Kournikova and Iglesias were the last to break up. The love story of Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova

Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias became parents to adorable twins last December. Now the famous tennis player has completely devoted herself to raising children. The kids watched the match between the national teams of Spain and Russia with their parents. Apparently, serious passions reigned in their house, since each of the spouses was rooting for their team. The children of Kournikova and Iglesias also joined the hobbies of adults. Mom first dressed them up in colorful costumes Russian flag, and then into the bright red T-shirts worn by Spanish fans.

In the caption to the photo with her daughter and son, Kournikova left the hashtag #mirdruzhbazhvachka. Apparently, the results of the match did not affect family relationships in any way. Fans star couple every time they admire the twins. “What wonderful babies! And parents”, “Lovelies! God bless you. Anna, you did great!”, “Charming kids!” – fans of Kournikova and Iglesias admired.

Enrique's brother, Julio Iglesias, often visits his nephews. According to him, parents try to please their kids in everything.

“They are still very small and I just adore them. Our mother flew from Spain specifically to see the newborns. My dad was also very happy to babysit the kids, because his youngest, eighth son is already 10 years old, and the twins are very small. They are so cute and growing so fast! Like any children, twins are very active and inquisitive, sometimes capricious. Now everything in the house revolves around them and is subject to their daily routine. Lucy is more calm, but Nicholas is a real tomboy! The kids have a great time together and complement each other. It’s fun to watch them play, laugh, explore and learn about the world around them,” said Brother Enrique.

It is believed that alliances between “celebrities”, that is, people spoiled by fame and attention, are short-lived. But our case is not like that at all. Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias have been together for 13 years. And even if they are not married, there is no doubt that they are connected by great love. Even the latest news about the star couple confirms: Kournikova and Iglesias cannot live without each other.


In the late 90s, Anna Kournikova was a tennis icon. Having become number 1 in the junior world rankings and bursting into the world of adult tennis in October 1995, Anna became a regular on magazine covers. Not so much because of his success in sports, but because of his spectacular appearance. IN doubles Kournikova did quite well, but in singles she didn’t win a single one WTA tournament throughout her career and never rose above 8th place in the ranking.

But at all tennis parties she was the center of attention. Glossy magazines invariably included her among the sexiest women on the planet, and the FHM publication in 2002 even called her “the very best,” placing her in 1st place in this ranking. Millions of men - and not only tennis fans - dreamed of playing a couple with her and spending at least an evening with her, but few were lucky. Hockey players Sergei Fedorov and Pavel Bure, tennis player Mark Philippusis - these are, perhaps, all the novels that were attributed to the young tennis diva.

Until in 2001 she was invited to film the video for 26-year-old Enrique Iglesias’s “Escape”.

Video of Iglesias's Escape video with Anna Kournikova

At the beginning of his career in the 90s, Enriquena was so tired of being the son of “that same Iglesias,” that is, the famous tenor Julio Iglesias Sr., that he performed under the pseudonym Enrique Martinez and ended the interview as soon as the journalist asked a question about his father. But by the time he worked on “Escape,” he had already clearly emerged from his father’s shadow, taking the charts of leading music countries by storm with the compositions “Bailamos” and “Hero.” By the way, the video for the last song featured Hollywood actress Jennifer LoveHewitt, whom the press immediately identified as Enrique’s “girlfriend.” But this romance, if it existed, turned out to be fleeting.

“I hate to say this, but I never found a girl with whom I could stay for more than a week,” said Iglesias Jr. at the time, who, in addition, was credited with relationships either with former Miss Universe Alicia Machado or with a famous model Sofia Vergara, then with singer Christina Aguilera.

Who would have thought that in a 20-year-old tennis player, who seemed to be just beginning her journey as a desperate heartbreaker, he would find a person with whom he would stay together not for a week or even a year, but for 13 years!


Enrique himself describes himself as an introvert, overly fixated on work. Constantly being around such a person is a serious sacrifice.

“I only need people when I’m performing. But usually I prefer peace and quiet. I hate all kinds of parties, parties and the like. “I get along just fine without them,” the singer admits. - And Anna understands me about this. She is not at all one of the glamorous, “five-star” beauties. You can easily go out to eat hamburgers or go hiking in the mountains with it. I know I can always lean on her. And I really appreciate it."

