Chinese slimming patch Slim Patch. Stomach patch for weight loss: reviews, instructions Patch with a magnet for weight loss instructions

An unconventional method of dealing with extra pounds is the use of a weight loss patch. This is an innovative product that affects problem areas of the body by penetrating the active substance through the skin. Once inside the body, the active component of the patch triggers processes that break down fat, speed up metabolism and improve skin elasticity. Using the patch, you will learn how to make your tummy flat quickly and without much effort.

Chinese-made weight loss patches have become a useful invention of oriental medicine. All active ingredients are natural and are absorbed by the body with maximum benefit. The result is guaranteed if you use Chinese weight loss patches. Reviews speak of their effectiveness in the fight against hated kilograms.

Slim Patch for weight loss

The Slim Patch consists of the following components:

  • Senna seeds – remove fluid, gently cleanse the intestines;
  • hawthorn – improves blood circulation, reduces cholesterol;
  • black sesame – fights slagging in the body, breaks down fat cells;
  • alisma – improves metabolism, accelerates fluid removal;
  • musk deer musk – suppresses appetite, accelerates metabolic processes.

The product consists of Tibetan herbs and helps not only to model a flat tummy, but also to improve the condition of the skin.

Magnetic slimming patch

A magnetic patch is a product that contains herbs and a magnet fixed in the center. The effect of a thin waist and flat tummy is achieved through the action of magnetic waves on the abdominal meridian. This effect replaces an acupuncture session, blood circulation improves, and the process of breaking down fat deposits begins. For the patch to be effective, it must be attached only to the navel area and not removed for 12 hours. With its help, you can become slimmer and lose up to 4 kg in 10 days.

Soso slimming patch

The Soso patch is most suitable for people who want to get rid of volume in the abdominal area. To simulate a flat tummy at home, just stick a patch in the navel area and walk with it for 8 hours. After completing the entire course, which is 25-30 days, a flat tummy appears. Photos of people before and after using the patch show noticeable weight loss. In addition to reducing volume, the product improves intestinal motility and smoothes cellulite tubercles. This occurs due to the content of orris root and Pennsylvanian sedge in the patch.

Flat tummy patch - reviews

The main active ingredients of the patch are Chinese camellia and kelp - brown algae. These components contribute to:

  • weight loss;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the human body;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • removal of fluid from deep layers of skin

The positive effect of the “Flat Tummy” patch is also due to the presence of a sealing base and a polymer layer, which together provides a “greenhouse effect”. You need to wear the product for 24 hours, the general course is one month.

Slimming patches - instructions

To achieve weight loss using patches, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Wipe skin with a damp towel before applying.
  2. Remove the protective sticker from the patch.
  3. Apply the product to an area of ​​the body, pressing lightly with your fingers.
  4. Time of use: daily at night.
  5. In the morning, peel off the patch and rinse the area of ​​the body with warm water.
  6. The course of use of the product is 25-30 days.

Slimming patches make your tummy flat. Reviews from people who have used them confirm a reduction in volume and strengthening of skin tone.

In 2001, the first weight loss patches appeared on the market, which today are presented in a wide variety, since the demand for such a product is only increasing. The fact is that many women choose such patches to lose weight in problem areas, but without exhausting themselves with diets and exercise in the gym. We will look into whether these patches are really effective and what brands are on the market.

How do weight loss patches work?

Externally, the weight loss patch, which is also called a patch, resembles a bactericidal one, but instead of an antiseptic, it is impregnated with an active substance, the components of which penetrate into the blood without entering the digestive system, increase blood circulation and lymph flow, which has a positive effect on metabolism and reduces appetite.

The advantage of such patches is that the soft medicinal solution is applied externally through the transdermal system, and more active components enter the bloodstream than when taken, which helps protect the liver.

Based on the principle of action, we can conclude that weight loss patches do not break down fats on their own, but prepare the body for this process, so if you combine their use with compliance, you can lose excess weight from problem areas.

General instructions for using patches

Regardless of which brand you choose, the patches are used according to the following scheme:

  • The area where the patch needs to be applied is determined based on the instructions for the purchased product. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the general diagram, which shows which zones it can be glued to:

Prohibited areas for gluing the patch are the chest and areas of abundant hair.

