Summary of a swimming lesson in kindergarten “Underwater World”. Preparatory group

Target: teach children to correctly raise their heads above the surface of the water when inhaling, to float up; cultivate dexterity and courage.

Equipment: large inflatable ball, hoop, small diameter balls, watering can.

Swimming lesson progress

Goldfish(Head of Physical Education). Guys! Do you recognize me? I am a goldfish, I want to play with you. Show how you learned to swim. But first, let's warm up and get ready to meet the water.

Exercise games in water

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands below.

Rotate your arms back and forth (8 times in each direction).

2. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Tilts left and right (8 times in each direction).

3. I.p. - toes together, heels apart, hands on the belt.

Squats (16 times).

4. Relaxation - shake your arms and legs.

Goldfish. Well done! And now everyone is in the water!

(Children enter the water and line up.)

General developmental exercises

  • "Train"

Children walk one after another along the bottom of the pool. They reach the hoop and go into it.

  • "The sea is agitated"

Children stand in a line. At the command “the sea is agitated!” everyone runs away, plunges into the water, and raises waves with their hands. After the words “the wind has died down, the sea has calmed down,” the children line up and take their places.

Goldfish. Have you seen what kind of waves there are on the sea? I'll show you how they appear. (Shows how waves appear.) Want to try it?

  • "Waves on the Sea"

Children stand facing in a circle at arm's length. Hands move to the right, lie on the surface of the water. Simultaneously with turning the body to the right, move the arms under the very surface of the water in the opposite direction.

  • "Frisky ball"

Children stand in a line, each with a ball in their hand. At the signal, blow on the ball once. Then they see whose ball floated the furthest.

Goldfish. Well done! Today we will learn new exercises. First watch how I make them.

  • "Float"

While standing, take a breath, sit down deeply, clasp your legs with your hands just below your knees, lower your face to your knees and group yourself.

  • "Arrow"

While standing, take a breath, push off with both feet from the bottom, lie down on the water, stretched out like an arrow (the whole body is tense). Move forward.

Goldfish. Now let's play the game "Frogs".

A cloud rose into the sky,

The sun was closed.

The little frogs are rushing into the house,

Mom set the table for them.

(“The little frogs” run to their houses. The goldfish waters them from a watering can.)

The little frogs came running home, the tea was ready at home. It is aromatic, tasty and pleasant here. To cool the tea a little, we will blow on it.

(Exhale into the water.)

The little frogs drank tea

And the clothes were dried.

The sun came out again

Everyone can run to the pond.

(Children go out to the middle of the pool and play again.)

Goldfish. Well done, guys! I really enjoyed playing with you. But the time has come to part. Get out of the water, dry yourself, get dressed. See you!

Summary of swimming lessons for children 4-5 years old prepared by: I. Shishkova

MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 “Alyonushka”



for children of the preparatory group

Date: 03/17/2015

Swimming instructor

Malysheva E.V.

G. Mendeleevsk

Summary of the open swimming lesson “Underwater World”

for children of the preparatory group.


Instilling interest in swimming.

By promoting a healthy lifestyle, develop physical abilities in children.


1. Continue teaching how to immerse yourself in water with your head and exhale into the water.
2. Create conditions for children to master the ability to assume an unsupported position.
3. Strengthen swimming skills: freestyle legwork when swimming on the chest, with a swimming board and without support.
(Educational field “Physical education”).

4. Formation of knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the water.
(Educational field “Security”).

5. Give children ideas about the buoyancy of objects, develop interest in playful experimentation.
(Educational area “Cognition”).

6. Train the respiratory muscles;
7. contribute to the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders;
8. Develop coordination of movements when performing exercises in water;
9. Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical health of children (dressing, undressing, caring for their things, washing themselves in the shower, hardening).
(Educational field “Health”).

Materials and equipment for the lesson: hanging hoop – 1 pc. (“Labyrinth”), foam boards – 8 pcs., “pearls” for the game.

Preparatory part

Outdoor switchgear complex on land

7-10 min.

