Walking stairs is an easy way to lose weight. What to choose for weight loss: walking up stairs or running What muscles work when walking up stairs

Benefits of climbing stairs.

In a modern metropolis, people use stairs less and less; they have been replaced by escalators and elevators. We drive to the nearest fitness center, then take the escalators and elevators to the gym to use the expensive gym equipment. Sometimes lack of time or money is our excuse for not taking care of our health.

In fact, each of us has a free, accessible, and most importantly effective opportunity to shape our figure and strengthen the cardiovascular system. An ordinary high-rise building staircase is a free miracle simulator. Walking up and down stairs is accessible to everyone, and the benefits of this type of exercise are obvious.

  1. Climbing stairs burns more calories than jogging.

Yes, it's true: studies have shown that climbing stairs is an effective exercise that burns more calories per minute than jogging. Climbing stairs uses 10 times more energy than walking on a level surface. Intense calorie burning occurs not only on the way up, but also when moving down the stairs! It is estimated that the average person will burn at least 1 calorie for every 10 steps on the way up and 1 calorie for every 20 steps on the way down. Moreover, the more a person weighs, the more calories he will burn on the stairs. For example, a woman with an average weight of 70 kg loses about 10 kcal per minute.

Thus, when climbing stairs, approximately 500 - 600 Kcal per hour or 500 - 700 grams per half hour are burned.

  1. Climbing stairs reduces the risk of stroke.

A study of more than 11,000 people found that climbing stairs can reduce the risk of stroke. For example, men who took the stairs up to 5 times a day had a 29 percent lower risk of stroke compared to those who took the elevator.

  1. Walking up the stairs strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

The heart muscle, like other muscles in the body, needs training. Clearly, climbing stairs is an effective cardiovascular exercise that strengthens the cardiovascular system and ultimately reduces the risk of heart disease.

Just 15 minutes a day of walking on stairs can increase your life expectancy by 3 years.

Experts have calculated that people who use the stairs rather than the elevator and spend more than an hour a day walking are five times less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease than people who do not.

  1. Walking up stairs strengthens muscles.

Climbing stairs forces the muscles of the legs, back, and abdominals to work, which helps increase metabolism, that is, metabolism. The thighs, buttocks and calf muscles are strengthened, lung capacity increases and even blood cholesterol levels drop.

How long should such training be?

Each person should approach this individually, depending on their state of health and body weight. In any case, you need to spend at least 20 minutes per workout going up and down the stairs. Only in this case can you experience real results. If excess weight or poor health prevents you from carrying out a long workout, then you need to start with the smallest load, for example, it is not necessary to climb to the 10th floor, it is enough to climb to the 2nd - 3rd floor several times. In the future, the load can be increased.

If your goal is to lose extra pounds, then it is advisable to go up and down at an accelerated pace, but not at a run. When running up stairs, the load on your joints increases several times.

To strengthen the hips and buttocks, to give elasticity to the muscles, it is better to choose a slow pace.

The intensity and duration of stair walking can also be monitored by measuring your heart rate. The optimal heart rate should be 140 - 150 beats per minute.

Source http://ktotak.ru/news/polza_podema_po_lestnice/2014-09-08-9

Olesya Ukrainskaya 07/03/2017

Walking as a sport dates back to 1964, when Japanese scientist Yoshiro Hatano created an electronic pedometer. Calling the invention “10,000 steps,” he motivated consumers to walk long distances every day. In the 90s, researchers confirmed the effectiveness of the theory.

Stair walking as a fitness workout is popular all over the world. In New York, a race up the stairs of the Empire State Building has been held annually since 1978.

Benefits of walking on stairs

A sedentary lifestyle leads to physical inactivity, obesity, metabolic disorders and heart problems. The average resident of a metropolis walks 5-6 thousand steps per day, which is half the norm. Walking up the stairs fights ailments.

Improves the functioning of the heart and diaphragm

Walking up stairs is classified as cardio exercise. With the help of regular ascent and descent of the steps, the work of the heart is activated, blood pressure is normalized and the lungs are developed. The body is saturated with oxygen faster.

With regular training, endurance increases and this allows you to cover long distances and recover quickly.

Strengthens the calf and gluteal muscles

While walking up the stairs, the muscles of the legs and hips are activated, the volume in the “working” zones is reduced and the relief is formed. The buttocks and legs become toned.

