A fairy tale for elementary school based on traffic rules. Fairy tales about traffic rules for why? An interesting fairy tale about traffic rules for elementary school

The street where everyone is in a hurry

Everyone knows who firefighters are. At the first call, at the alarm, they rush to help, driving in red cars to put out the fire. Fire trucks also have a special signal - it’s called a siren. When it starts buzzing, everyone will hear it! This is so that they know that the car is coming to put out a fire, so that everyone would give way to it.

And if someone starts to cross the road, the driver immediately presses the brakes, stops the car, wastes time, when he arrives at the fire, then only embers will be left of the house. The fire truck must not be delayed for a minute.

An ambulance is rushing to the patient, the doctor is riding on it, carrying medicine. There was a red cross painted on the ambulance, and they also set a siren. She can’t linger for a second on the way, the doctor needs to come to the patient as soon as possible.

Truck drivers are also rushing about their business. The car is driving fast and fast, with the words “Milk” written on its body. She’s bringing fresh milk to the store, and they’re really waiting for her there.

And here is another truck rushing by, on its back is written: “Bread.” He's bringing fresh rolls. Everyone wants to quickly buy fresh bread.

A large truck is driving, dragging a trailer behind it, with a mountain of bricks on it. Builders are waiting for the driver - they are building a house, laying walls, they really need bricks so that the work does not stop. And coal also really needs to be brought in for the heating to work and to keep the houses warm. Buses, trams, trolleybuses, taxis are rushing by, people are traveling in them: some to work, others to home, and others to visit or to the theater. There are a lot of people on the street, they are also going about their business. Cars are running, some along the pavement, others rushing over people's heads along bridges and overpasses, and still others rushing through tunnels underground. Everyone is in a hurry on the street. And not just the one where you live, but everyone. On all streets, on all roads. And no one should interfere with drivers or pedestrians. There must be order there. Everyone must obey him. And you must learn to live in peace with cars, to know what order the street should be.

I. Seryakov

The car that was taught to draw

The guys were playing in the yard, and some funny car was walking along the pavement and growling its engine. She was not carrying anything, but was just tossing and turning on the street. It will go forward, then back, and then it will start moving across the pavement. And all the trucks and cars stopped in front of her. We waited for her to pass.

- Funny! - said Sasha. - Why doesn’t anyone drive it? Why isn't she carrying anything?

- I'd like to ride one of these! - someone said. “She’s barely moving.” And why did they come up with this?

- Why, why? - Alena mimicked him. - She draws! Chalk or something.

-Can machines draw? They are not artists. Where's her brush? Where are the paints? Do you have drawing paper?

“But she doesn’t need paper at all, she draws on the pavement.” Don't believe me? Look!

The guys began to look at the pavement, and there indeed were some dashes and lines left after it. White.

- Why does she draw? - everyone was interested.

“Let’s ask Tatyana Semyonovna,” suggested Alena.

- Why does the machine draw lines on the pavement? - asked Sasha.

“Come here, everyone,” said Tatyana Semyonovna. “Now I’ll talk about the car and what it draws.”

Everyone gathered in a circle and began to listen.

“This, children, is a very useful machine,” the teacher began. “She walks the streets and draws. But, of course, she can’t draw any pictures. He will make a dash in one place and draw a line in another.

“She doesn’t have chalk, but she has white paint and a mechanical brush for painting.”

-Where are they?

— They are hidden inside the car.

- Why does she draw them?

“She draws lines that indicate where to cross the street and where to stand and wait for cars to pass. Everyone should know these lines.

I. Seryakov

Scientist friend

Sasha’s cousin Lesha came to visit. He lives in a village and has never been to a big city. I’ve only seen trams and trolleybuses in pictures and movies.

When Lesha and his mother were getting ready to leave home, Sasha said to his grandmother:

— I really want to give Lesha the ball! Would you like me to give you a ball? - he asked Lesha.

- I really want to!

“It’s a good idea, Sasha,” the grandmother praised, “let’s buy Lesha a ball.” Let him play and remember us more often. Get dressed guys, let's go to the store.

Everyone began to gather. The black shaggy dog ​​Druzhok was lying on the carpet in the hallway and pretending to be asleep. But as soon as she noticed that everyone was starting to get dressed, she suddenly started jumping, squealing with joy, and trying to lick Sasha right on the nose.

“Get in place,” shouted Sasha. The friend lay down on the carpet, looked everyone in the eyes and wagged his tail. It was he who asked to be taken with them and not left alone in the apartment. When grandma opened the door, Druzhok jumped out onto the stairs. Everyone went down to the courtyard, and there Genka was building a sand fortress.

-Where are you going? - he asked Sasha.

“I should buy the ball,” Lesha boasted. - Leather!

- Take me with you too. “I know where the balls are sold,” Genka asked.

“Okay, let’s go,” Sasha generously allowed. Everyone went outside. The friend began to run from side to side along the sidewalk and poked his nose everywhere, ran ahead, looked Sasha in the eyes, and wagged his tail.

“To the leg,” Sasha commanded. The friend calmed down and obediently walked next to him.

- Look! - Genka almost shouted and pointed to the other side of the street.

- What to look at? — Sasha shrugged his shoulders in bewilderment.

- How about what? Don't you see that there's a Sporting Goods store there? They sell balls there!

- Balls? — Lesha asked happily. He wanted to get the leather ball so quickly that he didn’t even have the patience.

“Let’s run,” he shouted and rushed onto the pavement. And at that very moment, Druzhok jumped and grabbed Lesha’s jacket with his teeth and began to drag him back.

“Oh, how evil,” Lesha muttered in bewilderment, shaking off the skirts of his jacket.

- Not evil, but a scientist! - Sasha objected. - Do you think he wanted to bite you? He didn't allow you to run across the pavement. You can't cross here. Understood?

- How does he know that you can’t cross? - Lesha asked.

“We taught him the rules of movement,” Sasha answered, laughing.

- He doesn’t even know that yet! You have to cross the street where there are buttons.

- What fun! - Lesha didn’t believe it. - Why do the streets need buttons? This is not a coat or some kind of shirt!

“They came off someone’s coat and are lying on the pavement,” Genka chuckled.

- And these are not at all the same buttons as on a shirt or coat. And not the ones that came off! - Sasha got excited. - And you'll see!

While the guys were arguing, Druzhok ran forward. Everyone also went forward. Then Buddy stopped, looked towards our friends, wagged his tail and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk. If he could speak, the guys would hear:

- Come here! I found a place where you can cross the pavement.

- Why did he sit down? - Lesha asked.

Indeed, when they approached Druzhka, they saw that on the pavement two rows of large metal circles, very similar to buttons, were pressed into the asphalt, shining in the sun. Between them there was a strip of pavement that went to the other side of the street.

- Well, what did I say? - Sasha said triumphantly. - Do you see the buttons now?

“Well, yes,” the guys were embarrassed. - But we didn’t even see it.

“This is a pedestrian crossing,” said the grandmother. - You can cross the pavement here. - And everyone went across the street, and Druzhok ran ahead. When we bought the ball, my grandmother said:

— We still need to go to the bakery for bread. - And everyone moved on. Then Druzhok ran forward, stopped and looked at Sasha, wagged his tail and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk.

“My friend is showing me the place where you can cross the pavement,” Sasha said authoritatively.

-Where are the buttons? There are no buttons! - said Lesha when they came to that place.

- But there are white squares, checkers! They were drawn instead of buttons! They made two chains of squares, with a strip between them. She's across the street.

“This is also a pedestrian crossing,” the grandmother confirmed.

“Only here there are not buttons, but checkers,” everyone crossed the pavement.

“Let’s buy some fruit now,” said the grandmother.

To get to the fruit store, you had to cross another street. Everyone walked in silence. Then Buddy began to jump, squeal and run forward and soon sat down.

“Look,” shouted Lesha, “I’ve found the crossing point again!” Wide white stripes are painted across the entire pavement.

“You can cross them too,” said Sasha. And when they bought fruit, everyone went home the same way.

The friend quickly looked for crossing points. Lesha admired Druzhka’s resourcefulness.

A fairy tale about traffic rules (4th grade)

Characters and performers:




Snow White……………………………………………………

Baba Yaga………………………………………………………

Traffic light……………………………………………………..









Road signs:


Sounds melody screensavers for the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” Against her background:

Leading. We invite you to a wonderful holiday,

Into a wonderful and interesting world,

Let's go to a fairy-tale city together

And let's not forget about dancing and singing.

We will show you an interesting program,

Although the topic may seem familiar to everyone,

Learn everything today without a doubt

Traffic Laws!

Melody screensavers for the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale” (continued).

Vitya appears on the stage. He is counting something. An excited Masha runs out to him with the book “Fairy Tales” in her hands.

Masha: Vitya, Vitya, can you imagine!

Vitya: Masha, what happened?

Masha: Trouble has happened in a distant kingdom! The evil stepmother drove Snow White out of the house! Poor thing! She alone will die!

Vitya: Masha, have you read fairy tales again? My dad denies fairy tales and all kinds of miracles. And my dad, by the way, is a candidate of technical sciences. And we are currently working on one invention...

