How to install a chain lock on a speed bike. How does a chain usually break? What factors affect the elongation of a bicycle chain?

To effectively transmit torque from the pedals to the rear axle of the bicycle, the chain must be tensioned without sagging or distortion. If, due to wear or changes in the design of the bike, it began to dangle, spin and fall off the sprockets, even if you constantly looked after it and cleaned it, you can achieve good tension by removing a few extra links. To do this, it is not necessary to contact a service center, since you can shorten the chain on a bicycle with your own hands at home.

Chain Shortening Tools

In order to open the links, you need to prepare a special tool - a squeezer. It combines a stop that prevents the link plates from bending during the process of pushing out the connecting pin (pin), and a screw that pushes it out.

In sports equipment stores you can find professional tools designed for bicycle workshops and made of durable steel. It can be used for a very long time, going through the transmission even daily, and it will not break. However, in order to shorten a bicycle at home, a simpler squeezing option - built into cheap multitools - is sufficient. The reliability of this tool is lower than that of professional models, but for personal use this squeeze is quite suitable.

Important! In addition to tools, you should prepare rags and kerosene or WD-40 fluid to clean the gear shift system before work.

Step by step instructions

When answering the question “how to shorten a chain on a bicycle,” it is worth remembering that all actions are performed in the following order.

The most difficult thing in this work is to make sure that the holes match and the pin fits freely into place. In this case, after the work has been carried out, you will also need to adjust the speed switches.

Another difficulty is determining the required chain length. To do this, you need to change the gear on the bike so that both the front and rear chain rests on the largest sprocket. After this, the links open and the part is tightened until it stops. A mark should be made on it, adding a couple of links so that the transmission does not overstrain.

How to shorten a chain without squeezing?

If you don't have a special tool, you can use any sharp object with a small enough diameter to push out the connecting pin. This could be a nail, an awl, or any other strong steel pin that can withstand a hammer blow. In addition, you will need a stand - for example, a brick.

You must act carefully so as not to bend the plates of the chain links. To ensure safety, the top plate must be supported by inserting a nut or other strong piece of metal inside the link. Most likely, the chain will first have to be removed from the bike. And for prevention, it will be possible to remove the rear wheel, clean it, lubricate it and install it in place.


If there is pressure, even a child can cope with the work; Without a tool, it is much more difficult to shorten a chain on a bicycle - a video showing this process in detail will help you figure it out.

Edited: 03/10/2017

In the last article we looked at the question of how.

One method involved removing the chain from the bicycle. A natural question arises - how to quickly and easily remove a chain from a bicycle.

The first thing I want to say right away is that it is best to work with a chain while wearing gloves - there is less chance of getting your hands dirty with oil and then having to wash them for a long time. But, in general, this advice is not for everyone.

Here you need to understand the following: chains come with a special lock and chains without a lock.

Locks and chains differ in the type of locking. In a multi-speed chain, the rivets should practically not protrude above the side plates, otherwise they will interfere. A locking link for a multi-speed chain consists of two halves, each of which is a jaw with a pin pressed into one side.

Even if your chain does not initially have a lock, it is better to install one when you first remove the chain and decide to wash it. Believe me, it will be much easier to remove and install the chain in the future. There are many separate locks sold online for a wide variety of chains, both single-speed and multi-speed models.

Removing a chain that has a special lock on it

Removing such chains is easy and simple, it takes 1-2 minutes. You simply release the lock and the chain is removed.

There are even special tools for this and they can be purchased online or in specialized bicycle shops. They work both for expansion and compression, so that they can be used to remove and install the lock.

But our man is not looking for easy ways, and not every bicycle lover agrees to spend money on such tools, so all this can be done with the help of ordinary pliers or round nose pliers.

If the lock is tight and won't give in easily, you can try to remove it using an old brake or gear shift cable, strong rope or wire. To do this, the wire is threaded between the locking links, as shown in the figure. Using a pair of pliers, we grab both edges and sharply pull in opposite directions, releasing the lock.

Video on how to remove a chain lock using a rope

Some chains are removed entirely by hand. How this is done is shown in this video.

