How to do cardio for weight loss. Cardio training - benefits for health and weight loss

In this article, I will tell you about cardio training for weight loss (their role, how to organize them correctly, who needs them / who doesn’t (not allowed), etc.). Don't miss all the subtleties and secrets.

Any cardio workout is aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise is aimed at increasing the body's endurance, strengthening the cardiovascular system, and accelerating fat burning by burning calories.

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

  • Walking
  • Exercise bike
  • Stepper
  • Elliptical trainer
  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Martial arts
  • Basketball, volleyball, football and everything else
  • An unrealistic number of directions

P.s. in the field of bodybuilding/fitness = most often used is running/walking/elliptical trainer.

Why do they do cardio?

Cardio is done in three cases:

  • As a warm-up before the main strength training. More details:
  • To strengthen the cardiovascular system of the body. More details:
  • To accelerate weight loss (fat burning). More details:

Basically, when we talk about CARDIO TRAINING, we are talking about BURNING FAT.

Those. basically, cardio training is used ONLY at the stage of burning excess fat.

Why? Because absolutely any AEROBIC LOAD (CARDIO) is very energy-intensive and uses fat as fuel during training (i.e., fat is purposefully burned).

That is, simply put = cardio training = is a tool that allows you to increase energy expenditure (calories), which in turn manifests itself in a decrease in body weight (fat loss).

When is the best time to do cardio? 3 gaps!

I described this material in detail in these articles:

After studying these articles, you will know and understand why cardio should be done at these intervals, and not whenever you want.

In short, cardio should be done only when there are no carbohydrates in your body or a minimum of them, only in this situation will there be a maximum effect (return) from cardio.

Who doesn't need to do cardio...

Despite all the bonuses of cardio training, there is a category of people who are contraindicated, or at least not advisable, to do cardio training.

No. 1. If the goal is muscle growth = no cardio needed

Especially for men

Especially for girls

No. 2. If you have problems with your joints

If you feel pain or even just discomfort when doing one type of cardio or another, try changing the type of cardio. For example, if you were doing (a) running, then change to the elliptical trainer.

That is, test, see where you feel better (no pain, discomfort)/worse (if there is pain, you need to change). Listen to your body. There is no need to do anything through pain and discomfort.

If, every time during or after doing any type of cardio, you experience joint pain or discomfort, you should not do cardio training at all, because... such a load on unhealthy joints (there may have been injuries, diseases, arthrosis, arthritis, etc.) can only worsen your situation.

No. 3. If you do strength training (anaerobic)

This item is OPTIONAL (also). That is, individual.

The fact is that if you stick to the right diet for weight loss + regularly train in the gym (with iron, do strength exercises) = then you may not need cardio. Pay attention to the word - maybe. I don't know. Exactly.

I have had clients (including myself) who lost weight without cardio. That is, only due to diet + strength training. Therefore this point is possible.

And some people can’t do without cardio (it’s absolutely necessary). It all depends on the individual, because we are all different, different body weight, body fat percentage, age, gender, genetic data, fitness, etc.

Strength training, by the way, is much more effective than any cardio exercise (in terms of fat burning). Therefore they are much more important. I highly recommend them.

Well, in general, if the goal is maximum fat burning = then for maximum effect = both cardio and strength training are used. And of course, the right diet. This is so true.

No. 4. Do you have control over what you eat?

If you have good control over the food you consume, if you eat little (for example), or if you are on a diet, in general, then cardio training may not be necessary; moreover, it may even be harmful.

Harm because they will deplete your body.

In this situation, you will be more susceptible to depression, and the risk of diseases, etc. will be higher.

Briefly speaking. If you lead an active lifestyle, don’t overeat, go on a diet, or carefully control the intake of food (in particular, carbohydrates) into your body, or just eat little = then you either don’t need cardio at all or in small amounts (then there is, at a minimum).

Remember or remember, cardio training does not equal weight loss =) it is only a TOOL that allows you to increase calorie (energy) consumption, that is, it allows you to accelerate fat loss.

Whether you need to do this cardio or not / or how often you should do it = you and only you know best.