Masha: Woohoo! Professor! Are all of you bespectacled people really devoid of imagination?

Soundsmusic from the movie “New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti.”

Masha: Well, then I'll go alone and help find Snow White. (Masha tries to leave.)

Vitya:(stops her) Masha, wait! My dad says that girls need to be helped.

I'll help you on the way

To everyone who is waiting for help!

Masha: Well done, professor! Forward!

Soundsmusic from the film “New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti” (continued). Masha and Vitya leave to the music.

Leading. Snow White found shelter in the house of the forest gnomes. The stepmother found out about this and decided...

Sounds alarmingmusic (for example, from the film “The Master and Margarita” by I. Kornelyuk).

« Reliable in a big city

You can hide Snow White.

The gnomes will not go into the city,

They won't find their way to her.

There is always one picture:

Cars scurry back and forth,

Zebras, signs, traffic lights -

It’s not all going to be sorted out so soon.”

Baba Yaga came to her aid.

Soundsmusic Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: I will enchant road signs

And, oh, I will guide these gnomes!

Leading: Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Snow White was picking flowers in a clearing not far from the forest gnomes' house.

Soundsmusic Waltz of Flowers. Snow White appears on the stage. She picks flowers and dances. Baba Yaga sneaks up on her unnoticed, throws a bag over Snow White, ties it with a rope and takes her away.

Soundsmusic (for example, Joe Dassin's "Il faut naitre a Monaco"). The gnomes appear.

Monday: Come on, gnomes, be equal and introduce yourself by name!

Dwarfs take turns(taking a step forward d) :

Masha and Vitya run onto the stage.

Masha: Trouble, trouble! The evil stepmother found out that our dear Snow White lives in your forest house! And she persuaded Baba Yaga to kidnap her!

Vitya: And the stepmother also ordered Baba Yaga to hide Snow White in the big city. How will you find her now? You've never been to a city and don't know the rules of the road!

Monday: What is traffic?

Vitya: The city in which Masha and I live,

It can rightfully be compared to a primer.

The inhabitants of the city are all, without a doubt,

They know the rules of the road!

Masha: We will teach you them along the way

And we will help you find Snow White!

Under music Baba Yaga runs in (Mussorgsky's "Baba Yaga").
Baba Yaga: Would you like to help? You will never be able to help! The path there is long and difficult and is not indicated by any signs.
Masha (surprised) :

Look! The real Baba Yaga!
Baba Yaga: Yes, I am Baba Yaga. And I enchanted all the traffic signs. And now you'll never find your Snow White(runs away).

Vitya: Well, we'll see about that later!Oh, come on,dwarves, be equal and introduce yourself by name!

Dwarfs take turns (taking a step forward d) : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday! The calculation is over!

Vitya: Now let's go! In search of Snow White!

Soundsmusic from the film “New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti” (continued).

Masha, Vitya and the Dwarfs leave to the music.

Baba Yaga peeks out from behind the scenes and shouts:

Baba Yaga:

But Baba Yaga is against it!(Runs away).

Street. Road signs stand with their backs to the spectators. Sounds music cities (sounds of the city).

Scooters (3 children) ride out to the music, gnomes run between them.

Leading: The city is full of traffic:

Cars are running in a row,

But only traffic lights

The lights don't burn here.

The driver turned sharply

I'm sweating like never before!

One more minute

There would be trouble!

The scooters are leaving.

Monday: Oh-oh-oh!
Finding yourself in a big and noisy city,
I was confused, I was lost...
Without seeing the traffic lights,
I almost got hit by a car.

Tuesday: There are cars and trams all around,
Then suddenly a bus is on the way.
To be honest, I don't know
Where should I cross the road?
Wednesday: Oh guys, help me
Defeat Grandma the Hedgehog.
If possible, please tell me
How to cross the road
So as not to get run over by a tram.

Masha: It’s good that we started learning the rules of the road along the way!

Vitya: We started with road signs.Come on, dwarfs, everyone get into formation!Let's repeat the signs!

The gnomes line up and begin to recite poetry:

Monday: Once!!!

Tuesday: Two!!!

Wednesday: Three!!!

Thursday: Four!!!

Friday: Five!!!

Saturday: Everyone should know this!!!

Sunday: May signsprohibit. (presentation – Prohibition signs)

Monday: They canwarn. (presentation – Warning Signs)

Tuesday: Inform all of us. (presentation – Information signs)

Wednesday: Help in difficult times!

Thursday: All kinds of signs are needed!

Friday: All kinds of signs are important!

Saturday: If only you knew, brothers, everyone

Traffic rules...

Sunday: Wouldn't get in trouble...

Monday: This is without a doubt!

Tuesday: We wouldn’t create an accident with injuries on the body,

Wednesday: If only all the rules were applied in practice.

Thursday: We declare firmly, we say without a doubt.

Friday: We really need it in lifeTraffic rules!

Saturday: May there be no more troubles

Sadness and anxiety.

Sunday: Let the green light burn

On your way!

Baba Yaga: But Baba Yaga is against it!

Vitya: (To Baba Yaga). Tell us, Baba Yaga, do you know what it is?Traffic light?
Baba Yaga (sarcastically) : Of course I do! This is street light music. She blinks red, yellow, and green. And I stand next to you, sing and dance(accompanies the words with a dance with plumes under music ).
Masha: Friends, even though Baba Yaga enchanted the road signs and turned off the traffic lights, only Traffic Light miraculously escaped. I think he will help us.

Under music Traffic light comes on stage. Baba Yaga runs away.

Traffic light: I sparkle with lights tirelessly day and night,

I help cars, and I want to help you too.

Red The light is on: Stay still, he says!

Yellow The light flashes, warning you to wait.

A green the light is on: Come on, the way is open!

Friends, I will tell you a secret. I know how to return road signs. You need to say these magic words: Signs, signs! Please respond.
Come back to us soon!

Masha, Vitya and the gnomes repeat the spell in chorus.

Signs (children with cards with road signs in their hands) turn to the audience.

Traffic light: Well, gnomes, you and I have cast a spell on road signs. Let's get to know them.

Road signs: 1. We are road signs We're not complicated at all!

    And we really, really value your attention.

    We are all different signs, But we are connected by one thing:

    Serve your friends by faith - Day and even at night.

5. There are many road signs in the world. But it didn’t hurt you to learn the main ones!

The road signs show the gnomes their cards and ask questions:


    Children know the familiar stripes, and so do adults.
    A pedestrian walkway leads to the other side...

Gnomes (in unison): Transition!


    Hey driver, be careful! It's impossible to go fast
    People know everything in the world: they can run out here...

Gnomes (in unison): Children!


    If you are going to the zoo or cinema with a friend,
    You will have to make friends with this sign anyway.
    Get there quickly and deftly! Sign …

Gnomes (in unison): "Bus stop"!

Masha: ABC of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Vitya: Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you!

Traffic light: Where should you cross the street?

Remember this simple rule:

With attentionleft look first

Right take a look later.

1st character: And avenues and boulevards -

The streets are noisy everywhere
Walk along the sidewalk

Only with right sides!

2nd character: If you're just walking,

Still look ahead
Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully!

3rd sign: But the main rules of the movement

Know how to do multiplication tables!
On the pavement - do not play, do not ride,

If you want to stay healthy!

Monday: We will obey without arguing

We signal the traffic light.

Let's follow the traffic rules

Treat with respect!

Baba Yaga runs out from behind the scenes and shouts:

Baba Yaga: But Baba Yaga is against it!

No, well, I don't play like that. You know too much about traffic rules.
I just don’t understand why you’re happy, huh? You still helped out the road signs, but you won’t see Snow White! Because you don't know which path to get to it.
Gnomes (in unison): Bypedestrian path.(show sign) Sounds melody waltz Snow White appears.

Baba Yaga: All! I'm missing! My magic is now powerless. Everyone is against me. I'm leaving you. (Leaves.) Snow White: Thank you, friends, for helping me out. I miss you so much, our sweet forest house. Let's go home quickly!

Traffic light: And along the way, don’t forget to follow the traffic rules!

Sounds music Joe Dassin "Il faut naitre a Monaco". Snow White and the dwarfs dance in a circle. With music in the background:

Leading: Snow White has returned
She settled with the gnomes again.
And so they began to live,
And make good money on everything:

Dwarves mine stones
Snow White rules the house.

Friends! You accomplished a great deed today: you saved the road signs from Baba Yaga’s witchcraft. There will be no more chaos on the city streets. And now at intersections the traffic light flashes for us. And you also saved Snow White.

Vitya (Masha): Well, you were worried. In such cases, my dad says: “The world is not without good people”!

Masha: We say goodbye to you! Goodbye!

Gnomes (in unison): See you again!

Traffic light: And remember: everyone should know the rules of movement like the multiplication table!
Leading: That's the end of the fairy tale.
And whoever listened - well done!
Always know the alphabet of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you.

The final song is performed (to the tune of the song by Masha and Vityafrom the film

New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti" ) :

    We found Snow White
    In a magical city,
    And our friends helped us

Get on the right path.

Even if the road is hard
We know without a hint
That good is stronger than evil -
In reality and in a fairy tale.

