Sports nutrition rice. Example of nutrition for gaining muscle mass

Gentlemen, warm greetings to everyone! Another nutritional item is on the agenda, and today we will talk about rice in bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn everything about the beneficial properties of this product, its advantages and role in the diet of bodybuilders and fitness ladies. We will also compare some types of rice and find out what is their difference and which one should we choose.

So, please, come to the table, my dears, let’s prepare cups and spoons.

Everything you need to know about rice in bodybuilding

As you know, the diet of a person who watches his figure is not replete with various sweets and delicacies; it contains only “proven” food, which includes our hero of the occasion – rice. However, now there are so many names of this product that your head is spinning. Here you can find Thai, wild, brown, polished with long grain, and steamed. Of course, abundance is good, and when the choice is so extensive it’s great, but we need to find a really useful item among all this “husk” and include it in our grocery basket. In other words, we need to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, and today in the post “Rice in Bodybuilding” we will do just that.

Actually, let's start getting smart and delve a little deeper into the theory.

Rice in bodybuilding: theory

Rice is a herbaceous plant of the cereal family, the third most popular grain crop in the world. (after wheat and corn). Serves as the basis of the diet of residents of many countries, especially Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia), which are considered his homeland.

The grain of rice contains the following ratio of major nutrients and is structurally composed of... (see image).

As for the form, rice can be:

  • long grain;
  • medium grain;
  • round grain.

In terms of content, everything is also quite varied, in particular, on store shelves you can find the following types of rice (by processing method):

  • brown;
  • golden (steamed);
  • white;
  • wild:
  • black;
  • red (Camargue).

And in a more visual form.

On store shelves (most often in health food departments) You can find the following packs of “proper rice”.

There are also special named categories of rice, for example: basmati - with a nutty taste and structure; jasmine (Thai) – slightly pinkish; risotto.


More than 10 000 varieties of rice.

A separate line needs to be said about polished (peeled) and unpolished (brown) rice. The first one is 97% Russian market (white, round grain), the second is cleared only of the outer inedible husk and the most useful bran shell is left in it.

As for nutritional value and calorie content, it is different for different types of rice. Let's compare white ( 1 ) …

and brown rice ( 2 ) .

Rice in bodybuilding: benefits of consumption

So, include this product in your diet and then you will enjoy its benefits:

No. 1. Great source of energy

Rice is rich in carbohydrates, which act as fuel for the body and help in normal brain functioning. Vitamins, minerals and various organic components increase the metabolic activity of all body systems, which further increases energy levels.

No. 2. Free from cholesterol and gluten

Rice is free of cholesterol, unhealthy fats, salts and gluten, making it an integral part of a balanced diet.

No. 3. Blood Pressure Management

The extremely low sodium content makes rice one of the best foods for people suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension. This mineral causes constriction of veins/arteries and obstructs blood flow.

No. 4. Cancer protection

Fiber (insoluble fiber) is vital for protecting the body from the development and metastasis of cancer cells. In addition to fiber, rice contains natural antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A, phenolic and flavonoid compounds, which act as antioxidants or help scavenge free radicals from the body.

No. 5. Skin care

Phenolic compounds in rice have anti-inflammatory properties; they also relieve skin irritation and various redness. Also the antioxidant capacity of rice (and in particular his powder) Helps delay the appearance of wrinkles and other premature signs of skin aging.

No. 6. Rich source of vitamins

Rice is an excellent source of nutrients such as niacin, vitamin D, calcium, iron, thiamine and riboflavin. These vitamins are the foundation for metabolism, immune system health, and the overall functioning of body systems.

No. 7. Resistant starch helps gut function

Rice is very rich in resistant starch, which reaches the intestines in an undigested form. This type of starch stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria, which help promote normal bowel movements. Insoluble fiber helps move food through the gastrointestinal tract quickly and easily. Thus, rice is beneficial in combating diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.

If we consider the role of rice in bodybuilding and the benefits it brings to our brother (and sisters) :), then it is necessary to pay attention to unpolished rice.

