Crossfit exercises. Crossfit - exercises, complexes

Fitness today does not need advertising. It is more important to talk about the intricacies of certain workouts. One of the important aspects is giving up monotonous activities. Firstly, they stop being fun. Secondly, the effect gradually decreases, which leads to dissatisfaction with oneself. To avoid this, diversify your program. For example, through CrossFit.


This workout is made up of exercises that came to fitness from completely different sports: athletics and weightlifting, gymnastics, general physical training. But many of them have undergone small changes (in speed, work with weight). In Russian terminology, there are 4 groups:

  1. pushing;
  2. pulling;
  3. cardio;
  4. legs.

However, the international system has adopted a slightly different classification and one lesson includes exercises of at least 3 blocks:

  • W – exercises with additional weight;
  • G – exercises with your own weight;
  • M – cardio.

It is more convenient to use this system, because it is precisely what is indicated in the WODs (ready-made daily training programs).

The advantage of such a strict division is that in each group there are exercises for beginners and for professionals, for those who train in an equipped gym and for street athletes.

CrossFit exercises can be combined in any way, but there are a couple of recommendations:

  1. It will be difficult for beginners to perform exercises in a row for one muscle group with and without weights. Therefore, when compiling a WOD, look at exercises to distribute the load throughout the body.
  2. At an advanced level, it will be useful to start, for example, with squats and finish with running or include barbell presses and push-ups in the program - this will give a new impetus to progress.


  • barbell press,
  • barbell clean,
  • bench press with medium grip,
  • deadlift,
  • deadlift with dumbbells,
  • barbell jerk,
  • kettlebell jerk,
  • lunges with dumbbells forward.

There are also exercises modified for CrossFit or developed specifically for it.

  • Explosive Squats

They differ from the classic ones in that instead of the usual smooth exit, you have to jump up. Of course, you can’t do this exercise with a barbell. But light weight is acceptable.

  • Overhead squats

It is necessary to start introducing only light weights into your program (with a PVC tube, for example), otherwise your technique will suffer. And this is the main cause of injuries.

A very wide grip is required, legs wider than the shoulder joints, toes pointing outward. Squat below parallel with the floor. Snatch the barbell off the floor and swing the bar overhead with your arms straight. Bring your chest forward, shoulders back, torso slightly tilted forward but lower back straight. The head is a continuation of the body, look straight ahead.

And start lifting up, tensing your abs and keeping your hips supported by your heels, without bending your knees completely. Exhale at the top point.

  • Walking lunges

Raise the weight you will be working with (barbell, dumbbells, kettlebell) above your head with straight arms and, holding it, lunge wide forward with your left leg, bending your right so that your knee touches the floor. After this, fixing the position of your left leg, pull your right leg towards it. The next step is with your right foot.

  • Swing kettlebells

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, transfer your body weight to your heels. Take the kettlebell with a closed grip, straighten your arms and body. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and push your shoulders forward . Squeeze your buttocks, fix the position of your knees and push the weight forward, while simultaneously straightening your legs and back, and lift the weight with straight arms above your head up and down and naturally drop it down. Immediately begin the next repetition.

  • Farmer's Walk

Walking, in which arms with significant weights (weights) are lowered along the body.


Classic gymnastics exercises are acceptable in this category:

  • pull-ups on parallel bars and rings;
  • pistol (squats on one leg);
  • rope climbs;
  • plank

However, just like in the previous category, there are many “recycled” ones.

  • Kipping

Or CrossFit pull-ups. They differ from traditional ones by adding a jerk at the beginning of the exercise. It is needed so that you can maintain a high speed of the exercise.

  • Explosive push-ups

Push-ups, in which, while lifting, you need to sharply push yourself up and lift your palms off the floor for a few seconds. By the way, there can be no relaxation in CrossFit. A repetition is counted only when the trainee has completely touched the floor with his chest and stomach. Beginners should start from the starting position not on straight legs, but on their knees.

  • Leg pull-ups

Performed on the crossbar. You need to hang on the horizontal bar and pull your knees towards you, while leaving your body motionless.

  • Corner

Abdominal exercise on the bar. Hang on it and pull your legs straight to a 90-degree angle to your body.

  • Sitap

Abdominal exercise on the floor: lifting the body up to a sitting position. As a complication - lifting with a barbell or bodybar.