    There are a lot of girlfriends at school
    And reliable friends.
    On the road my best friend is
    Traffic light!

Relentlessly day and night

Three lights are flashing

To help us all along the way,

We are being warned.

    How to cross the road

We know without a doubt

Help us along the way

Traffic rules!

May there be no more troubles

Sadness and anxiety

Let the green light burn

On your way!

Anastasia Babushkina
A fairy tale about traffic rules “Kolobok and the traffic light”

A modern preschooler needs to start getting acquainted with traffic rules. This topic is complex and serious, therefore, to make it more interesting and easier for children to learn the material, the lesson can be conducted in a theatrical and playful form.

An exhibition was held in our kindergarten "Baby book by traffic rules» , where parents together with their children took an active participation: invented and designed fairy tales and stories of his own composition. Not a single work was left unattended. Fairy tale« Kolobok and traffic light» won the majority of the audience's sympathy and was beaten by the older students in theatrical activities for kids in a music lesson. We present to your attention winning tale.

« Kolobok and traffic light»

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother, they had neither children nor grandchildren. Grandfather asks grandma: "Bake for me grandma kolobok» . Grandma kneaded the dough and baked it kolobok, put it on the window to cool. A bun suddenly he blinked his eyes, stomped his feet and jumped off the windowsill. Grandfather and grandmother were happy that The bun came to life and they said: “Now you will be our grandson”. Grandma asks kolobok: “Go grandson Kolobok to the store, buy groceries, we’re old, we can’t walk at all,” Kolobok answers: “Of course, I’ll go and help you”.

Kolobok jumped onto the threshold, from the threshold onto the path and went out bun to the roadway, and there he saw a large number of cars, but he didn’t know what to do. Saw bun in front of him is a tall black object with multi-colored lanterns, approaches it and speaks: “Who are you?”, traffic light responds"I traffic light, I regulate traffic of cars and pedestrians». Kolobok asks: “How do you do this?”, traffic light responds: “Remember the main thing rule for cars and pedestrian: red light - no road, yellow light - get ready for the journey, green light - go! But there are intersections where there is no traffic light, the main sign there is a pedestrian crossing (show sign)- approach the pedestrian crossing, turn left and look to the right, make sure there are no cars and feel free to move on! I remember bunKolobok answers“Yes, I remember! Red light - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go! And at an unregulated intersection you need to approach the pedestrian crossing, look to the left and right, make sure cars are allowed through and continue movement!». Traffic light: “Did you guys remember? Let's do it again! (children repeat) Kolobok: "Thank you traffic light, now I know how cross the road correctly" And he ran Kolobok to the store, crossed the road according to the rules, bought all the groceries and returned safely to my grandparents.

Having played in a musical lesson in theatrical activities fairy tale, senior pupils consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules and introduce the kids to them. We hope that this fairy tale It will also be of interest to your students.




D guarded

D visions »

Prepared by:

primary school teacher

Atmakina Marina Alekseevna

The Adventures of Baba Yaga

One day Baba Yaga was flying in a mortar over the city. Her stupa broke and she had to walk home to the forest through the city. Baba Yaga tried to cross the road in the wrong place, but the policeman stopped her: “Aren’t you ashamed, grandma?” An accident may occur because of you. Don’t you know that you need to cross the road at an intersection, where there is a traffic light, or along a Zebra crossing?” Baba Yaga didn’t know anything about the road rules, she was scared: “How is it on a zebra crossing? What is a crossroads? The policeman was surprised by such ignorance and led her to the intersection.

At this time, the traffic light turned red, and Baba Yaga began to cross the road. There was a squeal of brakes, and Baba Yaga was almost hit by a car. Then the policeman decided to fine the grandmother, and Baba Yaga said in a plaintive voice: “Granddaughter, I don’t know these traffic rules, I’m illiterate, and this is my first time in your city.” Then the policeman decided to take the grandmother to the kindergarten with the children, they are smart, they study the rules of behavior on the road.

The children in kindergarten told her about how pedestrians should behave, what a traffic light is and how it works, what the word “zebra” means, why only cross the road along it, and not just anywhere.

After such lessons, Baba Yaga began to cross the road correctly, quickly got to her house and told the forest residents about the Rules of the Road, just in case they accidentally ended up in the city.

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever knows the rules and follows them, well done!

Who is more important than everyone else on the street?

Katya was fast asleep. And she had a dream. It’s as if she’s walking down the street, and cars are rushing by nearby - cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, scooters. Even one bicycle passed by, and all without drivers. Well, just like in a fairy tale! And suddenly Katya heard that the cars were talking to each other. And even in a real human voice.

“Scatter! Let me through!” - shouted a car with checkers - a taxi - hurrying somewhere.

“Here's more! I don’t have time either,” muttered a truck loaded with bricks.

“Who should hurry, it’s me,” said the bus stopped at the bus stop. - I am more important than everyone. I drive people to and from work.”

“And I send out letters and telegrams,” squeaked a passing motorcycle. “Isn’t this important?”

“Important, important, but let me through,” said a scooter with a cab on which “Sausages” was written. I'm going to school. The children are there waiting for breakfast."

“Everyone is important, everyone is important! – suddenly the traffic light clicked at the intersection. “But let’s go in order, according to the rules.”

And he looked at them with an angry red eye.

All the cars stopped at the traffic light and became silent. And the traffic light blinked its yellow eye and then said: “Please go!” - and lit up his green eye. The cars started moving.

“That’s how it is. Everyone is important, but obeys the traffic light. It turns out,” Katya thought, “as the traffic light said, the most important thing is order on the street.”

What do you guys think?

E. Zhitkov

Traffic light

We stopped and all the other cars stopped and the bus stopped. I asked, “Why?”

Mom explained: “You see the red lantern? This is a traffic light."

I saw a flashlight on the wire above the street. It glowed red.

“How long will we stand?”

"No. Now they’ll pass by, who needs to cross the street, and we’ll go.”

And everyone looked at the red flashlight.

Suddenly it lit up yellow, and then green.

And off we went.

Then once again a red flashlight was burning on the street.

“Uncle, stop! Red fire!

The driver stopped the car, looked back and said: “You’re great!”

We stopped again, but there was no light at all. Only I saw a tall policeman in a white cap and a white jacket. He raised his hand up. When he waved his hand, we drove off. As a policeman raises his hand, everyone will stand up: cars, buses.

The tale of how the boy Misha began to always observe


In one city there lived a boy. His name was Misha.

Misha was a good boy, but he didn’t want to follow the traffic rules at all. And the teachers at school taught Misha the rules, and the parents, and even strangers, but the boy kept repeating one thing: “The rules are wrong, what are they for?” And when Misha was reprimanded and sometimes scolded, he always blamed someone else, but he never considered himself guilty.

Misha goes to school in the morning, crosses the road, and counts the crows flying past. A motorcycle stops in front of him with a screech, the motorcyclist lectures Misha, and he responds: “It’s the birds’ fault!” Misha is playing ball on the road, the bus stops, the driver asks the boy to leave the roadway, since according to the traffic rules it is forbidden to play there. Misha responded: “The rules are wrong, the road is made for everyone.” And this was always the case until one incredible story happened to him.

Once Misha was crossing the road at an intersection where there was a traffic light. The boy looks - the red light is on, but there are no cars.

Misha, without a doubt, stepped onto the roadway, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a small and not at all new car appeared, driven by an old man. “Where are you, boy, in such a hurry, not following the traffic rules? You could have gotten under the wheels of my car!” - said the elderly man. Misha, as always, answered: “It’s the traffic light’s fault, the light should be green, because there was no one around. And in general, these are wrong rules, such old people should not drive cars, it is better to walk or even sit at home.” “Wrong rules? - For some reason the old man smiled. - Okay, then you will really like living in the “Land of Wrong Traffic Rules!”

With these words, both the car and the old man disappeared, as if they had never existed. At that same moment, such a strong wind rose that Misha closed his eyes in fear. When he dared and looked around, he saw houses, a road, footpaths, but everything was unfamiliar to him. He still stood in the middle of the road and wondered what had happened, and what other country was the old man talking about?

Just as Misha was about to take a step, he saw a cyclist rushing straight towards him. The cyclist caught Misha’s bicycle handlebars in his backpack, and they both fell straight onto the asphalt. “What are you doing! You can’t ride a bicycle in the middle of the road!” - Misha was indignant, trying to get to his feet. The cyclist turned out to be a boy of the same age as Misha. He stood up, picked up the bike and said: “Are you new? This is the country of “Irregular Traffic”, here everyone drives wherever they want!” With these words, the boy got on his bike and rushed away. Misha hurried to the side of the road.

Before Misha had even walked ten steps, a truck jumped out from around the bend. The truck was driving along the sidewalk and straight towards the boy. Misha jumped into the ditch and shouted after him: “Don’t you know that only people walk on footpaths!”