A technological process such as grinding destroys:

  • 67% from vitamin B3;
  • 80% vitamin B1;
  • 90% vitamin B6;
  • half manganese, half phosphorus;
  • 60% gland.

Brown rice retains almost all of the original nutrients and has much stronger beneficial effects on the body. (compared to white rice). In terms of creating the correct proportions, rice plays the following important roles.

Rice in bodybuilding: the main role

No. 1. Building muscles

Muscles need building blocks to grow. Rice is an important source of providing the body with essential amino acids. IN 100 g of product contains up to 8 g protein.

No. 2. Weight loss

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition highlights the importance of choosing whole grain foods. (specifically brown rice versus white) is to maintain a healthy body weight. Women tested who ate whole grains 49% gained less weight compared to those who ate processed foods (the natural structure is technologically disrupted) carbohydrates.

No. 3. Protection against metabolic syndrome

Refined grains and products made from them lead not only to weight gain, but also to increased resistance (susceptibility) to insulin and metabolic syndrome. Common features of this syndrome: visceral obesity (takes on a pear shape), low good cholesterol, high triglycerides. On the other hand, whole grain products (including brown rice) allows you to avoid all these problems.

No. 4. Muscle regulation

Very important when exercising with weights. And success in lifting weights depends on the quality of functioning of the nervous system. The high magnesium content in brown rice has a positive effect on strengthening the nervous system (the signal is transmitted better and faster from the control center to the muscles) and muscle tone. In addition, magnesium acts as a calcium channel blocker, which helps keep nerves (as well as blood vessels) in a relaxed state.

If a person's diet contains too little magnesium and too much calcium, nerve cells can become overactive, sending too many messages and causing excessive muscle contractions.

No. 5. Long lasting energy source

Thanks to the average ( 50 units), the blood glucose level remains at a stable level for a long time, without causing any dips or peaks (i.e. there are no insulin spikes). This allows you to use rice as an excellent energy fuel both before and after a workout.

Well, in conclusion, I will give some practical tips on how to get the most out of using this carbohydrate:

  • include rice in your diet, especially during the period of gaining muscle mass - this is a high-calorie food that will allow you to maintain a positive caloric balance;
  • It's best to eat most carbohydrates during the day, when you are most active and your body needs energy. In particular before training (before 1-2 hours) it is better to eat brown/brown rice, white - after its completion;
  • eat rice with vegetables (broccoli, sprouts, green beans, etc.);
  • for efficiency and convenience, it is best to buy rice packaged in bags of 60-100 gr;
  • To preserve all the beneficial properties of rice, it must first be soaked in boiled water - put 1-2 bags into a pan and fill them to the top with water, adding liquid as they are absorbed;
  • It is extremely undesirable to add salt when cooking rice, therefore, to reduce the blandness, you can use spices, for example, dried garlic;
  • read the ingredients on the box of rice (there must be only one ingredient);
  • avoid various “rice vinaigrettes” - rice with mushrooms and sauce, home-style risotto, etc., usually in addition to the highlight of the program, various goodies are also added in the form of E-additives, preservatives, etc.;
  • give preference to rice: brown/brown, basmatti, wild, a mixture of 4 -x types.

Actually, I have everything, I don’t even know how or what else to do :), so we’ll close the shop.


Today we dealt with the topic - rice in bodybuilding. I am sure that now you will be happy to include this product in your nutritional diet and will appreciate all its beneficial qualities.

That's all for now, bon appetit and see you again!

PS. We don’t hesitate to write comments, everyone will be heard!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

In general, correct and most importantly healthy food for weight gain should have the following percentage of fat and protein and carbohydrates:

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%
  • proteins – 20-30%
  • fats – 10-20%

This is the proportion that is optimal for health and rapid growth of muscle strength and mass. To correctly make this proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you must know and distinguish what is protein and what is carbohydrates.

Because in this article, a minimum of THEORY, and MAX. practice, I will tell you briefly:


  • Long carbohydrates – , .
  • Slightly faster carbohydrates - oatmeal, potatoes,...
  • Very fast carbohydrates - any dried fruits, sugar, honey, etc.


From ordinary food products: meat, fish, poultry, milk, kefir.