In itself, by the way, this cardio (without) will be completely up your ass. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of proper nutrition and diet. Because this is the basis. This is the base! Actually, that's all I wanted to tell you today. Good luck with your weight loss :)

All complete information regarding training, exercises, training regimens, nutrition (diet), recovery and much more regarding weight loss (fat burning) is contained in my training course, which is created based on the latest scientific data from 2017-2018:

Congratulations, administrator.

More often, to lose weight, a person resorts to cardio training. This type of training is varied, as opposed to strength training.

To start exercising, you need to accurately know health indicators, age, weight and diet.

If a person runs or swims, but does not see results in losing weight and body fat, then he is not following the correct diet. When carrying out complex work above the body 45 minutes is enough cardio loads per day to start losing weight.

Determining health indicators for starting training

It is important to know health data because during classes you will rely specifically on the state of the body.

It is necessary to choose the right type of cardio training, since people who have problems with joints, spine and excess weight, running is simply contraindicated. It only traumatizes a person with such diseases.

But many people make the mistake of continuing to run instead of replacing running with another branch of cardio training, such as swimming or step aerobics. They also take into account the work of the cardiovascular system in order to smoothly and gradually increase the load. If a person has chronic diseases in remission, then walking or cycling short distances is suitable for him.

Important! Start doing cardio with low blood pressure, elevated temperature and on a strict diet is contraindicated: this will deplete the body and will not provide effective fat burning .

Calculating current and ideal weight using Broca's formula

Weight before training is calculated using Broca's formula: subtract 110 from height (in centimeters) you will get the optimal weight. Example: 165—110=55 kg. But this applies to people up to 40 years old. After forty- from growth 100 is subtracted. Example: 170—100= 70 kg. But, the best way is to calculate your weight using your body mass index (BMI) online on the Internet.

Photo 1. An example of deducing body mass index based on height and weight. Different colors indicate its excess or deficiency.

Before you start training measure waist, hips, chest and arms. This is the most correct method of tracking the dynamics of weight loss, since the main thing is that body volumes, namely fat, are lost. Libra can after the first lessons show a kilogram lower, but this water leaving the body. Therefore, it is best to stand on them once a week.

Calculation of the required heart rate level

Subtract age from 220 beats per minute And multiply by 0.6lower normal heart rate during cardio.

The resulting number multiply by 0.8 - top heart rate norm. For example, 220—20=200 ; 200*0,6=132 - lower normal heart rate. 200*0.8= 176 - top.

So, to the person at 20 years old without health problems, you need exercise within these limits 132-176 beats per minute.

How long should a cardio workout last?

First, choose the type of cardio workout. There are interval and continuous classes, as well as fartlek. Typically the duration of cardio is from 20-60 min.

  1. The training time is from 45 to 60 minutes. Usually this is running, without stopping, or swimming for an hour. During this time the body takes from 300-500 calories.
  2. Fartlek- this is performing a load at a high speed, with a sharp drop to a low one. Professional athletes start this type of cardio. Duration is 20-30 min.
  3. Interval training is going well 30 minutes. Intervals can be from 2 to 5 min.: first at an intense pace, then at a slow pace. This approach is good for rapid fat loss, but at the same time it is the most complex, most often used in bodybuilding.

How often should you do cardio to lose weight?

The best way to lose weight is the frequency of cardio training every other day, every week, alternating with strength training loads. But in the first weeks number of sessions should be introduced gradually so as not to overload the body. It is considered a good time to conduct classes morning, before breakfast or in the evening, three hours before bedtime.

If you feel hungry, you can eat protein food. Protein is a building material for body cells. They also eat green vegetables, since they have the lowest calorie content. Success will not keep you waiting if you correctly create a training schedule and stick to it.

Will diet help you lose weight?

70% success rate depends from food, the rest 30% is allocated to sports. The main thing is to correctly create a menu and calorie content.

60% will amount to protein products(chicken breast, eggs, tofu, cottage cheese), 20% complex carbohydrates and fiber(buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils, vegetables and unsweetened fruits), the rest 10% - fats.

