Quotes from the play “At the Bottom. Aphorisms from Gorky's play at the bottom Gorky at the bottom statements about a person

The image of Luke in M. Gorky’s play “At the Depths” is rightfully considered one of the most interesting and controversial.

This work is studied at school, but it is interesting to study and analyze at any age.

Characteristics of Luke in the play “At the Bottom”

The wanderer Luke first appears on the pages of the work when the reader has already become a little acquainted with the main characters who find themselves on the “day of life” and the plot.

The playwright gives a very modest description of the hero, without focusing on his biography.

This is a rather elderly man with a stick in his hand, he had a knapsack over his shoulders, a teapot and a bowler hat on his belt.

The lodgers were rather indifferent to the wanderer, not suspecting what role he would play in their difficult life.

The role of Luka in the drama by Maxim Gorky

M. Gorky made people think about life, about what people turn into under the pressure of life circumstances, and how scary it is to find yourself at the “day of life” from which you can’t get out.

Luke's Philosophy and Truth

Whatever readers consider the image of Luke to be, positive or negative, one thing is clear: this kind man came into the lives of little people who found themselves at the “day of life” for a reason, he had his own position - a certain mission.

Was he lying? Did he tell the truth? Everyone will answer these rhetorical questions in their own way.

Luke radically changed the atmosphere in the shelter. The heroes began to think and began to dream about something again. The elder was at the same time so gentle and convincing in his speeches that even the greatest skeptics changed their attitude towards the truth, towards man.

Quotes and aphorisms from Luke

Luke's words are sparkling phrases with deep philosophical overtones. Their topics are very diverse:

  • value of human life:
  • moral and ethical standards of behavior:
  • the power of a word:
  • the power of faith:
  • parenting:

The meaning of the name Luka in the play “At the Lower Depths”

It should be noted that the above name is quite interesting, having a hidden meaning. It is of ancient Greek origin and literally means “farmer.”

But subconsciously the reader’s imagination associates him with the biblical images of the Holy Martyr Luke. Thus, according to many critics, Jesus Christ himself looks at us from the pages of the play and gives his wise advice.

How do the inhabitants of the shelter feel about Luke’s words?

All of Luke's statements had deep meaning. He spoke briefly, but always to the point. Every word he said was thought out, honed by life, and therefore hit the target.

How does Luke affect night shelters?

Over time, the heroes realize that Luke deceived them in most cases, but this no longer matters.

The heroes simply understood perfectly well that the old man was saying something that supported them, helped them exist in this dirty shelter.

His parable about the “righteous land”, which so excited their consciousness, was just words of consolation that gave them hope. But this, in truth, is precisely what they lacked.

They were lonely and no one needed them; no one simply believed in them. And Luke picked up the keys to their devastated hearts and gave them the advice they needed.

Luke's statements about people - what he says to each of the inhabitants of the shelter

They didn’t just listen to the hero, the shelters heard him:

  • he managed to find words of consolation for Anna before her death;
  • was able to convince the Artist to start fighting alcoholism, despite the setbacks and failures;
  • supported the girl of easy virtue Nastya, who firmly believed in love;
  • he even tried to reach out to the complex Vasily Pepel and warn him against a fatal mistake - the murder of his mistress’s husband.

Not all the characters in the play needed Luke’s advice; there were also those to whom Luke did not advise anything.

Gorky's attitude towards Luka

The moment of Luke's disappearance was quite intriguing.

He left as quietly and unnoticed as he had appeared in the shelter.

The author’s position is clear, he sympathizes with his hero, convincing the reader that all the wanderer’s actions were from good intentions - to help unhappy, dejected people, give them hope, instill faith in themselves and their strengths, and identify a goal in life.

Positive or negative hero Luke

Over the years, critics and literary scholars have characterized this character rather ambiguously, classifying him either as a hero or as an anti-hero.

This polarity in views was primarily due to historical realities. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Luke was seen as a negative hero who engaged in empty chatter and disturbed the minds of people who could not change anything in their lives.

Later, critics agreed that Luke gave people hope and faith, and they themselves chose their path in life.