From sports nutrition:

  • Whey protein or amino acids are absorbed very quickly.
  • Casein protein takes a long time to digest.

P.s. sports.pit, in fact, is not needed, because it is of no use, like milk from a goat, everyone has long known that the basis of all basics is the usual proper nutrition, and sports.pit is just an additive (not playing a special role), but the dough is worth it.. it’s better to save money and buy normal, nutritious food. This is true, by the way.

In general, the foods I use (and you should use) are:

  1. BUCKWHEAT and RICE As the main source of carbohydrates (energy), lately I have been eating only buckwheat, from morning to evening.
  2. MEAT, COOK, EGGS, MILK as the main source of protein (building material). I eat everything, without exception.
  3. Vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.) + fruits(bananas, pears, apples, in general, what will happen) = this item is optional (i.e. in winter there is no opportunity to eat all this, so we use, for example, salted cabbage or pickled cucumbers or tomato juice, in general, rolls) will be norms (because there is no choice).

For you, I photographed everything that I myself eat (these are the food products that we talked about above), in general, see the photo below:

On the left is ordinary WATER (4-5 liters, enough for a maximum of two days, because you need to drink a lot, muscle growth is not possible without water), behind is a borscht (ahh, purely for variety, we don’t take it into account at all), to the right of the borscht is the main source of energy = BUCKWHEAT (maybe rice), it just so happened that I only had buckwheat. Next comes the building material, i.e. PROTEIN, there is whey protein (which I use very rarely), next to it is frozen meat (beef, chicken, in general, I have a mixture), alas, it is frozen, I will cook it tomorrow => (here, by the way, is a photo of ready-made meat) :

There are also EGGS on my table (where would we be without them, I eat a lot of eggs), to the right of the eggs is MILK (kefir 1%, milk 2.5%, COOK 0%), and there are vitamin tablets called ALPHABET (these are my favorites, ordinary pharmacy ones), at the top above the milk there is CABBAGE and PICKLES (i.e. it was winter then (when I took all this pictures), there were no ordinary tomatoes, green cabbage and fresh cucumbers), well, on there is fruit on the windowsill (there are apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, everything that was there =)).

Okay, we figured out what we will eat every day, day after day. Now, let's figure out how we will eat it (a specific example, how do I eat, and this is exactly how you will need to eat; The time and quantity of food, of course, is selected independently, but the essence is still the same).


P.s. I repeat (the timing of meals and the amount of food is adjusted to myself, I just posted how I eat in bulk (and this is how I used to eat, now the food portions have increased), but you UNDERSTAND: TIME and QUANTITY OF FOOD IS NOT A DOGMA, it adapts to you, your daily schedule, your body type, body weight, etc.). All in all:

RISE 9.00- immediately after waking up, I drink a glass of water (if there are amino acids, be sure to drink them in the morning immediately after waking up). You can’t eat normally right away, because the body (including the stomach) has not yet woken up. You need to wait 20-30 minutes, after which you can eat normally.

9.30 – breakfast (200 grams of BUCKWHEAT or RICE + 30 grams of any protein (2 eggs or 30 grams of whey protein with milk or chicken breast).

11.30 – snack 50 gr. RICE or BUCKWHEAT + 50 gr. meat + vegetables

14.00 – lunch(100-200 gr. BUCKWHEAT or RICE) + 100 gr. Meat (for example, chicken breasts) + VEGETABLES.

16.00 – snack (50 gr. RICE or BUCKWHEAT) + 3 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES.

I used cutlets instead of boiled eggs.

30 minutes before training, i.e. 17.00 drink 30 grams of whey protein or gainer (if you have it, and if not, then it doesn’t matter, to be honest, there is no special role). I don’t drink a damn thing, as for me, it’s all useless.