When losing weight, consume 1.5-2 liters of water. Preferably eat by the hour and 5 times a day. The menu also includes salt so as not to disturb the water-salt balance. Instead of harmful dressings (mayonnaise and ketchup), use seasonings. The main thing is not to skip meals.

Attention! The minimum diet should not be below 1200 kcal per day.

Is it possible to do without cardio?

Proper weight loss involves calorie deficit: drink enough fluid, give preference to meat and vegetables, exclude fast carbohydrates from the diet, walk more and improve sleep patterns, since insomnia is stress for the body, which subsequently releases the hormone cortisol, which slows down the process of losing weight. Can be done simple exercises, light yoga and strength exercises. This will also help you lose excess weight and tighten your figure even without cardio training.

There are quite a large number of types of aerobic exercise. Many people get confused and don't understand which cardio workout to burn fat is best for them. Today I want to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cardio.

Cardio training for burning fat: which is best for weight loss

Due to its characteristics, aerobic exercise forces the body to use fat reserves as the main source of energy, and relegate carbohydrates and proteins to the background. Therefore, it is obvious that cardio should be present in your training program during cutting.

At the same time, what kind of cardio should be done for weight loss is a question that causes a lot of controversy. Typically, aerobic exercise is performed at moderate intensity (though high intensity has been shown to burn more calories) and lasts 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to stimulate the heart and lungs and force the body to actively consume oxygen.

Here are the main types of cardio for burning fat:

  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Walking

Their commonality is that they involve the largest muscle groups of the body. During aerobic exercise, oxygen, fats and carbohydrates combine to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of fuel for all cells.

Since there is more fat in the body than carbohydrates and proteins, it is more effective in providing energy during cardio training for weight loss. In addition, it mobilizes faster in the presence of oxygen.

Thus, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (50-75% of maximum heart rate) should likely burn a lot of fat. But will it allow it to do this in the long term? Some researchers suggest not.

In fact, a lot depends on what your heart rate is during cardio training to burn fat. High-intensity cardio (75% or more of your maximum heart rate) burns more calories, which directly affects the burning of fat tissue. To calculate your maximum heart rate, you need to subtract your age from 220.

As long as the exercise is performed in the aerobic zone (using oxygen) and does not become anaerobic (using carbohydrates), the higher the intensity, the better.

This doesn't mean low-intensity cardio isn't beneficial. As I'll explain later, it has its place in training. However, if you want to lose weight in the shortest possible time, you must stick to high intensity.

The purpose of this article is to identify the optimal cardio exercises for burning fat and explain why they are effective. But let's first look at the benefits of high intensity over low intensity.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

All types of aerobic exercise are equally beneficial. Moreover, both high and low intensity of their implementation (albeit within the so-called fat-burning zone) have their advantages.

To accurately determine the intensity you need, you need to calculate your target heart rate. The lower limit of the target zone is 55% of the MHR, and the upper limit is 80% of the MHR. Use an online calculator to determine these numbers (or simply subtract your age from 220 and then multiply the result by 0.55 and 0.8 respectively).

Cardio training (regardless of intensity) will help:

  • Strengthen the muscles involved in breathing, which means improving lung function
  • Increase the number of red blood cells in the body, which will allow oxygen to better circulate throughout the body
  • Strengthen the heart muscle
  • Relieve stress and tension, and improve psychological well-being
  • Improve blood circulation in all parts of the body
  • Increase self-esteem

Pros of low and moderate intensity cardio (50-75% of MHR):

  • Generally provides less impact on joints, making it ideal for people who are obese or have a low fitness level
  • Burns fat directly (rather than total calories) and can be done over a long period of time
  • Can be used for active recovery

Pros of high intensity cardio (70-85% of MHR):

  • Burns more calories and fat
  • Increases metabolic rate (during and post-workout) more than low-intensity cardio
  • Improves endurance, strength and performance
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis

Cardio exercises for weight loss and their benefits

The following types of cardio have different intensities. Choose the one that you like best and still produces lasting results.