  • L-pose+push-ups

Sit on your knees 60-90 cm from the wall (depending on your height, so that your legs then reach the wall), hands - resting on the floor wider than your shoulders. Straighten up parallel to the floor, place your feet against the wall, and hold for 15 seconds. Advanced athletes add push-ups from this position.

  • Burpee (burpee)

An exercise that is respected in all fitness areas. It can adjust the heart to active work in a matter of seconds. In CrossFit, different variations of burpees are possible.

Sit down, rest your knees on your chest, palms under your shoulders.

  1. Classic: jump back, straightening your legs, sharply return them to your chest, jump up, raising your arms above your head.
  2. Advanced burpee: jumping back, push up from the floor, and only then return your legs to your chest and jump up.
  3. Burpees with dumbbells: take dumbbells and press them into the floor. Perform the exercise (with or without push-ups), and while jumping up, keep your arms along your body.
  4. Burpee with sandbag (sandbag): It is performed like a classic one, only at the end the bag must be raised above your head.

Variations of burpees with jumping over a barbell or high obstacle, jumping onto a 60 cm stand at the end of the repetition are also possible.

  • Bear walk (walk)

Another very popular exercise is to move on your arms and legs at the same time, the main thing being to move the opposite arm and leg in one step.

Kneel on your palms, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your knees and feet clearly in line with your hands. Raise your knees off the floor - this is the starting position. From there we begin to walk. For 1 approach you need to take 30 steps on each side. To add weight, athletes pick up dumbbells and put weights on their legs. As an option, step not forward, but backward or to the side.


Cardio exercises are very important in CrossFit, but their main advantage is that in their list there will always be difficult elements for advanced athletes and simpler ones for beginners. There are also special ones for girls.

  • Jumping over obstacles

Its height usually does not exceed 60 cm, but advanced CrossFit athletes do not like to set limits to their capabilities. To perform this exercise, you need to sit down next to an obstacle and from this position jump over it, immediately turn around and jump back. There is no need to straighten up completely after jumping.

  • Jumping onto a box 60 cm high

Another classic CrossFit exercise. You can start with 50 cm, and advanced athletes then take pedestals with a height of 75 cm. You need to push off from the floor with two feet, and you can go down in several ways, including jumping with two feet, and going down alternately with your left and right feet.

For beginners, you can step onto an elevated platform, changing your legs each time.

  • Jump rope

This exercise is known to everyone, but in CrossFit jumping has some differences. In one jump you need to spin the rope twice, as a result of which you have to jump higher.

Shuttle, interval, 1-2 km, high knee lift, etc. There are many running options in CrossFit. Distances not exceeding 1 km are considered the most effective.

  • Running while lying down

Get into plank pose and pull your knees toward your chest, touching your toes to the floor each time.

  • Bike
  • Rowing machine

Having mastered several exercises from each category, even a beginner will be able to create a WOD for himself.

Depending on your goals, it will be useful to adjust your diet. For weight loss, the appropriate one is suitable, but if you give your best in every exercise, this is not a mandatory requirement. Over time, you yourself will understand the need for proper nutrition to restore muscles and energy, and not fat, you can see. Or sports nutrition.

A training system such as CrossFit has recently become more and more popular. Combining a large number of areas, CrossFit allows you to get in good physical shape, lose all excess weight, and tighten your muscles in a short time. CrossFit includes three types of exercises: cardio (running, swimming, etc.), gymnastics and bodyweight exercises, as well as strength training, which involves the use of weights. There are different CrossFit programs, and everyone can choose the best one for themselves depending on their goals and preferences.

Basic exercises in CrossFit

The CrossFit training program is always based on exercises that are considered basic for this area. However, their combinations may differ. CrossFit includes both bodyweight exercises and strength training with weights.

The bodyweight exercises that are the basis of CrossFit are:

  • Squats and their various variations: classic, on one hand, with legs apart, with legs narrowly set, and so on.
  • Jumping to a low height: bench, step, stool, after jumping back to the floor.
  • Lunges. They involve taking a wide step forward from a standing position, and then returning to the starting position.
  • Back extensions. To perform this exercise, your legs must be secured. The back should be relaxed, hands behind the head. From this position, raise your back to the same level as your legs, and then return back. Thus, the abdominal muscles are pumped.
  • Burpee. An exercise that has become a CrossFit classic. It starts with a lying position, then a push-up is performed, and then a jump out of it with a clap above your head.
  • Upside down push-ups. For this exercise, you need to stand on your hands next to a wall or other support so that your body weight is transferred to it. Next, push-ups are performed with the head touching the floor.
  • Jumping rope. In CrossFit they have some differences. During one jump, the rope needs to be rotated twice, so the jumps will be higher.