TRAINING AT 17.30-18.15 (TRAINING TIME - 40-45 minutes)

18.15 (immediately after training) – Eat simple carbohydrates + fast proteins(from simple carbohydrates, this is any sweet, for example, Snickers, chocolate, banana or some kind of sweet juice, drink, in general, anything + protein, in the form of amino acids (if any), and if not, then just solo something simple carbohydrates, for example, Snickers, a banana or whatever (this is the only meal where you can treat yourself to something tasty, the rest of the time you can’t, so see for yourself), you should also know that, in principle, after a workout you can eat nothing at all (that is, there is no protein-carbohydrate window, which supposedly lasts 15-30 minutes, this is all nonsense, advertising brainwashing for making money selling sports nutrition to suckers), in general, you can just go home and It’s already normal to eat there (personally, that’s what I do, half an hour after training I eat and feel normal), but in any case, see for yourself.

19.00 – dinner(100 gr. RICE or BUCKWHEAT) + 150 gr. Meat + 2 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES.

I decided to take those same cutlets instead of eggs + borscht for a change :)

Immediately after dinner, drink 5 grams of creatine (if you have it) (I recommend mixing it with sweet juice). If not, no problem, don’t worry 😀

21.00 – snack (50 grams of BUCKWHEAT OR RICE + 50-100 grams of meat or 3 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES).

Instead of boiled eggs, I took cutlets again)) (I just had eggs that week, but practically no meat, now I’m pampering myself).

23.00 – snack (before bed) – 200 grams of cottage cheese or “night” protein 1 serving: i.e. 30 gr.

I put 200 grams (pack) of 0% cottage cheese and fill it with kefir (2.5%), this is the only way I can eat. It doesn’t work at all without kefir (too dry).

Be sure to drink water half an hour before meals and half an hour after eating each meal., you need to drink at least 3 liters of water a day!!! Without water, muscle growth is not possible, don’t think that these are jokes... I’m completely serious. Water is very important.

Well, THAT'S ALL. THERE IS NOTHING DIFFICULT HERE IN ESSENCE. Maybe at first glance (at first) it will seem, oh my God, how much you need to eat, because you fucking eat and eat a cow, but when will you live, or something like that.

In this case, remember, no one is forcing you, don’t you want to? Please, go on pushing yourself in the gym, doing biceps curls, not achieving a damn thing, remaining as fucked up as you are now, well, who needs a real result - you are welcome.

Anyway, I don’t even remember how many years I eat like this, and I live normally, I combine everything and manage to do it, I need to get used to it. We are all human, I often break, I eat whatever I want, in addition to this. In general, everything is chick-fuck, if there is a desire, then everything will be there.

For dessert - a video: perhaps you will like the sensible recommendations from Alexander Shchukin:

Best regards, administrator.

A person who watches his figure cannot afford the luxury of eating just anything. His diet is strictly and clearly planned, and it contains only “proven” food, which includes rice. This is exactly what we want to talk about in this article.

Rice in bodybuilding

Rice has always been considered a healthy, dietary product. But in the modern world it is sometimes difficult to understand its names, because in addition to the round and long rice we are used to, we find Thai, brown, steamed, long-grain and wild. Of course, variety is usually good, but we need to find the highest quality, healthy rice among all this tinsel in order to introduce it into our diet. How to determine the “right” rice?

To understand what kind of rice we need, first let’s go back to theory a little. So, rice is a grain crop, a plant of the cereal family. Rice is very popular in many countries, especially in the countries of Southeast Asia, which are considered to be the birthplace of this culture.

There are three types of rice - long grain, round or medium grain ny. The remaining types that we see on supermarket shelves are distinguished depending on the method of processing this crop. Thus, according to the processing method, brown, golden, steamed, wild and white rice can be noted. There is also risotto, jasmine and basmati rice with a distinct nutty flavor. Separately, I would like to mention polished rice, which accounts for more than 90% on the domestic market, as well as unpolished rice, which has a bran shell that is very beneficial for the body.