  • The area of ​​skin where the patch needs to be applied, for example, the stomach, is cleaned and dried. If this is not done, it will not be possible to fix the patch correctly, and this will become an obstacle to the penetration of active substances into the upper layers of the epidermis through the pores. Moreover, applying the patch to uncleaned skin can cause irritation and even cause skin disease.
  • The patch lasts from 20 minutes to a day, which depends on the product of a particular brand, so it is important to read the instructions for the purchased patch. It is noteworthy that even with the plate glued on, you can do your usual activities and even exercise.
  • After the period specified in the instructions has expired, the patch is removed. If redness, peeling or other defects are visible on the skin, you should wipe the area with a damp towel and lubricate it with body cream or regular baby cream.
  • On the same problem area, 2-3 cm from the place where the previous patch was glued, a new one is glued.

The patch is continuously applied for a month, and after 7-10 days, if desired, you can extend the weight loss course.

If you experience an allergy or severe discomfort when using the patches, you should stop using them and, if necessary, consult a dermatologist or other specialist.

Chinese pepper patches for weight loss

Many Chinese companies are engaged in the production of plasters, among which the following brands have successfully entered the Russian market.

Soso Slimming Plaster

This patch is designed to stimulate the breakdown of fat, remove excess fluid and increase blood flow. Due to this, you can speed up weight loss in the hips and waist. In addition, the product fights cellulite accumulations and increases skin elasticity and firmness.

Such properties of the patch are due to the following components in the active substance of the patch:

  • Violet root - to relieve puffiness.
  • Rod-shaped wormwood - to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.
  • Pepper – to stimulate metabolic processes.
  • Lovage root - to provide a disinfecting effect.
  • Sedge – to stimulate fat burning in the subcutaneous layers of the epidermis.
  • Ginseng root – for biological stimulation of immune processes.

This patch is intended for application to cleansed, dry skin in one of two areas - on the navel or below 5 cm from the navel. Weight loss course – at least 1 month.

Haogang (Hao Gang)

The composition of this patch is similar to the composition of Soso patches. The manufacturer claims that the use of plates allows solving the following problems:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • activate metabolism;
  • promote better bowel function;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • accelerate the breakdown of lipids.

Thanks to these properties of the patch, it can be used both for the treatment of cellulite and obesity, and for their prevention.

The Hao Gan patch can be applied to the buttocks, thighs, stomach, legs, arms, and you need to keep it on for a day, after which you need to stick a new patch. The weight loss course is 2-3 months with the necessary breaks of 7-10 days. The patch is stored in a dry place.

Slim Patch for weight loss

These are patches from the American company Beauty Style, which differ from their analogues in that they help you lose weight while you sleep. The fact is that Slip Patch plates are applied to the problem area before going to bed, which should last 8 hours, and are removed in the morning.

The active substance of such plates includes the following components:

  • Hawthorn berry extract - to improve blood flow, strengthen capillaries and vessel walls.
  • The root of alisma is a day for relieving swelling and removing excess fluid from the body.
  • Black sesame seeds – for active burning of fat and removing toxins.
  • Musk deer musk - to reduce appetite and increase metabolism.
  • Senna leaf - to provide a mild laxative effect, which also helps cleanse the body.

Based on the properties of the components, the use of Slim Patch plates will reduce appetite, remove excess water and break down fat deposits.

It is important to note that such patches have a wide range of applications. So, they can be glued to the stomach, hips, shoulders, legs and arms. The manufacturer notes that within 3 days of using the patch, active processes in the body will be launched and waste and toxins will be removed, and after 5 days you can already notice the absence of 2-3 cm in the problem area. In just 10 days you can achieve an excellent result - minus 5 kg, but subject to proper nutrition rules.

It is worth noting that when using Slim Patch patches, mild pain in the abdominal area, a feeling of itching at the site of application of the patch, and slight weakness throughout the body are possible. Such phenomena do not threaten health.

Slim Patch magnetic patches are also made in China. The following video provides an overview of such plates:

Lusero patches for a slim figure

These are patches from an Italian manufacturer for the whole body, because they are used for the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Girls note that such patches practically do not cause any discomfort and are not at all noticeable under a T-shirt.

