Divorces of football players. Russian football players are overwhelmed by an epidemic of divorces

Alana and Pavel Mamaev. Photo from Instagram of Alana Mamaeva

Midfielder "Spartak" Denis Glushakov got into a scandal and is now divorcing his wife, who accuses him of infidelity and violence. We remember other high-profile divorces of Russian football players.

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya

Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrey Arshavin. Photo by AFP

Until 2012 Arshavin was on the list of decent family men. But then the footballer left "Arsenal" for rent in "Zenith", and the family remained to live in London. Once, during one of the telephone conversations, Arshavin told his common-law wife shocking news - their relationship was over. “I met a woman and realized that I wanted to live with her,” the footballer admitted.

The couple broke up when Baranovskaya was pregnant with her third child.

It soon became clear that Andrei had been secretly meeting with journalist Alisa Kazmina for about a year.

Baranovskaya filed a lawsuit in London, where the couple lived for three years, but this attempt was unsuccessful. The final point in the showdown was set in the summer of 2014 by the court of St. Petersburg. Football player I did not pay child support for quite a long time, and also could not find a common language with the mother of my children.

Arshavin and Baranovskaya eventually signed a settlement agreement, according to which the football player gave her a three-room apartment in St. Petersburg, a car and agreed to pay half of his monthly income (2.5 million euros at that time). Baranovskaya and Arshavin were not married.

Alexander Kerzhakov and Milana Tyulpanova

Alexander Kerzhakov and Milana Tyulpanova. Photo from Milana's personal archive

The ex-Zenit striker has twice already gotten into scandals with ex-wives and girlfriends. In 2013 Kerzhakov arranged legal proceedings regarding the right of custody of his son Igor from his beloved Ekaterina Safronova. The showdown began when the boy was only one year old. As a result, the child began to live with Kerzhakov, and his ex-favorite has not been able to get a meeting with the baby for four years. The footballer has repeatedly accused her of drug addiction.

It seemed that in 2015, Alexander finally found personal happiness - he married the daughter of an influential politician, Milana Tyulpanova. In April 2017, the couple had a son. And a few weeks before, Milana’s father unexpectedly died. The tragedy had a negative impact on the couple's relationship. In May 2018, Tyulpanova confirmed that she had broken up with the football player. After accused Alexander of numerous infidelities, beatings and kidnapping of their one-year-old son: they say he entered the dacha, bribed the nanny and took the baby. A day later, Milana issued a refutation of her appeal and admitted that after her father’s death she lost her temper and became addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova. Photo by Nikita Uspensky

Tarasov married Olga Buzova in 2012. And in order to be together with the TV presenter, he broke up with his first wife, with whom he had a daughter, Angelina. For four years, the marriage of Tarasov and Buzova seemed ideal. But in 2016 star couple filed for divorce. As it turned out, Olga suspected that her husband was cheating on her. Dmitry told his version: he dreamed of children and quiet family life, but Buzova was constantly busy. The divorce ended in scandal. This is how Olga responded to Tarasov’s post about the end of the relationship: “Will you tell me how you cheated on me with a “bowl”, how you kicked me and your mother out of the apartment after the operation? How you leaked my correspondence to denigrate my honor? How your friends dug under me ? And if your relationship with me for six years was for “likes”, then delete it Instagram and build new relationships without “likes”. In our house. Good luck".

Sergei Ovchinnikov and Inga Virse

Inga Virse and Sergei Ovchinnikov. Photo by Tatyana Dorogutina

"Next to Sergei I felt like a queen. And I didn’t notice how he took the “crown” away from me,” Inga said in an interview with the publication “Caravan of Stories.” - In 2008, we were going to Riga, where friends were waiting for us. From Riga, Sergei had to go to Moscow for two days on business. There was a noisy send-off at my parents' house. They grilled kebabs, drank champagne and declared their love for each other until the very night. “I want to make a toast to the best wife in the world,” Sergei said finally. “I was very lucky in life when I met Inga. There are no more such devoted and loving women. For you, dear! I love you very much!”