1. "Watch"

Starting position - basic stance, hands on the waist.
1- body tilt to the right.
3- body tilt to the left.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- back straight, hands on the belt.

2. "Mill"

IP - basic stance, right hand at the top, left hand at the bottom.
1-2 - alternate circular movements with straight arms back.
3-4 - alternate circular movements with straight arms forward.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- arms straight, legs together.

3. "Geese"

I.p. - main stand.
1-3 - lean forward, arms back.
2-4 - i.p.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- bend over, look forward.

4. "Crabs"

I.p. - basic stance, hands on the belt.
1-3 squat, arms forward.
2-4 i.p.
(6-7 times)
Instruction method:
- squat completely, back straight.

5. "Herons"

I.p. - basic stance, hands down.
1-3 - raise (right, left) leg bent at the knee, swing your arms.
2-4 - i.p.
(6-7 times)
Instruction method:
- bend your legs completely, back straight.

6. "Rocket"

I.p. main stand.
1-3 rise on your toes, arms up, look at your hands
2-4 i.p.
(5-6 times)
Instruction method:
- legs together, look up.

7. "Float"

I.p. – main stand.
1-5 – sit down, hug your knees with your hands, press your head to your knees,
hold your breath.
2-4 i.p.
(3-4 times)
Instruction method:
- group completely.

Main part

Exercises in water

20-25 min.

1. "Float"

Goal: learn to stay underwater while holding your breath.

Content. Taking a deep breath and holding your breath, dive under the water with your eyes closed. Bend your legs strongly, clasp your shins with your hands and pull your knees to your chest, bend your head as close to your knees as possible. In this position, float to the surface of the water. Float on the surface without changing position. Count to 5. After this, calmly stand on the bottom.
3 – 4 times.

2. "Medusa"

Goal: learn to lie freely on the water.

Content. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and, leaning forward, lie freely on the water. The body first sinks a little, then floats up. Lie in the water without moving.
3 – 4 times.

3. "Starfish"

Purpose: to teach children to hold their breath, lie down on the water, straighten their arms and legs while performing the exercise.

Content. Children make a “jellyfish”, then pull their arms and legs to the surface of the water and straighten them, then lie calmly on the water while holding their breath.
2 times on the chest and on the back.

4. Exercises to restore breathing.

I.p. – main stand.

2 – exhale, hands down.

5. "Arrow"

Goal: to teach gliding on water while holding your breath.

Content. I.p. - standing with your back to the wall, rest your foot on the side. The arms are raised up (the palm of one hand rests on top of the back of the other). The head is between the hands, the ears are pinched with straight hands. Bend over the water, putting your face and hands on the water.

Take a breath and, pushing off with your feet from the side, lie down on the water. Slide towards the opposite side of the pool.
5 – 6 times.

6. "Catamarans"

Goal: to teach footwork as when swimming crawl at a support.

Content. Approach the side and grab the support with your hands. Immerse the body in the water, as soon as the legs float up and the body takes a streamlined position, begin alternating crawl movements with the legs. After exhaling completely, stand on the bottom.
2 min.

7. "Boats".

Goal: to improve footwork (crawl) with a movable support and exhalation into the water.

Content. I.p. - standing with your back against the wall, rest your foot on the side. Straight arms raised above your head (holding boards in your hands). Start by sliding on your chest, arms straight, head in the water, followed by leg movements like crawl (perform until you exhale completely into the water).
2 times.

8. Exercises to restore breathing.

I.p. – main stand.
1 – deep breath, hands up.
2 – exhale, hands down.

Final part

in the water

5 – 7 min.

Game "Tunnel".

Goal: to strengthen children’s skills of movement and sliding in water.

Content. Children move around the pool one after another, and at the instructor’s signal, they take turns sliding into the hoop.
When given a signal, each performs 1 time, and waits for the next signal.
4 – 5 times.

Game "Divers".

Goal: to strengthen the skills of diving underwater while holding your breath with your eyes open.

Content. The instructor scatters “pearls” to the bottom of the pool; on command, the children collect them and hand them over to the instructor.
3 times.

Free swimming with circles and armbands.