The active substance of Lusero patches includes the following components:

  • Fucus extract - brown seaweed, which promotes active fat burning.
  • Chinese camellia - to remove excess fluid.
  • Gel layer - to provide a greenhouse effect, which promotes the active “absorption” of components into the upper layers of the epidermis.

The impregnation may also contain caffeine, which speeds up metabolism, and nicotinic acid ester, which enhances the absorption of active substances.

Thanks to this composition, according to the manufacturer, Lusero patches will help remove excess fluid, speed up metabolic processes and fat burning. To achieve such results, you need to stick 1-2 patches on problem areas and leave for 2 hours. Weight loss course – 30 days.

What are the contraindications?

Pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 14 years of age, as well as persons who suffer from:

  • skin problems;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2 or 1;
  • acute respiratory and viral diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • renal failure;
  • dangerous neoplasms and tumors.

In addition, the use of patches should be abandoned if there are any ailments - fever, headache, dizziness, pain in the abdomen and muscles, etc.

Strengths and weaknesses of patches

They have the following positive aspects:

  • They have a targeted effect on problem areas.
  • They are used externally, so no components affect the stomach and digestive organs.
  • They contain a precise dosage of active substances, so overdose is impossible. The components of the composition penetrate through the pores into the intercellular fluid, and then into the fat cells, stimulating fat burning.
  • They do not require disruption to your usual lifestyle - you can walk with the patch all day, play sports, take a shower, etc. In addition, they are not at all noticeable under clothes.

As for the negative aspects, they are as follows:

  • Effective if excess weight is no more than 5 kg. The fact is that the active substance only copes with external fats that are deposited on the skin. They cannot cope with the internal fats that envelop the internal organs.
  • In addition to the components specified by the manufacturer, the active substance may contain chemicals (antiseptics, preservatives) that can be dangerous to the body.
  • Patches on their own do not provide a weight loss effect, so you will need to reconsider your diet and engage in at least minimal physical activity.
  • The duration of use of the patch is about 30 days, so you will have to buy several packages. Prices for patches start from 500 rubles.

So, using weight loss patches is effective if you want to lose a few centimeters from the most problematic areas. In this case, you should carefully read the instructions for using the purchased patches. If there are contraindications, you must choose another weight loss method.

Hello! In the article we discuss a Chinese patch for losing weight in the abdomen, legs and buttocks. We show you how to use the patch and review the instructions for use. We also provide real reviews from doctors about the effectiveness of the weight loss patch.

The patch is not a cosmetic product and was originally produced for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, radiculitis, neuralgia, and gout. Until recently, few people thought that the product could also be used for cosmetic purposes, for example, for weight loss.

The composition includes the following components:

  • chili pepper extract,
  • belladonna extract,
  • pine rosin,
  • lanolin,
  • other excipients.

The principle of operation is very simple: the patch is glued to the problem area and the pepper begins to intensively heat the area, thereby improving blood circulation and gradually breaking down fat cells.

The biggest benefit of using the patch is that it is a very effective, inexpensive option for getting rid of the dreaded orange peel.

Transdermal patch for weight loss

A completely new invention in cosmetology is the transdermal patch. This is a godsend for the “lazy” - stick it on and forget it. And the price will please many. The main components are peppermint.

The principle of action is to warm up areas with a fat layer, improve blood circulation and “melt” subcutaneous fat cells. There is another wonderful property from using this product - reducing volume and thereby losing weight.

Contraindications for use

Of course, like any other medicinal drug or product, anti-cellulite patches have contraindications:

  • on the problem area there are wounds, scratches, skin breakdown;
  • moles, warts, pimples;
  • allergic reactions;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

Disadvantages of cosmetic patches

The big disadvantage is high price. A package containing 10 records costs on average about 600 rubles. The patch is used for 10 days and is changed once a day.

There are a large number of problem areas on the female body and each area needs a separate plate. With simple calculations, we can conclude that getting rid of cellulite and losing weight with cosmetic adhesive plasters will cost a pretty penny.

Another important drawback is that a cosmetic patch for weight loss will only help if the cellulite is not completely advanced and is only on the initial stage. In advanced forms, treatment is simply useless.

The next disadvantage is addictive effect, that is, the body gets used to the fact that it is not itself, but auxiliary substances that fight fat deposits. If you stop using the adhesive plaster, then after 2-3 months fat cells will again begin to accumulate in the same places.

