Autotraining technique. Autogenic training - texts and stages Effective autotraining

Having understood the principle that underlies any business, we stop perceiving this business as something difficult and scary.

What is auto-training? This is a way of instilling certain commands in a person, bypassing the “consciousness” - and putting them directly into the “subconsciousness”. Because consciousness has filters - criticality, distrust, etc. No commands will pass through these filters. What is the difference between auto-training and hypnosis? Because auto-training is self-hypnosis. How does auto-training work? This is what we will deal with now.

Any “auto-training” is a Text that is pronounced out loud, like a prayer or mantra. But this text is not easy. It is designed in a certain way. In order to understand how this text is structured, let us remember and understand such concepts as:

  1. verbs and nouns;
  2. logical thinking and thinking in images;
  3. the left hemisphere of the brain and the right hemisphere of the brain. We will also introduce such concepts as DISCOURSE text, the opposing MATRIX text, and the most important concept for this article - Altered States of Consciousness or ASC.

All that a hypnotist does with us is to introduce us (no, not into a “trance”!), but strictly scientifically, into an Altered State of Consciousness. In other words, the hypnotist lulls and slows down the activity of our main one, the Left Hemisphere, in order to be able to freely communicate with the Right.

As brain scientists say, our left hemisphere has assumed its dominant position relatively recently (by evolutionary standards). At the same time, when man’s left hemisphere developed, language appeared in him - in its modern version.

Before the “Revolution of the Left Hemisphere,” the human language knew only concrete visible objects and expressed them with nouns. There was no offer. There were no connections between words. There were no verbs. The statement did not convey temporal relations - there were no “then”, “now”, “in the future”, because there was no verb. Instead of the verb “walk” there was a noun “walking”, for example.

In ancient times, people did not distinguish everything that is now so familiar to us that we do not seem to notice it. Try to express your thoughts using nouns alone! You won’t be able to - you are a modern person and the left hemisphere of your brain works.

Such ancient, pre-logical thinking operated exclusively with formless, vague, unanalyzable sensory spots. All this is very similar to the vision with which an infant looks at the world - he sees spots of color, without distinguishing either far or close, or even the shape of objects.

But in the course of evolution, the Left Hemisphere of the brain began to actively and literally develop in leaps and bounds and become more functionally complex. Human language immediately began to change. Logic appeared in it. Thanks to her, speech began to be divided into sentences, each of which expressed a complete thought related to the present, past or future time. Parts of speech and a verb appeared - the only part of speech that expresses the relationship of an event to time.

Thus, an incomprehensible archaic sentence like “I-plucked-a-flower” turned into a modern one: I picked a flower, I plucked a flower, I plucked a flower, My flower was plucked.

And then a logical chain began to connect from such proposals. This weaving is Discursivity - that is, meaningful coherence, connectedness of speech and thinking. Because “discourse” translated from Latin means “weaving” in a strict order.

What did this transformation of his thinking and speech give to man? He learned to express his thoughts clearly, check their truth or falsity, and relate them to reality. What did this transformation take away from the person? This transformation of thinking and speech deprived man of his connection with nature, the feeling of unity and integrity of being. The indivisibility of “children’s” thinking implied one very simple thought - everything is connected to everything and is reflected in everything - everything is one!

Having lost this perception of Self-in-the-World, how can a person, outside of auto-training, order something to his body? How can he “tell” the heart: “Beat in the right rhythm”? He won’t believe in all this “nonsense” - he thinks left-hemisphere - that is, intelligently, rationally, critically.

However, auto-training is not a joke or pseudoscientific invention for naive simpletons. These are absolutely legal, scientifically proven techniques that allow a person to “talk” with his consciousness and specifically with the body and its organs. How does it work? But now, having passed the granite of theory, we get to the most interesting thing.

During the experiments, it was found that as soon as the activity of the Left (logical) hemisphere is suppressed for various reasons, a person begins to think and behave in an unusual way. Such states were called Altered States of Consciousness. The most common are hypnosis, trance, and normal sleep. There are still a lot of them, but they all have one thing in common - the left hemisphere is oppressed - the right hemisphere works at full power, as in the old days. At this moment, a person thinks only in pictures, images, and verbs gradually leave his speech until only nouns remain in it.

And now the most important discovery made by scientists! Both states work in both directions. It’s all very simple: a person put into a trance begins to speak incoherently, using ancient non-discursive forms of speech. However, if a person simply begins to speak in ancient non-discursive forms of speech, incoherently, then he is put into a trance! The state creates a special speech, and this speech, in turn, is capable of itself causing such a state.

From time immemorial, this method has been used by dishonest orators who, with a specially constructed text of a speech, put the audience into a trance, instead of turning to the arguments of reason. But there are situations and vice versa. When arguments of reason cannot help a person. When only a text that has lost its logic, discursiveness, and coherence can help him. Such texts were carefully studied throughout the twentieth century, and were called Matrix or simply Matrices. Soon, based on these texts, the first auto-trainings were developed, which immediately had a huge effect in the treatment of a variety of diseases - from mental to physical.

Let's consider the principle of operation of the most primitive auto-training.

The auto-training text begins with a simple but grammatically correct series of phrases. Here they are: My hands get heavy and warm. My legs feel heavy and warm. My stomach is getting warmer.

These phrases seem to introduce us to what is yet to come. The left hemisphere is working at full capacity, while the right is still dormant. But here comes the second series of phrases. Here the structure given above begins to be simplified and shortened: Hands are heavy and warm. Legs are heavy and warm. The stomach is warm. There are no longer verbs in the sentence, but there are still connections between parts of speech - adjectives are grammatically related to nouns. But now the third series of phrases begins, completely simulating the state of the “turned off left hemisphere”: Hands. Heaviness. Warm. Legs. Heaviness. Warm. Stomach. Warm. Have you noticed how the situation is heating up from episode to episode? The first series of phrases is generally unconvincing. And the latter sounds almost scary, like the voice of a shaman performing rituals with a tambourine over the shoulder blade of a deer.

If you noticed this, then the matrix text of the auto-training has already begun to work - you can see for yourself how it works.

All other auto-trainings were created according to this very first and primitive (but working!) scheme. Now you can write your own. You know the scheme.

Hands get heavy and warm
Hands are heavy, warm
Hands. Heaviness. Warm.

Create your own auto training. If you do it according to the rules, then the information will reach the recipient and a miracle will happen, which is by no means rejected even by the most rigorous science.

Autotraining (AT, autogenic training) is a technique of self-hypnosis (self-hypnosis), which allows a person to independently relieve nervous tension and muscle tension. Such self-hypnosis, if carried out correctly, makes it possible to correct well-being in some physiological diseases, influence mental processes, and alleviate the condition of a number of mental disorders.

Autogenic training is used to calm anxiety and stabilize the emotional background. It can help change personality traits, influence self-esteem, and have a positive impact on self-development and creativity. Therefore, self-hypnosis is used not only as a method of psychotherapeutic treatment for neuroses or depression, but also as a way to achieve inner harmony in healthy people. The advantage of AT is that you can master the technique on your own. But in the case of fighting physiological diseases, psychosomatic manifestations or mental disorders, it is better if, at least initially, the training is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

The auto-training technique was developed in the 30s of the last century. It was first described in 1932 by a German psychotherapist named Schultz. The method was developed by him based on the results obtained after hypnotic influence on patients, in combination with the ideas of Eastern yogis (the principle of meditation). In Russia, auto-training began to gain popularity in the 50s.

What is autogenic training based on?

The main essence of the method is verbal influence on the psyche. When a certain emotional state and physical state are achieved, a word can affect a person in a special way. Verbal influence during auto-training puts into the psyche a specific program aimed at a specific result. The goal of the program may be to cure a disease, calm you down, get rid of fatigue, normalize sleep, and so on.

Autotraining involves targeted work with both the body and the psyche. Therefore, the first step is to bring your physical state to complete relaxation. It is important to take the most comfortable position before starting a workout, then remove all existing muscle tension, feel your body and some physical processes in a new way, for example, heart rate, breathing. And only in the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness does self-hypnosis begin.

Autogenic training will have results only if there is an internal desire and belief that the method works. Additionally, it is necessary to achieve a state where negative ideas are not present in the mind. It is important that the emotional background is either elevated (pleasant slight excitement) or relatively neutral. Any doubts, particles of “not” present in the text of auto-training, any third-party (including visual) negative influences will negatively affect the result of self-hypnosis. And this result will either be completely absent or unsatisfactory.

It is better to compose a text for self-hypnosis, guided by the specific purpose for which AT is carried out. Before you start, you need to remember it well so that during the auto-training process there are no unnecessary pauses and hesitations. Repeated phrases with the same meaning, but spoken in different words, will have greater power. They should come exclusively from the first person, be short and clear, precise.