1. Walking (burns 300-400 calories per hour)

Walking was once thought to be the ideal cardio workout for losing weight and improving overall health. However, it is now considered one of the least effective aerobic exercises.

Walking is great for beginners and for people with injuries or obesity. Naturally, the lower the intensity of the exercise, the lower the number of calories burned per unit of time (15 minutes of cycling burns more calories than 45 minutes of walking at a moderate pace).

In addition, after walking, the metabolism speeds up for an average of only 1-2 hours, in contrast to high-intensity aerobic activity, where it can be increased to 24 hours or more.

Pros of walking:

  • Help with weight loss for obese people (who cannot do other exercise)
  • Suitable for people with sore joints
  • Moderate intensity suitable for active recovery
  • Intensity: 50-70% of MHR
  • Duration: 20-45 minutes

2. Running (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Running is an effective cardio for losing weight and improving overall fitness.

Although running puts stress on your joints, it is high enough in intensity to burn a lot of calories and stimulate your metabolism for a long time after exercise.

For fat burning purposes, it is better to jog (jogging), as this will allow you to avoid crossing the anaerobic threshold and not burning carbohydrates as the main source of energy. Running, like walking, uses the entire lower body, but on a much larger scale.

In particular, it includes the hip flexors, hamstrings, quadriceps, calf and soleus muscles. Running also actively moves your arms, which provides additional calories burned.

Pros of running:

  • Ability to train at increased intensity and burn more fat as a result
  • Working on the relief of the leg muscles
  • Improved physical fitness and overall athletic performance
  • Increases metabolic rate for up to 24 hours
  • Help prevent osteoporosis
  • Frequency: 3 times a week
  • Intensity: 65-85% of MHR
  • Duration: 20-30 minutes

3. Cycling (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Cycling uses the same muscles as running, but has the added benefit of being less stressful on your joints.

You can pedal either on an exercise bike (the preferred option for those who want to burn more fat) or on a bicycle.

Any of these methods will work for almost anyone because you can adjust the resistance to different levels of intensity. This makes cycling ideal for HIIT training. For bodybuilders, cycling will also help them work on defining their quadriceps.

Pros of cycling:

  • Less impact on joints, high intensity
  • Improving physical fitness in general and achieving greater athletic results
  • Work on the relief of the quadriceps
  • Frequency: 3 times a week
  • Intensity: 65-85% of MHR
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes

4. Rowing (burns about 840 calories per hour)

The rowing machine provides excellent high-intensity cardio for weight loss. Rowing burns more calories in an hour than any other aerobic exercise.

Pros of using a rowing machine:

  • Burns more calories than any other cardio exercise
  • Total body workout
  • Low joint impact, high intensity
  • Improving physical fitness and achieving greater athletic results

5. Swimming (burns about 600 calories per hour)

Like rowing, swimming exercises the body as a whole while burning a large number of calories. It also does not put stress on the joints, and the risk of injury in the water is minimal.

Swimming works equally well for most people. To emphasize different muscle groups, swim in different strokes. Changing the intensity will also help you burn more calories.

Pros of swimming:

  • Low chance of injury
  • Work of all major muscle groups
  • Improving physical fitness and athletic performance
  • Burning a lot of calories and fat

6. Jumping rope (burns about 1000 calories per hour)

Jumping rope provides a very effective cardio workout for weight loss. They also allow you to work on the relief of your calves and shoulders, since these muscle groups are quite actively involved.

Jumping rope is perhaps one of the most difficult aerobic exercises because it requires serious skills, strength, attention and patience. It burns more calories than rowing (over 1000).

The duration of the workout should not be too long to eliminate the risk of injury to the lower leg or thigh.

Pros of jumping rope:

  • A large number of calories burned
  • Help prevent osteoporosis
  • Development of explosive strength, endurance and speed (jumping rope is an integral part of boxer training).

7. HIIT training

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a relatively new and one of the most effective ways to burn fat. Thanks to increased intensity, it allows you to achieve excellent results and at the same time spend less time in the gym. HIIT training increases your metabolic rate for the next 24 hours.