Promotes weight loss

When a person systematically performs approaches while climbing stairs, calorie consumption increases. In a minute of continuous walking, 50 kcal are lost, and in 20-30 minutes of training - 1000 kcal.

Excess weight is burned equally when going up and down the stairs, so walking up the stairs is useful during weight loss.

Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the rules of “conscious” walking up the stairs.

The duration, frequency of training and approaches depend on individual characteristics: age, weight, level of training, health status and goal. To establish the norm, consult a coach or sports doctor.

Beginners and overweight people are recommended to start training with 2 approaches “up and down” on the stairs to 2-3 floors, lasting 10-25 minutes, without weights. Athletes can increase the load to 6-8 approaches, lasting up to 30-40 minutes, using weights.

If you experience shortness of breath, stop and rest for a few minutes. Stop exercising before contacting a specialist if shortness of breath does not go away for a long time or discomfort appears.

Walking and running up stairs are not the same thing. In this article, we're talking about walking because it's suitable for almost everyone and is a "lighter" option compared to sprinting. Climbing stairs at a fast pace is possible in the absence of the following health problems and under the supervision of a doctor.

While walking up the stairs, remember to breathe evenly and deeply: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Breathing may be rapid, but the ability to speak must be maintained.

During your training, keep an eye on:

  • pulse– frequency should be within 60-80% of MHR;
  • posture– do not tilt your body down, your back is straight, your chin is raised;
  • leg position: angle at the knee when lifting ‒ 90º, resting on the toe. Do not hold onto the railing while climbing.

Start each session with a warm-up - joint exercises - and end with stretching. You will not overload the muscles and prepare them for the active part.

Use sportswear and shoes when walking up stairs to avoid discomfort and injury.

If you don't want to exercise on the stairs, but want to master a form of fitness, purchase a stepper machine.

The dangers of walking on stairs

Pain in the heart, joints of the lower extremities

The cause is a high and unusual load. Reduce the load or stop the activity until next time. If you experience discomfort during or after exercise, consult your doctor.

Ankle injury

Occurs when going up and down stairs incorrectly, as well as when using uncomfortable shoes.

Shortness of breath and dizziness

When there is severe shortness of breath, dizziness and darkness in the eyes - these are signals that there are problems with the heart. Seek help from a specialist.

Contraindications for walking on stairs

There are cases when walking up stairs as a fitness exercise is contraindicated or requires caution and medical supervision.


  • varicose veins;
  • damage to the joints of the lower extremities: knee, ankle and hip;
  • scoliosis;
  • viral infection;
  • diseases in the acute stage;
  • rehabilitation period after injury;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • poor eyesight.

Effect on pregnancy

During pregnancy, avoid intense physical activity. Since walking up stairs is a physical activity of moderate intensity, the expectant mother needs to consult a doctor. The doctor will determine whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to engage in fitness, taking into account individual characteristics.

If a woman has been involved in sports for a long time before pregnancy, then there is no reason to stop training - she will need to reduce the load. In the later stages, conduct classes using a bandage and compression garments.

An expectant mother who has chosen training in the form of walking up the stairs should remember to respond to deterioration in well-being. Adhere to the principle “if it gets bad, stop.”

Source http://polzavred.ru/xodba-po-lestnice-polza-vred.html

Walking on level ground gradually began to seem too easy a sport for some athletes. They decided to complicate the task and offered another variety - walking up the stairs. In 1978, the first staircase race was held in New York, which began to be held every year in the country. But is walking up the steps really that safe and healthy?

Benefits of walking on stairs

Of course, movement is life. A sedentary lifestyle causes physical inactivity, obesity, provokes heart problems, and helps the body fight many ailments. . It has been established that a person needs to walk about 10,000 steps a day. But the average resident of a metropolis walks only 5-6 thousand a day, which is only half the established norm.

And this is bad, so walking, in particular walking on stairs, has a lot of useful properties:

  • Helps strengthen calf and gluteal muscles. After all, while walking, the muscles of the hips and legs are activated, which helps reduce the volume of these areas and improve the relief. People who engage in race walking or at least walk enough throughout the day have legs that look toned, beautiful, and slimmer.
  • Losing weight is another benefit of frequent walking. When going up or down stairs, the body's calorie expenditure increases, which has a positive effect on weight. On average, one minute of continuous walking on the stairs helps to burn 650 kcal, and an hour of walking up the stairs uses 1000 kcal. Moreover, calories are burned equally, both during the descent and during the ascent. So while losing weight, walking up the stairs in any direction will greatly help you get rid of kilograms.