At ten in the morning I received a text message from him: “Ingusha, hello! Now it’s easier for me to write than to speak. Forgive me, I’m leaving. I will fulfill all obligations. You are the person closest to me, and I betrayed you. I’ll go away a little, and we’ll We'll definitely talk."

My son Zhenya, whom Sergei previously considered his own, was not interested in him. And he didn’t mention money for his education. And we urgently needed to pay for the last course. Our friend from Lokomotiv Vadim Evseev paid for Zhenya’s training. He was in no hurry, but the debt had to be repaid. Having exhausted all my possibilities, I turned to Sergei for help.

Don't even think that I will pay your debts! And don't count on anything! You are a foreigner! Can't maintain a house? Okay, I'll take care of it myself. But only you will have to leave. Pack your bags and good-bye!

I tried to reach Sergei, but he didn’t hear me. She sobbed, begged for help, and he got even more excited.

Have you forgotten where I pulled you from? I've had enough! Go to your Latvia! You have twenty-four hours to get ready! You won't get a penny! I will block your entry into Russia!

Now I know: there are no beautiful divorces, you live with one person, and break up with another. I understand that a person can fall in love and lose his head. But no love can justify cruelty and betrayal. And the most bitter thing about our divorce is my disappointment in Sergei."

Evgeny Aldonin and Yulia Nachalova

Yulia Nachalova and Evgeny Aldonin. Photo by Alexander Fedorov, "SE"

The couple separated in 2011, but remained on normal terms. Here's what they themselves said about the divorce.

"We were at a distance all the time. He was at the training camp, and I was on tour and in the studio. If you think that there was some third person in our relationship, then this is not true. We parted very peacefully, did not share stools, about There was no talk of these mercantile issues. At some point we just realized that it was time to separate, otherwise it would affect our daughter Vera. Now Zhenya and I have an excellent relationship. We often communicate about our daughter and resolve any issues together.” - Nachalova said in an interview StarHit.

Here's what he said Aldonin in an interview with SE: "Family life is a series of compromises. We both do something that takes a lot of energy and time. I have training camps, training sessions, Yulia has tours and concerts. At first they made mutual concessions and somehow adjusted. Then she focused on her direction and began to visit America more often, where she recorded an album. I couldn’t quit football and move to the States. We grew more and more distant and stopped meeting each other halfway.. There is no point in blaming anyone or talking about mistakes. It is important that we maintain normal relations. We have a wonderful daughter, Vera, who will be eight years old in December. And I communicate with her."

Pavel and Alana Mamaev

Midfielder's wife "Krasnodar" Pavel Mamaev Alana told SE that she was divorcing her husband. According to the model, Pavel is the initiator of the divorce.

- Why did you decide to divorce your husband?

I don't know…

- Who initiates the divorce?

Now Pavel

- What exactly happened between you? Is divorce long overdue?

I don’t know what happened, all questions to Pasha.

- Why, in your opinion, in Russian football Are there so many divorces?

Divorces don't apply to football. He has nothing to do with it. This is a problem for all of Russia.

- Perhaps Pavel suspects you of treason...?

No. I’m not sick to get married and go out. It's not even discussed

- Will you contact a lawyer and do you have a marriage contract?

Now I will eat an apple and decide.

Let us remember that Pavel and Alana got married in 2013. They have a daughter together, Alice, and they also raised the girl’s son from her first marriage.

Previously, Alana stated that she did not like living in Krasnodar.

After Moscow, come to Krasnodar and live there for four years,” she noted. - When I went there, I said: “What could be easier when you have money and children?” In any city you will be treated well, you can still buy the same cars or products, you live well... No shit! I don't leave the house all day. Where should I go? My children go everywhere. Why are there no girlfriends? And with whom should I communicate, I’m not interested in anyone there. Krasnodar - small town. Everyone knows you, everyone takes pictures of you, when you go out without makeup, everyone talks about you. There's a collective farm there. Everyone wears heels to the store every day! This is tough. Pasha understands this, so we are not friends with anyone and do not go anywhere.