For autogenic training to be beneficial and effective, it must be approached with the utmost seriousness. It is important to understand that self-hypnosis is not just entertainment. And you won’t be able to get instant results with it if there is a question of solving serious problems. However, even after the first attempt at such self-hypnosis, positive aspects can be noticed. They will manifest themselves in the relieved excitement or absence of anxiety that existed before the start of the training. And also in a feeling of vigor, a feeling of a surge of strength, and an improvement in overall tone.

The duration of auto-training may vary. Depends on the ability to quickly relax, on the complexity of the impact on the psyche. Typically, self-hypnosis lasts from 5 to 60 minutes. It should not cause discomfort, internal protest, or negativity. It is important to exercise regularly, once or twice a day. Gradually, a state of relaxation will be achieved faster and faster, sleep will normalize, anxious and obsessive thoughts will calm down, fears and worries will go away. And when this method can be mastered very well, it will be possible to use auto-training not only at home, but also, for example, in transport, where it is possible to take a relaxed position while sitting.

Body position for AT can be one of three:

In all variants of poses, the eyes should be closed. It is better to start your first workouts from a lying position. At the same time, it is important to exclude third-party influence and noise during auto-training. Therefore, you should not even play relaxing music in the background; it is better to listen to it 10 minutes before the start of self-hypnosis.

Appointments for AT

By engaging in auto-training, you can learn to control your mental processes, cope with various nervous conditions and emotional experiences. This technique relieves insomnia, helps with severe psychosomatic disorders, and allows you to achieve harmony between the psyche and body.

Autogenic training makes it possible to control physiological processes. This method of self-hypnosis is used to get rid of bad habits (smoking, overeating, alcohol, drug or drug addiction). With its help you can alleviate the condition of “withdrawal syndrome”.

Indications and diseases

As a special method that allows you to treat and correct well-being in case of physical problems, auto-training is applicable in cases where there are strong spasms of smooth muscles or a painful condition occurs due to emotional stress. Therefore, AT is used for ulcers, problems with blood vessels and heart, bronchial asthma, constipation, pain in the stomach or intestines.

It has been proven that self-hypnosis relieves severe periodic pain in women and helps during childbirth.

Autogenic training can be chosen to correct the condition after traumatic brain injury, to get rid of the consequences of neuroinfections. Helps with various neurotic disorders affecting speech. Organic damage to the nervous system is also indicated.

As a psychotherapeutic method, auto-training is used to treat:

  • psychoasthenic state;
  • depression;
  • phobias;
  • various neuroses;
  • addictions, obsessions;
  • sexual disorders.


Despite the fact that the method looks harmless, there are some contraindications for self-hypnosis. You cannot conduct training during acute infectious diseases, during vegetative crises and various paroxysmal conditions.

It is prohibited to access auto-training while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or psychostimulants. The technique is unacceptable during moments of hallucinations and delusional states.

How AT is performed

Based on Schultz's idea, autogenic training involves two main steps. The first is the “lowest” one, responsible for achieving complete relaxation in the body. During it, the heartbeat is monitored and attention is paid to breathing.

The second level is “highest”. It is represented by meditation, self-hypnosis, a trance state, when a direct effect on the psyche is carried out. However, to these two steps it is worth adding a third stage - exit from the created state. It does not need to be carried out completely if autogenic training is done before bed or is aimed at falling asleep faster.

First stage

The first stage in auto-training is divided into six short steps that are interconnected. They follow each other, but do not break off, but merge into a single whole.

Heaviness. At this stage, complete relaxation of the muscles is achieved so as to feel the heaviness of the arms, legs, head, and so on.

Warm. Here it is important to concentrate on the feeling of warmth that is created by the blood flowing to the smallest vessels. This step involves gradually mastering control of blood circulation.

Heartbeat or pulse. At this stage you need to achieve a feeling of the pulse in the body. This will help you learn to control your heart rate during nervous tension.

Breathing process. There is no need to control your breathing. It is important to feel this process, focus on it, feel the breath.

Flush of blood (“solar plexus”). You need to feel how the blood rushes to the internal organs, concentrating in the area of ​​the nerve centers located between the navel and sternum.

Cool. It should be present in the face and forehead area. What you need to do here is not to feel the cold inside while doing auto-training, but to feel the coolness of the air, how it contrasts with the warmth inside the body.

