How to catch a wild duck alive. How to catch a wild duck: features and methods of hunting, types of traps

Duck hunting is an exciting activity that requires a lot of patience. For a long time, people have been using bait, decoys, traps and other tricks to catch wary birds. How to catch a duck without a gun? If you have a fishing line and a hook, you can copy the method fishing. Choose some stump or slough on the lake, place a brick or other heavy object on it and tie a regular fishing line with a hook to it. On a hook - bait (for example, fish giblets). Once disguised, you should wait. The bird swallows the prey along with the hook and all that remains is to remove it. No hook - you can use a button. Attach bait and wait. The duck swallows the bait, and that’s it – it’s caught.

With the invention of matchlock weapons (late 16th century), rifle hunting began to gain ground. Of course, an experienced woodsman will not leave home without a gun. A novice hunter who is planning to buy a weapon should not neglect his advice on how to buy a gun secondhand. But before the first gun was made, falcons were widely used to catch birds and small game. Falconry was especially valued among aristocrats. A rare hunter can now boast of a trained falcon, and anyone can make a simple trap - a snare from rope, twine, or soft wire. Snares or loops can even be made from ordinary laces. The principle of operation of such traps is a noose loop.

The principles of duck fishing are useful not only for beginners who do not know how to store a gun. Experienced hunters can also find themselves in the taiga without a gun, for example, having lost it while rafting down a river (a boat or raft overturned). You can then install a network on the pond. A duck swims up looking for food and gets confused. All that remains is to carefully remove it. The trap also serves as a reliable means of not being left in the forest without prey.

Wild ducks love to visit corn or wheat fields. Having obtained an ear of corn, you can tie it to a string or fishing line and lure the duck. The main condition for a successful hunt is not to give away your location. An experienced hunter knows that the wild duck is unusually shy and cautious. He will not only tell you how to clean a smoothbore gun when preparing to go hunting, but will also teach you the rules of camouflage.

As bait, you can use a piece of lard attached on a hook to twine or fishing line. Having thrown it into a river or swamp so that a piece floats on the water surface, you need to disguise yourself and wait for a hungry bird. The duck pecks at the lard, and the hunter does not leave without prey. By listening to the stories of experienced hunters, you can not only understand how to re-register a gun that you just purchased and have not yet registered, but also learn the simple principles of catching game without a gun.

The wild duck is a bird that lives in almost all countries of the world. It can be found near a deserted forest lake and in a city pond. Hunting for wild duck- a popular activity. They are even bred at home and crossed with purebred birds. Some people simply like the unusual taste of its meat, while others plan to hunt using a decoy duck. People keep some varieties of birds to decorate their farmsteads. How can you catch a wild duck alive? There are several ways.

Species of wild ducks

The mallard is a fairly common bird that lives near bodies of water. The drakes themselves are gray, and their heads are green. Their chest is brown, and their neck is decorated with a snow-white ring. The ducks don't look so fancy. Females have an inconspicuous reddish color, which allows them to hide from predators. Drakes weigh up to 1.5 kg, and ducks - up to 1.4 kg. Mallards do not really like winter, so during the cold season they fly to warmer climes.

Mandarin duck weighs from 0.4 to 0.7 kg. They live in Japan and other Asian countries, as well as in the Far East. The bird, unlike other species of ducks, builds nests in trees. Males are very beautiful, their plumage contains bright colors: purple, orange, green, blue, beige, white. Mandarin ducks are often adopted by farmers, but not as productive birds. They decorate the garden plot and delight the owner with their bright colors.

The weight of a merganser can reach up to 2.1 kg. This is the largest species of wild duck. The bird is found in almost all countries and prefers to live in flocks of up to 500 individuals. Females have a light color, combining gray, white and red feathers. And due to their unusual colors, drakes are very similar to zebras. How to catch a wild duck without a gun? There are several ways.


This method is humane, but quite complicated. How to catch a wild duck alive for breeding at home? You need to make a reliable trap. They vary, but most often hunters make a standard structure from logs that are fastened together. A basket with a lid is placed on top of the product, which can be easily pressed inside. The structure is generously covered with earth and bread crumbs. The trap, naturally, is made near bodies of water.

