We master the technique of lifting the EZ-bar for biceps while standing. Barbell curls - technique for the best biceps exercise ez barbell for biceps

No matter how much has been said about biceps, let's take a closer look at pumping these muscles. Let's consider all the nuances, pros and cons of training. Let's select the most important exercises for ourselves at the moment and discuss the conditions for their correct technical execution.

Leroy Colbert became the first person to create a 21-inch (53.5 cm) biceps without using doping.

Leroy Colbert's biceps are truly impressive, but you can do it too. The main thing is not to stop working on yourself

What is Biceps? This is the pride of a man, strong arms and a powerful silhouette!

The biceps is a part of the body that receives a lot of attention. It is the size of the biceps that men begin to boast about since kindergarten.

It is also the biceps brachii muscle. Responsible for bending your elbows and the appearance of your arms. It is an external muscle, and its shape changes the silhouette of the hand significantly.

Many exercises work on the biceps, since the weight of the body or apparatus is also on the arms, but to a greater extent these moments touch the biceps tangentially. We are interested in exercises that work directly on the biceps.

Types of biceps exercises with a barbell

The best exercises for Biceps:

  • Lifting the barbell for biceps while standing (consider this type of training as one of the most effective and proven among athletes);
  • Lifting the barbell with a reverse grip (consider it an exercise that allows your arms to look more impressive);
  • Biceps blaster (aka art blaster, equipment minimizes cheating and fixing the elbows allows only the biceps to work);
  • Raising the EZ bar in a Scott bench (consider this type also as one of the easy exercises for biceps);

Technique for performing biceps exercises with a barbell

  1. Standing biceps curl. Probably the most basic exercise that works directly on the desired muscle. The technique of execution in this exercise is the most important thing. Don't take a single step away from her. Let's look at the technique in detail and discuss all the pros and cons of the exercise. For beginners, the following program is optimal:

For women: 2 – 3 sets, 12 – 15 repetitions with 10 – 12 kg.

For men: 3 – 4 sets, 15 – 18 repetitions with 15 – 20 kg.

  1. Lifting the barbell with a reverse grip. He is also an overhand grip. The exercise is designed to strengthen the forearm (Read:) and the brachialis muscle, and it is necessary for developing the shoulder as a whole and working the muscle under the biceps. Most often performed at the end of a workout to “finish off” all the muscles. Essential exercise! Let's look at the technique, and of course, the optimal program for beginners:

For women: 2 – 3 sets, 10 – 15 repetitions with 7 – 10 kg.

For men: 2 – 3 sets, 10 – 15 repetitions with 15 – 20 kg.

The technique is the same as for standing biceps curls, but is greatly simplified by the fact that you don’t have to watch your elbows. More likely a useful thing than unnecessary.

  1. Scott Bench EZ Raise. The exercise is quite complex, but it will not allow you to simplify and shy away from precise execution. You should not abuse it if the technique has not yet been developed. It is worth learning the correct exercise with an assistant nearby. You can vary this exercise with dumbbells. And so, we consider the technique and the program for beginners:

For women: 2 – 3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions with 6 – 10 kg.

For men: 2 – 3 sets of 10 – 15 repetitions with 10 – 18 kg.

Important differences between exercises with a barbell and exercises with dumbbells.

  • The dumbbell exercise allows you to supinate your wrist more. And it's not a bad workout either.

Supination– (lat. supino, supinatum turn over, throw back) - rotational movement of a limb or part of it outward.

  • When alternately bending your arms with dumbbells, you can focus on one of the biceps, and this is important, for example, in working out the relief of your non-working arm.
  • The “hammer” exercise, when the palms are turned inward, allows you to work additional muscles that are not active when lifting the barbell.

Exercises with dumbbells and a barbell are fundamentally different, and all of them, working in one program, allow you to achieve the maximum.

Safety precautions when performing the exercise

During training, adhere to the exercise technique as closely as possible - this is one of the most important conditions against injury. Follow the rules at the gym. Use weights that suit your training.

Important!!! When doing biceps exercises, exclude other exercises! Work only with your hands! Do not waste time on other exercises and put all your strength into your hands. Hands will answer you!


Provided you follow all the points of the exercises, proper nutrition, if you wish, and a clear goal, your hands will respond. There will be results!!! You just need to work and follow the program.

Be sure to read about it

The standing biceps curl is the main exercise for developing the strength and volume of the arm flexors. In terms of effectiveness in terms of working out the arms, it can be compared to the bench press for the pectoral muscles.

About biceps volume

Agree, pumped up biceps look much better than their absence. The shape and size of the biceps muscle are determined by many factors: genetics, physical activity, additional strength loads.

With the help of training, we can remove fat from the surface of the arm, thereby exposing the muscle itself. We can also increase its volume through correctly performed exercises and create greater definition.

As their name suggests, arm flexors provide movements aimed at bending the arm at the elbow. Another function of the biceps muscles is to antagonize the triceps. The triceps and biceps are in some kind of balance with each other, so that the arms do not twitch due to minor pushes back and forth.

The biceps does not play a primary role in the formation of arm volume. For the most part, this is the merit of the triceps (70% of the volume of the arm is created by it). Therefore, you should pay enough attention to both muscles. Work out your biceps 1-2 times a week, and never forget about your triceps (do bench press, seated press, incline press, and other exercises for them). Forgetting about pumping up the flexors and doing just one bench press is also not an option.

Now let's find out how to pump up your biceps with a barbell.

Technique and exercise options

Barbell curls are usually performed while standing. And here it’s not even a matter of efficiency. The fact is that lifting the barbell while sitting with a narrow or any other grip is not a very convenient solution. And it is preferable only for working on the Scott bench. This is not a bench press that can be done from any position.

Straight grip

The biceps exercise with a barbell can be performed in several grip options: straight and reverse, wide and narrow.

A straight grip is aimed at developing not only the biceps, but also the muscles of the forearm (a narrow grip is not used). If you've ever tried this grip, you probably remember that the weights on the bar were lighter than when using a reverse grip.

Standing barbell curls are done correctly like this:

  1. You can install the bar on the barbell racks, lowering them as far as possible, or you can put it on a horizontal bench. It will be inconvenient to take it from the floor and lower it there in between approaches.
  2. Theoretically, you can perform an EZ barbell curl, but in this case it is better to use a straight bar. In general, it is believed that a curved bar is less traumatic for the arm flexors, but this is more relevant for a reverse narrow grip. So, we take the bar and get ready for the warm-up approach.
  3. It is very important to take the correct position: feet shoulder-width apart, elbows pressed to the body, shoulders straightened, and the pelvis laid back. For better support and to avoid unnecessary movements, we recommend standing with your back to the wall, or even better, to the frame of the Smith machine.
  4. If you stand up correctly, the supports will touch: the back of the head, shoulder blades and pelvis. Don't forget about the chest - it is curved forward.
  5. We take the bar with a straight grip at natural shoulder width (that is, arms parallel to each other).
  6. Trying not to bend your wrists, lift the barbell using your biceps to the maximum possible height (towards your chest).
  7. We do 10–15 warm-up repetitions. If you have a 20kg Olympic bar, it may be too heavy for you. If you are a beginner, don’t look at others, don’t envy the number of weights on their barbell. Time and patience will lead you to a similar result.

If you decide to do the exercise without support, firmly fix your body and press your elbows against it. During lifting you should not make any oscillatory movements. Only the arms work; everything else, including “throwing” the barbell up to the chest using pelvic swings, is cheating and an unjustified risk of getting a lower back injury.

At the same time, your elbows should not be pulled back. They are positioned so that the shoulder is oriented strictly down towards the floor.

Reverse grip

Standing barbell curls are most often done with a reverse grip. This is explained by the fact that the muscles on the inside of the forearm are stronger than on the outside. This means that with this grip you can lift more weight, plus you can lift it even higher than with a straight grip.

You can take the barbell with a narrow grip, or you can use a medium grip, placing your hands shoulder-width apart so that they are parallel to each other. Lifting the barbell for the biceps with a reverse grip to the chest will, accordingly, better develop the biceps.