Benefits of Rice

It is extremely important to include rice in your diet, because consuming this product gives a person a number of benefits. Among these advantages are:

  • Rice contains a lot of carbohydrates. They contribute to normal brain function and act as fuel for the body. So rice is considered a good source of energy.
  • Rice contains no gluten, cholesterol, salts or harmful fats, which makes this product an important component of a good diet.
  • The sodium content of rice is extremely low, so it is a wonderful food for people who suffer from hypertension and have high blood pressure.
  • The fiber contained in rice is very important in protecting against the development of cancer cells. In addition, rice contains natural antioxidants that help remove free radicals from the body.
  • Phenolic compounds boast anti-inflammatory properties, so eating rice helps relieve irritation and redness. And the antioxidant capacity of the product helps prevent premature aging.
  • Rice is a good source of minerals and vitamins. Such vitamins are considered an excellent basis for the health of the immune system and the functioning of all body systems.
  • The resistant starch found in rice promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that help maintain normal bowel function. Insoluble fiber helps move food through the gastrointestinal tract.

Which rice should bodybuilders choose?

If we consider the choice of rice from the point of view of bodybuilding, then first of all bodybuilders need to pay attention to unpolished rice, since polishing cereals destroys some of the vitamins contained in the product. In brown rice, almost all nutritional elements are preserved, so their effect on the body is much stronger. Now let’s look at why exactly does a bodybuilder need rice, what positive effects does it have?

  • Rice provides the human body with amino acids, which act as unique building blocks for muscle building.
  • Whole grains help maintain healthy body weight, according to a recent study.
  • Rice helps avoid metabolic syndrome, which can be caused by eating refined grains and grain products.
  • Magnesium contained in rice helps strengthen the nervous system and improve muscle tone. Magnesium also blocks calcium channels, which helps keep the nerves relaxed. This is very important when working with weights.
  • The average glycemic index of rice allows you to keep glucose levels stable for a long time, without causing peaks and valleys. Due to this, risk can act as an excellent energy boost before or after training.

So, rice must be included in the diet, bodybuilders are advised to especially pay attention to dishes with this product during the period of gaining muscle mass. Nutritionists recommend eating rice throughout the day, during periods of high activity. And before working out at the gym, choose a snack of brown rice. For quick cooking, you can buy rice specially packaged in small bags.

You can preserve the beneficial properties of rice if you soak it in boiled water before cooking. The rice will gradually absorb water, so don't forget to add it. When cooking, it doesn’t hurt to avoid adding salt and replace it with spices. It is best to serve rice with vegetables.

When purchasing rice, carefully read the ingredients. If there are other ingredients besides rice, set this product aside. It is best to give preference to varieties - wild, brown, basmatti. But leave the options for a quick snack with additives to others - usually such snacks contain a whole bunch of E-additives and preservatives.

Hello dear readers! There is no doubt that any athlete is always in a kind of search: what food to choose in order to improve his well-being and physical fitness. And I think everyone knows that rice in bodybuilding is an indispensable part of the diet for both bodybuilders and slender “fit girls”. Let's figure out why it is so useful, what nutritional properties it contains and how to prepare it!

A little bit of history

Rice is a plant from the cereal family, which is used both in the form of grain and as starch and cereal. And oil is successfully made from the germs. Well, who hasn’t heard of sake, which is also made from rice. The Japanese and all Asians, in principle, use this plant for a variety of purposes: from sweets to paper.

Rice came to us from Indochina and India. There is still a chance in these countries to find wild parent varieties that grow without human help. The widespread spread of the crop occurred after irrigation systems appeared. Then they began to grow it near rivers.

Useful properties

The “back and forth” of rice may be interesting, but I think what’s more important to you is why it’s useful. Anyone who is interested in sports nutrition knows that grains are valued for their protein content. To be precise, about 7-8% of the composition is protein. More precisely, these are as many as 8 amino acids, which allow you to recover faster after serious training.

But that's not all. Why is rice so actively used in sports nutrition? Firstly, it is gluten-free, to which many people are allergic. Secondly, it is rich in vitamins B, PP, E. Thanks to this, dishes made from this cereal help improve the condition of nails, skin and hair. And then not only your muscles will be toned!

You can also get many useful microelements from rice: calcium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iron. And thanks to complex carbohydrates, you can choose it to quickly fill up without the risk of gaining extra pounds. The nutritional value of boiled rice is about 110 kilocalories, depending on the variety.

Separately, I would like to note that grain allows you to improve your health. So the oligosaccharide will help the intestines, and lecithin will improve brain activity. Thanks to potassium, you neutralize the effects of salt on the body that you get from other dishes.