After some time, the most curious duck will decide to eat. Under the weight of the bird, the lid is pressed inward. The wild duck is caught without any damage, now the hunter can bring it home and use it for breeding.

Cage fishing

Hunters use this method if they need an undamaged bird. How to catch wild ducklings with a duck? The hunter can use a folding cage. To do this, it is installed on the ground, with a spacer placed inside. Under the cage, the hunter pours grain or other food that is tasty for the duck. You need to tie a rope to the spacer and hide somewhere nearby.

If the place is chosen correctly, then after a while the new design will interest the duck. At first the bird will approach the trap with caution, but after a while it will calm down and begin to eat the food. If she has ducklings, they will follow their mother. After this, the hunter pulls the rope and the cage falls, trapping the bird. Ducks caught in this way do not suffer any damage, so they can be used both for food and for home breeding.

Fishing with a loop

How to catch a wild duck? You can use a self-tightening loop. The trap is installed in places where ducks usually gather for the night. Bait is scattered near the loop: corn, minced fish, bread crumbs. The hunter lurks not far away, holding the second end of the rope in his hand. He must be prepared for a long wait.

After some time, wild ducks appear. They will become interested in the bait and begin to eat it greedily. Here the hunter must not be confused and tighten the rope around the duck’s neck in time. She will flutter and try to fly away, this cannot be allowed. This method requires dexterity and perseverance, so it is not accessible to everyone. The wild duck is severely injured due to the noose, so you need to drain the blood from it as soon as possible, and then start cutting up the carcass.

Fishing with a hook

How to catch a wild duck on a pond? A suitable method of fishing is using a hook. The hunter must understand that a bird caught by this method will be severely injured. She is usually killed and butchered immediately, since she later dies anyway. How to catch a wild duck on a hook? First you need to choose a body of water that is favored by a large number of waterfowl. It will be great if a large piece of driftwood lies motionless in it. If it is not there, then even an ordinary stump will do. The hunter chooses a place where he stays for the night maximum quantity wild ducks.

First, he must buy a light but strong fishing line from a fishing store. The tackle should stay well on the surface of the water, but at the same time it will have to withstand the fluttering of a wild duck, which will try with all its might to escape. The hunter attaches several hooks to the fishing line, on which the bait is attached. Small fish, corn, and lard are suitable as delicacies. The bait with fishing lines is fixed on a snag so that the duck cannot swim away with the device. If a hunter wants to have maximum chances, then he can make several traps and place them throughout the pond. After that, he just has to wait for the moment when the duck swallows the bait, after which he can take it away.

Fishing with a snare

How to catch a wild duck? You can use a snare, but this method is only suitable for experienced hunters. The trap should be set near a lake or swampy river where wild ducks have previously been spotted. The snares are left on the ground, and bait is scattered nearby: grain, small fish, corn. The hunter must understand that this method is quite complex and requires vigilant control.

Soon the ducks will swim ashore and become interested in the bait. The hunter must seize the moment when the bird puts its foot into the snare and catch it. The duck will be alive, but its leg may break. Therefore, the bird is caught in this way only for food. If a wild duck is needed for breeding, then the hunter is better off using a less traumatic method.

Fishing with alcoholic drinks

How to catch a wild duck with ducklings? Using bait soaked in alcohol. This method was invented by hunters who wanted to catch as much prey as possible. Any bait is suitable: minced fish, small pieces of lard, grain, bread crumbs. The hunter counts the approximate number of ducks in the pond and purchases alcohol. Typically, 100 birds require about 2 liters of alcohol. The bait is soaked in alcohol, and the treat is scattered around the entire perimeter of the reservoir.

It is known that ducks have a faster metabolism than humans. The bird becomes intoxicated quickly, so within an hour hunters can go after their prey. Ducks caught using this method do not suffer any damage. Subsequently, this bird can be kept on your farm and bred. How to catch wild ducks in large quantities? The method of soaking the bait in alcoholic beverages is perfect for solving this problem.