Misha almost began to cry and hurried away. He turned onto a street where there was a lot of traffic. On the other side he suddenly saw an old man he knew. “Wait!” - Misha shouted. But how could he get to the other side of the road? “There must be an underground pedestrian crossing somewhere,” he thought. But alas! According to the rules of this country, there were no pedestrian crossings at all. The old man disappeared again, but suddenly Misha saw a terrible picture: a little girl ran out onto the road. She, apparently, also wanted to cross to the other side, and now found herself among moving traffic. Misha began waving his arms, trying to stop the cars passing by. He tried his best, and finally the transport stopped. He took the girl by the hand and led her across the road. “You can’t, you can’t, cross the road in the wrong place! - he taught the child.

And where are your parents? You can’t even approach the roadway alone!”

The girl was silent, apparently she didn’t know any of this. She pointed at the house and said that she lived there and ran away. Misha decided that no matter what, he needed to find that old man so that he could bring him back home, he really didn’t like this country. And then he saw a fairly old man walking along the right side of the road. “Wait!” - Misha shouted, but the man did not hear him, as he was listening to music on his mobile phone and looking at something there. Cars honked at him, but he didn’t notice them either. “What ignorance of traffic rules! After all, you can only walk on the left side, and you can’t be distracted when you’re next to the roadway!” - Misha didn’t have time to think when he heard the squeal of car brakes. Misha realized that something was wrong. He became completely scared and ran, but where?

Not far away, he also saw children running along the road. The guys stopped in front of each other. “Who are you and why are you running along the road where cars are driving?” - Misha asked. “We are training in running, we want to become athletes,” the guys answered. “Did you know that running along the roadway will not make you an athlete, and at best you will spend two months on crutches! Absolutely no one follows traffic rules in your country!” - Misha continued. “What is this?” - the guys asked. But their attention was attracted by some noise and crackling. It turned out to be a boy of about eleven, riding a moped. He crashed straight into the road barrier while trying to turn away from the bus. “You can’t ride a moped if you are under sixteen years old,” Misha explained. The boy, limping and rubbing his broken knees, approached the guys. “Tell us about the rules of the road!” - the guys asked him. “You know,” said Misha, “I also often violated traffic rules in my city, but now I understand how dangerous it is. And now I will never break a single rule! Just how can I get home?”

The boys came to the courtyard of a house where there was a sandbox. Misha began to draw road signs in the sand with a stick and explained what to do in a given situation, because he knew the rules! All children at school are taught to cross the road correctly and to be careful near the roadway. The guys listened carefully and remembered. “Now we will tell everyone what the rules of the road are, both moms and dads!” - they rejoiced. And suddenly Misha began to cry bitterly. “What's wrong with you? - the guys were surprised. “You helped us so much!” “But my mother and father are also waiting for me at home, they are worried and think, what happened to me? They always told me to be careful on the road, but I didn’t listen to them! If only they knew that I would never, ever break traffic rules again!” - Misha spoke through tears.

And suddenly a strong wind rose again, everything began to rustle and spin around. When everything calmed down, Misha saw that he was standing on his familiar street in front of a long-familiar traffic light. The red light was still on. Misha stood rooted to the spot, waiting for permission from the traffic light to cross the road. The boy smiled at the traffic light. And it seemed to him that the traffic light smiled back. Then Misha saw an old car passing by, driven by an elderly man. The old man waved his hand to Misha.

And then the light turned green. Misha crossed the road with pride!

Dispute on the road.

One day the traffic lights quarreled among themselves.

“I am the main one,” said the red light, “because when I light up, everyone stops and does not dare to move on.”

No, I’m in charge,” said the yellow light, “when I light up, everyone gets ready to move - both pedestrians and cars.”

And when I light up,” said the green light, “everyone starts moving.” This means that I am the most important and everyone must obey me.

They argued for a long time, blinked their lights and did not see what was happening on the road. And there was real confusion - cars did not give way to pedestrians, ran into them and each other, breaking headlights, scratching the cabin and body; pedestrians also walked, without waiting for the cars to pass, and interfered with them and each other. It was unclear what was going on at the intersection - cars were crowded together, honking their horns, flashing their headlights, whatever was left. If someone wanted to give way, he couldn’t do anything - there was a traffic jam on the road.

“What have we done?” said the red traffic light, seeing what was happening on the road.

Is all this really because of us? - The yellow traffic light was surprised.

We urgently need to correct the situation and restore order! - the green signal said affirmatively.

The lights began to light up, as before, in turn - red, yellow, green. For a long time they restored order on the road, and only when traffic was restored did they say with relief:

We, the signals, are all important,

Everyone is needed on the road.

Since then, they never argued again and always lit up in turns - red, yellow, green.

Bear dream.

The bear walked and walked through the forest, got tired and decided to rest. He lay down under the Christmas tree and did not notice how he dozed off. Mishka sleeps and has a dream.

“We gave him a bicycle for his birthday. The bear is happy about such a gift - he has long dreamed of it. Mishka got on his bike and went to show his gift to his friends - the wolf, the hedgehog, the hare. All my friends lived in a birch grove, and in order to get to them, you had to cross a wide road. The bear was very impatient and did not wait for the traffic light to turn green. As soon as he drove out onto the roadway, a large truck appeared nearby. The truck did not have time to brake and ran into Mishka. The brand new bicycle broke down - the frame was bent, the steering wheel was bent, the wheels flew off, and Mishka himself ended up in the hospital.”

The bear woke up from a fright and decided that he would never break traffic rules

Kitten and puppy.

Once upon a time there lived a kitten and a puppy next door. The kitten was affectionate, calm, obedient, and the puppy loved to play mischief. He often played pranks and played around... One day the puppy saw a kitten and said:

I want to be friends with you!

“Me too,” said the kitten.

“I’m going for a walk,” said the puppy.

“Me too,” said the kitten.

“I will jump,” said the puppy.

“Me too,” said the kitten.

“I caught a butterfly,” said the puppy.

“Me too,” said the kitten.

So they played, jumped, ran and unnoticed approached a wide road along which large and small cars were driving. The cars were racing along the road quickly and making a very loud noise. The kitten got scared, sat down on the ground, and pressed its ears to its head. And the puppy, it seems, was even glad that the cars were rushing at such speed.

“I’ll run with the car to the race,” said the puppy.

Me too, said the kitten.

“I run fast,” said the puppy.

“Me too,” said the kitten.

But the cars were moving very fast. The puppy and kitten were tired and decided to rest. On the other side of the road they saw a beautiful lawn, a blue stream and many, many flowers. But the pedestrian crossing was still far away.

“I want to go to that lawn,” said the puppy.

“Me too,” said the kitten.

“I’ll cross the road here,” said the puppy.

“But I don’t,” said the kitten. My mother doesn’t allow me to go out on the road alone. She told me that children should only cross the road with adults. I'd rather rest here and go home.

The puppy thought and thought and decided to do the same as the kitten. They found a cozy place, rested, and then returned home to their mothers.

Kiseleva Natalya Konstantinovna

Traffic light lesson.

Once upon a time there was a traffic light. He was tired of standing in one place and blinking lights: “I’ll go for a walk, see everything, show myself.”

And the traffic light went down the road. He walked and walked and turned into the forest. Wild animals, birds, insects saw him and each thought to himself: the ant thinks “How tall,” the magpie thinks “How important,” the lizard thinks “How beautiful,” the hare thinks “I’m afraid of him.” And the hedgehog came up and asked:

Who are you? Somehow we have never met a three-eyed beast in our forest.

I am not an animal, I am a traffic light and my eyes are not simple. They help regulate traffic on the roads. I walked through the forest and didn’t see a single sign or traffic light. How do you manage without them?

What are road signs and what are they for? - asked the animals, birds and insects at the traffic light.

The traffic light blinked its eyes and looked at everyone in surprise - he did not understand how it was possible not to know what signs were and what they were needed for. But he decided to help the inhabitants of the forest - to tell about everything he knew.

So, listen,” the traffic light began, “there are different road signs: indicating, prohibiting, warning and others. They talk about where you can cross the road, where to turn, where you can walk and where you can’t, how to get to the hospital, etc. I have three eyes: red, yellow, green. I can talk to them too.

How to talk? - The magpie was surprised.

Very simple (the traffic light turned red). If the red eye is open, pedestrians are told to “Stop and wait!”

“Oh, the yellow eye has opened!” exclaimed the squirrel, “so you can go?”

No! You can't move on yet. The yellow eye tells pedestrians to prepare to cross. But when I open my green eye, it’s time to cross the road. You need to walk calmly and look around. Do you understand everything?

The animals, birds and insects nodded in unison, thanked the traffic light for the lesson and went about their business. And the traffic light returned to its place and again began to help regulate traffic.

Traffic Laws

I want to tell you one simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale, but maybe not a simple one. About traffic rules, about wise traffic lights, about polite drivers. Well, let's start.

There was an ordinary traffic light, familiar to all people, it always worked perfectly, but suddenly it fell ill. It doesn’t want to light up red, and the green one doesn’t light up, only the yellow one blinks, it probably ate something.
And this traffic light stood at the intersection, it stood near the school, where children were here and there. And here across the road, kids and teenagers are always running, running, running without hesitation. You can’t do it without delay, there are traffic rules, even though your loved one is sick at the traffic light. You look to the left, then look to the right and walk if you don't hear a motor nearby.