So, my advice is that along with using the patches, you shouldn’t be lazy and exercise. Especially for you, I have prepared a review of the most.

Features of using pepper patch

The weight loss patch is glued to cleansed and fat-free skin. Degrease the problem area with an alcohol-containing product. Keep the sticker from 2 hours to 2 days, depending on the instructions for the drug.

Under no circumstances should the plate be glued to a place with hair. You need to remove hairs a day or two before use.

To make it convenient and less noticeable, the patches are made small. The plates come in different sizes and are used depending on the size of the problem area. Mostly plates of size 18×10 cm and 10×15 cm are used.

Brands of cosmetic patches for weight loss

And now we can talk about specific brands and manufacturers, so that it is more convenient for you to choose what you need.

Shepherds for weight loss and cellulite lusero

The lusero adhesive plaster is made from natural ingredients, made in Italy. Contains caffeine, fucus and carnitine.

The components of the drug penetrate deeply under the skin and actively break down fat deposits. The weight loss patch works hard for 24 hours, after which the plate changes.


  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • wounds on the body, burns, various skin injuries;
  • warts, birthmarks, moles and pimples;
  • children under 12 years of age;

Treatment lasts 1 month with daily plate replacement.

Anti-cellulite patch Tiande (TianDe)

An excellent remedy for painless treatment of cellulite. The adhesive plaster is valid for 24 hours, after which it is replaced with a new one. Main ingredients: chili pepper and mint. The components penetrate deeply into the subcutaneous layer and burn fat cells and help remove excess fluid from the body.


  • allergy;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • opening a wound on the body;
  • warts, moles;
  • individual intolerance.

Treatment from 10 days to 1 month.

Pepper patch Doctor pepper for cellulite

The adhesive plaster is used to treat inflammatory diseases and warm up inflamed areas on the body. But recently, Doctor pepper has been used for weight loss and the treatment of orange peel.

It contains: Metamizole, capsicum extract, belladonna extract.

The warming effect of the adhesive plaster helps reduce the subcutaneous fat layer and improve blood circulation. Helps only at the initial stage of cellulite formation.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

Treatment time is 10 days.

Celluwin slimming and anti-cellulite patch

Celluwin adhesive plaster helps to quickly get rid of cellulite and lose extra pounds thanks to the components of the drug.

The composition contains only natural ingredients, including: caffeine, clove essential oil, seaweed extract, peppermint extract and red pepper extract.

Thanks to the unique composition, the effect is noticeable already on the 3-4th day of use. The adhesive plaster fits tightly to the body and is completely invisible on the skin.

There are very few contraindications, but they still exist:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • children up to 14 years of age.

Can be used for several months.

Anti-cellulite adhesive plaster Biozon

The Biozon adhesive plaster is designed to smooth out skin unevenness and break down subcutaneous fat. The drug contains extracts of pineapple and cola.

The components penetrate deep into the skin and help in the fight against cellulite. The adhesive plaster not only helps in treating orange peel, but also smoothes the skin and gives it elasticity.


  • allergic reactions;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

One plate can last up to 24 hours. Treatment time is 20-30 days, depending on the severity of the case. Also from this manufacturer you can find a patch for.

Slimming patch

Chinese medicinal products occupy one of the first places in the fight against cellulite. The advantage of Chinese adhesive plasters is that they act only on problem areas, without affecting unnecessary areas.

By sticking the plate on the places you need, you will remove extra pounds without effort and grueling diets and noticeably smooth out problem areas with orange peel.

The patch contains natural certified ingredients: red pepper, sedge, ginseng root.


  • allergy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin damage;
  • colds and ARVI;
  • neoplasms, oncology, chemotherapy;
  • individual intolerance.

Treatment lasts no more than 1 month. Allowed repeat course after six months.

A safe and effective means for weight loss ─ Slim Patch weight loss patch. Its use allows you to adjust your figure without changing your usual rhythm of life. The patch contains only natural ingredients that are effective for losing weight in the abdomen, legs and other problem areas.

Slim patch patch in individual packaging.

How does the weight loss patch work?