Correct technique

Walking can be different, so, as in any sport, the correct technique is very important.

The duration of the workout, the frequency of approaches and the intensity of walking up the stairs are all individual indicators. They depend on the person’s age, level of physical fitness, and the presence of health problems. It is great if, before starting classes, an athlete consults a doctor regarding the intensity of training.

People who are overweight should start with several sets of lifting 2-3 floors. The duration of the workout should usually be 15-20 minutes at the initial stage. Weights are not used in this case. Gradually the load increases, the duration of the workouts becomes longer - about 30 minutes, and the number of approaches increases to 6.

It is important to monitor your well-being. If shortness of breath occurs, it is recommended to stop immediately and rest for a few minutes. If shortness of breath does not go away for a long time, it would not hurt to seek help from a doctor who will determine the cause of this condition.

Breathing while walking up the stairs should be even and deep. You need to inhale air through your nose, exhale through your mouth. You can breathe frequently, but still control the frequency so that there is no hyperventilation.

It is very important to monitor the following indicators:

  1. Pulse - its frequency should not increase by more than 60-80%.
  2. Your posture should be straight, your chin up.
  3. Leg position - the knee is raised at an angle of 90 degrees, the foot rests on the toe. When climbing, it is important not to hold on to the railing, to walk slowly, but without stopping or changing pace.

Before walking, you need to do a short warm-up, and it is advisable to complete the workout with special stretching exercises. This will help avoid muscle pain, which often occurs after intense training in unprepared athletes. It is best to exercise in comfortable sportswear. Running up the steps in a dress and heels is a completely wrong approach to sports. Even if your classes last for 15-20 minutes, it is recommended to change into a tracksuit and put on sneakers.

Damage from walking on stairs

Walking up the stairs is beneficial as it gives you energy and helps get your body in shape. But such training also has harm, since for some people this type of activity is contraindicated.

Walking up stairs sometimes causes pain in the heart or pain in the lower extremities. If this condition occurs, it is better to refuse training and stop training until next time. If the discomfort returns during your next workout, you should consult a doctor.

If descent and ascent are performed incorrectly, there is a risk injure the ankle. This also occurs when wearing uncomfortable shoes, which is why it is so important to train in sneakers.

Dizziness and shortness of breath. Excessively vigorous exercise can lead to dizziness and blurred vision. This clearly indicates the presence of heart problems. The help of a specialist is also important in this case.

To avoid health problems, before starting the training process you need to exclude the possibility of contraindications. These include:

  • scoliosis;
  • damage to leg joints;
  • varicose veins;
  • problems in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vision problems;
  • diseases during periods of exacerbation;
  • viral infections.

Training should only take place when you feel well. And any health problems - colds, poor health - should be a reason to postpone training for a short period or lighten the sports load, for example, changing walking up the stairs to a walk in the park at a fast pace.

Source http://www.fitfit.ru/zhurnal/uprazhneniya/polza-i-vred-hodby-po-6309-article.html

We have been told about the benefits of physical activity since childhood: sport develops strength and endurance, shapes the figure and strengthens the spirit. If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to exercise professionally, visit a gym or fitness center, simply walking up the stairs will help you get back into shape.

What are the benefits of walking up the stairs?

The staircase is a simulator that is accessible to everyone; you don’t have to pay to use it, it’s always under your feet and all you need to do is desire. As a result of methodical training, it is possible to:

  • Effectively lose excess weight without exhausting diets, since climbing stairs and subsequent descent burns more calories than, for example, running;
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system, literally avoid stroke and heart attack;
  • Improve health and increase life expectancy;
  • Increase the vital capacity of the lungs and cope with diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Correct your figure, including problem areas (buttocks, thighs);
  • Strengthen the muscular frame of the back and abdomen.

How to organize training

There are no uniform rules for walking up stairs. Each person must select the load individually, taking into account age, health status and the goal being pursued.

There are two main postulates that must be adhered to, guided, in the future, by the results achieved.

  1. Start small: the duration of the first workouts does not exceed 5 minutes, this means climbing the stairs to a height of 2-3 floors and descending. Gradually the load increases, reaching 20 minutes or more.
  2. Running or walking – the one who exercises chooses. Training should not cause discomfort. Shortness of breath indicates that the pace taken initially was too high. It is necessary to moderate the rhythm and reduce the load to a comfortable level. It is very important to monitor your breathing.