Removing a chain without a lock using a chain squeezer

Here everything is not as simple as in the previous case, although this also does not present any great difficulties.

In this case, a special tool called chain squeezing (bike squeezing). They come in both separate versions and in the form, which is much more convenient when traveling or at home.

We will now look at how to use a chain squeezer.

First, we select the link that we will disassemble. If the chain is being disassembled for the first time, it can be any link, but it is better to look for the link that was used to assemble the chain at the factory when assembling the bicycle. This pin usually stands out from the rest. If the chain has already been disassembled in this way, then it is better to choose another link, and not the one that was last time. This is due to the fact that squeezing slightly loosens the pin.

Now we just slowly turn the knob, squeezing out the pin. And here is the most important thing: constantly check that the pin does not pop out completely. If it jumps out, it is very difficult to insert it back (even using all the capabilities of the great and mighty Russian language).

One more small point: be careful not to lose the roller from the link in which the pin was squeezed out. Otherwise there will be problems later.

The chain assembly then takes place in reverse order. You connect the links, insert the pin, not forgetting about the roller, and use the squeeze screw to press the pin back.

Video on how to remove a chain using a chain squeezer.

Is it possible to remove a bicycle chain without squeezing it?

Of course you can. Nothing is impossible for our people. In distant childhood, when we didn’t have all these devices and tools to remove a chain or link from a bicycle chain, we used an ordinary hammer and a thin bolt or nail.

The chain was placed on a nut or so that the axle was in a narrow crack between the stones on the curb (so that it had somewhere to squeeze out), a nail was placed against the axle and, slowly tapping it with a hammer or just another stone, the pin was knocked out. The main thing was not to knock out the pin completely. The chain was also put back together.

This is one of the main elements of the transmission unit. It transmits torque to rear wheel from the leading star. This is what makes the bike move. During travel, it becomes clogged, stretched, and wears out. It must be removed periodically for cleaning and lubrication. And if it is stretched, then the chain on the bicycle will need to be replaced.

Removing a bicycle chain with a lock

On singlespeed and multi-speed bikes, the dismantling process is identical. If the bike has a bicycle chain with a lock, then removing it for cleaning, shortening or replacing is easy. The entire removal process takes just a few minutes.

How to remove a bicycle chain with a lock? To do this, you first need to find a link with a clamp. To do this, you need to carefully examine it from both sides. If it is not very dirty, the lock link can be found almost immediately. There is an inscription stamped on it and a special clip is put on top, which holds the adjacent links. If, upon careful inspection, the lock is not found, then your lock is solid.

Locks from different manufacturers are slightly different, but the removal process is similar. You need to close the adjacent axes together and remove the clamp. You can pry the lock with a screwdriver or any other pointed object. If you still can’t pry the latch, you can use special pliers to open the locks. It is important here not to damage the clamp or lose it, otherwise you will not be able to install the bicycle chain back.

A lockless one is much more difficult to remove. To do this, you will need a special puller - a chain squeezer. You can, of course, remove it without tools. For example, placing the axle on the edge of something solid. Next, using a regular knitting needle, tap the axle (pin) and separate the links. However, it will not be possible to connect them this way. You will still need a puller for this.

To do this, select any link, insert it into the puller, placing it directly opposite the release axis, and secure it with a screw. Next, slowly turn the screw, thereby squeezing out the pin. It is important not to push the axle out completely. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to install it in place later.

If you are installing a new bicycle chain, you should first check whether it matches your bike in length and width. If it does not fit in width, then it cannot be installed on this bike. But the length is easy to adjust. To do this, it is enough to remove the extra links using a squeeze.

If you have, then for installation you need to fix the rear and front speed derailleurs on the smallest sprockets. After this, pass the chain through the derailleur tension frame so that the upper roller passes it on the right, and the lower one on the left. Then you connect the extreme links and insert the pin. After putting on the chain, insert the axle into the squeeze, fix it with a screw and press the pin. When installed correctly, it should be completely flush with the edges of the chain. After this, take it out of the squeeze and break off the end of the axle (if there was one).