Defeats follow famous football players not only on the field, but also in my personal life. Rich and famous players sometimes they make unexpected maneuvers, file for divorce, abandon their children for new love. Who lost the family battle? Let's remember the most high-profile divorces of football players, which the whole country followed with interest.

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya

Andrei Arshavin's common-law wife waited 9 years for her beloved to propose marriage. But in the end, the football player found himself a new passion, and left Yulia just at the moment when she was expecting the birth of their third child. Moreover, he legitimized the relationship with his new chosen one almost immediately.

The story turned out loud. The whole country sympathized with Yulia and scolded Andrei. Every week the media exploded with new details of the family scandal. Julia was not going to remain silent. And, as it turned out, she did the right thing. Contrary to public expectations, ex-wife(albeit civilian) Arshavin did brilliant career. Now everything is going much better for her than during her married life. She hosts several talk shows on central channels, writes books and gives numerous interviews. Andrey does not communicate with his wife and children. But he pays child support. It’s a pity that he was pushed to this by a court decision, and not own desire. Be that as it may, now Andrei is happy in his new marriage, but he tries not to remember his former wife, and if such a need arises, he does everything to complicate Yulia’s life. Recently, for example, he refused to sign permission for his children to travel abroad, as a result of which Baranovskaya was unable to go with them on a planned seaside vacation.

Dmitry and Oksana Tarasov

The Lokomotiv football player is known not so much for his playing qualities as for his love affairs. He broke up with his first wife Oksana for the sake of an affair with the famous TV presenter Olga Buzova. Even the fact that his little daughter Angelina was growing up in the family did not stop him. However, the footballer himself denies the fact that the reason for the divorce was new love. His words, meanwhile, bear little resemblance to the truth, since in a few years history will repeat itself, but this time Olga will be left with a broken family life.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova (Tarasova)

For four years the fairy tale continued, in which the whole country believed. Dmitry and Olga seemed like an ideal couple. But the wife was still in no hurry to give her beloved a child. Many see this as the reason for the breakdown of the family union. Others blame Anastasia Kostenko, the football player’s new love, for the famous couple’s divorce. Dmitry, in his defense, again insists that he met his new chosen one after the divorce, but he has little faith in this, since Olga herself repeatedly accused her husband of an unholy affair before they divorced. The story became public, as a result of which Olga’s career began to develop incredibly quickly. Now she famous singer, TV presenter, restaurateur, designer. It seems that she is ready to take on any task, just to drown out the pain and resentment. In interviews with the press, she often says that everything is in the past, and she no longer feels anything for Dmitry, but the tears in her eyes indicate the opposite. She has not yet forgotten the betrayal and is not yet ready to build a new relationship. But Dmitry has new family Everything is fine. Recently Anastasia gave her husband a daughter. And Dmitry is trying very hard so that everyone believes in the new fairy tale about his ideal family life. I wonder how long?

Fedor Smolov and Victoria Lopyreva

This couple broke up quite quietly. Since they did not register the marriage, but just got by with a ceremony in Bali, which has no legal force in Russia, a scandalous divorce was avoided. And the couple didn’t have children, so they didn’t have much to share. The separation did not affect the careers of the football player and his wife, since even before the wedding they were quite successful people. It cannot be said that anyone in the couple pulled their partner along with them. Victoria has a busy filming schedule, Fedor has constant training camps and away games.

It seems that the guys have come to the optimal decision not to interfere with each other’s personal lives. And it looks like Victoria is ready for a new family. The press is actively discussing her affair with Nikolai Baskov. Fedor is still trying not to talk about his personal life.