How many calories are burned when walking up the stairs?

To lose weight, you need to choose running or climbing stairs at an accelerated pace. The duration of the workout is at least half an hour, you can practice weighting (if we are not talking about a beginner) or walking over a step.

With a starting weight of 60 kg:

  • 75 kcal is burned in 5 minutes;
  • In 10 minutes – 150 kcal;
  • In 20 minutes – 300 kcal;
  • In 30 minutes – 450 kcal;
  • In 45 minutes – 675 kcal;
  • In 60 minutes – 900 kcal.

Walking quickly or running up and down uses different muscle groups.

What muscles work?

  • calf muscles;
  • knee straighteners;
  • hamstrings;
  • gluteal muscles.

What is more useful: going up or down the stairs?

Going down stairs is harder work on the muscles than going up. When working with weights, after 2-3 approaches the thigh muscles cannot be brought under control - this is a sure sign that the training is going correctly, but it’s time to end it.

During descent, muscle nuclei are activated, collagen fibers are formed, hips and buttocks acquire the desired shape and relief.

What are the benefits of slow walking?

Slow walking can't do what running up the stairs does: burning calories. She has a different goal - strengthening the muscular frame of the legs, back and abdomen.

Slow ascent and descent will not harm your joints, the main thing is not to allow yourself to speed up the pace. During exercise, the heart rate should not exceed 150 beats per minute. Otherwise, the load on the body is excessive and the pace must be reduced.

We have been told about the benefits of physical activity since childhood: sport develops strength and endurance, shapes the figure and strengthens the spirit. If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to exercise professionally, visit a gym or fitness center, simply walking up the stairs will help you get back into shape.

What are the benefits of walking up the stairs?

The staircase is a simulator that is accessible to everyone; you don’t have to pay to use it, it’s always under your feet and all you need to do is desire. As a result of methodical training, it is possible to:

  • Effectively lose excess weight without exhausting diets, since climbing stairs and subsequent descent burns more calories than, for example, running;
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system, literally avoid stroke and heart attack;
  • Improve health and increase life expectancy;
  • Increase the vital capacity of the lungs and cope with diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Correct your figure, including problem areas (buttocks, thighs);
  • Strengthen the muscular frame of the back and abdomen.

How to organize training

There are no uniform rules for walking up stairs. Each person must select the load individually, taking into account age, health status and the goal being pursued.

There are two main postulates that must be adhered to, guided, in the future, by the results achieved.

  1. Start small: the duration of the first workouts does not exceed 5 minutes, this means climbing the stairs to a height of 2-3 floors and descending. Gradually the load increases, reaching 20 minutes or more.
  2. Running or walking – the one who exercises chooses. Training should not cause discomfort. Shortness of breath indicates that the pace taken initially was too high. It is necessary to moderate the rhythm and reduce the load to a comfortable level. It is very important to monitor your breathing.

How many calories are burned when walking up the stairs?

To lose weight, you need to choose running or climbing stairs at an accelerated pace. The duration of the workout is at least half an hour, you can practice weighting (if we are not talking about a beginner) or walking over a step.

With a starting weight of 60 kg:

  • 75 kcal is burned in 5 minutes;
  • In 10 minutes – 150 kcal;
  • In 20 minutes – 300 kcal;
  • In 30 minutes – 450 kcal;
  • In 45 minutes – 675 kcal;
  • In 60 minutes – 900 kcal.

Walking quickly or running up and down uses different muscle groups.

What muscles work?

  • calf muscles;
  • knee straighteners;
  • hamstrings;
  • gluteal muscles.

What is more useful: going up or down the stairs?

Going down stairs is harder work on the muscles than going up. When working with weights, after 2-3 approaches the thigh muscles cannot be brought under control - this is a sure sign that the training is going correctly, but it’s time to end it.

During descent, muscle nuclei are activated, collagen fibers are formed, hips and buttocks acquire the desired shape and relief.

What are the benefits of slow walking?

Slow walking can't do what running up the stairs does: burning calories. She has a different goal - strengthening the muscular frame of the legs, back and abdomen.

Slow ascent and descent will not harm your joints, the main thing is not to allow yourself to speed up the pace. During exercise, the heart rate should not exceed 150 beats per minute. Otherwise, the load on the body is excessive and the pace must be reduced.

