning your head to the sides - this will help stretch the muscles in the neck, improve its flexibility and appearance.

Chewing gum

It may seem strange, but chewing gum is actually the ideal exercise for our purpose. Not only will you take care of your fresh breath, but you will also give your neck some support. Don't think it's weird, just chew gum.

Lose weight

It is quite obvious that as you lose weight, the body becomes smaller in all parts, and the neck is no exception. If it's rounded because of the few pounds you've gained, you'll lose them when you lose weight again. It's up to you which weight loss method to choose. Whether it is physical activity or you focus on diet, it is important that there is an effect.

The right diet

Think about what you eat every day. The daily menu should, first of all, be rich in fruits and vegetables, which have excellent nutritional properties and have a positive effect on the condition of the body and skin.

Lying position

Lie on your back, on a flat surface, and place a small pillow under your neck so that your head hangs freely. You should lie in this position for about a minute and then turn to the other side.

Listen to your body

It is important to listen to what your body is saying. If you start doing exercises, but after some time you feel tension in your body or pain, you should stop doing them for a while.
Slow down and return to training again, but with less frequency.

Turn your head

This is another exercise to strengthen the skin on your neck. It's similar to hip exercises - where you rotate them once in one direction and once in the other direction. It is better to perform this neck exercise while standing. Place your hands on your hips, straighten up and twist your head first in one direction, then after a few circles change direction.

Move your head sideways

This exercise will help make your neck more elastic. Move your neck from side to side, once to one, once to the other.

Cardio exercises

Today they are one of the most popular types of exercises for maintaining good physical shape and losing extra pounds. Cardio exercise is also referred to as aerobic exercise. Their implementation improves heart function, blood circulation and oxygen burning in the body, and also increases muscle mass.

Create a “schedule” for your neck

It can often be difficult to free up time to address issues with your body. It is important to schedule specific time and create a separate schedule that will motivate you. Decide when you can work out, on what days it is better to do it.


This is perhaps the most important point. Without motivation and self-denial you can’t do anything - you need to believe in your own strength and take charge of yourself. You can start with small steps, but the main thing is to do something. You can’t be told that nothing will work out, that you won’t be able to get rid of the hated fat, because it’s not true. There are many examples where people, thanks to their willpower, changed beyond recognition.

Every girl wants to be beautiful. Cosmetics, varnishes, masks, hairdressers, creams, razors, tweezers and many, many other things help us a lot with this...

However, there are features in the appearance of many girls that cannot be corrected with cosmetics or tweezers.

Sometimes “flaws” are invented by the girls themselves and in fact do not detract from our beauty in any way (read the article). And sometimes a certain feature of appearance really takes away points from our beauty, but we are accustomed to thinking that this feature cannot be corrected.

Fortunately, many of these features that it would seem you just need to accept within yourself can also be corrected.

We have already talked about that, but now let's talk about how to make your neck longer and thinner at home . Yes, it is possible, and no, it is not difficult at all)

I will not rant for a long time about the fact that a long graceful neck is beautiful, but a short and thick one is not so much. You already know this. Do you want a long beautiful neck? Easily! Let's start the exercises!

How to make your neck longer and thinner?

If you still think that it is impossible to lengthen your neck in principle, think about the tribes where women put on more and more hoops over the course of their lives, and their necks become incredibly long. But, keep in mind, not because the cervical vertebrae are extended, but because the shoulders are lowered.

We certainly don’t need such long necks, so we don’t need hoops either: it’s enough to do simple exercises every day, morning and evening, that will stretch the muscles and relax the shoulder muscles. And if hoops make the neck weaker, then the exercises, on the contrary, strengthen the neck muscles and greatly increase blood flow to the brain, which is very, very useful.