The CrossFit program also includes some exercises with weights. There are five of them in CrossFit:

  • The familiar rope pull-up and other exercises with it.
  • Dips.
  • Ring pull-ups.
  • Pull-ups on the bar.
  • Exercise "corner". To perform it, you will need a support, which can be bars, rings, and so on. You need to raise your legs straight, forming an angle of 90 degrees and stay in this position for a few seconds.

Lifting both legs may be difficult at first, so you can start by lifting one leg at a time.

CrossFit programs: some examples

The program proposed above is for beginners, but the complexes that you will find below already require a certain level of training. Experience with weights is preferred, so these are suitable CrossFit programs for men

  • 1 km track running;
  • 100 pull-ups;
  • 200 push-ups;
  • 300 squats without weights;
  • 1 km track run.
  • three rounds of squats with kettlebells, barbells and dumbbells for 21, 15 and 9 repetitions.
  • pull-ups with the same number of approaches and repetitions.
  • Squats with weights, dumbbells and a barbell - 5 circles 100 times.
  • In this case, you need to take a break every minute and do 5 burpees.

In accordance with this program, you will have ten approaches in total. The first one starts with 10 repetitions, and each subsequent one will have one less repetition.

  • deadlift with a barbell;
  • barbell clean;
  • bench press with a barbell with a medium grip.

Each exercise will be repeated seven times. Each approach contains 15 repetitions.

  • kettlebell swing;
  • barbell clean;
  • jumping onto a box or platform.
CrossFit training program in the gym

The Crossfit training program will differ depending on where you practice - in the gym or at home. The first option is better in terms of the fact that there will be a trainer nearby who will help you choose the right complex and will track your results. Also, the gym already has all the necessary equipment that will help you perform the exercises.

Consider a three-day program. On the first and third days, the exercises will be similar.

First you need a warm-up which may include running, jumping, clapping overhead or spreading your legs. Each exercise should be performed for at least thirty seconds. There should be no breaks during this. 3-4 approaches are performed, and each next one should be performed at a faster pace than the previous one.

Main part may include such exercises:

  • shuttle run;
  • running with high knees;
  • classic squats;
  • squats with high jump.

A training program for men often involves the use of weights: the same squats can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell, which will increase the load on the muscles.

The exercises are performed as during warm-up - for 30 seconds without a break. There should be three approaches in total. At the end of the workout, cool down for several minutes. It may include bending, lunging, various stretching exercises, and so on.

Second day will be dedicated to cardio training. It should not include breaks and lasts no more than 25 minutes. You also need to warm up first, as in the previous day. The main part of the lesson includes the following exercises, which are performed for at least 30 seconds and in several approaches:

  • shuttle run;
  • kicking at an imaginary target;
  • sprint - very fast running in place, then several squats, and again running in place with knees raised.
  • high jump from a lying position, squatting, then high jump again and returning to the starting position.

The third day repeats the first.

Features of the CrossFit program at home

One of the advantages of CrossFit is that you can do it at home. The CrossFit training program in this case may differ depending on the development of what qualities and what muscle groups you will focus on.

Here is a sample lesson plan for two days.

  • Day.1. 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 6 pull-ups. Next, you need to alternate the exercises, performing approaches until failure.
  • Day 2. Run 400 meters, 6 pull-ups, 17 dumbbell raises. We also perform in a circle until failure.

This is a sample program that is also accessible to beginners. To ensure that the exercises bring only benefits, consider the following: recommendations:

  • Fatigue during CrossFit should be greater than during other workouts.
  • Don't expect very quick results.
  • Choose exercises that will work all the muscles in your body.
  • There should be no breaks between exercises.
  • You can add more variety to your program by using new exercises every day.

During your workout, try not to drink too much water.