What benefits does walking up stairs have for leg diseases?

Of course, no one doubts that physical activity has a beneficial effect on our well-being, health and appearance, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym! And if, moreover, you cannot afford to run along the street (you are shy/don’t have a suitable area/live in the Arctic Circle), then what now, give up the dream of losing weight?

Of course not. As they say, the need for invention is tricky, so let's look at the nuances walking up the stairs! Surely, most of us live in an apartment building. In extreme cases, 4 flights of stairs will be enough for you, although it will be less convenient.

Let's consider a banal climb as a workout, read the reviews of those who walk or run up the stairs!

What muscles are used when lifting?

When climbing stairs, the following muscle groups are involved:

  1. knee straighteners;
  2. hamstring biceps;
  3. gluteus maximus muscles;
  4. caviar.

So this type of walking will especially appeal to those who want to strengthen and make the shape of the gluteal muscles and inner thighs more appetizing.

Many people underestimate the benefits of such training, but during such physical activity the following beneficial changes occur in the body:

  • the muscles of the legs, buttocks and thighs are trained;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • the respiratory system is trained, the lungs are developed, the body learns to be more efficiently saturated with oxygen;
  • daily calorie consumption increases;
  • endurance is trained.

Statistics show that after 6-8 weeks, lung volume increases by 7-8%, the waist “narrows” by 5%, and blood cholesterol levels drop by 4-5%.

In addition, the advantage of exercising on stairs is that they are not dependent on weather conditions. In bad weather it is difficult to force yourself to go for a walk, much less go for a run, but the stairs are always warm and dry.

By the way, the ladder is very suitable for football or tennis training, for training the speed of football players, as well as volleyball players!


Contraindications do not include fear of disturbing neighbors or one’s own laziness :)

  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • body mass index exceeding 33;
  • scoliosis;
  • problems with the joints of the lower extremities;
  • vascular dysfunction.
  • injuries of various types (knee, ankle, hip joint).

Even if you are confident in your health, it will not hurt to consult a doctor. And if you have any of the problems described above, you should use walking up the stairs as a means to fight extra pounds only after talking with a specialist doctor. But you shouldn’t give up walking up the steps completely as a habit that’s good for your body.

The downside of these workouts is the rapid adaptation to this type of exercise, which is typical for any type of exercise, so over time it is necessary to either add a new type of activity or increase the duration of walking.

In addition, walking up stairs cannot be called a universal activity - the level of personal fitness and health will certainly affect the results. And for some this will inevitably become a journey of suffering!

Where to start?

So what do we need? Two legs, two arms, and just in case, put a piece of paper in your pocket with your phone number, home address, full name and blood type 😉

Everything is extremely simple and accessible to everyone: we warm up at home, go out into the entrance and start walking up the stairs as usual. There is no need to rush, the pulse should not jump! If you feel that your heart is beating unbearably fast, stop and catch your breath.

Important: Exercise in comfortable shoes with springy soles. Such sneakers will ensure even distribution of the load and increase walking efficiency. It is also necessary to ensure that the soles of sports shoes do not slip to prevent accidental falls.

Important: overweight and elderly people should start with 1-2 ascents and descent to the second floor. Moderately well-fed people can start with 3-4 approaches to the same height. Slim beginners are recommended to start with 3000 thousand steps, adding 500 steps every week. The main thing is not to feel discomfort.

However, of course, the duration of classes should be determined individually, based on your own well-being. Dangerous signals: vascular spasms, darkening of the eyes and unpleasant tingling in the heart area, which indicates an excessive load.

For weight loss

Some may say that walking on stairs to lose weight on your legs is too easy and that running is better. Well, you still try to walk for 40 minutes at an average pace. Believe me, you will load your muscles so much, and at the same time train your endurance, that your eyes will bunch up!

Running up the steps in the entrance has a right to exist if you are already a trained person! Otherwise: just walking!

In addition, you should absolutely not run/jump with excess weight.. Therefore, if your excess weight is more than 10 kg, aerobics, Zumba, work-outs and other abuse of your joints are strictly prohibited. Even doing isometric exercises such as a chair or a chair is highly undesirable!

Don’t fall for the tricks of fitness trainers who try to sell you their video programs at a higher price: have you ever seen overweight people doing similar exercises? Have you ever wondered why in all the videos showing the performance of this or that exercise, they all show slender girls? Why not full?