Standing barbell curls with a reverse grip are performed as follows:

  1. Find support. In this case, it is advisable to stand leaning against a power frame, Smith, wall or wide pole.
  2. Take a straight or curved bar with a reverse grip. As you press your weight into your legs, the backs of your palms will be facing your legs.
  3. The grip is medium for a straight bar, or narrow for an EZ bar.
  4. Using the strength of your biceps, without moving your elbows back and forth, we lift the weight to the chest. Then you can use your shoulder muscles to lift the barbell even higher to your neck. Many trainers say that lifting the barbell not just to the chest, but to the acute angle at the elbow is enough. That is, the forearms are not brought to a vertical position.
  5. Hold the barbell in the upper position for 1 second.
  6. We lower the weight to the starting position, repeat the warm-up 10-15 times if this is the first biceps exercise of the day (by the way, it’s correct if it comes first).
  7. We set the working weight and do 3 sets of 8 times until failure, or 10-12 times to maintain muscle tone with a light weight.

Basic mistakes


You can regularly see beginners doing reverse-grip barbell curls (or any standing barbell curl) at a fast pace. This is ineffective and dangerous. In this style, you distort the technique; speed prevents you from doing the exercise correctly.

You may injure your biceps tendon. You can also break your back, since when performed quickly, the load will unnoticeably transfer to your lower back (for example, to dampen inertia when lowering the weight).

Do reverse-grip barbell curls or any biceps curl smoothly and correctly. For greater certainty, we present the optimal frequency of execution: 2 repetitions every 3-4 seconds.


When a person takes too much weight, no matter with a narrow or wide grip, he throws it with the help of movements of the legs, pelvis, and body. Then at the top point he intercepts it with the muscles of his arms and lowers it back. Typically, the weight simply falls back to the starting position because the practitioner does not have enough strength to make the movement smoothly.

The moment you catch the barbell with your biceps, you can damage them. When you throw weights every time you move your body, you risk tearing your lower back. Instead of spending energy on a specific exercise, the body is sprayed on everything except the biceps workout itself.

Therefore, cheating will not lead to results in terms of muscle growth. Perhaps a one-time lift will be performed with impressive weight. But do you have a different goal for visiting the gym? Your actions must be consistent with your goals. Let's do the exercise in strict accordance with his technique.

Grip problems

When your biceps have enough strength to handle the weight you've chosen, but your wrists don't, problems begin. The wrists cannot maintain a straight line between the elbow and the fist. The arm begins to bend, and the barbell hangs.

Lifting the barbell for biceps with a reverse grip solves this problem, but with a straight grip it is more difficult. If this happens, give up the direct grip, try curling your arms with a barbell while standing with a reverse grip.

Additionally, practice exercises that specifically develop grip strength.


Both bench press and weight lifting are almost always done with the same breathing - effort (lifting) on ​​exhalation, on inhalation - returning the weight to the starting point.

EZ-bar biceps curl- This is a simplified exercise compared to the classic lift. The load in it falls on the lower bundle of the biceps, and thanks to the curved shape of the bar, it is more convenient to hold in your hands.

Starting position

Grasp the barbell, bring your arms forward a little and rest them on your body. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. To maintain balance and better stability, bend your knees and push your pelvis back, tighten your lower back. Shoulders are lowered and turned around. The neck is straight.

Technique for performing EZ-barbell curls

As you exhale, bend your arms, but do not throw the barbell. Bend your forearms until your forearms are vertical. Smoothly lower your arms down, but do not straighten them completely; leave your elbows slightly bent. Bent elbows will not allow the biceps to relax, and it will tire faster.

  • A wide grip works the inner biceps.
  • A close grip works the outer biceps.
  • A neutral grip distributes the load evenly and allows you to take as much weight as possible.
    • To increase the load on the biceps, try not to lower the barbell onto your legs, keep it suspended, and immediately lift it as soon as you approach your legs.


  • Throwing the barbell to the very top engages the deltas.
  • Bringing your arms forward again includes deltoids.
  • A strong backward bend puts stress on the lower back.

riseEZ-barsfor the biceps in the Scott Bench engages the middle and bottom of the biceps. This isolating exercise lengthens the bottom and raises the peak of the biceps. This exercise allows you to isolate the load on the biceps as much as possible and, as a rule, is used to hone its shape and relief.

Exercise technique:
1. You can perform the exercise either sitting or standing. The main thing is to adjust the height of the music rest (an inclined stand for the upper arms) so that when lifting the barbell, the torso is always straight and the torso is in a vertical and stable position.
2. TakeEZ-bar(its bar resembles the letter “W”) or a dumbbell with an underhand grip. Sit in a Scott bench and press your upper arms (triceps) firmly against the music stand. Lower the barbell and bend your elbows slightly.
3. The elbows are placed on the music rest, closer to the bottom edge and should always remain motionless.
4. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Squeeze your biceps and lift the barbell up.
5. As soon as your forearms are in a vertical position, exhale, stop for a moment and tighten your biceps even more.
6. Smoothly lower the bar until your arms are almost completely straight.
7. Pause briefly and begin the next repetition.

Exercise Tips:
1. Throughout the set, make sure that the upper part of your hands is always firmly pressed to the music stand. This will take the stress off the elbow joints and direct it to the biceps.
2. To avoid injuring your elbow joints, make sure that when you extend your arms, you do not rub your elbows against the seams of the music stand and that it is padded tightly enough.
3. At the bottom point, do not straighten your arms to the very end. Otherwise, you risk injuring not only your elbows, but also your biceps ligaments.
4. Hold your breath while lifting the barbell. This helps maintain correct posture and allows you to develop more powerful biceps strength.
5. The body should always be in a stable and motionless position. An uncomfortable and/or unstable position not only reduces the effectiveness of the exercise, but also poses a risk of injury.
6. Use a Scott bench, which allows you to perform lifts while standing rather than sitting.
7. To load your biceps to the maximum, use this technique: having reached the heaviest point of the lift (when a right angle has formed in the elbow joint), stop for 1-2 seconds, tighten your biceps even more and continue lifting until your forearms reach vertical position.

Application of the exercise:
1. To whom: Athletes of average training level and above.
2. When: In the middle of a biceps workout. After doing biceps curls on a Scott bench, do biceps curls with dumbbells or on a cable machine.
3. How much: 3-4 sets of 6-10 repetitions.

Muscle functions:
The triceps (the antagonist muscle of the biceps) performs arm extension. If we compare these muscles in terms of the degree of load they experience in most sports and their strength potential, then the triceps is the undisputed leader. However, this fact only makes the importance of biceps training even greater. After all, the strength of the elbow joint is determined primarily by how balanced the development of the antagonist muscles of the upper arm is. In other words: To avoid elbow injuries, always pull the “weak” biceps towards the stronger triceps.

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! Today we have a technically very nice article waiting for us, and it will be devoted to such an exercise as the biceps curl. We will learn a lot of specific information, get acquainted with the nuances of implementation and technical and operational aspects.

So, everyone stuck to the monitor screens and let’s go.

Barbell curls for biceps. What, why and why?

I think I’m not lying if I say that barbell curls are the most popular exercise for the biceps brachii muscle. Almost any arm training program includes them. I must say that this is a really excellent exercise for increasing the volume of the biceps, but you need to have the right technique and know some of the nuances of its implementation. Actually, this is what we will do today.

Well, we’ll start, as usual, with an anatomical atlas.

All further narration on the topic of “lifting the barbell for biceps” will be divided into subchapters.

The target muscles that take the main load are the biceps, and different grips load the heads differently.

Synergists are:

  • brachialis (shoulder)
  • brachyradialis (brachioradialis).

The stabilizer muscles are:

  • anterior delta;
  • upper/middle trapezius;
  • levator scapula (lifts her up);
  • wrist flexors.

A complete muscle atlas of barbell curls is as follows:


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.


The exercise is the undisputed leader in terms of benefits for the biceps, and here's why:

  • complex impact in one exercise on the following parameters of the biceps muscle: size, definition, strength and endurance;
  • free weights and a relatively good range of motion allow you to effectively load the biceps;
  • variability of execution (different grips/bar types) provides comprehensive study;
  • The EZ bar creates minimal stress on the back, its design provides a natural way to balance the body, reducing stress on the back even when lifting heavy weights;
  • The EZ bar puts less strain on your wrists when lifting heavier weights.

Execution technique

Despite the total spread of this exercise, its technique often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly perform biceps curls.

Step #0.

Equip the barbell and grab it with a shoulder-width grip, placing your feet in the same way. Stand up straight and bend your knees slightly. The palms should be facing forward and the elbows should be close to the body. statically tighten your abdominal muscles. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Keeping your shoulders stationary, begin to lift the weight up (roll it forward) only due to the movement of the forearms and the traction force of the biceps. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level. Linger on 1-2 counting at the end point of the amplitude. Breathing technique: when lowering the projectile, inhale, when lifting, exhale.

Step #2.

Slowly and in a controlled manner return the bar to the 1st position. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

Or so in motion...