The Chinese weight loss patch has a comprehensive effect. During its use, the following processes occur:

  • Fat deposits are burned due to the breakdown of fat cells.
  • Excess weight is reduced.
  • Metabolic processes are activated.
  • The functioning of the lymphatic system is stabilized.
  • Toxins and impurities are removed.
  • Cellulite decreases or completely disappears.
  • The skin becomes toned, toned and elastic.
  • Excess fluid is removed from the subcutaneous fat, so swelling disappears.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • The absorption of sugar, fats, and starch that comes with food is reduced.

The principle of operation of the transdermal patch is simple. After the product is attached to the body, its active ingredients contained in a plastic mass (“tablet”) begin to act. Once they enter the circulation system, they almost instantly penetrate the skin and begin to break down fat deposits.

At the same time, there is no negative load on the body, the condition of the kidneys, liver and other organs does not worsen. The safety of the patch has been proven by laboratory studies.

The effectiveness of the product is increased due to the presence of an ultra-thin magnet located in the center of the patch. It produces waves that penetrate the skin and perform a wave massage of the meridian, enhancing the effect of fat-burning natural ingredients.

This feature distinguishes Slim Patch from other weight loss products and makes it unique. In terms of characteristics and intensity of impact, it is similar to acupuncture.


Slim Patch nanoplaster is made on the basis of Tibetan herbs. It includes:

  • musk deer musk─ dulls the feeling of hunger, activates metabolism.
  • Alisma root─ has a drainage effect, removes excess fluid from the body, fights swelling.
  • Hawthorn fruits─ activate blood circulation, help lower cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels, increase stress resistance and minimize nervous tension.
  • Black sesame seeds─ accelerate the process of breaking down fat cells, cleanse the body, removing waste and toxins.
  • Senna(senna seeds) ─ activates the process of removing excess fluid and toxins, and has a mild laxative effect.
  • Fucus vesicularis(sea oak) ─ stimulates digestive processes, activates the activity of the thyroid gland, which stabilizes hormonal levels, helps to lose weight.
  • Garcinia cambogia─ accelerates metabolic processes, dulls the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat sweet foods.
  • Guarana─ enhances metabolic processes, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, increases overall tone.
  • Mint─ accelerates metabolic processes, cleanses the body, calms the nervous system.

Open packaging - plastic mass and magnet.

Each component promotes weight loss. Together, they significantly enhance each other’s effects, guaranteeing a powerful fat-burning effect.

How to use the patch: instructions for use

Where to glue the patch depends on the specific purpose. If you need to get rid of your belly, it is applied to your stomach or navel, when you want to reduce the volume of the lower body ─ in the buttocks area. You can use several patches at the same time, gluing them to different parts of the body. The patch has a pronounced local effect, but regardless of location, it helps to lose weight in general and tighten your silhouette.

Step-by-step instructions for using Slim Patch.

Detailed instructions in Russian for using the corrective patch:

  1. Before using the patch, you should take a shower, it is advisable to use a scrub to exfoliate dead cells. After this, the area on which the patch will be attached must be wiped with a damp towel.
  2. You need to remove one patch from the package and remove the protective paper sticker from it.
  3. Bring the patch to the skin and press firmly so that it sticks well. It is recommended to leave the patch on the body for 8-10 hours. It is most convenient to glue it overnight.
  4. After removing the patch in the morning, the skin is washed with warm water. It is advisable to apply moisturizer on top.
  5. The next evening, the patch is attached to the same problem area where the previous patch was located, only shifted a few centimeters to the side.

But the first results of using the weight loss patch are noticeable much earlier:

  • During the first 3 days, metabolic processes are activated, a deep cleansing of the body occurs, without which it is impossible to lose weight.
  • After 5 days, body volumes noticeably decrease, especially around the waist and hips.
  • After 10 days of regular use, the weight is reduced by 5 kg or more, it is possible to remove the stomach and sides in a short time.

The maximum period during which the patch can be used continuously is 30 days in a row. After this, you need to take a break for 7-10 days.

Despite the maximum safety of the product, it has an active effect on the body, so there are contraindications to its use:

Pregnancy, lactation period.
Period of menstruation.
Diseases of the endocrine system.
Diabetes mellitus.
Individual intolerance to the components of the product.
Infections, fever.
Dermatological diseases.
The presence of wounds, burns on the areas of the skin where the patch is planned to be attached.
Possible side effects:
Increased skin sensitivity.
Allergic reaction.