There are many great exercises you can even do at home. and we repeat again: for really overweight people, losing weight should start with a diet, and continue with walks and exclusively strength training!

How many calories are burned?

Of course, we can only talk about averaged data. The calorie expenditure of lifting depends on your weight, speed of movement, knee height, stride width and metabolism.

On average, in 15 minutes you spend about 100 kcal. A woman weighing 70 kg will burn about 500 kcal in 1 hour of training on the stairs, climbing at an average speed.

Reviews and results

Reviews from real people about walking and climbing stairs:

Lisi4ka, 21 years old:

I will also leave my review and results on walking on stairs. When I went to university, I gained a lot of weight. I don’t know whether it’s the pies in the cafeteria that are to blame, or the stress: studying for physics turned out to be a nerve-wracking affair :) Of course, there was no money for the gym, just like the time, I had to think about what would replace it. The dorm rooms are small, you can’t jump while watching the video, so I immediately thought about the stairs. I started small - I walked like a snail for 20-30 minutes maximum 3 times a week, ate the same as before and, believe it or not, I lost weight! True, in 2 weeks - only minus 2 kilos, but as for me, an excellent result, considering that I don’t strain at all. I plan to change my diet and increase the amount of training to 5.

Larisa, 30 years old:

I decided to try the stairs as a free exercise machine: at first I thought about running, but my knees stopped me very quickly 🙁 Then I decided not to show off and just started walking, with a potato-shaped weight in my backpack behind my back (Russian ingenuity at its finest), adjusted my diet and voila , minus 5 kilos in 2 weeks! It is clear that most of the water has gone away, but my health has become fire, my legs and butt have tightened, and my willpower has become better.

Ninochka, 58 years old:

All my life I have deliberately not used the elevator and try to walk more. At 58 I weigh the same as when I was 30 - 60 kilos! Note to young people!!!

Can I publish my review of running up the stairs? I am a sporty lady, I have been working out in the gym for 5 years now. But I still decided to try running up the stairs! Well, I’ll tell you this is a pure mockery of the muscles - out of habit, I couldn’t walk afterwards. But I liked it 🙂 My legs are strong and sculpted, my breathing began to work much better (I’ve been training for 4 months now), I got to know all my neighbors. In short, I recommend it!

How to walk correctly?

  1. The heart rate during training should always be within 60%-80% of the maximum heart rate, which is calculated by the formula: 220 minus the number of years.
  2. It is necessary to walk at such a pace that breathing is frequent, but the ability to speak is preserved.
  3. You need to walk continuously, without stopping for rest or breaks in order to restore your breathing.
  4. A fitness workout involving walking on steps should be preceded by a warm-up for the joints, and the session should be completed with stretching exercises.
  5. Increasing the upward speed is always welcome and gives good results. But descending at a fast pace is dangerous, because in this position the load increases not on the muscles, but on the joints.


Stand at the step, step onto it with the foot of one lower limb, bending the knee at a right angle. Then straighten the knee and hip of that leg. Next, tear off the other limb from the floor surface and place it on a step higher than the first, again bending the knee at a right angle when taking a step up. This movement of the lower limbs when walking on steps should become a habit.

At first glance, such walking is not too different from ordinary everyday movement along the steps, and this is true, the only difference is that each step must be performed consciously, with a feeling of the work of the muscles of the lower extremities ().

You cannot hold on to the handrails, tilt your body in any direction, bend your lower back, or raise your shoulders while walking to lose weight. The back should be straight, the shoulder blades should be brought together, the chin should be raised. The upper limbs can be placed on the belt or as in race walking.


The most common and typical mistakes when walking on stairs to lose excess weight include the following:

  • a person grabs the railing, bends towards the clinging hand, bends at the waist, and in this form tries to quickly run;
  • picking up a pace that is too high to maintain during a 20-minute workout;
  • “jump” onto the steps, transfers the body weight to the forefoot and toes, lifts the heels off the steps;
  • open your mouth, breathe and talk at the same time. When walking up the stairs, the surest way to breathe is through your nose, as when running.
  • Walk up stairs in non-athletic shoes. But uncomfortable shoes are most often the cause of ankle injury.

Exercise training program

You can endlessly experiment and complicate your running or walking training program in the hallway!

For beginners

If you do a little walking, you shouldn't run ahead of the locomotive. The most you can do is climb stairs with weights. By the way, you don’t have to carry it in your hands. Place weights (dumbbells or, for example, a water bottle) in a convenient backpack.