How to lengthen your neck? Exercises

So, to make your neck longer and thinner (at home, through simple exercises), do the following twice a day, every day:

  1. Warming up the neck muscles. To do this, we do 10 regular (not fast) head tilts to the right and left and back and forth. Then with our fingers we make spiral movements from the base of the neck to the head (from bottom to top) on the back of the neck and along its sides (do not touch the front of the neck) - i.e. stretch your neck as if it were tired. After this, we do another 10 regular head tilts to the right and left and back and forth.
  2. We stretch our ears. We stretch our right ear to the right shoulder and our left ear to the left shoulder. We stretch well so that the muscle tension is felt on the opposite side of the neck. We hold our head in this position for 5 seconds, then reach for the other shoulder. Start with 15 reps.
  3. We nod deeply. In other words, we do the same thing, only back and forth: first we stretch our chin high, high up so that we can feel the tension in the neck in front, hold for 5 seconds. Then we stretch our chin to our chest and hold again for 5 seconds. 15 reps.
  4. We deny in amplitude. In the previous exercise we nodded, but in this exercise we make head movements as if we were refusing something: first we pull our chin to our right shoulder, hold for 5 seconds, then to our left, hold for 5 seconds. And so 15 repetitions.
  5. We turn our heads. Slowly and carefully make deep rotations with your head so that you can alternately feel the tension of all the muscles around the perimeter of your neck. 5 times one way, 5 times the other.

Important! All exercises for a long neck must be done EXTREMELY carefully, slowly, without sudden movements! The neck is a very important part of the body, we have no right to harm it. Therefore, we work smoothly, catching the feeling of muscle tension gradually, and not jerkily.

Start small and increase repetitions

Start with 15 reps for exercises 2, 3 and 4, and add five more reps each week. Those. in the first week you will do each exercise to lengthen the neck 15 times, in the second week - 20, in the third - 25. If you continue the exercises for the fourth week and beyond, you no longer need to increase the number of repetitions, 25 is enough.

If you do everything correctly, within a month you will notice (and for some even earlier) that your neck has become longer and thinner.

Important point

Often the problem is not the actual length of the neck, but the fact that the girl slouches and raises her shoulders. Because of this neck retracts and looks much shorter than it actually is.

This indicates:

  • or the wrong habit of maintaining posture (then, right from today until the end of days - the back is straight, the shoulders are back and down, the chin is raised),
  • or self-doubt. If this is the case, I'm willing to bet that self-doubt is really hindering you in other areas of your life. Therefore, you need to get rid of it, and for this I recommend going to the article

The long “swan” neck has long been considered a sign of aristocracy. It gives the appearance gracefulness and sophistication. We'll tell you whether you can lengthen your neck at home and what exercises help improve your posture.

Radical and visual ways to lengthen your neck

The length and shape of the neck depend on a number of factors, and primarily on heredity. An important role is played by the gender, age and weight of a person, the presence or absence of spinal curvature.

Is it possible to lengthen the neck?

As the experience of Burmese women shows, yes.

The Padaung tribe lives in eastern Myanmar. For local women, the length of the neck is an indicator of female beauty, so they deliberately stretch it out. Padaung girls wear their first bronze rings at the age of 5 years. Further, as women grow older, the spiral on the neck increases, adding new curls. Some representatives of the tribe are decorated with two dozen rings weighing a total of 5 kg.

Tilts and circular rotations of the head help lengthen the neck.

Scientists who studied the phenomenon of female giraffes came to the conclusion that neck elongation is caused not so much by the growth of the vertebrae as by the deformation of the shoulder joints.

However, you can become more beautiful without compromising your health. A shoulder-length bob haircut and loose long hair that frames the face helps to visually lengthen the neck. You can achieve the same effect with clothes with a deep triangular neckline and freely flowing beads. The neck will appear longer if a lighter foundation is applied to it in the center than on the sides.

How to lengthen your neck with exercise

Scientists claim that no amount of muscle effort can trigger the growth mechanism of the cervical vertebrae in an adult. At the same time, a straight back and straightened shoulders help demonstrate the neck in all its glory. A clear confirmation of this are ballerinas. Their impeccable posture and proud head carriage give the impression that they have a long neck.