Goal: to give the child a feeling of freedom of movement in the water.

Content. Swimming in different directions.
Keep your distance.
4 - 5 min.

Exercises to restore breathing.

Exit from the water.


1. Eremeeva L.F. Teach your child to swim. Swimming training program for preschool and primary school children. S-P., 2005.

2. Osokina T.N. and others. Teaching swimming in kindergarten: M., 2001.

3. Protchenko T.A., Yu.A. Semenov Teaching swimming to preschoolers and junior schoolchildren: A practical guide. – M., 2003

4. Bulgakova N.Zh. Swimming. / ABC of Sports / M., 1999.

5. Bulgakova N.Zh. Health-improving, therapeutic and adaptive swimming. M., 2008

6. Bulgakova N.Zh.. Meet – swimming. M., 2002.

7. Methodological manual for initial swimming training. M., 2000.

8. Mrykhin R.P. I'm learning to swim. RnD., 2001.

9. Mukhortova E.Yu.. Teaching children to swim, M., 2008.

10. Swimming. Curriculum for children from 2 to 7 years old. M., 1999.

11. Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for design, operation and water quality. Quality control. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. San PiN – 03.

Kamaletdinova Luiza Nagimyanovna
Job title: physical education instructor
Educational institution: MADOOU D/S No. 2 ZATO Mezhgorye of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Locality: Mezhhirya city
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: summary of the swimming lesson "Sea voyage"
Publication date: 17.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Swimming lesson notes. Preparatory group for school.

Topic: “Sea voyage”

Physical education instructor at MADOU kindergarten No. 2

Kamaletdinova L.N.

Target: improvement of swimming skills, formation of a healthy image

life, development of creative abilities in children.

Wellness tasks:

Improve children's ability to show endurance and strength during

performing exercises in water, strengthening the muscles of the back, arms, legs, through







strengthen the respiratory system with breath-holding exercises.

Educational objectives:

increase knowledge about the underwater world and its inhabitants;

promote the improvement of motor skills;

improve the skill of floating and lying on the water;





consolidate the execution of leg movements, as when swimming the crawl on the back;

teach you to boldly open your eyes in the water;

develop agility, reaction speed, speed in games and exercises on the water.

Educational tasks:

bring up




positive emotional attitude, cultivate persistence in achieving

positive result.



songs "Ocean" V



“The Sound of the Sea”, “Song about Dolphins” from the cartoon. "At the port"

“noodles” – 6 pcs.; balls – 6 pcs.; sinking toys – 6 pcs.; hoop – 1 pc., surprise.

Part I - introductory:

Pool entrance

I.: Hello, my dears.

Both small and big!

Miracles await today - it will be interesting here!

Don't be sad, smile!

The pool gives us a surprise!

I.: Guys, we came to the seashore. Listen... What do you hear?

phonogram "The Sound of the Sea".

Children and their teacher listen to the sounds of the sea,

the cries of seagulls).

I.: Do you know that there are underwater caves in the sea, do you want to see them? I invite you

the strongest and bravest guys in your team for the sea voyage. Let's

Let's go to the submarine, do some warm-up and go sailing.

Entering the water and doing a warm-up - outdoor switchgear with “noodles”, a song plays "Ocean".

Part II - main:



let's check


boat: holding on




crawl swimming

I.: Well, we’re ready to travel, let’s go on a long voyage to the sea:

crawl swimming.

I.: The endless sea, and how much is there?

sea ​​creatures!!! Here they are floating




"Stars", show me

“Starfish”, and there are funny “Seahorses” (“Float”) floating there.

I.: The sea can be dangerous, various incidents happen. Here it is now:

we must save the sea urchins, they were thrown ashore by a storm and we need help

them to return home - “Save the sea urchins” (backstroke swimming with balls).

So we have completed the rescue mission.

I.: Oh, guys, do you see how agitated the sea is? Look, it's so beautiful

stingrays swim: breaststroke swimming.

I.: And here are also sea creatures that live in the depths of our seas,

deftly collect garbage, clean the seabed, these are important crabs (walking sideways in


III. Final part

I.: Look:

How they swim beautifully - very quickly and playfully,

Dolphins show us their backs from sea water.

I invite you to the game “Flock of Dolphins”: (Rules of the game: the song plays "About

dolphins", children stand in pairs and alternately squat into the water; by "whistle"

lined up in a column

one after another, and perform a “dolphin jump” in

hoop with further swimming using the dolphin method) 2-3 times. (Diving into a hoop and

swimming in the dolphin way).

and see what is there? Are you afraid to dive? And if there is something there

find it, then take it and swim back: diving into a hoop with your eyes open

“Divers” (get fish and rings from the bottom).

Surprise moment.

I.: Look guys, I also dived into the cave and found there

Get it

a box (chest) with a surprise “Treasure - surprise”.

I.: It's time to go home.

9. I.: Look, there are coral reefs here! In order not to offend them, you need to make a “Sea

chain" - 2 times.

You need to carefully swim past these reefs one after another to the shore.

I.: Our voyage is over, and we go out onto the warm sand of the shore

(phonogram sounds "The Sound of the Sea").

Exit from the water. (Give the children a surprise).

Title of work:Summary of an open physical education lesson in swimming in the pool for children 6-7 years old on the topic:

"Let's play in the water."

Place of work:Nizhny Novgorod regionKstovo 3 microdistrict building 27 telephone 2-11-93, 2-27-16, 2-17-31municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 “Rusalochka” (MBDOU kindergarten No. 8 “Rusalochka”)

Venue:Kindergarten swimming pool

Types of children's activities:communicative, motor, play

Integration of educational areas:“Physical development”, “Social-communicative”, “Artistic-aesthetic”, “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”.

G. Kstovo

GCD plan for swimming in the pool for children 6-7 years old

(school preparatory group)

On the topic: “Let's play in the water”

Target : Promote emotional and motor emancipation of children in games in water.



1. Contribute to the healing and hardening of the body, strengthening the general physical condition.

2. Introducing a healthy lifestyle through regular attendance at swimming classes.


1.Improve the motor skill of sliding on the chest and back.

2.Develop the ability to perform coordinated movements of the arms and legs in front crawl swimming.

3.Develop strength, agility, endurance and coordination of movements in games and competitions.


1. To develop moral and volitional qualities in the game: courage, perseverance, self-confidence, sense of camaraderie.

2. Foster the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Individual work:

Develop communication and motor skills in timid and hesitant children (Eric E., Vika A.)

Literature used:

Magazine "Physical Education Instructor" No. 7 2014

- Swimming training program in kindergarten Voronova E.K. St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2010-80s

Formation of motor activity of children 5-7 years old “Relay race” Voronova E.K. Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2012-127c

Preliminary work:

Learning with children sentences and nursery rhymes used for games when teaching preschoolers to swim.

Conversation with children to reinforce knowledge of the rules of behavior in the pool.

Making cards with game swimming exercises.

View with children photos and videos of materials on mastering the skills of crawl and breaststroke swimming styles, get acquainted with the television project “The Last Hero”.

Equipment and materials:

Two stands with a dividing strip, swimming boards according to the number of children, 2 plastic hoops, watering octopuses according to the number of children, prohibition and permission signs according to the number of children, straws according to the number of children, inflatable balls, rubber balls, rubber sinking balls, plastic sticks for half a group children, MP3 player, disc with music recordings, magnetic board, scoreboard, magnets, medals.


Physical education instructor, children of the preparatory group “Korablik”.


Swimming pool.

Progress of the lesson:

Parts of the lesson



Introductory part

4 min

Construction on land.

Guys, today you become participants in the game “The Last Hero”. You will be able to show how brave, dexterous and strong you are. We will find out which of you is the real hero. For each correctly completed task, decals (points) will be given.

Before you start playing, you need to do a warm-up.

General developmental exercises on land:

1. “Mill” - circular movements of the arms forward.

2. “Arrow” - from I.p. o.s., arms up, hands together.

3. “Squats” - from I.p. o.s. do a squat, clasp your shin with your hands.

4. “Legs-crawl” - from a seated position, crawl footwork.

5.Jumping on two legs.

1 min

3 min

6-8 times

6 times

8 times

2 times 30 sec

20 sec

Standing in the main stance in a line, check your posture.

Open up in the line.

Perform vigorous alternating movements with your arms.

Bring your hands together above your head. Arms straight. Bend over.

In a tuck, tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest.

Legs are straight. Pull your socks away from you. Movements are frequent, alternating with a small range of motion.

Help with your hands to push up.

Main part

22 min

Walking on massage mats. Entering the water.

Nursery rhymes in water with pouring water on yourself from an “octopus-sprinkler”.

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where are you hiding, water!

Come out, vodka,

We came to wash ourselves!

Leisure on your palm


Leisya, leisya, leisya


Wash yourselves and have fun!

To start the games-competitions, you need to divide into two teams:"Jolly Floats" and "Swift Arrows"(according to red and green landmarks)

Repetition of the rules of behavior in the pool in the game “You can - you can’t”

Pushing each other in the water (not allowed)

Start and finish the task at the instructor’s signal (possible)

Climb onto the side or hang over the side (not allowed)

Listen carefully to the task (you can)

Detaining a friend underwater (not allowed)

Exhale into the water (possible)

Taking water into your mouth (not allowed)

Screaming loudly in the pool (not allowed)

Rubbing your eyes after diving (not allowed)

Opening your eyes in the water (possible)

Help your comrades by personal example (possible)

Games - exercises in motion:

1. “Boats with oars” (breaststroke with arms);

2. “Mill” (hand crawl);

3. “Penguins” (jumping on two legs, pushing off the water with your hands);

4. “Who has more bubbles” (using straws)

Line up according to landmarks.

Diving game "Pike - Duck"(pike - jumping, duck - diving)

Game exercises “Fountains” and “Frogs”(footwork with crawl and breaststroke at the side)

Game exercise “Star” using a card(on the chest, on the back)

Game exercise “Float” using a card(diving in a group)

Two teams “Merry Floats” and “Fast Arrows” perform in games-competitions(on their own paths).

1. “Quick arrows” according to the card (sliding on the chest after a push from the side using swimming boards)

2. “Frisky boats” according to the card (sliding on the chest with crawl footwork using floating boards)

3. “Motor boat” according to the card (sliding on the back with crawl footwork using swimming boards)

Relay "Pearl Fishers" (swim to the landmark with crawl or breaststroke, catch one “pearl” from the bottom of the pool and put it in the basket, then return, passing the baton to the next participant)

Relay "In Tow"(in pairs with sticks: one walks backwards, the other swims on his chest along the long side of the pool)

In a stormy sea, in a blue sea

Dolphins swim quickly.

The wave doesn't scare them

She splashes nearby.

"Little Dolphin"(jumping into a hoop with your head down, hands connected above your head)

Teams: “Jolly Floats” and “Swift Arrows” play water polo(throwing the ball between players of one team, hit the hoop lying on the water of the opposing team.

1 min

1 min

1 min

2 min

30 sec

30 sec

30 sec

30 sec

1 min

1 min

1 min

1 min


1 min

1 min

1 min

3 min

3 min

1 min

3 min

Step on your entire foot. Don't leave the paths. Go down the stairs backwards.

Fill the sprinkler with water and pour it out in front of you rhythmically to the words of the nursery rhyme.

At the end of the words, pour water from the sprinkler on your head. Don't rub your eyes.

Children at the green circles - “Funny Floats”. Children at the red circles - “Fast Arrows”.

In the right hand there is a green circle (permissive sign), in the left hand there is a red circle (prohibiting sign). After the question, raise your hand with a red or green circle. For all correct answers, children receive one point.

Walk with your feet in a squat, shoulders lowered into the water. Perform hand movements with a wide amplitude. When jumping, push off with your hands from the water and your feet from the bottom at the same time.

Exhale long into the water.

Jump out of the water as high as possible. Dive, squatting with your head under the water. For completing a task without errors - one point.

Legs straight, toes pulled away from you. Monitor correct body position.

Exercises “Star” and “Float” are performed while holding your breath, after a deep breath. The time it takes to complete the exercises is taken into account (who takes longer).

Don't wander off your path. Monitor correct body position. Place your face in the water. Slide while holding onto a support device (swimming board) with your hands. Active work with legs up and down.

Hold the board under your head. Raise your belly. Do not tilt your chin.

Monitor the correct position of the body and the work of the arms and legs with coordination of movements. Pass the baton by touching the hand of the next team member.

Help your partner carry you by working with your legs.

Swim underwater while holding your breath.

During the jump, hold your hands in an arrow direction above your head.

For each hit in the hoop, the team is given one point. You can't push or grab each other.

Final part

5 min

Free swimming(with circles, armbands, toys, relaxation to the relaxing music “Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle”)

Construction. Summing up the results of competition games. Rewarding.

If you go swimming,

Do exercises in the morning,

We will never get sick -

We wish this for you! (children read)

Organized exit from the water. Hygiene procedures.

3 min

1 min

1 min

Children lie freely in circles, rocking on the waves and listening to relaxing music.

The results are determined by the number of points the teams scored.

Don't push. Hold on to the handrails. Walk on massage mats, stepping on your entire foot.

middle group

Goal: instilling interest in swimming.


1. Continue teaching how to immerse yourself in water with your head and exhale into the water. (Educational field “Physical education”).

2. Create conditions for children to master the ability to assume an unsupported position.

(Educational field “Physical education”).

3. Formation of knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the water. (Educational field “Security”).

4. Give children ideas about the buoyancy of objects, develop interest in playful experimentation.

5. Practice counting objects and designating them with numbers.

(Educational area “Cognition”).

6. Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical health of children (dressing, undressing, caring for their things, washing themselves in the shower, hardening).

(Educational field “Health”).

Materials and equipment for the lesson: hanging hoops – 2 pcs., foam plates connected by gymnastic sticks (“Labyrinth”) – 8 pcs., foam poles (length 1.5 m) – 3 pcs., hoops connected by gymnastic sticks – 6 pcs., sinking objects, toys, bottles with soap bubbles.

Progress of the lesson:

The goldfish invites you on a journey through the underwater kingdom.

I. Warm-up on land.

Warm up on land for 3-4 minutes.

1. I.p. – o.s. (4-6 times)

1-arms to the sides

2-hands up

3-arms to the sides

4-hands down

2. “Mill” (2x6 times)

1-p. – o.s.

2-circle movements with arms forward

3. “Star” (3-4 times)

I.p. – o.s.

1-step to the side, arms to the sides - inhale

2-p. – o.s. – exhale

4. “Float” (3-4 times)

I.p. – o.s.

1 - crouching, clasping your legs with your arms, pressing your head to your chest and knees - hold your breath

2-p. – o.s. – exhale

5. “Arrow” (3-4 times)

I.p. – o.s.

1-hands up, rise on your toes, stretch

2-p. – o.s.

6. Footwork as when swimming “crawl” (2x6-8 times)

I.p. – o.s.

II. Main part 15 min.

In water:

1. “Underwater cave” (performed in a circle 2 times)

a) Arrow through vertical hoops

b) Inhale and exhale into the water while diving through the “Labyrinth”

c) “Flying fish” - diving through foam poles

Experience “Drowning - not drowning”(test for “buoyancy” of toys made of different materials).

2. “Sea urchin” (“float”) - I.p. – arbitrary. Inhale, sit down (crouched position), clasp your legs with your hands, press your head to your chest with your knees, hold your breath as long as possible and float to the surface

3. “Star” - I.p. – legs to the sides, arms to the sides up, palms forward.

Inhale - lie with your chest on the water, press your chin to your chest.

4. “Dolphins” - diving through hoops (4-6 times)

5. “Shark” - “arrow” - under the hoops (2-3 times)

Game "Get the treasure"(count, number designation).

III. Final part 5 min. (musical accompaniment).

Free bathing in soap foam and blowing soap bubbles.