For the trained

Once you feel confident on the steps, you can add simple physical exercises in the hallway to walking. Before training, be sure to warm up, walk 2-3 flights, and then proceed to the main part.

Perform the exercises one after another, devoting 15-30 seconds to each:

  1. Running up the stairs
  2. jumping up the steps,
  3. raises on toes,
  4. elongated steps,
  5. cross lunges,
  6. lifting on hands and feet.

Repeat the exercises in the same sequence 3-4 times. As you train, increase the duration of the session by increasing the number of circles. If pain or discomfort occurs, stop exercising and consult a doctor.

For advanced

Warm up and walk 3-4 flights, and then proceed to the main part of the lesson. Perform the exercises one after another, devoting at least 30 seconds to each.

  1. Running up the stairs
  2. jump onto a step from a squat,
  3. squats at different heights (first on one side, then on the other),
  4. push-ups: straight and reverse.

Repeat the exercises in the same sequence 3-4 times. This is a difficult workout, so perform the exercises in a controlled manner, pay attention to technique and coordination. As you train, increase the duration of the session by increasing the number of circles.

Or use the following training scheme:

Useful video

High-quality video about walking and exercises on steps!


It's not exercise that makes you thin, it's the balance between what you eat and what you spend.! Good luck with your training and please don’t be shy to delight the whole entrance with your cheerful step, maybe you will motivate your cute lonely neighbor to train together!

Not all people can afford regular gym workouts. Some people are embarrassed about their figure, others work too much, and others think that they can’t afford a subscription. Self-training does not require investing money or a lot of time. Walking up the stairs or running will help you get rid of excess weight. Which of these two types of physical activity is preferable?

Walking on stairs: benefits for weight loss

Photo by Shutterstock

Walking up the stairs

Walking up stairs is inherently a cardio exercise. Walking up the stairs for 30 minutes can burn as many calories as a standard milk chocolate bar. If you decide to lose weight this way, remember the rules and restrictions associated with walking on stairs.

Firstly, such activities are contraindicated for people with a body mass index of 30 or higher. Those who have been diagnosed with diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, or those who have suffered serious injuries should not climb flights of stairs for the purpose of losing weight.

For walking up stairs, choose comfortable sports shoes with grooved soles.

Secondly, before starting regular exercise, it is recommended to assess your level of physical fitness and endurance. To do this, at a fairly high pace, climb 3 floors of stairs, stop and measure your pulse. If you count more than 14 beats in 6 seconds (that is, 140 beats per minute or more), then exercise should begin by walking up the steps at a moderate pace. 12–16 punches in 6 seconds indicates an average level of fitness.

Thirdly, while walking up the stairs you can hold 1-2 kilogram dumbbells in your hands. Such weights will strengthen the muscles of the upper body.

Walking up the stairs allows you to train the muscles of the front of the thigh and buttocks. A slow pace will keep your muscles toned, but a fast pace will help burn fat and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Walking down stairs puts stress on the back of the thigh. If you go up and down the steps on your toes, the muscles of the lower leg and calves are strengthened.

Descending flights of stairs as a physical activity is contraindicated for people with sore joints

Before you go out on the stairs, you need to do a light warm-up to warm up your muscles. To do this, do several bends forward and backward, left and right, swing your arms and legs, and several squats.

Walking up the stairs for 30–60 minutes 2–3 times a week will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also strengthen the muscles of your hips, legs, abs, and back.


Morning or evening jogging is a universal type of cardio exercise. It has a beneficial effect not only on the circulatory system, but also normalizes metabolism, strengthens the lungs, accelerates cell regeneration, slowing down the aging process, and allows you to get rid of excess weight.

If you run for more than half an hour, endorphins begin to be released - the hormones of joy.

Before choosing a type of training such as running, you need to be confident in your health. If possible, consult your doctor. Jogging is contraindicated for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, as well as for those who have vision problems. If you have a cold, training should be postponed until complete recovery.

Jogging on a stadium, paved or dirt track requires special equipment. Clothing must be appropriate for the weather. Running shoes should be flat-soled and non-slip. A sports bra is a must for all girls, regardless of breast size.

It is very important to learn running technique and always use it. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. You need to step from heel to toe without tilting your body. While running, your arms should be bent, but not crossed in front of your chest. It is very important not to strain your neck and shoulders or clench your jaw.

While running, you should inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth.