How to quickly build muscle in your arms. How to pump up huge arms

There is no bodybuilder who would not like to have massive, sculpted arms. Almost all IFBB champions demonstrate phenomenal arm muscle development. There are bodybuilders whose genetic potential allows them to have huge arms without spending much effort on this - for example, A. Backles. Even before competitions, he rarely does more than 10-12 approaches for and, 2 times a week. Meanwhile, others spend much more time developing their arms and still cannot match Backles. However, any bodybuilder with a serious approach to this issue can significantly increase the volume of his arms and improve his shape and.


1. For full development, you must supinate your wrist when performing dumbbell or pulley curls. Some champion bodybuilders made a qualitative leap in development as soon as they began to perform wrist curls.
2. All types of concentrated curls will help you develop your natural peak. However, perform hundreds of sets of these exercises, and if the genetics are flat, you will not peak. Remember S. Oliva! Boyera Kou, having good genetics and including concentrated curls in his training, on the contrary, developed his to failure.
3. Many bodybuilders, wanting to develop their muscles to the maximum, often injure them. What to do?

It is better to avoid injury from the very beginning, but if your elbows are already injured, you should try not to get a “trauma injury.” The main thing is a thorough warm-up A. L. Ferrigno advises starting arm training with, and then warming up with three to four “light” sets of block rows with a high number of repetitions. The weight increases slightly in each set. In your programs, perform more close-grip presses and push-ups rather than French presses. Pumping up your arms is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to believe in yourself and really want to make your hands big.

If you're looking for a workout program that will blow your arms to giant size in record time, and that is highly scientific, and that is a win-win program, then this article is what you need. After just three workouts in the “shock therapy” program, you will find your arms considerably thicker, as if you suddenly had two eight-kilogram hams (or six-kilogram, depending on your genetics) in the sleeves of your shirt. How uncomfortable will you have to feel for such a metamorphosis? Well, the procedure, in general, is quite painful, but short. First you need to scientifically explain where these results come from:
1) the program uses the most effective exercises.
2) The muscles are worked completely, without emphasis on individual heads, bundles, etc.

Decline extensions.

This exercise maximally loads all three heads. You get complete, focused stimulation of the entire muscle in one exercise. If you do this exercise lying on your back, it works mainly the long head, so if you want to thoroughly reach your triceps, do it in a bent over position.

Overhead arm extensions with dumbbells.

This is also a very effective exercise, it loads all three heads. What’s interesting is that the same exercise, performed with a barbell instead of dumbbells, hits only the lateral and middle heads, leaving the long head to rest. The reason why the dumbbell version is more effective is the position of the hands, palms turned inward, towards each other.

Close-grip barbell curls.

Fully loads both heads and . If you do this exercise with a wide grip, mainly only one head works, the one closest to the body, and the other (along with the body) only watches it. The grip should be narrow, about 25 cm between the hands.

Arm curls with dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench.

It also bombards both heads, as well as a bunch of small muscles in the elbow area. The reason this exercise is so effective is because it gives you a good stretch. Your feet should be firmly on the floor, your arms should be bent at the same time, and don’t linger at the bottom - immediately start bending your arms.

Stretching helps to maximize the involvement of all muscle fibers. This works especially well if one of the superset exercises works at a large amplitude, stretching the muscle. For example, you do a superset “with dumbbells on an incline bench + with a barbell with a narrow grip.” What happens with this: After a couple of warm-up sets, you do a set with a heavy weight with a close grip until failure. Cheating is possible here (it’s still hard). After a short rest, the shock superset begins. First goes with dumbbells on an incline bench, this forces the muscles to work by stretching and respond to stretching by turning on new muscle fibers. Then, without allowing the muscle fibers to cool and settle, you do an easier approach with a close-grip barbell, 20% lighter than the first approach. After a two-minute rest and massage of the swollen ones, you finish them off with concentrated bending, one or two approaches, straining to the limit at the end point.

The triceps are treated in the same way: One set of decline extensions, a little cheating won't hurt here either. Rest for a minute, throw a couple of plates on the bar, then do a set of overhead barbell extensions in a superset with decline triceps extensions. Here your bloated one will beg for mercy. Rest for about two minutes, admire yours, and finish them off by straightening your arms in a bent position. Watch the position of your elbows while doing this. One approach is quite enough, but some masochists do two...

Hammer your muscles with supersets until they start to “burn.” Recent scientific research shows that using supersets lowers blood pH, which stimulates the production of the growth hormone we all need.

The brachialis is important for the "oh peak". The brachialis is located under the om, so when you develop this muscle, you make it higher. Since barbell curls work your muscles well, you can do one final set. A very good exercise for brachialis is “hammer” curls (bend curls with dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench, palms facing inward, thumbs facing up).

More rest means more volume. You're hitting each muscle to the max with only four or five sets, which means you have more room for hypertrophy. Remember, the more approaches you do, the less opportunity your body has to recover after intense exercise; efficiency is the main thing. This is the key to any arm program - to exhaust the largest number of muscle fibers possible in the least amount of muscle fiber possible.


Let's climb to

Main impact. The exercise works on the muscles of the inner surface of the forearms.
Execution method. Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip. The grip is about 10-15 cm wider than your shoulders. Now straighten your torso. The bar should rest on the front of your thighs. Press your elbows to your body and keep them in this position until the end of the exercise. Trying to keep your torso perfectly straight, slowly bend your elbows. Raise the barbell up until the bar is under your chin. Also slowly return the bar to its original position. Experiment with your grip width.

French press

Main impact. The exercise has a strong effect on the whole body, especially on its middle and inner bundles. Execution method. You need to take the barbell with a narrow grip from above, lie down on the bench and spread your legs, placing your feet comfortably on the floor. Straighten your arms and begin to lower the barbell down until the bar touches your forehead or bridge of your nose. Try to keep your elbows motionless and lift the barbell with the force of your arms alone. Options. The exercise has many varieties. They do not affect the effect, but can significantly diversify the workout. First, the French press can be done on an incline bench with your head up or down. Secondly, you can do it standing or sitting. It is clear that in the first case the weight of the bar needs to be increased, and in the second, on the contrary, reduced. Third, you can use a barbell with a curved bar and take some of the stress off your forearms.

If you swing correctly, the girls will dance like this for you

Surely, all men dream of strong, pumped up arms with defined muscles. Anyone can achieve this result if they start training regularly. How to quickly pump up a man's arms at home?

How can you shake a man's hands?

To pump up your arms at home, you can use dumbbells, barbells, parallel bars, an expander or a horizontal bar. You can achieve results even with the help of improvised means. For example, a stool or chair. The main thing is to develop a set of exercises and adhere to the correct technique. You need to train systematically, otherwise you should not expect high efficiency.

Exercises to pump up your arms at home

To quickly pump up a man’s arms at home, you need to listen to the recommendations of professionals, and also contact specialists who will help you develop a set of exercises individually. Training should be systematic; it is advisable to include push-ups and pull-ups in the program. Exercises with weights help to pump up your arms effectively and quickly.

According to experts, with proper training, you can see the first results within a month.

For reference! While performing exercises aimed at working the biceps and triceps, it is possible to pump up other muscles. For example, push-ups and pull-ups involve the muscles of the chest and back.


According to experienced athletes, the barbell is the best tool used for muscle development. You can pump up your arm muscles with its help quite quickly. During the exercises, the muscles of the back and chest work.

Flexing and extending your arms with a barbell helps pump up your biceps. For beginners, it is advisable to do this exercise while sitting, for more experienced athletes - standing.

Super set on arms for pumping up biceps

You can effectively pump up your biceps as follows:

  1. Stand against the wall, press your elbows to your body.
  2. Take the barbell in your hands with a wide reverse grip. Raise the weights to chest level.
  3. Stay in this position for one second and slowly lower the barbell.

To pump up your arms, when performing this exercise the barbell should not be raised above the required level. The main load goes on the back muscles and biceps; the elbows should not help. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the training is noticeably reduced.

To pump up the triceps, an exercise called the French press is performed. It can be done in any position: sitting, standing and even lying on a bench or on the floor. You need to do the following:

  1. Take the starting position. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip at chest level.
  2. Place the weight behind your head and hold for a couple of seconds.
  3. Return to starting position.