Americans have several stamps about love relationship. Most, when describing their real or virtual soulmate, use the words “best friend” ( best friend), “soulmate” (soulmate) and even “partner in crime” (a person with whom you can do anything, even, conditionally, a crime). After 13 years of relationship, there is no doubt that Kournikova has become this “partner in crime” for Iglesias. Or, as the Russians would say, “the wife of the Decembrist,” accompanying him both on trips to basketball games or infrequent social events, and on world tours.

And it's not a matter of jealousy, no. Kurnikova generally has a very wise (especially for a young girl) approach to life.

“In life, it seems to me, you need to be able to be flexible and adapt to the situation,” said Anna. - Yes, betrayal, treason are serious things, but you never know what prompted it - maybe big problems. “I, too, can make a mistake or commit some bad act, and I would like that they could give me a second chance if I stumble, and be ready to listen and discuss.”


Despite the abundance of fans of the ever-young Iglesias, who recently celebrated his 40th birthday, there are few rumors about his infidelities. More precisely, one might say, there are none at all. But there is constant talk about the wedding of the star couple. The first time they started talking about this was in June 2003, and since then Kournikova and Iglesias have been “married” about 5-7 times a year.

Whether their union was actually officially sealed is a mystery. Even the omniscient tabloids cannot say anything intelligible on this matter. But on October 10, 2014, Enrique Iglesias gave stunning news at a concert in Los Angeles: “I’ve been divorced for three days now. You guys will be the first to know. No, seriously. I'm not kidding. Don't laugh."

The “reason” immediately surfaced: Anna has long dreamed of a real marriage and children, and Enrique considers the stamp in the passport a formality that “does not add anything new to the relationship.” And, they say, he is ready to become a dad by the age of 50 or even by 70, like grandfather Julio (the father of Julio Iglesias Sr. died when he was over 90, and his wife was once again pregnant). If this is actually the case, then it will clearly not be Kournikova who will give birth to old man Enrique...

If you have managed to get upset, don’t. Apparently, Iglesias simply threw more wood on the fire of their public relationship, which is now burning evenly and brightly again. Latest news We are again optimistic about the couple. Enrique even introduced Anna to his father (Yes, yes, in 13 years of relationship, Kournikova never met Julio Iglesias, although he always highly appreciated his son’s choice), they are now going on a world tour dedicated to the release of the new album “Sex and Love” and, it seems, even are thinking about the wedding.

In general, everything is as usual. Even better.

Kournikova and Iglesias: video

“Caravan of Stories” previously published a story about the unusually touching relationship of this sweet couple.

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“It looks like it’s getting cold,” Anna said, wrapping herself in her favorite handmade blanket with Christmas stars and deers and warming her fingers on a cup of green tea. “Do you want me to brew it?”

“Later,” Enrique smiled, not looking away from the contemplation of the beautiful sunset that they met on their favorite yacht, and hugged the girl by the shoulders. – I don’t think it’s that cold. Why are you cold?

“I don’t know,” Anna said thoughtfully, shivered and asked: “Do you remember what day it is today?”

“Honestly, no,” he turned around in surprise. - What, is he something special?

“I don’t know about you, but for me it’s fateful,” the girl noted with a slight note of annoyance in her voice.

Perhaps any other man would not have paid attention to this note, but Iglesias’s musical ear caught the discontent. He strained his memory.

- Wait, don't you want to say...

- Well, of course! – Anna laughed. – A year ago we met. How could you forget?!

Iglesias smiled guiltily. Of course, he could not forget about this day; it was too important for him. But he really didn’t remember the date; he generally has a bad memory for numbers. But he remembered everything that happened to them then to the smallest detail.

They were filming a video for the song Escape, and the director suggested the Russian beauty Kurni for the role of the main character - the girl of his hero's dreams. By that time it had already become clear that she would not be able to achieve much success in sports, but her luxurious figure, long legs, blonde hair and green eyes, coupled with plump lips, turned out to be no less solid capital, which allowed Anna to earn good money from advertising contracts. Her photographs often graced the covers and pages of glossy magazines. It was a great success to get such a beauty in the video, and Iglesias agreed to the director’s proposal.