The most effective method to lengthen and make your neck beautiful is to monitor your posture and skin condition

You can partially achieve the same results by performing a special set of exercises for the cervical spine every day.

  1. Stand up straight. Open your mouth as wide as possible. Tighten the muscles of your jaw, cheeks and neck. Slowly and forcefully close your mouth.
  2. Tilt your head to the right and stretch your ear toward your shoulder. Repeat the same to the left.
  3. Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Return to the starting position.
  4. Alternately turn your head left and right, trying not to change the position of your back.
  5. Perform circular rotations with your head: first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Each exercise must be done 10 times. It is worth repeating the complex daily.

Every woman wants to look beautiful, attractive and appear younger than her age. If the face can be rejuvenated with the help of decorative cosmetics, then it is very difficult to hide the real age on the neck. Here, the skin also requires daily high-quality care and the use of care products.

If you don’t take care of your body, then over time wrinkles may appear on your neck, and the skin will begin to sag due to lack of moisture or bad habits. All this worsens a woman’s appearance and adds extra years.

Cosmetology specialists recommend performing complex exercises in the morning to stretch your neck and prolong the youthfulness of your skin. An integrated approach will not only help keep your skin toned, but will also give it a healthy appearance and eliminate stretch marks and sagging.

Bad habits

Even daily exercise will not help if a woman leads an unhealthy lifestyle, is often overworked at work, or has bad habits. In order for a beautiful neck to appear, everything must be done in a complex manner.

Bad habits that negatively affect the appearance of the neck include not only addiction to alcohol, nicotine or sweets. The list is huge, but the main enemies are:

  • Hasty head movements, sudden bends. As a result, a woman’s neck becomes deformed and the elasticity of the skin is lost. Over time, stooping may occur.
  • Bent neck while working.
  • Reading while lying down or incorrect posture while sleeping. These factors negatively affect a beautiful neck.

Getting rid of these habits will be the first step towards self-improvement. Fulfilling these requirements is available to everyone, the main thing is to want to change yourself and your appearance.

Benefits of exercise

Creams, lotions, masks and various cosmetics can only give a short-term visual effect, which will disappear after a while. These products cannot significantly affect the condition of the skin and the neck itself, so it is necessary to act with the help of muscle stretches.

Thanks to the correct implementation of complex exercises, you can stretch your neck, giving it smooth, gentle contours. It is advisable to perform them in the morning, when the body accepts physical activity well. You should not combine exercises and massage, so as not to irritate the skin with excess blood flow. Just a few minutes, and a woman’s neck will become even more attractive and younger.

Side bends

The exercise stimulates muscle tension and even stretching. To begin, slowly lower your head forward, then gradually tilt it back, relaxing your mouth and facial muscles. Repeat several approaches, alternating with other sides.

By performing these exercises you can lengthen your neck well, but without feeling any discomfort. Tilts to the left and right are performed in exactly the same way. During the process, the ears should touch the shoulders, but not too much, so that the muscles do not stretch and then the neck starts to hurt.

You need to perform the exercise slowly, trying to relax your body as much as possible. No tension or pain should be felt.

Turns will be performed in a similar manner. Sitting straight, slowly turn your head several times, holding it for 10-15 seconds. This will help you stretch your neck at home.

Resistance exercises

An interesting way to restore skin tone and tighten muscles. To perform this, you should tilt your head forward, hold your forehead parallel with your hands, pressing on it and without letting go, bend your head further.

In the resistance zone, you need to tense your muscles as much as possible, hold it for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the movement again. Continue until you feel slight tension or tingling in the neck. This is a good option to use at home.

You need to repeat the exercise not only from the front, but also from the back. To do this, you should clasp your hands, put them behind your head, and while bending backwards as much as possible, hold the back of your head with your hands, not letting it go lower. After a few seconds of tension, take a short break and rest.