The number of pancakes is selected individually, which depends on the man’s athletic training.


Using dumbbells you can also quickly pump up a man's biceps and triceps. If the strength in your arms is not the same, you can perform the exercise with one weight. Thus, with dumbbells it is possible to pay attention to a specific hand, and not both at once.

To pump up your arms, you can use the following exercise:

  1. Sit on a bench or stool. Take a dumbbell in your hand with a reverse grip.
  2. Raise the dumbbell to chest level and hold in this position for a count of four.
  3. Lower inventory.

When the required number of repetitions has been completed, you can begin working the muscles on the other arm.

Hammer exercise for working biceps

This exercise is the best when you need to pump up your biceps. It is performed in a sitting position. Do it as follows:

  1. Sit on a bench or stool. Take the dumbbells in your hands with a reverse grip.
  2. Raise your hands with dumbbells to shoulder level without touching them.
  3. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

It is important to keep your elbows still as this can make your workout easier and less effective.

Triceps exercise

To pump up your triceps, you need to do the following:

  1. Take the starting position lying or standing.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands with a straight grip and place them at chest level.
  3. Raise your hands with dumbbells behind your head, holding this position for just one second.
  4. Put your hands down.

Note! It is important to monitor your breathing during training. The dumbbell should rise as you exhale and fall as you inhale.

Horizontal bar

On the horizontal bar you can pump up your arms by doing pull-ups with a straight, reverse or mixed grip. Regardless of the type of exercise, the back should bend and the shoulder blades should be brought together. The chin must be raised above the bar, otherwise you may not get results from the workout.

To perform the exercise you need:

  1. Grasp the bar with your hands with a straight wide grip.
  2. Pull yourself up until your chin goes beyond the level of the bar.
  3. Go down.

Do pull-ups several times.

The technique for performing this exercise differs from the previous one only in the position of the hands:

  1. Grab the horizontal bar with your hands using a reverse medium grip.
  2. Raise your body, bringing your chin over the bar.
  3. Go down.

In this case, the technique for performing the exercise is again similar:

  1. Grab the bar with your hands. One palm is turned towards the athlete, the second - away from him.
  2. Pull yourself up until your chin is behind the bar.
  3. Go down.

Having completed the required number of repetitions, you need to change the position of your hands and repeat the exercise.


Practicing on the parallel bars helps strengthen your arm muscles. Beginning athletes do not use weights; they use the athlete’s own weight.

To pump up your triceps, you need to do the following:

  1. Grasp the bars with your hands, while your body remains straight or your legs are slightly bent.
  2. Bend and straighten your elbows, lowering and lifting your body.
  3. Do the required number of repetitions.

When performing the exercise, the man’s body should “walk” in a straight line. Deviations are unacceptable; the body does not need to be rocked to facilitate training, otherwise the effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

Note! You can replace the bars with regular stools. Beginner athletes can use a low bench with their knees bent while performing the exercise.


If you don’t have an expander at home, you can easily replace it with improvised means, such as springs and rubber products. To pump up your hand, just take the expander in your palm, clasping it with your fingers, and then squeeze and unclench it.

Note! To make the task more difficult, keep the expander compressed between sets.


You can pump up your arms not only with dumbbells, barbells, horizontal bars, parallel bars and expanders. Regular push-ups help build biceps and triceps. They can be done in different ways.

Classic push-ups

To do classic push-ups, you need the following:

  1. Take a lying position, your body is straight, your palms are slightly wider than your shoulders, at chest level, as in the photo.
  2. Bend your elbows more strongly, lower your body down without touching the floor. The back and legs remain straight.

It is a mistake to believe that exercising at home without dumbbells and barbells will be ineffective in pumping up arm muscles. Properly selected exercises, taking into account the athlete’s physical fitness and goal, will help not only quickly tighten weakened limb muscles, but also increase the overall endurance and strength of the muscle corset. Despite the fact that training using weights will give the fastest results in the fight against sagging tissues, according to qualified fitness trainers, when exercising at home you can do without dumbbells and other sports equipment.

Understanding the features and taking into account the recommendations of specialists related to amateur training, the athlete will not only know how to pump up his arm muscles at home, but will also be able to independently choose the most effective exercises for himself with or without sports equipment.

We work correctly with muscles at home

To achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time when pumping up the muscular corset of the arms at home, it is important to follow a number of key rules, defined by qualified specialists in the fitness industry.

The main one is pre-drying the body. This means that in advance of the start of training aimed at obtaining large arm muscles, it is necessary to get rid of excess fat in the body.

Important! If this recommendation is ignored, the athlete will not be able to achieve the relief and effect of pumped arms at home. This is due to the fact of an increase in muscle mass under a layer of subcutaneous fat, which will only visually increase the volume of the body, and not transform it for the better.

Apart from this, it is also important to follow the following professional tips:

  • The duration of home training should be at least 50 minutes;
  • the frequency of this type of training should not exceed 4 times a week;
  • preference should be given to combined complexes that involve both cardio and strength training;
  • play sports at the same time;
  • change the lesson plan at least once a month.

By properly organizing muscle work at home, you can count on achieving visible results after just a month of regular training without weights and 2-3 weeks if working with dumbbells or a barbell.

How to achieve great results quickly: in a week and a month

Even when using specialized sports equipment, it is impossible to pump up your arms at home quickly, for example, in a week. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the human body.

However, by combining several types of physical activity, as well as competently constructing a training program, in a short period of time you can slightly tighten sagging muscle tissue, significantly tone the skin of target areas, and also increase the endurance and strength of the arm muscles.

The optimal period of time for transformation of the upper extremities is considered to be 2-3 months. This time will be enough not only to pump up muscles, but also to proportionally tighten the skin of the problem area.

Effective exercises for pumping and tightening sagging tissues

Exercises for pumping up arm muscles at home should be selected based on the availability of specialized sports equipment. To quickly achieve results at home, it is best to use dumbbells or a barbell. By working out exclusively with your own weight, the athlete will be able to achieve the first visible results in no less than a month.

Exercises with dumbbells

Standing arm curl (primarily the biceps)

Starting position (IP): take a vertical position; back straight; shoulders straightened; feet slightly spaced apart; hands holding dumbbells are located along the body; elbows pressed to the body. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbow joint, bringing your hands closer to your chest. It is important to ensure that the back of the hand is turned upward in the direction of movement. Without pausing, lower your limbs, thus returning to the IP.

Raising your arms to the sides (working your shoulders)

IP: stand up straight; bend your legs slightly at the knees; take dumbbells in your hands and place them along the seams; stretch your neck; the back of the head tends upward. As you exhale, raise your arms to the sides until a right angle is formed. Having fixed the resulting position for 3 seconds, slowly lower the limbs, returning to the IP. It is important to perform this exercise smoothly, without jerking, trying to use exclusively the shoulder muscles.

Arm extension from a standing position (to pump up the triceps)

IP: positioned vertically, slightly tilt the body forward until an angle of 45 degrees is formed; the back should be straight; the head and body form one straight line; knees slightly bent; feet spaced apart shoulder width apart; take dumbbells in your hands and bend them, pressing your elbows towards you. As you exhale, straighten your elbow joint, moving your limbs in a straight position behind your back. Holding them at this point for 3 seconds, return to the IP.

Barbell loads

Triceps Bench Press

IP: take a horizontal position on a hard surface; take the barbell with a narrow grip in your bent arms; Place the backs of your palms away from you. As you exhale, straighten your limbs by working your triceps. Without stopping, slowly return to the PI, while controlling the frequency of breathing. It is important to ensure that when pushing the projectile upward, only the muscles of the arms work, and the lower back remains pressed to the working surface.

Bend your arms behind your head from a lying position (shoulder muscles are involved)

IP: lying on a hard surface, raise your arms with the working implement above your head; your feet should rest firmly on the floor; the back is pressed as close as possible to the bench or floor. In parallel with exhalation, you need to bend your arms at the elbows and place them behind your head, without touching the support, and then slowly return to IP, taking a deep breath.