Science from Gorky Luk

Soviet postulates in education taught readers that every work necessarily has an instructive overtone. Speaking about M. Gorky’s drama “At the Lower Depths,” it’s hard to argue with this.

The image of the wanderer Luke gives readers the opportunity to think about whether society needs such people, what role they play in our lives, how often they come and teach us goodness and faith in our own strengths.

all statements about the truth of all the characters in M. Gorky's play "On the Demise". help) and got the best answer

Answer from Irina Robertovna Makhrakova[guru]
1. Luke. AND.. . what do you really need... think about it! She really might be a bitch for you...
2. Actor (stops, without closing the door, on the threshold and, holding the doorframes with his hands, shouts). Old man, hey! Where are you? I remembered.. . Listen. (Staggering, he takes two steps forward and, assuming a pose, reads.)
Gentlemen! If the truth is holy
The world doesn't know how to find a way -
Honor the madman who inspires
A golden dream for humanity!
3. Natasha. Apparently it's a lie... nicer than the truth...
4. Bubnov. Hmm yeah!. . And here I am... I can't lie! For what? In my opinion, tell the whole truth as it is! Why be ashamed?
5. Tick (suddenly jumps up again, as if burned, and screams). Which is the truth? Where is the truth? (Ruffles the rags on himself with his hands.) That’s the truth! No work... no power! That's the truth! Havens... there is no shelter! I need to breathe... here it is, the truth! Devil! On the.. . What do I need it for - really? Let me breathe... let me breathe! What is my fault? . Why do I need the truth? Living is the devil - you can’t live... here it is - the truth!. .
6. Tick (trembling with excitement). Speak here - right! You, old man, console everyone... I will tell you.. . I hate everyone! And this truth... Damn her, damn her! Understood? Understand! Damn her!
7. Luka (thoughtfully, to Bubnov). Here.. . you say it's true... It’s true, it’s not always due to a person’s illness... You can't always heal your soul with truth... There was something like this: I knew one person who believed in a righteous land...
8. Kostylev. Yes. But what about? . What's happened.. . wanderer? A strange man.. . different from others.. . If he is truly strange... knows something... found out something... no one needs... maybe he found out the truth there... Well, not every truth is needed... Yes!
He - keep it to himself... and - shut up! If he's really... strange... he is silent!
9. Tick. He's right... I didn’t like it, old man... I rebelled very much against the truth... That's how it should be! True - what is the truth here? And without her, I can’t breathe... There's the prince... I crushed my hand at work... I'll have to saw off my hand completely, listen... these are the truth!
10. Satin... What is the truth? Man - that's the truth! He understood this... you - no! You are dumb as bricks... I know lies! Who is weak at heart... and those who live on other people's juices need lies... some she supports, others hide behind her... And who is his own boss... who is independent and does not eat other people’s things - why does he need lies? Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man!

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: all the statements about the truth of all the characters in M. Gorky's play "On the Demise". Help)