Getting the most out of the exercise is only possible if you follow the tips below:

  • the movement must be carried out cleanly - without swaying, waving or throwing the projectile upward;
  • lift the barbell from the hips to shoulder level in a wide arc;
  • at the top point you need to perform a peak contraction and squeeze your biceps 2-3 seconds;
  • lifting should be faster than lowering;
  • do not throw the barbell, but always accompany it smoothly down;
  • It is not necessary to fully straighten your arms at the bottom point of the movement;
  • stretch your biceps between sets;
  • It is better to start training your arms with this exercise;
  • to develop strength, do 5 approaches to 3-5 repetitions, for volume - 3 approach to 7-10 repetitions, for definition – 2-3 approach to 15-20 repetitions;
  • when working with heavy weights and reps in the range 4-8 you can resort to using straps/belts and cheating (last reps).

Variations of barbell curls

The good thing about the exercise is that it has variability, i.e. You can use different types of projectiles/mechanisms, for example:

  • dumbbell curls for biceps;
  • EZ bar lift;
  • lifting while standing at the lower block;
  • rising while sitting on a bench from a lower block.


The most difficult option for performing a barbell curl is standing against a wall or vertical support. (for example, benches with backrest). In this variation, the work is much harder, and the weights of the projectile are less inferior to the classical analogue.

Now let's dig deeper and look at some technical details.

Grip width: which one to choose?

Depending on the grip width ( distance of hands from each other) The barbell can be held:

  • standardly at shoulder width - emphasis on the entire biceps. Allows the use of large weights;
  • narrow grip - emphasis on the outer head (long head). The weight of the burden is less;
  • wide grip - emphasis on the inner head (short, short head). Allows the use of large weights.

It is necessary to clearly understand that there is no such thing as “which grip is better.” They are all from different operas, i.e. each solves only one specific problem. Therefore, if you see that your outer head is lagging behind, then change the grip from standard to narrow; if the short one “sinks”, then to wide.

Periodically changing your grip has a positive effect on the “quality” characteristics of your biceps, so resort to this training trick from time to time.

Two options for lifting weights on the biceps

When performing the exercise, lifting a dumbbell/barbell, you can use various movement techniques (lifting the projectile), in particular these.

When performing a classic lift, in most cases the stumbling block is point B, where the lift is harder than at other points in the movement. This option limits the athlete to a lighter weight, because the larger one simply does not give him the opportunity to overcome point B. This puts the person in a dilemma that at other points of the lift the biceps can still work effectively, but adding, for example, 2-3 kg point B is irresistible.

If you perform biceps curls according to the diagram №2 ...

...then you can use heavier weights, and the tension will be evenly distributed throughout the entire movement from point A to point B. If you follow the technique, the biceps brachii muscle will be involved in the work throughout the entire time, and eventually you will finish the lift in a fully compressed/contracted position without losing range of motion. In the version of the exercise according to the scheme №2 You're cheating a little by reducing the amount of time the muscle is under tension, but this can easily be compensated for by simply doing the lift a little slower than usual.

Which bar should you choose: EZ or straight?

In general, there is no difference in the amount of weight lifted between these bars. The whole difference lies in the ease of operation for your wrists - with the EZ-neck it is more comfortable for them to work (especially with large weights). In addition, a curved bar is shorter and this allows the athlete to better navigate in finding its center and the correct grip location. The correct center provides equal lift to both arms, i.e. biceps are loaded equally. The curved bar allows you to place your wrists at a slight angle - this will allow your hands to be slightly facing each other and prevent discomfort while working. Typically, outer curves correlate with correct hand position (for more “standard” athletes) at shoulder width. The EZ bar and dumbbells are best used from the point of view of injury prevention or if the athlete has suffered biceps injuries in the past.

The straight bar is longer than its counterpart and does not have the above advantages, but this does not mean that it should not be used - it is necessary, and how. The ideal option for training biceps is to periodically change grips. (narrow/medium/wide) and vultures (straight/curved).

Well, that’s probably all the technical stuff :), let’s sum it up and say goodbye.


Lifting the barbell for biceps - this is the exercise we were introduced to today. Now you know all the tricks and subtleties of its implementation and you can safely go to the gym to try out all this writing in practice.

That's all for now, see you again, don't be bored!

PS. Friends, do you use this exercise in your training program?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.