Biceps extensions

IP: sit on a hard surface; the back is as straight as possible; shoulders straightened; feet rest firmly on the floor; Bend your arms at the elbows and take the barbell of the working weight. As you exhale, straighten your upper limbs, slowly lowering the projectile towards your knees, but avoiding contact with them. Without pausing, return to the original position, while inhaling air into your lungs.

Exercises without equipment

Classic push-ups (works biceps)

IP: take a horizontal position with your face on the floor; distribute the weight evenly between the supporting points: hands and feet standing on tiptoes; the stomach is torn off the floor; the gaze is directed downwards. Simultaneously with exhalation, slowly bend your elbows. Having touched the floor with your chest, return to the IP. It is important to avoid bending and not change the position of the body during the exercise.

Reverse push-ups (triceps involved)

IP: turn your back to the supporting surface; take a sitting position above the floor; it is necessary to rest against a hard surface with your hands, the fingers of which are directed towards the athlete; buttocks should not touch the floor; legs bent at the knees; feet pressed firmly to the floor. As you exhale, bend your elbows, bringing your buttocks as close to the floor as possible. Maintaining the lower position for 3 seconds, slowly return to the starting position.

Reverse push-ups (most of the load falls on the shoulder muscles)

The IP and technique for performing the exercise are similar to classic push-ups. The only difference is the position of the hands, which provide the main support for the athlete. In this case, the hands need to be turned, pointing the fingers towards the legs.

Important! Regardless of the type of exercises to pump up the muscles of the arms, the key to the technique of performing them is proper breathing. It involves making an effort while exhaling and taking the initial position while inhaling.

Detailed training program for pumping up for a week

Following the recommendations of professionals, to effectively pump your arms, you should not exercise more than 3 times a week.


  • intense cardio on a treadmill or jogging in place – 5 minutes;
  • Bench press – 3 sets of 15 reps;
  • classic push-ups – 1 set for maximum number of repetitions;
  • triceps extension with a dumbbell – 3 sets of 10 times;
  • deadlift with dumbbells or barbell – 3 sets of 20 reps;
  • any abdominal exercise – 1 set for maximum number of repetitions;
  • deep squat jumps – 2 sets of 20 reps;
  • hitch.


  • jumping rope – 3 minutes;
  • bending your arms behind your head from a lying position – 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • classic dumbbell press from a sitting position - 3 sets of 10 times;
  • straight-legged dumbbell rows – 3 sets of 20 reps;
  • swing your arms with a dumbbell from the sides - 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • classic push-ups with narrow hands – 1 set for maximum number of repetitions;
  • running in place with high hip raises – 5 minutes;
  • stretching exercises for worked muscles.


  • jumping with arm swings - 5 minutes;
  • Curling arms with a barbell from a standing position – 3 sets of 10 repetitions;
  • Pull-ups with dumbbells, standing bent over - 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • push-ups from the floor in a reverse stance - 1 set for the maximum number of repetitions;
  • reverse triceps push-ups – 4 sets of 20 reps;
  • straight arm plank – 3 minutes;
  • biceps extension – 4 sets of 10 reps;
  • jumping in place – 3 minutes;
  • cool down (including stretching and breathing exercises).

What muscles are trained in the arms?

Every man wants to have strong hands. And you don't have to go to the gym for this. If you wish, you can pump up your arm muscles even at home without spending money on subscriptions. True, you will still have to spend money on buying shells. If you already have dumbbells and a barbell at home, then everything is even easier. With their help you can build muscles the fastest.

So, there are quite a lot of muscles in a person’s hands, but most often some of them are trained:

  • biceps (responsible for bending the arms);
  • triceps (the main task is extension of the upper limbs);
  • forearms (needed for moving the forearms and holding objects with the fingers).

Their locations can be seen in the following image:

What will you need for homework?

Ideally, a sports bench, parallel bars and a crossbar, several dumbbells and a barbell. True, there aren’t many things you can buy (see our article on how to make dumbbells at home). These shells can be replaced with improvised means, for example, plastic bottles with sand or water.

Working with such equipment is not so convenient, so if you really want to, it’s still better to buy some hardware for your home. Until this time, you will mostly have to make do with bodyweight exercises.

You can train your arms twice a week. One of them is to pump up the biceps and triceps, the second is to load the deltoids (shoulders) and forearms. So, let's start by looking at the most effective exercises for these muscle groups that you can do at home.