The collection includes quotes from the play “At the Lower Depths” by Maxim Gorky:
  • I respect swindlers too, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad: all are black, all jump... that’s it. "Luke"
  • Every person wants his neighbor to have a conscience, but, you see, it’s not beneficial for anyone to have one... “Ashes”
  • The noise of death is not a hindrance. "Bubnov"
  • If someone has not done good to someone, he has done something bad..."Luke"
  • Man - that's the truth! Everything is in man, everything is for man! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds... proud! "Satin"
  • Where are they - honor, conscience? On your feet, instead of boots, you can’t put either honor or conscience... Those who have power and strength need honor and conscience... “Ashes”
  • Make the work enjoyable for me - maybe I will work... yes! May be! When work is pleasure, life is good! When work is a duty, life is slavery! "Satin"
  • Nobility is like smallpox... and a person will recover, but the signs remain. "Luke"
  • I drank away my soul, old man... I, brother, died... And why did I die? I had no faith... "Actor"
  • Illness is afraid of words, but death is not... “Bubnov”
  • Whatever he is, he is always worth his price... “Luka”
  • You can't go anywhere in the carriage of the past. "Satin"
  • There are no better people in the world than thieves! "Satin"
  • All people on earth are superfluous... “Bubnov”
  • Girl, someone needs to be kind... you need to feel sorry for people! Christ had pity on everyone and told us so... “Luke”
  • A person lives differently... as his heart is adjusted, so he lives... today he is good, tomorrow he is evil... “Luka”
  • What is conscience for? I'm not rich... "Bubnov"
  • Look - what am I? Bald... Why? From these very different women... “Luka”
  • People are still living... like chips floating down a river... building a house... and the chips are away... "Bubnov"
  • And...what do you really, badly need...think about it! She really might be a bitch for you..."Luka"
  • Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man! "Satin"
  • What kind of people are they? Rvan, golden company... "Tick"
  • No matter how you pretend, no matter how you wobble, but you were born a man, you will die a man... And I see that people are becoming smarter, more and more entertaining... and even though they live worse, but they want to, they become better... stubborn! "Luke"
  • To love - you need to live... living..."Luka"
  • What good is it if you forgot what you love? The beloved has all the soul. "Luke"
  • It’s not enough to know, you understand. "Natasha"
  • It turns out that on the outside, no matter how you paint yourself, everything will be erased... everything will be erased, yes! "Bubnov"
  • We must respect the person! Don’t feel sorry... don’t humiliate him with pity... you need to respect him. "Satin"
  • We are all wanderers on earth... “Luke”
  • I'm tired, brother, of all human words... all our words are tired! I have heard each of them... probably a thousand times... “Satin”

all statements about the truth of all the characters in M. Gorky's play "On the Demise". help) and got the best answer

Answer from Irina Robertovna Makhrakova[guru]
1. Luke. AND.. . what do you really need... think about it! She really might be a bitch for you...
2. Actor (stops, without closing the door, on the threshold and, holding the doorframes with his hands, shouts). Old man, hey! Where are you? I remembered.. . Listen. (Staggering, he takes two steps forward and, assuming a pose, reads.)
Gentlemen! If the truth is holy
The world doesn't know how to find a way -
Honor the madman who inspires
A golden dream for humanity!
3. Natasha. Apparently it's a lie... nicer than the truth...
4. Bubnov. Hmm yeah!. . And here I am... I can't lie! For what? In my opinion, tell the whole truth as it is! Why be ashamed?
5. Tick (suddenly jumps up again, as if burned, and screams). Which is the truth? Where is the truth? (Ruffles the rags on himself with his hands.) That’s the truth! No work... no power! That's the truth! Havens... there is no shelter! I need to breathe... here it is, the truth! Devil! On the.. . What do I need it for - really? Let me breathe... let me breathe! What is my fault? . Why do I need the truth? Living is the devil - you can’t live... here it is - the truth!. .
6. Tick (trembling with excitement). Speak here - right! You, old man, console everyone... I will tell you.. . I hate everyone! And this truth... Damn her, damn her! Understood? Understand! Damn her!
7. Luka (thoughtfully, to Bubnov). Here.. . you say it's true... It’s true, it’s not always due to a person’s illness... You can't always heal your soul with truth... There was something like this: I knew one person who believed in a righteous land...
8. Kostylev. Yes. But what about? . What's happened.. . wanderer? A strange man.. . different from others.. . If he is truly strange... knows something... found out something... no one needs... maybe he found out the truth there... Well, not every truth is needed... Yes!
He - keep it to himself... and - shut up! If he's really... strange... he is silent!
9. Tick. He's right... I didn’t like it, old man... I rebelled very much against the truth... That's how it should be! True - what is the truth here? And without her, I can’t breathe... There's the prince... I crushed my hand at work... I'll have to saw off my hand completely, listen... these are the truth!
10. Satin... What is the truth? Man - that's the truth! He understood this... you - no! You are dumb as bricks... I know lies! Who is weak at heart... and those who live on other people's juices need lies... some she supports, others hide behind her... And who is his own boss... who is independent and does not eat other people’s things - why does he need lies? Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man!

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: all the statements about the truth of all the characters in M. Gorky's play "On the Demise". Help)