Complete relaxation is achieved only after completing all six steps. If at this moment an independent hypnotic influence is not exerted, then you can fall into a sound sleep. It varies in duration, but a surge of strength and vigor even after 20 minutes of sleep will be guaranteed.

Second stage

At this stage, programming of the psyche occurs. Verbal self-hypnosis is carried out using previously prepared statements and phrases.

In contrast to third-party psychotherapeutic influence (hypnosis), it is much easier to independently feel how strong and beneficial the effect on the psyche turned out to be. Therefore, it is easier to control the duration of auto-training.

Stage three

It is important to be able to exit the trance state correctly so that the result is permanent and so that no harm is caused to the body or psyche.

You should not make sudden movements, open your eyes spontaneously, or quickly get up from the bed or chair. When the main stages of autogenic training have passed, you need to immerse yourself in your inner sensations for a while, feel a surge of strength, emotional calm, and harmony. Breathe slowly and prepare yourself to get out of the state.

Initially, you should slowly clench your palms into fists. Then bring your arms out in front of you, straightening your elbows. After raising them above your head, open your palms and open your eyes. Only after completing these actions, taking a deep breath and exhaling, should you rise to your feet.

It is not difficult to master the method of self-hypnosis if you have strong internal motivation and desire. AT can quickly give the desired results, relieve neurosis, and help get out of depression if you take the method seriously and practice it day after day. This technique will also help in everyday life, eliminating unnecessary worry and everyday stress.

Self-regulation, or auto-training, has recently become an increasingly popular method of solving psychological problems on one’s own. It often happens that a person, having tried to do some exercises, does not feel a noticeable effect and becomes disappointed in the methods of self-regulation in principle.

In addition to lack of concentration or lack of patience, the cause of failure may also lie in the external environment. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to talk about a few additional recommendations that will make any autogenic training more effective.

First of all, you need to create the right environment. The room should be lit, but not too bright, preferably semi-dark. You need to make sure that no one will disturb you; it is better to turn off your phone. When the phone is turned on, even if no one distracts you with a call during class, the brain will still remember the potential possibility of a call and spend resources on controlling this channel of information flow. For some people, it is better if there is some kind of background sound, such as soft music without words that does not have a clear rhythm, or a recording of nature sounds.

Secondly, to conduct classes you need to choose a specific place, which will be your “place of power”. When choosing it, trust your intuition and determine the place in the room in which you feel most comfortable. During subsequent classes, this place itself will tune you in a suitable way. It is also important which direction of the world your face will be facing. Usually it is east or south, but other individual preferences are possible.

Sometimes, after quite a large number of classes, the need may arise to change your “place of power.” This means that the flow of energy in your room has changed or there have been strong changes in the state of your body. In such a situation, you should trust your intuition and again choose the place that seems most suitable and comfortable to you.

Before doing the actual auto-training and introducing the necessary settings into consciousness, it is useful to perform the following exercise. It will help to properly adjust the functioning of the brain hemispheres.

Stand up straight and place your palms at chest level opposite each other.

Start rotating your left hand clockwise when looking from the outside, that is, from yourself.

Then add to this the movement of the right hand in the opposite direction - rotation from yourself.

This exercise requires coordination of movements that are rarely performed in everyday life, so it may take some time to master. It helps you relax and stop the “internal dialogue,” that is, the continuous flow of thoughts. In addition, with this exercise, the hemispheres of the brain work in such a way that it contributes to the development of reaction speed and the speed of thought processes in general.

If you practice self-regulation while standing, the following technique will be useful to control the degree of relaxation. After performing the above exercise for about five minutes, stand up straight and close your eyes, listening to your sensations. If you are relaxed enough, you will feel a slight swaying sensation. If swaying does not occur, it means that tension in your thoughts still remains, and you are trying too hard to control your state. This means that you need to continue performing the previous exercise for a few more minutes.

When you reach the desired degree of relaxation, you can proceed to repeating attitudes that may relate to solving psychological problems (for example, “During the interview, I feel calm and confident”), health (“Every day my body is filled with vitality”), material issues. Even at first glance, an unrealistic attitude such as “I earn at least ... dollars a month” affects the subconscious, which one way or another begins to work towards its fulfillment.

During each session you need to work with only one installation, and the method achieves its greatest effectiveness if you work with one installation every day for four or seven days. Then it is better to move on to working with another problem, and let go of the previous one, allowing the subconscious to work on solving it.