At this intersection, an inexperienced inspector, waving his stick, created a traffic jam. And then, out of outrage over the traffic rules, our wise traffic light suddenly started working again.
How the red light came on, “The road here is dangerous,” and the yellow light, “Get ready,” he warned everyone. When the green light is on - “Go, the passage is clear”, it worked properly, and all the congestion disappeared.
Driver be attentive, and also very vigilant, such intersections are more difficult than all others. Every parent's soul ache for every boy and girl.
The idea of ​​this fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale, will be understood not only by adults, but even by kids. When crossing the road, look at the traffic lights, your light is always green, walk and take your time.

Slacker traffic light

In the forest, where everyone had walked without rules until now, one day a traffic light appeared. A bear brought it from somewhere off the road, and the animals came running to look at the equipment. And the hedgehog started first:

What nonsense! Both current and wires are needed for a traffic light. And if it doesn’t burn properly, then we shouldn’t even look at this thing.

I agree with the hedgehog! - Said the wolf, yawning. - And if he worked, what good would he be? When I'm chasing a hare, it just doesn't make sense for me to run towards a green light or stand at a red light.

And I,” said the little bunny, “when I’m already running, I can’t follow the traffic lights, sorry.

I don't need it either! - The mole said from the hole. - I’ll dig my own underground passage!

Hearing sensible words above me - and I, friends, am flying! - said the owl.

Everything remains as it was, the dense forest is noisy, the idler traffic light is swinging on the tree. But you and I are not hares, not wolves, not moles, everyone goes to work, and you go to school. And cars rush past with their lights on, and we need your lights at the intersections. They help us, they teach us from an early age, to step into a green light, to stand at a red light!!!

How Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and their friends learned the rules of the road

Cheburashka lived in a telephone booth, and in the morning he went to the zoo. His best friend, the crocodile Gena, worked there as a crocodile. It is unknown what would have happened next if Traffic Light Migailovich had not appeared on the street. When Cheburashka crossed the street in the wrong place, all the cars, trams, and trolleybuses stopped dead in their tracks. And Svetofor Migailovich said:

You don't know how to walk the streets. It's a shame! You should always know the rules of the road so that trouble does not happen to you!
Cheburashka asked:

What are traffic rules?

Here they are, the rules. Signs are hung overhead.

Along the pavement, Traffic Light Migailovich led him to school, where Cheburashka found out what the mysterious signs were written above his head near the road. Traffic light Migailovich blinked his eyes cheerfully and said:

I have three glass eyes: the top one is red, below it is yellow and at the very bottom is green.

I stand on the streets and intersections, alternately closing my eyes

I open it and control the road. And now, Cheburashka, open your eyes, and look, don’t make a mistake. Red light - no passage. Yellow

Get ready. Green - go.

Cheburashka also learned that you need to cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing where the “Crossing” sign hangs.
After his adventures, Cheburashka ran to his friend, but on the way he did not forget to cross the street when the light was green.

Cheburashka, where have you been? - asked Gena.
-I became friends with Traffic Light Migailovich. Let's go, I'll introduce you to him, he stands at all intersections. He is very kind and smart. Cheburashka and Gena went out onto the street of their hometown and suddenly they saw their old friend - the small and nimble old lady Shapoklyak. She walked along the sidewalk and led a large gray Lariska rat on a string. Seeing Gena and Cheburashka, she ran across the road to tell them. That she has come up with another evil and that she needs help. But at that time the traffic light was red, and Shapoklyak was hit by a car. She broke her arm and knocked out her last baby tooth. An ambulance arrived and took the old woman to the hospital.

Gena and Cheburashka, of course, were very worried about her, and constantly visited her in the hospital. One day they brought Svetofor Migailovich with them. He shook his head sadly, listening to the story of Cheburashka and Gena. And said:

And if the driver had said: “I don’t care at the traffic light, I started driving at random, the guard would leave his post, the trolleybus would go as he wanted, everyone would go as best they could.” Yes, where the street was, where you were used to walking, incredible things would happen instantly! To keep you healthy and save you from troubles, I will tell you a few more rules. Which everyone should know. Be careful!

A girl named Yulia came to visit Shapoklyak at the hospital. She brought her two apples and an orange. Seeing such a company together with Traffic Light, she sat down and began to listen. Traffic light Migailovich began to continue:

In a second, a car with a speed of 60 km/h travels 16 meters. And if its speed is 80 km/h, then 22 meters. Some people in a hurry see that the car is very close, but no! Still in a hurry to run across the road in front of her very nose. Little does he know that, with all the desire and effort, the driver will not be able to stop in time, even if he presses on the brakes with all his might. Especially if the road goes downhill. As a result, at a speed of 80 km/h, on an ice-covered road, the car will be able to stop only after 400 m. That is why the road must be crossed carefully, especially in winter.

Walk carefully, watch the street, only cross it where possible!

Thank you very much, Svetofor Migailovich! “You told us the rules of the road in an interesting way,” said Gena the crocodile. And old lady Shapoklyak even cried:

I will never break these rules again. I will do only good deeds, I swear by my rat - Lariska!
The girl Julia was very proud of her friends and promised to tell her classmates about what she heard.

Dear Svetofor Migailovich! When we build the House of Friendship, please come and visit us, we will all be glad to see you, - said the crocodile Gena.

And a month later there was a great holiday. The House of Friendship was built. All the builders showed up handsome and smart, and Svetofor Migailovich winked at the guests with his eyes. Crocodile Gena wore the best suit and straw hat.
The girl Julia was wearing her favorite red cap. Cheburashka gave an excited speech.

We built, we built, and finally we built! Hooray! And now the floor is given to our beloved Traffic Light Migailovich. Traffic light Migailovich smiled, winked with his green eye and said:

Dear guests! Memorize this like a multiplication table! Both avenues and boulevards, the streets are noisy everywhere, walk along the sidewalk, only on the right side!

If there's a bicycle on the sign, it says "Bike Lane." Remember that you can only ride a bicycle from the age of 14, and if you are younger, wait a little longer.

Do not play snowballs, football, or sledding near the roads.

Most often, the trolleybus and bus stop is located behind an intersection or pedestrian crossing. Therefore, you need to go to the pedestrian crossing and cross the street there.
An intersection is the most dangerous place for a pedestrian. You need to cross it only at pedestrian crossings. On a street where there is no pedestrian crossing, you must cross from one corner to another.
Before you cross the street. Look to your left. When you reach the middle, look to the right. Never cross the street in front of nearby traffic.

You need to remember these simple rules. Goodbye, friends. Sincerely yours Svetofor Migailovich.

Adventures of a Hedgehog

Once upon a time there was a prickly hedgehog. His mother taught him: “Son, don’t go far from home, you’ll get lost. The forest is big, and you are small.”
One day the hedgehog was left at home alone, he got bored and decided to go for a walk. He left the house and walked around. Suddenly he heard something crunch behind the birch tree, he went to look. Then there was a rustling behind the bush, he ran there. And so, bush by bush, tree by tree, he did not notice how he had gone far from home.

At this time, the boys came into the forest. They saw a little hedgehog and took him with them to the city. They played with it, passed it from hand to hand, and then they got tired of it. They left him alone in an unfamiliar city. The hedgehog had to find his way home.

He walked along the high road home, and then a huge car jumped out to meet him. The hedgehog closed his eyes in fear... and then someone grabbed him. It turned out that it was the dog Sharik. He saw a hedgehog and decided to help him. He was a city resident and knew the rules of the road well. Sharik explained to the hedgehog that he should only walk on the sidewalk or along the side of the road. If you need to cross the road, you need to look at the traffic light. Sharik accompanied the hedgehog to the forest. There he easily found his house, near which his tear-stained mother was sitting. The hedgehog promised not to go far from home anymore.

Guys! Do not take animals home from the forest, because they do not know the rules of the road, and in the city trouble can happen to them!

A tale about the city of road signs

In one glorious Siberian city there lived a boy, Vanechka Ivanov. The boy, like a boy, was not much different from other boys. But he had one bad habit: Vanya loved to play on the roadway, where cars were rushing here and there.

One day a very unusual story happened to Vanechka. He was returning home after a walk and suddenly saw an interesting pebble on the asphalt. The pebble glowed with an extraordinary light; it was warm. Vanechka put the pebble in the pocket of his jacket and hurried home. When Vanechka finished all his homework, he decided to play with toys. He took out cars, built houses from blocks and began to figure out how he would play on the street tomorrow. Suddenly the boy heard music that sounded like the ringing of a small bell: ding, ding, ding. Vanechka looked around. No, there is no one in the room. Vanechka guessed that the music came from a wonderful pebble. The boy pulled out a pebble from his pocket, put it on the table and began to look at it. The bright light of the pebble, with shades of all the colors of the rainbow, blinded my eyes. Vanya closed his eyes and immediately saw the city in front of him. The city was very small and all colorful. The houses here were built from cubes. Cars that looked like toy cars drove along a multi-colored road. One lane of the road was purple, the other was orange. A narrow white stripe was painted in the middle of the road. And the pedestrian crossing was very reminiscent of a real zebra. Bunnies, dolls, bears and many, many other toys lived in this city.