During stationary cardio with a constant load, the body tries to save calories. HIIT avoids this situation due to the fact that you change the intensity of the movements every minute.

Example of a HIIT workout:

Pedal the exercise bike at moderate intensity (75-80% MHR) for 2 minutes, followed by high intensity (90% MHR) for 30-60 seconds. Repeat the cycle for up to 30 minutes. Running, rowing or swimming can also be used for this workout.

Pros of HIIT training:

  • Increased levels of fat-burning hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine
  • Decreased insulin levels
  • Raises your metabolic rate more than other cardio exercises

Recommendations for cardio training to burn fat

Start gradually

As with any exercise, you should start your cardio at a slow pace, especially if you're a beginner or overweight. Walking is great for beginners because it is low-impact and reduces pressure on your joints.

A sudden transition to heavy loads can lead to injury. It is important to start gradually to warm up your muscles and stretch out your joints for the work ahead.

Work in your target heart rate zone

It's important to stay within your target heart rate zone to get the most out of your workouts and avoid negative health consequences. Using the above formula, you can determine the lower and upper limits of your heart rate.

Don't overdo it

Your first priority is safety. Trying to do too much will likely have the opposite effect. How long should a cardio workout last to burn fat? If your health is fine, then the session should not take you more than 45-60 minutes.

Exceeding the specified time frame can lead to sprains and other injuries, which will ultimately slow down your metabolism, and therefore fat burning. If you're combining cardio and strength training to lose weight, you need to be careful to avoid overtraining.

Monitor intensity, time and frequency of training

To get the most out of your fat-burning cardio workout, plan your intensity, timing, and frequency. These variables will change depending on the stage of progress and goals set.

For athletes with an average level of training, the intensity will be 70-85% of MHR, training duration will be 45-60 minutes 4 times a week. For beginners, the load will naturally be lower.

Drink water before, during and after exercise

Since cardio training for weight loss removes a lot of fluid from the body through sweat, it is very important to drink water before, during and after the workout (depending on the duration). Inadequate hydration (especially in hot weather) can lead to dehydration and decreased performance.

Intelligible about proper nutrition for burning fat and gaining muscle mass


To get a slim, ripped physique, you can't do without cardio training to burn fat. Because everyone's body responds differently to exercise, it's important to choose exercises that work for you to achieve the best results.

Are you planning to run to lose those extra pounds? Be sure to read this article so that cardio training for weight loss does not become a disappointment

No, running, of course, like other types of cardio training, plays an important role in losing weight, for example, burning calories. And if you follow the rules of rational nutrition, the result (in the form of lost kilograms) can be seen quite quickly.

However, the effect of them will not last long and the treasured figure on the scales or measuring tape may not appear if you do not follow a simple rule: for effective weight loss you need a combination of a variety of physical activity and proper nutrition.

What is cardio training

Cardio training is a type of physical dynamic activity lasting 20–60 minutes with a relatively low intensity, aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing endurance. This type of training is necessary to maintain physical fitness.

Conventionally, all physical exercises can be divided into aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (strength). It must be emphasized that this division is very conditional. It is impossible to call any type of exercise aerobic or anaerobic in its pure form.

As with any other type of physical activity, before training you need to do a warm-up that will warm up your muscles, and after it - a cool-down, several stretching exercises to relax them.

Cardio exercises include brisk walking, climbing stairs, running, dancing, swimming, various types of games, aerobics, fitness, skiing, rowing, exercise equipment, etc.

An important condition when performing cardio exercises is to maintain a given heart rate throughout the entire workout.

The benefits of cardio training

During exercise, blood circulation increases and the heart pumps more blood per contraction, resulting in improved functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If such training is carried out regularly with the same intensity, the body gets used to it, endurance increases when doing exercises. If it’s hard for a beginner to train for 20 minutes, then for a trained person, fatigue from the load will come later.

During exercise, the body requires more oxygen, so lung volume increases, which also has a positive effect on endurance. Consequently, breathing will become deeper and more correct, which will help burn more calories.

Reduced anxiety and stress levels: During training, the amount of endorphin, the hormone of joy, increases. And if you’re in a good mood and there’s no stress, then you don’t need to binge on anything.