Fishing with lard

How to catch a wild duck if there are no devices? If the hunter has lard and a piece of rope, then this goal is quite achievable. A bird caught by this method most likely will not survive, so it is caught for further slaughter. But some experienced hunters managed to catch a duck, which later became bait for drakes. The lard is tied to a piece of rope, then the structure is lowered into the water. Usually after 30 minutes the duck swallows the bait.

After this, the hunter needs not to miss the prey. If he hesitates, the wild duck will break free and swim away to freedom. A hunter can place many traps with lard on the lake, this will increase his chances of large prey.

Fishing with bare hands

How to catch a wild duck? You can do without any equipment at all and catch it with your bare hands. This method is usually used only by experienced hunters, as it requires knowledge of the psychology of bird behavior in various situations. In addition, the catcher may be seriously injured as the wild ducks fight back.

If the female has bred, then when a person approaches, she will fly away. In this way she will try to save her own children from death. It is most convenient to fish near rivers with high banks. If the female flies away, the cubs will be left without protection. At this time, the hunter catches the ducklings and takes them with him. A caught bird can be used for breeding, as it does not receive any damage.

Wild birds always strive to be free, so it is better to keep them in enclosures that are closed on all sides. The hunter should try to create living conditions for ducks that are as close to natural as possible. Otherwise, wild birds are no different from domestic ones.

It is advisable for the farmer to dig a pond for ducks, as they love to swim. A domesticated bird will spend most of its time here. Many ducks swim in ponds even in winter, provided they do not freeze. During the cold season, the bird can be moved to an insulated room. Ducks need to be vaccinated promptly and shown to a veterinarian at the first signs of ill health.

Wild drakes peck at decoy ducks if they look like wild ones. Therefore, your goal is very logical. And, of course, a gun will not help you achieve this goal. In general, you have three ways to implement your plans.


It is more dangerous - it is fishing with a hook. But before we talk about how to catch a wild duck on a hook, we will warn you. With this method of fishing there is still a risk of damaging the bird while removing the hook, so be careful.

We choose a pond favored by wild ducks;
- among the snags already existing on the shore, we find a small and branched one (it should be convenient to tie several baits to it);
- buy a thin but strong fishing line. She must be invisible in the water, but withstand a battle with a caught duck;
- attach hooks to the fishing line (no more than size 5 or 6), attach the bait to them and secure it to the snag. Ideally, these should be small live fish or frogs. With their fluttering, they will attract the attention of your prey. If you don’t have such luxury, then bread crumb or a piece of lard will do. Non-live bait should be hung between the branches of driftwood above the water so that it is visible and does not drown. It’s better to make several of these fishing lines with bait different lengths to increase your chances of a good hunt.

Don't forget to moor your snag well, too. A caught duck, trying to escape, can drag it all over the lake and it will be difficult for you to keep up with it. Therefore, either tie it with a long rope to something on the shore, or make an improvised anchor. And once again, this method does not guarantee that the duck will not harm itself in attempts to get off the hook. Therefore, it is better to observe the fishing process from the shore and remove the duck as soon as possible after swallowing the hook.

A more complex method is trapping. It is ideal if you need to get an undamaged bird. Traps can be different. For example, it is easy to attract a bird by offering it a convenient way to dry its feathers.

Your actions:

Take some logs and fasten them together;
- place a basket on top (also attaching it to the logs), on the lid of which pour earth. The basket should have a lid that, under the weight of a duck sitting down to dry its feathers, would open and the game would fall inside, and the lid would snap back into place.

And, of course, you can lure a wild bird with food. Build something like a house with a cone-shaped entrance or a labyrinth-type entrance so that the duck that gets into it doesn’t have time to get out before you arrive. Put a lot of tasty things inside and hide nearby.


The last method is fishing in snares or loops. If you know how to hide well, know exactly which direction the wind is blowing and are able to hide for a long time - then this is the most best way hunting. Completely inexpensive in terms of money and effort. Make a tight loop and place an ear of corn in the center. Wait for the duck to start eating and then pull the end of the rope until the loop wraps around the duck.