Alexander Kerzhakov and Milana Tyulpanova

The couple has not officially divorced yet, but it is already obvious that it is only a matter of time. Happened in the Kerzhakov family real tragedy. And he showed himself as a real man. He did not publicly throw mud at his wife and accuse her of destroying the family. He just took the child to protect him from negative consequences mother's condition. Milana Tyulpanova, having experienced the loss of her father, became addicted to alcohol, antidepressants and drugs.

At first, the wife tried to denigrate her husband in the press, accusing him of stealing a child. But then she admitted her guilt, and now the couple is looking for ways for a peaceful divorce and division of property. The issue of child custody has also not yet been resolved.

Alexander and Tatyana Alievs

It seemed like a perfect union. After the wedding, Alexander adopted Tatiana’s child from his first marriage, then two more children appeared in the family. However, over time, the football player’s addiction to alcohol destroyed the idyll. The husband began to raise his hand against his wife, so she filed for divorce. He beat not only his wife, but also his children. This was Tatyana's version. Alexander denied everything, and even accused his wife of alcoholism.

However, despite mutual accusations, the couple continued to live together, each justifying this state of affairs in their own way. Tatyana said that she had nowhere to go, and Alexander said that she was not holding anyone and was ready for the division of property.

Anatoly Timoshchuk and Nadezhda Navorotskaya

Anatoly’s marriage was considered almost ideal for 10 years. This pair seemed to be one of the strongest and most stable. The couple raised twin daughters. However, Nadezhda recently filed for divorce. According to her, her husband constantly cheated on her, was not interested in family affairs and did not pay enough attention to her. Anatoly did not admit his guilt. The divorce process dragged on and escalated into a public conflict.

Tymoshchuk rarely comments on events in his personal life. He only claims that his wife does not allow him to see his children. Nadezhda decided to tell the whole country about family life with a football player, giving frank interview several popular media.

Our whole life is a game

It is obvious that even the strongest seemingly relationships can be destroyed under the influence of various factors. Football players are people just like the rest of us; they are no strangers to mistakes and emotional outbursts. And their wives are not always ready to endure and wait. It's their right. It is a pity that sometimes the conflicts of family life are reflected in the failures of players on the field, and this already affects the interests of the entire country.

Today, the wife of Krasnodar football player Pavel Mamaev, Alana, announced that she was “joining the squad of single mothers.” She left this post on Instagram.

She later told Life that her husband had changed a lot.

“I don’t want to get a divorce, but apparently this cannot be avoided,” says Alana Mamaeva.

However, she noted that the football player has not yet filed for divorce.

The couple got married five years ago and have two children.


It also became known today that the wife former football player St. Petersburg "Zenith" Alexander Kerzhakov Milan Tyulpanov sued him and intends to officially divorce.

“I was deeply unhappy in my life, next to this man,” Milana wrote.

In the summer of that year, the wife of ex-Zenit and Russian national team football player Alexander Kerzhakov slandered her husband, saying that he had kidnapped their common child. Later she admitted that she was wrong and that it was better for the boy to live with his dad.

Later it turned out that the athlete took the child to his home because his wife had been in a drug treatment clinic for 4.5 months.


A friend of his wife said that there was a rift in the family of Russian football player Alan Dzagoev. It was reported that Zarema took two children and left Moscow to join her parents.

“I heard that his wife caught Alan with some young girl and got jealous. The mother-in-law is muddying the waters there. From the very beginning, she believed that Dzaga was not the most suitable party for her daughter,” she said.

However, Alan Dzagoev’s official representative Daria Arslanova denied rumors about the couple’s separation. “At the moment, Zarema and her children are visiting Alan’s parents in Beslan. “Everything is fine in the Dzagoev family,” she said.

The couple got married in 2012, they had two weddings: in Moscow and Vladikavkaz. The marriage produced a daughter, Elana, now five years old, and a son, Khetag, who is two years old.


Just a week ago, the wife of Spartak Moscow captain Denis Glushakov, Daria, announced an impending divorce. She found her husband with another woman in the bathhouse. The girl filmed a half-naked athlete with his naked companion.