Slim Patch comes in the form of compact patches designed for one-time use. Sold in packs of 10, 15 or 30 pieces.

Patches should be stored sealed, in a dry and dark place at a maximum temperature of 20°C. Shelf life ─ 2 years.

Where to buy a slimming patch

You can purchase a weight loss patch on the official website, which offers customers original, high-quality products. The safety and reliability of the product is confirmed by the availability of appropriate licenses and certificates.
By collaborating with official representatives of Slim Patch, you will be able to protect yourself from purchasing counterfeit products that are potentially hazardous to health.

An important advantage of buying a product online is the ability to order it at any time, because orders from buyers are accepted around the clock. It is enough to fill out the form in a special field on the website, where you only need to indicate your last name, first name, and telephone number. After this, you will receive a call from the manager who will clarify all the details. If you have questions related to the features of the product or the terms of purchase, you can contact the operators for clarification.

Price, terms of delivery and payment

You can order the Slim Patch shepherd on the official website on favorable terms. Its price is 990 rubles (the 50% promotion is valid constantly). The price is indicated for one package, excluding postage.

After a few days, the order will be delivered to the specified address. Payment is made by cash on delivery after receiving the goods, thereby eliminating the risk of fraud.

About 20 years ago, the first transdermal patch designed for weight loss appeared on the cosmetic market. Since then, these products have become increasingly improved and are in increasing demand not only among women, but also among men. Currently, you can buy Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Italian weight loss patches.

These products are produced in different forms by different companies, but the mechanism of action is based on the same principles. All of them are positioned as a highly effective remedy that allows you to relatively quickly reduce body weight without much difficulty in the form of special nutrition and heavy physical activity. How does the weight loss patch work?

Types of patches and principles of action

The use of this cosmetic product is based on transdermal (transdermal) technology, which is an innovative way of transporting active ingredients into the deep skin layers and bloodstream through continuous, dosed and controlled exposure.

It is assumed that transdermal products (patches, shapewear and masks), unlike other cosmetic preparations, the effect of which is short-term and limited only to the skin surface, promote instant contact with the skin and deep penetration of active ingredients. At the same time, they provide the desired result quite quickly without irreversible side effects.

The time during which you can and should use a weight loss patch depends on its type and active ingredients. Depending on the mechanism of penetration of active substances into tissues, transdermal patches are divided into three types:

Similar to a regular sticker with active ingredients on the skin surface

It consists primarily of a base made of polymer materials, onto which specially developed aqueous gels are applied. The latter envelop the molecules of active substances and fix them on the surface of the polymer base in such a way that contact between the molecules of different active components is practically excluded.

Thanks to this, theoretically, it is possible to maintain the effectiveness of each ingredient to the maximum extent, as well as the continuity, dosage, consistency and duration of penetration into the deep layers of the skin during use of the product. For example, the Chinese SOSO patch includes extracts of violet root, artemisia, Sichuan pepper, lovage root, sedge herb, Florentine iris and ginseng root.

Magnetic slimming patch

There is a strip running through it, in the center of which there is a small magnet, which is supposed to create a magnetic field at the point of attachment to the skin. The base of the patch is covered mainly with biologically active substances contained in extracts of medicinal plants.

One example of such products is the Chinese Slim patch. Its base contains extracts from sesame seeds, hawthorn fruits, safflower, aloe and lotus leaves, musk and alisma rhizome.

Another Chinese company, Meitan, produces patches, often called bio-stickers. Their base contains natural gem powder, extracts of violet root, Pennsylvania sedge and radish seeds.

In general, there is no standard generally accepted composition of ingredients. It depends on the developments of the manufacturing company. For example, the most commonly used extracts are wormwood, Alexandria leaf, and Florentine iris. Another composition is an extract of cassia seeds, or senna, which has a laxative effect, poria coxoid (diuretic, choleretic, stimulating the function of blood circulation, stomach, intestines, etc.), angelica chinensis, chastukha oriental, orange bitter unripe orange, etc. .