“Hello Vanechka,” said the toys. Welcome to our city of Road Signs.

What kind of city is this? - Vanechka was surprised.

And the toys began vying with each other to tell about their city, and what the rules are here.

“You should never cross the street at a red light,” said the bunny.

You can’t run and jump on the roadway, you will interfere with traffic,” the doll Tanya said sternly.

Look, look! Cars give way to pedestrians because the traffic light is red! Let’s go, the zebra invites us to cross the road!” the fox shouted and waved her fluffy tail.

Vanechka saw the zebra nod its head welcomingly. He took the animals by the paws and began to cross the road with them. On the other side, the boy met a real wizard named Svetoforkin. The wizard controlled all traffic in the city. A magic wand helped him with this. It glowed red at the end. Drivers and pedestrians obeyed her magical power. Vanya listened with pleasure to the stories of the toys and the wizard Svetoforkin about the rules of the road. He was told that the signs come in different geometric shapes and different colors. There are signs prohibiting, and there are signs allowing. Pedestrians and drivers should be friends without violating these rules. And Vanechka learned many, many more interesting and new things in the city of Road Signs. He didn’t want to part with the good wizard Svetoforkin at all. But then the music was heard again: ding, ding, ding. Vanechka opened his eyes and saw a pebble in front of him. The boy took the pebble and ran outside to his friend Petya Petrov. Let Petya visit this interesting city.

History of traffic lights

Do you know when the familiar traffic light appeared?

It turns out that traffic control using a mechanical device began 140 years ago, in London. The first traffic light stood in the city center on a pole 6 meters high. It was controlled by a specially assigned person. Using a belt system, he raised and lowered the instrument needle. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern powered by lamp gas. The lantern had green and red glasses, but yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the USA, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. It also had only two signals - red and green - and was controlled manually. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But just 4 years later, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights the green signal was at the top, but then they decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now in all countries of the world, traffic lights are located according to the same rule: red at the top, yellow in the middle, green at the bottom.

We have the first in our countryappeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the adjuster manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color.

Then in Moscow and Leningrad (as St. Petersburg was then called) electric traffic lights with three sections of the modern type appeared. And in 1937 in Leningrad, on Zhelyabova Street (now Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street), near the DLT department store, the first pedestrian traffic light appeared.

Toropyzhka on the street

Before you is Toropyzhka, a tomboy and a naughty girl!
He is cheerful, mischievous, restless, funny.
He's good for everyone, but the trouble is - he's always in a hurry!
Toropyzhka was sitting at home and looking at pictures in a book.

Then suddenly Mashenka calls and Toropyzhka says:
“Today is my birthday, I turned six years old.
I invite you to visit us for a festive lunch!
Mom baked me a cake, I invited all my friends.
Toropyzhka, come, don’t forget - it starts at three!”

Toropyzhka dressed up and put on new pants.
And he went quickly to Masha’s birthday,
To congratulate Mashenka as the very first of my friends!
Here Toropyzhka comes skipping out into the street.
Tires rustle on the asphalt - different cars are driving.

There are passenger cars that are small in size.
They run very fast, even a bird can’t keep up!
And this is a truck. He is powerful, strong as a bull.
He has a huge body. Body - for various loads!

What is this, a bicycle? No doors, no cabin! Dashingly rushes, rumbles, flies along the street,
It rushes faster than all the cars, it's called a motorcycle.
Sits like a rider on a horse, the driver on his back!

The house is on wheels. People can ride in it.
There are large windows on the sides, a roof on top so as not to get wet,
The house is called a bus, it has its own route.

Here is a trolleybus, it has a mustache. He rides under the wires.
If the mustache suddenly slips, the trolleybus will instantly freeze!
Ding-ding-ding! What's that ringing? A carriage is rolling along the rails. Inside there are armchairs, people are sitting in armchairs.
This type of car, remember, is called a tram.

Toropyzhka was confused: how to get down the street?
Pedestrians and cars are in the boy's path.
He is in a hurry, in a hurry and runs along the street.
And around him people go about their business.

The sidewalk is a waste of pedestrians; there is no way for cars here!
A little higher than the road, pedestrian paths,
So that everyone can walk along the sidewalk without worries,
So that cars don't drive in and pedestrians don't get scared!

And Toropyzhka quickly ran along the sidewalk,
Along the way, he touched and pushed all the pedestrians!
Why does he push everyone, hit everyone with his elbows?

Toropyzhka is told: “Move to the right lane!
Let other people pass, don’t get in the way!”

Toropyzhka apologized and moved to the right lane.
And now the boy felt very good about walking:
Now he and everyone are walking together in the same direction,
Toropyzhka does not push any pedestrians!

Where cars move, people should not walk,
Because it’s very easy to get hit by a car.
On the street such a place is called a roadway,
And people are strictly prohibited from walking on the roadway!

Do you see the white stripe? What does it mean?
It separates traffic lanes from each other.
There are many rules for cars - you need to know them on the road!
But there is one rule, it is very important:
All drivers must keep to the right!

Our Toropyzhka stands near the edge of the sidewalk,
A beautiful tall house looks across the street.
There's a flower shop there, there's only one on the whole street!
Toropyzhka really wants to buy flowers for Mashenka,
So that later, at your birthday party, you can pleasantly surprise everyone!

How to get across the Toropyzhka road to the store?
There are very, very, very many cars on his way!
Maybe it’s worth asking where and how to cross?
Hurry up is not like that! He waved his hand at everything,
And he ran across the road straight to the store...

At this time, a dump truck appeared on the road!
The driver saw the boy, stopped the dump truck,
Otherwise Toropyzhka would have fallen under the wheels.
Toropyzhka was scared, Toropyzhka was confused.
The driver tells him: Boy, you are too fast!
If you run without looking back, you will end up under a car!
Listen, I'll explain to you how to behave,
So that you can cross this road safely!
There is an underground passage - He will transfer you.
Do you see the sign hanging over there? This sign tells everyone:
“To avoid getting into trouble, you need to cross here!”
Underground, it is clear, it is safe for people to go.
But you can’t build an underground path everywhere!

Here's the usual transition. People are walking along it.
There is a special marking here, aptly called “Zebra”!
White stripes lead across the street here!
Pedestrian crossing sign, where there is a pedestrian at the zebra crossing,
Find it on the street and cross under it!

Toropyzhka didn’t listen to the end, he hurries straight to the zebra,
To cross the road... - Stop! - the driver shouts to him.
-Where did you run off to? I didn't tell you everything:
You approached the zebra - and wait, don’t rush forward:
Look to the left, if there are no cars, go.
Cross halfway and wait a little.
You look to the right - there are no cars, that's it, go to your store!
Don't rush along the road, look around first,
Walk forward slowly, like a normal pedestrian! If you run, then trouble won't last long:
Suddenly you stumble, fall, get hit by a car!
And the car is rushing fast, it won’t stop in an instant!

Toropyzhka said goodbye to his kind uncle driver,
And quickly he rushed along the street towards the zebra again.
As the driver taught him, Toropyzhka did:
He doesn't run across the road, he stands next to the zebra
He looks left and right along the entire street.
There are no cars on the left - our Toropyzhka is moving forward.
Half the road behind, half the road ahead.
Toropyzhka looks to the right and continues the transition.
A car appears and doesn’t slow down!
What should Toropyzhka do? Stand? Should we go back?
How to miss a car and cross the road?

Suddenly he sees an island drawn on the asphalt.
This island was created to save pedestrians.
Toropyzhka quickly ran to the little island,
He waited calmly until the path was clear.
Now, having completed the transition, he goes to the store.

There are many beautiful flowers here - and the touch-me-not mimosa,
And violets, and tulips, and what not!
Toropyzhka chose a wonderful bouquet for Masha!

Toropyzhka crosses the road

But Toropyzhka hasn’t bought a gift for Masha yet,
And he asked the seller about the Toys store.
The seller smiled: - Oh, what a great fellow you are!
So that you can quickly get to the Toys store,
You need to cross a noisy intersection!

What is a "crossroads"? -Toropyzhka is thinking.
He walks along the street with a bouquet for Masha.

He looks - the street intersects with another one ahead.

And this intersection is called a crossroads!

So that you cross the road near the intersection,
You need to remember all the colors of a traffic light well!
The red light came on - no way for pedestrians!
Yellow means wait, and green means go!

Toropyzhka was in a hurry, he forgot about the rules
And he ran at the red light, ran as fast as he could.
Pedestrians shouted: “Little boy, where are you running?”
It’s so easy and simple for you to get run over by a car!

So that you can know the time of transition correctly,
At a large traffic light you need to look for a small one.
Look, he has two eyes in total:
If the red eye is lit, the little man is standing in it.
So, we have to wait it out, stand by the road.
The traffic light changes its color, the green eye lights up.
The little man walks in it - that’s it, the transition is free!

The green man lit up ahead.
Toropyzhka was finally able to cross the intersection.

Toropyzhka runs into the children's store "Toys".
The boy must hurry, otherwise he will be late!
And Toropyzhka bought Mashenka a bear as a gift there!