It is very important to check the chain movement after installing the pin in place. It should not sag, the pedals should scroll freely. If it walks slowly and bends poorly, then using the same puller, using the second seat, you need to adjust the axis.

If you urgently need to remove a bicycle chain, but don’t have a puller, don’t worry. You can use the old “old-fashioned” method - rivet it, and then rivet it back.

When removing a solid bicycle chain repeatedly, make sure that different links are used each time, since the process of squeezing them out loosens them a little.

If you plan to do it often, it’s easier to install a lock on it. This will make the process of removing and installing it back much easier for you.

It happens that you need to remove a bicycle chain - for example, to clean it, replace it or adjust the length (the latter is done if your new cassette has a different number of teeth, and you need to change the length of the chain accordingly by adding or removing a certain number of links) .

How to remove a chain with a lock

Inspect the chain: if you find a link that is different from all the others, then you are lucky - you have a chain with a lock. In order to separate it, move the pins (pins, axles) on each half-link (cheek). The circuit will open. The whole operation will take literally a minute. You don't need any special equipment: if you suddenly can't move the pins by hand, use pliers. Assembly is also done without any tricks, in reverse order.

How to remove a chain without a lock

If you have a chain without a lock, you will need a special tool - a chain squeezer. It is inexpensive and takes up little space, so we recommend that you always carry it with you, along with a set of hexagons and a repair kit for cameras. Anything can happen on the road - if the chain suddenly breaks, you can easily remove the damaged links using a squeezer and connect the chain again.

How to remove a chain without squeezing? And is it worth doing?

How to remove a chain without squeezing is a pressing question. But no matter how often it is asked, it is better to remember one life rule. For good repair and maintenance, it is better to use a specialized tool! In this case it is chain squeezing.

There are two types of squeezers, most have two seats. One of them is for assembling and disassembling the chain, the second is for adjusting the position of the axle in the chain link bushing. If your squeeze is just like this, with two seats, then insert the chain link so that it is on the side closest to the adjusting screw. If you place the chain in the wrong place, you may accidentally break off the partitions between the squeeze seats during operation or crush the cheeks of the link.

Let's assume that the chain was laid correctly. Now carefully rotate the handle. You may have to apply significant force, so try to work carefully so that the link in the squeezer does not become distorted, otherwise it may be damaged. Make sure that the tip of the squeezer presses exactly on the pin. There is no need to turn the screw quickly; you should stop at the moment when the pin is squeezed out of the entire link, but remains on the far cheek. If you push it all the way out, believe me, it will be very difficult for you to put it back in. Also be careful not to accidentally knock the pin out of the cheek: this could cause it to roll away in an unknown direction and get lost.

When assembling, you will not need anything other than the same squeeze. I remind you again: be careful, don’t get carried away, so as not to squeeze the pin out of the link.

Two important notes:

  • If your chain is equipped with a lock, you should not disassemble it by squeezing it.
  • If you have to disassemble the same chain many times, then choose a new link each time: if you squeeze out the same pin over and over again, this will deteriorate the strength of the chain

If you ride a bicycle for many kilometers, the spare parts will sooner or later wear out. After a long mileage, the bicycle chain will “stretch” and will need to be replaced.
Technically the chain does not stretch, but the pins that connect the links wear out, increasing the length of the chain.

Stretched chain accelerates wear on the cassette and chain rings on the sprocket, so getting a new chain when the stretching is already noticeable is a good idea. It is recommended to replace the chain every 1000-1500 kilometers. By the way, replacing a chain is much cheaper than replacing cassettes or chain rings on a sprocket.

The chain repair and shortening information below will be very helpful.

Bicycle chain parts and necessary tools

Chain wear indicator: A typical chain wear indicator hooks onto a pin in the chain while the other end is inserted between two pins or rollers. The numbers on the tool will show how worn the chain is and whether it is time to change it.

New chain: The type of chain depends on the number of speeds of the bicycle. So, for example, if the bike is 9-speed, you need to buy a 9-speed chain. More advanced chains include a special coating that will delay the appearance of rust, or they are already made of stainless steel.