Of course, he was ready for the fact that Kournikova was beautiful, but he only appreciated the full extent of her attractiveness when he found himself face to face with her. Iglesias was delighted and, let’s be honest!  - I was stunned, but I was able to restrain myself and not show it. However, since he needed to react somehow, he couldn’t think of anything better than to publicly declare that he would not kiss Anna, because he noticed small pimples above her upper lip - traces of a cold.

The filming process stalled for several hours. Kournikova locked herself in the dressing room, where at first she almost peered at the reflection in the mirror with a magnifying glass, trying to find the notorious acne, which everyone, from the cameraman to the assemblers, had heard about, and now they were probably making fun of her with all their might. Not finding any defects on her velvety tanned skin, Anna, angry, rushed around the room, vilifying the upstart Spaniard at the top of her lungs: “Insolent! Arrogant! Disgusting guy! How dare he?! What did he even imagine about himself? Does he think he is better than everyone else and therefore has the right to make such comments? Well, I’ll show him where the crayfish spend the winter. He will remember me!”

Kurni moved so quickly that the make-up artist, who definitely needed to correct the tone on her face so as not to shine, simply could not keep up with the athlete. In the end, the girl realized that the mission was impossible, and sat down on one of the chairs standing against the wall. The only thing she prayed to God for was that Anna would not cry, because it was unknown how her skin would react: if her face became swollen, they wouldn’t be able to film today. Then the director will definitely rip her head off. She is just a make-up artist, not a psychotherapist, and cannot always calm down a raging star. Especially such a temperamental one like Kurni: how she rushes about, a real tigress!

But the girl underestimated Anna. Realizing that the contract had been signed and definitely needed to be worked out, she was able to pull herself together and calmed down quite quickly. Sighing with relief, the make-up artist took a brush and sponge and lightly walked over Kournikova’s face, enviously thinking: “There’s no work for me here, this Russian has perfect skin, I wish I had one like that!” I wonder where this little bastard saw the pimples?

The one about whom the make-up artist thought so unflatteringly was at that time receiving a scolding from the director.

-What came over you? – he was indignant. “Collaboration with Kurney was already expensive for us, and if now, through your fault, she leaves the set and manages to prove that she was treated poorly here, we will have to pay a penalty and we will go over budget.

“She won’t leave,” Enrique calmly remarked in response, although it was clear that he was participating in the dialogue formally, and his thoughts were hovering somewhere very far away. “If necessary, I will ask her for forgiveness.”

- And will you kiss?

“Of course I will,” the singer answered without a hint of a smile. “How can I miss the opportunity to kiss such a beautiful girl?”

And they really kissed - both on the stage where Enrique’s hero sang, and in an empty auditorium, and in the interior of his car. It even seemed to those present that the singer was deliberately doing something wrong so that the rejected footage could be re-shot. True, Iglesias did this with a blank expression on his face, but only he alone knew how hard his heart was beating at that time. It was then, on the set of Escape, that he realized that he had found the girl with whom he wanted to spend the rest of his life.

On the set of the video for the song Escape, 2001. The romance between Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias began with this work

-...I remember everything! – Enrique smiled without turning his head. “You wrinkled your nose so funny back then.” Either she was angry, or she was afraid to cry.

“Of course,” answered Anna, who even now, years later, began to get angry, remembering this episode. “How did you even think of saying that I have acne?” They weren't there!

“It wasn’t,” Iglesias agreed easily. “Don’t you understand, I deliberately lied.”

- So how is it? – Anna almost choked on her cooling tea. - For what?

- How else could you get attention? – Enrique smiled. – You came all out of yourself, beautiful and inaccessible. She walked past and didn't even look at me. So I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. If I understand anything about girls, this should have offended you.

- But I could hate you! – I looked at Iglesias Kournikov in amazement.

“I was sure that you would fall in love with me,” he laughed, stood up and stretched.

- Oh, you scoundrel! – Anna exclaimed and even tried to swing a pillow at Enrique, but, thinking that if she missed, she would have to catch the weapon in the water, she put it back and also laughed.

Back in 2002, the media heatedly discussed the novel Anna Kournikova And Enrique Iglesias, a few years later - their supposed separation, then reunion and subsequent wedding. But the lovers themselves never paid attention to all sorts of rumors about their relationship and protected their personal lives in every possible way. And I must say that they succeeded in this matter 100%. The news that twins were born into the family came as a real surprise to many, because no one even knew that Anna was pregnant.