Making your shoulders wider

We know that the deltas consist of three bundles - anterior, lateral and posterior. The strongest of them is the front one, it is involved in many arm movements. For example, with the popular bench press, the front deltas are quite strongly involved in the work. It is used in those moments when we need to lift something up above our heads.

The lateral and rear deltoids are less developed. Moreover, training the former can visually make the shoulders wider, without giving them real strength or power. They swing mainly due to traction or swing movements.

It is best to train your shoulders with dropsets with small weights, since performing exercises with maximum weights is very dangerous, given the structure of the shoulder joint, and it is easy to injure it. Therefore, when training deltas, there is no need to chase weights, but rather try to feel the working muscles as best as possible.

Army press

In the classic version, it is performed with a barbell and works well on the front and side deltoids (to a lesser extent). To perform this, you need to take the bar with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders, arch your back and place it on your pectoral muscles. Then, as you exhale, press the barbell up, and as you inhale, lower it. The back should be arched; you can wear an athletic belt for insurance.

If there are no barbells or dumbbells, you can replace them with plastic bottles of water or sand, for example 5 liters. Their handles must be strong so that the bottles do not fall to the floor. You can use other available products as a substitute, depending on what you have at home.

This is a basic exercise for the shoulders; incorrect positioning of the back can lead to problems with the spine and lower back, so always pay attention to the technique. It is enough to slowly do 4-5 hikes of 10-15 repetitions.

Swing your arms to the sides

Depending on the technique, the lateral and rear deltas are involved to varying degrees. Swings (or flyes) are done with light weight. For starters, 5-8 kg for each hand is enough. Beginners can start with two liter water bottles (if they can be easily grasped).

The technique is quite complex and few people will be able to perform the exercise correctly the first time without the help of an instructor. You need to stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bending your knees. We hold dumbbells (or their substitutes) in both hands. As you exhale, we spread our arms to our sides (as if a bird is flapping its wings). The elbows should always rise above the hands, which should be brought to the level of the chin or slightly higher.

We suggest performing this exercise with the following dropset (without rest):

  • 10-12 times with dumbbells weighing 8 kg;
  • 10-12 times with dumbbells 5 kg;
  • maximum number of times with dumbbells 2 kg.

Try doing 3-4 approaches like this - your shoulders will burn unbearably, but it will bring great benefits, and you will be one step closer to your goal of developing beautiful and sculpted arms.

If you want to pump up the posterior muscle bundles with this exercise, then you will need to perform it while bending forward.

Working on the biceps

Biceps training should be varied. In addition, in order to use the two bundles (heads) of this muscle group, you must remember to load the brachialis, which is located under the biceps. It is by training this muscle that the height of the biceps will increase.

There are several basic exercises for biceps. Let us immediately note that although pull-ups with a reverse grip are such, they are difficult to fully use in pumping up your arms. This is due to the fact that in addition to the biceps, the back is also very tense, and this takes a lot of strength. Often it is this fact that prevents you from fully concentrating and putting all your energy into training your arms.

Standing barbell curls (biceps curls)

This exercise has probably been seen by everyone who has visited the gym at least once - such is its popularity. Some, due to physiological characteristics, use two dumbbells instead of a barbell. This option also has a right to life and is no worse. If there is no sports equipment, then you can come up with various weights. For example, a bag of sand, a cast iron pipe, etc.

To perform, stand straight, bend your knees slightly, and grab the barbell with a reverse grip. The grip width may vary, choose the option that suits you best. At the lower and upper points of execution, do not relax your arms, keep them tense. Four approaches of 8-12 times is quite enough.

Choose the weight of the projectile according to your strength. As you increase muscle mass and muscle endurance, increase it.


So, we found a good exercise for building biceps mass, what next? We must not forget about the development of brachialis, as this will help visually make our “guns” even higher.

One of the common and recognized methods is to perform a hammer (or hammers). The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. We take dumbbells or bottles of sand in both hands. Palms should face each other. Without turning your wrist, lift the weight to shoulder level with one hand, then the other.