You could see wild ducks in almost all bodies of water, be it a park or just a river; even people are not a hindrance to the birds. You've probably seen wild ducks more than once while going fishing or just on the lake. So, imagine you come fishing to a small river and see an un-autumn-like fat duck take off from the reeds in front of your nose. And then you begin to regret that you don’t have a gun at hand, because you would so much like fresh game. It doesn’t matter, there are several ways to catch a bird without the help of a weapon, we will now tell you about some of them and clearly show them in the video.

Duck hunting is a very exciting activity that requires a lot of patience. As has been the custom for a long time, when hunting birds, people used various kinds of bait, decoy game, traps, traps and much more. However, how to catch a duck without using a gun?

First you need to find an area where the duck may be located, most often these are ponds or swamps. At night, she often goes ashore to clean her feathers, and leaves behind traces and droppings, from which it is easy to find the bird’s roosting place in the morning. Now you need to be patient and wait for the right moment.

Of course, it’s easier to take a slingshot or just a stone and throw it at the duck, but this method will only scare away the whole bird and will not bring any results. It is better to use a hundred times proven methods. The most common of them is hook fishing.

Directly hunting on the hook

This option is ideal for fishermen who have had no luck catching fish, but don’t want to return home empty-handed. The most important thing is that you already have all the accessories at hand, which are shown in the video, and you don’t need to carry anything extra with you. Hunting a duck without a gun with a hook is a more humane way to get a trophy, and you will get a lot of pleasure from the process.

Stage 1

To fish with a hook we will need the following items:

Everything is very simple, if you have the above items on hand, then we copy the fishing method. We choose any stump on the shore of the lake, place a brick or another equally heavy object on it. Then we tie a fishing line with hooks to it, an ordinary one, which, for example, you use all the time when fishing. Afterwards, take a knife and cut out thin pegs up to half a meter long. It is advisable that the hooks are made of good, strong steel, otherwise they will simply bend or break.

Stage 2

We bait the hook with a pre-prepared bait, as shown in the video, it can be purchased or caught fish fry, you can also use fish offal, experts also recommend a piece of lard as bait. We disguise ourselves and wait for our bird to swim out for a walk.

So, the bird swallows our bait and all that remains is to pull out and remove the duck from the hook. If you don’t have a hook on hand, then it doesn’t matter, you can use an ordinary button. Just like in the previous option, attach the bait and wait, the effect is the same. To receive best result We advise you to make more of these traps, so the chance of catching a bird increases. There is another very interesting way to catch a wild duck.

Fishing with a hinged lid

This method is more complex, but is ideal if you need to catch the bird intact and not maimed. So, we need to attract the bird in this way, offer it a comfortable way to dry its feathers. D

To do this, you need to do a series of sequential actions:

  1. You need to find several logs and fasten them together.
  2. Place a basket on the logs and attach it.
  3. There should be an easy-to-open lid with a reverse mechanism on top of the basket.
  4. Pour soil onto the lid, you can also put food.
  5. A bird lands on your structure, the cover falls through and the duck is trapped, without any damage.

Using a loop

The third method is less common and is used by avid hunters. If you are like that, then in order to catch a wild duck you must be able to hide well, determine the direction of the wind and lie low in anticipation. This is a completely inexpensive hunting method.

Make a tight loop and place the bird's favorite bait, corn, in the center. Then just wait until the duck starts to eat, pull the end of the rope sharply so that the loop encloses the duck, all your spoils are in your hands.

These principles of catching wild ducks will be useful to both beginners and experienced hunters. Because even they may find themselves in wild conditions, for example, without a gun, and these methods will help them not to be left in the forest without prey. Now you, our reader, know all the secrets, so feel free to go to the nearest bet and practice your knowledge. Good luck hunting wild duck without a weapon.

Video “How to catch a wild duck on a hook?”

The video explains step by step what needs to be done to catch a wild duck.

Methods for catching ducks with bare hands

For most modern people, hunting from a means of subsistence has long turned into an element of the classical set of signs by which the so-called. "a real man." For them, hunting is a way not only to pass time and diversify the dinner table, but also an opportunity to experience excitement and demonstrate a number of qualities: endurance, endurance, patience, courage and ingenuity. The latter qualities are especially valuable when hunting without using a gun - for example, duck.