From scratch

Anna was born into an ordinary family and from childhood she knew that she would have to fight for her place in the sun, which she did, conquering the sports Olympus step by step. At the age of 14, Kournikova became the youngest tennis player to win the Fed Cup as part of the Russian national team. But, of course, the main victories were ahead: she managed to become the first racket of the world in doubles and eighth in singles. At 21, the girl left professional sports due to a back injury and started life from scratch. The daily long hours of training, which greatly undermined her health, were replaced by calmer Pilates and yoga classes. In parallel with this, Kournikova actively starred in advertising, often appeared on the covers of famous glossy magazines and took up charity work, to which she now devotes the lion's share of her free time.

Failed businessman

Enrique, unlike Anna, was born into the family of a famous singer Julio Iglesias. But this fact did not help dizzying career on stage. The father did not want his son to follow in his footsteps, and insisted that he enter the University of Miami to study business. However, the genes turned out to be stronger: soon the young man dropped out of school, took a pseudonym, changing the surname Iglesias to Martinez, and went on a solo voyage. Enrique's first album quickly gained popularity in Spain, Italy and Portugal. And in the late nineties, the singer enjoyed worldwide success thanks to the hit Bailamos.

Enrique Iglesias. Photo: Shutterstock.com

Ours don't give up

The story of how the couple met is perhaps one of the few reliable facts about Enrique and Anna. They met during the filming of the singer's video for the song Escape in 2002. Mad love at first sight did not work out; moreover, a small conflict arose on the set, since the artist allegedly refused to kiss the tennis player. But our people don’t give up so easily: soon information appeared in the media that Kournikova and Iglesias were dating. The love they portrayed so well in the video has become part of them real life. Naturally, Anna and Enrique were in no hurry to confirm their romance, although it was useless to deny it: the media kept posting photos of the lovers, from which everything was clear without further ado.

Was there a wedding?

The press began marrying the couple almost immediately. One of the favorite pastimes of journalists is to look at the rings on Anna’s hand, because every new piece of jewelry is an excellent reason to write news with the headline “Kournikova got married.” There is no other evidence that the stars’ civil marriage has developed into an official one. Shared real estate and a Chesapeake Bay Retriever dog also do not guarantee a stamp in the passport.

At the beginning of the relationship, Anna’s popularity was in no way inferior to Enrique’s demand, but over time the girl chose to go into the shadows. Today she is a happy housewife and homemaker who enjoys a quiet and peaceful life. In her few interviews, the ex-tennis player states that she is absolutely not burdened by the new role and is very proud of Iglesias’s successes, and sometimes even accompanies him on tour. Especially if we are talking about a trip to his beloved Moscow, where the tennis player’s family and friends live.

Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Information about the birth of twins, naturally, did not appear from the words of Anna and Enrique. It was given by the American tabloid TMZ. According to him, a happy event in the couple’s life took place on December 16, and the babies were named Nicholas And Lucy. How Kournikova managed to hide her interesting position for nine long months is unclear, but with the lovers’ many years of experience in conspiracy, it was not so difficult to do this.

  • © RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov
  • © RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov
  • © RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

  • © RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

  • © RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

  • © Commons.wikimedia.org/TwoWings

  • © RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

  • © RIA Novosti / Grigory Sysoev

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It is believed that alliances between “celebrities”, that is, people spoiled by fame and attention, are short-lived. But our case is not like that at all. Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias have been together for 13 years. And even if they are not married, there is no doubt that they are connected by great love. Even the latest news about the star couple confirms: Kournikova and Iglesias cannot live without each other.


In the late 90s, Anna Kournikova was a tennis icon. Having become number 1 in the junior world rankings and bursting into the world of adult tennis in October 1995, Anna became a regular on magazine covers. Not so much because of his success in sports, but because of his spectacular appearance. In doubles, Kournikova was quite successful, but in singles she did not win a single WTA tournament in her career and did not rise above 8th place in the ranking.

But at all tennis parties she was the center of attention. Glossy magazines invariably included her among the sexiest women on the planet, and the FHM publication in 2002 even called her “the very best,” placing her in 1st place in this ranking. Millions of men - and not only tennis fans - dreamed of playing a couple with her and spending at least an evening with her, but few were lucky. Hockey players Sergei Fedorov and Pavel Bure, tennis player Mark Philippusis - these are, perhaps, all the novels that were attributed to the young tennis diva.