Any person can have problems at work, in school, in relationships with family, friends, etc. Problems sometimes cause stress, which is detrimental to a person's physical and social well-being. But the search for a solution to a problem does not always lead to the desired result, while a person chooses the wrong solutions to problems - for example, he becomes fixated on the uncontrolled use of drugs. This is where it can help "Auto-training".

Autotraining is a set of methods for psychological self-improvement. For example, the following methods:

  1. Muscle relaxation
  2. Self-hypnosis.
  3. Autodidactics (self-education and self-development of personality).

These methods are aimed at ensuring that a person can, on his own, change his attitude towards difficult situations and change his behavior tactics. It is important to understand that every situation has a solution and everything depends on the desire and perseverance of the person himself. But these qualities need to be nurtured and trained.

I'll tell you about mine personal experience in mastering and applying auto-training.

I learned about this method of self-regulation from my friend. He was faced with a problem, as a result of which he could neither quit the matter nor solve it. Because of this, he often had nervous breakdowns, quarrels with family, fatigue, and poor health. He got busy auto-training, and I was amazed at how calm he became and how decisively he began to change his life situation. And, naturally, I also wanted to learn and try this method, since I also faced serious problems at home and at work.

For me, the most important thing was the ability to calm down. Is there a problem that you are trying to solve for the first time? Don't despair. try my version!
Calm down, pull yourself together, throw away thoughts that you won’t cope.
Sit down or, better yet, lie down and don’t think about anything for a few minutes.
Turn on light music or sounds of nature (the sound of rain, sea, thunderstorm, wind, waterfall - whatever is closer to your feelings).
Once you have calmed down, begin to think through options for solving the problem.
Carefully consider each option, do not discard difficult paths, because they may be the key to the solution.
Choose the most suitable option and start taking action.
You must inspire yourself that “EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT.”
And start acting while remaining calm and confident.
And you will see how the decision - the action plan that you built in your head - begins to be implemented and solve the problem.

In conclusion, I would like to say: if you often get nervous, worry, or give up in difficult situations, then be sure to take the Autotraining course and you will understand
that the condition for achieving success is calm and collected;
that any difficulties and problems have solutions;
that stress and anxiety are insignificant, and you shouldn’t waste time and energy on them;
that everyone can change themselves, the main thing is desire.

Take the starting position in one of the selected poses, close your eyes. At this stage auto-training Suggestion formulas are aimed at achieving complete muscle relaxation.

Preparatory stage. Relaxation mask

Any tense muscle stimulates the brain, and this prevents the occurrence of an autogenic state. Facial, chewing muscle groups, as well as the tongue and hands, have the greatest impact on the state of the brain than other muscles, so more attention should be paid to their relaxation.

Let's start with the facial muscles. To relax the chewing muscles with your head upright, silently pronounce the sound “y” and let your jaw drop. Sit like this for a few minutes, feel how, with the relaxation of the masticatory muscles, a wave of relaxation passes throughout the body, how the facial muscles straighten, the eyelids become heavier, the gaze stops, the surrounding becomes fuzzy and blurred due to the relaxation of the muscles that focus the lens.

Now say the formulas to yourself:

All the bustle of the day goes away, floats away, flies away... far, far away...

I calm down... calm down... calm down...

I’m having a good, pleasant rest... My whole body is resting...

The whole body is soft, pleasant, warm... I am resting...

Concentrate on the sensations that you already have, and not on what you think you need to achieve. The most common mistake at the beginning of training is the inability to see the beginnings of the desired state and, as a result, the desire to instill in oneself the “needed” state. Such internal activity destroys even the autogenic immersion that you have already achieved.

Muscle relaxation

Focus passively on calmness. Then, while continuing to feel how calm and relaxed you are, passively focus on the actual weight of your arms. Concentrate passively on calmness and heaviness until the feeling of heaviness begins to disappear and you begin to become distracted. After this, while continuing to feel calm and heavy, focus for a few seconds on the real warmth of your hands. If you have cold hands before class, rub them, otherwise passive concentration on the heat will be impossible.

At the same time, repeat to yourself:

My body is completely relaxed...

Your hands are completely relaxed...

The hands are completely relaxed, soft, swollen... warm... heavy...

The hands swell, fill with hot blood...

The blood is pounding... pulsating...

The hands are completely relaxed... soft... swollen... heavy... warm....