The need to hunt a duck without a gun can be very different: this is a situation in which you find yourself in the wilderness, where you need to somehow feed yourself, and the need to mate a wild drake with a domestic duck to renew the blood, and, finally, a hermit lifestyle ... An experienced person may be able to cope with these tasks effortlessly, but a person who is accustomed to a completely different environment or is just starting to lead a certain life, it will probably be hard. However, patience, determination and perseverance, as we know, can work wonders.

The most common are three methods of such hunting:

  1. on the hook.
  2. using a trap.
  3. in a snare or whip.

Catching a duck on a hook

This method is risky because it can damage the duck when removing the hook, so it must be used carefully. The technology imitates fishing:

  1. To begin with, you should notice a pond rich in wild ducks, and on it - a place, preferably such that there is a small but branched snag. In the absence of driftwood, any stump will do. Choosing the place most frequently visited by wild ducks is not difficult based on the amount of droppings and feathers they leave behind after roosting.
  2. purchase a thin and strong fishing line that would be invisible in the water, but could withstand a battle with a duck.
  3. Attach no more than five or six hooks to the fishing line, place the bait on them and secure it to the snag so that it is visible and does not drown. The snag should also be tied so that the caught duck cannot escape with it. If you are not using a snag, but the aforementioned stump, you need to stock up on a brick, a large stone or any heavy object to press the fishing line to the stump. Bread crumbs, pieces of lard, and fish offal are suitable as bait; The ideal option is live bait in the form of small fish or frogs, capable of fluttering to attract the attention of the future victim. You can make not one, but several of these lines to increase your chances of a successful hunt.
  4. then hide in a secluded place and wait for the duck to swallow the bait, and then release it from the hook as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to get hurt. When rescuing a duck, you should take into account that it is a strong bird and can easily escape from your hands, so you need to hold it tightly. It may even be more correct to catch a duck on a hook not alone, but together with a partner.

If you don't have a hook at hand, you can use a regular button to which the bait is attached. Experienced hunters say the effect is the same.

Using Traps and Loops

Using a trap is a safer and more humane method, thanks to which you can get an undamaged bird, but it is also more difficult. There are different traps. The following method is very popular:

  1. Several logs are fastened together.
  2. A basket with a lid is placed on top that can easily be opened inward.
  3. Soil is poured onto the lid, you can sprinkle some food.

The essence of the catch is this: the duck, hoping to dry its feathers, sits on the lid of the basket; under the weight of the bird, the lid opens and the bird falls inside without any damage.

You can also catch a duck using a cage with a hinged wall. To do this you should:

  1. Place the cage on the ground, having previously supported the wall with a spacer, and pour grain inside.
  2. tie a string to the spacer and hide somewhere in a secluded place.
  3. After waiting for the duck to enter the cage to eat the treat, pull the string. The spacer will slide out from under the wall, it will close, and the duck will be trapped.

Another type of trap - using a decoy duck - is designed for drakes. Some use a decoy that imitates how a duck or duckling quacks, but many hunters prefer to work with a real decoy duck, assuring that the result is much more effective than using a decoy.

  1. A tent in the form of a square is made from a light nylon net with a length of at least 8 meters on each side.
  2. Stretch strings are pulled along its diagonals and between them, and a heavy ring is tied in the center.
  3. a hut for the hunter is set up on the shore, and in shallow water near the shore, a stake 2.5 to 4 meters high is driven into the bottom, on which a tent is placed. The guy ropes are attached with pegs, and a thin cord is pulled from the ring to the hut. It is recommended to catch drakes in the dark, so everything should be prepared in advance.
  4. place a duck under the tent.
  5. when the drake, sensing the female, swims under the tent, the hunter, hiding in the tent, pulls the string, and the tent falls, covering both birds. Experienced hunters say that under certain conditions, up to five drakes can be caught in one hunt, but after each catch you need to change the location of the tent. If it is necessary to catch ducklings or ducks during the molting period, racing nets are used.

Another option is to use the so-called. catch cones. The simplest type of this trap is an ordinary paper bag with walls smeared inside with bird glue, and bait laid out in it. The point is simple: when trying to enjoy the laid out treat, the duck sticks to the walls and, not seeing anything, cannot escape. True, this method has many disadvantages, which are partially corrected by replacing the glue with a catch belt. It is made like this: they cut out a fringe on a strip of relatively soft plastic, then roll the strip into a ring, bend the fringe teeth inward and sew it into a bag made of thick fabric with the capped part rolled up or folded. The main thing is to choose the right diameter of the ring so that the duck, having stuck its head inside, would not be able to stick it out. When a duck, in pursuit of a treat, puts such a bag on its head, it falls into a real stupor, because, on the one hand, it does not see anything, but on the other hand, it can move. In this state it is very easy to catch her. The average bag sizes, as hunting practice shows, are as follows:

  1. hunting belt length = duck head circumference + 30-50 mm.
  2. belt width – 50-60 mm.
  3. width of the catch bag = length of the catch belt + seam allowance.

Such a “reusable” cone is placed in a special feeder made in advance with a number of holes that match the size of the bag. One hole must be made slightly larger than the rest and left free. The bait is usually traditional pieces of fish, bread, thick porridge, boiled potatoes, lard. Such a feeder is installed both on the shore and in the water near the shore.

Finally, you can catch the duck using a noose. True, this method, unlike the previous ones, does not provide a 100% guarantee of success, so it is more often used by hunters with considerable experience. To implement it you need:

  1. choose a pond that is often visited by ducks.
  2. attach a strong self-tightening loop to a pole mounted on spacers and pour a little corn into its center (ducks peck at it most readily) or lard.
  3. determine the direction of the wind and hide so that the duck cannot smell you.
  4. then you should wait. When the duck arrives, sees your bait and starts eating, you need to sharply pull the end of the rope so that the loop goes around its neck. This must be done quickly and carefully so that the duck does not have time to fly away.

Unconventional methods of catching ducks

In addition to the methods described above, there are others. Some hunters manage to make the pond itself, where ducks fly, into one large trap. This is done like this: meat, fish and cereal bait is mixed with alcohol at the rate of two liters per hundred ducks, then feeders with treats are placed throughout the lake. Despite the fact that a duck's metabolism is much faster than that of a human, intoxication occurs quickly enough, and after about an hour it is possible to collect prey. This method is based on well-known stories about how in some villages geese ate waste from the mash carelessly thrown out by their housewives, got drunk and fell asleep so that they mistook them for dead. It's a fairy tale, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and surely residents of rural areas can recall similar stories that actually happened...

But we digress. As you can see, there are many ways to catch a wild duck with almost bare hands. It should, however, be noted that some methods are sometimes used by poachers, especially during mass fishing of ducks, so you should be careful and not get too carried away so that seemingly innocent fun does not turn into something criminal. If your hunt is primarily of an irregular and situational nature, we can only wish you good luck in catching a wild duck and finally show you a video where experienced hunters will tell and clearly show how you can catch a wild duck without a gun.

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How to catch a duck without a gun?

You will need:

  • fishing line
  • Hook
  • Silky
  • Trap

Duck hunting is an exciting activity that requires a lot of patience. For a long time, people have been using bait, decoys, traps and other tricks to catch wary birds. How to catch a duck without a gun? If you have a fishing line and a hook, you can copy the fishing method. Choose some stump or slough on the lake, place a brick or other heavy object on it and tie a regular fishing line with a hook to it. On a hook - bait (for example, fish giblets). Once disguised, you should wait. The bird swallows the prey along with the hook and all that remains is to remove it. No hook - you can use a button. Attach bait and wait. The duck swallows the bait, and that’s it – it’s caught.

With the invention of matchlock weapons (late 16th century), rifle hunting began to gain ground. Of course, an experienced woodsman will not leave home without a gun. A novice hunter who is planning to buy a weapon should not neglect his advice on how to buy a gun secondhand. But before the first gun was made, falcons were widely used to catch birds and small game. Falconry was especially valued among aristocrats. A rare hunter can now boast of a trained falcon, and anyone can make a simple trap - a snare from rope, twine, or soft wire. Snares or loops can even be made from ordinary laces. The principle of operation of such traps is a noose loop.

The principles of duck fishing are useful not only for beginners who do not know how to store a gun. Experienced hunters can also find themselves in the taiga without a gun, for example, having lost it while rafting down a river (a boat or raft overturned). You can then install a network on the pond. A duck swims up looking for food and gets confused. All that remains is to carefully remove it. The trap also serves as a reliable means of not being left in the forest without prey.

Wild ducks love to visit corn or wheat fields. Having obtained an ear of corn, you can tie it to a string or fishing line and lure the duck. The main condition for a successful hunt is not to give away your location. An experienced hunter knows that the wild duck is unusually shy and cautious. He will not only tell you how to clean a smoothbore gun when preparing to go hunting, but will also teach you the rules of camouflage.

As bait, you can use a piece of lard attached on a hook to twine or fishing line. Having thrown it into a river or swamp so that a piece floats on the water surface, you need to disguise yourself and wait for a hungry bird. The duck pecks at the lard, and the hunter does not leave without prey. By listening to the stories of experienced hunters, you can not only understand how to re-register a gun that you just purchased and have not yet registered, but also learn the simple principles of catching game without a gun.

In the center of Slutsk, homeless people and teenagers catch wild ducks on a hook - Slutsk, Newspaper "Infa-Kur'er"

On Wednesday, September 23, Slutsk resident Dmitry Reutsky, walking along the embankment in the center of Slutsk, saw two boys hunting wild ducks. They planted the crumb of bread on fish hook with fishing line. The bird grabbed the bread and, like a fish, was caught.

When Dmitry approached the boys, one of them ran away. The second, according to the incident, did not run away only because the reel with fishing line in his pocket got caught - he hid it in his pocket so that no one would notice.

“When I approached, the second boy had already prepared a bag to pack the bird. I think this is not their first time out. Even when I went out to the embankment, I noticed that one bird was either jumping up or hiding in the water somehow unnaturally, and the whole flock was swimming away. “I immediately ran up,” Dmitry Reutsky describes what was happening in a conversation with a correspondent of the “Kur”er newspaper. “The bird was lucky this time. Maybe if this case gets publicity, the hunt for them using such a barbaric method will stop. And I really want the parents to the boys saw who they had raised.”
A boy who caught a duck frees it from the hook. Dmitry Reutsky
When Dmitry approached, the second teenager ran away. According to Dmitry, the caught bird remained alive and flew away.

“But the shame is that people just calmly passed by and none of them even took an interest in what was happening. Although many people go to feed the ducks, especially with children,” the interlocutor added.
About fifty ducks have settled in the embankment area in the center of Slutsk. At least last fall, some of them became victims of illegal hunting.
Reel with fishing line.

Not the first time

Reports that ducks are caught using a fishing line, a hook and a crumb of bread have been received by the editors of the Kur'er newspaper more than once. However, until now there has been no documentary evidence of these facts.

So, last fall, housing and communal services employees noticed a man who, using a fishing line, a hook and a bread crumb, caught and strangled 8 ducks.

“It was a local homeless man. He left the ducks on the shore and ran away. But then he came back for them,” said witnesses.

From a legal point of view

As Roman Ozhigar, the chief forester of the Slutsk Forestry State Forestry Institution, explained in a conversation with a correspondent of the Kurer newspaper, catching ducks on the embankment is a violation of the law. In such cases, they used a prohibited weapon and caught birds in a place not intended for hunting.

They violated the hunting rules in the Republic of Belarus. And their actions provide for punishment under Article 15.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Violation of the rules of hunting and hunting.”

"Kur"er's certificate. Article 15.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus (part 1). Hunting without permission either in prohibited places, or at prohibited times, or with prohibited tools, or prohibited methods - entails a fine of 12 to 15 basic units (per at the moment this is from 2,160,000 rubles to 2,700,000 rubles) with or without confiscation of hunting tools. If you see such a fact, you can immediately call the police on 102.


In mid-August of this year, "Kur"er wrote that about fifty ducks settled in the embankment area in the center of Slutsk. The population of these birds has grown significantly over the past five years.

In Kur'er's publications, local ecologists have repeatedly recommended not to feed wild ducks. Buns, bread and cookies are harmful to ducks, but if you really want to, you can treat them with bird feed, we reported with reference to Tamara Koleda, director of the Slutsk environmental Biological Center for Students.

Previously, bird hunting was a common activity for Slutsk residents. Earlier, "Kur"er wrote that back in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, townspeople hunted for rooks. These birds were almost the same part of the diet of the inhabitants of Slutchina as chicken is now. Thus, the number of these birds was regulated.

Ales Dostanko, Anastasia Orlovskaya

A very, very long time ago, my friends and I vacationed “in nature.” Nothing
We didn’t need anything special from this nature. We just decided to get out
away from the city. And actually - a cultural drink and snack with an overnight stay
under the stars. Go fishing - but without fanaticism. We got to the place.
A small dam with ducks, quiet, clean, the weather just to order - a miracle!
We settled down, settled down, organized a simple life -
tents-fireplace-kettle-donki. Beauty!
We sit, have a drink and a snack, talk, behave decently, don’t duck
we scare. Grace!
Soon two men came out to the place of our cultural recreation. Straightaway
apparently - experienced Chingachgooks. Equipped smartly, but lightly, they walk briskly, step
loyal. Backpacks, guns, storm boots. Hunters.
They - can we have a little smoke here? We - of course, you are welcome, not
Would you like to join? They looked at each other and agreed to
fifty - we still have to go,” from the offer to dine with dignity
refused. OK. After “fifty each - we still have to go” - they stood up,
shook themselves off and... No, they asked, but you guys are just relaxing -
or what?
- Or what! - declares one of us, in whom there were already “three hundred and fifty”, -
we're on a duck's back.
The Chingachgooks looked with a faithful eye at the camp, in which there was absolutely nothing
it could even hint at hunting. And they looked questioningly at
- What about a snare? Or what?
- Or what! - declares the one with three hundred and fifty.
- ? - the Chingachgooks ask with only their eyes and sit back, revealing
is one continuous interest.
The situation was complicated. To fool serious people -
ugly. And for serious people with guns it’s also risky. The one in which
Three hundred and fifty hesitated for half a second - and improvisation began.
- A teapot! Have you tried it?
Apparently he was trying to bend the line of conversation towards a joke. Chingachgooks are not
appreciated and stared at him somehow ambiguously. By the way - for all the time,
that they spent with us, they never smiled.
Three Hundred and Fifty began to move from confusion to despair. When
came and shouted:
- Wait! - and ran into the tent. He returned with a teapot. I approached the shore. Into this
We tried to make another fifty Chingachgooks each time. It worked.
The stern faces softened.
Three Hundred and Fifty approached the shore. Remember I said there are ducks in there. Three hundred
Fifty tried it on, made some fantastic graceful swing with
with a twist and threw the kettle into the thick of the duck company, fortunately he was able to fly
15 meters away. The company was scared and immediately moved away. Three hundred fifty
turned to us and already began to put on his face the expression “it didn’t work out.”
something." But one of the Chingachgooks, who was carefully watching
happening, performed the dance "huyasse!" with appropriate facial expressions,
he rolled off his wagons and headed to the dam. There's a teapot-struck duck
fought for her future and tried to free herself from the teapot, which:
- Apparently he knocked out her flight mechanization;
- put his hand on it;
- filled with water and pulled into the abyss.
The second Chingachgook also danced "huyasse" and looked at us approvingly.
Three hundred and fifty instantly rose to Five Hundred and began to develop
success, declaring that he forgot to put the lid on the teapot in his haste. With lid
it was possible to knock out a couple at once. It was completed quickly, just in case
to Seven Hundred and he fell asleep.
As a result, none of us lost face, and the Chingachgooks expanded their knowledge of
hunting areas. For such a thing they favorably accepted twice more.
fifty, took their leave and went about their business. Duck, by the way, after
inspection (no damage was found, for which thank God) was
released with an apology.