Until in 2001 she was invited to film the video for 26-year-old Enrique Iglesias’s “Escape”.

Video of Iglesias's Escape video with Anna Kournikova

At the beginning of his career in the 90s, Enriquena was so tired of being the son of “that same Iglesias,” that is, the famous tenor Julio Iglesias Sr., that he performed under the pseudonym Enrique Martinez and ended the interview as soon as the journalist asked a question about his father. But by the time he worked on “Escape,” he had already clearly emerged from his father’s shadow, taking the charts of leading music countries by storm with the compositions “Bailamos” and “Hero.” By the way, the video for the last song featured Hollywood actress Jennifer LoveHewitt, whom the press immediately identified as Enrique’s “girlfriend.” But this romance, if it existed, turned out to be fleeting.

“I hate to say this, but I never found a girl with whom I could stay for more than a week,” said Iglesias Jr. at the time, who, in addition, was credited with relationships either with former Miss Universe Alicia Machado or with a famous model Sofia Vergara, then with singer Christina Aguilera.

Who would have thought that in a 20-year-old tennis player, who seemed to be just beginning her journey as a desperate heartbreaker, he would find a person with whom he would stay together not for a week or even a year, but for 13 years!


Enrique himself describes himself as an introvert, overly fixated on work. Constantly being around such a person is a serious sacrifice.

“I only need people when I’m performing. But usually I prefer peace and quiet. I hate all kinds of parties, parties and the like. “I get along just fine without them,” the singer admits. - And Anna understands me about this. She is not at all one of the glamorous, “five-star” beauties. You can easily go out to eat hamburgers or go hiking in the mountains with it. I know I can always lean on her. And I really appreciate it."

Americans have several cliches about love relationships. Most, when describing their real or virtual soul mate, use the words “best friend” (best friend), “soulmate” (soul mate) and even “partner in crime” (a person with whom you can do anything together, even, conditionally, commit a crime ). After 13 years of relationship, there is no doubt that Kournikova has become this “partner in crime” for Iglesias. Or, as the Russians would say, “the wife of the Decembrist,” accompanying him both on trips to basketball games or infrequent social events, and on world tours.

And it's not a matter of jealousy, no. Kurnikova generally has a very wise (especially for a young girl) approach to life.

“In life, it seems to me, you need to be able to be flexible and adapt to the situation,” said Anna. - Yes, betrayal, treason are serious things, but you never know what prompted it - maybe big problems. “I, too, can make a mistake or commit some bad act, and I would like that they could give me a second chance if I stumble, and be ready to listen and discuss.”


Despite the abundance of fans of the ever-young Iglesias, who recently celebrated his 40th birthday, there are few rumors about his infidelities. More precisely, one might say, there are none at all. But there is constant talk about the wedding of the star couple. The first time they started talking about this was in June 2003, and since then Kournikova and Iglesias have been “married” about 5-7 times a year.

Whether their union was actually officially sealed is a mystery. Even the omniscient tabloids cannot say anything intelligible on this matter. But on October 10, 2014, Enrique Iglesias gave stunning news at a concert in Los Angeles: “I’ve been divorced for three days now. You guys will be the first to know. No, seriously. I'm not kidding. Don't laugh."

The “reason” immediately surfaced: Anna has long dreamed of a real marriage and children, and Enrique considers the stamp in the passport a formality that “does not add anything new to the relationship.” And, they say, he is ready to become a dad by the age of 50 or even by 70, like grandfather Julio (the father of Julio Iglesias Sr. died when he was over 90, and his wife was once again pregnant). If this is actually the case, then it will clearly not be Kournikova who will give birth to old man Enrique...

If you have managed to get upset, don’t. Apparently, Iglesias simply threw more wood on the fire of their public relationship, which is now burning evenly and brightly again. The latest news about the couple is again optimistic. Enrique even introduced Anna to his father (Yes, yes, in 13 years of relationship, Kournikova never met Julio Iglesias, although he always highly appreciated his son’s choice), they are now going on a world tour dedicated to the release of the new album “Sex and Love” and, it seems, even are thinking about the wedding.

In general, everything is as usual. Even better.

Kournikova and Iglesias: video