He walks down the street with flowers and a gift.
The exemplary pedestrian now knows a lot of rules!

poems by S. Volkov, artist V. Polukhin

All the best! See you again!

Traffic Rules

My name is Dima Simonov. I am 5 years old. I have a friend - Zhenya the bear. We've been friends for 2 years now. He went with me to the Black Sea, flew on a plane to Turkey. During the day he is always with me. I love him very much and cherish him.

At night, when everyone is asleep, Zhenya the bear cub goes to the magical land of dreams. He meets there with other friends - toys. They play together, walk, ride toy cars and bicycles. In the magical land of dreams, toys live their own lives, with their own rules, and they also have traffic rules.

One night I had a dream that a misfortune happened in the magical land of dreams - all the inhabitants of the country forgot the rules of the road. And my little bear asked for help: “Dima, friend, help us! Take me outside during the day, when you go for a walk with your mother, tell me and show me all the rules of the road. Can you help? "And I agreed.

The next day we went for a walk with my mother and took Zhenya the bear with us. We told him everything and showed him - how to cross intersections, about traffic lights for cars and pedestrians, about the zebra crossing - a pedestrian path, about underground passages, about buses. I told where the children walk, about the police officers and traffic controllers who help us follow traffic rules, and also talked about the dangers on the roads.

When night fell, I again had a dream about a bear, about a magical land and its inhabitants. They thanked me and Zhenya the bear, because we helped them remember all the rules of the road. And order returned to the magical land of dreams.

Both adults and children must follow the traffic rules, and then in our country there will be order on the roads and there will be no terrible accidents.

How Pinocchio learned to walk.

Autumn has come. Papa Carlo sent Pinocchio to school. And he said: “Be careful on the road! "And Pinocchio went to school. Then he saw a three-eyed creature. Pinocchio shouted loudly: “I’m going to school, and you’re standing here and blinking your huge eyes! "The traffic light asked: "Pinocchio, do you know where you can cross the road? " "No! "- answered Pinocchio. Then the traffic light said that the road can be crossed at the zebra crossing and where there is a traffic light with a green signal. Pinocchio was very happy that the traffic light taught him how to cross the road and sang his funny song.

A tale about how 4th grade

learned the rules of the road.

Once upon a time there were children. Normal, cheerful children, girls and boys. They were all in fourth grade and considered themselves adults and serious people. And then, one day, during a break, they had an argument: do they, such serious and smart people, need to know the rules of the road?

Masha, an active and smart girl, said?

What is there to know, we already know and can do everything, but the rules are written for adults who drive cars, and they don’t give way to us, children!

Here - here! And I ride my bike well, without rules.

And then, out of nowhere, a Hare appeared in their class. The most gray Hare, with ears and a tail, but he was dressed in a police uniform and cap, and in his hand (sorry, in his paw) he held a striped stick.

The children were so surprised that an unprecedented silence reigned in the class, and Lisa even crawled under the desk - out of fear.

And the Hare, as if nothing had happened, jumped onto the teacher’s desk and said in a human voice:

Eh, you smart guys! How can that be! I, the forest traffic inspector, taught all the animals the rules of behavior on the roads. After all, so many birds, cats, and even moose and roe deer die under the wheels of cars! And you, smart children, don’t want to know them! Oh, well, let’s get to our places! Let's start a fun lesson on traffic rules!

The children were so amazed that they didn’t even argue and quietly sat down at their desks.

Suddenly, instead of a blackboard, a large screen appeared on the wall, the classroom became dark, and on the screen the children saw an elephant, a pedestrian, crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing and singing the following song:

I cross the road like this:

First I'll look to the left,

And if there is no car,

I'm going to the middle

Then I look carefully

To the right is a must.

And if there is no movement,

I walk without a doubt.

Do you remember everything? - asked the Hare - the inspector. - Now let's look further!

A cozy courtyard appeared on the screen, and a city street was noisy with cars nearby. A baby appeared in the yard - Bunny with a sled. And with him are his friends - Fox, Kitty and Badger.

Bunny said:

Magnificent mountain!

Now I'm going to ride! Hooray!

And the other animals answered:

You can’t, you’ll slide off, sideways,

Sledding straight to the pavement!

What a stupid bunny! - said Suzanne. – Of course, you can only sled and ski in the forest, at the stadium, and not on the street.

Then the Bunny said to the Fox:

Fox, play with me

But not on the pavement!

You can't play outside

Hurry to the yard, friends are waiting there!

“Now let’s watch the next cartoon,” said the Hare, the inspector. – Attention to the screen!

On a busy street stood a sad Monkey with a huge bump on his head.

Donkey asked Monkey:

How did you get the bump?

I was standing by the car

And looked at the tires.

Suddenly the door opened - bang!

How it hits you right in the forehead!

Now I want to tell everyone:

You can't stand near the cars!

And suddenly the bell rang. Andrey sat up in bed and looked around in surprise. He was at home, in his room, and not the bell was ringing, but the alarm clock on his mobile phone. “What a wonderful dream!” the boy thought, “If only such a fun lesson would really take place at school, then all the kids would definitely remember all the rules of behavior on the roads.”

And when he was walking to his school bus, a cheerful song kept spinning in his head: “This is how I cross the road...”

About Pete...

Petya Vasechkin studied at the same school. He didn't want to learn the rules of the road. He said that no one needed it. He always dreamed of a bicycle.

And for his birthday, his parents gave him a bicycle. Petya immediately decided to try it out. He drove out into the yard, and an old man met him. Petya was driving so fast that he almost hit the old man. Grandfather asked:

Petya, don’t you know the rules of the road?

To which Petya replied:

But who needs them, where I want, I ride, where I want, I’ll cross the road, and

You, old man, watch where you are going, and I will do without your rules.

“Well, let’s see,” said grandfather.

Petya rode around the yard on his bicycle, it was time to go to school. Today it was impossible to be late, since Petya was participating in competitions and he could not let the team down. Approaching the roadway, the boy, without waiting for the green light, was about to cross the road, and not at the zebra crossing either.

Suddenly a large traffic light leaned over him and asked menacingly:

Where are you going? The pedestrian crossing is very close.

Petya was scared, but snapped:

But I don’t care where I want, I go there.

Then the traffic light took him by the collar and put him in front of the zebra crossing. Now Petya had no time for jokes.

When the light turned green for pedestrians, everyone went to the other side, but Petya could not budge. He tried a few more times and started crying. The traffic light told him:

If now you remember at least one of the rules of the road, then I will let you go.

Snatches of phrases flashed in Petya’s head, because at school they were repeatedly told how to behave on the road. He said that he remembered and the traffic light let him go, but made Petya promise that by tomorrow the boy would learn all the rules about behavior on the road.

Since then, Petya has never violated traffic rules, and when he met that old man in the yard, he apologized to him.

Masha and the Bear

Once upon a time there lived Masha. The big girl had grown up and her mother sent her to the forest to pick mushrooms. Masha happily ran into the forest. He runs and waves his basket. Doesn't look around. She started to cross the road - suddenly a car came out of nowhere... The brakes creaked... Masha stopped dead in the middle of the road. Her eyes widened. He can't even speak from fear.

Bear got out from behind the wheel.

What are you doing, Mashenka? Why are you throwing yourself under the wheels?

I didn't rush. I wanted to cross the road. My mother sent me to pick mushrooms.

Didn't your mom tell you about traffic rules?

She spoke, Uncle Misha, but I didn’t listen. Why do I need them?

Eh, Masha, Masha... Traffic rules are needed to ensure that there are no accidents on the roads. So that pedestrians are safe and sound.

Who are pedestrians? – asked Masha.

Pedestrians are road users. They must obey traffic rules. So you ran across the road and didn’t look anywhere.

I looked - Masha was indignant - there is a mushroom growing under that birch tree. I ran after him.

When crossing the road you need to look at the traffic light. You see, hanging on a tree with three eyes.

If the red eye is on, you cannot cross the road.

The yellow light turns on - get ready - movement is about to begin.

Well, if the green eye lights up, then you can cross the road.

Do you understand, Mashenka?

Got it, Mishenka. It’s just not clear to me what to do if this three-eyed eye is missing?

Well, if there is no traffic light, then you need to stop near the edge of the road, look first to the left and then to the right. When you are sure that there are no cars, feel free to cross the road.

Oh, Misha, how interesting your story is. And teach me something else.

The Bear put Masha in the car and they drove along the road. Masha has fun going. Cars are passing around. Masha leaned out of the window and began screaming and waving at the passing Hare. For some reason the hare was not happy about Masha, but shook his finger at her. Masha almost lost the hand she was waving because another car was overtaking them. I barely had time to remove my hand. But the car she was driving in almost overturned because the Bear was distracted by Masha’s behavior and could not keep an eye on the road.

Wow, what an ill-mannered Hare - Masha was offended.

It’s not the ill-mannered Hare, it’s you. You're breaking the rules.

What are the rules again? I don't cross the road. I'm driving in the car.

Eh, Masha. If you are driving in a car, then you are a participant in the traffic. While in a vehicle, you must not jump from place to place. You cannot lean out of windows, shout or wave your arms. By doing this you distract the driver of the car you are traveling in and the drivers of other cars. Because of this, an accident may occur.