Losing excess weight, by burning subcutaneous fat, and muscle strengthening.

Rules for performing cardio training

  • Before starting exercise, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have health problems or are overweight.
  • The duration and intensity of the load must be increased gradually, then the body will not have time to get used to it and the weight loss process will not stop (plateau phase).
  • Before training, be sure to warm up and stretch after. This will prepare you for the load and speed up recovery after it.
  • During exercise, you need to monitor your heart rate using a heart rate monitor, for example. This is important, since a low heart rate will not bring results, and a high one can harm your health.
  • Training should be fun. Feeling bad? Stop exercising.

How to exercise to lose weight

Cardio exercises for weight loss are good because they can be done in the gym, on the street or at home, and they are suitable for both beginners and professional athletes.

The benefit of cardio training for many girls is achieving an ideal figure.

To lose weight, you need to do cardio 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Subcutaneous fat begins to burn only 20 minutes after the start of training, provided that the heart rate is maintained in the range of 60–80% of the maximum permissible heart rate.

subtract your age from 220 beats per minute;
multiply the resulting number by 0.6 - the lower norm;
multiply the resulting number by 0.8 - the upper normal heart rate.

For example: 220-37=183; 183*0.6=109.8, rounded to 110 - this is the lower heart rate;
183 * 0.8 = 146.4, rounded according to the laws of mathematics and we get 146 - this is the upper norm.
It turns out that a person aged 37 years without any special health problems needs to train within these limits - 110–146 beats per minute.

The average heart rate during training is within 120–130 beats per minute.

The intensity of the exercises and the training time must be gradually increased, as the body gets used to the load and stops burning fat - a plateau effect. To speed up metabolism, it is very advisable to add anaerobic (strength) exercises to aerobic training, then the process of burning calories will continue after the workout.

Cardio exercises can be done at any time of the day: morning, afternoon or evening. It depends on your daily routine and personal preferences.

Cardio training is carried out in a well-ventilated room or outdoors, since oxygen is actively used during exercise.

Types of Cardio Training

The best type of cardio training for beginners and overweight people. To start losing weight, you need to walk quite quickly and for a long time, since the intensity of this exercise is low. Beginners should start by walking at a normal pace and gradually increase their speed. Or alternate walking at a fast pace with a normal step - interval loads.

You can exercise outdoors and in the gym. Probably the most popular type of training. This can be running on a machine, on the spot, interval running or jogging - it depends on your capabilities and preferences. There are restrictions: not suitable for overweight people, as this can result in serious injury. When running, it is important to monitor your pulse, breathing and well-being.

Dancing- good because they are suitable for any person. Dance classes are a great option for girls who have recently given birth. You can do such cardio training in a group or individually, in the gym or at home.

Zumba is very popular - a fun and energetic workout that includes elements of various dances. During the lesson, the maximum number of muscles is worked out, including the abdominal and pelvic muscles.

Tested for myself: the training is quite intense, at first it is difficult to remember the movements. But the result is worth it - your mood improves immediately, your heart rate is suitable for burning fat. There are no restrictions for classes. You can dance in the hall or at home, fortunately it’s not difficult to find a video course. I’ve been training for two weeks, and there’s no result in the form of lost kilograms yet.

(treadmill, exercise bike, rowing machine, ellipse)- It’s better to practice them with a trainer. It is easy to get injured when working on your own. In addition, the instructor will give recommendations and ensure that the workout is performed correctly.

Suitable for almost everyone. All muscles of the body are developed. Minimal load on the spine. To achieve your goal, you need to exercise 3-4 times a week for an hour.

Bike helps strengthen the heart, leg muscles, and develop endurance. You can also exercise on the simulator. At the same time, the load on the knees is less than when running.

What do cardio workouts provide?

The main thing that cardio training is for is that it is a great way to get in shape, improve your health, increase stamina, gain a good mood and self-confidence.

For exercise to bring results, choose a type of load that will make you enjoy the exercise. If running is too boring and monotonous for you, choose group classes in dancing, fitness, step aerobics and others. The good news is that aerobic exercise includes many types of exercise.