Elbows should remain in one place - pressed to the sides. The part of the hands that is located above it should also not move. We bend our arms slowly, without rocking the body. A set of 3 or 4 10-15 times will be enough to load the brachialis and get positive feedback from it on rest days. .

When performing the exercises listed above, watch your body - it should not sway. Otherwise, you will remove the load from the biceps and transfer it to the whole body. The effectiveness of hand development is reduced several times.

Growing triceps

Contrary to popular belief, training the triceps rather than the biceps will help make your arms wider the fastest. They consist of three beams, the development of which will significantly increase your arms.


This is one of the best exercises, which is considered basic for working the arm extensor muscles. In this case, it is better to take a narrow grip (shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower). Even when working only with your own weight, your arms receive a good load, which not everyone can handle.

In order for the load to be concentrated almost exclusively on the triceps, you need to perform the exercise with a straight back, moving your legs back. This way you minimize the involvement of the pectoral muscles.

If you are able to do more than 4 sets of 20 times with a minute's rest, then you can safely start adding weights, for example, doing push-ups, tying something heavy to yourself (a five-liter bottle of water, a bag of sand, etc.).

There are also cases when there are no beams in the yard or house, what should you do in this case? The emphasis can be taken on two chairs, which should be placed shoulder-width apart. Just be sure to watch your balance so that you don’t fall to the floor with this design.

You can try a safer method. Place two chairs side by side - one behind you (rest your hands on it, fingers should point forward), the other in front, on which you place your feet. Bend your elbows, try to move them back, not to the sides. If the exercise is too easy, you can put several books or other weights on top of yourself. Perform 4-5 such approaches 10-15 times during training.

Classic push-ups

The simplest thing you can think of is doing regular push-ups. There is no doubt about their effectiveness, but you won’t be able to actually build muscle mass with them. However, getting your hands in order and adding a sporty shape to them in the form of relief is quite possible.

You can make things a little more difficult for yourself and do handstand push-ups. If you have problems with balance, you can rest your feet against the wall. In this version, it is quite difficult to perform push-ups. The main thing to remember is not to place your arms too wide, otherwise the load will transfer to the pectoral muscles. You need to place your hands slightly narrower than shoulder width.

Bent over arm extension

In fact, many people underestimate this exercise. Despite the fact that the approaches are performed with fairly light weights, the triceps are tensed quite well. Instead of dumbbells, you can, again, use bottles of sand or water.

You need to find a focus. This could be a table, the back of a chair, etc. Arch your back, place your arms at your side along your body. Press your elbow tightly towards you and constantly make sure that it remains in place. Begin to bend and straighten your arm at the elbow without rocking your body. You should perform all repetitions of the approach first with one hand, then with the other.

In the upper position, you can fix your hand for 1-3 seconds in order to maximally strain all the muscle fibers of the triceps. Three or four sets of 10-15 reps should be enough to fill your muscles with blood and give them a boost to development.

Should you pay attention to your forearms?

In fact, not many people study them separately. There are enough exercises for the main muscle groups in the form of rows that strain and strengthen these muscles.

To increase your grip strength, you can use hanging bars and other similar exercises. To strengthen the ligaments, you will need dumbbells or other weights that you can grasp. It is enough to take the weight in your hand and begin to slowly rotate it clockwise, then in the opposite direction. You can do this by time, or by the number of laps.

Much in this matter is determined by genetics and body type. If you're naturally thin, you'll want to focus on your core muscles and let your forearms follow.

Features of women's training

The listed exercises can also be used by the weaker sex. At the same time, you should not take the heaviest dumbbells or ten-liter bottles of water.

In order to get your arms in order and make them fit, it is quite enough to limit yourself to weights weighing 3-5 kg.

It is better to increase the number of repetitions to 20-25, and take the pace quite fast. In this case, no more than 1 minute should be allocated for rest.

Monitor your heart rate closely if you have not previously exercised, as high physical activity can negatively affect your well-being.


You can replace dumbbells and barbells at home with improvised means: plastic bottles with sand or water, cast iron products, bags with weights, etc. With this equipment you can get your hands in order, adding strength and volume to them.