After this, the football player demanded child support from her. He intends to receive 80 thousand rubles every month from his wife, who is on maternity leave. The footballer’s lawyer assured that the cause of the discord in the family was his wife’s infidelity.

According to Daria, in August her husband seriously beat her. After this incident, as Glushakova assures, her husband took all her jewelry, watches, bags, everything that he gave for any holidays.

The couple got married in 2009. The Glushakovs are raising daughters Valeria and Alexandra.

He got into a scandal and is now divorcing his wife, who accuses him of infidelity and violence. We remember other high-profile divorces of Russian football players.

Andrey Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya

Until 2012, he was on the list of decent family men. But then the football player left for rent, and the family remained to live in London. Once, during one of the telephone conversations, Arshavin told his common-law wife shocking news - their relationship was over. “I met a woman and realized that I wanted to live with her,” the footballer admitted.

The couple broke up when Baranovskaya was pregnant with her third child.

It soon became clear that Andrei had been secretly meeting with journalist Alisa Kazmina for about a year.

Baranovskaya filed a lawsuit in London, where the couple lived for three years, but this attempt was unsuccessful. The final point in the showdown was set in the summer of 2014 by the court of St. Petersburg. Football player I did not pay child support for quite a long time, and also could not find a common language with the mother of my children.

Arshavin and Baranovskaya eventually signed a settlement agreement, according to which the football player gave her a three-room apartment in St. Petersburg, a car and agreed to pay half of his monthly income (2.5 million euros at that time). Baranovskaya and Arshavin were not married.

Alexander Kerzhakov and Milana Tyulpanova

The ex-Zenit striker has twice already gotten into scandals with ex-wives and girlfriends. In 2013, he arranged legal proceedings regarding the right of custody of his son Igor from his beloved Ekaterina Safronova. The showdown began when the boy was only one year old. As a result, the child began to live with Kerzhakov, and his ex-favorite has not been able to get a meeting with the baby for four years. The footballer has repeatedly accused her of drug addiction.

It seemed that in 2015, Alexander finally found personal happiness - he married the daughter of an influential politician, Milana Tyulpanova. In April 2017, the couple had a son. And a few weeks before, Milana’s father unexpectedly died. The tragedy had a negative impact on the couple's relationship. In May 2018, Tyulpanova confirmed that she had broken up with the football player. After accused Alexander of numerous infidelities, beatings and kidnapping of their one-year-old son: they say he entered the dacha, bribed the nanny and took the baby. A day later, Milana issued a refutation of her appeal and admitted that after her father’s death she lost her temper and became addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova

Married Olga Buzova in 2012. And in order to be together with the TV presenter, he broke up with his first wife, with whom he had a daughter, Angelina. For four years, the marriage of Tarasov and Buzova seemed ideal. But in 2016, the star couple filed for divorce. As it turned out, Olga suspected that her husband was cheating on her. Dmitry told his version: he dreamed of children and a quiet family life, but Buzova was constantly busy. The divorce ended in scandal. This is how Olga responded to Tarasov’s post about the end of the relationship: “Will you tell me how you cheated on me with a “bowl”, how you kicked me and your mother out of the apartment after the operation? How you leaked my correspondence to denigrate my honor? How your friends dug under me ? And if your relationship with me for six years was for “likes”, then delete it Instagram and build new relationships without “likes”. In our house. Good luck".

Sergei Ovchinnikov and Inga Virse

“Next to me, I felt like a queen. And I didn’t notice how he took the “crown” away from me,” Inga said in an interview with the publication “Caravan of Stories.” In 2008, we were going to Riga, where friends were waiting for us. From Riga, Sergei had to go to Moscow for two days on business. There was a noisy send-off at my parents' house. They grilled kebabs, drank champagne and declared their love for each other until the very night. “I want to make a toast to the best wife in the world,” Sergei said finally. “I was very lucky in life when I met Inga. There are no more such devoted and loving women. For you, dear! I love you very much!”