And in general, rice does an excellent job of removing toxins, especially if you choose brown, unrefined varieties. And due to the fact that it contains about 50% starch, you can be sure that after every meal you will feel full of energy!

In a dry matter, each grain of rice is:

  • about 73-81% carbohydrates;
  • 6-8% proteins;
  • 0.6-2.6% fat;
  • 0.2-1% fiber.

If you are interested, the grain consists of flower scales, seed coats (edible and containing many useful substances), and an embryo, which most often ends up on our table.

Which type of rice is best?

When you go to any more or less large store, you will see at least several varieties of cereals. But which is best for an athlete's diet? To begin with, it’s worth sorting out the hardware. And so, according to their shape, the following types of rice are distinguished:

  1. long-grain – highly elongated in shape, close to 8 mm in size;
  2. medium-grain – shorter, the grain has a length of about 5 mm;
  3. round-grain - as the name implies, almost round in appearance, length - only about 3 mm.
  4. There are also differences in color, or more precisely, in the type of processing:
  5. brown, which is often called brown - the grain is cleared only of scales;
  6. golden or steamed - the scales and peel are first removed, soaked in water, steamed, dried - this allows you to preserve about 80% of the nutrients;
  7. white - purified to the germ, while losing most of the useful stuff;
  8. black - in fact, this is not rice, the cereal Tsitsaniya water, which is comparable in benefits to white;
  9. red is one of the richest in protein, vitamins and minerals, as it is minimally processed and has a nutty aroma.

So what is the best way for an athlete to prepare himself to increase his resistance to metabolic syndrome and get the essential amino acids? Of course, unpolished brown or red, and a little lower about the desired shape. If it is grain in the nearest stores, then you can get by with steamed one. But only for today. And promise that you will go to the supermarket tomorrow!

Buckwheat or rice

Many people wonder what is better – buckwheat or rice? I can't give an absolutely correct answer. On the one hand, buckwheat porridge contains more iron, but it is also less absorbed. On the other hand, rice in general contains more vitamins. Personally, I am of the opinion that the diet should remain varied, so feel free to alternate between two types of grains. Or choose what tastes better to you.

How to cook and store

If you have figured out which rice is better in color, then it’s time to decide on the subtleties of its consumption. But first, a few words about storage, otherwise there is a risk of getting additional proteins for dinner in the form of some bugs. If such culinary experiments are alien to you, follow these tips:

  • use sealed containers - whether it is glass or plastic does not matter;
  • Do not place it in a place where it is humid or where the sun shines constantly;
  • for additional protection against pests, proven “grandmother’s” methods are suitable - you should put a couple of cloves of garlic or dry lemon zest, chestnuts in a container with rice;
  • observe the shelf life: for unpolished cereals - up to 18 months, and polished cereals do not spoil for years - look at the packaging for more details.

And now about cooking! In fact, it all depends on your imagination. You can eat rice as a regular side dish or as an ingredient in another dish. But there are several secrets. Firstly, when cooking, a simple proportion is usually used - one part of cereals to two parts of water.

If you miss the moment, then pour the liquid until its level is about two fingers higher than the cereal. Time to readiness is about 20 minutes, after placing in boiling water. Another important point: the longer the grain, the less water is needed. And don’t forget to rinse the rice under running water first. Ideally, until the latter is transparent.

And so - you succeeded. In this case, cooked long grain grains are best for side dishes and salads, as it is crumbly and firm. Medium grain is softer and slightly sticky, so it is ideal for risotto and soups. But short-grain rice literally sticks together, which allows it to be used for porridges, rolls and sushi, casseroles and various desserts.

Small conclusions

If you came to my blog to know whether an athlete needs rice, then the answer is unequivocal - yes. And there are many reasons:

  • nutritional value and low calorie content;
  • contains amino acids necessary for building muscles;
  • protects against metabolic syndrome;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • will be useful for drying and when working out the relief;
  • promotes weight loss as it has a low glycemic index.

And finally, another video recipe for cooking rice from a pro.

So feel free to include rice in your diet in any form to feel better. The main thing is to avoid “empty” white and black cereals. And then the results of grueling training will soon become noticeable. Good luck!

Rice is a popular product. Find out about the benefits of this cereal in bodybuilding, its varieties, rules for selection and preparation.

Rice is a herbaceous plant and belongs to the grass family. This culture ranks third in popularity in the world. Rice is native to Southeast Asia, where this product is extremely popular. The following types of rice are distinguished:

By grain shape:

  • Round grain;
  • Long grain;
  • Medium grain;
By processing method:
  • Golden;
  • Black;
  • Wild;
  • Brown;
  • Red;
  • White.
The most nutritious of all are wild, brown and red rice. You should also talk about polished and unpolished rice. The domestic market mainly offers polished ones.

Benefits of using rice for bodybuilding

Good source of energy

Rice contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which are sources of energy for the body. In addition, this nutrient helps improve brain function. It should also be noted that the minerals and vitamins contained in rice increase the speed of metabolic processes.

Does not contain cholesterol

Rice is free of harmful cholesterol, fats, gluten and salts. Thanks to this feature, rice is one of the components of a large number of dietary nutrition programs.

Stabilizes blood pressure

Due to the low sodium content in the product, rice is an excellent product for people with blood pressure problems. In this regard, it should be recalled that sodium contributes to the narrowing of all blood vessels, which creates problems for normal blood flow.

Protects against cancer

Scientists have found that fiber can inhibit the development of malignant tumors. In addition, rice contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals.

Improves skin condition

Rice contains phenolic compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they perfectly relieve redness and irritation of the skin. Rice helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

Rich in minerals

Rice contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, for example, calcium, niacin, vitamin D, riboflavin, iron, etc. This helps improve the functioning of the immune system and accelerate metabolic processes.

Improves bowel function

The product contains resistant starch, which enters the intestines in its initial form. This substance creates a favorable background for the development of microflora. Thanks to the presence of fiber, food passes through the gastrointestinal tract faster.

Which type of rice should I choose?

It should be said right away that it is better to use unpolished rice in bodybuilding. During grinding, a large number of useful substances are destroyed. When using brown rice, the athlete receives the following benefits.

Increased muscle mass growth

Rice contains quite a lot of protein, which helps accelerate muscle growth.

Body weight decreases

The positive effect on the body in the fight against excess weight has been scientifically proven. The unprocessed product here has a huge advantage over the polished one.

Protects against metabolic syndrome

Unlike polished rice, brown rice helps increase the body's resistance to metabolic syndrome.

Promotes muscle regulation

During intense training with heavy weights, the state of the central nervous system is of great importance. Brown rice contains a large amount of magnesium, which strengthens the central nervous system. This is possible due to the mineral’s ability to quickly transmit signals from the brain to the muscles.

It should also be noted that magnesium has the ability to block calcium channels and thereby keep nerves and blood vessels relaxed.

Energy source

Rice has an average glycemic index, which allows you to maintain an even sugar level without significant jumps. Thus, rice can be used as an energy supplier not only before the start of a training session, but also after its completion.

You can also give some tips to help you get the maximum effect from using rice in bodybuilding:

  • Rice will be very useful during the period of weight gain, due to its high calorie content;
  • Consume rice throughout the day, thereby providing the body with energy. One or two hours before the start of training, eat brown (brown) rice, and after completing the training - white.
  • The combination of rice and vegetables is very effective;
  • For ease of use, purchase rice packaged in 60–10 grams;
  • It is not advisable to use salt when preparing rice dishes, and to give the dishes a better taste, it is better to use spices;
  • Read the label before purchasing a product. The content of ingredients other than rice is unacceptable;
  • Do not use products that combine rice with other products, such as homemade risotto, rice with mushrooms in sauce, and others. Such products contain a large number of various additives that are best avoided;
  • Try to eat brown (brown), wild, basmati rice or a mixture of four types of rice.
Try to follow the recommendations above to get the most out of your bodybuilding use of rice. This is a very valuable product, as evidenced by its popularity around the world. Be sure to include rice in your nutrition program to help you achieve your goals.

Signature recipe for cooking rice with chicken breast in this video: