Ecdysterone instructions for use in bodybuilding. Ecdisten for weight gain in bodybuilding

– this is the name of the substance that is obtained from the plants Cyanotis Vaga and Rhaponticum Carthamoides. As a sports nutrition, ecdysterone is usually produced as a cheaper extract from Cyanotis Vaga (contains 40-70% ecdysterone). To produce the 99% extract, which is considered higher quality, a more expensive manufacturing process is used from Rhaponticum Carthamoides.

Ecdysterone, as manufacturers claim, helps to increase the overall tone of the human body, helps rapid recovery after exhausting strength training and has a pronounced anabolic effect.

The action of ecdysterone as an anabolic steroid is explained by its molecular similarity to anabolic steroids. Ecdysterone binds to special androgen receptors in muscle cells, which leads to increased muscle mass and improved strength. With a mechanism of action similar to anabolic steroids, the use of ecdysterone does not entail side effects.

Athletes who took ecdysterone daily for several months did not notice any negative effects of the drug - their hormonal levels remained unchanged, and no toxic effects on the kidneys and liver were detected. Ecdysterone is not on the Anti-Doping Committee's list of prohibited substances, so it can be used for competitive athletes.

How to take ecdysterone

In order to gain weight and increase strength, when taking ecdysterone you should adhere to a certain dose - at least 400 mg. If you take less, the effect of the supplement will be insignificant, almost unnoticeable. Some manufacturers deceive buyers by reducing the single dose to 50 mg; special attention must be paid to this when taking ecdysterone.

Since ecdysterone, when entering the human body, is quickly destroyed, it is advisable to use it at least 3 times a day in courses of 3-8 weeks. After finishing taking it, you need to take a break for 1-2 weeks. This is necessary so that there is no addiction to ecdysterone. Then the course can be repeated. To make the effect more impressive, taking ecdysterone should be combined with protein. Additionally, taking 100g of protein daily can significantly increase the effectiveness of ecdysterone.

Efficacy of ecdysterone

The ability of ecdysterone to improve the physical performance of athletes still does not have one hundred percent evidence, so its effectiveness is still in doubt. Not everyone trusts the numerous articles on the topic of the great results of taking the drug, because many of the experiments do not have a scientific basis.

Conclusions about the positive effects of ecdysterone used in conjunction with vitamin complexes are based on studies in which subjects taking ecdysterone showed better results than those who did not take it. However, scientists believe that reliable results on the use of ecdysterone have not yet been obtained.

Ecdysterone - Video

Beta-Ecdysterone - (20-Hydroxyecdysone, Ecdysterone or 20E) is a natural compound with a steroid structure; it is obtained from plants widely used in folk medicine - Rhaponticum carthamoidis (Wild) Jilin (synonym: Leuzea carthamoidis D.C.) and Turkestan tenacious - Ajuga turkestanica (Rgl.) Brig, growing in Central Asia. Taking natural drugs to increase testosterone stimulates the synthesis of the male sex hormone and restoration of reproductive function.

Ecdysterone has biological effects in humans, but there is still much controversy on this issue. Most modern supplements are made from the plant Cyanotis vega and Leuzea safflower.

Ecdysterone was first studied by Soviet scientists Syrov and Kurmukov in 1976, revealing its anabolic activity and enhancement of protein synthesis. Then, a similar study was conducted by Chermynkh in 1988, comparing the anabolic activity of Methandrostenolone and ecdysterone, the results were surprising: ecdysterone demonstrated higher activity on the synthesis of contractile proteins, compared to the steroid Methandrostenolone.

Animal studies have shown that ecdysterone exhibits pronounced anabolic properties. From which it was assumed that ecdysterone could have a similar effect on people. In 1998, a Russian scientist assessed the effectiveness of ecdysterone in combination with a protein diet. The results were positive, with subjects gaining an average of 6-7% lean muscle mass and reducing body fat by 10%. Researchers also found that ecdysterone helped lower blood glucose levels without affecting insulin levels. Sugar levels decreased when before use they were normal and slightly elevated (up to 16 mmol/l), the high level did not change. Thus, this makes it possible to use ecdysterone for people with type 2 diabetes.

Effects of ecdysterone.

Increased protein synthesis
increased supply of protein and glycogen to muscles
stabilizes blood sugar levels, improving hypoglycemia in cutting athletes
prevents fat deposition by stabilizing blood sugar and insulin levels
reduces cholesterol levels in the blood
stabilizes cell membranes
has a beneficial effect on heart rate
antioxidant effect
anti-catabolic effect
cleanses the skin
increases strength and endurance
increases lean muscle mass
reduces fat mass

Ecdysterone significantly improves the well-being of patients, increases general tone, enhances performance, increases body weight with reduced nutrition as a result of disruption of protein-synthesizing processes of various etiologies. Has a positive effect on the metabolic parameters of the heart muscle. Ecdisthene was found to have a hypoglycemic effect in patients with severe forms of diabetes, which made it possible to reduce the dose of insulin. Good results were observed in the treatment of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis of various etiologies. Powerlifters recognize the payoff of training.

In all cases of Ecdysterone use, no side effects were noted, and no negative effects on the functions of the adrenal cortex and other endocrine glands were observed. Studies have noted a fairly pronounced general tonic effect on the body, especially in athletes during intense training loads. Moreover, when tested on athletes, 89% of those examined who received Ecdysterone noted a faster passing of the feeling of fatigue, apathy, improved exercise tolerance in sports such as athletics (jumping, middle-distance running), swimming, figure skating, speed running skating, cross-country skiing. It should be noted that in these sports, a similar effect when using saparal was noted only in 9% of athletes. When there was a need for a significant increase in the dose of Ecdysterone (observation of athletes - throwers and weightlifters, where the drug was used at a dose of up to 100 mg per day), the positive specific effect was not accompanied by any toxic phenomena.

In all cases, the anabolic manifestations of Ecdysterone were confirmed by clinical and laboratory studies (increase in body weight, hemoglobin and red blood cell content, total protein in the blood serum, decrease in urea concentration). Anthropometric studies of individuals who repeatedly took ecdisten showed an increase in muscle mass with a slight decrease in the amount of total and subcutaneous fat. As a result of testing ecdisten in the practice of clinical and sports medicine, it was found that it is advisable to prescribe it to patients who have neurotic conditions, hypotension, general weakness, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as somatic patients with asthenic and asthenodepressive conditions associated with a weakening of protein synthesizing processes in the body. body. The use of ecdisthene for certain disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism has proven promising.

Ecdysterone is intended for athletes specializing in many sports where it is necessary to improve speed and strength qualities and increase the functional state of the muscular system.

Actively influencing metabolic processes in organs and tissues, Ecdysterone is an effective means for preventing and eliminating myocardial overstrain syndrome after intense physical activity and promotes rapid recovery between competitions. It is advisable to use ecdisten by practically healthy people for the prevention of excessive mental and physical fatigue, as well as for body correction, especially in the complex of sports and recreational activities

Studies have also been conducted where ecdysterone showed itself as an antitumor agent, adaptogen and antioxidant.

Scientists who studied ecdysterone came to incredible conclusions: under the influence of ecdysterone, muscle anabolism increases by 190-200%, which is comparable to Methandrostenolone injections. How does ecdysterone act on human muscles? Scientists claim that Ecdysterone stimulates protein synthesis in the cytoplasm of muscle cells by accelerating the synthesis of protein chains from amino acids. It is assumed that ecdysterone increases the concentration of potassium and calcium ions inside the muscle cell, and this in turn causes an increase in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein.

As for side effects, ecdysterone is not only safe, but also beneficial! It prevents cortisol from destroying cells and normalizes creatine synthesis. Increases the adaptive abilities of the heart, improves liver function and blood composition! Amazingly, being a powerful anabolic steroid, ecdysterone does not suppress the body’s secretion of testosterone. The same thing happens with growth hormones. Those who use steroids for a long time are usually forced to give themselves injections of growth hormone, while even many years of taking ecdysterone not only does not weaken the natural production of somatotropin, but even increases it! Ecdysterone, unlike steroids, sports doctors recommend taking 30-50 mg daily, but the dose can be increased to 100 mg without the risk of complications - it all depends on your financial capabilities.

Ecdysterone has been used in sports since 1985, and in the former Eastern Bloc countries, the study of the effects of ecdysterone was put on a solid scientific basis. Ecdysterone was often given to elite strength athletes, achieving a powerful “steroidal” effect. Then they learned about ecdysterone in Europe. It began to be widely used in the US weightlifting team. The head coach of the American security forces, Dragomir Charoslan, says: “Our training program is so difficult and serious that there can fundamentally be no place for useless substances in it. As for ecdysterone, it really increases strength, muscle size and speeds up recovery.” Today, ecdysterone is one of the most popular sports supplements in the diet of elite athletes in all countries. “Ecdysterone is simply irreplaceable in strength training,” says the American and world-famous athletic trainer and consultant Jay Schroeder, “it allows athletes to achieve a level of training that we could only dream of before.”

Ecdysterone dosage

You should pay special attention to the doses of Ecdysterone! In all studies where positive results were obtained, Ecdysterone was used in doses equivalent to 500 mg per day for humans. However, most manufacturers and supplements of Ecdysterone contain several tens of times smaller doses (Ecdysterone B - 2.5 mg, Ecdysterone ACE - 2.5 mg, Ecdysterone MEGA - 2.5, Ecdysten from ThermoLife - 15mg and others). If you see that the dose is below 100 mg, then this supplement is completely useless. However, recently it has appeared with adequate doses: SyntraEC from Syntrax - 275 mg and others. You can buy from us.

Ecdysterone side effects and harm

Ecdysterone is a natural non-hormonal agent that does not affect the exchange of human sex hormones. Ecdysterone does not cause steroid side effects, as it has a different mechanism of action. Ecdysterone is not harmful to the body even in very large doses, reaching several grams. Some use Ecdysterone in doses of more than 1000 mg per day, without any side effects or significant harm, but doctors do not recommend exceeding a dose of 800 mg per day.

Ecdysterone (Hydroxyecdysone, 20 E) – natural drug, which has some anabolic effects, this substance promotes the development of a change in integument and the transformation of the structure of arthropods. This is one of the known hormones that is also predominant in insects.

There is a derivative of Ecdysterone - Phytoecdysterone, respectively, found in plant organisms (Zhivuchka). One of the roles of this substance includes reducing the fertility of insects.

Ecdysterone can also affect the human body, but exactly how it has not yet been proven; there is little evidence base on the benefits of this substance; scientists talk about both the usefulness and the uselessness of the described drug. Dietary supplements Ecdysterone is made from Leuzea and a plant called Cyanotis Vega.

Ecdysterone has a beneficial effect on all types of metabolism - protein, phosphorus, carbohydrate, fat metabolism. Against the background of the drug's action, the amount of glucose, polysaccharides, creatine phosphate and adenosine triphosphoric acids (ATP) in tissues, in particular in myofibrils (muscle tissue cells), increases. Cholesterol levels and the amount of body fat decrease.

History of drug discovery

The first who studied the properties of Ecdysterone were Russian scientists Kurmukov A.G. and Syrov V.N. in the 70s of the twentieth century, having discovered in the drug the properties of an anabolic substance that increases the production of protein structures.

Later, similar tests were carried out by N.L. Shimanovsky. and Shutko G.V. already in the 80s of the last century. We tried several steroid drugs and ecdysterone. Scientists found a commonality between Ecdysterone and Methandrostenolone; as a result of experiments, Ecdysterone showed higher rates of synthesis of protein structures, in contrast to the steroid drug Methandrostenolone. Experiments on living organisms (rodents) also revealed that Ecdysterone has an increased anabolic effect. Because of this fact, it was concluded that the drug Ecdysterone may have a similar effect on the human body.

Additional experiments in 1988 revealed that Ecdysterone increases protein production through a balanced amount of nitrogen. The higher the level of nitrogen in a person’s blood, the faster protein is synthesized in cells and, accordingly, the faster muscle mass builds.

It has been suggested that Ecdysterone reduces blood urea and increases hemoglobin. This is due to an increase in red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the bone marrow, which also leads to increased anabolism.

At the end of the 90s of the last century, Russian scientists evaluated the activity and effect of Ecdysterone in combination with a protein diet. The results of the experiment were good, all participants gained about 5 - 7% of pure muscle mass and lowered their body fat levels by 10 - 15%. After this, scientists discovered that the drug Ecdysterone lowers the amount of sugar in the blood, while having absolutely no effect on insulin levels in the blood. The amount of glucose decreased with the use of the drug, provided that glucose was within the normal range or the level was slightly elevated. As a result, Ecdysterone may have a positive effect on the treatment of diabetes mellitus. There are also experiments with Ecdysterone, where its anti-cancer properties are demonstrated.

In some studies, Ecdysterones, to a greater extent than another similar product without the use of vitamin-mineral complexes, increased the performance of athletes by the amount of time they pedaled until the muscles completely failed, when testing endurance on bicycle ergometry.

In 1997, Russian scientists proved that the antioxidant effect of hybrid products (in combination with natural substances that increase the body’s adaptation) developed for athletes increases with the addition of certain vitamin complexes (for example, varieties of vitamins E, C, and A)

Effect of the drug
on the body

  • Increased production of protein structures in cell ribosomes
  • Accelerates the passage of proteins and glucose into muscle tissue
  • Normalizes blood glucose levels, improving well-being in case of insufficiency of glucose in the body in athletes who are on a low-carbohydrate diet before upcoming competitions
  • Reduces the accumulation of fat by normalizing glucose and insulin levels in the bloodstream
  • Reduces the amount of LDL (low-density lipoprotein or “bad cholesterol”)
  • Normalizes the functions of the cytoplasmic membrane of the cell (its functions, for example, elasticity and so on)
  • Has a positive effect on heart rhythm (relieves arrhythmia, tachycardia, bradycardia)
  • Shows antioxidant properties
  • Prevents muscle tissue breakdown (catabolism)
  • Improves the condition of the skin
  • Increases strength, helps build lean muscle mass, helps the body get rid of excess fat
  • Reduces levels of female sex hormone in the blood of men
  • Has an immunomodulatory effect (strengthens the immune system)
  • Increased libido in men and erectile function
  • Eliminates symptoms of asthenia and depressive disorders
  • It has tonic properties for poisoning, infectious diseases, psychogenic disorders, low blood pressure, etc.
  • Designed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases
  • Increases lung volume and greater O2 consumption
  • Increases the release of carbon dioxide from the lungs

Effect on protein synthesis
and growth hormone

Researchers experimenting with Ecdysterone present interesting arguments: under the influence of the drug, the growth of muscle tissue approximately doubles, which is almost on par with intramuscular administration of Methandrostenolone. The results of ongoing research indicate that Ecdysterone activates the production (synthesis) of protein in ribosomes inside the cell by increasing the production of protein compounds from amino acids. There is an opinion that the described drug increases the amount of Ca and K ions in the cell of myofibrils (muscle tissue), this reproduces the synthesis of nucleic acids (RNA, DNA), as well as protein molecules. There are practically no negative side effects; they claim that the drug is very useful. It fights stress hormones, prevents stress-induced cell destruction, and enhances creatine production. Increases the adaptability of the heart muscle to stress and other adverse environmental phenomena, heals the liver and normalizes the number of blood cells. In fact, the drug has anabolic properties, but unlike steroid drugs (such as Nandrolone, Omnadren, Turinabol, etc.) it does not reduce the synthesis of its own endogenous male sex hormone testosterone and somatotropic hormone (growth hormone).

Types of ecdysterones

  • Ecdysterone ACE - this type of drug is recommended for use in aerobic sports disciplines - running, skiing, skating, cycling, wrestling, and is often used in team sports.

1.Ecdysterone ACE is recommended for use during moderate physical activity (training camps, during competitions, during long flights with changes in time zones.

2. This product, like other adapting substances, does not have a precise dosage and is used starting from a smaller amount until the dosage at which the effect of taking it will be visible.

  • Ecdysterone B - this type of drug contains B vitamins. This combination is recommended for athletes who demonstrate strength and achievement: weightlifters, bodybuilders, powerlifters, sprinters, shot throwers, crossfitters and others, because the content of these vitamins increases protein production, production of amino acids, iron-containing proteins, neurotransmitters, etc.)
  • Ecdysterone MEGA - is an increased combination of substances from previous drugs, has the same properties - produces male sex hormones and contains a complete vitamin and mineral complex.

A good method of using these drugs would be to take them together, for example, on a training day, drink Ecdysterone ACE or MEGA, and on a day off from training, drink Ecdysterone B.

3.Ecdysterone P is a combination of phytoecdysteroids with vitamins and minerals, which significantly improves all metabolic processes in the body and is aimed at improving protein synthesis and recovery after exercise. Recommended for any type of physical activity, up to peak form before competition.

All these products for the prevention of stress and as an adaptogen are used in courses from two weeks to a month with an interval between long-term doses of one to two weeks.

Also, these drugs are advised to be taken by people with increased emotional stress, increased brain activity (doctors, scientists, drivers, students, police officers, and other professions associated with great responsibility).

These products have found wide application in medical practice for rehabilitation after surgical manipulations and operations of any complexity. There are some restrictions on admission; in this case, an in-person consultation with a medical specialist (surgeon or therapist) is necessary.

According to some reports, Ecdysterone is used to prevent respiratory and viral diseases.


In many experiments, where beneficial effects from the use of the drug were ultimately obtained, Ecdysterone was used in relatively large dosages, amounting to about 0.5 grams of the substance per day for the human body. However, most manufacturers of sports nutrition with the addition of Ecdysterone contain much smaller dosages (For example, Ecdysterone B, ACE and MEGA are sold in capsules from 2.5 mg to 15 mg). At a dosage of less than 0.1 grams, this drug is practically ineffective for humans. But for this period of time, other dietary supplements with normal dosages (more than 0.1 grams) have already begun to be sold. Of these, “Ecdysterone” from the SciFit laboratory, 0.3 grams each, “SyntraEC” from the Syntrax company, 0.275 grams each). The ideal option for athletes is to take these dietary supplements after meals or before physical activity.

More recent scientific research has shown that a mixture of different ecdysteroids, rather than pure ecdysterone, has a good anabolic effect even in small dosages. From this point of view, “Ecdysterone P” from “Parapharm” gives a good effect, which, in addition to ecdysterone, also includes other similar compounds from Leuzea, as well as ecdysteroids of bees from drone brood, which the drug is supplemented with.

For prevention, you can take courses of Ecdysterone B, ACE and MEGA; there will be no special anabolic effect, but the drug increases performance

  • Method of administration for men: before each meal (half an hour before) 4-5 tablets, per day the intake is about 40-50 mg.
  • Method of administration for women: also before each meal, 2-3 tablets per day, about 30-40 mg.

Moreover, this method of consumption is used if you eat three times a day and engage in moderate vigorous physical activity. Dosages below 0.1 gram act more like an adaptogen.

Side effects

Ecdysterone is a natural drug that does not contain hormones and does not have a negative effect on testosterone synthesis in men. The effects that are inherent in anabolic steroid drugs are completely absent, because they (Ecdysterone and steroids) have completely different anabolic effects on the body. The drug in ten or twenty times the dosage does not have a particularly negative effect on the human body. Many athletes use the drug in a dosage of more than one gram per day, without noticing any negative or harmful effects. Medical experts still strongly advise not to increase the dosage beyond 1 gram per day.

Such side effects as:

  • Strengthening of secondary male sexual characteristics in men (increase in hair growth, low timbre of voice) and absence of these characteristics in women
  • Aromatization (conversion) of male sex hormones into female ones
  • Manifestation of toxic effects on the liver and other human organs
  • Manifestation of signs of arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure)
  • Testicular atrophy
  • Negative effects on all androgenic hormones in humans


  • Intolerance to the active and auxiliary substances of the drug
  • Pregnancy and lactation (feeding)
  • Unstable nervous system
  • Taking the drug at night or before bedtime
  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Frequent headaches
  • Various heart rhythm disorders
  • Pathological paroxysmal involuntary muscle movements (twitching)
  • Allergic reactions to substances included in the drug
  • Epileptic seizures
  • Acute respiratory diseases
  • Chronic alcoholism

Use of the drug
in sports

Ecdysterone has been used for sports and competitive purposes since the mid-80s of the last century; at that time, the countries of the Middle East were especially interested in researching the effect of the drug.

As time passed, European countries and the United States of America began to become interested in this drug.

Ecdysterone is a fully approved dietary supplement. There is a complete list of documentation for it (national product registration document, medical certificate, examination of the doping control center).

It is interesting that such drugs in the sports nutrition range rarely have such documentation confirming the strengths of the drug and its efficiency.

Alternative opinion
about the drug "Ecdysterone"

For the current period, no accurate information has been received about the beneficial effects and influence of dietary supplements containing Ecdysterone; there is only information from Russian and Soviet scientists. Alas, all this information turns out to be unreliable, because the studies were conducted according to outdated standards (lack of control groups, small number of experiments on humans).

More recently, a number of trials have been carried out in which athletes took Ecdysterone and engaged in physical activity. The results of these tests revealed that the drug “Ecdysterone” (pure hydroxyecdysone) has no effect on building muscle volume, and also does not increase the level of strength and endurance when consuming 2 grams of protein and 50 kcal per kilogram of the athlete’s weight

A couple of years later, specialists from Hungary conducted their experiments showing that Ecdysterone can influence the number of so-called “satellite cells”, from which newly formed muscle tissue cells are subsequently formed, thus this process helps to increase muscle volume. But, this experiment was carried out on rodents, so it does not deny the information obtained earlier in previous experiments, which indicated complete ineffectiveness when used in humans.

There is also information that Ecdysterone is able to increase levels of testosterone, which is in a free state in the blood, due to its replacement from sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).

Effect of the drug
on reaction speed

Supplements with ecdysterone are recommended to be used by drivers, dispatch workers, and military personnel to increase the speed of reflexes, concentration, has a tonic, and is also used as a neurostimulant for people working the night shift.

with other drugs

Ecdysterone works much more effectively if used together with products of protein origin or/and with sports nutrition (whey, egg and casein proteins or various protein-carbohydrate gainers). It is also recommended to speed up metabolism in the muscles and throughout the body, using a complex of vitamins and minerals (preferably sports ones, since they contain an increased dosage of vitamins required by an athlete, unlike pharmacy ones). You can also include supplements with creatine monohydrate and adaptogens in your diet.

Preparation goes well with immunomodulators and some pharmacological agents. Compatible with alcoholic drinks, tonic drinks (tea, coffee), with standard medications (cough, pain, fever tablets).

There is no data on the negative consequences of combining Ecdysterone with any medications.

Links to sources

  • Journal “Pharmacology and Toxicology” 39th issue, article “Anabolic activity of Phytoecdysterone and Ecdysterone synthesized from Leuzea”
  • Journal "Pharmacology and Toxicology" 51st issue. Research by scientists N.L. Shimanovsky, V.N. Syrov. and Chernykh N.S. (1988) “The effect of Ecdysterone and Methandrostenolone on the physical endurance of animals and protein metabolism in skeletal muscles”
  • Research by biologists Salma K., Kudela K., Tenora D., Matova A. (1996) “Insect hormones and their effects on vertebrates”, “Anabolic effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone on Japanese quail”
  • Research by the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, scientists Mitrokhin I., Konovalova N.P., and Volkova L.M. (2002) “Modulation of Ecdysterone on the antitumor activity of cytostatics and the effect of the drug on the biosynthesis of macromolecules in animals with cancer”
  • Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, author Kuzmenko A.I. (1999) "Antioxidant and adaptogenic properties of 20-hydroxyecdysone"
  • Article “Ecdysteroids are one of the new potential anabolic drugs for muscle growth” by Andre F. (2002).

Many athletes who engage in strength sports or bodybuilding sooner or later experience a stop in increasing strength and mass, or a significant decrease in the rate of these processes. Everything is connected with genetic limitations that are embedded in each of us from birth and limit our real potential.

To circumvent these limitations, professional athletes use pharmacology - anabolic steroids, growth hormones, peptides. But we all know how harmful they are and what consequences they can have for our health. Fortunately, there are herbal preparations that can also help build muscle mass and strength, but without side effects. We will talk about one of them today.

Ecdysterone asteroid is a drug based on plant steroids that increases the strength performance and muscle mass of an athlete in a short period of time. Of course, ecdysteroids are present in the bodies of some living beings, in particular insects, but their percentage is very small. Therefore, plants continue to be used to this day as the main source of plant steroids. For example, Turkestan tenacious or Leuzea. It should be noted that this drug belongs to the category of non-hormonal drugs intended to improve athletic performance, as well as better recovery after grueling training.

Ecdysterone is found in herbs such as leuzea and cyanotis. Thus, the drug is a natural phytochemical compound. And the best part is that ecdysterone is safe and effective for men, women and even teenagers

Ecdysterone mega

Ecdysterone MEGA is a natural hormone-like substance obtained from the roots of Leuzea safflower and contains a complex of vitamins

Ecdysterone mega contains a full spectrum of vitamins that work together with ecdysteroids and have a synergistic effect, that is, they enhance each other’s effects. Each tablet of this drug contains:

  • Vitamins: A, D3, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, C;
  • Nicotinic and folic acid;
  • Ecdisten;
  • Auxiliary components: lactose, MCC, calcium stearate.

Due to the presence of a wide range of B-group vitamins, this product performs well when engaging in strength and speed-strength sports, as it enhances protein synthesis in the body. This makes the drug an excellent aid for bodybuilders, powerlifters, weightlifters, sprinters and swimmers.

Beta-Ecdysterone is a plant extract widely used in bodybuilding to build muscle mass.

Ecdysterone beta is a drug with a powerful anabolic effect. This phytochemical can be found in plants and their roots, such as Cyanotis Vaga. Studies on athletes have shown that when training with free weights, this remedy helps increase muscle mass without increasing subcutaneous fat.

The difference in muscle growth over 4 weeks in the group taking ecdysterone compared to the group of athletes taking placebo averaged 20-30%. At the same time, strength indicators increased by an average of 15% in the “ecdysterone” group, and by 6% in the group taking placebo.

Ecdysterone ACE is excellent for those sports where strength endurance is important. For example, for long-distance running, swimming, biathlon, cycling, football, hockey, martial arts. It is especially important to take the drug during periods of unusually high physical and psychological stress (preparing for competitions, flying across time zones, stress).

To maximize the potential of the active substance ecdisthene, the developers of the drug added vitamins A and C in high dosages, which have a direct effect on the production of testosterone and other steroid hormones by the human body. Retinol (vitamin C) also improves immunity and normalizes vascular permeability, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ecdysterone gold

The uniqueness of phytoecdysterones Ecdysterone GOLD lies in its steroid structure and the absence of harmful side effects

Ecdysterone Gold is the most effective herbal drug for increasing mass, strength and speed that is commercially available. A powerful effect on the body is provided by the combination of all currently known forms of phytoecdysterone. Additional substances in the drug include:

  • B vitamins;
  • DAA (D-aspartic acid);
  • Magnesium and zinc.

Within 1 month of taking the drug, as studies show, the lean muscle mass of athletes, subject to regular training and proper nutrition, increases by 2-3 kg. In this case, there are no quantitative changes in fat mass. The strength and speed performance of athletes also increases. In particular, in the bench press, weight gain on the bar among representatives of strength sports averages 9.5% per month.

The effect of ecdysterone is very diverse, which is why it has found application not only in sports, but also in medicine. This drug is used in medical practice for:

  • prevention of colds;
  • as a tonic during periods of increased fatigue and drowsiness;
  • to accelerate protein synthesis in the postoperative period.

In sports, the use of ecdysterone is as follows:

  • gaining muscle mass;
  • accelerated recovery from physical and psychological stress associated with training, work or stress;
  • improvement of strength indicators;
  • increase in speed characteristics;
  • when training with disturbances in the functioning of the heart or vascular system;
  • with obvious symptoms of cardiac overstrain and muscle catabolism.

Consequently, ecdysterone can be useful even for those people who are far from sports and do not connect their lives with strength or speed-strength training.

Ecdysterone instructions for use

The best option for using ecdysterone-based drugs is combination. On the day of training, use Ecdysterone GOLD or Ecdysterone MEGA at your discretion, on rest days - Ecdysterone B. The drugs should be taken in monthly courses, with a break of 7-14 days between them. The standard dosage for men is 10-15 tablets per day (25-37.5 mg of ecdisthene per day). You should take the tablets half an hour before meals with plenty of water. For girls, the dosage should be reduced by one and a half times compared to men.

Ecdysterone side effects

Since ecdysterone is a non-hormonal drug, it has no side effects. If, of course, you use it in courses, as stated in the instructions for use, and do not exceed the recommended dosages.

In general, ecdysterone-based drugs receive positive reviews on the Internet. A certain part of athletes complain that they were unable to gain significant muscle mass. But you need to remember that an increase in body weight due to muscles, even by 1-2 kg per month, is an excellent indicator for a person who does not use anabolic steroids. But regarding the increase in endurance and strength, the reviews are clear - here ecdysterone works very effectively, and no one doubts this fact.

Video: Ecdysterone, which one to choose?


With a well-designed training plan and diet, the effect of ecdysterone drugs will be noticeable. Especially if you are into powerlifting or bodybuilding. Of course, the effect of ecdysterone cannot be compared with the effect that anabolic steroids provide, but at the same time you do not risk your health and do not incur significant financial costs. And at the end of the course, all the gained weight and strength indicators do not go anywhere, as is the case with the use of pharmacology.

Be sure to read about it

The full name of the substance is 20-beta-hydroxyecdysterone, although it is known by many other names, including: ecdisthene, ecdysone, isoinocosterone, 20-hydroxyecdysone. Ecdysterone is one of the trade names for this substance. Interestingly, it was first discovered in insects as a polyhydroxyl sterol growth hormone, which invertebrates depend on for survival.

Is there a connection between this substance and the incredible body size-to-strength ratio of insects? How will it affect the body of vertebrates, for example, mammals?

If we had the same ratio of strength to body size as insects, we could easily lift a car with our bare hands.

But even if we were getting only a fraction of this power from ecdysterone, the idea of ​​drinking “bug nectar” doesn't seem very appealing. Fortunately, this substance is not obtained industrially from insects! It turns out that it is found in plants such as Raponticum (Leuzea) safflower and Cyanotis vaga, and therefore is a natural phytochemical compound. Great news, isn't it?

However, until recently, the process of obtaining ecdysterone was extremely difficult. Although the substance itself is known and has been repeatedly studied in Russia since 1988, it did not attract much attention then due to the lack of cost-effective extraction methods. Russian researchers and scientists even had a ready-made project on their hands, but the cost of obtaining 1 kilogram of ecdysterone would be... 20 thousand dollars. The only alternative was sum extract, but it contained such a tiny amount of ecdisthene that it could hardly be considered a complete source of this substance.

In 2000, companies specializing in obtaining highly effective additives from plants managed to develop a method for extracting ecdisthene with a concentration of up to 97%! This revolutionary technology - laboratory cell cultivation - provided the necessary purity and concentration of the substance, thereby making it economically feasible to produce food supplements based on it. This is great news for anyone looking to increase lean muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve training performance. So, especially for bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts and athletes, here is the scientific basis for the incredible properties of 20-beta-hydroxyecdysterone.

Scientists have conducted more than 50 studies on ecdysterone and have come to the same conclusion: ecdysterone is a safe substance that improves almost every function of the body... all without any side effects.

What is ecdysterone used for?

Let's limit ourselves to just two words: muscle growth. Well, okay, here are a few more of its properties proven by scientific research:

  • strengthens cell membranes
  • significantly increases lean muscle mass
  • increases endurance
  • speeds up metabolism
  • improves almost all body functions, including brain and liver function
  • improves protein synthesis, including in nervous tissue, thereby improving the functioning of the nervous system
  • provides a positive nitrogen balance
  • increases total protein and glycogen content in muscles
  • replenishes muscles and organs with nutrients, allowing for more efficient recovery processes in all vertebrates, including humans
  • improves athletic performance due to the ability to increase performance and stimulate muscle growth
  • safe and effective for men, women and even teenagers

Why does ecdysterone have so many beneficial properties without side effects?

It has long been established that the body's ability to maintain an ideal anabolic background leads to maximum muscle growth. Taking ecdysterone provides ideal conditions for gaining muscle mass: a positive nitrogen balance in the body and a high rate of protein synthesis, which, together with properly selected and regular physical activity, as well as a balanced diet high in protein, will contribute to the rapid increase in muscle mass without hormonal hormones side effects.

Scientific Research on Ecdysterone

When Dr. Burdett discovered ecdysterone's ability to increase protein synthesis in 1963, the scientific community was filled with anticipation. This moment was the beginning of a series of more than 50 studies proving the amazing effects of ecdysterone on the body without any side effects.

Ecdysterone has been studied for its effects on performance, the immune system, lean muscle gain, and fat loss. The vast majority of experiments have proven an increase in lean muscle mass in subjects. Subsequently, even greater results were achieved through the use of ecdysterone along with protein.

Enhancing protein synthesis and maintaining a positive nitrogen balance

Research conducted in 1988 by Soviet scientists proved the ability of ecdysterone to “increase hepatic protein synthesis and thereby ensure a positive nitrogen balance.”

It's simple: the more nitrogen the body retains and the higher the level of protein synthesis, the greater the volume of muscle mass.

V. Smetanin, a researcher at the Smolensk State Medical Institute, claims that ecdysterone reduces urea concentrations in the body and increases hemoglobin levels by stimulating a process called erythropoiesis. Erythropoiesis is the production of healthy red blood cells. In turn, this leads to anabolic acceleration of protein metabolism and the achievement of a positive nitrogen balance in the body.

Increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat

The results of the most resonant and cited scientific study of the properties of ecdysterone were published by S. Simakin in 1988. Its goal was to determine the role of ecdysterone in increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat while simultaneously monitoring the subjects for any changes in hormonal levels.

The study used 3 control drugs: placebo, protein and
protein with ecdysterone. The results of the experiment showed a significant superiority of the latter option. Among trained male and female athletes who took only protein for 10 days, a slight increase in muscle mass was observed. Those who took the placebo experienced little loss of lean muscle mass. But the group that took protein with ecdysterone showed a 6-7% increase in lean muscle tissue against the background of almost 10% fat loss! And this is in just 10 days! At the same time, scientists checked the safety of the substance and during the entire experiment did not find any changes in the hormonal levels of the subjects. Just imagine: if ecdysterone is able to provide such a result to a trained athlete, then what incredible prospects it opens up for the average person!

Increased performance, endurance and strength reserves

Another study of ecdysterone was conducted in 1986 by Ya. Smetanin. As part of the study, 117 trained speed skaters aged 18 to 28 years were measured for endurance, body weight, lung capacity and maximum VO2. The results also turned out to be quite unambiguous: all of the listed parameters, including maximum oxygen consumption and the volume of exhaled CO 2, increased.

In fact, scientists managed to increase the supply of oxygen to cells. This, in turn, resulted in faster recovery, improved performance, optimal muscle anabolism and maximum fat loss. In addition, compared to the placebo group, athletes receiving ecdysterone experienced increased performance, endurance, and strength.

But that's not all! A study of 112 athletes conducted by B.G. Fadeev, showed impressive results, although by that time this should no longer have surprised scientists much. So, 89% of the subjects who were given ecdysterone (instead of a placebo) showed decreased fatigue, increased performance and motivation, and increased speed and strength.

Who needs to take ecdysterone and what are the symptoms of its deficiency?

Taking ecdysterone will be useful for bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts due to its ability to stimulate the growth of lean muscle mass and reduce the amount of fatty tissue. Research shows that ecdysterone is not only extremely effective as a performance enhancer, but it is also extremely safe.

Since it is not an essential nutrient, there are no symptoms of its deficiency in the body. Therefore, if you want to achieve a surge of energy and strength in record time, try combining ecdysterone with protein, and the results will not be long in coming!

In addition, ecdysterone, which stimulates the production of your own testosterone, is an excellent alternative to tribulus, the sale of which is currently limited.

How much of the supplement should I take and are there any side effects? If yes, which ones?

And now about the most important thing! As you already know, studies have confirmed the complete absence of negative side effects, including hormonal ones. Endocrinological tests have shown that taking the substance does not affect the hormonal levels of mammals. The experiments tested, in particular, the levels of testosterone, cortisol, insulin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, growth hormone and luteinizing hormone. All such scientific experiments have proven the extreme effectiveness and amazing safety of ecdysterone!

Ecdysterone should be taken according to the instructions on the package. To enhance the effect, the dose can be increased after consultation with a trainer. Finally, remember that the maximum result will come from taking ecdysterone with food rich in protein!

You can find drugs based on ecdysterone on our website in the section