At ten in the morning I received a text message from him: “Ingusha, hello! Now it’s easier for me to write than to speak. Forgive me, I’m leaving. I will fulfill all obligations. You are the person closest to me, and I betrayed you. I’ll go away a little, and we’ll We'll definitely talk."

My son Zhenya, whom Sergei previously considered his own, was not interested in him. And he didn’t mention money for his education. And we urgently needed to pay for the last course. Our friend from Lokomotiv Vadim Evseev paid for Zhenya’s training. He was in no hurry, but the debt had to be repaid. Having exhausted all my possibilities, I turned to Sergei for help.

Don't even think that I will pay your debts! And don't count on anything! You are a foreigner! Can't maintain a house? Okay, I'll take care of it myself. But only you will have to leave. Pack your bags and good-bye!

I tried to reach Sergei, but he didn’t hear me. She sobbed, begged for help, and he got even more excited.

Have you forgotten where I pulled you from? I've had enough! Go to your Latvia! You have twenty-four hours to get ready! You won't get a penny! I will block your entry into Russia!

Now I know: there are no beautiful divorces, you live with one person, and break up with another. I understand that a person can fall in love and lose his head. But no love can justify cruelty and betrayal. And the most bitter thing about our divorce is my disappointment in Sergei."

Evgeny Aldonin and Yulia Nachalova

Yulia Nachalova and Evgeny Aldonin. Photo by Alexander Fedorov, "SE"

The couple separated in 2011, but remained on normal terms. Here's what they themselves said about the divorce.

"We were at a distance all the time. He was at the training camp, and I was on tour and in the studio. If you think that there was some third person in our relationship, then this is not true. We parted very peacefully, did not share stools, about There was no talk of these mercantile issues. At some point we just realized that it was time to separate, otherwise it would affect our daughter Vera. Now Zhenya and I have an excellent relationship. We often communicate about our daughter and resolve any issues together.” - Nachalova said in an interview StarHit.

And here’s what he said in an interview with SE: “Family life is a series of compromises. We both do something that takes a lot of energy and time. I have training camps, training sessions, Yulia has tours and concerts. At first they made mutual concessions and somehow adjusted. Then she focused on her direction and began to visit America more often, where she recorded an album. I couldn’t quit football and move to the States. We grew more and more distant and stopped meeting each other halfway.. There is no point in blaming anyone or talking about mistakes. It is important that we maintain normal relations. We have a wonderful daughter, Vera, who will be eight years old in December. And I communicate with her."

Pavel and Alana Mamaev

The midfielder's wife Alan told SE that she was divorcing her husband. According to the model, Pavel is the initiator of the divorce.

- Why did you decide to divorce your husband?

I don't know…

- Who initiates the divorce?

Now Pavel

- What exactly happened between you? Is divorce long overdue?

I don’t know what happened, all questions to Pasha.

- Why, in your opinion, are there so many divorces in Russian football?

Divorces don't apply to football. He has nothing to do with it. This is a problem for all of Russia.

- Perhaps Pavel suspects you of treason...?

No. I’m not sick to get married and go out. It's not even discussed

- Will you contact a lawyer and do you have a marriage contract?

Now I will eat an apple and decide.

Let us remember that Pavel and Alana got married in 2013. They have a daughter together, Alice, and they also raised the girl’s son from her first marriage.

Previously, Alana stated that she did not like living in Krasnodar.

After Moscow, come to Krasnodar and live there for four years,” she noted. - When I went there, I said: “What could be easier when you have money and children?” In any city you will be treated well, you can still buy the same cars or products, you live well... No shit! I don't leave the house all day. Where should I go? My children go everywhere. Why are there no girlfriends? And with whom should I communicate, I’m not interested in anyone there. Krasnodar is a small city. Everyone knows you, everyone takes pictures of you, when you go out without makeup, everyone talks about you. There's a collective farm there. Everyone wears heels to the store every day! This is tough. Pasha understands this, so we are not friends with anyone and do not go anywhere.