For weight-bearing exercises at home, you can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell. One thing will be enough - the selected apparatus can be used for squats, bench and standing presses, and other strength exercises. For cardio exercise, the simplest jump rope will be useful.

Programs for men often include pull-ups. Their can be done on uneven bars and horizontal bar. However, if they are not available at home, you can show your imagination and use, say, a couple of chairs or a tree branch. For walking, you can use a regular bench, and weights can be replaced with bottles filled with water.

There are simple programs that can be used by complete beginners. One of them is “ Cindy" which includes 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. These exercises make up one approach. In a twenty-minute workout, you need to do as many approaches as you can and have time. There should be no breaks between approaches - this is very important. Once you finish squatting, you should start pulling yourself up again.

You can shorten your workout to 12 minutes, if a full-fledged complex is not yet within your capabilities. Then the program will include one pull-up, four push-ups and seven squats. Also in circles, naturally.

You can also alternate between 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups and 10 air squats. You need to do five such rounds as quickly as possible.

CrossFit programs can be very different. You can replace some exercises with others, adjusting the workout to suit you in order to develop exactly what you need, because everyone’s CrossFit goals are different: some want to specifically lose weight, others want to tone their body, and so on. Ideally, you should entrust the preparation of the program to an experienced specialist.

We invite you to watch a video with CrossFit programs.

CrossFit programs on video

Crossfit- this is a training method that allows you to develop almost all muscle groups. With the help of these exercises, you can form a beautiful body and significantly increase endurance and strength even at home. The principle of training is to alternate exercises performed one after another with high intensity. Workouts in CrossFit are called “workout of the day” (or WOD for short).

  • CrossFit is designed to increase your endurance, so try to minimize the rest time between all approaches. Of course, it may be incredibly difficult at first, but the results will appear faster.
  • Try to reach a state of extreme fatigue, perform exercises through “I can’t”.
  • Distribute your exercises throughout the day so that each workout is varied and interesting.
  • The workout should work all muscle groups, but it is necessary to evenly alternate exercises for different muscles.
  • Try to drink water only after your workout, not during.

CrossFit proponents will tell you that doing CrossFit will improve your abilities, improve your health, and improve your endurance—as long as you stay alive, of course!

What exercises can you do at home?

We present to your attention a training program developed by a famous athlete and crossfit trainer Lauren Plumey especially for studying at home. All you need: small dumbbells weighing from 2 to 5 kilograms, a bench or box. And this is quite enough to start doing CrossFit! "These workouts may be quite short, but you will definitely feel the burn in your shoulders, legs and butt."

Training regimen and program

Perform 16 repetitions of each exercise twice a week. Try to make movements as quickly as possible. Time your workout and try to beat your best time every week.

1 - Swing with one hand

Involved: legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and arms.

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Place a dumbbell on the ground between your legs. Slowly squat down and grab the dumbbell with your right hand, palm facing your body. Quickly straighten your legs and stand on your tiptoes, trying to lift the dumbbell with your whole body. At the same time, bend the elbow of your working arm and move it to the side [A]. Bend your knees and extend your arm straight above your head [B]. After straightening, return to the starting position [C]. Switch working arms mid-set (after 8 reps).

2 - Bear walk

Involved: whole body.

Start on all fours, face down. Wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips and knees should be in one line. Straighten your knees. Shoulders and arms should remain in line. This is the starting position. Start moving forward while moving opposite limbs. For example, the left arm and the right leg. You can do the bear walk in different ways. Hold a dumbbell in each hand if you want to make the exercise more challenging. Move sideways or backwards. Do 30 bear steps after each exercise.

3 - Swing with two hands

Involved: legs, buttocks, arms, abs and back.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and turn your feet out slightly. Squat down, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands between your thighs [A]. Quickly straighten up and raise your arms above your head [B]. Return to the starting position.

4 – Lunges with a dumbbell

Involved: legs, buttocks, abs and arms.

Take a dumbbell in your working hand and lift it above your head, palm facing your body. Lunge forward with your knees bent 90 degrees. Keeping your arm above your head, return to the starting position. Lunge with your other leg. Continue alternating legs. Change working hand mid-set.

5 – Dumbbell Sumo Row

Works: legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and biceps.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your legs wide apart and feet apart. Hold dumbbells between your thighs with your palms facing you. Squat down slightly and lean forward, keeping your back straight [A]. Stand tall and pull the dumbbells up to shoulder level [B]. Return to the starting position.