I understood - Masha was embarrassed. – I won’t do this again.

Bear started the car and they drove on.

Oh, someone stained the road with white paint! - Masha shouted.

No, Masha, this is a special place for pedestrians to cross the road. It is also called Zebra because it has stripes like a zebra.

What kind of little man is this? – Masha asked the Bear.

And this is a special sign. It warns drivers that there is a pedestrian crossing ahead.

And there’s also a Pedestrian Crossing sign! - Masha shouted. “I understood: you can cross there in a large group.” There are two little men drawn on it.

You, Masha, are right, but not entirely. – Misha smiled. - Look what's ahead.

Masha sees a forest school nearby. The forest animals in it comprehend science.

This sign warns the driver that there is a place ahead where children may appear on the road. This means there is a school, kindergarten or other children's institution nearby.

It's amazing how everything has been thought out! – Masha was surprised.

Oh look! – the fidget screamed again. – Signpost for the path to the mole’s hole.

What an inventor you are, Masha! – the Bear smiled. – This sign indicates that there is an underground pedestrian crossing nearby. It was specially dug. In this place it is very dangerous to cross the road even along the Zebra crossing. For convenience, they came up with an underground pedestrian crossing.

And there are places where a pedestrian crossing is built above the roadway. It's called the Overground Pedestrian Crossing.

In general, Masha, everything is being arranged for the safe movement of pedestrians and drivers. And if you follow all these rules, you will live long and happily.

Thank you, Uncle Misha, for the science. – Masha thanked the Bear. -Now I know the traffic light rules:

Red light - no road

Yellow light - be alert

And green - go on your way.

I know about the pedestrian path called Zebra. And also about pedestrian crossings.

Oh, there's my house! Well, you are a cunning one, Bear. He spoke to me and quietly brought me home. But I still needed to collect mushrooms.

I brought you home especially. It’s too early for you to walk on the roads again. Once you learn all the Rules of the Road, then you can hit the road.

What other rules are there? – Masha was surprised.

Of course there is. - answered the Bear. – And you need to know them all.

“Okay, Uncle Misha,” Mashenka agreed. – I promise you that I will learn the Rules of the Road and, of course, I will follow them.

“Oh, mommy,” Masha shouted, seeing her mother on the porch of the house. - I learned so much today!

You are my fidget, my mother smiled. – Thank you, Mikhail Potapovich, for guiding my dragonfly. And thanks for the science. Now until she knows all the rules, and most importantly, follows them, I won’t let her go anywhere.

Well, Masha, what did you understand for yourself? – the Bear asked the girl.

I understood, Uncle Misha, that you need to know the Rules of the Road, and I also realized that you need to listen more carefully and remember better.

Know the rules of the road like the multiplication table!

Inseparable friends lived in a big fairy-tale city: the little bunny Mark, the bear cub Misha and the little fox Lisa.

But their worries were not at all fabulous. They loved to play, especially football. And it’s cramped in the yard. So they kicked the ball under the goal arch. Bad place to play, dangerous! Where can I get a good one?

There was, of course, a good place. Just on the other side of the street. There is a sports ground and a large vacant lot there. There is somewhere to roam!

But how to cross such a wide street? Fortunately, the bear cub Misha had an older brother who was a driver, and he took over their training.

You can only go to the other side of the street strictly along the crossing. It is marked with white stripes. The traffic light commands here. He has three eyes - red, yellow and green. Here he lights up his red eye. It is forbidden to cross! Cars are rushing. The traffic light lights up the yellow eye. This is an “attention” signal! All cars begin to slow down, and pedestrians prepare to cross. Finally the green eye lit up. The cars stopped. You can move freely. Go and don't be afraid! Don't hesitate, but don't run either. Suddenly you fall!

What to do if there is a crossing, but there is no clear traffic light?

Then the traffic controller Owl will come to the rescue. He will show with a striped stick when you can move. Well, what if there is no traffic controller? So, first look to the left to see if the cars are coming. If they don’t go, then go boldly. I reached the middle of the street, now look to the right to see if there are any cars. If not, then go ahead again. Like Misha the bear with friends!

There is a lot you need to know to cross the street safely. How should you get around a bus and a trolleybus - in front or behind? That's right, from behind! But the safest thing is to politely let the bus and trolley bus through. This is what Misha’s older brother advises. And he knows everything!

But how to get around the tram? Come on, little fox, answer! Behind?

Wrong. It is necessary - in front! Otherwise, you won’t see the oncoming tram and your tail will be crushed.

The little bear and the little bunny figured it out easily. And the little fox was always confused about the fact that the bus and trolleybus should be walked around from behind, and the tram - in front.

One strict trolleybus was tired of her mistakes. And he went out into the street with the sign: “Walk around me from behind.” Moreover, he suddenly lifted the little fox with his long arches and placed it right behind him.

This is how the inseparable friends learned to cross the street. And now they calmly went alone to the wasteland to kick the ball. Thank you to the big brother of the bear cub!


The story about the Truck ……………………………………………………………………..2

Sharp turn……………………………………………………………………………….3

The Adventures of Baba Yaga………………………………………………………….…………..5

Who is more important than everyone on the street………………………………………………………………………………6

Traffic light…………………………………………………………………….……………..7

How the kitten Murlyka stopped riding a bike ………………………………….8

The tale of how the boy Misha began to always observe RULES

TRAFFIC! …………………………………………………………………………………11

Dispute on the road……………………………………………………………………………….15

Bear dream………………………………………………………………………………..16

Kitten and puppy………………………………………………………………………………………..17

Traffic light lesson………………………………………………………………………………18

Traffic rules…………………………………………………………………………………20

Slacker traffic light………………………………………………………………………21

How Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and their friends learned the rules of the road......22

Adventures of a Hedgehog …………………………………………………………………………25

A tale about the city of road signs……………………………………………………….….26

History of traffic lights………………………………………………………………………………..……28

Toropyzhka on the street……………………………………………………………………29

Return to the magical land of dreams ………………………………………………...….34

How Pinocchio learned to walk …………………………………………………………...……35

A fairy tale about how the 4th grade learned the rules of the road……………….……..36

About Pete…………………………………………………………………………………………………………39

Masha and the Bear……………………………………………………………………………….41

Know the rules of the road like you know the multiplication table!................................................. ...45

Mukhametshina Tenzile Ramilovna

teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 "Ryabinushka", p. Komsomolskoye, Chuvash Republic

Why do they draw a zebra on the road?

There lived a little zebra in the desert. She was very kind and friendly - she was a friend
With all the inhabitants of the desert: with the rhinoceros, and with the giraffe, and even with the aunty elephant.
They lived in their desert cheerfully and carefree. But one day workers came to the desert and built a big road. Cars, buses and trucks began to travel along this road. The inhabitants of the desert were afraid to cross the road. And then the striped zebra decided to help his friends. She walked out onto the road and all the cars stopped in front of her because she was bright and very visible, and pedestrians were able to cross to the other side. Since then, zebra stripes have been painted on the roads so that pedestrians can cross the road without obstacles. All drivers respect the painted zebra crossing and always stop in front of it.

Why can't you play with a ball near the road?

Once upon a time there was a funny ball. He really loved to jump, run and play. He had many friends - boys and girls. The funny ball loved to play football with the boys, and with the girls he played various games, too many to list. But, like all other balls, he did not know any traffic rules, because he is neither a driver nor a pedestrian, but a very ordinary cheerful ball. One day the boys decided to play football. They chose an excellent clearing next to the road for the game. They set up the goal, divided into teams, chose a referee and finally started the match. The cheerful ball ran between the players with great pleasure, hit their legs and even flew into the goal several times. He was so carried away by the game that he did not notice how he jumped out onto the road along which cars were driving. The ball was very frightened when it saw the large gray wheels of a car approaching it at great speed. The ball froze in the middle of the road and did not know what to do. Fortunately, the driver managed to brake, and the ball remained safe and sound, but he was very scared. The boys were scared too. They were very ashamed in front of the funny ball, because they knew that they couldn’t play near the road! Now the funny ball has remembered this simple rule for the rest of its life. And you, my friend, remember and tell your favorite funny ball that you can’t play near the road!

Why does a traffic light have three eyes?
A squirrel and her daughter came to the city to sell nuts at the market.
They got off the bus at a stop near the market. Little Squirrel looked around the countries with great interest, because it was her first time in the city. She was very interested in the large three-eyed pillar.
“Mom,” cried little Squirrel, “look, what is this?”
“This is a traffic light,” Belka explained.
-Traffic light? – Squirrel was surprised.
Why does he have three eyes?
“He doesn’t have simple eyes,” my mother explained, “they tell cars and pedestrians when they can drive and walk.”
- How is this? – Squirrel didn’t understand.
- When a traffic light looks at you with a red eye, it means you need to stop. You can't go! - Mom explained.

What does yellow mean? – Squirrel asked again.
- When a traffic light looks at you with a yellow eye, it means that you need to get ready to move.
- And green? What does green eye mean?

The traffic light looks at us with its green eye when we can go. Look, the green eye has lit up.
- Mom, let’s go quickly!