Perform alternating with forward bends. You can also do side bends with resistance, but this depends on the preparation and elasticity of the neck, because muscle tension can lead to pain.

You can alternate the complex with bends or turns. But do not forget about a short break between exercises, so that later your neck does not start to hurt from overwork.

swan neck

To lengthen the neck, in addition to standard exercises, you must additionally perform bends with your mouth open. Pull your jaws up, thus trying to close your mouth. This helps smooth out nasolabial folds and tighten the chin.

  • Straighten your back and cross your arms over your chest, trying to reach your shoulders with your palms. As you inhale, stretch your neck up, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Straighten your back and relax your shoulders. Lower your head down and smoothly roll it from shoulder to shoulder. Make ten movements. After this, start rolling your head, but already tilting it back.
  • Keep your back and shoulders straight. When turning left or right, you need to pull your chin towards your shoulder and try to touch it, but at the same time relax your facial muscles.

This complex tightens the skin well and helps tighten sagging areas. Making a perfect neck is not difficult, the main thing is to find a little time for regular exercise.

Exercises for the neckline

Performing complex exercises helps not only to get rid of a double chin at home, but also to improve the appearance of the décolleté area. First you need to stretch your neck and lift your chin up ten times, then take a short break and start the exercise again.

In order to get results, you should perform several approaches. Place your elbows on the floor and clasp your fingers, place your chin on them and try to raise your head as high as possible with your hands, and use your neck muscles to resist this.

This is a good option for muscle training. You need to slowly lower your chin down, resting on your chest, repeat 10-15 times, then switch to another exercise.

Secrets of elasticity

To keep your neck not only toned, but also well-groomed, you can use both folk methods and purchased products. A neck and décolleté cream based on hyaluronic acid will be effective in this regard.

It tightens well, adds elasticity, nourishes cells and restores water balance. Thanks to the complex action, the skin becomes healthy, acquires a beautiful even tone and is smoothed.

In combination with masks and natural-based lotions, neck and décolleté cream will be an indispensable assistant in the fight against aging. Even for prevention, cosmetologists advise using caring cosmetics to make it easier to cope with emerging problems over time.

As for folk remedies, cucumber, tomato juice, lemon and parsley will be effective. Their liquid is rich in multivitamins and minerals, nourishes the skin well and adds elasticity. To see the result, you need to perform the procedure in courses, taking short breaks, as the skin quickly gets used to them.

Massage help

The technique is considered universal and can be used both to treat and remove problems, and to achieve a cosmetic effect. For the neck and décolleté area, massage will be especially useful, because it enhances the effect of exercise and the use of cream and improves blood circulation, neutralizing the possibility of salt deposits and sagging skin.

The advantage of the technique is that it is economical, because to carry out the procedure you do not need anything other than your own hands. If you wish, you can buy peach or grape seed essential oil at the pharmacy and rub it into the skin as you go. This will help you relax and have fun.

You should start with simple rubbing movements, moving smoothly and slowly clockwise. For greater convenience, you can practice in front of a mirror to see if the movements are being performed correctly. There is no need to press on the skin to avoid redness.

After this, you can move on to patting and lightly stretching the skin, this will add elasticity to it and improve cellular metabolism. When performing a massage, you should avoid the thyroid gland area, paying more attention to the chin and décolleté.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to the composition; it is better to give preference to organic cosmetics. Although its shelf life is shorter than the usual one, this indicates less preservatives and the presence of natural ingredients.

Active exercises and complexes are best performed in the morning, when the body has recovered well after overnight regeneration and is ready for new loads. Massages, masks and wraps are recommended to be done in the evening or after lunch. This is the optimal period for good absorption of nutrients.

If you need to restore elasticity to the skin on any part of the body, then you should try a contrast shower in combination with skin scrubbing. You can take it at least every day, the result will be visible literally after the first week. The answer to the question of whether you can lengthen your neck with exercise is yes. But you shouldn’t expect results right away. To do this, you will need to regularly perform the described exercises and systematically change techniques.