6 - Box Jumping

Involved: legs and buttocks.

Stand facing a box or bench (choose the height that suits you). Crouch down and then quickly jump over the obstacle. Turn around and repeat in the opposite direction.

7 - L-pose and hand push-ups

Involved: arms, chest, buttocks and back.

Sit on your knees with your back to the wall at a distance of approximately 60-90 cm. Place your hands on the floor slightly wider than your shoulders. Straighten your body, resting your feet on the wall so that your body takes the shape of the English letter “L”. Hold for 15 seconds. To make this exercise more challenging, do push-ups in this position.

Other useful and effective exercises:

Burpee- This is one of the main exercises in CrossFit. You need to sit down with your palms on the floor so that your knees touch your chest. Then, throwing your legs back, suddenly go into a lying position, then return to the starting position and make a jump. Do 10 to 100 repetitions, depending on your level of training. You can make this already difficult exercise more difficult by adding full push-ups in the second phase or picking up small dumbbells.

Cardio training.

If you have the opportunity to run outside, then use it. Interval running with acceleration every 200 meters is great for training endurance.

Build explosive muscle strength and endurance with these exercises:

  • high jumps so that your knees are pressed to your chest;
  • jump from a low squat with your hands on the back of your head;
  • quick push-ups with clap;
  • quick pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • push-ups with alternate hand clapping on the chest;
  • simultaneous raising of the torso and legs while lying on the back;
  • walking on hands;
  • squats on one leg.

You can combine these exercises to create your own workout program. Perform the exercises clearly, but at the same time try to achieve maximum speed and intensity. Do not consider each approach separately; your task is to master the entire workout and give your best.

There are two ways to practice:

  • You limit your workout time in advance. In the allotted time, you perform all the exercises in a circle until the time runs out.
  • You create a training plan based on the number of exercises and record the time it takes you to complete the workout. This option is preferable, because by recording your training time you are trying to improve your own results every time.

One of the disadvantages workouts at home conditions is that No one will force you to do the approaches, there will be no one to look up to. Find suitable motivation for yourself, record your results, set new goals, beat your records. Be sure to pay attention to all muscle groups, don’t try to mess around, and then your endurance and strength will increase noticeably!

Crossfit workout

Crossfit- a system of exercises that trains strength and endurance. The founder of this movement, Greg Glassman, characterizes CrossFit as functional, high-intensity movements performed at various intervals in ten modal domains.

Such modal fitness domains are: strength, muscular endurance, power, coordination, accuracy, flexibility, speed, balance, agility, cardiovascular endurance.

A typical CrossFit class at the gym, lasting an average of 1 hour, includes: warm-up, skill development, workout of the day (WOD), stretching.

Based on the results of the day's training, grades are given. The founders and adherents of this system believe that the main goal of CrossFit is to create superathletes, the most prepared people on earth.

What exercises does CrossFit training involve and how to do them will be found out below in the article.

Features of CrossFit

“Crossfit” literally translates as forced fitness. You can call it intense fitness, incorporating all areas of this sport. CrossFit differs from highly specialized sports in the multidirectional nature of its training.

A CrossFitter will not run a race as fast as a trained marathon runner. However, a runner will not lift as much weight as a CrossFitter and will not perform as many calisthenics exercises in a given amount of time.

Benefits of doing CrossFit

The advantage of CrossFit over other sports is the development of all muscle groups and strengthening of all body systems.

Including exercises from athletics, gymnastics, cycling, and weightlifting into the training program makes them varied and more attractive, and also promotes weight loss.

The intensity of the exercises gives a high load and allows you to quickly lose excess weight.

Basic crossfit exercises

All basic physical exercises performed during CrossFit training are divided into three groups: metabolic, gymnastic and strength.

Metabolic Exercises

List of basic metabolic (cardio)exercisesin crossfit:

These exercises are also called aerobic exercises because when they are performed, energy is released as a result of an oxidation reaction, that is, with the participation of oxygen. Metabolic training helps improve metabolism and weight loss.

Required condition– all exercises are performed with high intensity, the complex is repeated at certain time intervals.

Gymnastic exercises

Gymnastic exercises are for the most part anaerobic, that is, when they are performed, energy is generated without the participation of oxygen.