The patch is fixed in the navel area. It is believed that it activates (similar to acupuncture) biologically active points and, in addition, provides, thanks to the magnetic field, an improvement in the flow of lymph, blood in arterioles and capillaries, intercellular fluid, and also promotes deep penetration of biologically active substances contained in medicinal extracts plants. This whole process leads to a decrease in appetite, removal of toxins from the body, activation of metabolic processes, and therefore acceleration of the breakdown of fats in order to release the energy necessary for this.

Microneedle patch

These products were relatively recently developed by scientists in the USA and then in Singapore for the purpose of local breakdown of fat deposits. The point of the development is to create a patch with dozens of the finest needle-shaped particles that serve as capsules for placing a beta-3 agonist of adrenergic receptors or the thyroid hormone T3 (triiodothyronine). These substances contribute to the transformation of white fat into brown and its further destruction. But if they are taken orally or used as injections, serious side effects are possible.

Microneedles, when fixing the product, are destroyed and gradually dissolved, and microdoses of the active substances contained in them slowly enter the subcutaneous fatty tissue, into the blood and contribute to the breakdown of fat. The amount of the drug in these cases is significantly less than is necessary to obtain the same effect when taken orally or when administered by injection.

1. Chinese SOSO patch
2. Patch with nanoneedles under magnification

Despite the relative diversity of the types of these products, the principles of their action are the same. Patches are fixed to the skin of certain areas of the body. Recommendations on where exactly to glue the patch are offered in the instructions for each product. The substances they contain have an effect on the body as a whole, but to a much greater extent on local fat deposits or, less commonly, on reflexogenic points. After fixing the patch in the problem area, the active components penetrate the skin and subcutaneous tissue. As a result of their influence, the following occurs:

  • improvement of microcirculation due to the expansion of small vessels;
  • improving the outflow of venous blood and lymph;
  • inhibition of the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids;
  • decreased appetite;
  • activation of metabolic processes, which leads to the consumption of additional energy, and this, in turn, to the breakdown and elimination of fat;
  • stimulation of neutralization and removal of toxic products from tissues;
  • restoration of collagen and elastin fibers;
  • skin tightening and reduction of cellulite.

Thus, the main mechanism of action is to stimulate tissue function, leading to energy expenditure and fat breakdown.

May be useful:

How to use the slimming patch

After reading the instructions, select one or more zones for fixing the product. Most of the included instructions show diagrams indicating the areas where the patches can be placed. Such zones are usually located in the abdomen (navel area, the front wall in the lower sections or lateral surfaces of the abdomen), in the lumbar area and in the buttocks, the upper sections of the outer thighs, and the back of the shoulder. It is not recommended to stick them on the thyroid gland area, chest and areas with pronounced hair.

Areas where patches are attached

After this, it is necessary to clean the selected area of ​​skin with warm water, dry it and wipe with an antiseptic solution, since otherwise an inflammatory process may develop. Pepper patch for weight loss especially often causes severe irritation and inflammatory processes.

Then you need to remove the protective layer from the patch and stick the first one onto the skin surface very carefully so that no folds or air bubbles form under it, since in these cases the area of ​​active influence of the components contained in the product is reduced. It is possible to fix several patches on different parts of the body at the same time. On the same problem area, the distance between them should be about 20-30 mm.

The microneedle patch must be used very carefully. After removing the protective film, do not touch the needles. After careful application to the problem area, it can no longer be removed for correction purposes. Then you need to press several times (to destroy the needles) in the central part so that the skin with the product does not move to the sides. There is no pain in this case.

The duration of stay on the skin and the number of sessions for products from different companies is very variable and depends on the composition of the products. This time can range from 20-30 minutes to several hours and days. Sessions on the same area can be repeated after 3-5 days or more. “Slim Patch”, for example, is recommended to be used daily for 30-40 minutes for 1 to 3 months. After removing the patch from the skin, the area should be washed with warm water and dried. In case of irritation, you can apply an emollient cream.


All of the listed properties are characteristic of both Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and Korean plasters. It is not recommended to use any of them in the following cases:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • under 14 years of age;
  • the presence of allergic reactions directly to the patch or its components;
  • the presence of dermatosis or cancer;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus or thyroid dysfunction;
  • kidney diseases.

Other methods to lose weight:

Allergic reaction to the patch