Replacing pins or connecting link: New chains immediately come with a new pin or special link called a connecting link that connects the 2 ends of the chain together.

If you are repairing an existing chain, you will need to buy replacement pins or connecting links separately - they must be compatible with the chain speed and brand.

Squeeze: If you have a standard link chain, you will need a compatible puller that will allow you to easily remove the old pin and install the new one when disconnecting and joining the chain.

Pliers: If you have a chain that connects to a connecting link, you will need pliers to make the process of disconnecting and connecting the connecting link easier.

How to check a bicycle chain

To check the chain for significant stretch, use. Hook one end onto a roller or pin in the chain. The other end will either come to the drive wheel itself, or you can place it in the gap between the two rollers. If it falls out of this gap, the chain is so stretched that it needs to be replaced.

The chain wear indicator has numbers that indicate how worn the chain is. A value between 0.5 and 0.75 indicates that the chain needs to be replaced. A value of 0.75 or higher means that it is necessary not only to replace it, but also to check the condition of the cassette and drive sprockets, since stretching the chain could cause significant damage to the cassette and drive sprockets.

You can check the chain in another way - measure the chain with a ruler or tape measure. On unworn or new chain 12 full links (measured from pin to pin) should equal 30.48 cm (12 inches). If the 12 links are 31 cm or longer in length, the chain needs to be replaced.

How to remove a chain from a bicycle

To remove the chain from the bicycle, you will need to disconnect it (break it). There are several ways to do this, depending on whether the chain has a connecting link or not.

Before you begin, move the chain to the smallest sprocket and smallest cog.

It will be even better if you remove the chain from the front sprocket or remove the rear wheel from the bike. Both of these methods will remove tension from the chain.

If you have a standard chain without a connecting link: Install the squeezer so that the squeezer pin aligns with the pin in the chain. Turn the release handle until you pull the pin out far enough to break the chain.

If you have a chain with a connecting link: To find a connecting link, look for a link that is noticeably different from the others.

This is the place where you can break the chain.

The connecting link has a pin on one side inserted into a notch on the other side.

Using pliers, squeeze the connecting link on both sides until it opens.

How to determine the length of the new chain?

Usually the new chain is too long, so it will have to be shortened by removing links. There are several ways to do this. The lightest and best way determine the length of the new chain– attach it to the old chain. Then you just need to shorten it to match the old one (to be sure, you should count the number of links).

Another option. Thread the chain through the front derailleur and drape it over the large sprocket at the front and over the large cog at the rear. Do not run the chain through the rear derailleur yet. Connect the two ends of the chain tightly. If the chain connects and there are still 2 whole links left on the overlap (the half of the link will still remain at the end - the place where you connect the chain), the chain length is correct.

Note: many fully suspended mountain bikes they use a scheme that moves the rear axle further from the carriage while the bike is riding, through the suspension; it's called " chain growth" To accommodate the growth of the chain, you will need to squeeze it hard. rear suspension when using the method above.

Before removing unnecessary links, make sure that the two ends of the chain will connect. The circuit can only connect if outer side link will connect to inside connecting link. Then disconnect the remaining links.

Bicycle Chain Installation

It's time to thread the chain through the rear derailleur and connect it. Pay attention and make sure the chain fits exactly through the drive wheel on the rear derailleur.

Using pins: If the chain does not have a connecting link, then use a squeezer to connect the chain to the pin that is already in the new chain.
If you are repairing an old chain, always use a new pin instead of the old one. The new pin must be compatible with the chain, its speed and brand. The new pin must be inserted halfway using a squeezer, then pulled out on the other side using pliers.

Using connecting links: If you are connecting a chain with a connecting link, place each half of it on each end of the chain, connect the ends of the chain, assemble the connecting link with a tool to put it in place.

It is also possible to connect the connecting link without tools. Connect it and pull the chain in different sides to lock the connecting link as tightly as possible. Then loosen the derailer clutch, if equipped, and rotate the pedals so that the connecting link is at the top of the drive chain. Using the brakes, step firmly on one pedal, tension will be applied to the chain and it will snap into place.

How to replace a chain on a bicycle - video