The main gymnastic exercises of CrossFit are:

The uniqueness of gymnastics is that the only resistance is your own body weight. Gymnastics trains strength, flexibility, agility, develops coordination, accuracy and balance. These exercises are very important in CrossFit training programs, they expand the athletic competence of the athlete.

Strength exercises

Studies have shown that movements in weightlifting most effectively develop strength, power, endurance, coordination, and the ability to withstand loads.

The main strength exercises of CrossFit are:

  • Bench press in a lying position.
  • rods.
  • Kettlebell swings.
  • Walking with weights.
  • Throwing a diving ball at a wall.
  • Lifting the bag onto your shoulder.

When training with weightlifting exercises, developing explosive strength is very important. Strength exercises teach you to contract muscle groups in the correct sequence - from the center of the body to the limbs. The clean and jerk teaches the athlete to accept explosive force from another body (the barbell) calmly and confidently.

Simple exercises


Execution order:

To increase the load, weights are used - special vests, disks, weight plates. This will allow you to add elements of strength training to your endurance training.

Rope exercises

In CrossFit, the rope is used in a horizontal position.

  • To do this, it is fixed on the floor or on the wall, and the athlete takes its free ends in his hands.
  • Massive ropes with a length of one end of 6–10 meters are used.
  • The “wave” exercise consists of holding the ends of the rope in your hands and, with quick movements of your arms bent at the elbows, sending waves up and down across the floor.
  • For a larger load, the amplitude of such a wave should be minimal.
  • Hands can work synchronously, or they can work alternately: one up, the other down.

There are many options: horizontal waves, with movement along a radius, with jumps and squats. Hitting the floor with a rope also gives a good load. From a stance with slightly bent knees, the athlete raises his arms up and hits the floor with force with the rope. Rope exercises train strength, power, endurance and coordination.

Back exercises

In addition to squats and push-ups from the floor, shoulders, and arms, horizontal pull-ups are performed in CrossFit.

For beginners, these exercises help create some muscle base, which will allow you to increase the load. Experienced athletes use them to warm up or finish a workout.


Horizontal pull-ups can be done with your feet resting on a bench or platform, and the range of movements will increase by 10-15 cm. It is good to perform the exercise on low-hanging rings. The advantage will be the ability to change the biomechanics of movements; the rings can be rotated, brought together, spread apart.

You can complicate the exercise and do pull-ups on the parallel bars, placing your feet on the lower one and hanging with your hands on the upper one. In this case, the center of gravity shifts and it feels like you are working with more weight.

Endurance exercises

Crossfit is an endurance sport, so it is so important not only to perform the exercises correctly, but also in a minimum period of time. The main exercises that develop endurance are:

Ab exercises

The most popular thing in CrossFit is the sit-up.

The technique for performing a classic sitap is quite simple:

During the sitap, the main load falls on the rectus abdominis muscle, but the oblique muscles are also tensed. Like all exercises in CrossFit, the sit-up has more complex options: with weights, a book, on an incline bench.

Ball exercises

For additional load on the legs and spinal extensors, CrossFit uses throwing a ball on the floor. This exercise provides decent aerobic exercise, trains the heart muscle, develops coordination and a sense of balance.

You need to start the exercises with a minimum weight of fitball:

  • Starting position – standing, back straight, ball on the floor at your feet.
  • Without bending over, sit forward and firmly grasp the ball with both hands.
  • Raise the ball to chest level and immediately press it above your head.
  • Squat down sharply to full amplitude and forcefully throw the ball down, lowering your arms down and bending your elbows. Due to the joint work of the arms and legs, the exercise turns out to be explosive.

Sample training program

Building a CrossFit training program– the task is not easy. Before starting classes in the gym, you need to carefully study the theoretical part and learn the methodology. Real understanding will come only after months of practical training. Of course, the help of a qualified trainer is irreplaceable.

A sample CrossFit training program includes the following sections:

  • Warm up. Everything should be prepared for training: muscles, ligaments, joints, heart, blood vessels and psyche. The warm-up lasts 20-30 minutes.
  • Complexes consisting of metabolic, gymnastic and strength exercises.
  • Stretch marks.

Crossfit exercises

For men

For girls

For beginners

  • Beginning athletes should not chase records; it is better to focus on honing the technique of performing exercises during the first months of training.
  • Workouts should consist of simple combinations: burpees plus pull-ups on the horizontal bar or bench press plus jumping on a stand.
  • The main thing is to build a strength foundation for further intense training.

For children

The new training system - CrossFit - will be of interest to already experienced athletes, beginners, children and the elderly.

Not everyone will be able to participate in competitions, receive awards and titles. But everyone can prepare their body for a healthy and active life. CrossFit exercises can be performed at home, but the gym is the best option.

CrossFit is a fairly new set of fitness training, daily expanding its popularity among sports enthusiasts. The basic principle of this system seems to be the denial of any specialization. This system is designed and targeted to promote the development of the body's extensive adaptive capacity. CrossFit exercises contribute to the constant and holistic physical development of the athlete.

A combination of sports such as

  • weightlifting
  • gymnastics
  • kettlebell lifting
  • swimming
  • rowing

provides a wide variety of daily activities that eliminate monotony and make classes more fun and rewarding. The principles that make up the complex help adapt CrossFit training to people of different levels of training with ease.

Crossfit– is a high-intensity activity for various muscle groups, which contributes not only to the development of the athlete’s muscles, but also to the development of the muscles of the heart, respiratory system and contributes to the development of overall endurance of the body.

Maybe you had the opportunity to watch a person lift weights, then run and then do a cross-country race - running with obstacles, climbing a 2 m high wall, lifting a barbell. And he did it all very quickly. This is what is called CrossFit. The main result in this matter is not only the mass of the load, which you gradually increase, but also the time it takes to cover the entire distance.

There are no limits to the CrossFit system. Tens of thousands of people, adults and children, Olympic champions and champions of fights without rules, police and military representatives, professional athletes and simply people who care about their health, are familiar with it. The mass, load size, frequency are modified; the meaning of the set of activities remains unchanged.

Who is the CrossFit exercise routine suitable for?

This training system can be unconditionally recommended to those who need to be in good physical shape every day. This is the optimal workout for those who value strength and endurance. (It’s not for nothing that the principles of such training were first tried by police officers, special forces, and the military). In the case when your goal is:

  • health
  • excellent physical shape
  • excellent endurance

CrossFit will be the best fit for you.

CrossFit and other sports

For those types of sports that require maximum development of strength, speed and endurance, namely narrow specialization, the CrossFit system is most likely not suitable. For the purpose of extreme training of certain parameters, a number of other techniques have been developed.

The same system of exercises will be ideal for those types of sports where there is separate general physical training, physical training and technical training. For example, during classes:

  • boxing,
  • karate and other types of martial arts,

crossfit elements are used. Because they are precisely those kinds of sports in which athletes need to have endurance, strength, and speed at the same time.

Basic crossfit exercises

It is necessary to eat meat and vegetables, eat nuts and seeds, a small amount of fruit, starch and not consume sugar. You should adhere to a level of nutrition that promotes recovery after physical activity, but does not affect weight gain. It is necessary to develop and combine basic exercises, which include:

  • deadlift
  • jerks
  • squats
  • tremors

In addition, you will need to master basic gymnastics skills:

  • stretch marks
  • tilts
  • rope climb
  • push-ups in a sitting position
  • press supported on the hands
  • pirouettes
  • somersaults and grabs.

Important components are hard and fast running, swimming, rowing and cycling. It is necessary to modify and combine such exercises 5-6 days a week. Your main shortcoming may be mediocrity. Short but intense training should be carried out. Introduce new sports from time to time.

CrossFit classes

The essence of this system is to conduct short-term training, but characterized by high intensity. Naturally, not all training is carried out under 100% tension. There are a number of fairly calm, measured workouts, which at the same time serve as a time for rest, and provide a different kind of load, for example, gymnastics exercises.

The system of physical exercises, which are performed for a while, is replaced by a system, which at the same time contributes to mental relaxation.

Often one complex is performed per day. The classes are short, the average time is less than half an hour, sometimes even less than 15-20 minutes.

Therefore, taking into account warm-up and stretching, the total time of CrossFit training is about an hour. At first glance it seems not enough, and there is a feeling of the need for additional load, but there is no need to do this.