All arms are completely relaxed... soft... warm... heavy... shoulders... forearms... hands... all arms.

After this, use similar formulas for the rest of the body - face, neck, chest, abdomen, back, legs. After completing each part of the body, repeat the text of the “chorus”, and then move on to the next part. The "chorus" looks like this:

Okay, I’m having a nice rest... My whole body is resting...

Complete your relaxation with general formulas:

Okay, I’m resting pleasantly... My whole body is resting... soft... warm... pleasant...

Thoughts float... float... thoughts... fly, fly high, high... far, far...

I’m resting... good, pleasantly resting... thoughts float, float... thoughts fly...

At this stage, a pleasant drowsy state sets in - half asleep, half awake. This is a good basis for introducing the necessary goal formulas into the subconscious.

Stage two: changing your condition
with the help of auto-training

First, make a list of problems that you want to solve with autogenic training. Rank them according to difficulty level. Always start with the easiest one.

1. Define your goal. Describe the picture of the condition that prevents its achievement, pay attention to its emotional, mental and physical components.

For example, your main problem is uncertainty, which is preventing you from successfully passing the exam. Remember exactly what sensations you experience while taking the exam: tension, fear, slight nausea...

2. Create a positive image that is the opposite of the problem described above. For example: calm, confidence, warmth, “I am sure” statements.

When you create self-hypnosis formulas, remember that they should be:

Brief. After all, a short phrase is better absorbed by the subconscious. For example, the formula “Confident” is better than “I am calm and confident in all situations.”

Positive. The formula should not be denied. For example, the formula “I’m not afraid of exams” can increase fear. The formula “I remember everything” should be applied.

Individual. Make up a formula for yourself; it does not have to satisfy everyone.

Some texts for autogenous workout

Deep healthy sleep

The head is free of thoughts. I am indifferent to the worries and impressions of the day. I feel peace of mind. I deserve a rest. The eyes are stuck together, the eyelids are heavy. The lower jaw is heavy, the base of the tongue is heavy, the eyes are closed, the eyelids are heavy. I feel peace, sleep comes. Sleep takes over me. I sleep well and deeply.

I sleep deeply and soundly. Sleep is deep and sound. I sleep well. I lie down and sleep in peace. I sleep deeply, soundly, without worries, I wake up fresh and full of energy. I sleep deeply and soundly until 6 am. I am used to waking up without difficulty at 6 am. I switch off from everything before 6am.

Fighting overeating

I am calm, restrained in my eating and completely full. I am indifferent to alcohol (sweets and the like). I never drink alcohol anywhere. I am indifferent to cafes and restaurants. I am happy, free and full. I feel full and have no desire to eat. Abstinence is pleasant.

Normalization of digestion

Bowel movement occurs half an hour after waking up. The intestines work calmly and precisely. The digestive system works like a clock. The body is completely relaxed (with colic). I am completely calm and unperturbed. The body is relaxed and radiates warmth. The rectum is tightly compressed (with diarrhea).


Work (study) brings joy. It’s easy for me to work (study). It's easy for me to work. I can handle work (study). Everything is working out well. I'm attentive. Thoughts are concentrated. Working (writing, reading) is easy for me. Ideas (thoughts) come by themselves. The train of thought is structured. I am indifferent to any noise. I feel calm when there is noise around me.


Training (performances, competitions) gives a feeling of joy and freedom. Exercising (running, jumping, etc.) is fun. It’s nice to train, I train systematically. I can handle the workload just fine. I train with great passion. I run smoothly, freely and softly. I push sharply and hard. I start easily and quickly. I jump freely, far and easily. I jump freely, high and easily.

Emergency Preparedness

I am cheerful and cheerful behind the wheel. I am alert and calm at work. In all circumstances, I am fresh, collected and alert.

Third stage: exit from autogenic immersion

Take 5 deep breaths. Mentally say the following verbal formulas:

I had a good rest. My strength has been restored.

I feel a surge of energy throughout my body.

My thoughts are clear and clear.

The muscles were filled with vitality.

I'm ready to take action.

It was like taking a refreshing shower. I take a deep breath... Exhale sharply... I feel a pleasant, refreshing coolness.

I raise my head (or stand up). I open my eyes.

After just a few days of regular exercise, you will be able to feel the first results of your training: it will become easier for you to calm down, pull yourself together, collect yourself, focus on what is most important, and act with confidence.