Don't forget about proper nutrition even when playing sports.

Take care of your well-being, a beautiful figure is good, but health is more important.

The fat burning formula is simple: eat fewer calories than you burn. You can create a calorie deficit through dietary restrictions, exercise, and a combination of the two. Which type of cardio workout for burning fat and losing weight will help you achieve your goal the fastest?

To lose weight, you need to train so that the calorie deficit (consumption minus expenditure) is maximum. Less food, more exercise. But what should the training be like? Remember that calories are consumed not only during training, but also after - due to accelerated metabolism. Moreover, the effect of increased calorie consumption in the “resting state” is given by strength training. Cardio exercise can burn more calories while you're doing it, but only some types of cardio (rowing machine) help while you're resting.

Benefits of Cardio Exercise

  1. Strengthening the heart muscle
  2. Improved stamina
  3. Fat burning and weight loss

Main types of cardio training: walking, running, swimming, rowing, jumping rope, .
In the gym you can use exercise equipment: bicycle, treadmill, elliptical trainer, stepper, rowing machine.

Types of cardio by intensity:

Low- and medium-intensity cardio (55-75% heart rate):

  • low load on joints (knees) - ideal for beginners and those who are very overweight
  • need to be done for a long time, because calories will only be burned during exercise
  • you can use such workouts for active recovery after strength training

High-intensity cardio training (70-85% heart rate)

  • burn more calories and are considered more effective for weight loss
  • better speed up metabolism
  • take less time
  • not recommended (may negatively affect muscle recovery)
  • not suitable for beginners

For maximum fat loss, it is best to alternate strength days and cardio days. If you can’t do a separate day of cardio, then you can do cardio after strength training.

Types of Cardio Exercises to Burn Fat

Cardio: Walking

300-400 kcal


  • Best suited for beginners and those who are very overweight
  • can be performed by those recovering from injuries/surgeries
  • prepares for more serious loads


  • burns few calories (least effective for weight loss): 15 minutes on a bike can burn the same amount of calories as 45 minutes of walking.
  • metabolism increases for a maximum of an hour or two after training (after training at higher intensity, metabolism can remain elevated for up to 24 hours)

Cardio training program:

Option 1

Walking at a low pace – 50-70% heart rate

Frequency – 3 days/week.

Duration – 20-45min

Option 2

Walking on a treadmill with an incline (50-70% heart rate)

Frequency – 3 days/week.

Duration – 15min

The first 5 minutes – no incline, the next 10 minutes – increasing the incline by 1 every minute (as a rule, the incline is indicated “incline” on the treadmill monitor).

Cardio: Running

An hour of cardio training burns: 600 kcal

We are looking at running at a constant speed (not interval training, where slow running alternates with sprinting - more on that below)


  • burns a lot of calories
  • engages leg muscles
  • “spins up” metabolism
  • suitable for athletes who value aerobic endurance


  • may cause knee injury
  • not suitable for those who are very overweight
  • not suitable for those who are contraindicated for shock loads (jumping, etc.)

Cardio training program (for beginners):

Run at medium speed (do not sprint)

Frequency: 3 times/week.

Intensity: 65-85%HR

Duration: 20-30 min.

If you can’t run for 20 minutes without a break, then alternate running and walking: for example: 2 minutes. running – 1 min. walk – 2 min. running, etc. At each workout, lengthen the time of continuous running until you can run for 20-30 minutes. without going on a walk.

Cardio on a bicycle/stationary bike

An hour of cardio training burns: 600 kcal


  • burns a lot of calories with less strain on your knees than running
  • Suitable for both beginners and more advanced athletes
  • involves the leg muscles in the work (and helps to achieve better muscle separation - “dry out” the leg muscles)

Frequency: 3 times/week.

Intensity: 65-85%HR

Duration: 30-45 min.

Elliptical trainer

The advantage of the elliptical trainer (compared to a treadmill) is the ability to better engage the muscles of the legs and buttocks, with minimal stress on the knees.

An hour of cardio burns: 600 kcal

Cardio training program (for beginners):

Frequency: 3 times/week.
Intensity: 65-85%HR
Duration: 30-45 min.

Cardio: Rowing on a rowing machine

An hour of cardio training burns: 840 kcal


  • burns more calories than running - and puts less strain on your knees
  • involves all muscle groups - legs, arms, back, abs
  • used by athletes to increase endurance (often found in programs)


  • Not every gym has a rowing machine.

Cardio training program:

Frequency: 3 times/week.

Intensity: 65-85%HR

Duration: 20-25 min.

Cardio: Swimming

An hour of cardio burns: 600kcal


  • burns a lot of calories
  • Suitable for absolutely everyone, especially those recovering from injuries, because the load on the spine is minimal
  • all muscle groups are involved

Swimming lessons will have the maximum effect on fat burning if you work out with a trainer, master different styles, and swim at a fast pace. But even independent regular (!) exercises 3-4 times a week give results.

Cardio: Jumping rope

An hour of cardio training burns: more than 1000 kcal

  • burns a lot of calories
  • helps develop qualities such as explosive strength, endurance and speed (for boxers, cardio in the form of jumping rope is a mandatory part of training)


  • the most difficult of all types of cardio
  • Do not exercise for too long - it can lead to injuries (knees)
  • Contraindicated for those who are prohibited from shock loads

How long to jump rope? It's best if the jump rope is part of your workout or warm-up. 5-15 minutes (depending on your fitness level) is enough. In 10 minutes you will burn 150-200 kcal.


A relatively new and very effective type of cardio training for burning fat. Its essence is a constant alternation of periods of work at maximum and minimum heart rate.


  • Many people consider HIIT to be the best type of cardio exercise for weight loss, allowing you to burn fat most effectively.
  • maximum number of calories in minimum time
  • Boosts metabolism for up to 24 hours post-workout
  • unlike cardio training at a constant pace, it does not cause an “addictive effect” - when the body adapts to the load and burns fewer calories during the same workouts

You won't burn as many calories during a HIIT workout as you would with regular cardio. But due to the “promotion” of metabolism, you will burn more calories for the rest of the day.

Cardio training for fat burning: how to do it right

1 Start with light loads

As with any type of physical activity, start cardio training with easier options. This will help avoid injuries and premature burnout. Easy 10-minute runs at a moderate pace, or even regular walking if you have injuries or a lot of excess weight. Doctors recommend physical activity for obese people - daily walks. And only after some of the weight is gone, you can start running training. But even if you only have 10-20 kg extra, you still need to increase the intensity of your training gradually.

2 Train within your calculated maximum heart rate

The higher the heart rate at which you exercise (the higher the intensity), the more calories you burn. But if you go beyond the maximum (220 minus age), you risk injury.

3 Maximum duration of cardio training – 45-60 minutes

No matter how much you would like to quickly get rid of excess weight, cardio training lasting more than 60 minutes will lead to the opposite effect. You risk getting injured - which will prevent you from training for some time. You will burn muscles - which are so important for getting a beautiful figure. If you want to maximize fat burning, combine cardio and strength training.

4 Exercise regularly

If you want to get the effect, train 3-4 times a week and with sufficient intensity (according to your level of training) - don’t slack off! The mere fact that you are at the gym is not enough. You need to make an effort to get results. For beginners, 3 cardio workouts per week for 45 minutes may be enough to burn fat (if you have strength training, less). But to increase endurance, you need to train more often/more intensely.

5 Drink enough water

When doing cardio to burn fat and lose weight, you sweat a lot and lose a lot of water - so it needs to be replenished - both before and after, and during the workout itself. Especially in the summer, when you lose additional water due to the heat. During training, drink frequently and in small sips. But there is no need to “stuff” water into yourself. Focus on your feelings - the body itself will tell you whether it needs water. “2 liters of water a day” is just a myth – each of us has different height/weight/activity throughout the day. And in summer more water is wasted. Therefore, it is logical that different people in different conditions will consume different volumes of water - and not the universal “2 liters”.