CrossFit workout for beginners

In the case where a beginner does not have any sports experience, in the first month of classes it is best for him to study the technique of performing exercises. This time should be set aside to study the exercises from the system, perform exercises with the least load, paying special attention to the art of execution.

Only after studying all the exercises should you start training according to the main program, but having significantly reduced the size of the loads (weight/sets/repetitions). If you haven’t missed a single workout during the month, you can slightly increase the load for the next month.

The most important equipment for CrossFit training

  1. Crossbar– strictly
  2. Bars(preferably even rings) – strictly
  3. Barbell– strictly
  4. Dumbbells various, weights of different masses.

There is one more requirement for training - place to run. It can be a treadmill or a treadmill near the gym. However, you can run anywhere, even in the yard of your home.

The comprehensive CrossFit system also provides for the presence of other types of devices, but instead there is always the opportunity to use one from the list.

Carrying out classes in a shortened form, for example, introducing only metcon complexes into your classes for a while, is generally possible if there are minimal conditions: for example, training in the school yard, provided that you have your own weights.

CrossFit also includes a number of exercises that do not require anything other than a horizontal bar or parallel bars, but such exercises are still not a true replacement for an extensive CrossFit program.

Crossfit exercise complexes. Circular exercise system

The center and the majority of the CrossFit training program are sets of high-intensity exercises: cardio, or combined cardio/strength training with extreme load. The goal of this type of activity is to carry out the required amount of work in a minimum period of time, or to perform the maximum amount of workload in a specific time. For example, one of these workouts might look like this:

Three timed stages:

  1. run a distance of 400 m
  2. perform 21 swings of a 24kg weight (or 24kg dumbbells)
  3. pull up 12 times.

The main task will be to complete all tasks in the shortest period of time, allocating as little time as possible for rest or without stopping at all. That is, after running a distance, doing kettlebell swings, and doing 12 pull-ups, you don’t stop, but start repeating all this for the second round.

Basic exercises of the system

The CrossFit program includes a large number of exercises, techniques and their modifications. However, initially there were few components of the program. There are a number of basic exercises that form the basis of CrossFit training.

Workouts with your own body weight:

  • various types (on two legs, on one leg, with legs spread wide apart, etc.)
  • – fasten your legs, your hips should rest against the support, your back should be free, and your hands should be placed behind your head. Raise your back from a 90-degree position, in line with your legs, and return to the starting position.
  • Jumping– from a squatting position, the athlete jumps onto an improvised hill, and then jumps to the starting point.
  • Burpee- a physical exercise similar to the usual push-ups from the floor, the only difference is the need after each push-up to pull your legs to your chest, jump up from this position, and during this clap your hands above your head.
  • Upside down push-ups– go to the wall, lean on your hands, lift your feet off the ground and press them against the wall. In this position, you do push-ups, touching the floor with your head.
  • Jump rope- an exercise known even to children. The only difference in performing this exercise in the CrossFit system is its length, in order to rotate the rolling pin around yourself twice. Under such conditions, it is necessary to push off with greater force and jump higher.
  • Lunges– the person exercising from a standing position takes a wide step in front of him, then returns back. The leg that serves as a support almost touches the floor, and the leg with which lunges are performed bends no more than 90 degrees.

Exercises with gymnastic equipment:

  • Corner– performed using bars, rings or other support. Leaning on your straightened arms, raise your straight legs parallel to the floor and hold them there for several seconds. You can straighten each leg separately and alternately. The angle between your torso and legs should be 90 degrees.
  • Ring pull-up– hanging on the gymnastic rings, lift your torso with your arms until it reaches 90 degrees, then suddenly lunge upward, keeping your arms straight. Then we return to the position with bent elbows and lower ourselves to the floor.
  • – hold your body weight on your arms, which are bent at the elbows parallel to the floor, then quickly and suddenly straighten your arms, then return to the original position. All this time, the position of the back should be perpendicular to the floor.
  • Rope climbing- rest your hands and feet on the rope, grasp it, push off and climb up it.
  • - a common and familiar exercise in which the body is pulled up from a hanging position with the help of the hands.

Distance training:

  • Cross running is a high-speed run in a back and forth direction, during which the athlete moves over a distance from 100 m to 1 km.
  • Rowing - a simulator is used, which in its execution technique resembles rowing with oars on a boat. Distances from 500 m to 2 km are covered.