  • Sculpted biceps and triceps- this is the goal that every athlete strives for in order to stand out from the crowd, look athletic and fit. You can achieve the desired result not only within the walls of the gym. The main thing is to have the desire and desire, and you can practice at home. There are many effective exercises for building muscle mass in the biceps and triceps., the implementation of which does not require visiting the gym.

    Isolating (isolated) exercises aimed at working out the muscle group of the arms, of course, allow you to achieve your goal, but you should not forget about the accompanying factors. It is necessary not only to exercise, but also to approach it competently. It should contain enough fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to build muscle mass in the body, including in the arms.

    There are many isolated exercises for pumping up muscles that are recommended for doing at home. Not all of them are equally effective and productive, but there are also those that, if done diligently and correctly, allow you to boast of sculpted and beautiful arm muscles.

    To complete the proposed training, you will need a basic set of sports equipment. So, to start training, first of all, you need to have:

    • dumbbells;
    • curved bar;
    • adjustable bench press;
    • horizontal bar for doing pull-ups.

    The missing exercise equipment can be purchased at a specialized sports store, either in the city or online. When thinking about the feasibility of the money spent, you should clearly understand that buying exercise equipment is a necessary investment in your own health and the key to a toned and beautifully sculpted body.

    Diligence and time are the key points of training

    There are no difficulties or difficulties in performing training to pump up the biceps and triceps muscles. All exercises are quite simple. To achieve results, you just need not to be lazy and be patient. The main thing is to train not occasionally, but systematically. You need to study strictly according to the established schedule, without missing classes.

    The frequency of exercise depends on your body type. Naturally lean athletes need to exercise 4 to 5 times a week and eat heavily. You shouldn't expect quick results. You won't be able to pump up your arms in two weeks of training. You need to be patient and not deviate from your intended goal.

    If you are persistent and consistent, do not neglect training, doing 1-2 times a week, your efforts and efforts will not be in vain, and your hands will acquire the coveted definition and become a source of pride.

    What should the training be like?

    The main point of performing training to pump up arm muscles is variety and an integrated approach. Limiting yourself to one or two exercises, pumping, for example, biceps, hoping that this will be enough, is strongly not recommended.

    You need to perform three or four exercises for both triceps and biceps. The muscles must be engaged and working at full strength. If after exercise there is no pain in the muscles, then the training does not bring the desired effect.

    It is not necessary to use all muscle groups in one workout. One day can be devoted to working the pectoral muscles and biceps, and the other to the back and triceps. The main thing to remember is that with underdeveloped muscle mass, results will appear in one and a half or even two months.

    You should not focus exclusively on pumping up the muscles in your arms. Otherwise, the body will develop disproportionately. Therefore, no matter which muscle group a bodybuilder is focused on working, the rest should not be ignored either.

    One of the most common mistakes many novice bodybuilders make is that they enthusiastically start training and pump their biceps every day. Such an approach not only does not bring results, but also exhausts the athlete.

    Constant and regular stress on the muscles, which does not give the desired effect, can lead to reluctance to continue training and a gradual decrease in physical activity. Avoiding such consequences allows you to clearly understand that muscles grow only when training alternates with rest.

    If the athlete has a bench press rack at his disposal, it is best to perform deadlifts and rows with a reverse grip, and squats with a barbell. Both isolating and complex exercises, provided regular training and proper execution, give guaranteed results.

    And, as mentioned earlier, the main thing is that during the training both small and large muscle groups are involved, that is, one training is devoted to pumping up the triceps and back, and the other to the biceps and chest.

    Of course, for some, this approach may not seem the most optimal, but it is supported by personal experience and has demonstrated its effectiveness.

    Video selection of exercises

    Set of exercises

    Exercises to pump up biceps

    Triceps pumping exercises

    Each exercise is performed according to 4 approaches, each of which recommends do 10 to 12 repetitions.

    Pumping up your arms at home

    To have pumped up, sculpted arms, you don’t have to go to the gym. If you have standard weights at home, you can do all the necessary exercises at home.

    To do this, you need to have sports equipment such as a barbell, a set of dumbbells, and a horizontal bar. All exercises performed with these equipment are simple and do not require any special effort. To make it interesting to practice even alone, the training can be performed to your favorite music.